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Fandom Akame Ga Kill


Ten Thousand Club




(No younger than 16)



(Anime Only)

Assassin or Guard



Imperial Arm

(Trump Card too)






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Fujio Gates






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.3988258cbf14bc98a98f9168faab1e9c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114994" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.3988258cbf14bc98a98f9168faab1e9c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Assassin or Guard



Fujio is a very relaxed and chill guy. He speaks smoothly and has the voice of an angel, as well as the face of one. Fujio gets along with most people within Night Raid. He never likes to rush into things whether it's in battle or not. He's strategic, always planning out a move before initiating, especially since he has a biological Teigu. Speaking of his Teigu Ciri, he has a very close relationship with her. He thinks of her as a best friend and is as loyal to her as she is to him. If anything were to happen to her it'd break his heart.


Fujio grew up in a small family with his two parents and sister Megumi. His father was a prestigious and high ranking member in the Guard of the City and his sister was right behind him. The two siblings went through the Guard Academy together, training and excelling together. Well almost. His sister was much more skilled than himself, though he was never jealous of her. As time went on their father retired and the two siblings graduated being assigned into the Royal Guard. His sister was placed as Captain of the Guard in place of her father while Fujio was merely under her command. However he never complained.

The two remained close until they were assigned to take control of an outer town that was rioting. Fujio believed that they would go down and restrain them, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. Megumi ordered the execution of the entire town, and this caused Fujio to finally understand the corruption of the Empire. In a cliche sneak out in the middle of the night he snuck off and joined Night Raid, where he remains to this day. Only now did he find out that Megumi had been killed in battle, but it hadn't impacted him very much.

Imperial Arm

Ciri Vines @Mitchs98




Bit of Ciri but of Mari


Carrying People

Smooth Talking



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Mari, short for Marionette







Mari stands at 5'6, weighing at 72lbs due to her mostly hollow interior.

Mari, at first encounter, may be seen as a relatively shy and gentle girl who can be naive in situations when it comes to strangers. The type of girl who cannot stand the sight of violence or gore scenes. The display of her love for nature and flowers seem to confirm her character as well. Overall, she displays a very kind and gentle personality who is even scared of her own ability at times. However, this reserved and caring personality is only a disguise to deceive those apposing her into believing that she's weaker than she appears. Her true nature releases on the battle field as a sadistic psychopath who finds quite the pleasure in seeing those suffer and get twisted within her thorns. Although she loves gore, Mari is still as new as a toddler in this world.




She wasn't born into this world but rather built and placed a living entity into her. Her eyes opened and she breathed her first breath in front of her creator unknown. She was a real life Pinocchio, a puppet and given the name Mari, which was short for marionette. Her skin porcelain and movements graceful, the only default was that she didn't understand emotions. Mari didn't have emotions in the beginning but somehow, someway down the line, her emotions got corrupted by evil and became the little actor she plays so well.

Imperial Arm

Crown of Thorns - An imperial arm that is equipped by the white rose in Mari's right eye which is an empty socket. It is a "living" rose that gives her the ability to shoot rose vines from (what it seems) her sleeve. Of corse the vines aren't just any normal garden weeds but are actually as durable as steel chains, having the ability to grab on or strangle whoever she chooses. She also has the ability to make the thorns on the vines thicker, longer, tougher, and sharper as if they were steel spikes. Mari is able to create a web-like structure out of the vines to trap opponents or use as a defense against attacks. The thorns, if pricked, can release a poison into the bloodstream of the enemy which can result in paralyzation, numbness, hallucination, nausea, or death. However with more experience and dedication, she can change the properties of the substance in the thorns to something that could possibly mend and heal wounds.

Trump Card - Crown of Thorns is able to grow white roses from the vines, releasing a poison into the air that is much like inhaling acid when the rose buds bloom. Once the vapor is in the system of the person, it is able to literally burn the person from the inside out, starting with the lungs of corse. The poison is disbursed and released into the air which means that Mari cannot control who breaths in the air and who doesn't. A human entity would be greatly affected by the poison from the roses but since Mari is a puppet, she doesn't get affect by the drawback of the Trump Card. The trump can only be used as many times as there are petals(36) on the rose, every time she uses it a petal falls off. The Rose Imperial Arm is her life entity, as long as the rose is living determines her life span.

Assassin or Guard




+Blood / Gore

+Her little puppet head


+Getting her way

+People under estimating her



-Destruction of nature

-Bitter people



-Moths, all my character will forever hate moths as much as I hate/fear them..


Fujio Gates // @Kayzo (bae <3)


Mari's skills are very few but what she is good at is something she's mastered, such as torture without killing the victim. Her acting skills are second to none along with her deception of others.


Mari has similar qualities to a human's but also differs in varies ways. Her skin is soft and smooth and can also eminate heat like a human's but cannot bleed. Unlike a human every scratch she receives cannot heal, it is like a scar on her although that doesn't mean she's fragile to the touch. Bones don't break but rather she, herself, can crack or shatter. Poison and potion attacks also don't seem to do her any harm.

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Name: Lorenzo Languistine

Age: 20

Gender: Male


Assassin or Guard: Assassin

Personality: Lorenzo is very carefree in speech making him come off as rude or arrogant. He isn't afraid to tell people what he thinks of them but at the same time absolutely hates when people judge him for his actions making him come off as a hypocrite. Whilst he may not display it on the surface, he appreciates the comfort of having others around him who he can trust. In battle he is cautious of his enemy never choosing to underestimate even the weakest of potential foes. He has a soft spot for anyone who provides him sweets.

Bio: As a baby he was dumped out on the cold harsh streets until he was rescued by a well-known thief. The thief initially had plans of selling the baby but upon a gaze into his eyes had a change of heart instead taking it upon himself to raise the child as his successor, naming him Lorenzo, family name Languistine. Growing up, Lorenzo was taught a range of skills such as thievery along with how to use knives in combat. Life on the streets was harsh and dangerous. Even the slightest mistake of trespassing into potentially dangerous or gang-controlled territory cost a life. Scenes of torture, bloody massacres and abuse of power... Lorenzo was exposed to it all at such a young innocent age. At the age of 18 his adoptive father abandoned him without notice leaving him to wander the streets alone for the next year and a half during which was the first time he had ever felt true isolation. Until eventually he stumbled across a wanted member of a well known guild of assassins that had been sent to scout him. Having grown tired of the streets & with no friends or place to call home, he reluctantly accepted.

Imperial Arm: "Steal" - His imperial arm is nothing so flashy as a shooting star but at the same time should not be underestimated. It takes the form a small empty pouch stored in his waist belt. Upon release it will enlarge itself before beginning to wrap around a projectile or incoming attack where it appears as if it almost tears it out of existence. The limitations to this ability are that he can't steal melee attacks with a physical form.

Even Lorenzo has no clue as to where the stolen attack/projectile is stored but what he does know is that the next time he re-opens his pouch, the attack will be launched in a direction of his choosing. He can steal 1 attack/projectile at a time. This imperial arm can also "steal" large quantities of goods (e.g. jewelry) but doesn't affect the surrounding environment (buildings, floors).

Trump Card "Now you see me, now you don't" - After his imperial arm has expanded he can jump inside of it himself after which it will "steal" Lorenzo before vanishing completely. The pouch will then re-open in a random area (the sky, a building, a shop) to which he isn't able to decide. It's a useful escape mechanism. He can also use this trump card on other people. However, the thing to remember is that the bag teleports with the person trapped inside to a completely random location. So Lorenzo would not be able to get his bag back unless the person he teleported would be willing to give it back (provided they ever meet Lorenzo again).

Sexuality: Hetero

Crush: N/A

Skill(s): Can read situations quickly without a word even being spoken, is rarely if ever phased, very mobile, capable of wielding a knife with excellence in close combat.

