Alfheim 2: Sword Art [Inactive]

Lance said "Let's go to this one, it's run by a friend of mine. We just got to by a guild hall, make sure it's fully equipped. I got a master blacksmith, alchemist, and sage crafter coming in."

The group approached a store called "Forts de Dannan."

They entered the store and was greeting by the store owner"Welcome to my real estate store, here you can buy a fortress, some land, and more."

Lance went to the pedestal that said Forts, Guild Halls, and more. He bought a rather nice and large fully equipped fort.

Lance then went to the map and bought a some land a little far away from the World Free.

Lance was left without anymore money but he didn't care. His empire was another step closer.
After getting his dagger and some food for beast taming he hurried towards the shop with the weird name and ran into the others and found that Lance was buying a guild. Which he probably announced but Apollo wasn't sure "Lance you spending alot of money your going to be broke" he said concerned "this isn't just your guild I could chip in atleast"
"Yeah sure we gonna need some furniture and what not. I decided to name the Guild "The Legion". If i come up with somethint better i can always change it for a reasonable exp fee." Lance said.

The others were busy buying furniture and other things for the guild hall.

Lance sent out a message to his other friends to report to the new made Guild Hall.

The guild hall comes with furniture but Lance rather have them redecorate the place. It's funny you come up with a design for your guild hall, while you buying it. But the furniture and things like that are all sets.
"well I'll buy a couple things then" he looks around and buy some furniture but still had some money left over due to the fact that the others bout furniture as well and only so much furniture was need.

He also had some extra time and needed a over due make over and had some weak armor that didn't improve his stats in his full body cloak, he looked through his inventory and found some stuff that was given as an reward and changed out of his cloak into his new gear.

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"I like the style. But we gotta go to the guild hall. We can use our teleportation crystals." Lance said as he pulled out a blue block of crystal. The others did so as well. Instantly they were outside the guild hall or fortress as some would say.

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The group was standing on the bridge leading to the castle. "Well we should go in, i got to meet with my high ranking officers." Lance said as he check his Guild roster and messaged his high ranking officers. "Apollo you can go explore the castle and meet with our 500 new recruits. Fire, Ice, Yonka, and Saji you guys come with me because you're high ranking officers too."

The group entered the castle and began marching towards the war room. Recruits were moving around enjoying the place as they moved about. This would soon become an army worthy of greatness, then they'll complete the Grand Quest.
"alright see you guys later" Apollo heads to the castle and burst through the doors and is halted by several recruits some where strong looking while a few people were weak looking but he didn't look all that strong himself so he wasn't going to judge them. he walks over to a guy who was surrounded by most of the recruits it had seemed he was telling a story.

Apollo walks through the people and asked about the crowd and a recruit replies "that guys a powerful Archer named Chase" Apollo approaches the Archer "who are you?" Chase replies "Chase the archer I'm good with a bow and arrow" .Apollo smirks and says"prove it if you can hit me I will give you all of my money" "that's a deal" Chase replied Apollo stands 30 feet away and Chase grabs his bow and uses 3 arrows at a time "you know you shouldn't have bet me".Chase releases the arrow which fly 10 feet and disappears until afoot away from Apollo but are dodged bring the room to shock "I win and be glad I asked nothing from you but your sticking with me from now on I need someone with a ranged ability such as yours" says Apollo "uhh okay" Chase says still in shock.
Lance stopped for a few minutes to level up.

Magic to Max, he gained the rest of the other magics when he did that

Fire Magic to Max

He upgraded all his sword skills, since that was all that was left to upgrade in the One Handed Straight Sword Tree.

He added 500 exp to the Rapier
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Lance and his friends reached the War Room and took their seats. Lance took the seat at the Head of the table as he is the Guild's Leader. Those seated around him were his generals. The table was a rectangle of nice polished wood.

Lance began "Welcome, generals to the new Guild Hall. There will be plenty more to come as we can always level this place up. First, is the guild population."

One of the generals stood up, she was indian and wore glasses. She had nice long hair too. She said "We have approximately 542 members as of right now."

"Thank's Karin. Now we won't be declaring war on other guilds, but we should come up with a list of

targets. Afterall, we need resources to level up so we can qualify to enter the Floating Fortress Aincrad

and beat the Grand Quest of completing all of it's floors. "Lance said.

