Gravitational Force
Dark Lord of Creativity
However you ended up on Con you find yourself standing on a slightly raised grassy knoll. A huge red x is painted beneath your feet.
Each of you has a moment to take in your surroundings before a text box appears in front of you informing you of your new class and subclass as well as your new abilities.
Sharmilla's plush mascot chimes in soon after her toybox appears in front of her with "Since you'll end up on the back of a milk box as a missing person, how about you sign on to market some cereal? It's called synergy!"
It says nothing afterwards even if talked to, shook, or stomped on.
Jessica is the next to discover her new abilities as a maid uniform appears on her. It resists any attempts to remove it short of stripping naked, but that presents it's own problems.
Atom's apron and chef's hat appear next and his abilities indicate that the grass beneath their feet is quite edible. FOR A COW! But seriously, there is a dearth of ingredients in their immediate vicinity unless he's likely to be hungry enough to resort to cannibalism within the next 30 minutes. If he is then his teammates are quite edible.
A fourth possible party member exists in a superposition of existence and nonexistence due to his player having until Wednesday to complete his character sheet. He has musical ability but can be ignored for now.
Not much can be said about the area you're in except for how deserted it is. Probably best to get to know each other.
Each of you has a moment to take in your surroundings before a text box appears in front of you informing you of your new class and subclass as well as your new abilities.
Sharmilla's plush mascot chimes in soon after her toybox appears in front of her with "Since you'll end up on the back of a milk box as a missing person, how about you sign on to market some cereal? It's called synergy!"
It says nothing afterwards even if talked to, shook, or stomped on.
Jessica is the next to discover her new abilities as a maid uniform appears on her. It resists any attempts to remove it short of stripping naked, but that presents it's own problems.
Atom's apron and chef's hat appear next and his abilities indicate that the grass beneath their feet is quite edible. FOR A COW! But seriously, there is a dearth of ingredients in their immediate vicinity unless he's likely to be hungry enough to resort to cannibalism within the next 30 minutes. If he is then his teammates are quite edible.
A fourth possible party member exists in a superposition of existence and nonexistence due to his player having until Wednesday to complete his character sheet. He has musical ability but can be ignored for now.
Not much can be said about the area you're in except for how deserted it is. Probably best to get to know each other.