Other: N/A
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  • Cirillia

    Biological Teigu

    Name: Cirillia

    Age: ???? Looks 15.


    She is 5'0.

    Personality: Cirillia is incredibly hyper and energetic and probably overly friendly to just about everyone she likes. She has an incredibly short attention span for anything that doesn't involve fighting, however. She likes fighting, friendly or not, though she prefers the not as she generally gets to hurt the other person more.

    Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

    Bio: TBA(If that's ok..)

    Imperial Arm: Cirillia is bound to a writing pen, though that doesn't say much about her. Much akin to her personality, Cirillia is extremely fast. If you don't pay attention she'll be in front of you kicking your ass before you can blink.

    Cirillia isn't that strong when she isn't fighting, though she maintains her speed. During fights, she summons spiked metal plated gauntlets that both give her strength and pack a pretty mean punch. She is also able to increase the speed of her wielder/owner greatly, though not as fast as herself and it tends to make herself slower and weaker when she does.

    The Gauntlets:


    Cirillia also has excellent hearing due to having two sets of ears, she is able to hear whispers and conversations from quite a ways off, making her good for recon.

    Trump Card: Cirillia becomes ten times faster than her previous self, though much weaker even with her gauntlets. She is un-able to provide a speed boost to her wielder during this time, and the longer it is activated the more strain is put on her body and the wielders. Eventually after prolonged use it will cause the both of them to pass out.

    Assasin or Guard: Assassin





    Punchin' Things


    Not getting to punch things


    People who make fun of her.

    Crush: Fujio Gates @Kayzo


    As mentioned above, Cirillia has excellent hearing and due to her speed and light frame she is incredibly nimble.

    She is an expert in hand to hand combat.

    She is a pretty damn good cook.

    Other: For @Kayzo

    Krieg Stein

    Name: Krieg Stein, Generally referred to as 'Psycho' and aptly so.

    "I see rrreed."

    Age: 22

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: (Picture is freaking HUGE so I used this)


    Height: 7'

    Weight: 275 pounds

    Personality: Krieg is utterly and one hundred percent psychotic most of the time, especially in fights. Most of the time, he will seemingly be talking to himself, when in his warped little reality he is talking to the voices in his head that may or may not be the only thing keeping him from completely snapping and murdering every single thing in sight. His vocabulary is far from the best, and he generally doesn't make sense most of the time. Often times you can see him twitching psychotically to himself, staring from behind his mask with his one visible eye, glaring at everyone in the room. He is an extreme masochist, cause him pain and he will embrace it whole heartedly.

    In those rare moments where he isn't a completely random psychopath, he is actually quite normal and a completely different person than his normal self. Despite everything, he is extremely loyal to his band of fellow murderers, often using his large and durable frame as a shield.

    Sexuality: Straight

    Bio: Krieg was entirely normal growing up, he had lots of friends, loving parents, nice house, etc. etc. Until that fateful day when he was mugged on the way home from work by a band of thieves and beaten to a state of near death. That day changed him entirely, after several months he recovered almost entirely. The beating he took disfigured his face entirely, no amount of surgery could make him look normal, therefore he decided from then on to wear some form of mask. If his fashion choices didn't ring a few alarms about his psychological change, what happened next did. He had remembered the faces of the group that had mugged him and nearly killed him as plain as day, taking the nearest blunt object he killed everyone in the hospital that tried to stop him before making his way out. He hunted them all down like animals, they tried beating him but he simply shrugged it off and snapped them like twigs, all the time while shouting various words and laughing madly. What the group hadn't realized is they gave him power, power he had always craved, power he embraced.

    Years passed and along the way he found his Teigu, it bonded to him instantly and made him even stronger and even more psychotic. At that point he accepted any and every contract killing job, or even killing whoever looked at him funny. He is easily one of the most wanted criminals in the Empire just by body count alone. Eventually, he joined Night Raid and the Revolutionary Army. Why not? Only thing it changed was he now had a purpose for killing.

    Imperial Arm: Kriegs Teigu is..unique to say the least. It is an evolving Teigu, wherein it has multiple forms as he fights. The more pain he causes or absorbs, the stronger both it and he get. I shall explain using ye old fashioned Accordion dividers.

    "I see rreed"(Basic Form)


    His Teigu in it's most basic form, this is how it looks before he starts receiving or giving out punishment. Despite it's rather ugly outward appearance, it is an excellent weapon and grants him a few basic abilities in it's default state.

    EMBRACE THE PAIN: The more punishment Kriegs' body takes, the stronger he gets and the deadlier his Teigu gets. Taking enough punishment will allow it to 'evolve' into it's next form. He cannot, unfortunately, embrace the pain from direct strikes to the heart, pierce his head, or getting his head cut off. His skin, however, is incredibly more durable than a normal humans which makes for an excellent pain cushion.

    GIFT OF PAIN: The same as above, however, this is tied to the amount of pain and death he causes himself. The more his victims suffer and the more bodies that pile up, the faster he gets. Dealing enough punishment as well as receiving enough will cause his Teigu to 'evolve.

    "EXPLOSIONS OF LIFE!"(Second Form)


    His Teigu's Second Form. It comes with all the benefits of the previous plus two more...explosive..tools.

    EXPLOSIONS ALL AROUND: That little chunk of metal on the back of the axe isn't just for show. Each blow now holds a concentrated yet powerful blast of concussive force, exploding the flesh it comes into contact with and possibly stunning the afflicted in the process.

    LET THE RED FLOW: Much akin to the added spikes on his blade, getting cut by this is the same as getting cut by a serrated knife. It tears the flesh more as well as causing the afflicted to bleed more than usual.



    His Teigu's Third Form, while he loses his explosions he becomes all the more deadly. Might want to get a bucket of water.

    FIRESTARTA: His Teigu catches on fire, quite literally. The blade is super heated with enough heat to cut through most metals with ease and through flesh like a hot knife through butter. The heat alone is able to burn flesh minimally just simply by standing near it.

    IS IT HOT IN HERE?: Krieg is able to release concentrated blasts of heat or fire in either a wave or a ball that explodes slightly upon contact with solid material, any material, this includes a thick wall of water.



    Kriegs Teigu evolves into the ultimate form, granting him the powers of the previous forms and making him nigh invulnerable. His explosion become bigger and his Teigu becomes hotter. This is a one time use, and despite him not being able to control when his Teigu evolves, he is able to control whether or not he uses this. His Teigu must be fully evolved and he must deliver himself a fatal wound by stabbing himself in the heart. This form lasts for thirty minutes(Ehh, six or seven posts, maybe?) before he violently explodes into a ball of fiery gore that can and will vaporize or severely wound anyone in a fifty meter radius. The closer they are to him when he explodes, the more chance there is they are dead.

    Assassin or Guard: Assassin






    That cracking sound bones make when they break

    "Feeling pain, causing pain, EMBRACE THE PAIN!"


    Bones that don't make that cracking sound when he breaks them.

    Not causing enough pain.

    Crush: "PAIN IS MY ONLY TRUE LOVE!" In other, human words, no one yet.



    Despite everything, he is an excellent artist. He can paint anything you ask him to.

    Extremely durable to pain and injuries, "EMBRACE THE PAIN!"


    Alexis Jackson

    Name: Alexis Jackson

    Age: 18

    Gender: Female


    Personality: Alexis is a rather kind-hearted and shy individual. Much rather preferring to spend her time helping people and tending to wounded than fighting, she'll almost never refuse to help someone. Though, she tends not to get too close to people, given the fact neither of her parents loved her that much, she'll still likely be your friend and a kind person to talk to.

    Sexuality: Straight

    Bio: Alexis was, for the most part, a normal kid when she was young. Born into a extremely wealthy family she had pretty much everything she wanted, both of her parents were very well respected and famous Guards, expecting her to follow in their footsteps.

