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Futuristic Alien Invasion

Lucinda Darkhive

The Queen of Darkness has arrived loves!
In 2150, they came. They changed our world as we knew it and turned it into a desolate wasteland, they killed our men, impregnated our women and worst of all tried to destroy mankind. But this is earth! Our home at that! Like hell would we give it up so easily, even if our chances are practically zero we always find a way. And if you're too much of a damn sissy, then stay your ass in a safe shelter and let the big girls and boys do the fighting. I'll see you wannabe Heroes on the battlefields.


Sarge was in line to get whatever the aliens fed their captives, he didn't eat their food because he saw the mind control like effects they had on the other humans. However he would cooperate to an extent and get the food, the human slave that was passing out the food dropped this yellow slob like substance on sarged plate. Sarge had been here long enough to ignore the horrid smell. He reached the end of the line and a human much bigger than him knocked his plate onto the ground. Sarge looked up at the fellow inmate as his eyes narrowed. The inmate grinned evily, "hello my soon to be bitch. I am El Diablo" He said with the intent on beating down the most badass inmate their was in he prison. Sarge popped his neck, "no, you're a deadman." El Diablo went to throw a punch at sarge, sarge easily ducked and tackled him into a puddle of mud. After a few minutes of brawling they were separated and sarge was taken into his cell. Well it was solitary confinement but it might as well be his cell. He was thrown in by a brute and he looked back at him, "griff..when I get out of here...I'ma kill you." He said to the brute as he slammed the door shut.

Lucy Autumnbell


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.1eea06da0f4ccbf26eea24dbfdd3d030.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102168" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.1eea06da0f4ccbf26eea24dbfdd3d030.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The pinkette paced around her office, biting on her thumbnail as she turned over plans in her head. She wanted him out of there, but without a plan that either:

A. Got her killed. Or

B. Got herself captured in the process.

An annoyed sigh left her lips before she calmly placed her hands on her desk, the polished wood dimly showing her emotionless expression. But deep down if her facade were to crack in the slightest, she'd break down into one of the two things that always happened when she was under too much stress. Lucy looked at the katana that rested on its mount above her desk, frowning she whispered. "What would that blockhead do..?" After a moment of silence she blinked in surprise, "Duh, Autumnbell. Gods you're stupid sometimes." A small smirk came across her face as she reached over the desk and snatched the said katana off its mount and headed out the door. Sliding on her bodysuit and exo-suit she nodded to herself, Remember, Autumnbell.. Quiet as a mouse, but deadly as a snake. And with that she headed for the garage, passing Cookie and Snow on her way out she gave each wolf a soft rub on the head.



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~Dean Holloway~

"You can't just lock me up like this, I'm an actor!" The dark-haired young man protested to his captors, who were still attempting to push him through the cell door. The brute pushed him again; Dean narrowly dodged it. "What did I ever do to you? Are you....oof....jealous? You have no reason to....oof...lock....me up! I swear, when I get out of hear, my agent will hear about this!"

The alien snorted. "Mister, if you're really an actor..."

"TO BE OR NOT TO BE, THAT IS THE QUESTION!" Dean screamed over the alien's talking.

"Get in—"


"That's e—OOMPH!" The alien was knocked backwards by Dean's swung foot. The former actor smirked. He knew that would work. Now to get his weapon....


Sarge laid on his bed as he thought about his beloved on the outside. "Maybe I should go ahead and kill these dirtbags." He said quietly to himself, he pulled out Lucy from under his pillow and grinned. "She should be here any minute now." He said in his true southern draw as he looked the gun over. "12 shots..better make them count."
"Hmm~......to take thy weapon would be a disgrace, but...I have no cares." Dean Holloway snatched the gun from the now-unconscious alien, enjoying himself very much. "Nooooow, where did those freaks put my crossbow?" The actor hummed under his breath as he walked through the halls, looking around for guards, then spotted someone familiar. "Sarge-chan? What are you doing here?" He asked, confused, shooting at a guard running towards him.


