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Futuristic 全金属アイドル: Zen Kinzoku Aidoru


"You are a Ocean of Gray Waves..."

Zen Kinzoku Aidoru or Total Metal Idol, is a mecha story.

In the year 2010 mankind discovered a life form that came from deep space and called them the Seraphim for they all had wing like appendages. But then in 2013 the first one landed. Devastating a whole city on impact. By the time mankind destroyed the Seraph 14 days, 210 miles of Destruction, and 2.6 million people lost their lives.

Mankind decided then that these Seraphim are a threat and must be eliminated. So mankind decided to create the Idols, 80 foot tall Mecha with the strongest material man can find to create the weapons that. Can kill these creatures.

Now it is 2115 just a little over a hundred years since the first event. And the Metal Idol program now located in space is accepting new pilots for the year.

Are you up for fighting the Seraphim? Or are you to chicken to fight them?
You could try using the AdEva fan rework of Dark Heresy, since it works for Neon Genesis Evangelion, as it seems applicable.
Bardiel said:
You could try using the AdEva fan rework of Dark Heresy, since it works for Neon Genesis Evangelion, as it seems applicable.
? Uhhh.... in what do you mean exactly by that?

... I was trying to make a new story that was a fusion of Neon Genesis Evangelion + Pacific Rim+ Gurren Lagann....
As in a dice system for the roleplay? I recently started taking part in a NGE adaptation and it uses AdEva, so I thought I'd mention it to you.


Accelerate said:
Neon Genesis Evangelion + Pacific Rim+ Gurren Lagann....
One of these things is not like the others... ;)
LoL the sudden Gurren Lagann part lol. Well I have never used the dice system. ...ever.
Well, I was thinking regarding thematics, that NGE would be odd one out, the progenitor to the deconstruction of the mecha genre.

Anyway, dice systems are rather worth the effort, which is really not all that much. Ultimately all that's to is when a character attempts something difficult, the player rolls and the outcome impacts on the result to some degree. They tend help enforce the narrative in a fair and balanced way for everyone participating. It's just another way to express your character.
Accelerate said:
Are you up for fighting the Seraphim? Or are you to chicken to fight them?
I wonder if this has anything to do with the survival rate, I can imagine that a strict volunteer-only program probably means that humanity is faring well in the war or there are some politics at play.

Anyways it's definitely going to be more interesting when the universe gets more fleshed out, so I'm looking forward to it.
Accelerate said:
I see. I guess i'll try out this dice system then :3
I linked to the site with the pdfs, if you want to take a look. In short, players pick an archetype for the type of pilot they are and then you vary them with a mix of their characterisation/backstory and a random roll.
Bardiel said:
I linked to the site with the pdfs, if you want to take a look. In short, players pick an archetype for the type of pilot they are and then you vary them with a mix of their characterisation/backstory and a random roll.

Oh @Operator your close very close.

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