

A Lost Kitty
Nidelia submitted a new role play. @Nidelia, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Please note!!! If you wish to be one of the other two leaders you need to send me in PM a copy of your CS. If I approve it through PM you may and must post it here, thank you.

Also, there are more than just military positions for those who don't want to be part of that.



Bar stage dancer





Now for the character sheet.

Limitations: 4 High ranks per group












Powers/Strong Points:




Body Type:




Name: Nidelia

Nicknames: Nid or Niddy

Gender: Female

Clan: Hilendrix

Rank: Leader

Age: 19

Race: Neko

Hair: Purple

Eyes: Brown

Height: 5'8

Personality: Sweet, kind, loving, and carefree. She also doesn't like to eat much and worries her officers.

You also don't want to piss her off. If she gets beyond pissed off she acts irrational and makes stupid decisions most of the time. The only way to calm her down is with kids. Or when she meets someone them.

Powers/Strong Points: Her martial arts abilities.

Weaknesses: Her people. She would give herself up to Oztroja if it came down to it.

Clothes: As seen in pic.

History: Nidelia ran away from Sinderia to start the Hilendrix clan and start an army to fight Oztroja since the leader of Sinderia refused to.

Body Type: Slender

Marks: She has a mark on her back that no one has seen.


Name: Santron

Nicknames: San

Gender: Male

Clan: Sinderia

Rank: Knight

Age: 23

Race: Angel

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Green

Height: 6'0

Personality: He's protective of his leader and their subjects. Sweet, kind, and gentle with women. He's not really a flirter, but instead a looker.

Powers/Strong Points: His ability to incorporate his powers over Earth and Water with his sword.

Weaknesses: His leader. He would gladly give his life to save them.

Clothes: As seen in pic.

History: Santron grew up in one of the royal families of Sinderia. Instead of growing up like a spoiled brat and Mr. Strong Guy, he was sweet, kind, and gentle. However, he did know how to fight very well.

Now his job as a Knight is to protect the leader until his Lord tells him otherwise.

Body Type: Built

Marks: He has a symbol of angel wings on the back of his right hand.

Pictures: Human form:

Angel Form:

Name: Sakyra Hatano

Nicknames: Saky

Gender: Female

Clan: Oztroja

Rank: Foot soldier.

Age: 18

Race: Angel

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Turquoise Blue

Height: 5'8

Personality: Cold, calculating and very dangerous on the battle field because of it. That's the angel side of her.

When she's in human form she quiet and nice. She only talks when spoken to and takes her orders seriously.

Powers/Strong Points: Her ability to use lightening and ice at the same time with her pike in Angel form.

Weaknesses: Her split personality because the base personality is her human personality and she had control when her Angel side comes out.

Clothes: As seen in pics.

History: Sakyra grew up in a royal family in Sinderia, but when she was but a baby she was kidnapped right from her home by an Oztrojan spy and taken and made a warrior in the Oztrojan army and now defends her kingdom with her life.

Body Type: Slender/fit

Marks: She has a symbol of angel wings on the back of her left hand.


Human form:

Angel Form:
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Name: Rogar Sereine

Nicknames: The arm male

Clan: Hilendrix

Rank: General

Age: 37

Race: (depends on what you mean. He is a Caucasian human)

Hair: very dirty blonde

Eyes: blue

Height: 5'10"

despite being a General, Rogar knows how to relax.. he also knows when to be serious. Rogar is a visionary and an optimist, ruthless on the battlefield, but kind to a fault to those he trusts

Powers/Strong Points: His arm is the strongest, anywhere, hence his name. When using one handed weapons in that hand, such as swords etc. He is nearly unstoppable.

Weaknesses: his other arm is an Achilles heel, even a punch to that arm elicits a reaction, a blunt weapon hitting that arm neutralizes him in battle, if the arm is cut off he dies

Clothes: Heavy armor, focused on protecting his weak arm

History: When he was a child, Rogar's father would train him. Being left handed, Rogar's father could only teach Rogar through the mirror teaching, leading to Rogar's strong arm. The arm wouldn't be as strong, save for the fact that Rogar's father trained him all day and all night for three days a week.