    The thing is, she didn't want to, at all. She felt the life of a guardsman was brutish and wrought with endless killing and inflicting of pain. Her parents wouldn't hear of it, she was forced into training as soon as she turned thirteen.

    She hated training and she hated her parents, she genuinely wished they'd die while doing their precious jobs they valued more than their own daughter.

    It wasn't until her wish came true had she regretted thinking such things and really drove herself into her training, the one thing her parents had expected of her.

    Not because her parents expected it of her, but because she wanted to exact her revenge. She decided she wanted to be more of a support than an outright combatant, and thus when she was granted her Imperial Arms she gladly accepted. She stayed with the guards for roughly a year before seeing their corruption and the Empires' as a whole. At first she tried to change things on the inside bribing them to quit their job or threatening them. Eventually however she was found out and nearly killed, only convincing two guards to leave, and was forced to flee from the Capital.

    About two months later she joined up with Night Raid. Thus far she's been with them for around a year and she considers everyone there a great friend. While she might not agree with their methods of simply killing everyone that opposes them, she can't deny their effectiveness and the fact of it bettering the Empire.

    Imperial Arm:

    Magical Cards


    Alexis' Teigu is a set of cards with a multitude of effects, the primary one being and the one she uses the most is a solid grey color. When flicked in a throwing motion yet without actually throwing it three cards arc out and fly to converge on whatever she 'tossed' the first card to provided they don't hit anything or aren't otherwise stopped. These cards are able to cut through skin easily and with time penetrate armor, though this takes a LONG time and they are easily stopped by wood or the like.

    The rest of the cards carry various magics ranging from offensive to defensive to support. The greater the effect the more of the wielders energy it costs. The magic is, however, very basic and it's completely random what card she will draw. She can however simply discard it by tossing it to the side, having it reappear in the deck at a random location. It's entirely possible for her to draw nothing of use whatsoever the entire time.

    The user is also able to seemingly teleport, leaving a after image of falling cards in their wake. In reality it's simply extremely fast bursts of speed that are extremely taxing on the user, yet very flashy.

    Trump Card:

    Alexis draws a group of eight cards, the effects from each are all cast at once. Be they offensive, support, or defensive. Two of the cards will be destroyed, the cards chosen are random, and will never be able to be used again. On top of that the user will pass out ranging from minutes to days depending on the power the cards possesed.

    Assassin or Guard: Assassin


    Pie, Reading, Fighting, Helping people.


    Rude people, people that harm others for fun/little reason, friends getting hurt or dying.

    Crush: Arden(Hue...)


    Alexis is an exceptional medic, she never leaves the garrison without stocking her satchel full of various medicinal herbs, drinks, gauze, etc. She can fix everything shy of injuries that require surgery or death itself.

    Alexis is also a highly skilled swordsman, nimble and quick she prefers to use a shortsword, moving in close and ending her fights as quickly as possible.

    Alexis is also a excellent strategist given her knowledge gained from reading so much, able to come up with complex plans on the fly as well as multiple scenarios for how they will turn out.

    Other: She has her own personal library in her small house, mostly medicinal books.

    Annalise Fredricks

    Name: Annalise 'Anna' Fredricks aka Moonlight Assassin.

    Age: 26

    Gender: Female



    Personality: On the outside and towards Night Raid and friends she's extremely sweet and kind, usually going out of her way to help others with what they need. On the inside towards her targets or enemies she's completely sadistic, often times playing her own variation of Thousand Cuts before landing the killing blow. In a fight she is just as sadistic, if not more so, than her Teigu.

    Sexuality: Bi

    Bio: TBR

    Imperial Arm (I have to approve): Silith
    @Daniel reaving

    Shingu: Moon Blade

    A blue katana that grants the wielder slightly increased strength and speed. This effect doubles under the light of the moon and triples under the light of a full moon. Thus earning her the title 'Moonlight Assassin'.

    Assassin or Guard: Assassin





    Torturing victims

    Night Raid

    Helping friends




    Wasabi Sauce


    Crush (opt): None, yet.


    Heavily skilled in most forms of martial arts and sword wielding arts.

    Masterfully skilled with a katana.

    Surprisingly good cook.

    Other: For
    @Daniel reaving

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Rin Shinohara

"The Vampire"

"The Crimson Warrior"






His eyes are a sky blue in colour, his hair is black.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.e65da464392cc288a6bb7b1809d90706.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115020" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.e65da464392cc288a6bb7b1809d90706.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Rin is a very calm and opinionated person. He is the type of guy to say it how it is and not really care about the consequences. He is an incredibly kind individual and despises the Empire more than anything, the unnecessary pain they cause doesn't sit well with him. Rin is, by nature, very protective over himself and his comrades. He takes the death of friends/allies/comrades very badly, and can sometimes succumb to doing stupid things because of it. Although he is usually a kind person 99.9% of the time, he does have a slight emotionless streak towards him. This shines more brightly when in battle, however. Having a noble upbringing, Rin is very educated and thus very intelligent.

Rin does not talk about his past, and hates it whenever it is brought up in a conversation.




Rin was born into a family of nobles that have kissed the Empires feet since the very beginning. Throughout history the males of the family usually enroll into the Imperial Army and the women end up being either housewives or politicians. Rin was the youngest child to his parents who are now both dead, his father was a general in the army and his mother was a stay at home mum. His older brother was someone of whom he never really had a relationship with, and shared the same views as his father. Growing up, he never really saw his father and spent the majority of his time with his mother. Eventually, his mother died from an "Unknown cause" which to this day is still the lie that is told about her death.

In truth, his mother was a spy for the Revolutionary Army, and was cut down by his father because of it. At around the age of 13, Rin killed his father while he slept as an act of revenge for his mother and then fled the Capital, taking his fathers Teigu, Ky?ketsuki, with him. What became of his brother, was unknown to Rin. He just assumed that he joined the ranks of the Empire.

Rin made his home in the woodlands and trained intensely for five years, becoming an expert in the arts of stealth, sabotage and sword fighting. When he reached the age of 17 he joined the Revolutionary Army, and Night Raid.

Imperial Arm


"The Leech Blade"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.ff3ab6491c3d44704445e511217e0079.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115019" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.ff3ab6491c3d44704445e511217e0079.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ky?ketsuki is a malevolent blade that has the ability of stealing ones energy with every cut, no matter how minor it is. The blade will continue to absorb an opponents energy until they are rendered useless and unable to fight, allowing the user to strike the killing blow. The effect gets stronger with every cut, so it is best not to let the blade touch you. The leeching effect can be activated or stopped at any time should the user want to. It is an extremely durable blade that can cut through most materials with ease. After the blade has made contact with you, the life/energy draining ability cannot be reversed. Rin himself is immune to the affects of the blade unless he allows it to affect him. When one is drained of all their life force/energy, they become an empty husk of flesh and die.

Deshim?shon (Decimate) - Ky?ketsuki gathers energy and accumulates it at its tip. The energy takes the form of a small crimson coloured orb that explodes into a large blast of lightning-like energy that arcs towards the opponent frying anything in its path.

Ketsueki b?mu (Blood beam) - Ky?ketsuki generates a beam of solid, extremely sharp blood that shoots out of the tip of the blade and towards the opponent. This can be altered to become a slash.

Kagenotsuki (Shadowed Moon) - Slashing Ky?ketsuki in quick succession, the strikes are so quick that only one of them can be seen (The generic one of the sword itself). The attack is super fast, and very effective.

