All Around the World

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Name: Amber Lynn Leda Lavinia

Nickname: Ann

Age: 27

Personality: Ann is the epitome of the mother figure. Through her years, she has become a caring, kind-hearted woman. But to not mistake her for boring, because she is actually very... mysterious. She has only truly explained herself, all folds, crevasses and sides to her lover, who is now gone. It is not easy to interpreted her any other way then what she prefers.

Though she herself is not in a regular up beat mood, always seeming sly of stoic, she expects everyone else to be so. She protects those of no defense, because at many points of her life, she was there. She was there in that very spot. Ann is extremely empathetic to everyone and everything. In her teen years, she was most known for her neutral states in cases of drama, and was picked on for being a vegetarian.

Though Ann may look a weak, feeble character, she may be the strongest you will ever meet. But truthfully, she is only this strong, for the comparison of her sometimes weak mentality. Even a strong mother cries.

Appearance: Ann is a beautiful young woman, looking like she's in the mist of her prime. She's about 5'5, yet seems taller when attention is on her. Her sapphire blue eyes can see through many lies, frustrations, and the thick skinned. Her hair is a contained, brown, wavy mass, just short of her lower back. Her skin is quite pale, reminding one of a glass doll.

History: Before being put on this AATE, Ann was the happiest woman in the world. With her quiet thirteen month baby in arms, a lover at her side, her heart was content.

She worked as a part time hair dresser, fitting it perfectly into her scheduled. Her extreme motherly instincts told her the moment before the baby would wake, when she was calm, when she was hungry... All while being in the next room, working on a client.

Her lover, the baby's father, was a firemen. It was an easy job for him; He was a tall, semi-muscular man who know how to think in dyer situations. Through he wasn't perfect, he completed the father role in the family so very easily.

Everyone knew this was all she ever wanted. A child of her own. It seemed her perfect role; as if created for just this. And that was what she wanted. After finding a stable job and life partner, she made the final decision of having a child.

Nine months flew by with the only curious craving of carrots and an hourly kicking at the lungs, her daughter was finally brought into this world. And oh, the beauty of this child. As one would say, she had her mother's eyes and her father's high cheek bones.

During the first year, it was a brand new course of teaching the couple wasn't prepared for. They may have had some rough times in the beginning, but it smoothed out very nicely as the child grew.

But it was only after that first year they began to try and entwine their new life with the old, as Ann began working with clients once more, not having the issue of a sore back and belly in her way, so did her lover. It was obvious he couldn't take their child to his line of work, so it was put on Ann. Of course, she had no trouble with this. This was her role. Her lover was kind, taking responsibility over the child at the day of work's end so Ann may rest.

It was only maybe once a month her lover chose a time for himself and his friends, and Ann agreed, already having much time to spend with her own, since he almost had to push her out the door every other weekend. She never really liked leaving her child, though; she'd call every other hour or so, depending on how long she was to be out, constantly worrying.

It was on one of his days, did they come. They knew she would not go willingly, nor easy. They planned on her moving from the child as soon as the father was to return, to snatch her from a dark corner of the house and take her away.

Her lover came home to a cold house, the baby wailing for her mother.

Relationship/Crush: Once again, she was torn from her lover and daughter. Not much can be made, unless a miracle happens.

Other: Not only does Ann have a instant connection with children, but she has a beautiful voice she uses occasionally. Mostly, she hums while being active; only certain songs she has learned in her life. Ones with deep meaning, that relates to her so perfectly. She only sings songs with this connection to her. She has a soft yet sturdy voice, only notches away from being a soprano at some points, while being very much like a tenor or alto. Her singing style may be husky at some points, she always keeps it soft.

She also speaks fluently in French, much of her heritage being so. She learned both English and French as a child, but when spooked or angered she may use French. She also uses it to tell someone something, without them understanding it.

Oh, and I also forgot to mention neither of them like pickles.
Name: Kara Rosalva de Marē

Nickname: Karkitty or Karavan

Age: Nineteen and a half - born May 8th

Personality: When overly excited she twitches uncontrollably and laughs maniacally. Kara behaves as if constantly nerve-wracked and completely delirious, she isn't specifically crazy or mad, but she is a bit violent during first encounters. Very rebellious and intelligent, Kara is known for her hot-headed behavior and keen eyesight. She is also very loyal and courteous to her fellow comrades. She is eerily calm in dangerous predicaments and is always one to think of an easy solution to a difficult problem. Believing in own opinions and justice she will only hurt or kill with good and fair intentions. When cornered she becomes sarcastic and humorous, but in normal conversation she is quite eccentric and smart. She takes no crap from anyone and is rarely known to act on the bad things people say to urk her. If she deems you ignorant or useless, due to your attitude or behavior, she will simply ignore you or throw a sarcastic remark your way every once and awhile. She also hates the sound of crouching pickles. Her personality isn't always angry or defensive though, usually she is very playful and nice with just a hint of perverted humor.