Whenever Rogar disappointed his father, one of two things would happen, either his father would hit him, or he would whip his back.

When Rogar turned 13, his father gave him his first sword, which he also trained Rogar to use, just as hard as with his arm alone, leading to Rogar being an expert swordsman.

When Rogar was 15, his father was unimpressed with his son's progress, and punched his son's left arm.. hard, that's when he discovered his weakness, no matter how hard his father trained that arm, however, it never was made any stronger.

When Rogar was 18, he killed his father in a rage, built by years of physical and mental abuse. He ran away, to the Hilendrix, and joined their military. The only one who knows his past is Nidelia

Body Type: very muscular

Marks: scars run down his back, from years of whippings


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his right arm

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his scars

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his armor, focused on the left arm



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I hate bananas.
Name: Linnea 'Linn' Ahlgren

Nicknames: The Jackal

Gender: Female

Clan: Hilendrix

Rank: Doctor

Age: Twenty-six

Race: Human

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Grey

Height: 5'9

Personality: Linn is unusually cold-hearted and a bit of a thief, using her looks to temporarily seduce men and take small items she desires. Her home is filled with these trinkets, all organize neatly into their own sections. She's even rumored to steal from the newly dead, acquiring little things such as a ring or necklace. Her medical skills allows her to get up close and personal with those in the field who have been wounded, and soldiers say that she sabotages those who are mortally wounded in order to get at their possessions. However, most of these are merely myth.

Despite this, her competence as a doctor has saved many more lives than she supposedly neglects to treat, keeping her in business. When she isn't working and has no desire to steal, she can be quite interesting to speak with. Usually found at a pub after hours, she doesn't mind having a conversation with those who dare to sit at her table.

Powers/Strong Points: Extremely skilled surgeon, somewhat friendly after a few drinks, doesn't mind company, strong-willed.

Weaknesses: Liar, broken, stubborn, almost a perfectionist.

Clothes: She usually wears a tunic and trousers with boots, dark green or brown.

History: Linn had been immersed in the medical field from the start. Her father was a surgeon, and her mother was a Gunner in the Oztrojan military. She had no siblings, nobody to play with. Her father would bring home books on human anatomy, which his daughter would read. Shortly after her tenth birthday, however, her mother was fatally wounded in battle and, despite her father being their best surgeon, he was not allowed to operate on his wife due to how close he was to the situation.

The girl was left motherless and almost fatherless, since he had dissolved into a puddle of depression, filling his spare time with liquid of the alcoholic nature. He would stumble home in a drunk stupor in the middle of the night, and it would be up to his child to take care of her father. Linn was forced to grow up quickly in order to keep them under a roof and fed. She would take up trivial tasks to get a bit of extra coin in the family's pocket.

Once her father had recovered Linn could stop taking care of them, except she didn't want to. She studied the medical texts even more, intent on becoming a field surgeon. She succeeded, becoming one of the best in Oztroja. However, it wasn't until her father perished from a strange disease and she had fled to Hilendrix that she realized just how brutish and primitive the Oztrojan medical practices were. She began her education anew, her intelligence propelling her forwards at a startling rate.

Linn has lied about her origins ever since she came to Hilendrix, which became almost a habit.

Body Type: Mesomorph

Marks: A noticeable scar curving from her left ear to the corresponding cheekbone, bending downwards abruptly and travelling in a somewhat-straight line to end just below the left collarbone. (The history behind this will be revealed in the roleplay.)


I hate bananas

Name: Bella Seed

Nickname: Bella

Gender: Female

Clan: Hilendrix

Rank: bar stage dancer

Age: 18

Race: Human/witch

Hair: Pink

Eye: Green

Height: 5'6

Personality: When she was little she was shy a girl but as she got older her personality changed due to her past. Now she has become more of a troublemaker likes to pull pranks and does not take crap from people. Also not the most lady like. More of a Tomboy.

Powers/Strong Points: magic, spell casting, potion making, elements

Weaknesses: Her cross necklace is how she uses magic if you take off her necklace she is powerless but nobody knows that. Has a soft heart and can easily get her feelings hurt but she holds it in.