Trump Card


The user must be willing to give themselves up to the blade. In order to do so, one must let the blade drink his/her blood. This is done by the user cutting anywhere on their body. Ky?ketsuki will then enhance the users physical strength, speed, hearing, sight, and reflexes to an immense level. His speed becomes lightning fast and his strength is increased phenomenally. Very Few can combat this, even most biological teigu. Of course, the usual effects of the blade still stands. The trump card can only be used once a day as when the effects wear off Ky?ketsuki will then devour some of the users energy, decreasing the users lifespan after every use. This trump card is an absolute last resort due to its incredibly strength, and is actually unknown to anyone other than the user themself. Ky?ketsuki's energy stealing ability is boosted to the max, and is capable of completely draining someone of all their energy and thus killing them in the maximum time of just 5 seconds.

Assassin or Guard




-Fighting for the cause

-His Teigu

-Spicy food

-People that are intelligent

-People who don't recognise him as, "That noble kid"


-The Empire


-Unnecessary violence/death

-Being mocked/underestimated

-His noble background


Clair O'Reilly


-Master Swordsmanship

-Master of stealth

-He is able to judge if someone is lying or not very well

-Rin is extremely fast and agile: Master acrobat


Rin is often always identified by his Teigu as it is very well known.

His face is known amongst those of the Empire, so he tends to get things done as quickly and as quietly as he can.​



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Arden Lacer







Arden stands at 5'5, weighing at 112lbs. Often using her mask to hide her face during battles.

*Please disregard the black horn-like things on top of her head


Arden doesn't have much of a personality, she doesn't understand many feelings such as happiness or sadness. It's very much neutral for her as she hadn't been in control of herself, she was always just the puppet on strings up until the escape. Arden can often be considered soft spoken but an odd ball for her... unique nature.




Since young, Arden was placed into an elite entertainment industry that trained souly to serve the Empire. Whether from the geisha tea service to the red light district, once you were picked you would live within the capital walls to study the arts till they no longer found of use for you. Luckily, or unlucky rather, for Arden she found herself in the geisha section rather than the red light district like most of the girls her age went to. Here, her emotions seemed to be stripped from her individual self for the mentality of serving the Empire but deep down she knew that devoting her 100% to the kingdom would be impossible because she, herself, came first before anything no matter how selfish it seemed. Her specialty was fan dance and the training consisted of intense days and nights, painful punishments whenever perfection wasn't performed, and plenty of fake smiles but never any tears.

Once she had become experienced enough at age 7, Arden had her first show in front of the Prime Minister in which he seemed a little bit too pleased with her performance. She soon became one of his personal favorites, forced to live within the castle walls alongside with the other girls that he favored. It didn't take long before Arden realized the corruption within the kingdom, the things that the Prime minister did to those he favored and those that he didn't. At the age of 11, she finally had the will to escape but her attempt failed when a guard had stunned her with an Imperial Arm from behind. Arden was dragged back, punished, and returned back to the normal lifestyle as before.

It wasn't until her 4th attempt to escape at age 14 that Arden successfully slipped out of the capital's grasp. There on out she spent her time assaulting and robbing, which she found a special talent for, and later getting scouted by the Revolutionary Army

Imperial Arm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8caf0328_ScreenShot2016-03-29at12.35.36PM.png.f8cea2aa3474d4a1fee2ae519ab50a05.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115057" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8caf0328_ScreenShot2016-03-29at12.35.36PM.png.f8cea2aa3474d4a1fee2ae519ab50a05.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lacerate, heavy and durable hand fans(2) made of material stronger than steel that can be used offensively and defensively. Due to the tough material that makes up the fan, it is, for the most part, resistant to all elements. The spikes along the rim of the fan and jagged edges are said to be sharper than the blade on a sword and if cut by them can cause profuse bleeding, even to its own user. The Lacerate can easily become a projectile if needed but rarely used as so. If swung swiftly enough, the fans can create blades of wind capable of slicing through the target with ease.

Trump Card- Lacerate combines into a single large fan approximately 6'0 that can create slicing windwirls and deadly tornadoes, trapping the enemy within a current of sharp winds. Just like it's original use, it can also create sharper and longer range blades of wind at a much faster rate as well. The defensive is greatly improved, being able to defend against the most powerful of attacks and explosions. The Trump Card is especially physically draining of Arden due to its massive size and weight that she must control, something that can only be used a maximum of 2 times a days and lasts for a good 1-3 hours.

Assassin or Guard



+The little glowing lights at night, both in the sky and in the butts of those bugs

+Stepping on crunchy things, leaves, snow, broken glass, broken bones...

+Bunnies, oh meh gerd bunnies

+Cakes, sweets in general


-Puppets [ironic..]

-Moths, those lil furry fuckers

-The heat, sweating isn't the most pleasant feeling

-Isolated dark rooms




Arden is quite nimble and flexible, always seeming to be light on her feet and aware of her surroundings but hard to wear down. Quick to react and skilled in handling her Imperial Arms. Unlike others that would go head in first when a battle breaks out or gets hot headed when shit hits the fan, Arden is able to keep calm and think a handful of steps and possiblities ahead of the battle. Rarely does she speak once her mask so on, not even a scream or a wince but maybe a low growl if she's feeling it.



Upon request, Arden has returned.



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Amelia Ebner




What do you think?


Her outfit was made with her breasts in mind.


Assassin or Guard?



Amelia just doesn't care. Despite having incredible table manners, her fucks given for any other type of manners are very low. Are you an old man with a high status and a cold glare? Cross Amelia and none of that matters. She'll suffocate you with her chest if you're snarky enough. That being said, the lady gets irritated incredibly easily, and as hard as she tries to keep it in, there's always something that deserves to get shot at.

If you aren't a total prick to her, you get to see her good side, which, despite still ignoring rules set down by society, she'll actually try to be polite and kind... Sometimes it seems like she's too nice, which makes it seem like she's forcing it, but that's just her trying her best to get people to not dislike her for her weirdness.


Amelia really doesn't have much of a story to tell, aside from being raised in a slightly poorer family than the rest of the poor families which were all poor because of a certain monarch. Most of her childhood was comprised of not knowing how poor they were or what the cause of it was, living happily like anyone oblivious to the truth would be. But when she came of age and learned why things were how they were, she snapped and kind of killed a low ranking guard which happened to have stolen a dangerous Imperial Arm? Well, that doesn't matter, because Amelia now owns said Imperial Arm and is probably one of the most deadly people in the Night Raid.

Imperial Arm

~Silver Rain~

Named after its ability to shoot hundreds of bullets at once, Silver Rain is a flower shaped hair clip. Said hair clip, despite looking somewhat harmless, possesses the ability to spawn in a countless number of fancy silver muskets at different times and different locations, each of which have one shot. Whether you're trying to look cool or trying to look cool and fight at once, Silver Rain can get nearly any job done.

~Tiro Finale~

A bunch of tiny muskets not enough? Tiro Finale is Silver Rain's last resort 'spell', and rather than spawn in many muskets, this attack forms one giant gun that can range from a cannon to a cannon on wheels. Tiro Finale takes a lot out of the poor little hair clip, however, and unless you're really in danger of dying, this attack is not recommended.


Is 'shooting things' a sexuality?


Just Amelia and her guns.


Amelia's aim is horrifyingly perfect, and if you can manage to get anywhere near her, you won't be making contact anytime soon.

Aside from fighting? Not really.




Rei Akita







Assassin or Guard



She is mainly quiet when seen around his companions she is a kind person.She enjoys to fight with others but she can get sadistic when fighting the person who she is fighting.



Imperial Arm:The black bone claws


The claws that are her arms she can switch between her normal arms and claws

Trump card:She loses all sense of her human self and becomes a demon (Its the look in the pic)




No one yet




Melee fighting



Being alone



Having fun by her self



Suffering her self

Being overpowered
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Name:Clair O'Reilly






Personality:Clair is a strong-willed and noble young woman, with a caring personality; this is seen as she selflessly helps others. This holds truer for those struggling to become better on their own, as she understands what a hard road it was. Clair can also be very cold in battle and doesn't mind enjoying a heated battle with a strong opponent.

