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Fantasy Aleria: Hilendrix

Location: Outside Hilendrix Cave
Speaking to: Tristam & Lark Clan: Hilendrix
Rank: Shaman
Nidelia Sponze
Nidelia simply shrugged at Lark's tease and smiled at Tristam. "Oh, she's just trying to tease me and threatening to tell a friend," she took this moment to shoot a glare at Lark. "of mine that you're my new boyfriend," she says rolling her eyes at the idea and waving Lark off. "Just go have the letter delivered, then get everyone to gather outside my home," she says simply as she heads back towards inside the cave.
-She giggles and gives an exaggerated bow to Nidelia before turning to Tristam- "enjoy your stay and see you at the meeting, careful, Nidelia is a handful...literally~" -She chuckles again before going into her house, gathering some water, a little food for her trip and her shortsword before leaving, flying at a low height for a quick landing and heading in the direction to Sinderia

Mood: mood: Elated (from flying) location: flying to Sinderia talking to Nidelia and Tristam Nidelia Nidelia BassJunkyLeader BassJunkyLeader clan: Hilendrix rank: shaman right hand equipment: water, food and her shortsword

Location: The Desert->Training Grounds
With: Bushin, Almond Chase, many other warriors
Mood: Amused
Role: Warrior Leader
"Good morning to you and you know I prefer the name Rangor," Rangor greeted back to the Master Hunter, rather bluntly as he was quite focused on handling this dense pile of muscle. Living weapons such as he would not know of such nuances as consideration. Rangor might just have to prove a point here, but how to do it to a mindless warrior? He couldn't beat the point into him, that was a death wish.

Or was it?

"Friend, we are not a people abundant with riches," the Orc said in what appeared to be a persuasive tone. It didn't sound that persuasive, though. Orc mouths weren't meant for that. "If you continue to break our dummies so easily, the losses will pile up and our funds will deplete like dust in the wind." Even though he was considering the losses, Rangor also understood that this wasn't a man to let idle. His fighting needed to be refined day after day after day. Hokusai was as of now merely a sword and what the Hilendrix needed from him was a warrior, with his own shape, character and conscience. For the most part, Lady Nidelia could handle the latter two, but as far as constraint in combat went, only one could claim to be superior.

"How about this, Hokusai? You cease training with the dummies and instead spar with me." He uttered this with an amused grin on his face, subtly challenging him to it. This was the best course of action; Hokusai could have his fix and the dummies would be spared. Rangor didn't break, after all.

K Kiowa PicaPirate PicaPirate
Mood: A tad bit embarrassed.
Location: Helendrix Cave Speaking to: Nidelia Nidelia Lark Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 Equipment: Steam Arms
Tristam blinked as Nidelia calmly explained Lark's tease. He could feel himself start to turn pink, slowly but it was happening. Nidelia was certainly... cute, he thought. Wait what I am thinking? Tristam shook his head and suppressed his blush quickly. As Lark flew past them, he said loud enough for Lark and Nidelia to hear (all the while joking), "If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was flirting with me. Or at least something of the sort." He grinned smugly. His voice was gentle and calm yet the tease was definitely pointed. Tristam didn't mean to hurt anyone but was sick and tired of people deciding who he was a 'boyfriend' to. He wasn't one to do it with anger, but Tristam decided he had to do something. Even if it was risky.

Mood: Happy and in a good mood overall
Location: Inside Hilendrix Cave
Speaking to: Tristam BassJunkyLeader BassJunkyLeader
Clan: Hilendrix
Rank: Shaman
Nidelia Sponze
Nidelia blinked at Tristam, unamused. Everyone she knew said she was a flirt, even though she never personally saw it. She wasn't necessarily taking it personally, but due to this, she couldn't say whether he was wrong or right. She simply put on a smile, shrugged, and walked into the cave. "So, Tristam, what is it you hope to gain by joining Hilendrix, besides sanctum from Oztroja?" she asks curiously as she walks towards her home to grab her plans for what she was going to do with her new "army".
Mood: A tad bit embarrassed.
Location: Helendrix Cave Speaking to: Nidelia Nidelia Equipment: Steam Arms
Tristam leaned closer to Nidelia as her expression showed the lack of amusement. "I was referring to Lark." Tristam wanted to explain more but decided to drop it before he got into trouble. He decided it would be better to answer Nidelia's question. "Well, I guess I cam here for redemption. I've hurt people, yet I know I can fix that. Maybe you can use me to help others here. But the main reason is that I want to stay away from any Oztroja soldiers. Sorry if I am causing any distrust." he said, his eyes sparkling with a look of sadness and honesty.

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