Clothes: Cross necklace, her normal clothes is a uniform and she wears a red top and a red skirt when she performs

History: She is from a noble family that lives in the
Oztroja clan. Her Father was a general of very high status. She also has a mother, a older sister and a grandmother. Her and her older sister went to a very elite school but unfortunately Bella was bullied a lot. When she turned 13 her grandmother gave her a cross necklace and said "This has been in out family for many years. This necklace was made by your great great grandfather who was a powerful warlock. He made this necklace and put all of his magic in it and whoever wears it will have amazing powers but there was a catch only those with a pure heart can control it but those who didn't have a pure heart the magic would destroy them. You are the only one in our family who has not been corrupted with greed hate and lust. So I am giving this to you, but remember this power can destroy you if not used wisely. Oh and one more thing make sure your parents never see the necklace they will try to take from you and use it for themselves and they will do anything to have it." So in secret her grandmother started to teach her how to use her powers. But unfortunately her grandmother was arrested for treason and put in prison. And her bullying at school got worse and worse. As she got older she started to change she went from this shy, meek and obedient good girl to what her family called her a bad seed. One day when she came home she heard her parents talking in another room. Dad: "Damnit i have looked every where and that necklace is nowhere to be found" Mom:"Well the old bat must of hid it somewhere in the walls or something." Dad: "Well I thought getting her arrested would make finding it easier but I guess she must of known what we were planing."After hearing this rage grew in her and she left vowing to free her grandmother someday. She ran away from the Oztroja clan and that's when she joined the Hilendrix Clan. To earn money she got a job as a bar stage dancer but know one dare touch her knowing she knock them out in one blow. Now her parents have realized that Bella has the necklace and are now after her.

Body Type: how she looks in her pic.

Marks: none

Her normal look

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her dancing outfit

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Name: Mizrath Mulner

Nicknames: The Crusher of Souls

Gender: male

Clan: Oztroja

Rank: Tyrant

Age: 37

Race: half elf, half human

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Red

Height: 6'9"

Personality: Demanding and cruel

Powers/Strong Points: an army of relentless soldiers, and the ability to control minds

Weaknesses: When he controls someone's mine, there is a slight chance that the other person's willpower may be stronger, if it is, then Mizrath's own mind is controlled

Clothes: Heavy Armor


Mizrath was born into royalty, but as many royal people are, Mizrath was ignored by his family, and largely by everyone but the staff of his family's castle. Sadly, this led to a demented and horrible youth, who loved to run outside, catch animals, and dismember them, piece by piece, until after they were already long dead. one such time, a fox retaliated, leaving Mizrath a long scar, running down his left eye.

Mizrath earned the nickname "crusher of souls" from his ability to control minds, and force the will of a soul to be ignored.. thereby crushing the soul inside the mind of the victim.

When Mizrath was crowned as king, he immediately declared war with several neighboring kingdoms, and conquered them all. For now, there are only two left, the Hilendrix, which is Mizrath's main target, and Sinderia, which Mizrath continues peace with, only to trade for supplies to crush the Hilendrix with.

Body Type:

Muscular.. like "wow.. that guy is buff..." muscular


a single scar on his left eye.



Mirath's scar


Mizrath's Armor


Better image of Mizrath's red eyes and face
Name: Takeru Maseo

Nicknames: The lighting of Oztroja

Gender: Male

Clan: Oztroja

Rank: Tank Driver

Age: 26

Race: Human

Hair: Blue

Eyes: Red

Height: 6' 2"

Personality: Calm and Reserved

Powers/Strong Points: Controls lightning, can fire electrical bursts, drives a tank more advanced then his peirs.

Weaknesses: Doesn't really practice melee combat, tank is slower than other tanks

Clothes: Casual wear is a black jacket and jeans

Armor is made of a highly conductive metal, allowing easier use of his powers.

History: Born into the lower class, Takeru spent his childhood learning how to survive on the streets of the largest city in Oztroja, and was collected by the military at the age of 7 when he began showing signs of control over electricity.