Appearance: Purple hair cascades like a waterfall down Kara's back which is usually put up into a high ponytail to keep from getting caught in anymore door frames. Her skin is a light crème color which compliment the nice shade of pale pink that mark her lips. Her face is almost in a heart shape which balances out her button nose and medium sized ears. Her eyes are a clear sky blue that seem dull with boredom or excitement at the strangest of times. She stands five foot seven inches and weighs approximately one-hundred twenty pounds. She is of fit and slim fatigue, but not overly. She wears very rebellious and outgoing types of clothing - lol more clothing. She has a two tattoos; one on her left hand and another behind her right ear.

History: Suffers from slight amnesia... N/A

Relationship/Crush: Single - None

Other: Not a fan of crowds. She loves to sketch or paint. Sometimes Cid teaches her a few chords on the guitar or how to swim. She can speak Italian, but she doesn't do it often unless angered or worried.
I HAVE THE PICTURE!!! Sorry it took so long, got busy with work and school.

[MENTION=3924]Doctor Who?[/MENTION] Love that show. Accepted xD

[MENTION=4193]Venomarrah[/MENTION] Just as amazing as expected.
Thank you as well! xD Here is also another character I would love to add:

Name: Clyde Avimaatz Liddel

Nickname: Cid or Ciddo (pronounced S-id-o)

Age: Twenty-One - born November 17th - Male

Personality: He is overly confident in himself, but believes that everyone has a special ability somewhere inside them. His happy-go-lucky nature is hard to push away at times which causes Kara to sometimes smile along with him. He is actually one to jump into a fight when needed and isn't to keen on thinking up of a plan beforehand. When faced with people who mean harm he is always the first one to throw a good punch. His friends and family are the number two aspects in his life and he would do anything to protect them. He is very friendly and nice, sometimes becoming a huge flirt with lovely girls. He is also very protective of his belongings and memories. He is never one to tell a secret that isn't his own to repeat. Cid loves pickles which causes Kara to always become angry with him when he munches on them as a snack.

Appearance: His green hair is more flat, but it still sticks up in odd angles, he also has light toffee color skin tone. Eyes are and ice blue color with small flecks of grey that are very bright and cheerful against the blue. He stands six foot one and a half inches and weighs approximately one-hundred and eighty-two pounds. A long scar runs across his left eye and across his left shoulder in three claw marks. His face is angular and a strong jawline holds a small five o'clock shadow. His nose matches up with his ears and his lips are a pale red color. Sometimes you can see his face redden with annoyance, anger, or even embarrassment. Usually, he wears normal clothing. A tattoo of a phi symbol is placed largely over his heart along with a shark tattoo on the inside of his right wrist.

History: Born into a loving family of four, which included himself, Cid had a wonderful childhood. He was never bullied and if he saw a bully he would take them down with one punch. This caused him to get into a small amount of trouble through every grade, but he was never severely punished since he was just being a good friend.

He finished high school with outstanding grades and moved out of his childhood home as soon as he could. Cid got a job in a local coffee shop and continued on with one of his favorite hobbies: playing guitar. He was living just grand, until he awoke on AATE which he had heard about on several occasion, but had always blown it off as a legend. It was no legend though and Cid was now a new member of the AATE.

Unlike most people, Cid took it way more than lightly, hell, he was basically bouncing off the walks with excitement as he had been pulled into a wonderful world of adventure. All this had occurred in only six months and the young male couldn't be happier with his new life. Of course he misses his family, wherever they are, but he has learned to except his fate with a smile. Since arriving on AATE he has befriend his Karkitty, Kara, and they are very much inseparable.

Relationship/ Crush: Single and ready to Mingle - None

Other: He has recently found a new guitar to practice with and he enjoys swimming or boxing in his free-time.
Hey! Long time no see! Nebula! I've been stuck at work (or just knocked out from staying up so late) So I will try to be on around 7:00 PM EST everyday and or other day. I've personalized my skeleton so it seems a bit more fun! Underneath is the main form.

