Akuma Su - Cafe of Demons

Emperor Shadow IV

The Emperor of Shadows

Character Slots Open




1 Maid



Here is where you make your Character Application Sheet.

~Please have a firm understanding of the rules and story before creating a character~

Demon Application:


Age (15-26):



(Waiter, Maid, or Cook)



(Minimum of 2 paragraphs)

Demon Familiar or Demon appearance:

(You must choose one. Note that those who do not have a familiar are "half-demons", so they'll only have small indications of being a demon. i.e. horns, wings, etc.)

Demon Weapon (if half-demon):

(Must be fairly realistic. No elemental powers or magic, it has to be like a normal weapon. Please post a picture or give a thorough description.)

Likes and Dislikes:




Undercover Exorcist Application:


Age (17-28):



(Waiter, Maid, or Cook)



(Minimum of 2 paragraphs)

Exorcist Weapon:

(Must be fairly realistic. No elemental powers or magic, it has to be like a normal weapon. Please post a picture or give a thorough description.)

Likes and Dislikes:




Neutral Character Application:


Age (15-28):




(Minimum of 2 paragraphs)

Personal Weapon:

(Please post a picture or give a thorough description.)

Likes and Dislikes:



(Note: Neutral characters may become in league with the Demons or Exorcists, but outside of the cafe they won't have much to do.)

Existing Characters:


Name: Airi Tokage

Age (15-26): 20

Gender: Female

Job: Maid



Airi is very polite when it comes to her customers. Whenever someone comes to visit, she will smile and bow. She puts her customers before herself and takes care of their every needs. She will not tolerate any impoliteness towards any customer from her co-workers. If she does witness rude behavior towards a customer, she will immediately scold the rude person. She also tends to spend most of her time talking to her customers.

When Airi is provoked or in a tight situation, she may become violent. For example, if she happens to be cornered by exorcists, she will become violent. However, if she's just in a bad mood, she will lose all politeness. Even to her customers. When that happens, she tends to work in the back more and avoids her customers.

Demon Familiar or Demon appearance: Hell Dragon. Name: Oni

Demon Weapon (if half-demon): N/A

Likes and Dislikes:

Likes: Airi likes sweets. Especially foreign sweets, such as Éclairs, strawberry tarts, and macarons. She also has a thing for red and white roses.

Dislikes: Airi dislikes anything bitter or spicy. They simply don't suit her. She also hates loud people or people who think they're better than others.

History/Bio: Airi was born into a strict family of demons. Her family consisted of an older brother, younger sister, mother, and father. Together, they lived in a mansion deep in the woods. Since her parents never left the house, they brought human maids, butlers, and cooks to the mansion. This way, they wouldn't have to leave the mansion to find food. Airi, however, refused to eat the souls of the maids and butlers who were so kind to her. The only ones who cared for her. Her parents said that if she didn't, she would die. Of course, being scared of death at her young age, she listened to her parents. Since then, she continued to eat the souls of her maids.

When she was 14, rumors spread around the town that the Tokage mansion was cursed. Not that long after, exorcists raided her house, killing everybody in there. At that time, Airi was outside, admiring the rose bushes in the backyard. She heard screams. As she went to investigate, she found the dead bodies of her parents. Deeper into the mansion, she found her brother and sister dead as well. Scared of the exorcists coming back, she fled. After living on the streets since the incident, she found a job as a maid. To her liking, her co-workers were also demons(or half demons).

Other: None


Name: Simon ( Real name: Pierre Flamenco )

( Nicknames: Pie | Prince | Onii-chan )

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Job: Waiter


( Meticulous | Affable | Charming | Reserved | Protective )

Pierre is someone who you can easily open up to and he will accept you no matter what/ who you are. He loves to have a good chat with his customer, talking about what had happened before and about 'Light Cafe'. He would ask about how the staff were doing and how 'Alex' been doing but he doesn't say anything else. He knows his sister is part of the government and their plan to take them out but he can't let them do that ( his reasons is unknown ) even if it's his own sister.

He may seem like a carefree guy but he does keep the little things important. He likes to observe and write notes down on the little things people like or what they do and etc. To some it may seem like a stalker kind of thing but he just doing this so he can help get more souls for his familiar... I mean to make good friends.

Now everyone knows who he is, he is what people call a "prince" and someone any girl would die to have as their boyfriend. He has everything a prince is; charming, sweet, friendly and a cutie. All girls fall for him and nicknamed him "Prince" because of this. Many girls ask for him to serve them but Pierre knows how to use this for his advantages. Maybe this is the reason why he gets so much souls.

Demon Familiar or Demon appearance:

His Demon Familiar is named: Gho ( Go - oh )


Likes and Dislikes:

He loves his younger sisters, Alexis and Lillian more than anything but he can't be their usual brother anymore. He has given his soul to the devil ( his reasons is unknown ) and can't go back now. His fate has been made and he will either have to die or keep this secret forever but he knows that his life will be taken and the one who will take it will be his little sister herself only. He also has a liking for sweets and loves to eat sweets made from customers ( Most being girls ) and sweets from the cooks but sometimes they would tell him to go away.

The one thing that he hates is seeing his sisters hurt especially Alexis being wounded or sad. Even though she is now his enemy, he still loves her and will try his best not to get his sister harmed by himself and from the others. He also has a hate for anything with strawberries in them... even when he loves sweet things his taste buds just don't like the taste of strawberries ( Pretty weird if you ask me ). One time, one of the customer gave him strawberry sweets and he went off into the bathroom sick to his stomach. He doesn't really know why he hates strawberry but he just doesn't like the taste is all he can say.


Ever since he was 5, he was able to see spirits and demons all around him. At first, this was scary and he would sleep with his parents a lot as a child but after a while he got used to this and became friends with one of the demons named, Gho. He would always lock himself in his room chatting with Gho and asking questions like why he was here and what he wanted from him. Gho was a mysterious familiar and was hard to understand for Pierre but they got along well but then Gho started to act weird.

When Pierre was in middle school, Gho started disappear randomly from time to time when he was in class. Sometimes there would be news about kids being found dead in the woods as the teachers started to worry about the kids being. Gho would always come back after the new has been announced and Pierre found it strange. So he investigated, skipping class and followed Gho. Pierre wanted to know the reasons because Gho's disappearance and watched as Gho took a child who was unconscious to the woods, eating the child's soul as Pierre watched in complete horror at what he witnessed. Gho knew already that Pierre saw and looked to his direction with dark red eyes,"Pierre..." Gho said in a dark voice,"I need souls to survive... and to make you strong..." Taking Pierre's hand on his head to pet him,"That kid was the one who bullied you.. well now he won't bother you... aren't you happy?" Gho said as he looked back at the now dead child. Pierre didn't know what to say as he suddenly smiled, petting Gho's head as he held him close,"Thank you... friend" He said in a cheerful voice.

Once Pierre finally graduated, he told his parents he was "moving out" and was leaving to study aboard. His parents accepted this and let him go but secretly, he was leaving to keep away from his parents, he knew his parents real identities and needed to run away before they knew about Gho's presence. Soon he moved away, he changed his name to "Simon" and got a job at "Akuma Su Cafe" as a waiter. Soon after he find out his sister was part of the government and was now a maid at the rivaling cafe "Light Cafe". The time has finally came for him to fight his own sister and his secrets to be told.


He kinda stalking his sister in a way.

Right now he is in a "Cafe Wars" with the other cafe.


Lilian De Mois

"Call me Lily!"

Age (15-26):

21 (Or so she looks and says)

"I'm old enough...if you get my meaning."



"You can check if you want.. I don't mind <3"



"I'm here for you master.."




Lilian is a complete flirt and has a very seductive nature. She teases all the male customers and the male staff of Akuma Su. Don't think she doesn't do it to women as well. She likes to switch things up every now and then.

True to her demon nature, being a succubus, she is seductive. Lilian is more than just that though, she is friendly and quite outgoing. She knows many customers and all of the staff by name. Her teasing can be seductive or it can only be friendly banter. Lily is considered the friendliest out of all of the Akuma Su and is the most requested (Although there are other reason than just friendliness).