"Leave that to me." Said another general who's name is Divide. He's darkskin but well built and had a standard low cut.

"Now our guild needs a better name. My suggestion is Symphonia." Lance spoke

There were mumbles of agreement.

"Ok we can change the name if we decide we don't like it later anyway right." Lance said as he change the Guild's name to Symphonia.
Outside a high level Tank guarded the doors to the war room. He looked at Apollo and said "Sorry but you're not a general, check your rank." 
Meanwhile inside the war room

"Ok, anymore issues." Lance asked

"Yes, it's about equipment. I personally make custom equipment for the generals only. So are we going to be like the other guilds and have uniforms." Said Karin.

"Well maybe, but what's for sure is that members of thia guild will have our guild symbol tatooed on them to show they are with us, now that's definite." Lance said.

The were mumbles of agreement. 
(OOC: I think we should update our character bios when we level up so it's easier to keep track of everything) 
While the meeting was going on suddenly a system update came up

All players vision would go blank and the update load screen would come up. Once the update was done being installed it showed a list of what's been update.
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Apollo reaches the war room but is shot down by the gaurd but this was no problem "If you don't mind me asking what rank am I?" after getting what ever the reply was he and Chase wen't out for some target practice. They wander into the woods "So Chase you are not to harm animals unless I grant you permission I could lose my connection with animals". Apollo gives a stern look and Chase replies "Its a deal but you must actually attain a familiar" Chase reaches out for a hand shack to seal the deal and Apollo shakes his hand and agrees "deal".

They venture out soon to find awkward tree like creatures and chase looks at Apollo "go ahead but don't be seen" Chase climbs into a tree taking aim and in a swift motion fire off 5 arrows one by one in a mater of seconds. His skill showed and he was no slacker you could see he had done this until it was at the peak of perfection he kills all five of them with head shots and gain a small amount of xp from the level 8 creatures.
The guard said "Well you have the rank of Soldier."

In the War Room

Lance exclaimed "Ok, that's all for now thie meeting is adjoured."

The generals all walked out of the war room.

Lance walked to the Master Forge. It was here that the guild's master blacksmiths, alchemists, and sagecrafters came. Lance walked over to Karin a Master Blacksmith and her friend Tori who was a master Sagecrafter. He requested some custom Light Armor and a custom One Handed Sword.
Apollo thought about his rank which he didn't like but he had no problem with but he had already gained an Allie. "Chase you like to kill animals ever take out a player?" Apollo said with a joyfully creepy tone. "No but I will if your up for it" Chase replied with a slightly vicious tone "alright".

The two men wondered off into a spot where it was inhabited by a group of 4 players 3 guys one girl they where all swordsmen of high levels higher than Chase and Apollos but this made things more fun. once they had sight the two turned simultaneously to each other, Chase takes to the tree's while Apollo creeps from behind the trees and bushes Chase fires off a warning to get them prepared because there's no fun in killing easy prey. The guy who seemed like the leader steps up "whos there or whats there" Apollo runs past them appearing like a shadow "stop being di*ks and leave" the girl said with a hint of fear.

"Are you scared girly don't be its just a game" Chase says as he fire a arrow straight at her leg "hey cut it out" she says That arrow and the voice don't match direc-" the leader is cut off and dragged out into the shadow by Apollo and only his screams can be heard until there is complete silence. "Nice one partner"Chase says laughing at the terrified faces of the players are frozen. "you better run 3 2 1 GO" the guys run and the girl is killed by Apollo as she watches her life bar decrease and she is defenseless. While chase goes for the runners who arent very fast slowly losing life with every shot until there life is gone.

After the bodies are looted the two meet up "where actually very good murderers" they clasp hands congratulating each other "time to kill everyone its alot funnier than Beast".
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Lance messaged some friends to meet him at the Bridge.He was going on a quest and decided he should take friends along. At the bridge stood Firekick, Savage, and Testosterouge.

Noz, is another general in the guild. He has long legs and light brown skin. He has the usual low hair cut. He was wearing black pants and a blue light metal torso armor. He had throwing knives strapped across his chest and a sword hung from his waist in a black sheath.

Testosterouge wore a green jacket which was unzipped showing a black shirt and had a sword in a brown sheath. He wore gray pants and white boots.

"What up Chris and Nash" He said to the two calling them by their real names" Oh i mean testosterouge

and Noz."

