Alice: Return to Wonderland


Lunar-Eclipse submitted a new role play. @Lunar-Eclipse, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Characters needed:

Alice Carroll: @Lunar-Eclipse

Alice's siblings: Sister- @LilyofSapphires

The March Hare: @MattStriker

The Mad Hatter: @Kayleigh

The Cheshire Cat: @qemie

Queen of Hearts: @Emily VanShowmen

Queen of Diamonds: @SetMeFree

Queen of Spades: @MissPenny

Queen of Clubs: @TAYTAYTara

Once these spots are filled you may add whatever character you want. You may have up to 3 characters.
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Name: Eleanor of Diamonds

Age: 24


Height: 5'10"

Personality: While she is quite rich and does have a passion for money and parties, she is not uppity nor is she rude to those with less money. She is quite a fair and kind ruler, really just wishing the best for her people though once on her bad side, safest thing to do is run.

History/Bio: She was queened at a very young age after the mysterious death of both of her parents. When she took the throne, the people feared that she would be hard handed like her mother however she was gentle and kind, which made for an even better economy. Before being queened, she had a small fling with the Mad Hatter and still has love for him to this day. While she knows that the Queen of Hearts is not a fan of anyone really and has attempted to behead the Hatter several times, she was a good investment, yet should the Hatter be captured or harmed, she will wage a war of her own.
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Name: Mad Hatter

Age: 26

Appearance: see picture. Provided by Google Images

Personality: Hatter is a friendly to all who pass. He doesn't know any better. Spending most of his time at his Tea Party celebrating Unbirthdays, he laughs his days sipping on tea. Every once in awhile though he slips into his darker side. He mumbles nonsense no one really understands, but he quickly snaps out of it without any recollection of what happened.

History/Bio: Not many in Wonderland know how Hatter came to be. The cottage in the woods, the one that was abandoned for years, just suddenly had sounds of laughter of a young man with an oversized hat. Whenever he slips into the dark abyss of his mind, some say he talks of screams and pandemonium. No one dares ask him where he comes from or what happened. Usually they just have a cup of his unusual tea and celebrate 364 days of Unbirthdays.

What happened in his past though was far from pleasant. He came from the outskirts of Wonderland, on the opposite side from the Rabbit Hole, where barely anyone was in sight. His parents were tea leaf farmers. They knew how to make the best batch of Pickleberry tea and Snuzzlebug tea. The stranger the ingredients, the better the tea. However, one day when he was about four, there was an attack. His last memory of his mother and father was them kissing him softly with painted smiles and teary eyes whispering demands on playing hide-and-seek and him having to stay silent the whole time. So he stayed in his spot uuntil there wasnt a sound in what felt like forever. When he opened the door, his home was destroyed and his family nowhere in sight. So he walked into the deepest part of the forest until he happened upon the vacant ccottage which he claimed as hs own. As he crew older his flashbacks gave him more and more clues as to which Queen took his childhood away from him.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/The_Mad_Hatter_by_fayrenpickpocket.jpg.e044f8e2cf7e93af213c8e85111072cf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10764" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/The_Mad_Hatter_by_fayrenpickpocket.jpg.e044f8e2cf7e93af213c8e85111072cf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Annalise of Spades

Age: 28


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.733549310fe2a9613b530372ee2962c4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10835" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.733549310fe2a9613b530372ee2962c4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Annalise is a very private young woman, preferring to keep to herself most of the time. She doesn't enjoy everyday chit-chat and talk of the weather. If there's a reason to interact with another for an extended period of time, it must be because there is something that needs her attention. She is very direct in her manner of speaking, no beating around the bush, and only gives away what she feels that individual needs to know. After all, the only person that can keep a secret is a dead man.

History/Bio: As a young girl, Anna never pictured herself being queen. Yes, she was royalty, but she was fifth in line for the throne. She was niece to a king and queen who had four beautiful children. Who would have expected the fever that wiped them all out in a matter of two years? Annalise didn't want the responsibility, feeling that she'd disappoint her people, but she couldn't exactly turn the offer down. She's learned fairly quickly, though she still takes her time in making important decisions. If nothing else, she will always share one major bond with her citizens; a deep hatred for the northern kingdom and the Queen of Hearts.



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Name: Cheshire Cat

Age: 24

(just add an eyepatch on his left eye)

Personality: Frankly Cheshire is completely mad. He's always smiling and laughing, disappearing and reappearing at a moments notice. Most people in Wonderland hate him. Cheshire isn't loyal to any kingdom because he finds each of them flawed and quit annoying and with that you could call him a loner.(also with the fact that he doesn't enjoy the presence of most people.) He wonders around Wonderland aimlessly sparking conversations with random people at the most random of times. Cheshire is also very mischievous and his intentions are hard to figure out when he's pulling dangerous schemes and pranks on the Queens.(usually the Queen of Hearts.)