Clair has shown to be quite calm in even the most arduous of the situation.

Bio: Clair is a member of the O'Reilly family , a family that has produced superior swordsman for generations. When her family had a son, they immediately discriminated against her, forcing Clair not to do anything while treating her like she didn't exist.During a new year celebration Clair, unable to withstand the environment, ran out of her house and got lost in the snow. Down to her final breaths, the almost dying Clair cries out her frustration as her grandfather appears in front of her, telling her to never give up and to become strong.

Clair eventually left her house to live on her own.She trained day in and day out before finally joining the Night Raid at the age of sixteen.

Imperial Arm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-30_17-6-4.png.c5c85e7d5203810bae669de367c9e981.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115217" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-30_17-6-4.png.c5c85e7d5203810bae669de367c9e981.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>~Intetsu

Clair's Imperial Arm takes the form of a black Katana.It is called forth by Clair using the command phrase "Come to me" and striking her left palm with her right fist and pulling out the sword as if it came out of her left hand.

Clair's Imperial ability and strongest technique = By forcibly ignoring her survival instincts with her superhuman body control, Clair is able to magnify her natural ability's "Doubling Physical Powers" from double to several dozen times, allowing her to gain tremendous power but she can only maintain it for a minute. (Her imperial arm allows her to do so)

(Trump Card)

An improved version of her previous ability. It increases the abilities of the user by a hundred-fold. The drawbacks are quite evident, however.It lasts for only one moment. Also, the burden to the body is immense. When Clair first used it, she had to stay in bed for a week.


Crush:Rin Shinohara


Blade Steal :One of Clair's techniques, Clair using her great insight to observe and steal her opponent's techniques and further improve it through her swordsmanship. According to Clair, she can grasp most sword styles with only a minute of exchanges. Additionally, her sword stealing is not limited to the techniques her opponent can immediately use. Once she understands a sword style enough to grasp its deepest secrets, she can reproduce its most advanced techniques even if she never saw it before.

Immense Stamina: Due to her continuous training, Clair has incredible amounts of stamina above that of most people. Even when heavy injured, Clair has been able to keep fight efficiently enough to win.

Insight: As a result of being neglected over the years, Clair has mastered the skills to see through her opponent's technique simply through observing. Clair can also read her opponent's next move simply through the opponent's muscle movement. Clair's insight has even allowed her to properly sense how dangerous someone really is on the first meeting.

Trackless Step : This technique combines the user's breath control and footwork at the same time to decrease the distance from the user and the target in an instant. This technique actually does not accelerate the user's movements, but by making one's movement difficult to perceive.

Complete Body Control:Clair can control her body at will as a result of her training. She can perform many superhuman feats due to her rigorous body control, such as dashing forward while her entire body nearly touching the ground and can turn off her sense such as sight and hearing to focus on her other senses.

Other:While my characters ability's may seem somewhat op i have no intentions of making it so that she cannot be defeated or even killed nor do i intend to have her avoid every move made by an enemy.

Clair's face is known to the empire and so she doesn't tend to go out in public unless necessary.



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Ryougin Sho


Ryougin Sho




Agender (ze/zir)


Dark skin and white hair that peppers at the back. Lime-green eyes with a bit of eye shadow (usually pink) to hide scars around zir eyes. Ryougin used to have grey eyes but changed due to his imperial arm. Ze stands 5’9” tall (179.8 cm).



An upbeat individual that enjoys fooling around and teasing others. Ze is rather impulsive and does not like to take things seriously. Sometimes it seems that ze cannot read the mood of the atmosphere when ze is left to zir demise. Despite labeled as an airhead, Ryougin is a hard worker and will take responsibilities when needed.

Ryougin is a young adult from a small town west of the Capital named Revlis. The town is well known for its silver mine and products, but it is also known for its massive mountains and luscious forest. Ryougin spend most of zir childhood out in the wood with zir father hunting the local wildlifes.

Before Ryougin moved to the Capital, ze managed to find work in the town hall to support zir family when zir father was diagnosed with a mental disability. At first, zir mother was able to work but as time past, father's health declined to the point where mother had take care of him 24/7. Because Ryougin’s mother was busy taking care of zir father and zir two younger sisters also, the burden of carrying zir family fell upon Ryougin's shoulders. Ze had help of course and things became easier, especially when ze volunteered as a part time in the government military.

Ryougin’s father passed away eight weeks after ze was invited to the Capital. Ryougin was given an encased glass bottle with a light green, shimmering sphere floating in it. Ze noted that there was a similar artifact in zir family home. Mother said it was something to remember father by, since Ryougin would be distances away from home. Ze had no idea what the thing was but took it anyways. The colour did reminded zir of zir father’s bright green eyes. Regrettably, the eyes were things Ryougin had tried to avoid during zir father's decline; the eyes seemed to glow brighter during those days.

The identity of the odd present was eventually revealed during a military mission. Ryougin did knew that the present was special when ze accidently teleported during training, but ze would have never imagined that zir family had one of the rumoured imperial arms. Though where was it this whole time? Any doubts about the weapon disappeared during the mission.

The mission took place in a small port town. Ryougin and zir unit of three, including zirself, were to locate and identify the enemy’s supply ships. It was supposed to be a simple get in and get out type mission, but after a series of unfortunate accidents, Ryougin was stabbed in the left eye and then later his glass bottle broke during a fight. Zir vision was red from the blood and zir memory of the escape was spotty until he finally blacked out.

The least to say, the mission was a failure. With the Empire knowing of the enemy’s cargo ships, the enemy is bound to abandoned all identified vessels. Weeks of research and meetings wasted, but at least one good thing came out from it. From then on, Ryougin’s work load increased and demand of zir service outside of the office was tripled.

Imperial Arm
Imperial Arm

Starlight Sight: This weapon allows its user to cast an illusion of them self. The illusion is not a copy of theirself but a space that allows the user to move between where they are and where the illusion is. If the user choices to move to where their illusion self is, they will leave an after image where they. The afterimage will be hot to the touch and will bust into bright light when it breaks, voluntarily or not. It is possible to teleport back to that illusion if it has not disappeared.

If the user is able to move between the illusions fast enough, they have the capability to be at different places at the same time. Their consciousness split, allowing them to have multiple point of views but still think as one. Because the user is teleporting between image, there is actually only one physical copy. Starlight Sight is not a cloning weapon but an illusion type. It only appears that the illusions are also attacking because of the rapid teleportation.

The Starlight Sight as a weapon is gas and plasma. It glows green and yellow like a nebula. Originally, it was contained in a vessel of some sort. This allowed the user to create an illusion and carry out objects that the user holds. However, a different and a much more dangerous application of this weapon is discovered. It is to eat the Starlight Sight fume.

When the imperial arm is consumed by the user, the maximum capacity of the illusion increases from one illusion to four. Environmental factors also come into play. At the minimum, the user may create illusions of flying arrows and artilleries shot by the user or by others and teleport them like the user would to their own body. Similar to close combat attacks, it is possible for a single ammunition to hit its target multiple times.

Another branching ability this tier allows is to teleporte with another living being. However, the user can only do so in a linear pattern. The user and the passenger cannot teleport back to their previous location.

There is a mark when the Starlight Sight is consumed. Like the name suggests, the fume make its mark in the iris of its user and turns them bright green. There has been different records how this particular weapon was consumed. Some have directly inhaled the fumes, while some ate the eyes of the previous owner. Peeling the cornea of the eyes and injecting the weapon directly in is also rumoured to happened. When the user dies, the eyes will be completely coloured and bloated. The spheres will eventually pop out from the skull if not removed.

Ryougin only knew of this until very late in zir military career.