When Lilian gets angry, she just smiles and the next thing you know, you might want to be careful about moving around. A body part my fall off if you're not careful.

"I never miss <3"

Demon Familiar or Demon appearance:


Demon Weapon (if half-demon):


Likes and Dislikes:





Her scythe





Being ignored

Being mean to her friends

Not giving into her charms


Not much is known about Lilian. She is a Succubus demon but how she first came about is unknown. When Akuma Su was first created, she was there: flirting and serving. Lily likes to keep quiet about her past. Her reasons are not known but she gets a weird, creepy smile when you try to ask her about.

"That's not something I want to talk about. Okay sweetie <3"



Yuri Hakami









Yuri, sporting his usual shades and button down shirt.


Yuri is a very outgoing individual with an eccentric personality. He could go on a 15 minute monologue about the quality of his French baguette and still have energy to ramble on and on about the other products of his cooking. And often he does too. He's very sarcastic on a regular basis, sometimes a little overbearing, and constantly pretends that everyone thinks the world of him.

Despite seeming a goofball, Yuri actually has a darker side. He's easily provoked or angered, and when he is he becomes very condescending. His sarcasm plays up the most when he's angry. If it comes to it, he even resorts to violence. But, after all, he has made a contract with a demon.

Demon Familiar:


A demon Hellhound, nicknamed "Ruf" by Yuri.

Demon Weapon:


Likes and Dislikes:

Yuri is a big believer in ridiculous eastern homeopathic methods for living a good life, and is constantly using these methods and bringing them up in conversation. He also likes his hard liquor and extravagant cooking. Women, of course, are an interest of his, but so is his cat. He loves cats, and curses himself for having a dog as a familiar instead of a cute little kitten. He's also into horror films, French manners, and shiny stuff.

Yuri's dislikes would include barbaric behavior, those who have no taste for art (in particular food), and dog lovers. He's also irked when things are not clean or where they should be, and when a women resents him. Don't touch his liquor either, as he's very protective of it.


To be discovered . . .



Issabelle Orimura









Cheerful at customers but rather scary to workers especially when angry,she may love someone if he and her are nice to her,there is a nice side to her only need to dig into her feeling..

Demon Familiar or Demon appearance:

Half-breed,have only fox ears and tail

Demon Weapon:

Katana and a G36c Assault rifle

Likes and Dislikes:

Like:spicy food,shiny metalic items (guns primarily)

Dislikes : sour food and Over dressed people


Issabelle is a descendant of a Human soldier and a demon from japan,back during the 2nd world war her mother that is a demon fell in love with a human soldier from Britain,when they got married,Issabelle was born in london,Her mother took care of her until she grew old enough to explore the world by herself,her mother runs a coffee shop in london,Issabelle helped her mother in the coffee shop right after going coming back from school,but her mother would always told her to change school ever 5 years,as Issabelle age slower than human child,when she was 10 years old by appearance his father had grown too old and passed away right before she can reach home,now with her and her mother left they flew back to Japan,her mothers homeland,and she grew old enough to work,her mother then passed away,leaving her alone in japan to handle herself by her own..she then entered Combat school and military training in hope to follow her Fathers footstep,now under the order of her superiors she is tasked to investigate a local factory near the cafe,the best disguise is as a worker at the cafe..

Other : none....


Vralik Estenheim










Vralik is generally quiet around others, not interacting more than he has to. When spoken to, many would call him polite, and then not be able to describe anything else about him. He makes an effort to keep a lid on his emotions, and emits a professional air around him constantly. Those who work through this barrier can find a loyal friend

Demon Familiar or Demon appearance:

Half-breed, see above

Demon Weapon:

A glaive, with serrated edges


Likes and Dislikes:

Likes fine wine, good food, quiet, people who mind their own business, and reading. Dislikes loud noise, disturbances, people who don't know what they're doing, and people who can't mind their own business.


Vralik was born from the union of a male kitsune with his human mother. His father abandoned the two, leaving his mother to raise Vralik by herself. As Vralik grew older, he found that his body always seemed to crave sustenance, no matter how much human food he ate. His mother tried to help, and taught him how to cook for himself, and how to share with others. When he was 14, Vralik's true nature could not be hidden anymore. As the craving for human life took him, he attacked the only human in the area . . . his mother. Since that day, Vralik has traveled from place to place, never remaining more than four or five months in one location. He cannot deny his nature, but he cannot allow himself to die either. So he does what he must, and hates himself for it. In his current predicament, he has found the cafe a very suitable place to hone his skills, as well as have a menagerie of 'meals' to choose from. If he can, he removes undesirables from the world. He never takes a life without sin if he can help it.


He enjoys wine. REALLY enjoys it. To the point he has falsified his ID to buy in bulk, and is almost always seen with a glass of some or another. To him, its taste seems to slow the need for a human meal down, though it's mostly mental.






Name: Alexis Flamenco

( Nicknames: Alex | Lexy | Ally | Ms. Flame )

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Job: Maid


( Reserved | Cautious | Intelligent | Pragmatic | Methodical )

Alexis is a very hardworking and serious individual. She doesn't rest for anything and would do her best to get the job done right and neatly. She does not tolerant with mess and would make those who created the mess clean it at all cost even if you're her friend or foe she will make you clean it. She likes to keep her things and other clean as you will sometimes see her mopping the floor or shining the counter/tables.

She likes to micromanage things as she stand at a corner watching as her 'minions' work and telling them to do this and that as she sees what needs help but she also helps too so she not that bossy. She only acts like this because it's her way of being 'helpful' in her own way.

But she can be mean sometimes when it comes to talking about herself. She doesn't like giving information about herself to other and would try to change the subject or tell you in the nicest way as possible to say 'no' ( more like she says 'Get away from me' more then 'Sorry I'm not telling' ). It's also part of her job to keep secrets so she does her job maybe too well but it's fine since the government likes her style.

Seeing as how mature she is, she does have her childish times where she can be childish as much as she wants to but she only does this when she's alone or with some she knows really well (like for 2 years or more) so it will be hard to get to see this side of her.

Exorcist Weapon:

Specially made swords (Yes, there are two swords just that they look alike) that was created by the 'gods' and passed down from generation from generation.


Likes and Dislikes:

Just from her personality, you can easily tell she loves to be clean and secretly she loves cute things but she never shows her other side because she fears it will just be a weakness against her. She also likes to have a good cup of tea and read a book on a warm morning like any 'old lady' would like to do.

What she dislikes the most is mess and lousy people, she will kill you if you don't clean well and is very scary when it comes to being clean so try to stay as clean as possible around her! When it comes to lousy people she won't be like those people who go yelling at people for being lazy oh no... she will remember you and make your life become hell! It like she the devil herself which is very scary so also another warning, Don't be lazy!


As a child, She was raised in a poor family. Her family was her father (Gilbert Flamenco), mother (Emma 'Dandelion' Flamenco), Big brother ( Pierre Flamenco ), and a younger sister ( Lillian Flamenco ). Her family was a happy family even though they were poor they always looked at the good side of things and never let the bad bring them down. But being in a poor family made her get fun of at school as she would always get teased and bullied for her family reputation. Because of this she would try to be smart and support her family as much as possible, getting jobs at a young age and studying day and night non stop over stuff that were higher level work for a child like her.

As she grew up, she was accepted to many good private academies and made great honor to her family but they were still poor then when she got into high school. She still did part-time jobs and support her family and it didn't affect her studying but her parents worried for her health as they tried to help too but she said don't. Her older brother had already graduated and "moved away" but he still kept in contact and gave money to support his parent from time to time. So Alexis was left to take care of the family.