Noz said "Oh what up, Lance, see i used yo game name. What are we doin out here."

"We are going on a quest." Lance answered

Testosterouge said "Oh really, wonder what'll be like."

Firekick and Lance did their handshake. "We should call his T. Rouge for short."

Tidus looked at the loading screen of the new VRMMO Alfheim 2. Then several options appeared before him. Language English He thought clicking on the button. Character design... Okay well that's done He though to himself again after finishing it. Username Sadaron he thought to himself, perfect. He then dove into the world of Alfheim 2.

He walked around Yggdrasil City on top of the world tree. "Hmm, It's similar to the original Alfheim" He said to him self. He looked around knowing some of the NCP shops and noticing new ones were put in. He walked around for a bit eventually making his way out of the city. He stretched out and dove off the top of the world tree. He let his fairy wings of and allowed himself to land safely on the ground. He opened his inventory, He saw a weapon in there Lvl. 1 Warrior Sword. "Time to level up" He said to himself as he took of.
The group flew out into the world for a while, they were looking for an NPC with an exclamation point above them because those are the quest givers. Eventually they found themselves nearing a body of water with a castle in the center. Closer inspection revealed the castle was in ruins, and a quest giver sat down in the ruin. The group landed infront of the NPC. Lance walked forward and said "Is something the matter?"

The NPC responded "My son has been taken prisoner by an evil man who wants made me build him a maze. Though he said until the maze has been tested i can't have my son back. So please forgive me." The NPC's icon turned into a purple question mark signaling the quest start. A magic circle opened on the island and just like that group was teleported to a door with a Triangle on it.

Noz said "Where are we?"

"The place where the quest takes place." Lance said as he approached the door and placed his fingers on it. A line burned it's way into the door and it opened. "Well only one place to go, coming."

Firekick said "Yeah sure"

"F*** it i'm in" he agreed.

Meanwhile, Another member of the Symphonia guild name Ced was on a crash course with Sadaron.
SekiryuuteiDxD updated Alfheim 2: Sword Art with a new update entry:

Exp System NPC

The Game features an Exp System rather than leveling up you spend exp to level of skills yourself. Skills can be trained to 1000.
Standard Minions : 24xLV Exp 30xLV Credits

Boss Minions: 60xLV Exp 150xLV Credits

Boss: 120xLv Exp 300x LV Credits
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Someone was flying very fast around the Yggdrasil City, they were distracted for a second and then slammed right into Tidus.
The new duo set out to become legendary killers that everyone would fear or at least respect. they ventured out into a village it had very few players and around 3 to 4 NPC that needed help they check all of them and choice the one with the most XP. It was from a woman who needed to have a large manbearpig type beast that had been attacking the village. "how about we beat the life out of it and you tame it once it's near death" Chase said in a strategic tone of voice it had seemed that after one fight the two knew each other very well and tried to make everything play out for the both of them "Sounds like a plan but beware your a long ranged fighter if I get into trouble you need to to do what you can from your range I can handle the rest" Apollo said in a serious but arrogant tone that seemed to bother Chase "alright"

They wonder down into the forest.
The crew found themselves in a dimly lit area, then Lance's brain got to work and he said "I know what this it, it's the Laybrinth. We shouldn't traverse it now, we should go back out and look for a castle. It even says that in the quest log." Lance said.

"Well, that was close, we need to go find something that'll navigate this place." said T Rouge.

Firekick replied "We need Aridiane's String to get through, i checked the map the entrance to the Laybrinth is one the coast of Crete so we need to back track and go to the Capital of this Island. "

"Alright, Lance, it's yo call" Noz exclaimed

Lance summoned the leader inside and declared "We shall go back and get the string. Then we'll return and ace this place."

The group walked back out the Laybrinth and began the trudge to Crete Castle.

Meanwhile, a duo was on their way to Apollo and Chase. They're usernames were, More Ice and Ramen.

More Ice said "We're hunting two jerks who ditched the guild to give them their send off beatdown."

Ramen said "Oh i see, they're so dead."

Ramen and Ice were nearing within sight of Chase and Apollo.
Ramen and Ice landed directly in front of Chase and Apollo.Ice bellowed "You jerks are minced meat now, think your gonna leave without a Symphonian send off.
I will be closing this rp

I'll do another SAO one in the future and of course it'll have my personal spin on it and i'll keep it a little more organized.
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