All is Fair in Love & War [Inactive]


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XxInsanelyJessxX submitted a new role play:

All is Fair in Love & War - Love, War , Friendship , Zombies,

It was just over a year ago when the scientist in New Mexico experimenting with cells that were dead but still working had successfully brought a couple dead rats back to life giving them these cells. The rats appeared to be normal healthy even and then one of the scientist was bitten and the rat was able to escape soon both the rats and the infected humans were running around killing others and eating them. This was the start of the Zombie Apocalypse how did your character survive we meet, can...
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Rose ran down the dark alleyway in city, you could faintly hear her labored breathing and her footsteps as her black converse hit the hard pavement. she rounded the corner but then suddenly came to a skidded stop she stared ahead of her as a group of zombie devoured their catch an older man at least that's what rose guessed from what was left of him.

She took a second to catch her breath a single bead of sweat sliding down her cheek and then dropping of her chin and dotting the floor beneath her. Rose's gaze shifted side to side as she looked for a quick exit to escape she knew to the left would be a small shop she could go in for cover but if she went to the right it would be a dead end, turning around would be counter-productive.

The dead hadn't noticed her yet, there was about four of them ahead of her. Finally making up her mind Rose turned and took off towards her left praying the sound of her running didn't attract there attention, she ran into the shop and shut the door behind her using a loose bar to keep the doors locked. Spinning around and turning on her flashlight she began to survey her surroundings and then it happened a zombie lunged at her knocking her on her back. Rose grunted as she hit the ground using all her power to keep the filthy thing from biting her face off her gun had slipped from her grasp and was now on the ground several feet away. What was she gonna do now?
Dylan was on a second floor of the same store Rose was at. He didn't know that. He then heard a growling sound coming from downstairs and wondered what it was. He didn't believe the quote, "Curiosity killed the cat." He was always hating those kinds of quotes. But enough about quotes, he rushed downstairs only to find a girl getting attacked by a zombie. His reaction was quick and he pulled out his gun and shot it in the back of the head. Dylan walked over to the girl and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What are you doing here?" His voice was serious but amused at the same time.
Before Rose had time to calculate a plan a the zombie was shot straight through the head and the dead body slumped over on top of her. Rose pushed the lifeless body off of her and sat up catching her breath as she looked over the boy who now stood before her. He had a gun in his hand he had been the one to save her, but she didn't know him.. she couldn't trust me. She leaned over grabbing her own pistol before standing now looking at the guy square in the face. "Why did you save me?" She asked coldly she wasn't about to say thank you and she didn't know his intentions, so why did he save her?
Dylan looked annoyed and crossed his arms. "First of all, you didn't answer my question. Second, you should be thanking me. Your gun was like a feet away from you. Your lucky I even came down here. If it wasn't for me, you'd been bitten."
Rose narrowed her eyes looking over the guy and scoffed walking past him. "Why would I be here?" She rolled her eyes "I was running from a group of those bastards" She stated jabbing her thumb in the direction of the dead zombie on the ground. She began searching through the items in the shop for anything useful as she spoke. "I don't have to thank you for anything.. Because you made more noise than necessary by shooting your weapon it would have been better for you to let me get bitten, now there's no telling how many well be after him" She turned back now to glare at him.
Dylan starts to laugh. "Well, you ran right into my store. Where I am." He emphasized the 'I'. He walked over to a counter and sat on it. "So now that I saved you and all that crap, what's your name?" He picked up a knife from the counter and started playing with it.
Rose watched him play with the knife was he toying with her? If he was trying to scare he he'd soon discover very quickly that she doesn't scare easily. "Why should I tell you that?" she asked him as she continued to rummage through his shop grinning she found some ammo perfect for her pistols and sliding it into her pocket she turned to look at the corpse she noticed he was wearing a military uniform she walked over to the corpse kneeling down and rummaging through it's pockets.
Dylan noticed her taking his ammo and putting it in her pocket. He smirked and thought to himself. So, you think your all bad a**? We'll see...

