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Fantasy Ain't No Rest for the Wicked Interest Check

Queen Nala

Possibly Existant
Life was never easy, no one ever said it would be. It was never easy when one was young, never easy when one was learning. It only got harder, and it became impossible to stay truly good. Even those considered to be evil aren't truly and completely so, in this land anyways. Everyone has their flaws.

The land, ruled and governed by The Grand Leader, a man who one day appeared out of nowhere, and had the odasity to challenge the ruler. That rebellion was 20 years ago. Now, he is revered and loved. By some, he is feared and hated. None doubt that his rise to power was questionable. It took the blood of many humans, elves, dwarves, and talking beasts before he was in power. However, there he is today.

This RP is a modern-fantasy based Rp set in a made up land which yet still needs a name. It is a more grim Rp, as the title implies. As does the history. This Rp is not based around usurping the throne, but around the rise(and fall) of some of the greatest known figures in the history of this land. Saying as this is modern, it could easily twist into more of a supernatural Rp, however, this Rp delves into magic and more of fantasy based elements, while having a mix of modern luxuries, such as phones and the internet. However, there are also other modern things, such as guns.

This is just a basic interest check, and there are going to be a few pre-made characters(personalities undefined, as well as how they look, they are customizable) that can be played. OC's are also allowed.

BEWARE. This is NOT my first RP, and I am very strict about my rules. I will rule this RP with an iron fist. If I say something is impossible, then it is impossib;le. If I have a rule about something, you follow that rule. This is a Raventatorship, not a democracy. I have the Rule of God, here. However, that doesn't mean you can't have fun. No, you don't need to be a morbid, sadist of a person to play in this Rp. Just because it is dark does not make it a true tragedy, though it may very well border on that line.

Once there are enough people interested, I will make the actual thread, and the pre-made characters. I do not believe I can start a PM yet, as my account is new, so, PM if you have questions or if you'd likie to come up with a character.

I know this does not tell everything, but it is an interest check. Also, please ignore my typos. I'm on the PS3, and it is a butt to go back and fix them :P
You typed this whole thing on the PS3? Major props for that one, I wouldn't be able. But I'd like to be part of this if that's okay ^.^

This sounds incredible. Especially the part about being strict on rules. Stupid though it sounds, I love strict RPs, because they're the ones that usually last the longest.

Extremely interested. General outline for the RP sounds amazing, as well as the points I touched on earlier.

And, as iShyShy said, major props for typing it up on the PS3. :P

Count me in!
This sounds amazing, I'd love to be a part of it. Also great job on typing this on a PS3, damn, I can't even spell out my whole name there.
I have a USB keyboard. And no, the title is not from Borderlands. It's from the song, Ain't No Rest For the Wicked, by Cage the Elephant. Also loosely taken because of my love for the Wicked series.
HeartoftheRaven said:
I have a USB keyboard. And no, the title is not from Borderlands. It's from the song, Ain't No Rest For the Wicked, by Cage the Elephant. Also loosely taken because of my love for the Wicked series.
Yep, it's just usually people know the song from Borderlands. Gearbox used Cage the Elephant in the opening sequence.
The PS3 may be old, but it is still beautiful. Sly Cooper series to relive my childhood? Hell yes please
Only ever played a tid bit of that game, wish I could play more.

And I never really played the first Borderlands. I knew of the song before the game, just like I know SHort Change Hero(one of my favorite songs and the theme to one of the character's in RP) before I played the ever living shit out of Borderlands 2, as Maya. The Siren.

And this also has some draw from Borderlands. It has been inspired by lots of stuff. Even Lord of the Rings. There be Elves and Dwarves about!
Deadkool said:
I'm interested. You got the title from Borderlands, right?
The expression originally is developed from the Christian Bible.

@HeartoftheRaven The concept is sound, with a fall from grace/questionable morality as a background aspect. A USB keyboard can expedite typing on the PS3 considerable, if you have access to one. Do you have any particular game system in mind for the game? Do you have any particular vision on the balance between a society that has magical abilities and the development of the scientific method/critical thinking?
I do, actually. Weaponry of any form is equal. A magical bolt of electricty has the same chance to hurt you as taking an arrow in the shoulder, or a gunshot to the face. Each is balanced in it's own way. Of course, certain spells hurt more than others, certain arrows can do more damage, being impaled by a sword isn't instakill whilest being decapitated is. A shotgun to the foot wouldn't be as bad as an RPG to the chest. It's not to say that armor has been made, it has. But weapons are refined and refined again. Every type of weapon is useful in some way.

Scientists see magic as the natural ability to bend atoms, ions, and other elements to one's will. Magic is difficult to master, without being born with a natural talent for it(A.k.a. being able to do it without trying from a young age). There is also the fact that some are born with abilites other than magic, such as being able to run super fast, or being able to "warp" one self. These are not magic. These are something entirely different. Those with these abilities, depending upon the abilities, are called the Gifted, or the Cursed.They can never mast magic, however. They only have their gift or their curse to magic. Think of it like being the Dovahkiin, but only being able to master one shout.

The way the Rp is going to play out is defined to an extent. Certain events have already been foretold, and must happen. There are certain characters who's name, or basic identity are pre-made, and they are a part of the larger cast. They are more of the main characters, the key players. They WILL leave an impact. Such as the son of the AGGreat Leader, he will either lead this land into better life, or tear down everything his father built and bring it crashing down upon himself. Or the assassin who's to be known as the Most Wicked Man, he could usurp the throne, die trying, or just try to be who he is, while being mocked by all those who he doesn't consider a friend.

These key players all will interact, there is no question about that.

OC's can be important as well, they very well may rise up to be even more important than those who the Fates have decided to be those who leave a name upon history. Everyone leaves an impact. Scarcely anything goes un-noticed.

Again, forgive my typos. PS3.
I'm interested definitely
Oh, the usual. Basic RpN rules apply. No Godmodding, bunnying, harming another character seriously without permission, no sexual stuff.

I'll have a full list when the Rp is up.
Basic fantasy races, as well as some unique ones. You wanna play a walking and talking Lion? go ahead.
Uh.... I'd have to think about that one. Maybe a domesticated troll, as most trolls are hositle, violent creatures that don't use clubs. And they aren't normally very smart. There's a cliff side with several troll corpses at the bottom.
I wasn't thinking of the giant troll that is more like an ogre. I was thinking of the troll as more of the WoW troll except more domesticated.
I've never played WoW, so.. And I was thinking the LoTR kind of Troll, or the Harry Potter one. Both are big, and not all that smart. But yeah, the trolls here aren't all that smart, but they are big. People tend to stay away from them. There is a tribe where the right of passage (for men and women), hunters anyway, is to go and kill a troll.Not all that many survive.
Well did you know that those are actually ogres? Anyways, thats fine. I shall just make another character. :D Thanks for letting me know.

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