Trump Card

Ryougin have avoided consuming all of the Starlight Sight fume. Because ze has half of the total power in zir, ze is able to create four illusions and those of arrows and bullets. Ze is able to teleport with another, but ze needs a little more Starlight Sight to do so. To bypass this, ze has the second eye and places it in zir mouth, glass bottle and all. The radiation of the second eye is enough to power Ryougin to teleport with other living beings. The glass bottle is to prevent zir from accidentally swallowing the sphere and dampening its effects. The bottle also prevents zir from talking.

When the Starlight Sight is consumed completely, the user is able to influence more of the environment. The followings are known records what a user can do:

Starlight Sight: Comet’s Tail: When teleporting, the user leaves a trail of suffocating heat between the teleported images. When the illusion moves, not only would there be a heat trail between the images but the path the illusions move will feel hot to stay behind.

Starlight Sight: Comet’s Mirage: The user blows out an invisible, but hot cloud. User disappears within the dry heat. Any water in the air will boil to a point where it can create tiny sparks, not enough to hurt, but it is damn irritating. Stay long enough in the haze may distort visions for a couple of minutes or even hours later.

It is without a say, it is best to avoid to completely consume the Starlight Sight. Full exposure to it may eventually leads the user to mental break or decline. Disconnection and dissonance between reality and self may be felt

-ality + Crush
Sexuality: Pansexual but in all honestly, Ryougin really don't care. If ze falls in love, ze's in love.

Crush(es): None yet.

(Tell me if it's alright for Ryougin to have crushes on your babe uwu. I don't want to make ppl uncomfortable)

Skills and Other

Other than able to make simple dishes for one and do basic house chores, Ryougin is skilled at sword fights and an excellent marksman. Ever since ze had taken in the Starlight Sight, ze had preferred to use a bow or a sniping rifle as zir choice of weapon.

Ryougin has a long and an impressive history of tracking and finding wildlife and humans.

Ze can file and organize papers. Ryougin was a paper pusher long before joining the military and then the Guard. Ze still take short paper works from time to time.


Ryougin’s left eye may have not healed properly. Ze is able aim with an arrow and rifle well, but it is speculated that he has large blind spot at the side.

Thanks to
@Lilah Tunth for the BBCode. I've used this BBCode as my base. Clearly, I’ve done my own editing to my liking.


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Yasumi Kai


Sumi or Umi







Yasumi stands at a tall and proud 4"11 and half, weighing a heavy 92lbs.

Assassin or Guard


(Waaaay too many assassins...)


Yasumi has always been a lovable child, adored by most of her peers as an innocent little kitten sister-like figure. Her calm yet easy to become flustered personality creates a relatively harmless seeming aura around her. Due to her undeniable "slightly" smaller frame it can be a hassle in order to make herself seem intimidating in any way, especially when trying to get taken seriously by others. Wanting to be scary in any way possible, she tries her best to do everything on her own but that usually doesn't work out to her best intent.. She also really likes pie and cats.



All was normal in this young girl's life.. until the fire nation attacked.

Imperial Arm

Roman Artillery: Pumpkin

Details+Trump Card

"It could gather spirit energy and fire it in a concentrated shockwave. One of its main properties is that its power and range increased in proportion to the level of danger its user was in. It was capable of rapid-fire burst shots of spirit energy and had a detachable, high-tech scouter in a compartment that fits around the user's eye. It also had a scope for sniping. It had multiple parts that can be used to modify its power." The spirit energy has enough power to incinerate a normal bullet.

Trump Card

"Its trump card was a blasting beam so overwhelming that it could act like a giant blade, cutting anything in its path. This power was unleashed according to how passionate the emotions of its user are, but it overheated Pumpkin, rendering it unusable for a while."

^^^^ All from the wikisite

Yasumi's "Pumpkin"

Hard to see, I apologize.

The tattered ribbon attached to the end of her firearm belonged to a very close friend of hers that died a few years back during an assault with Night Raid, often a reminder and a good luck charm for her battles.




Nah, not yet.


Yasumi's skills involve being a rather proficient wielder of Pumpkin, her aim almost second to none which permits for her to shoot targets with extreme precision. On some occasion, her aim is so sharp that it can shoot through a bullet. Due to Pumpkin's interchangeable function, she has grown adequate enough to allow herself to be able to switch out parts in a midst of a battle to modify her power whichever way she sees fit. Despite her long ranged fighting style, her hand to hand combat is reasonable. Umi's small size enables for her to be very fast and agile though her defense is still quite weak inevitably, often having to rely on someone to watch her back as she shoots although sometimes just goes head-on to try to prove her worth.



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Asaki Kohaku






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.38185560bf9155c6d1c0d47c921afdb0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115237" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.38185560bf9155c6d1c0d47c921afdb0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Assassin or Guard

Royal Guard


Asaki is a very stubborn and controlling girl. She thinks of herself above others and that she should have supreme authority over anyone she wants, even the captain of the guard. In fact she believes that she should in fact be the captain of the guard and that the only reason she isn't was because of an injury she received.

Asaki is very stubborn in the sense that she doesn't follow orders well. If she sees a way that makes the goal easier she will pursue it rather than follow someone inferior to her. She's very bossy too and tends to bully the lower ranking guards into doing her own things.

In front of royalty she tries to act like a saint or as if she's the most obedient and polite guard out there in hopes of gaining favor. However you can always tell when she's up to something by the smug ass look on her face.



Imperial Arm

Asaki's Imperial Arm takes the form of a Bolt Rapier, and as the name somewhat suggests, uses the element of electricity. Though it only has one ability as a Teigu, it's built in features only make the weapon more deadly.

This Teigu's ability grants Asaki the power to shock and paralyze people by poking through their skin. Whichever body part she Pierce's with the rapier has a hefty chance of being frozen for a short time. Because of the power this weapon possesses this is the only power it has been granted.

On top of her paralyzing power the Rapier itself can spin, proving to show some bunt wrenching executions.

Trump Card:

Asaki uses her Bolt Rapier to call down an air strike of lightning bolts to shock and burn her enemies. It can be used as much as she wants, but the toll is great seeing that she too is hurt in the air strike. Even if every lightning bolt misses its target she will always be hit.







Being bossy

Messing up insides


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.4bd52fa7e8b8ac0537a5f9986d7831d7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115281" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.4bd52fa7e8b8ac0537a5f9986d7831d7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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Name: Leo Agaio

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance:( look at the link)


Leo is horribly shy, to the point to where the boy would cower and shiver. Leo was always brutally hurt and tortured, never knowing that people could actually be kind

He was born and raised into slavery, and has never seen a different lifestyle.

Bio: Born instantly as a bastard, Leo was raised by a group of teenagers who were nomads, constantly escaping law and authority. However, when Leo was only seven years old, the entire group was caught by a group called The Amazons, a woman only guild who make their money off of slavery and human trafficking. Leo was an instant favorite of the higher rankings, and was personally tortured and abused by the higher ranks, even the leader Lilia. Due to his orange eyes, natural red hair, and handsome features, he was always wanted by the slave buyers, but was fortunately lucky enough to have Lilia have a high liking for the young boy, so he was never sold. He is still enslaved to this day by The Amazons.

Assassin or Guard: N/A


He does not own a Teigu yet, but the one he will be receiving is named "Makrys." (Translation for Long in Greek.) The teigu is able to extend up to 40 feet long and the weilder is able to make the blade sharply turn up to five time before having to recall the blade.

Trump Card:

Will think of one later.


Not yet

Sexuality: Heterosexual

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Karasu "Crow" Redbringer







Assassin or Guard:

Currently the captain of the Royal Guards.


Crow is the complete opposite of what you would normally thing of a guard. He very laid back and a major slacker, he tries to get out of any and all work making up excuses that are impossible or just plain right stupid. Crow also is a very taunting man he enjoys taunting anyone and everyone friend or foe, he often gets refereed to as "all bark and no bite" which he most definitely enjoys proving wrong. While not looking it or acting it Crow is an extreamly intelligent man which he hides between a mask of laziness and unintelligent taunts.