He walked over to her and quietly slipped his hand into her pocket, grabbing it and putting it into his. He chuckled and walked back to the counter, sitting back down on it.
Rose was so busy looting the dead corpse she hadn't realized Dylan was there until he had taken her ammo and put it in his own pocket. Rose stood up pulling out her pistol cocking it and aiming it right at Dylan. "I suggest you return to me my ammo" She said putting emphasis on the word 'my'

With her gun pointed at his head she remained perfectly calm though she did glare at him. "I guess I could tell you my name before I kill you if you really insist on keeping the ammo.. My name's Rose" She said as her finger now slid to the trigger of her pistol
Dylan raised his hands up in defense and walked slowly towards Rose and grabbed onto the gun, grabbing her arm and twisting it behind her back in one move. "Well, nice to meet you, Rose. I'm Dylan." He pushed Rose down slowly towards the ground and got on her back, taking the gun out of her hands and pushing it out of reach.
'shit' Rose thought to herself as she was now laying on her stomach her arm throbbing as it was pinned against her back, she could feel dylan's weight on top of her, When he had gotten up for some reason she was finding it hard to pull the trigger on him, maybe it was because he wasn't a mindless corpse trying to eat her face off. Whatever the Rose was disgusted with herself for allowing him to be able to get the better of her. She looked at her gun which was to far out of reach now "What're you gonna do to me?" she asked through gritted teeth there was no way she was gonna show him how much pain she was in.
Dylan laughed and held tighter. "Since your little move failed... I think I'm gonna hold you hostage or feed you to the zombies. Either one is really fine by me." Dylan added something else too. "But I would want to hold you hostage, you seem very pretty."
Rose laid there weighing her options of carefully she could either cooperate and listen and get herself out of this pickle or she could rebel and more than likely get herself killed, well the choice seemed clear now. Rose sighed "Alright I'll play along and be your little hostage.. now how's about you let me up?.. please?" She asked nicely though it was through clenched teeth.
Dylan nodded and got off of Rose. But thinking better than her, he grabbed her gun and stuck it in his pocket. "Just in case you try to do something funny." He laughed.
Rose glared at him as she got up "and if a zombie should come am I supposed to be defenseless?" She asked growing more and more angry with him by the second.
Rose rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the corpse pulling a army knife from his body and some extra ammo. "Oh great my hero" rose sighed standing up and looking around "It's going to be night soon, where do you sleep? what do you eat? how long have you even been here?"
Dylan chuckled and sat on a stool. "I sleep upstairs in the bedroom. I eat snacks I find in the storage and I've been here for about 2 months."
Rose leaned against the counter now looking over at her company, he was smart, fast and he could take her on.. he could be a very valuable asset to her.. she knew his good luck wouldn't last thought it never did not for her or anyone they always died no matter who she traveled with.. they always died.. Rose looked away not realizing that her cheeks were now a soft pink from looking over Dylan
Dylan noticed Rose looking over at him and smirked. "Well, you like what you see?" He started laughing, seeing she was blushing.
"what?" rose jumped startled and turned away her cheeks now a bright red. "As if we may be the last humans alive and I would never ever find you attractive" She shook her head her back to him.
Dylan laughed and walked up really close to her. "Really? Well, if so, I find you highly attractive." He grabbed her waist. "You know you couldn't resist me."
Rose gasped as dylan grabbed her waist pulling him close to her. She threw her hands up placing them flat on his chest giving him a gentle push, not enough to push him off but enough to keep a small distance between them. her cheeks were a burning red and she kept her gaze off his face. "It isn't that hard to resist you.." She whispered keeping her hands on his chest.
Dylan smirked. He thought to himself to pull a little prank on her. "For real? 'Cause I think I'm irresistible." He leaned in a little.
Rose looked up at him now her cheeks turned and even brighter red if that was possible and she looked into his eyes as he leaned in his face was slowly growing closer to hers. Was this really happening? She felt her arms slowly releasing the amount of pressure she had on him allowing him to be able to move closer. She stood there trying to figure out what to do, she had never been kissed before was she really about to get her first kiss?

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