After a few months passed, Alexis started to meet/see strange things, these things were like demons as she was suddenly meeting demons in her life. She didn't understand why she could see them as she would them so she asked her parents,"Mother, Father... Why can I see demons?" Her question directed to her parents as they stared at her shocked. Her mother got up and went off somewhere, she came back holding a cloaked stick as she unwrapped it and revealed two twin swords ( In the picture above ). She gave them to Alexis and explained how they were exorcist and that this has run in the family's blood for centuries, now it was her time to fulfill her family's name since her brother couldn't do this.

In order to do this duty that was given to her, she graduated college and left to join the government, ranking up to finally be accepted to help with the mission to find out what "Akuma Su Cafe" was really up to and stop them by being a maid for "Light Cafe" but little did she know, her brother was part of "Akuma Su Cafe" and has been accompany a demon ever since he moved away.


She dislikes killing so don't push it! She also has a pet cat at home who she named, Shima.

Right now she is in a "Cafe Wars" with the other cafe.


Sage Ruuso




Female, though looks Male.


Waiter, (Male uniform.)



Sage is best put as a hard shell to crack. She comes off as confident and flirty, her pride rarely getting in her way. Sage keeps everyone around her arms length away. If someone approached her with interest in dating her, she could play with you until the moment she breaks your heart. Sage occasionally finds it in herself to do a kind thing, though she rather keep it to herself than let people know she actually cares. Sage likes to sleep around, easily flirting those around her. As long as the action means nothing to her, Sage easily finds herself being a touchy feely person. When it comes to her actually reaching out to comfort someone, the feelings and actions come hard to her.

Sage has sometimes been described as not having an 'inner child'. She had a fairly serious personality, though hides behind a face of jokes, pranks and witty to lude remarks. Sage says and does most things to watch other people's reactions to them. The more extreme of a reaction, the more she is likely to tease or play with you. Her personality also is a protection for others who are like her. Since she knows she loves to watch people's reaction while annoying them, she gives little to no or opposite than expected reaction just to be an annoyance to said person. She usually has a realistic look to life, her actions revolving mostly around her and her mothers survival. Sage often cracks easily under too much emotional stress having no healthy way to express her emotions.

Exorcist Weapon:

The pole holding the blade collapsible against the blade, folding in on itself and even acting a bit like a sheath for the blade when folded. Unfolding would simply be pulling the pole away from the blade and extending it out to be normal pole-arm length. A mechanism would be there to lock it in place so it couldn't collapse back in on itself.


She likes to cook, playing games with people and demons, flirting, cats


Bad cooking, dogs, getting wet, large bodies of water, getting hurt


In difference, if you really want me to write it all... its in her character sheet which is linked in her name.



Brithien Kasuki










Brithien has more of a quite type of aura, she reads almost during all of her time, being quite and timid while doing so. When not reading, she is very keen, aware of her surroundings like an animal, but also trustworthy, but far from blissful.

Exorcist Weapon:



Likes and Dislikes:


Crafting fine foods, reading various forms of literature, and helping people with personal issues.


'Junk foods', liars, hyper people.


Brithien lived the quite and proper lifestyle of a high class, successful Japanese family. Her father and mother both being quite extravagant writers, this inspired her life above almost all else. During her school career, she scored as any lady of her age and heritage would suggest, top of class and highly intelligent. There was in fact, a flaw that could be pointed out about her, a flaw that was only apparent to her. Up until she left her parents home, she was haunt night after night by shinigami, the demons and gods of death. Without consulting her parents, being on her own finally, she joined and ranked through government groups, eventually landing herself a position that she had been waiting for since these haunting occurred, the military branch with the affairs to demons. There, she was paired up in Light Cafe, to unravel the mystery of Akuma Su Cafe.


*Hope I did this to your liking 8)


Sung Moon

Age: 25






Sung is known to be a very energetic man, always doing something to keep himself occupied. He's kind and obedient to his allies, but is seen to be intimidating, decisive, and serious by others (usually from people he confronts randomly). Haves a very carefree attitude and dense mind, which can usually lead to some trouble among his peers. But whenever he gets a job though, he'll take it seriously and do whatever it takes to complete it. Known to use extreme actions to get the job done, no matter what happens to him or who/what gets in his way. Usually causes a lot trouble for anybody that gets involved with him during those jobs, but always tries to fix the problem up immediately if given the chance.

Whenever in combat, prefers the "get-in-their-face" tactic to his enemies with his weapons and fists, so he can surprise them with brute force. Also eats anything from junk food to extravagant food.

Exorcist Weapon:
Kukri machete & Spas-12 (likes to use different types of shells with it)


Likes: Weapons, Interrogation, Fighting, People with determination

Dislikes: Cooking, Alcohol, Suspicious people, Demons, Familiars


Born into a middle-class family, Sung had a pretty normal life throughout elementary to most of middle school. He was known to be very energetic and nice to everyone, despite being called the class pet by his peers for his obedience. Usually caused trouble for his fellow classmates at times, sometimes getting them extra work or insults from their teacher for not being like him. But at the end of middle school, he made his first true encounter with demons. It seems that a group of demons were raided by exorcists and merely escaped death, running around and looking for a group of souls to replenish their health. The demons went into his school and started massacring everyone in there for their souls to satisfy their bloodlust. When exorcists finally took down the demons and were cleaning up the mess they caused, they found Sung continuously stabbing a dead demon they didn't kill yet and took him in for security reasons, making the press think that everyone died during a "bombing" in the school.

Over the years to come, the undercover military exorcists decided to train Sung throughout his high school years, educating him in their fight against demons. When he became 19, Sung was a full-time exorcist and was always on the field, taking on jobs that most exorcists wouldn't take without any considerations. He would usually lead raids head-on, always killing/capturing any demons and familiars that got in his way. Sung was always known to be the star of the team, though sometimes he'll nearly get his own allies hurt during his extreme moments. Sung was then assigned to overlook operations for "Light Café" due to his excellent performance in the field.

This was not the entire truth though. High Command sent him on this operation to keep him out of trouble, due to a recent job he nearly failed. The demon he was chasing was getting away from him on a train that just left the station, nearly escaping Sung in the process. Instead of going to the next station though, he decided to jump on the moving train before it left entirely and shot his way into the train. When he found the target, Sung just started hacking the demon with his Kukri in front of all the passengers in the train. Lots of paperwork and hush-money was distributed to keep the incident from going into the news, making it hard for them to keep Sung under control. Despite hoping that this operation would go smoothly, Sung was actually a pretty horrible undercover agent, usually screwing up recon jobs before getting proof. Sung's superiors now pray that Light Café will turn out to be a peaceful operation and nothing bad will happen during it, but all they could do was wish for it...


Manages to put all of his weapons on him secretly, always being able to attack or frighten someone with his weapons in a blink of an eye. Nobody knows how he pulls this feat off, but aren't really too curious to find out. ;D



Name :

Jek (yes yes , it's wierd as hell. pun intended)

Age :


Gender :


Appearance :

See above

Personality :

At times jaded , at times boisterous. When he's jaded , he wouldn't tell you if he was a person at all. However , when he's boisterous (which can happen) , he would tell you the password to his email (figure of speech.) He's a very determined (some would say stubborn) person and never gives up. If he likes something , it'll be strongly (like an obsession) when he hates something , it'll be strongly (if he sees it , he'll instantly say I hate that! Or somesuch) some think he is bi-polar due to his being jaded one minute and boisterous the next. However , one trait he has is clingy ness. He wouldn't even let you touch his personal colt m1911. He can also be annoying. He sometimes tries to piss people off. One last thing. Literal. When he's not jaded , he says whatever comes into his head.

Personal weapon :

colt m1911


Likes : weapons of any kind , books. Dislikes : cats.

History :

Born April 10th , 1996 as Samuel Jekson , he was always one of the strongest , smartest students at school (of which he dropped out of finding it not challenging) , and was always around weapons. This developed his affinity for originally knives , later guns. At first he tried his hand at developing the next breed of weapon , but later found he would rather work at a 50's style cafe , so now that 2 cafés of that Style are close , he recons both as a customer to decide which is best , still trying to be the next Samuel Colt (who designed the revolver at 21).