"My name is Jordan. Huh? Last name too? Seriously? Fine. Jordan, Jordan Shiya. That's all right?"

No, Mr. Shiya. We have more information before you can board. Your alias?

"I don't have an alias. If someone wants to come up with one for me, I guess I'll let it stick."

Tssk— Then that is acceptable. Please let me know when you do have one, so I can mark it down. What is your age?

"Why do you need so much? Damn nosy lady. I'm nineteen years old."

Alright, then. Please sit down over there while I fill out the rest.

The boy holds a mysterious tone, arising suspision of crime in the air. Who knows what he could have done? Jordan is a rude-mouthed man. It is possible he has a potiental leadership reining him in. He is a dangerous one, very quiet when not interacted to and... seemingly invisible when he doesn't speak. The boy also seems to adore pickles, he carries them everywhere in his pocket— coming to a theory that he is a foody. It seems to be that he dislikes humans and has no respect for them, they recieve the cold shoulder. Perhaps if you get closer.... he will be more revealing.

"Are you done yet? Do you have any questions? I just wanna go to sleep!"

​ Not just yet, please let me take a photo.

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Very well. Looks neat. Could you write about you background here?

"No, I'd rather keep it clean and quiet."

Then I'll keep you here all night long.


The Jordan standing here today is not the one everyone knew. He used to be smiling all the time, hanging with cums, and initally helping elders. He now just sits by the Graveyard, as if he was waiting for something. Something that would secure him? There were no answers to why he did this. Until the Government kidnapped him, he had nothing to live for.

His parents were long gone nine years ago, back when he was ten years old. His family wasn't and shan't be a wealthy one. They weren't living in a hovel thought. They lived in a normal sized home, and of course they always worked hard. Jordan would sit at home playing with friends. Waiting for their arrival, waiting for their love.

But one day, they never came back.

"...Mom? Pops? Where the hell are ya'?" He called the phones over and over, he never stopped.

Tears streamed down his eyes, they weren't stopping.

No answer, another redial.

"Answer me, damn it!" Jordan screamed with fury.

The phone was unplugged and tossed to the ground.

With a knock on the door, and a loud voice a neighbor walked in, with a pallor expression. "Your parents are dead. They died in a car crash, too fatal to save them."

He wasn't going to believe her.

"Never, never in this whole world!"

Jordan to this day never accepted that fate. He sat at the grave yard, waiting for his parents. But he sees the graves quite clearly. He never will admit it though.

Awh, dear just admit your parents died! Do you have any relationships?

"...No I don't."


Name: Jordan Shiya

Nickname: N/A

Age: 19

Personality: Untrusting, skeptical, cold-hearted, brash, and rude. When he opens up, a new shade will appear. His emotions can spike quickly.

Appearance: (see top please)

History: (see top please)

Relationship/Crush: N/A

Other: #YOLO
Name: Emmeline Salvatore

Nickname: N/A

Age: Seventeen

Emmeline is a mysterious girl, quiet and elegent. She has never cried a day in her life, and was labelled a sociopath for her lack of emotion and feelings. She hasn't ever killed anyone which is odd for a sociopath, or really injured any person and mostly keeps to herself unless angered. She always has her guard up and dislikes having people get to close in fear of growing attached and losing them. But it is unlikely to happen due to her lack of caring.

Appearance: Emmeline has long, dark brown hair and liquid silver eyes. She was forced by her mother to get surgery to make them that color at a young age, and was made fun of her whole life for it. Her skin his very pale and delicate, and she bruises easily.

History: Emmeline grew up in a small family of buisness people. You could say they were rich, but Emmeline never asked for much, nor got much in her days. She would rather just read old books she got from her school's library, sit alone somewhere and go through two books in one day without hesitation. She would allow her controlling mother to buy her preppy clothing, and dress her in the newest styles but in the end she just wore simple skinny jeans and a shirt. The girl was never quite satisfied living there and she certainly wasn't happy in the slightest, so she sees coming here as a kind of vacation for life from her horrid family. Her faked death was being taken as hostage when she went to the bank and when the time ran out for the police to let the robbers leave, they had injected her with something in the back of her neck and stabbed her in the stomach so that blood spatter the ground and make it more believing. She had awoken here, with only a scar and faint memory to remember that day.

Relationship/Crush: N/A, and likely to never have one.


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