Crow was raised to be a guard from his conception and all the way to his adult life. Crow was trained form the young age of three, he started swordsmanship at five and overtime he became a incredible fighter one his father was proud of. At the age of fifteen his father gave him a gift the Teigu simply known as boomerang and the next day his father was killed in the middle of the street by members of Night Raid, when he reached the age of sixteen he joined the guards in order to get his revenge. He worked his way up from the bottom and three years later he became a Royal Guard after organisation a defense to drive off a rebel attack.

Imperial Arm:

Crow's Teigu take the form of a glove and double bladed saber that when put side to side it just a head smaller than he is. While it has a real name one he dislikes using he simply calls it "boomerang" after its ability. Since its pure side it has no sheath big enough so he simply wraps a cloth around it and ties it to his back with a leather strip.

The Teigu's power much like the name he gave it has the ability to be thrown and then return to the user. However unlike a boomerang this is not automatic. If the user chooses to throw his weapon the blade automatically spins even if thrown like a javelin. The blade will then travel to the thrown direction cutting anything in its path including wood and stone alike. This happens until it either loses momentum or hits an object strong enough to stop it. The blade then when the users wishes can be recalled (this can also be done when the blade is in flight) and the blade will come flying back to the glove of the Teigu.

Trump card:

The Trump card of the "boomerang" is a quite deadly one for both the user and the opponent. First of all the one of the blades must be dipped in the users blood until it is mostly covered and ready to go, this is shown by an odd red glow over the tip of the weapon. The next step is that the user must have a target in sight before throwing the blade. Unlike normal the blade does not spin but instead goes right for the opponent dodging any object in its path before impaling the target. The trump card is in a sense a heat-seeking spear. What makes this dangerous for the user is the pure amount of blood that it takes to cover the blade, the blades length is about the size of a persons knee to ankle and the amount of blood it takes to cover is large and time consuming to do it.




That's for him to know.

( ;) )


He is a master of using his weapon.

He is a master hand to hand fighter.

He is a great chef.

He has a very good throwing arm.
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Name: Santios Diasla

Age: 21

Gender: Male



Personality: Santios comes off as a nice, and caring person. He is usually always seen smiling, or assisting a citizen with their day. Santios will always try to be kind, as he believes anger and sadness only in sweeten the life you were blessed with. He is a very intelligent person, but he does have a weakness. Santios will go out of his way to try to protect or save someone, even if he is on a mission. This very part of his personality alone could kill him. He is very loyal and kind to his friends, always trying to take care of them and asking them if they need help. If you need some kindness in your day, just search for Santios.


Santios was born in a large republic city, raised by his uncle and sister. His mother and father both passed away in the army, and his brother, Keri's, hasn't been seen for the past 3 years. Santios would go everywhere with his sister, seeing her as also a mother figure. His sister, Lilia, was very kind, just like Santios. She would always teach him to treat someone with kindness, and to waste as little time being sad or angry. "Why be sad or angry, Santios? That just makes the life you were blessed with less sweet! Always try to be positive." And with that, Santios was always seen with that happy nature. His teachers at his school would call him "little saint", since he was always seen either helping someone, or smiling and laughing. Sadly, one day, when Santios was 18, everything changed. It was 7 AM in the morning, and Santios was coming back from his night shift job, protecting a sacred weapon in a large mansion. While he was coming back from home, he hears yelling and shouting, and he runs down the street to only find houses burning down, people crying as they're being cut down by some strange masked figures, with an upside down red cross symbol on their coats. Santios quickly cuts down two masked figures that he saw were trying to attack a preschool. After making sure they were all safe, he runs off to his house. Just as he rips open the front door, he was greeted with a horrible sight. He sees his uncle standing there, without his head, a masked figure holding it. Enraged, Santios kills the masked figure without mercy, ripping his limbs. He couldn't believe it. He was so angry. And then, at the top floor, he hears a window break, and them someone gasping. He races up the floor, and he sees another masked figure, with their sword through Lilia, Santios's sister. So many mixed emotions were flowing through his heart: Anger,sadness,agony,hurt. If he just killed the masked figure, without brutally ripping him apart, he could've saved his sister. Santios tackles the masked figure, and rips his neck to piece with his sword. He throws the corpse out of the broken window, turning back to his sister, he gently holds her, tears flowing down his face. Lilia only weakly smiles at him, as she whispers to him. "Don't look so sad, Santios. Before I die, the last image I want to see is your smiling face. Do it for me." Santios continues to cry, and he smiles one last time for his sister as she passes away. He cries into her chest, vowing that he will never fall to his rage, and that he will do anything to save the innocent and weak, even if it means his death.

Imperial Arm:

Since Santios is the teigu of Alice, Santios is able to control blue flames. Santios was revived as the Blue Phoenix, allowing Santios to control blue flames. Nothing is different about the flames, and they still burn. Whenever the owner takes damage, the link between Santios and Alice would absorb the damage, and the pain would instead be inflicted on Santios. He is able to switch on his flames to heal himself, but he can only rejuvenate and heal himself and his owner. He cannot heal and burn at the same time, meaning he cannot heal himself and burn his opponents.

Trump Card: Santios is able to turn on his trump card, but only by his masters will. Santios's flames start to envelop him, the blue flames leaving tattoos all over Santios's body. The tattoos start to burn blue, and Santios gets a massive power boost. With all of his power, Santios can sacrifice himself rebirth someone, as long as they died within a few hours.

Assassin or Guard: Assassin

Like and Dislikes:



+Helping others



-His anger

Romance: Alice


+High Agility

+High Stamina

+Master Hand to Hand Combatant

+Master Swordsman
Name: Akira Rodwen.

Age:24..........+ 57



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-2_1-47-48.jpeg.8abe13cf73a5502e8ca4528b37565afd.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115707" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-2_1-47-48.jpeg.8abe13cf73a5502e8ca4528b37565afd.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Former Head Guard

Personality:Akira is extremely stubborn and aggressive which is quite a terrifying combo actually. She can be quite cranky and demands the respect she deserves , she is quick to temper and will never accept failure from he subordinates.It's quite obvious that this woman strongly dislikes Asaki Kohaku , the hatred tends to spark due to the fact the young woman reminds Akira of herself back in the day.

Bio: A family outing to the cinema ended in tragedy for young Bruce Wayne. Walking homeward, Bruce, his father, Thomas, and mother, Martha, accidentally ventured into Gotham City's notorious "Crime Alley" and were accosted by a mugger. Not content merely to rob the wealthy family, the hoodlum - whose identity was "never determined" - shot Dr. Thomas and Martha Wayne dead before fleeing into the darkness. As he knelt beside his parent's bodies, Bruce swore to avenge them. After the police arrived, Bruce was comforted by Dr. Leslie THompkins. Dr. Thompkins and Alfred Pennyworth helped arrange matters so that Gotham's Social Services would not take Bruce into care. In this way, both Dr. Thompkins and Alfred enabled Bruce to realize his dream of becoming a crusader against crime.


Imperial Arm:

~Frying pan

Akira's imperial arm takes the form of a frying pan , it is a very deadly piece of 'non stick' equipment.The pan can adsorb damage like a shield and deal it back two fold with its next attack.

(Trump Card too)

The frying pan will double in size and deal ten times the damage it absorbs back however last time Akira used this attack she threw her back out.

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: none

Skill: Akira is a Master in the way of the pan. Akira is very experienced in most things. Akira , despite her age and looks , is still quite agile (for the most part)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-2_1-51-56.jpeg.af238845acf629bac2bb6966e49083c5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115708" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-2_1-51-56.jpeg.af238845acf629bac2bb6966e49083c5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Assassin or Guard?