Other :

if a character ever visits his house , they would find the mother of all weapons collections. From Roman gladiuses to assault rifles , this man has it all.

- @Akihito
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Yeah Im Want to be a Demon character but shes gonna be a Waiter (if i may :) )

Name: Issabelle Orimura

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Job: Waiter


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/1ca48519ddfc1e5030638fc4cb0cf814efc97f9d.jpg.5237832b5fc1fd2150989f3ba6c89481.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12674" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/1ca48519ddfc1e5030638fc4cb0cf814efc97f9d.jpg.5237832b5fc1fd2150989f3ba6c89481.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Her Psy report shows she would always avoid conversations,relatively shows she is a Antisocial to almost everyone,she would show hostility towards some personals especially when one attempts to get a "Hit" on her,

Demon Familiar or Demon appearance: Half-breed,have only fox ears and tail

Weapon : M9-s,H&K G36c and her mothers Katana

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/M9S.jpg.7e92a8260be56617bc415e09910f3d9e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12675" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/M9S.jpg.7e92a8260be56617bc415e09910f3d9e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/G36Kpmag.jpg.d0977f23f8faa845c26c6bc191204c39.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12676" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/G36Kpmag.jpg.d0977f23f8faa845c26c6bc191204c39.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/cold-steel-warrior-katana-japanese-swords.jpg.392d0232bc5e3bbc52ae175c8dd55c39.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12681" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/cold-steel-warrior-katana-japanese-swords.jpg.392d0232bc5e3bbc52ae175c8dd55c39.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Likes and Dislikes:

Like:spicy food,shiny metalic items (guns primarily)

Dislikes : sour food and Over dressed people

History/Bio: Issabelle is a descendant of a Human soldier and a demon from japan,back during the 2nd world war her mother that is a demon fell in love with a human soldier from Britain,when they got married,Issabelle was born in london,Her mother took care of her until she grew old enough to explore the world by herself,her mother runs a coffee shop in london,Issabelle helped her mother in the coffee shop right after going coming back from school,but her mother would always told her to change school ever 5 years,as Issabelle age slower than human child,when she was 10 years old by appearance his father had grown too old and passed away right before she can reach home,now with her and her mother left they flew back to Japan,her mothers homeland,and she grew old enough to work,her mother then passed away,leaving her alone in japan to handle herself by her own..she then entered Combat school and military training in hope to follow her Fathers footstep,she ended her training after years of it and looked for a job and she found this cafe

Other : none....






PS : Gotta change due to how many times i play Hitman and Max Payne :P



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[QUOTE="Rena Leiko]Yeah Im Want to be a Demon character but shes gonna be a Waiter (if i may :) )
Name: Issabelle Orimura

Age: 57

Gender: Female

Job: Waiter

Appearance: to be seen wearing a white skirt black sweater

Personality:Cheerful at customers but rather scary to workers especially when angry

Demon Familiar or Demon appearance: Half-breed,have only fox ears and tail

Demon Weapon : Katana and a G36c Assault rifle

Likes and Dislikes:

Like:spicy food,shiny metalic items (guns primarily)

Dislikes : sour food and Over dressed people

History/Bio: Issabelle is a descendant of a Human soldier and a demon from japan,back during the 2nd world war her mother that is a demon fell in love with a human soldier from Britain,when they got married,Issabelle was born in london,Her mother took care of her until she grew old enough to explore the world by herself,her mother runs a coffee shop in london,Issabelle helped her mother in the coffee shop right after going coming back from school,but her mother would always told her to change school ever 5 years,as Issabelle age slower than human child,when she was 10 years old by appearance his father had grown too old and passed away right before she can reach home,now with her and her mother left they flew back to Japan,her mothers homeland,and she grew old enough to work,her mother then passed away,leaving her alone in japan to handle herself by her own..she then entered Combat school and military training in hope to follow her Fathers footstep,now under the order of her superiors she is tasked to investigate a local factory near the cafe,the best disguise is as a worker at the cafe..

Other : none...

She looks good! All I need you to do is change the age and quickly recheck the rules (there's something hidden there.) If you could add a little more to the personality and get a picture for her appearance as well that'd be great. ^^
[QUOTE="Emperor Shadow IV]She looks good! All I need you to do is change the age and quickly recheck the rules (there's something hidden there.) If you could add a little more to the personality and get a picture for her appearance as well that'd be great. ^^

Done and done :3
Name: Vralik Estenheim

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Job: Cook


Personality:Vralik is generally quiet around others, not interacting more than he has to. When spoken to, many would call him polite, and then not be able to describe anything else about him. He makes an effort to keep a lid on his emotions, and emits a professional air around him constantly. Those who work through this barrier can find a loyal friend

Demon Familiar or Demon appearance: Half-breed, see above

Demon Weapon: A glaive, with serrated edges


Likes and Dislikes: Likes fine wine, good food, quiet, people who mind their own business, and reading. Dislikes loud noise, disturbances, people who don't know what they're doing, and people who can't mind their own business.

History/Bio: Vralik was born from the union of a male kitsune with his human mother. His father abandoned the two, leaving his mother to raise Vralik by herself. As Vralik grew older, he found that his body always seemed to crave sustenance, no matter how much human food he ate. His mother tried to help, and taught him how to cook for himself, and how to share with others. When he was 14, Vralik's true nature could not be hidden anymore. As the craving for human life took him, he attacked the only human in the area . . . his mother. Since that day, Vralik has traveled from place to place, never remaining more than four or five months in one location. He cannot deny his nature, but he cannot allow himself to die either. So he does what he must, and hates himself for it. In his current predicament, he has found the cafe a very suitable place to hone his skills, as well as have a menagerie of 'meals' to choose from. If he can, he removes undesirables from the world. He never takes a life without sin if he can help it.

Other: He enjoys wine. REALLY enjoys it. To the point he has falsified his ID to buy in bulk, and is almost always seen with a glass of some or another. To him, its taste seems to slow the need for a human meal down, though it's mostly mental.

Cafe Wars
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Name: Brithien Kasuki

Age (17-28): 19

Gender: Female

Job: Cook


Personality: Brithien has more of a quite type of aura, she reads almost during all of her time, being quite and timid while doing so. When not reading, she is very keen, aware of her surroundings like an animal, but also trustworthy, but far from blissful.

Exorcist Weapon: Kusarigam

Likes and Dislikes: Likes: Crafting fine foods, reading various forms of literature, and helping people with personal issues. Dislikes: 'Junk foods', liars, hyper people.

History/Bio: Brithien lived the quite and proper lifestyle of a high class, successful Japanese family. Her father and mother both being quite extravagant writers, this inspired her life above almost all else. During her school career, she scored as any lady of her age and heritage would suggest, top of class and highly intelligent. There was in fact, a flaw that could be pointed out about her, a flaw that was only apparent to her. Up until she left her parents home, she was haunt night after night by shinigami, the demons and gods of death. Without consulting her parents, being on her own finally, she joined and ranked through government groups, eventually landing herself a position that she had been waiting for since these haunting occurred, the military branch with the affairs to demons. There, she was paired up in Light Cafe, to unravel the mystery of Akuma Su Cafe.

Other:*Hope I did this to your liking 8) Cafe Wars
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Name : Jek (yes yes , it's wierd as hell. pun intended)

Age : 17

Gender : male

Appearance :See above

Personality : At times jaded , at times boisterous. When he's jaded , he wouldn't tell you if he was a person at all. However , when he's boisterous (which can happen) , he would tell you the password to his email (figure of speech.) He's a very determined (some would say stubborn) person and never gives up. If he likes something , it'll be strongly (like an obsession) when he hates something , it'll be strongly (if he sees it , he'll instantly say I hate that! Or somesuch) some think he is bi-polar due to his being jaded one minute and boisterous the next. However , one trait he has is clingy ness. He wouldn't even let you touch his personal colt m1911. He can also be annoying. He sometimes tries to piss people off. One last thing. Literal. When he's not jaded , he says whatever comes into his head.

