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Futuristic Alien Invasion

"What the hell is that?" Sarge asked autumnbell as he looked at her. "And how can he shoot that big ass beam out of his head? Wouldn't that make heads explode or make them have a huge headache or somethin?" He was t-totally confused at this thing that just saved them. It was like a ninja, and a robot. "Are you a ninja bot? Did command finally listen to me?!"

xD sarge)
Sarge said:
"What the hell is that?" Sarge asked autumnbell as he looked at her. "And how can he shoot that big ass beam out of his head? Wouldn't that make heads explode or make them have a huge headache or somethin?" He was t-totally confused at this thing that just saved them. It was like a ninja, and a robot. "Are you a ninja bot? Did command finally listen to me?!"
xD sarge)
( xD i can't even...)
(Well think about it in rvb wouldn't of sarge said similar things? xD )
AcomicSan said:
Aliens? I thought robots would take over the world and fyk us.
(dude... plz post in ooc if your char hasn't been accepted or if you have no interest in the rp.)
Dean had been watching this all, wide-eyed. "Coooooooooool!" he finally said, shooting another alien. His eyes were literally sparkling with excitement. "This is just like the escape scene in Starship Ganymede 2--except the aliens here are anything but sexy." He chuckled slightly, jumping into the ship. He probably looked kind of silly to the others, ogling everything and everyone, but hey, he had literally never done anything like this before. "Oh, my God--is that a real laser? I've always wanted to try one of these!" He pressed a button, grinning excitedly as a laser came out and shot one of the surviving Brutes. "It works! This is so cool--I'm in a real sci-fi! Ooh, do we have Wookies, too?"

((-.- Dean, Dean, Dean….))

@Shiro kurogane @Sarge @Lucinda Darkhive @VirtualNotoriety

Lucy Autumnbell


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.94c2d1e9dd5f82e06a9ff1a43a2cc589.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102899" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.94c2d1e9dd5f82e06a9ff1a43a2cc589.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
"Hey! Give a warning next time!" The pinkette shouted, glaring at the bio weapon before she looked to Sarge. Facepalming she shook her head, "Sarge, please try to be realistic. Does she
look like a ninja? A robot, maybe. But a fucking ninja, lov-ahem. Sarge." She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose at the feeling of a headache coming on, as much as she loved the man in front of her she wondered about him sometimes. Her closed eyes shot open at the sound of a laser firing, she whipped around on her feet and looked at Dean. "Don't touch that!" Lucy said fiercely, smacking his hand away from the controls. "No we don't have Wookies. This is real life. Not a movie. And the sooner you get that through your head the better you'll be able to survive."

((Well..that's Lucy for you..always with the strong face in public. Tsk.))

@femjapanriceball @Shiro kurogane @VirtualNotoriety @Virtuoso



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"Ah I see, sorry I've had to be serious for awhile." Sarge said rubbing the back of his head. He hated that impulsive nature of his sometimes, it was a curse more than a belssing. He put his face in his hands as he tried to relax a bit, letting the calming meditation music ring in his ears as he took deep breaths. Even though he was free from prison, anxiety and stress were still a bitch for him.

Cpl. Seth Argall A.K.A Horus-7

18:47, V-TOL en route to HQ

"Jesus-tapdancing-Christ, what the hell was that!?" Seth almost shouted in surprise before regaining composure. He gripped his rifle and quickly went to the opening of the VTOL. Frowning as he desperately scanned the prison for the large alien, only to be met with a thick cloud of smoke and dust covering it. The corporal quickly activated his visor's Thermal vision, but found no traces of the big alien from earlier. He sighed in relief, "Is everyone alright?" Seth asked the group.
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Sens? no buki.

code name: 01.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c77e28d7d_Sensnobuki(Xamdform).jpg.d713e0963dc590f9d77ceb06f10483cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102912" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c77e28d7d_Sensnobuki(Xamdform).jpg.d713e0963dc590f9d77ceb06f10483cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

giant tentacles appeared throughout the entire prison and pulled the structure in on itself. another static whisper sounded as 01 spoke in her Xam'd form. although again none of the humans on the V-Tol would hear let alone understand what was said. most prisoners and aliens were now panicking and fleeing from the prison in whatever way they could. but as for 01, she just stood there as rubble fell on and around her. she knew the collapsing building wouldn't kill her and she was waiting for the V-Tol to get to a safe distance away before bright green insectoid wings made of energy sprung from her back. 01 used her Xam'd form's superior strength to leap into the air several feet above the V-Tol and surprisingly, 01 could easily keep up with the V-Tol at its max speed. although in all honesty, 01 could reach flight speeds that border breaking the sound barrier. in fact, she could shift to her human form and still bring out the wings and turn her arm into a sword. but she couldn't fly as fast in her human form do to human bodies not being able to withstand that level of sudden acceleration. so 01 decided the staying in Xam'd form was much more useful for now, she looked in the V-Tol's open side to confirm she'd thrown everyone onto it.

@femjapanriceball @VirtualNotoriety @Virtuoso



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"As most of the Rescue Team get int the V-Tol Nathan and Sarah follow sooth"Come on guys lets get this show on the road!"Sarah Screemed as Nathan Takes the Pilot Seat"

@femjapanriceball @Virtuoso

@Shiro kurogane
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Dean's face fell when he got slapped away, but he shrugged. "Okay, just making sure." He fiddled with his scarf, a habit when he was upset. What did she mean, this was not a movie? That was why everything was so cool here. Come to think of it, he had already seen things like this before. He adjusted himself; the ships he was used to were a bit more glamorous, but he wasn't going to complain. He felt the V-Tol slowly rising beneath him. "Soooo...read any good books lately?" He bit his lip. Not the right time, D. Finally, not really finding anything better to do, he took a photo of himself and a girl who looked a helluva lot like him from his pocket and looked at it. Then it hit him. "Oh, my God—Ophelia!"

