Alien Invasion? Why not XCOM?

What divine providence, as I have been playing the shit out of XCOM recently, yet how tragic as that self-same playing the shit out of kept me from comingnto this thread sooner.

So PCs would be limited to actual council nations unlike in the game? No Swedes or Norwegians?
[QUOTE="Cthulhu_Wakes]I'd allow any nation within reason, as I stated earlier!

Oh oh! I'm changing to the Luxembourg Foreign Intelligence Service!
[QUOTE="Aquilla Wolfe]JAPAN, if i ca get myself situated, by the way, can i have a sword :3

[/QUOTE]I don't think there's any reason you couldn't have a sword. Just bear in mind that anything you are likely to fight in melee range would make absolute mincemeat of a human, sword or no. We're talking nine foot tall slabs of muscle and rage with claws strapped to their claws, who tank 50. cal bullets like bee stings and pulp human beings in single blows.
Meanwhile, most everything else is toting "oh shit where'd my entire body go?" levels of firepower, so good luck getting close unless you are seriously batshit levels of awesome at dodging.

You're really going to want a gun, is what I'm saying.
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Yeah, swords aren't the greatest idea. That, and I can't have half a billion players in each game. So! I think we've enough interest drummed up. Again, forum request shall be up in the next few days. Weekend at the latest.
So again, are we working with just base nWoD, or are we including GM? I must know so that I can build my character!
Hm. I have to admit, chatting with Revlid has not endeared my to GM, but we'll see. I'll get onto to actually reading the rules.
Oh, don't get me wrong, there are some not-so-stellar choices. But the new Morality mechanic is wonderful. Again, I may just use the old nWoD combat system with some Armory hacks like we've all been doing for nearly four years now. Either way, it's not a HUGE difference.
Taliesin said:
Hm. I have to admit, chatting with Revlid has not endeared my to GM, but we'll see. I'll get onto to actually reading the rules.
I'm genuinely curious about that - I've detected no issues with GM so far, personally. That said, I'm not the best crunch-monkey.
Revlid went on a rather large tirade when the book first came out. I recall many going 'whoa, killer, calm down.'
Just read it. The Beats issue is a pretty legit one - he suggests just replacing Beats with 1XP and quintupling the costs, which sounds workable. He does have an issue with how Beats feel meta-gamey as fuck, which I don't quite agree with. The major gripe was with Conditions, which is pretty fair since they're basically lifted out of FATE and don't need to be as standardized as they are. Combat - yeah, okay, I see the problem now.

At least now I can have a good long ponder on how to hack it for my X-Files game. Which you're still in for, no?

It's not so much that Conditions are standardized as that the Storyteller system is, or tries to be, a very simulationist game, so adding narrative mechanics seems like a wonky idea. The phrase, "fixes none of the problems with the nWoD combat system while adding some of its own." also turned up.

The impression I get is that there's a bunch of bad stuff, and a bunch of neutral stuff, and some actual good things (he liked the social section). But the good things aren't particularly relevant to this game - we aren't going to be chatting the aliens up much, after all.

Granted, I still haven't read the rules. Too busy laughing in wonderment at Strike Legion.
While I think the addition of yet another roll for defense is going back to Ye Olde World of Darkness' problems, I do see the benefits of it.

Personally I think just using the streamlined one-roll kind of combat option for anything but climactic death-battles is one fo the best. Just want to GTFO? Just want to disarm 'em? Nice, neat, one roll.
Grey said:
Just read it. The Beats issue is a pretty legit one - he suggests just replacing Beats with 1XP and quintupling the costs, which sounds workable. He does have an issue with how Beats feel meta-gamey as fuck, which I don't quite agree with. The major gripe was with Conditions, which is pretty fair since they're basically lifted out of FATE and don't need to be as standardized as they are. Combat - yeah, okay, I see the problem now.
At least now I can have a good long ponder on how to hack it for my X-Files game. Which you're still in for, no?

I am indeed! Also, the forum isn't giving me notifications again! But yes, totally in.

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