Personal weapon : colt m1911<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/image.jpg.7100145436448a6c22e33365774aadd3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12673" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/image.jpg.7100145436448a6c22e33365774aadd3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Likes/dislikes ; likes : weapons of any kind , books. Dislikes : cats.

History : Born April 10th , 1996 as Samuel Jekson , he was always one of the strongest , smartest students at school (of which he dropped out of finding it not challenging) , and was always around weapons. This developed his affinity for originally knives , later guns. At first he tried his hand at developing the next breed of weapon , but later found he would rather work at a 50's style cafe , so now that 2 cafés of that Style are close , he recons both as a customer to decide which is best , still trying to be the next Samuel Colt (who designed the revolver at 21).

Other : if a character ever visits his house , they would find the mother of all weapons collections. From Roman gladiuses to assault rifles , this man has it all.



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Demon Application:


Yuri Hakami









Yuri, sporting his usual shades and button down shirt.


Yuri is a very outgoing individual with an eccentric personality. He could go on a 15 minute monologue about the quality of his French baguette and still have energy to ramble on and on about the other products of his cooking. And often he does too. He's very sarcastic on a regular basis, sometimes a little overbearing, and constantly pretends that everyone thinks the world of him.

Despite seeming a goofball, Yuri actually has a darker side. He's easily provoked or angered, and when he is he becomes very condescending. His sarcasm plays up the most when he's angry. If it comes to it, he even resorts to violence. But, after all, he has made a contract with a demon.

Demon Familiar:


A demon Hellhound, nicknamed "Ruf" by Yuri.

Demon Weapon:


Likes and Dislikes:

Yuri is a big believer in ridiculous eastern homeopathic methods for living a good life, and is constantly using these methods and bringing them up in conversation. He also likes his hard liquor and extravagant cooking. Women, of course, are an interest of his, but so is his cat. He loves cats, and curses himself for having a dog as a familiar instead of a cute little kitten. He's also into horror films, French manners, and shiny stuff.

Yuri's dislikes would include barbaric behavior, those who have no taste for art (in particular food), and dog lovers. He's also irked when things are not clean or where they should be, and when a women resents him. Don't touch his liquor either, as he's very protective of it.


To be discovered . . .


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Lilian De Mois

"Call me Lily!"

Age (15-26):

21 (Or so she looks and says)

"I'm old enough...if you get my meaning."



"You can check if you want.. I don't mind <3"



"I'm here for you master.."


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Izayoi.Sakuya.full.1665010.jpg.e8b42b087708f868f785a0b7f5073b22.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13252" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Izayoi.Sakuya.full.1665010.jpg.e8b42b087708f868f785a0b7f5073b22.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Lilian is a complete flirt and has a very seductive nature. She teases all the male customers and the male staff of Akuma Su. Don't think she doesn't do it to women as well. She likes to switch things up every now and then.

True to her demon nature, being a succubus, she is seductive. Lilian is more than just that though, she is friendly and quite outgoing. She knows many customers and all of the staff by name. Her teasing can be seductive or it can only be friendly banter. Lily is considered the friendliest out of all of the Akuma Su and is the most requested (Although there are other reason than just friendliness).

When Lilian gets angry, she just smiles and the next thing you know, you might want to be careful about moving around. A body part my fall off if you're not careful.

"I never miss <3"

Demon Familiar or Demon appearance:


Demon Weapon (if half-demon):


Likes and Dislikes:





Her scythe





Being ignored

Being mean to her friends

Not giving into her charms


Not much is known about Lilian. She is a Succubus demon but how she first came about is unknown. When Akuma Su was first created, she was there: flirting and serving. Lily likes to keep quiet about her past. Her reasons are not known but she gets a weird, creepy smile when you try to ask her about.

"That's not something I want to talk about. Okay sweetie <3"


Cafe Wars

(@Emperor Shadow IV Sorry for such a short bio!)



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Akihito said:


Lilian De Mois

"Call me Lily!"

Age (15-26):

21 (Or so she looks and says)

"I'm old enough...if you get my meaning."



"You can check if you want.. I don't mind <3"



"I'm here for you master.."


View attachment 40089


Lilian is a complete flirt and has a very seductive nature. She teases all the male customers and the male staff of Akuma Su. Don't think she doesn't do it to women as well. She likes to switch things up every now and then.

True to her demon nature, being a succubus, she is seductive. Lilian is more than just that though, she is friendly and quite outgoing. She knows many customers and all of the staff by name. Her teasing can be seductive or it can only be friendly banter. Lily is considered the friendliest out of all of the Akuma Su and is the most requested (Although there are other reason than just friendliness).

When Lilian gets angry, she just smiles and the next thing you know, you might want to be careful about moving around. A body part my fall off if you're not careful.

"I never miss <3"

Demon Familiar or Demon appearance:


Demon Weapon (if half-demon):


Likes and Dislikes:





Her scythe





Being ignored

Being mean to her friends

Not giving into her charms


Not much is known about Lilian. She is a Succubus demon but how she first came about is unknown. When Akuma Su was first created, she was there: flirting and serving. Lily likes to keep quiet about her past. Her reasons are not known but she gets a weird, creepy smile when you try to ask her about.

"That's not something I want to talk about. Okay sweetie <3"


Cafe Wars

(@Emperor Shadow IV Sorry for such a short bio!)
She's awesome! ovo-b




Name: Alexis Flamenco

( Nicknames: Alex | Lexy | Ally | Ms. Flame )

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Job: Maid


( Reserved | Cautious | Intelligent | Pragmatic | Methodical )

Alexis is a very hardworking and serious individual. She doesn't rest for anything and would do her best to get the job done right and neatly. She does not tolerant with mess and would make those who created the mess clean it at all cost even if you're her friend or foe she will make you clean it. She likes to keep her things and other clean as you will sometimes see her mopping the floor or shining the counter/tables.

She likes to micromanage things as she stand at a corner watching as her 'minions' work and telling them to do this and that as she sees what needs help but she also helps too so she not that bossy. She only acts like this because it's her way of being 'helpful' in her own way.

But she can be mean sometimes when it comes to talking about herself. She doesn't like giving information about herself to other and would try to change the subject or tell you in the nicest way as possible to say 'no' ( more like she says 'Get away from me' more then 'Sorry I'm not telling' ). It's also part of her job to keep secrets so she does her job maybe too well but it's fine since the government likes her style.

Seeing as how mature she is, she does have her childish times where she can be childish as much as she wants to but she only does this when she's alone or with some she knows really well (like for 2 years or more) so it will be hard to get to see this side of her.

Exorcist Weapon:

Specially made swords (Yes, there are two swords just that they look alike) that was created by the 'gods' and passed down from generation from generation.


Likes and Dislikes:

Just from her personality, you can easily tell she loves to be clean and secretly she loves cute things but she never shows her other side because she fears it will just be a weakness against her. She also likes to have a good cup of tea and read a book on a warm morning like any 'old lady' would like to do.

What she dislikes the most is mess and lousy people, she will kill you if you don't clean well and is very scary when it comes to being clean so try to stay as clean as possible around her! When it comes to lousy people she won't be like those people who go yelling at people for being lazy oh no... she will remember you and make your life become hell! It like she the devil herself which is very scary so also another warning, Don't be lazy!


As a child, She was raised in a poor family. Her family was her father (Gilbert Flamenco), mother (Emma 'Dandelion' Flamenco), Big brother ( Pierre Flamenco ), and a younger sister ( Lillian Flamenco ). Her family was a happy family even though they were poor they always looked at the good side of things and never let the bad bring them down. But being in a poor family made her get fun of at school as she would always get teased and bullied for her family reputation. Because of this she would try to be smart and support her family as much as possible, getting jobs at a young age and studying day and night non stop over stuff that were higher level work for a child like her.

As she grew up, she was accepted to many good private academies and made great honor to her family but they were still poor then when she got into high school. She still did part-time jobs and support her family and it didn't affect her studying but her parents worried for her health as they tried to help too but she said don't. Her older brother had already graduated and "moved away" but he still kept in contact and gave money to support his parent from time to time. So Alexis was left to take care of the family.