Lucy Autumnbell


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.279c3774ccdc1f99fe67a4b1d1c2ddea.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102171" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.279c3774ccdc1f99fe67a4b1d1c2ddea.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She breathed out, it had taken a little longer to get there than the expected but it didn't matter. He was coming back with her whether those damn scumbags liked it or not. The woman was still a few miles off from the alien base but it didn't matter, she could free run from where she was. Which is exactly what she was gonna do. Lucy looked blankly through the scope of her sniper before gently clicking her tongue as she undid the safety and shot down the door with a fired grenade. "Surprise bitches." A humorless chuckle left her as she abandoned the gun on the ground and began running towards the explosion, activating the cloak on her exo-suit she slipped through the front door and pass the guards.


Okay, five minute time limit on this thing. Gotta find Sarge fast, and free anyone we can. She looked up at the signs before cursing quietly under her breath, it was written in goddamn Alien! The pinkette nearly lost it and punched a hole through the wall, but she was better than that. Quickly looking around she darted down a hallway, hoping to find the cells. Thankfully she was right, "Now, gotta find the others.." @femjapanriceball



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Sarge knocked on his cell door, he then quietly cocked his shot gun. He aimed where the aliens head would most likely be at. "Come on griff.." He grumbled as the door opened to reveal the brute, "surprise you dirt bag!" He blew the aliens head clear off then walked down the hall, 3 guards for three shells is what he counted. He shot the remaining two in the head then released the prisoners from solitary confinement. "Alright maggots! Grab a gun and prepare to have some fun!" His voice boomed as he kicked down the door, the first thing he saw was the pinkette. He had to save the romance for later, besides this was a battlefield. Instead he ran up to her, "hello autumnbell." He said as he threw a boui knife at a grunt.
Dean watched Sarge walk past him and smiled. "That's more like it." He continued his search for the crossbow, running through the halls, spotting the obvious cause for the riot. "Gooooooooood evening, Miss!" He said cheerfully. "I knew as soon as I got here that you wouldn't take too long to rescue me! Even though I already broke myself out. Hey, can I go with you? Please? I promise I won't be too much trouble, who doesn't love an actor to tag along?" At this point, he was quite unaware that he was being a third wheel. He shot at yet another alien, smiling innocently.

@Sarge @Lucinda Darkhive

Lucy Autumnbell


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.fdf043fc2dd6bc238b60e64f16af1ca8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102200" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.fdf043fc2dd6bc238b60e64f16af1ca8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Sarge." She spoke coolly, cutting down yet another Brute that charged her. If anyone looked close enough you could tell she was getting annoyed with the situation, at least the Rovers had yet to show up..

Lucy looked over her shoulder at the other man that'd began speaking to her, raising an eyebrow at the person she shook her head before speaking yet again. "1. I came for everyone, stupid. Not just you. 2. So long as you can fight and follow orders I don't care if you come." She then turned her attention back to the situation at hand and sent a heavy roundhouse kick to another Brute, her eyebrow twitched slightly.
Stupid aliens.. The pinkette sighed and pulled out a grenade, it wasn't her favorite way of doing things but they were necessary to their escape. "Get down." She stated firmly, casually tossing it to a..oh fuck.. Well, he's not gonna bother her now. Hehe..that's what you Rovers get..horny bastards. Once the fire died down a bit, Lucy walked through the newly made hole in the wall of the alien base. "Move your asses!" @femjapanriceball



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"Not what I meant," Dean said, continuing to shoot. "The name's Dean Holloway. Actor, singer, alien murderer, guy who is wondering where the hell his crossbow is...that kind of person. Pleased to make your acquaintance." He ran through another door, looking around. "There we are." He kicked at another Brute, stealing his crossbow from its enormous hands. "Ah~, my Ophelia! It has been too long, my love~....hey, paws off the scarf!" He shot a nearing Rover, which was attempting to take the scarf off of him, and joined up with the others, just as a grenade went off. He winced slightly, but followed the others. When in doubt, follow the people that actually know how this all works.

@Lucinda Darkhive @Sarge

After the gernade went off sarge walked through the hole while his shotgun blasted two aliens back from autumnbell. "Well dean sarge is the name and murder is my game." He said as he upper cutted one of the bigger aliens with the stock of his shot gun. It spun a bit in his hand as the alien fell back just to have a shell in its cranium. "God damn it Griff's are everywhere, 2 shots left." He said as he felt a tremor on the ground and the aliens ran into hiding. "I would highly suggest we run now...I think a big one is coming." He said looking at autumnbell.

