Alchemicals: Such a disapointment

It barely came up, mainly because I went the slightly sub-optimal route of having many charm slots. If I needed to, under the fast travel protocol the entrance to Jarish from where we were in Creation was just a day's travel. I also had the protocol to swap charms, but I never had enough Clarity to use it. Further complications would have arrived if Jarish found out he was going native, but his lip-service to the mission so far was keeping him out of trouble, but he did have a cell within the vat workers with his growing cult of personal freedom, just in case he had to completely sever ties.
Well I only read first page of this discussion and from what I see OP's problem is lack of proper ways to interact alchemicals with other exalteds. Well Its to be expected this way honestly. WW never release a product that can be work well with others in the same world to begin with for example you will have great trouble if you try to mix players of werewolf, vampire and mage in an oWoD (and from what I heard even in nWoD) can it be done? yes. Would it be easy? No.

Even other exalted types require a huge amount of effort to work together in a play group when compared to a group with only one exalted type. If you start a campaign with a mix of solar and lunars which are the easiest combination of all to work fluff-wise you will start to hear how lunar players leaving behind of solars after a few seasons of playing. If you try to mix any other exalted types they will need backstories and tweeks to not get each others throat at the second they see each other. Great Curse doesn't help on the matter either. If you are seeing a group of players with different exalted types get along well its either because they newly started exalted and think it will be cool to play different types each or they are forced to work together which is most of the time case ad probably alliance dissolve at the moment problem handled.
LaFreeze said:
Yes but this is Exalted. If hook a motor and generator together like that not only would it work it, it would produce excess power and turn it into fruit baskets with kittens in them and then the real problem would be the innumerable horde of essence filled kittens dashing about causing untold chaos and threatening to tip the world in void or something. Worst of all you would turn out to be Ebon Dragon or the Mask of Winter and intended for me to set this horrible kitten cataclysm in motion all along.
I like the fact that Autochthon isn't a 'perfect' world. He always has been the sickly one. Additionally he left Creation in a rush the primie had some serious stuff to do, cut the brother some slack!

If I recall correctly, WW basically decided that the whole "Locust Crusade" metaplot was toxic to the setting because it introduced several very unpopular elements and themes (e.g. there was a rather corny green bent to the whole thing).

So I can understand why they would be reticent to add it to 2nd edition, as interesting as it would be.
One of the biggest things that the Auto bots can do is save creation from the reclamation.

If any green sun princes enter the Seal of Eight Divinitys it is likely that the Eight Nations will open all Eight Gates around the Threshold and attack the Infernal Armys with The Soilders from the Locust Crusade, Mass numbers of

Auto bots and their tech. That isn't enough to Win hands down but it can turn the tide for the better.

Also in first Addtion When Authcon drains souls from the well he dosn't eat them. He stores them in the empty container so that the mass number of still births stops.

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