After a few months passed, Alexis started to meet/see strange things, these things were like demons as she was suddenly meeting demons in her life. She didn't understand why she could see them as she would them so she asked her parents,"Mother, Father... Why can I see demons?" Her question directed to her parents as they stared at her shocked. Her mother got up and went off somewhere, she came back holding a cloaked stick as she unwrapped it and revealed two twin swords ( In the picture above ). She gave them to Alexis and explained how they were exorcist and that this has run in the family's blood for centuries, now it was her time to fulfill her family's name since her brother couldn't do this.

In order to do this duty that was given to her, she graduated college and left to join the government, ranking up to finally be accepted to help with the mission to find out what "Akuma Su Cafe" was really up to and stop them by being a maid for "Light Cafe" but little did she know, her brother was part of "Akuma Su Cafe" and has been accompany a demon ever since he moved away.


She dislikes killing so don't push it! She also has a pet cat at home who she named, Shima.

Right now she is in a "Cafe Wars" with the other cafe.

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Name: Airi Tokage

Age (15-26): 20

Gender: Female

Job: Maid


(Her eyes are red.)


Airi is very polite when it comes to her customers. Whenever someone comes to visit, she will smile and bow. She puts her customers before herself and takes care of their every needs. She will not tolerate any impoliteness towards any customer from her co-workers. If she does witness rude behavior towards a customer, she will immediately scold the rude person. She also tends to spend most of her time talking to her customers.

When Airi is provoked or in a tight situation, she may become violent. For example, if she happens to be cornered by exorcists, she will become violent. However, if she's just in a bad mood, she will lose all politeness. Even to her customers. When that happens, she tends to work in the back more and avoids her customers.

Demon Familiar or Demon appearance: Hell Dragon. Name: Oni


Demon Weapon (if half-demon): N/A

Likes and Dislikes:

Likes: Airi likes sweets. Especially foreign sweets, such as Éclairs, strawberry tarts, and macarons. She also has a thing for red and white roses.

Airi dislikes anything bitter or spicy. They simply don't suit her. She also hates loud people or people who think they're better than others.

History/Bio: Airi was born into a strict family of demons. Her family consisted of an older brother, younger sister, mother, and father. Together, they lived in a mansion deep in the woods. Since her parents never left the house, they brought human maids, butlers, and cooks to the mansion. This way, they wouldn't have to leave the mansion to find food. Airi, however, refused to eat the souls of the maids and butlers who were so kind to her. The only ones who cared for her. Her parents said that if she didn't, she would die. Of course, being scared of death at her young age, she listened to her parents. Since then, she continued to eat the souls of her maids.

When she was 14, rumors spread around the town that the Tokage mansion was cursed. Not that long after, exorcists raided her house, killing everybody in there. At that time, Airi was outside, admiring the rose bushes in the backyard. She heard screams. As she went to investigate, she found the dead bodies of her parents. Deeper into the mansion, she found her brother and sister dead as well. Scared of the exorcists coming back, she fled. After living on the streets since the incident, she found a job as a maid. To her liking, her co-workers were also demons(or half demons).

Other: None

Cafe Wars





Name: Simon ( Real name: Pierre Flamenco )

( Nicknames: Pie | Prince | Onii-chan )

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Job: Waiter


( Meticulous | Affable | Charming | Reserved | Protective )

Pierre is someone who you can easily open up to and he will accept you no matter what/ who you are. He loves to have a good chat with his customer, talking about what had happened before and about 'Light Cafe'. He would ask about how the staff were doing and how 'Alex' been doing but he doesn't say anything else. He knows his sister is part of the government and their plan to take them out but he can't let them do that ( his reasons is unknown ) even if it's his own sister.

He may seem like a carefree guy but he does keep the little things important. He likes to observe and write notes down on the little things people like or what they do and etc. To some it may seem like a stalker kind of thing but he just doing this so he can help get more souls for his familiar... I mean to make good friends.

Now everyone knows who he is, he is what people call a "prince" and someone any girl would die to have as their boyfriend. He has everything a prince is; charming, sweet, friendly and a cutie. All girls fall for him and nicknamed him "Prince" because of this. Many girls ask for him to serve them but Pierre knows how to use this for his advantages. Maybe this is the reason why he gets so much souls.

Demon Familiar or Demon appearance:

His Demon Familiar is named: Gho ( Go - oh )


Likes and Dislikes:

He loves his younger sisters, Alexis and Lillian more than anything but he can't be their usual brother anymore. He has given his soul to the devil ( his reasons is unknown ) and can't go back now. His fate has been made and he will either have to die or keep this secret forever but he knows that his life will be taken and the one who will take it will be his little sister herself only. He also has a liking for sweets and loves to eat sweets made from customers ( Most being girls ) and sweets from the cooks but sometimes they would tell him to go away.

The one thing that he hates is seeing his sisters hurt especially Alexis being wounded or sad. Even though she is now his enemy, he still loves her and will try his best not to get his sister harmed by himself and from the others. He also has a hate for anything with strawberries in them... even when he loves sweet things his taste buds just don't like the taste of strawberries ( Pretty weird if you ask me ). One time, one of the customer gave him strawberry sweets and he went off into the bathroom sick to his stomach. He doesn't really know why he hates strawberry but he just doesn't like the taste is all he can say.


Ever since he was 5, he was able to see spirits and demons all around him. At first, this was scary and he would sleep with his parents a lot as a child but after a while he got used to this and became friends with one of the demons named, Gho. He would always lock himself in his room chatting with Gho and asking questions like why he was here and what he wanted from him. Gho was a mysterious familiar and was hard to understand for Pierre but they got along well but then Gho started to act weird.

When Pierre was in middle school, Gho started disappear randomly from time to time when he was in class. Sometimes there would be news about kids being found dead in the woods as the teachers started to worry about the kids being. Gho would always come back after the new has been announced and Pierre found it strange. So he investigated, skipping class and followed Gho. Pierre wanted to know the reasons because Gho's disappearance and watched as Gho took a child who was unconscious to the woods, eating the child's soul as Pierre watched in complete horror at what he witnessed. Gho knew already that Pierre saw and looked to his direction with dark red eyes,"Pierre..." Gho said in a dark voice,"I need souls to survive... and to make you strong..." Taking Pierre's hand on his head to pet him,"That kid was the one who bullied you.. well now he won't bother you... aren't you happy?" Gho said as he looked back at the now dead child. Pierre didn't know what to say as he suddenly smiled, petting Gho's head as he held him close,"Thank you... friend" He said in a cheerful voice.

Once Pierre finally graduated, he told his parents he was "moving out" and was leaving to study aboard. His parents accepted this and let him go but secretly, he was leaving to keep away from his parents, he knew his parents real identities and needed to run away before they knew about Gho's presence. Soon he moved away, he changed his name to "Simon" and got a job at "Akuma Su Cafe" as a waiter. Soon after he find out his sister was part of the government and was now a maid at the rivaling cafe "Light Cafe". The time has finally came for him to fight his own sister and his secrets to be told.


He kinda stalking his sister in a way.

Right now he is in a "Cafe Wars" with the other cafe.



Sage Ruuso




Female, though looks Male.


Waiter, (Male uniform.)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tumblr_mn7y1qt2Fy1s4sjhto1_400.jpg.d8d1abf69201095450a31bd16054f67c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13581" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tumblr_mn7y1qt2Fy1s4sjhto1_400.jpg.d8d1abf69201095450a31bd16054f67c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Sage is best put as a hard shell to crack. She comes off as confident and flirty, her pride rarely getting in her way. Sage keeps everyone around her arms length away. If someone approached her with interest in dating her, she could play with you until the moment she breaks your heart. Sage occasionally finds it in herself to do a kind thing, though she rather keep it to herself than let people know she actually cares. Sage likes to sleep around, easily flirting those around her. As long as the action means nothing to her, Sage easily finds herself being a touchy feely person. When it comes to her actually reaching out to comfort someone, the feelings and actions come hard to her.