Sens? no buki.

code name: 01

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c76c81c7d_Sensnobuki(humanform).jpg.1360ea1f3ade6a006147483d5cbea12a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102260" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c76c81c7d_Sensnobuki(humanform).jpg.1360ea1f3ade6a006147483d5cbea12a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

01 walked through the mayhem that was currently happening. scanning the mess, she identified the intruder who had started the problem. but instead of following her orders to kill on sight. 01 was interested as to why humans would fight back in a losing battle. if her knowledge of war was correct... which it always was... it would make more sense for the pink-haired woman to have sacrificed the other humans for whatever her objective had been. then again, 01 had been deemed a threat herself and was locked away here as a way of keeping her under control. but since she could use her power now. she saw no reason to help her creators anymore and a strange burning feeling was always there when she saw or talked to them. so 01 decided to fight but she didn't understand the burning feeling. "activating protocol #001: Xam'd!" and instantly the sound of her changing forms echoed around.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c76c8916d_Sensnobuki(Xamdform).jpg.9ca52b5744d5861b7b22ca1c12eefe7e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102262" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c76c8916d_Sensnobuki(Xamdform).jpg.9ca52b5744d5861b7b22ca1c12eefe7e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c76c8b96c_Sensnobuki(Xamdform)2.jpg.30c62b24f262d7c707cd2fe4a53adb2d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102263" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c76c8b96c_Sensnobuki(Xamdform)2.jpg.30c62b24f262d7c707cd2fe4a53adb2d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

as the smoke then surrounded 01's body that always came when she changed forms dispersed, only her Xam'd form remained. 01 let out a loud roar as her Xam'd forms arm turned into the blade and she began cutting down not just her Alien creators but also any humans that were unlucky enough to be near the Aliens. within seconds, half of Aliens and humans in the area were cut down. the burning feeling 01 felt only subsided slightly as she stood there in Xam'd form and looked around to see some of the Aliens backing away in fear. it was ironic the the most powerfully perfected weapon created by Aliens was now killing them.

@Lucinda Darkhive @Sarge



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Lucy Autumnbell


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.f6b8e3fa539a4ce1926d0d58d5908a25.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102353" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.f6b8e3fa539a4ce1926d0d58d5908a25.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Shitshitshitshit do we even have enough time to make it back to the vehicle? Lucy looked over her shoulder at the sound of a roar and flicked the blood from her blade, a girl that could change her form? Did the Aliens create her? She bit her lip and prepared to turn back towards the girl? Thing? She'd figure it out later. Feeling the tremor of the earth brought her back to reality, Ain't got time for spacin' out Autumnbell. "If you wish to come with us, come on!" She shouted at the bio-weapon before turning on her heels once again and bolting out the hole in the wall, taking hold of both Sarges and Deans hand she sped up her pace, pulling them with her. "Big Alien is a definite no-no." @femjapanriceball @Shiro kurogane @Sarge



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Sens? no buki.

code name: 01.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c76f2df58_Sensnobuki(Xamdform).jpg.74d9970860aecc0b5f777dd155836399.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102364" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c76f2df58_Sensnobuki(Xamdform).jpg.74d9970860aecc0b5f777dd155836399.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

01 turned her Xam'd form head to the pink-haired woman. it was the only indication she gave that she'd heard the pinkette. a weird kind of static whisper came as an answer. only few knew it as 01's Xam'd voice and even fewer people could even understand what had been said. only certain humans could hear her words because some were born with what aliens called a defect. although 01 seriously doubted that any of the humans currently around her had understood that she had said "understood, activating protocol #739-4: suppressing fire and support." to the pink-haired woman. of course... as 01 did this, she darted forward and within the blink of an eyes. she was already in front of the pinkette and her friends and 01 turned and fired off beams of energy from a gem looking thing on her forehead to cover the groups retreat and draw fire to herself.