He was taken to a military camp and was taught to be a tank driver, as any tank he piloted could be powered by his powers alone. After 6 years of training, he was given a prototype tank that had power demands they couldn't naturally produce. They were unsuprised to see that Takeru was more than capable of powering it, and left him in command of a 5 man crew for his tank.

Body Type: Mid sized body

Marks: None

Pictures: Casual wear




Other: I hate bananas, and on my image seach, I came across both a pikachu knight, and a warhammer 40k marine dressed as robocop.
I Hate Bannas

Name: Princess Dove of Sinderia

Nickname: Dove

Gender: Female

Clan: Sinderia

Rank: Princess/Knight

Age: 14

Race: Human

Hair: Blond

Eyes: yellow, orange

Height: 5'4

Personality: Dove is a fun-loving, somewhat naive, and adventurous with a sense of humor. She also has a stubborn side. Dove has a deep respect for life and freedom. She is also a vegetarian. She loves meeting new people and seeing new places. She is consider to be one of the strongest knights in Sinderia. She sometimes wish she wasn't she hates the idea of war and violence and wants to live a normal life which is one of the reasons why she stays in Sinderia. Behind her carefree exterior she holds guilt deep inside because of her past. Because of her peaceful nature and the way she was raised she prefers to solve problems with out violence. Even when forced into combat, she holds back, fighting defensively and trying to subdue opponents without seriously hurting them. The only time she may las out is if her friends are in serious trouble.

Powers/Strong Points: She fights whit her sword which controls wind.

Weaknesses: hates the idea of violence, if she loses her sword she cant fight or control the wind, her being naive

Clothes: on pic

History: Dove is the Princess of Sinderia. Because of her father's belief in peace and no violence she grew to have the same values. Her mother the queen did not completely agree on he views and trained at a young age Dove in secret how to fight. Her mother gave her a powerful sword and taught her how to use it. Dove had a best friend named Raven who was a runaway from the Oztroja clan. One day while Dove was showing new moves her mother taught her they heard something in bushes. Then 4 men jump out at them. They both ran. Unfortunately the men grab Raven and started to take her away. Raven screamed help but know one heard. She scream Dove's name, but poor Dove was hiding in the bushes scared, hiding and didn't come out. She was 10 and her friend was 12. She never saw her since and now regrets that day. She regrets not trying to save her friend. Later her father found out about her training but was not mad after he saw how strong she was and her made a knight.

Body Type: on pic

Marks: None

Picture: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/render_rin_kagamine_knife_by_chiibiinihii-d4zn7ya.png.8cc298cbecd52339249487ae8805936b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21325" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/render_rin_kagamine_knife_by_chiibiinihii-d4zn7ya.png.8cc298cbecd52339249487ae8805936b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I hate bananas!

Name: Aeshae Sypris

Nicknames: "Dagger Boy"


Clan: Synderia

Rank: Knight

Age: 17

Race: Human

Hair: Matted black

Eyes: Heterochromic eyes, His left is a dark brown and his right is a light shade of blue

Height: 5'11

Personality: Possibly the opposite traits needed for a soldier, Aeshae is naturally merciful and self-righteous, constantly getting himself in trouble during combat drills. He also has a sense of duty towards serving the Synderian royal family, swearing his loyalty is always with them. Unfortunately under observant and careless, his only redeeming personality trait for a soldier is his will to not give up.

Powers/Strong Points: Aeshae is able to easily call upon what he calls "Limit Rush," forcing his body to reach maximum adrenaline levels at any time, increasing his reaction rate, strength, stamina, and speed as if he were about to die.

Weaknesses: Already spoken but Aeshae is careless and cannot kill, making him a terrible soldier for war. Also, due to his unusual spikes in adrenaline, his sleep has been completely trashed so he is constantly sleep deprived. To remedy this he heavily relies on drugs to put him to sleep, but this only works for a few hours.

Clothes: Casual clothes on pic/Formal occasions or when on business he wears the Sinderia Knights' Armor, a flimsy light weight set that is mostly for show.

