Airbender: The Last Avatar and Exalted


Ten Thousand Club
I was wondering how much of the show you've let into Exalted, if anyone has.  It's use of elemental "bending" is very close to the Dragon-Blooded.  There's even a blind Earthbender who uses the vibrations of those walking around to "see," which mimics very closesly Earth Awareness charms.
I'm glad somebody spotted the parralels in that show. One bored saturday morning I found it while channelhoppin' and after about a minute said aloud "Did they make a cartoon of exalted?"

Besides the similarities to the dragon-bloods, the world setting is lawsuit-liciously similar to Exalted, you could quite easily lift any of the locations from the show and drop them into creation with very little need for revision.
Got the first 4 dvd's, cant wait for #5. Check out the episode "Jet" for snake-style combat with hookswords. Tis one of my favorites.
Curse you all. I have been wanting to watch this for ages, and now I have to get it because of you.
Over here, they've started to repeat the series on Nicktoons, and I gotta say, I am impressed.  The stories in each episode are well-written and the action is there with believable characters who really light up the scenes, and every single one has something to give, each with their own quirks.

They also have some decent actors as the voices

The fire general from the first season that gets into the fire duel is voiced by Lucius Malfoy Jason Isaacs

and the fire grandfather with the tea and the squid is Mako, and he is a bmajor japanese actor. He was the japanese general in Pearl Hrbor if you need a face.
Absolutely love this show... It does feel like a westernized anime. Which is all good to me. I'm one of 'dem animefreaks anyhow :) .
God damn Nicktoons UK!  THe channel is only playing the first 13 episodes of series 1 on a continual loop for some, unknown reason.  I've mailed them but no reply as yet.

Dude Mako rules, he was in Conan, and he is the voice of Aku on Samurai jack. he is exalted all over the place!
He's dead? ... Damn :(

They're gonna have a hard time finding a worthy replacement voice actor.
Mako will be missed.

And I finally figured out where I know the fire prince's voice




One of my PCs is having his character begin learning Immaculate martial arts in game.  His sifu will be an old retired Sesus general that joined the Cloister, by the name of Sesus Iroh. ;p
... Arada is a dead ringer for Iroh as it is... A bit scruffier perhaps, but his motivations and backstory bear a remarkable resemblance to Iroh's.
Avatar is amazingly awesome.

^__^ When I first saw it I also went: WTF, Exalted Cartoon?

Sadly, no, but, it's amazing nonetheless. ^_^

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