History/Bio: Most of the memories of when Cheshire was young have either been forgotten or tangled in a mess of many other memories and nonexistent memories Cheshire has jumbled in his head. The thing about Cheshire is that he barely remembers anything and forgets quit a lot,sometimes if you tell him one thing he'll remember it differently and say it back to you with many missing holes or added contents. Once in awhile he gets trapped in his own mind seemingly staring off into space when really he's seeing things. The worst is when you yell at him and toss him around but he's still stuck in the labyrinth of his mind. He usually snaps out of it in a few minutes or so. Along with being mentally ill he's wanted for crimes against the Queen which Queen he does not remember and does not bother to look at the posters with his face plastered on. The one thing that sets Cheshire off is when you bring up his eyepatch it is brought up a lot when you have guards and mercenaries on your tail but they could really lay off it,it would lead to a minority in broken bones and puddles of blood.
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Name:Celeste of Clubs


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be88f3c77_Reallyprettygreenhairedgirl.jpg.21147a1efc04d105db63fbfa67c939e7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10982" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be88f3c77_Reallyprettygreenhairedgirl.jpg.21147a1efc04d105db63fbfa67c939e7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Celeste is a merciless, but kind. Stubborn, and fair. A smooth liar, sweet and a cunning person. She's secretive, and protective of her Kingdom. Almost never to start a fight, and rather pick a side. She doesn't particularly like anyone outside of her kingdom. She has a pokerface that most people can not break. She enjoys fighting of skill. She doesn't like fights over terribly stupid reasons, or stupid reasons in general. She doesn't like to be cooped up in her walls, but enjoys walking the streets with her people.

History/Bio:Celeste, Queen of Clubs? Never expected it for at least another decade or so. Her father had fled the country after her mother had found out he had an affair. Her mother unfazed was a great Queen, warrior and mother. She was fair and never did wrong. Her death was at some party of the Queens, she had been poisoned. The absolute grief she had felt after the messenger came with the news. They had never found out who did it. Celeste didn't care as much to avenge her mother though. She had been left alone with no love her childhood because her mother had been at these parties and governing the Kingdom alone, but that didn't stop Celeste from bearing hate against her mother. She had found more kindness in the night market of weapons they secretly made than the castle ever did. She learned how to fight from a mysterious man with sword, dagger, or her specialty- club. Small tourneys with people of her country had been great fun, being called to the throne had not, but she knew the Queens were dangerous and was willing to protect her country that had gave her kindness.



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Can i reserve the Queen of Hearts?? 
Name: Belladonna of Hearts

Age: 30


Personality: Belladonna is a evil Queen. She shows no sympathy, no mercy, and certainly no pity. She has a heart made of ice. Cold as stone. She is bloodthirsty and quick to behead anyone for any crime. Do not mess with this woman.

History/Bio: Growing up Belladonna was the center of attention. She paraded around and did the silliest things so people would notice her. She danced, she sung, she balanced teacups on her head. Anything that would draw peoples attention to her. Especially her parents. She wanted her parents to notice her most of all. The glorious King that was quick to ride into battle against any foe that threatened his Kingdom. And the beautiful Queen whom all the songs in the land where about. Belladonna's parents never had time for her. They hired many people to do the job that they as parents should be doing. Because of this Belladonna grew to hate her parents. She never saw them like how the people of her Kingdom did, but rather as they really where, Parents who could give a rats ass about there daughter. So what did she do? Well, she killed them.

She cut there heads off and blamed the servant boy of doing it. The servant boy was beheaded and Belladonna took the throne. And her rule was much different from her parents. Much. much, worse.
Is there any way I can reserve one of Alice's siblings? 

LilyofSapphires said:
Is there any way I can reserve one of Alice's siblings?
Name: Felicity Carrol
Age: 18


Personality: For the most part, Felicity is proper and polite when in the presence of others. She also has a natural, nurturing instinct and worries over her younger sister, Alice, as her parents do. But she is not one to push things when it is clear her presence is unwanted, especially when she can't see a way around it. When she is alone, though, or not in the presence of her parents and those whom are older, she is more carefree and even playful. One of her notable faults would be her tendency and willingness to trust others, causing her to be gullible, although she tries to make up for this by being observant and taking note of how others act.

History/Bio: Felicity has always felt concern for Alice, although her sister has made it clear time and again that she wants as little to do with people at all. Although that hasn't stopped her from trying to indirectly help or look out for her when she saw the opportunity to do so. Besides, as she recently became eighteen, she now feels she has more responsibilities and ought to help her parents in any way a young adult may be able to do. Since she wasn't born male, though, she tends to feel as if she is a disappointment to her parents. As she is well aware of how much more males are able to do for the family, especially as their the ones that keep the family name going when they marry. When she isn't troubling herself with such things though, Felicity will tend to the small garden she'd grown, or feed bits of food to strays that happen to wander by.
Name: The March Hare

Age: N/A


Description (Bio / Personality in one paragraph):

His real name is Thackery Earwicket. Like his famous friend, the Mad Hatter, the March Hare is always compelled to behave as if it is tea time because the Hatter 'murdered time' by singing to the Queen of Hearts. Although he may not look like it sometimes, he is raving mad, smashing plates and cups because he is very agitated. However, he calms down at the sight of tea, so tea time with the March Hare is where he is most sane. He also works as the Queen of Hearts chef, he is the most agitated there, however, being spotted smashing all the plates in the kitchen.
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