Sage has sometimes been described as not having an 'inner child'. She had a fairly serious personality, though hides behind a face of jokes, pranks and witty to lude remarks. Sage says and does most things to watch other people's reactions to them. The more extreme of a reaction, the more she is likely to tease or play with you. Her personality also is a protection for others who are like her. Since she knows she loves to watch people's reaction while annoying them, she gives little to no or opposite than expected reaction just to be an annoyance to said person. She usually has a realistic look to life, her actions revolving mostly around her and her mothers survival. Sage often cracks easily under too much emotional stress having no healthy way to express her emotions.

Exorcist Weapon:

The pole holding the blade collapsible against the blade, folding in on itself and even acting a bit like a sheath for the blade when folded. Unfolding would simply be pulling the pole away from the blade and extending it out to be normal pole-arm length. A mechanism would be there to lock it in place so it couldn't collapse back in on itself.


She likes to cook, playing games with people and demons, flirting, cats


Bad cooking, dogs, getting wet, large bodies of water, getting hurt


In difference, if you really want me to write it all... its in her character sheet which is linked in her name.


Cafe Wars.



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Ricia said:


Sage Ruuso




Female, though looks Male.


Waiter, (Male uniform.)


View attachment 41109


Sage is best put as a hard shell to crack. She comes off as confident and flirty, her pride rarely getting in her way. Sage keeps everyone around her arms length away. If someone approached her with interest in dating her, she could play with you until the moment she breaks your heart. Sage occasionally finds it in herself to do a kind thing, though she rather keep it to herself than let people know she actually cares. Sage likes to sleep around, easily flirting those around her. As long as the action means nothing to her, Sage easily finds herself being a touchy feely person. When it comes to her actually reaching out to comfort someone, the feelings and actions come hard to her.

Sage has sometimes been described as not having an 'inner child'. She had a fairly serious personality, though hides behind a face of jokes, pranks and witty to lude remarks. Sage says and does most things to watch other people's reactions to them. The more extreme of a reaction, the more she is likely to tease or play with you. Her personality also is a protection for others who are like her. Since she knows she loves to watch people's reaction while annoying them, she gives little to no or opposite than expected reaction just to be an annoyance to said person. She usually has a realistic look to life, her actions revolving mostly around her and her mothers survival. Sage often cracks easily under too much emotional stress having no healthy way to express her emotions.

Exorcist Weapon:

(So could it be too unrealistic to be a Scythe that was fordable? If it is i'll put down some more normal weapons, if it isn't, I will put down a discretion of the weapon in question.)


She likes to cook, playing games with people and demons, flirting, cats


Bad cooking, dogs, getting wet, large bodies of water, getting hurt


In difference if you really want me to write it all... its in her character sheet which is linked in her name.


Cafe Wars.

What do you mean by fordable? I'm a little confused on that, but otherwise, accepted! Glad you decided to join. :)
The blade would certainly not be fordable.

The design in my mind is a bit silly, weather it would actually be possible in real life, I'd have not a clue.

I was thinking along the lines of the pole holding the blade to be collapsible against the blade, folding in on itself and even acting a bit like a sheath for the blade when folded. Unfolding would simply be pulling the pole away from the blade and extending it out to be normal pole-arm length, a mechanism would be there to lock it in place so it couldn't collapse back in on itself.

I'm so sorry if that sounds a bit silly. >.>

Sung Moon

Age: 25




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bece56b50_sagara_sousuke1.jpg.1fc21d7adef301424915211847cd4456.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13751" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bece56b50_sagara_sousuke1.jpg.1fc21d7adef301424915211847cd4456.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Sung is known to be a very energetic man, always doing something to keep himself occupied. He's kind and obedient to his allies, but is seen to be intimidating, decisive, and serious by others (usually from people he confronts randomly). Haves a very carefree attitude and dense mind, which can usually lead to some trouble among his peers. But whenever he gets a job though, he'll take it seriously and do whatever it takes to complete it. Known to use extreme actions to get the job done, no matter what happens to him or who/what gets in his way. Usually causes a lot trouble for anybody that gets involved with him during those jobs, but always tries to fix the problem up immediately if given the chance.

Whenever in combat, prefers the "get-in-their-face" tactic to his enemies with his weapons and fists, so he can surprise them with brute force. Also eats anything from junk food to extravagant food.

Exorcist Weapon:
Kukri machete & Spas-12 (likes to use different types of shells with it)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bece3ca6c_500px-Franchi121.jpg.aa9c9f0fba43225830379b277686c674.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13749" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bece3ca6c_500px-Franchi121.jpg.aa9c9f0fba43225830379b277686c674.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Likes: Weapons, Interrogation, Fighting, People with determination

Dislikes: Cooking, Alcohol, Suspicious people, Demons, Familiars


Born into a middle-class family, Sung had a pretty normal life throughout elementary to most of middle school. He was known to be very energetic and nice to everyone, despite being called the class pet by his peers for his obedience. Usually caused trouble for his fellow classmates at times, sometimes getting them extra work or insults from their teacher for not being like him. But at the end of middle school, he made his first true encounter with demons. It seems that a group of demons were raided by exorcists and merely escaped death, running around and looking for a group of souls to replenish their health. The demons went into his school and started massacring everyone in there for their souls to satisfy their bloodlust. When exorcists finally took down the demons and were cleaning up the mess they caused, they found Sung continuously stabbing a dead demon they didn't kill yet and took him in for security reasons, making the press think that everyone died during a "bombing" in the school.

Over the years to come, the undercover military exorcists decided to train Sung throughout his high school years, educating him in their fight against demons. When he became 19, Sung was a full-time exorcist and was always on the field, taking on jobs that most exorcists wouldn't take without any considerations. He would usually lead raids head-on, always killing/capturing any demons and familiars that got in his way. Sung was always known to be the star of the team, though sometimes he'll nearly get his own allies hurt during his extreme moments. Sung was then assigned to overlook operations for "Light Café" due to his excellent performance in the field.

This was not the entire truth though. High Command sent him on this operation to keep him out of trouble, due to a recent job he nearly failed. The demon he was chasing was getting away from him on a train that just left the station, nearly escaping Sung in the process. Instead of going to the next station though, he decided to jump on the moving train before it left entirely and shot his way into the train. When he found the target, Sung just started hacking the demon with his Kukri in front of all the passengers in the train. Lots of paperwork and hush-money was distributed to keep the incident from going into the news, making it hard for them to keep Sung under control. Despite hoping that this operation would go smoothly, Sung was actually a pretty horrible undercover agent, usually screwing up recon jobs before getting proof. Sung's superiors now pray that Light Café will turn out to be a peaceful operation and nothing bad will happen during it, but all they could do was wish for it...


Manages to put all of his weapons on him secretly, always being able to attack or frighten someone with his weapons in a blink of an eye. Nobody knows how he pulls this feat off, but aren't really too curious to find out. ;D




LET THE "CAFE WARS" BEGIN!<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bece40b6b_hand-forged-blade-jungle-machete-500x5001.jpg.dcdeacbae23fe181f50237bbaa579f00.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13750" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bece40b6b_hand-forged-blade-jungle-machete-500x5001.jpg.dcdeacbae23fe181f50237bbaa579f00.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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The RP will finally start this coming Sunday. I will tag everyone who has joined so far in the initial first post.


Post-poning until tomorrow! Sorry, my schedule has been crazy.  

Undercover Exorcist Application:


Spike Bellebonforse

Nicknamed "Belle"










Spike is laid back, casual. Every situation he approaches with a calm demeanor and cool mind. It's as if he walks easily through life, not phased or disturbed by any presence, always optimistic and totally fine with doing his thing and rolling along. Improvisation is often his specialty, and when put on the spot he's able to react quickly. Spike is also a very social kind of guy, easily able to befriend people and get them to a place where they feel comfortable around his person. In some ways being a waiter is like weighing him down with a ball and chain. He'd be put to better use as a salesman or door greeter.