@VirtualNotoriety @Virtuoso @Lucinda Darkhive @Sarge @Shiro kurogane

Lucy Autumnbell


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.0085d2e9577133887ede2c2bf95d63dd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103247" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.0085d2e9577133887ede2c2bf95d63dd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Ophelia? Who was that? His girlfriend or something? The pink haired woman raised an eyebrow at Dean before answering his question. "Sarcrife your Virtue for a Sin." She then turned and glanced out the V-Tol seeing that the being from earlier was following them, nodding she took a breath, calming her rapidly beating heart.
Must just be adrenaline.. She thought, turning to Seth Lucy nodded her head. "Everyone that we could save is here and accounted for." Lucy then turned to the pilot of the vehicle and nodded her head, "To the city, alright?" The pinkette coughed slightly, dreading the fact that she's spoken enough to not speak for at least three days. Upon turning to Sarge her mood dropped drastically, now she felt bad for swearing at him. She hadn't even thought about how he was feeling, and on top of that she could've at least been more considerate. @femjapanriceball @Sarge @Shiro kurogane @VirtualNotoriety @Virtuoso



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Sarge looked over at autumnbell and smiled a bit, she had a valid reason to yell at him so he wasn't going to act like an ass. He then rubbed his forehead gently as his head throbbed like mad. All these loud people in one little place would eventually make him lose his cool.

Cpl. Seth Argall A.K.A Horus-7

19:00, V-TOL en route to Headquarters

Seth nodded as silence settled between the fighters. Now here comes the boring part, the trip back. He thought, shifting his weight nervously as he removed his helmet, revealing messy, raven-black hair and a single diagonal scar that runs up his face. He glanced up the roof of the VTOL, soon daydreaming about a particular person from his past before a slight shift in the direction of the aircraft made him stumble awkwardly. Regaining balance (and dignity), he decided to break the ice. "Aside from the commander, I don't know any of you. So, may I ask for your names?"
"The Name's Sarah, Combat Medic and 2nd Lieutenant and our Pilot is Nathan, CQB specialist and 1st Lieutenant"Sarah said as she checked if anyone was injured, As Nathan engaged the auto-pilot he went towards the rescue team"Might I add who did we rescue and why the Commander was in the Op?"
Dean smiled at the name of the book he was given, making a mental note to look it up. Then, someone asked everyone's names. He grinned at the man who asked that. "Dean Holloway, performer and alien murderer. I'm kind of a big deal in Hollywood. Obviously not a big deal here, though." He looked dreamily at the picture of him and his sister. "Anyone listen to Ophelia Holloway?"

@Lucinda Darkhive @Sarge @VirtualNotoriety @Virtuoso @Shiro kurogane
the sounds of things smashing echoed through a large garage as The test pilot threw one of his great temper tantrums. what was the cause for this temper tantrums you ask? well to put it simple, it was Anna, his Valkyrie. What is a Valkyrie? well, that is a multi-billion dollar war machine that was supposed to revolutionize warfare as humans know it. well that was the idea if it wasn't for two small facts.

First, was humanities impending doom as an alien invasion systematically wipes them out.

Second, is because of reason one. Anna is so shot to hell that she no longer functions.

Sitting above the cockpit with a scowl on his face. Arthur watched as blood flowed out of a gash on his left forearm and dripped all over his craft. "God dammit, where is a medic when you need one?" he groaned while grabbing a not so clean cloth and began wrapping it. "Oh right. playing soldier." he sighed. Cleaning up the blood, Arthur decided to call it a day. Jumping off his precious piece of shit Valkyrie, he massaged away the stiffness in his shoulder and headed outside to get some fresh air, but not before retrieving his 1911.

Sens? no buki.

code name: 01.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7961c12e_Sensnobuki(Xamdform).jpg.f28e8b8e813093c232ca1df35496aaab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103780" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7961c12e_Sensnobuki(Xamdform).jpg.f28e8b8e813093c232ca1df35496aaab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

a strange green liquid flowed from holes in 01's Xam'd body that was caused by alien weapons. luckily, given enough time, the wounds would heal as her cells reformed. but this was the least of her worries as 01's suddenly started to turn to stone. she'd used to much energy back at the prison and was starting to crystallize... something her creators had done to her to keep 01 under control. 01 could change back to human form and try landing on the V-Tol, then the crystallization would stop and her arm would return to normal again... after about an hour or so.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7961f512_Sensnobuki(humanform).jpg.e31980cdd22fba4e0353242ad7f9e5ea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103781" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7961f512_Sensnobuki(humanform).jpg.e31980cdd22fba4e0353242ad7f9e5ea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

keeping the insectoid wings out, 01 changed back into her human form and more more less crashed onto the V-Tol as she completely finished changing to human. 01's arm was covered in a black looking crystal, which would disappear in a few with no injuries or marks to prove the arm had ever crystallized. she dragged herself away from the other humans to lean against the wall of the V-Tol as she gripped her arm, not in pain. but just because, she was feeling the weird feeling thing again. not the burning type one, but one that was... different.

@femjapanriceball @VirtualNotoriety @Virtuoso



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