History: Aeshae grew up with a mother and father, both of which had served as a butler and a caretaker most of their lives. He therefore spent a lot of time growing up in the castle, and often assisted his father in butler duties for the noble family. One day, he met the general at the time and spent the whole afternoon reading books and asking him questions. Aeshae fully respected that man and aspired to be just like him as well. Since then Aeshae has devoted his body and soul to becoming a fully fledged knight serving the royal family. By the time he reached his fifteenth birthday, Aeshae became one of the youngest knights that serve under the royal family. Because of Sinderia's nature, he was able to progress through the ranks while still being who he was. He earned the nickname "Dagger Boy," because of his usage of a four foot great sword of alarming weight, yet unwillingness to kill.

Body Type: Toned to a point

Marks: Sleep bags underneath his eyes


I Hate Bannas

Name: Princess Raven Mulner

Nickname: Blackfire

Gender: Female

Clan: Oztroja

Rank: Princess

Age: 16

Race: part elf mostly Human

Hair: Green

Eyes: Green

Height: 5'6

Personality: Raven is bitter, impatient, and complex. She is also very loyal and to her father and will do anything for him. Even after all the hardship she suffered at the hands of her farther, her motivation for this is fear and revenge. Raven believes one becomes strong by struggling and fighting for what they want. She is clever, yet hot-headed, often letting her temper get the best of her. She believes in not harming people if it isn't necessary. She is domineering and controlling, a result of her upbringing as Oztroja royalty , and disdained working with people she believes are inferior; yet she adamantly refuses to view people as expendable. (later she starts to change)

Powers/Strong Points: Fights with two katanas that control fire which is black

Weaknesses: Anger, needs her swords to fight, father, mother

Clothes: in pic

History: Raven is the daughter of Mizrath Mulner, the leader of the Oztroja clan. Because of her father's cruel personality she grew to fear him, as did her mother. Her mother was forced to marry Mizrath. Her mother got hit a lot and little Raven would see it. Her mother scared for her life and daughter's ran away from Oztroja. To hide in Hilendrix to live a new life but the mother not sure if she could completely trust the Hilendrix never told them their real identity. Raven and her mother were very happy. One day while Raven was exploring the forest she meant a girl named Dove and became instant friends. But it would not last one day while Dove was showing Raven some new moves her mother had taught her, four men from Oztroja jump out at them and grabbed Raven. Raven scream and called out Dove's name but dove never came out to help. The men took her back to her father. When she got there she asked where her mother was knowing he must of went after her too. He told Raven that the Hilendrix killed her when they found out who she was. But that wasnt true because she ran and refused to obey him he had his men kill her. but Rave till this day still doesn't know the truth. So her father asked her to stay and let him train her to get revenge on them, she agreed. He put her threw some harsh training and one day when he got angry at her he lashed out on her and now has a scar. She is now a general and is under her father's command.

Body Type: on pic

Marks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/612648.jpg.4ea63b9b2d2ed6c28948c3869d7c700a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21456" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/612648.jpg.4ea63b9b2d2ed6c28948c3869d7c700a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> a scar on her eye that her father gave her keeps bandage up and hides with bangs

Picture:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/KnifeSongfull304614.png.ed79727634895cff1cb7c63cc9a306ab.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21457" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/KnifeSongfull304614.png.ed79727634895cff1cb7c63cc9a306ab.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Marsen Calon

Nicknames: Commonly referred to as a "frozen-fingers" by those he works with for the sake of secrecy.

Gender: Male

Clan: Oztroja

Rank: Unranked, however he operates as a freelance soldier to the Oztrojan armies to be used as the king sees fit.

Age: 17

Race: Human, but slowly developing inhuman traits due to a pestilence in his ice magic.

Hair: White

Eyes: Grey

Height: 5' 11

Personality: Marsen firmly adheres to the Oztrojan way of strength and conquest over peace and sentimentality. He recognizes individuality as meaningless, and prefers to act in a manner that will always benefit what he considers the greater good--even if this means sacrificing himself or those in his employ. His magical prowess is reflected in his personality as he is oftentimes cold and unresponsive to the people around him. The freelancers who have served with him often fear for their own lives more when they are alone with him, than when they are in battle simply because they can be assured in battle that his focus is elsewhere. Hard, and nearly impenetrable, Marsen's outer personality has been meticulously crafted through years of suffering and loss. In fact, beneath what is often falsely perceived as a love for domination, Marsen is nearly always depressed with the state of the world. He has no time for ethics and philosophy because he just desperately wants the fractured world to unite. While he technically isn't bound to the regimen of the Oztrojan army, he follows his lord's will to a point because he honestly believes that power and conquest is the only way to truly unite all three factions.

