Akiyama's Organization for Supernatural Agents

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/tumblr_mijr5qFlhQ1s4gyw3o1_500.png.92c6b200fd1d36ae480bb8502782e62d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57595" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/tumblr_mijr5qFlhQ1s4gyw3o1_500.png.92c6b200fd1d36ae480bb8502782e62d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Evan 'Thanatos' Zhujiao





Height / Weight:

141 Pounds // 71.2 Inches




-Temporal Distortion-

This very versatile ability grants Evan to reset time in a certain area when heavily damaged. Basically, if he dies or gets severally damaged, he will reset time in that certain area a few minutes back, and the loop will continue until he: A. Evades death. Or B. Kills the perpetrator. And no one smart will remember the loop, meaning people with a high IQ, meaning any man, woman or child with the lowest IQ will remember the loop.


Electrokinesis is the psychic power to manipulate energies, electrical currents and generate a lot of electricity within the mind. Some people can even conduct and store electrical energy within their body and drain electrical devices and machines. With application ranging from high voltage shock to more complex abilities such as hacking electromagnetism generation and constructs. The user is able to control electrons in many different ways with many different effects. Electrokinesis is one of the most powerful and versatile element that many others' decide.




Evan has a rather timid nature, where he will doubt too much and rarely gets out of a fight unscathed. But due to that nature, he is rather unpredictable, always thinking of many different ways to harm his opponent. But there are different times, where he feels lonely or just really bored. Evan to his friends seems like a good person, who will have a good time. And he changes personality a lot, so no one will no what he might do next.


Fast // Sneaky // Unpredictable


ODC // Timid // Always anxious about the wrong decision.


Fire // Pears // Spiders // Snakes // Failing



(Did I do okay? PM me or Tag me to tell me to fix or add anything at all. Okay. Bye.)



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2f429e89_AnimeTomboy.jpg.92446c59b2ddc6dab2e6fe43b0fc5fc2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57996" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2f429e89_AnimeTomboy.jpg.92446c59b2ddc6dab2e6fe43b0fc5fc2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Scarlett Rose

"Like Blood...all red"



"I can do a lot of things that I used to do legally now"



"Can't you tell...I mean...You are staring at my boobs"

Height / Weight:

5'8 and 143 lbs

"I'm quite tall for my age"



"Boobs are pretty hot...what can I say"



Scarlett can bend the light into darkness. When she has enough energy, she can throw balls of darkness at her enemies. She can control the clouds, so she can bring shadows over the world.

"I've always considered my powers about 20% shit and 80% cool as hell"



"The government sucks, they killed my father when I was 11"


Scarlett is a very dark person in general. She is a very big introvert, but a social butterfly when she has to be. Even when she was young she used to hold protests against the government. She is very passionate about everything she does. Most people see her as bossy, and they would be right. Although she is a hot-headed bitch, she has her soft, caring side.

"I'm what Tumblr might call 'Emo'...which I am"


Darkness, Storms, Isolation

"I've always loved the shadows"


Light, Crowds, Sleep

"I consider myself a vampire, light is horrible"


Touching other people

"I may be a very dark person, but I'm such a germaphobe..."


Her parents are British, and she grew up in the UK, so she has a thick British accent. She also has smoked fluently since she was 16.

"I've always had a British accent with a cigarette in my mouth"



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Appearance :


Name: Akira

Age :18


Height / Weight: 5ft 10 124lbs


Abilities : invisibility and can control air

Team :Government


Strengths (Maximum of 5):skilled sniper,amazing eyesight,very fast and agile

Weaknesses:close combat

Fears:big groups

Extra:talks in monotone and uses a Barrett 50cal
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No! Not another person having Electrokinesis or whatever, me and another person already has it and we can't have three of them can we? I suggest changing because Electrokinesis against Electricity Control will be on forever, so I suggest changing again.

@Mr Swiftshots
That's good, now you just have to wait for actual officials to accept you.
(I don't know if you're still opening slot for new characters or not, but I'm gonna make it anyway (:3))



Name: Emmery White or "Em"

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height/Weight: 5'3"/110 lbs

Sexuality: Straight, but loves to have close female friends

Abilities: (I wonder if you would accept supportive abilities like mine, I can change it if it's not proper for the story)

  • Healing power for self and others (drains her energy, so she needs to take a break occasionally)
  • Protective Field (she can create protective field for 1 hour straight within 50 meters)
  • Mana Arrows (the only offensive ability she has to protect herself when nobody can, she can create arrow from her energy and shoot it to enemy, quiet harmless actually)

Team: Fugitives, but she might change side from time to time, depends on the situation

Personality: Born with power to support others, Em grows up into a caring person. She loves having a lot of friends and unknowingly giving them wrong signal (making them believe that she attracted to them, romantically). She always acts strong because if people find out that her abilities can't harm people, she is surely a dead meat or used for bad purposes. People also often misinterpret how she acts because of her seductive face. She tries and tries to look scary or at least innocent, but people will always end up thinking she is flirting with them.


  • Good memory (she can even memorize up to 10 phone numbers in 1 minute)
  • Expert tactician (she used to play strategy games when she was young, she is quite confident with this)
  • Lightweight body (when she passed out, she will be easy to carry, don't worry)


  • She CAN'T IGNORE people in need (friends and enemies)
  • Weak body (she needs to take a break after performing her abilities)
  • Needs someone to cover up for her (she can't go to battlefield alone, she will definitely die in 1 hour after her protective shield runs out)

Fears: Left alone and being used for bad purposes.

Extra: Honestly, Em didn't want to be a fugitive, but she also couldn't help the government killing people for the rest of her life, so she ran away... She didn't remember it clearly how did she become a fugitive, all that she knew was she no longer at the HQ and wandering at the street, so unofficially, she became a fugitive, she guessed...?

(I hope I can be part of you guys! I've read the RPing and it's awesome!)
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Keita Akihiro

"Leave me alone if you don't want to die"



"They say the young are never guilty they clearly never met me."



"Hey do I look like a chick to you"

Height / Weight:

6'2 / 160 LBS

"I'm totally not fat"



"Boobs or Butts I'm more of a boobs man myself.."


|Thermal Manipulation |

can create, shape and manipulate temperature, a form of kinetic energy between particles at the atomic or molecular level: the greater the movement of these particles, the greater the thermal energy and reversed. Heat itself is internal thermal energy that flows from one body of matter to another, it is not the same as the energy contained in a system—that is, the internal thermal energy of the system. Rather than being "energy-in-residence," heat is "energy-in-transit."

Left side is Ice and Right side is Fire.



"What's wrong with a little chaos here and there"


Keita has a cold, aloof personality which stems from his harsh upbringing.He loves battle though he doesn't enjoy senseless blood shed .Though he loves conflict he doesn't actively participate However he's quick to show his superiority to an opponent quickly putting them in their place without actually beating them.He's very precise when it comes to killing rather than making them suffer he ends it quickly though Cool headed and calm at most times.A Great Cook as well.He doesn't agree with everything the government does but their the ones who decide if he gets paid or not.


Extremely Skilled with dual pistols, Skilled in hand to hand combat, Good at adapting to the situation at hand.


Can only use his powers for 90 minutes before having to recharge.


Loves to read books and likes kittens

Pistols:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2fc5a4be_gunsweaponscustomm191145acpcolt1528x1209wallpaper_www.wallpaperto.com_88.jpg.2f388cbd1c85a5d9e009087f4211015e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58308" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2fc5a4be_gunsweaponscustomm191145acpcolt1528x1209wallpaper_www.wallpaperto.com_88.jpg.2f388cbd1c85a5d9e009087f4211015e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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