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Dean followed the pinkette, looking genuinely excited. He shot at the aliens using his crossbow. In all honesty, he felt kind of cool. This wasn't just another movie that he had starred in, he had somehow found his way into a real one! A sci-fi! He continued shooting, more vigorously this time. Was the blue-haired girl one of those robots? He just had to ask her as soon as they reached safety. It was affirmative, Dean had fifty thousand questions to ask everyone.

@Lucinda Darkhive @Sarge @Shiro kurogane

"As the rescue team get out of the prison a V-Tol team are sent the 1st and 2nd Lieutenant were assigned to help protect the rescue team, As they get near the Rescue team Nathan jumps out of the V-Tol covering the Rescue team from the incoming aliens, The V-Tol lands near them Sarah gets of the V-Tol and shields the Rescue Team"Get in the V-Tol we don't have all day!"As Nathan and Sarah cover the Commander"


[COLOR=rgb(86,86,86)]@Shiro kurogane[/COLOR]


Sarge thought for a few moments then threw a gernade at the near by wall. It blew a hole in it, he picked up two alien pistols knowing he ran out of shells. "Let's get the hell out of this place!" He said firing whatever came out of the pistols at the aliens. "I'll cover you guys go!"

Lucy Autumnbell


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.9c5363f76ebee6a0347290eab3dee8a5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102802" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.9c5363f76ebee6a0347290eab3dee8a5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Like hell will you get captured again, dumbass!" Translation: "I'm not leaving you, Sarge." Lucy shouted as she grabbed hold of his arm, glaring at him. "You get on that V-Tol with me or we die together." She hissed, angrily cutting down a Rover that got too close. She watched as the others worked to protect everyone and theirselves, it made her heart ache, they shouldn't be doing this. Why had this happened to their planet out of all the planets? Ugh, no time for that Autumnbell. @femjapanriceball @VirtualNotoriety



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"Ok here's the idea, we let everyone on fist then get on ourselves. This time no one gets left behind deal?" He said looking at her while shooting another brute in the head. "I was stupid before. I won't let that happen twice autumnbell..trust me." He asked as he shot a rover on the knee, "besides we have unfinished business with these assholes don't we?"

Cpl. Seth Argall A.K.A Horus-7

18:45, V-Tol, Unknown

Seth groaned as an explosion rocked the aircraft, it was not his day. First, some private decided it would be best to slosh water over him to wake him up (said private's fingers were now twisted in painfully impossible angles), apparently the soldier was sent to notify Seth to gear up early for a mission. I didn't even eat breakfast, he thought.

Second, was his current predicament. A second explosion rattled the VTOL as Seth tried to regain his footing, he was currently shooting those alien bastards down with controlled bursts, covering the Commander's retreat. "Commander, hurry the hell up! Any longer and we'll be nothing but BBQ'd corpses!" Seth shouted as he peeked through the scope of the rifle, seeking a target, he spotted a lone Gama making its way to the commander.
Target found, he thought as he pulled the trigger, the alien's head popping like a balloon resulting in a brilliant display of a bullet-induced, fountain of gore. He smiled, before continuing his work.

Sens? no buki.

code name: 01.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c77b5b324_Sensnobuki(Xamdform).jpg.4c69c432f844e5071b3a4849854ba35b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102807" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c77b5b324_Sensnobuki(Xamdform).jpg.4c69c432f844e5071b3a4849854ba35b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

another static whisper came from 01 in her Xam'd form. she didn't understand why the humans would risk themselves when they could just let her do the covering since she was essentially a bio-weapon and in her Xam'd form 01 could easily run across the planet's surface and still out run the V-Tol. that and even on the off chance she was recaptured, its not like anyone would miss her anyways. so 01 lifted her arms her Xam'd fingers turned into tentacles that she used as giant whips to clear a large number of aliens from the V-Tol's proximity. then turning, 01 scooped up the pinkette and her friends. she then threw them onto the V-Tol so she could let loose fully and at the same time cover the escaping V-Tol. letting out a powerful roar that shook the prison, a large powerful beam of pure energy blasted from the gem on her Xam'd forehead. only this time it not only killed, but also disintegrated anything in its way.

@femjapanriceball @VirtualNotoriety (im sorry but it was taking too long to get the fuck out. that and we all know we would have been gone a few posts back.)



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