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All pairings open always!!!!!!!! MxF, MxM, and FxF

I have not been able to do Celebrity x Average Person yet as the average person. I would LOVE it if I could be the female average person and you the male celebrity. If you wanted, we could blend that pairing with Bad Boy x Good Girl. Up to you.

I would also like Person x Best Friend's Girlfriend, but it seems you had a couple of those already. PM me?
Hello there. I saw this post yesterday and thought it'd be cool to rp with you since I've been getting back into Roleplaying and I'm easily a sucker for Romance ones. I'm good with doing Brother x Sister, Stepbrother x Stepsister, Master x Slave, and Short Boy x Tall Girl. If you're still available to Roleplay, just let me know! ^-^
Bad Girl x Good Boy

Rival x Rival (in anything)

Stepbrother x Stepsister

Celebrity x Average Person

(Ya' know this!? I'm currently reading it. xD )

Maximum Ride

I also have this idea:

When your character was a child they spotted/were saved by a mythical Creature/Yokai/Supernatural/Beast and when they told the others of their village (This would be set in olden days japan) they brushed it off as nothing or lies, but years later, you spotted a strange new person in your village, eventually stumbling upon the fact that this person is in fact that same creature from the past.

I would be interested in trying to start something up! I only play males for mains and enjoy both MxM and MxF. Other than playing males I am super flexible.

Bad x Good

Tall x Short


Popular x non popular (( for this one I would love to have one be a delinquent sort of character

Variations of these or even combonations all interest me as of now.

If you are still open for RP's I'm a MxM and interested in the following

Bad Boy x Good Boy

Master x Slave

Criminal x Civilian

Criminal x Law Enforcer

Popular Boy x Unpopular Boy

Kuroshitsuji <3
I'm interested in the good girl bad boy

Celebrity average person and the person x best friend's girlfriend/boyfriend. I was thinking maybe the rp could be a combination of two of the ideas for example the person and best friends girlfriend/boyfriend combined with good girl bad boy or celebrity and average person something like that.
I'd love to do a MxM Haikyuu or Kuroko no Basuke rp, or maybe a criminal x law enforcer type thing. Im down with anything


I'm down for Percy Jackson too.

And that would be MxM as well
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You up for a mortal instruments roleplay? I'm slowly working my way through the series and have been craving a roleplay for it.
Okay. Just.. hear me out, kay? ^^

Celebrity (Muse A) x Average person (Muse B) pairing, preferably MxM, but that doesn't matter too much.

Possibly mixing in with Master x Slave, could be throughout, could just be for a lil bit, idk, could not feature at all. ANYWAY..

I like the idea of a Muse A "forcing" Muse B to come to all his (for example) gigs because of random stuff that Muse A triggers, for example A rigging the competition so Muse B's little sister got two tickets, etc. Just lots of different situations where they meet for various reasons. Perhaps, after the 2nd "forced" meet etc, Muse A overhears Muse B explaining to his sister that she can't have _____ (a random bit of Muse A's merchandise) since they can't afford to buy it. After the obvious Muse A giving the sister as much merchandise as she could ever want, he gives Muse B a job, to help with their family income or something, as his personal assistant. (Means they can be together loads and he kinda has a 'power' over him, if we wanted to explore master x slave as well, but maybe just playfully rather than serious M/S dynamic? IDFK) Point is: Celeb x Average turned into Boss x Personal Assistant kinda thing, Muse B not quitting cause deep down he kinda likes Muse A, etc etc feelings woop.

Are you interested in this plot? Ii'd also request that I be Muse B here...... which I KNOW you said you wanted to be, but we can always do two versions of the RP at the same time?
Dechii said:
Okay. Just.. hear me out, kay? ^^
Celebrity (Muse A) x Average person (Muse B) pairing, preferably MxM, but that doesn't matter too much.

Possibly mixing in with Master x Slave, could be throughout, could just be for a lil bit, idk, could not feature at all. ANYWAY..

I like the idea of a Muse A "forcing" Muse B to come to all his (for example) gigs because of random stuff that Muse A triggers, for example A rigging the competition so Muse B's little sister got two tickets, etc. Just lots of different situations where they meet for various reasons. Perhaps, after the 2nd "forced" meet etc, Muse A overhears Muse B explaining to his sister that she can't have _____ (a random bit of Muse A's merchandise) since they can't afford to buy it. After the obvious Muse A giving the sister as much merchandise as she could ever want, he gives Muse B a job, to help with their family income or something, as his personal assistant. (Means they can be together loads and he kinda has a 'power' over him, if we wanted to explore master x slave as well, but maybe just playfully rather than serious M/S dynamic? IDFK) Point is: Celeb x Average turned into Boss x Personal Assistant kinda thing, Muse B not quitting cause deep down he kinda likes Muse A, etc etc feelings woop.

Are you interested in this plot? Ii'd also request that I be Muse B here...... which I KNOW you said you wanted to be, but we can always do two versions of the RP at the same time?
Who is this too?? Sorry
Tapadero said:
Who is this too?? Sorry
that's fine. It was intended for the thread owner, however if you're interested, I'm happy to do one with you too, if you'd like?

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