Powers/Strong Points: Marsen is one of the most highly adept ice magicians in the Oztrojan employ, able to freeze the moisture in the air to subzero temperatures and mold it to his will as a weapon or tool. What gives him an edge, however, is that his own sadness amplifies his magic. The more distraught he is, the greater the magic he can conjure, with his strongest spell being that of a miniature blizzard he can contort and shape around his own body like armor. Marsen as been known to craft his ice into weapons and armor as well when necessary, and magic-bound ice is known to be more durable than the regular substance.

Weaknesses: Marsen's greatest physical weakness is the fact that his own ice magic is slowly atrophying his body. He shares this knowledge with no one, but because of the peculiar nature in which his own magic seems able to respond to his feelings and actions, Marsen has incidentally begun to infect himself with a form of magic dissonance in which the user's body cannot balance its magic connection, and unintentionally begins to "leak" it in the form of a sheen of decaying ice. The more he uses his powers, the faster the disease seems to spread, meaning he must be conservative, even if the pestilence does not travel particularly fast.

Psychologically, Marsen’s defenses can only be compromised by affection, which he is not likely to find in the Oztroja clan to begin with. Incidentally this weakness is tied to a friendship he once had which was forcibly taken from him. Because he never rediscovered the person he had once loved, he fell into a spiraling, self-hating sadness. To this day he blames himself for being too weak to save the one he once loved, and this is a constant source of weakness for him as a result.

Clothes: A single black robe, inlaid with sheep’s wool to insulate his body temperature. While the cold has little effect on him, the garb is customary, and also helps prevent the corruption spreading along his body. Additionally, under the robe he wears a studded, black leather tunic and similarly matching pants and boots.

History: Marsen was born to a small farming village in the Oztrojan area, and was impoverished throughout much of his young life. Before he was spotted for his magical talents, the boy diligently worked to the benefit of his village, always believing the best way to prove himself was through excelling in his field. While his village eventually was destroyed for the implantation of machine factories, Marsen never lost his will to be the best at what he did. When he was found to have magical capabilities in the field of ice, he was taken from his family to be trained by Oztrojan officials. While the prospect of being away from home dismayed some, Marsen was eager to prove his worth and cast the shackles of kinship from himself in doing so. While training under Oztrojan tutelage, he found his intellectual and magical equal in a girl of the same age. Instantly, he was enamored with her beauty and grace. While he could never best her, his natural need for excellence had him constantly on her heels until at last he was powerful enough to be a match for even her. While he might’ve gladly killed any of the other acolytes if given the order, Marsen revered the girl so much that for the first time he believed there was something more valuable than strength and power. Unfortunately, she was of an entirely different caste than he, and did not share his feelings. Nonetheless, Marsen’s first missions in the field were by her side and he protected her fiercely, even though he never had to. Naturally, Marsen repeatedly tried to show her his worth in the field, but alas she still did not view him as more than an ally and colleague. Unlike Marsen, she was kind and constantly questioning the ethics behind the Oztrojan ways of war and conquest. Marsen, in a fit of frustration, told one of the higher-ups of her misgivings in an attempt to spite her, but instead made the greatest mistake of his life. One night, the girl disappeared entirely, leaving nothing but a warm bloodstain on the crisp winter snow to indicate her leaving had not been her own choice. It was no secret how traitors were dealt with in Oztroja, and Marsen immediately realized he had doomed the only friend he had ever had. Hardened with sorrow and hatred for both himself and the world around him, Marsen vowed to fight until everyone was at last under one banner. That way, no one could ever again be accused of aiding another faction ever again.

Body Type: Marsen has a lanky build, but is covered in lean muscle created through years of rigorous training

Marks: None



I also hate bananas, for what its worth.

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