Sometimes, however, the man simply can't concentrate or sit still. Born with ADHD, though partially cured over the years, Spike will get bored if there isn't something to grasp his full attention. He's a man of action, without a doubt, and will eagerly throw himself into any fight. Of course, a mental disorder wouldn't be enough alone to make Spike lay his life on the line just 'cause he can't sit still. Spike is extremely confident and sure of his actions, his conscience, and his ability with a weapon in hand. If you asked this guy to drive you home on your 21st, he's your man. If you were surrounded by a group of demons, unarmed, he'd have your back. If you were thrown into an extremely awkward situation and looked to him for help . . . well, actually, he'd probably just sit and laugh at you.

Exorcist Weapon:


Always a superstitious man at heart, and a cautious one as well, Spike only uses silver bullets for his gun, if he can help it.

Likes and Dislikes:

Less conversation, more action. He's got a thing for warm gourmet food, thick drinks, and sunshine. To be happy, he honestly just needs to be in a lighthearted environment. Apparently he's also easily taken in by little kids, and loves babies. Cute things attract him, basically.

As far as his dislikes are concerned, Spike can't stand vermin or small "fuzzy" things. Loud obnoxious noise, frozen meals, bleak weather, and cold coffee irritate him. He also dislikes having absolutely nothing to do, though he typically finds something to do just a few minutes after having nothing to do.


Spike was born in New Zealand, believe it or not, to a mother and father who apparently owned the biggest frozen food chain in the world (because of this, Spike grew to hate frozen meals at an early age, preferring warm gourmet food). His life was pretty normal, an average kid's with its ups and downs, though Spike was always optimistic and confident when the road got rough. During high school, thanks to his slightly flamboyant last name, he was nicknamed "Belle", a name which has actually stuck with him to this day. Those who know him on a personal level often refer to him as such. Frankly, he enjoyed himself up until college.

During his first year at University, a visiting Exorcist observed him out on the sports field. As it so happened, a demon was stalking Spike at the time, and no one would've been able to tell save for the Exorcist. This mysterious man was ancient, and one of the greatest Exorcists of his time. His instinct was to immediately dispose of the demon, but he found himself curious as to how Spike might resist it. Evidently, the demon was trying to steal Spike's body and control him, yet, without even knowing it, Spike proved to be an incorruptible object. Thanks to this, the demon had no choice but to give up, and the Exorcist was soon on its tail.

After this ordeal, oblivious "Belle" met with the Exorcist, who had requested a meeting. The man explained to Spike, much to his disbelief, about the demon, eventually prompting Spike to join the league of Exorcists that fought against satanic creatures. It actually took multiple attempts and promptings before Spike agreed. He obviously had a strong enough will to repel lesser demons, and this was a key trait an Exorcist had to have. Even though he knew nothing about the secret world he was entering into, he was ready to make the commitment to help preserve the world against such evil. Plus, he was promised a large paycheck . . .



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Neutral Character Application:

Name: "Tempest" (Setsuna Saito)

Age: 23

Gender: Female




On the exterior, "Tempest" doesn't seem anything extraordinary except she has very long, very memorable hair. People often get lulled into the notion that her lack of strange hair colors or bizarre dress is a testament to the normalcy of her character. Everyone has that one person they know that pushes the brink of crazy and dangerous; Tempest explores that boundary every day. Her moral centre is the center of everything. Like Switzerland in great European battles, she stands on the sidelines and watches everything. From her distance she can view battles, being spoken, emotional, or physical, as an amusement. That isn't to say she doesn't meddle. She absolutely meddles by dropping lies, truths, rumors, and helping people to meet at the coincidental right or wrong moment. Her life is exciting in that she can view it vicariously through the people she observes.

Privately, she is a kind woman who goes out of her way to help those that actually help her. It is not often that someone tries to get into her actual good graces- mostly because they fear her moods- but she clings to what allies and friends she has fiercely. The loss of her mother has created a dichotomy in her personality that makes her afraid to seek out new relationships for fear of suffering another loss, yet she fears losing those that she feels for. "Tempest" has sunk most of her time into practicing martial arts. This has allowed her to focus and find her calm when the situation calls for it. Martial arts have also allowed her to expend some of her considerable energy.

Given the choice, though, she'd rather enjoy the 'games' that she instigates between unwitting participants.

Virtues: Faithful to friends/allies, quick-witted, sociable, energetic

Flaws: lies as often as she tells the truth, emotionally distant, irrational fear of frogs, impulsive

Personal Weapon:

"Tempest" does not prefer to carry any weapon and instead has made it a personal goal to learn how any objects at her disposal, however mundane they may be, can be used as a weapon. Typically in a melee she relies on carefully placed punches and kicks accentuated with hard objects in arm's reach.

As a "trust fund baby" she is able to obtain various sorts of weapons should the need arise, however.

Likes and Dislikes:

"Tempest" enjoys all sweets and is easily bribed into ridiculous behavior by the promise of them. She is particularly fond of anything with sweet cream cheese, marscapone, or sweetened red bean paste. Often she has a snarky commentary on the world about her and enjoys someone that is quick enough to retort back. Romantically, she likes both men and women equally so long as they have good hygiene and "pretty hair." As a self-proclaimed animal enthusiast, she also enjoys animals almost as much as toying with people and many times treats them better than actual people.

"Tempest" patently fears and dislikes frogs for their "strange sliminess" and "unscrupulous gaze." She dislikes when others pull her into serious conversations and drops the facade of life being a game as this requires to seriously place herself into situations rather than remain aloof. So much emphasis in her life is put on others, it is hard for her to sincerely and earnestly engage others as her true self. It is rare for her to indulge in actual romantic entanglements and thus far has only had two that were not one night stands. The first ended amicably when he moved abroad and the latter was a bitter break-up that made her even more hesitant with others.


Setsuna was born to one older brother, Keito. She never knew her brother's father and is the product of her mother's first marriage when Keito was five years old. Years later she discovered Keito was conceived with a demon, making him not only a half-brother but a half-demon. He has doted on her for as long as either of them can remember, however, so she has a fondness and respect for him and other half-demons. As a result, she can also usually recognize half-demons and treats them no different than other people- that is, a source of entertainment. She also has another brother, two years her junior, named Akio.

When Setsuna was ten her mother fell ill. As the years progressed she watched her mother struggle through cancer. She went into remission for a few years but succumbed to the disease when Setsuna was 17. Keito moved back home to help take of his sister in her final year of school and also care for Akio. Setsuna and Akio's father, a prominent businessman, tried his best to care for them but could not make up for the time and presence his wife had given to their lives. When Akio graduated from high school, all three moved out of their familial home. Currently Setsuna resides with Keito in an apartment; Akio has moved in with his girlfriend of a year recently. Setsuna has discovered a curious little cafe that Keito has informed her probably home some half-demons right next to an enterprise ominously called "Light Cafe..."


Watch out, this lady is trouble!
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Name: Yuuki Stir

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Job: Waiter


Personality: Timid, most of the time doesn't like to talk. Does normally his job, through. Hard to befriend with, but can be a nice person once you know him. Really intelligent, he never accepts he's wrong. He can go over 2 hours discussing about something stupid just to prove he's right. However, sometimes he doesn't take anything serious. Most of the time, actually. He makes joke about everything he can.

Demon Familiar or Demon appearance: Half demon.

Demon Weapon (if half-demon):

It's not a ribbon. It's a Warglaive. He designed it by himself, and it's held at the middle, where is a non-shown holding spot. May look complicated to use, and it's actually kinda hard to explain. About measures, if you put it on ground, from an edge to another, it gets up to his forearm.

Likes and Dislikes: He truly likes a scientific discussion, appreciates a good coffee, or a good beeverage, and does like videogames. He dislikes people which he thinks are stupid. And well, who disagrees with him.

History/Bio: Unknown

Edit: I swear i had read it before, however i forgot to put ''Cafe Wars'' somewhere.
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