Personality: Despite displaying moods that range from mischievous, laid-back, friendly, cold and bitter, and even sly or naive, These personality traits is what makes him a unique individual, and somewhat hard to predict. Though he finds difficult times to stay attach with someone, and keep a bond flowing when need be, as sometimes he is more focus on a task that he is given to him rather then making friendly interactions, but when not on missions he does.

Bio: In his early childhood, ichigen was just a normal child, and was very educated at a young age, his dream was too travel the world, that was some of his friends dreams, as well, he had made a promise that when he grow up, he, and his friends would travel the world together, and telling stories along the way, in some sort of book format. This dream of his had sadly come to an end, at the age of 14 one of his friends had been kidnapped by a mysterious group that he wasn't sure who it maybe.

Ichigen would gather the remaining of his friend which he has 3 at the moment, and would go on a rescue mission, the mission was interupted by one of the people who had kidnapped his friends, this would result in a failure, however they kept ichigen, and one friend alive, and disposed the others, the reason wasn't clear to them, and would leave immediately before they could ask them a question.

Imperial Arm: Hammer - Ichigen summons his hammer, and would use it in combat, he is strong enough to swing it in a fast motion, this hammer has been blocked, and broken for the first time, and only time that happen was when he was in is pre-teens, facing against an opponent tougher then he is.

Trump Card "Big hammer, small hammer, increase" Ichigen's hammer can increase in size, the bigger it is, the stronger the force, and impossible to block from a sword, or just the body of a human being, ichigen's attack, and speed would increase as well with the use of his hammer.

Sexuality: Biromantic​

Me Cool




Ichigen is a skilled combatant, and master the technique called Takigoi, and kazagurama

Name: Katsuki Bakugou

Age: 17

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 150 lbs



Assassin or Guard: Assassin


Personality: Foul mouthed, loud mouthed, easily prone to fits of blind rage...Katsuki has an all round shitty personality. He takes shit from no one, but often dishes it out, he places himself on a pedestal above all others. Few can put up with him, and even those that do would be reluctant to use the word 'friend' when referring to him. His selfishness knows no bounds, and whenever he does something its ultimately to benefit himself in one way or another. Highly confident in his own skills and innate abilities, he's not one to back down from an altercation, in fact he's usually the first to plunge into the fray. While he wont admit this, he has feeling just like anyone else, jealousy and anger being the ones that loom far above the rest.

Bio: His father abandon him and his mother at birth, and with little wealth plus no place to call their own, Katsuki's mother began selling herself to men in order feed her newborn son and pay the bills. Rarely being able to find a babysitter, Katuki was often present when his mother was being abused, and learned from an early age how the world treated the less fortunate. When he had almost turned five, his mother became terminally ill, having picked up some disease in her line of her work, and died a few weeks after contracting the disease. Katsuki, lost and alone, wondered the streets of the capitol begging for food for two years; until finally a nice family discovered him sleeping in an alley and decided to adopt the boy. Although he'd come to realize that their 'love' only ran so deep.

He soon discovered that he was to be nothing more then a servant to them, an errand boy, looked upon as a delinquent who would never accomplish anything in life. For many years Katsuki believed that as well. The couple had a son, who absolutely adored, always showering him with love and gifts. The boy was always calm, confident, and knew what he wanted to do with his life. His parents always spoke about how he would achieve great things in the future, Katsuki immediately looked up to him. Despite how his parents treated him, the boy akway had a smile on his face whenever he spoke to Katsuki, and tried to lessen his burden whenever he could That constant look of concern, the hopeless look the boy always gave him, lit a fire deep within Katsuki that would never be snuffed out. Oh, how he hated that look.

As he neared adulthood, his guardians made it clear to him how sick of him they were, how they were tired of how unappreciative he had become. He was expected to join the army immediately after he turned eighteen, and hopefully give his life in protection of their proud country. Either that or he'd be sold off as a slave, either way, he was expendable. He certainly didn't look forward to dying for a country that shunned the sick and trampled over the poor, but since it was the better choice, he chose the army. Katsuki and their son were both assigned to a drill instructor, that made it explicit from the beginning what he thought of them. Katsuki was would be no more then cannon fodder, a meat shield, whole the other boy had the makings to one day become a member of the Royal Guard if he worked hard enough. To make matters worse, the man seemed to be right. The boy was practically a prodigy, catching on quick and surpassing his teacher in a matter of months, while it took Katsuki just as many months to grasp the basics of what they were being taught. The boy was eventually placed under the tutelage of a new, more experienced person, while Katsuki remained with the old one.

The instructor was always stern while under public scrutiny, but whenever he and Katsuki were alone, the man didn't shy away from lashing the boy whenever he grew frustrated. As the years past, Katsuki's rage steadily grew, until he finally reached his boiling point. Managing to kill his teacher and overpower the guards guarding a teigu that no one had managed to activate in nearly half a century, he nearly destroyed his guardians lavish estate before fleeing into the night...



Imperial Arm:



A suit that gives the wearer the ability to use their sweat like nitroglycerin, for explosive results. The user can shroud their fists in explosive energy, tremendously strengthening their punches, or fire explosive energy with the range and intensity depending on how I tune the user is with the armor. The more the user sweats, the more energy the suit has to work with, so its power steadily grows during prolonged battles. While its destructive power is immense, its defense capabilities are nothing to be scoffed at. The armored shell encases the wearers entire body, and since it was made to house and give off explosive energy, those who originally designed the suit made it extremely durable and extraordinarily hard to crack. Ignition, is a teigu whose presence if often known to turn the tides of large battles, and is rumored to be able to punch a whole through anything if supplied with enough power. Due to is rather...explosive nature, it often doesn't work in tandem when other team mates are nearby. Ideally being right at home in the midst of multiple enemies.



Skill(s): In peak physical condition, excels in hand-to-hand combat, competent marksmen, excessive swearing. Catches onto new techniques slower then most people, but often outshines those very same people when finally grasping the concept.

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Alice Dialsa






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.6a4f536bcd39ca63d27a747416b57a6b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115815" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.6a4f536bcd39ca63d27a747416b57a6b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Guard or Assassin



Alice is a pretty chill and kind girl. She cares deeply about each member in Night Raid and always tries to look out for her friends. She's also the type of person to crack a joke at any time. If there's an opportunity to make a pun she will always take it. Unless the situation is bad. Around Santios, her husband, she's very sarcastic but loving, always teasing the man for something. However she respects him and his authority greatly.


*insert daddy gets killed by imperial story*

Just kidding.

Alice grew up with only her mom in one of the outer towns of the Empire. The town she lived in was quite poor due to the fact that they were so far out and Alice had to begin work at a young age. The work she did was hard yet very beneficial as it strengthened up her body. Years passed and Alice got older, her work load and stress increasing. But no matter how much the town worked it was never enough to bring enough money to the Empire. So little in fact that the Emperor had sent a group of guards to head down to the town and wipe it off the face of the planet. The people were very unaware and unprepared for the impending attack, and when it struck it struck hard. The killing and pillaging began almost the moment that the guards stepped foot into the town. They made their way swiftly and quickly through the streets, cutting down anyone they could and setting everything ablaze. However as all seemed bleek for the civilians the Revolutionary Army arrived and fought against the merciless guards. The battle was hard but the Revolutionary Army prevailed, managing to save what little of the town was left. They gathered the survivors and decided to relocate them to a safer place away from the Empire, however Alicecwanted to take a different path. Though she didn't see it she knew her mother was dead, and that the empire would do something like this to another town, and it sickened her. So she joined up with the RA in an attempt to end the corruption within the Empire. There she trained for 3 years until being sent to Night Raid, under the command of Santios Dialsa, who was also her Teigu. Time passed and shit and they got married and she's still there.

Imperial Arm

Santios @National






Pun Making

Sword Fighting

Getting Good at Cooking

Pun Making​



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