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Fantasy Aisha's Slave Manor

Sorry guys, I'm back in the game. I was saying goodbyes to family and friends on monday and tuesday I about killed myself with the flight. Add crappy wiifi to a crappy motel for 4 of 5 nights and let's just say I'm happy to be home. Very happy. Pax was awesome though! I about played myself sick with everything from Minecraft frome telltale games to Halo 5 to rockband 4 it was awesome. made up for the cockroach hotel i stayed in.
No I didn't see him, but I saw a bunch of guys from Twitch and one guy who looked like Angry Joe or at least did an impressive cosplay of Angry Joe. I used to live in Seattle so I spent the lion's share of my time with friends and waiting in line for stuff. I only did a Sat run as that's all the ticket I was able to get, but it was still awesome.
I'm waiting for the boss. I'm interested in Tali, I'm waiting for the short list of slaves I was given to talk. Tali seems cool though. So...corruptible. *Evil Laugh*.
Well she makes body clean up a breeze

And yeah I have been busy so I haven't been posting but I will today
Yep...Alya wouldn't want to kill any angels as she stopped a demon lord from invading...and she rather just be where is most comfy

I find this so weird....Did Sachi delete some comments or do some cleaning?
Yeah, I delete some of the new kids stuff. I'm GM here and I created rules so that slaves couldn't use their powers. I have a lot of work here on this RP. Stopping slaves from running away is a lot of work. Hence, I created slave bracelets. Plus the kid is writing two liners. Which is annoying, but still following the rules.
Very annoying but...I would've told them to write a bit longer as criticism since it doesn't feel...empty of what the character is like...

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