Ah... the dreaded 'introduction', eh?


New Member
Don't get me wrong; I'm really looking forward to interacting with all of you. However... just how exactly do you conduct these things? A simple, "Hello! My name is _____!" could work, but... that's just not my style.

In a horrible attempt to change the subject, I might as well talk about myself for a little while. I'm shockingly_sane, but any other nickname would be just as good. I've been role-playing for a couple of years, and only recently have I decided to come out of my hiatus. Under normal circumstances, spending more time on a skill would probably mean that there would be some progress made, yes?

Well, no. At least, I think I'm a little rusty. I apologize in advance if my posts are horrible, but I can't help it sometimes... I also succumb to the lure of laziness.

Hm... well, I'm you're typical anime and video game fanatic. Nothing particularly obtrusive there, I suppose. I'm a total sucker for romance and the like, but I tend to be a little hesitant when it comes to joining a new role-play. Something tells me that I'll be stalking some for a bit before I have enough confidence to jump in...

All in all, that's all I really wanted to say. You all seem rather nice, and from what I've read, this could actually be a really fun experience. :)
We're a very fun bunch. You sound like a person I'd become friends with and I hope to see you around. A big hello and welcome from me.
PunkKat1 said:
We're a very fun bunch. You sound like a person I'd become friends with and I hope to see you around. A big hello and welcome from me.
-nods- Everyone seems to be quite open here... I might as well make myself comfortable, hm? Thank you for the welcome, and I also hope that we cross paths again. :)
Djinni said:
Agreed. Nice to meet you. What kind of rp do you do?
Ah, well, I'll do mostly anything. Save for fandoms that I'm not interested in, but that's probably a given. Do you have any suggestions?
I mostly write up my own plots, or join in other people's fantasy plots. I primarily do future, modern or Steampunk, and specialize in Apocalyptic.
Djinni said:
I mostly write up my own plots, or join in other people's fantasy plots. I primarily do future, modern or Steampunk, and specialize in Apocalyptic.
Is that so? I don't know that many Apocalyptic RPers. That's pretty cool.

I usually just join in on other role-plays because I'm afraid of making one and watching it die. All in all, it really depends on how confident I am about it. As for genres, I'm not very picky... I tend to base my judgement on the other players. If their responses don't seem long enough for me to respond to, I avoid it.
Ditto. I despise line rp. I have a lot of Apocalyptic RP plots. I was gonna start posting them here soon if I can get a hold of them from the other sites they were on. 
Though by the by, I posted a game people should start up to. Magic Slots Machine. Hint hint. Hint.
Djinni said:
Ditto. I despise line rp. I have a lot of Apocalyptic RP plots. I was gonna start posting them here soon if I can get a hold of them from the other sites they were on. 
Though by the by, I posted a game people should start up to. Magic Slots Machine. Hint hint. Hint.
Hint Hint? Hm... I wonder what that may mean~

In all seriousness, I'll check it out. Also, I'm looking forward to seeing your plots.
Indeed. It's a great mystery.

Though, I do one x one if you're interested in that. I'm about to be posting one I have ready though, if you wanna check that out.

Also, I do realize that was totally unorganized.
Hello there, I'm also new, and looking to meet people. You sound like someone I may or may not get along with well. Welcome to the site, I guess, although I feel odd saying that considering you've been here longer than me. >.<
xDani said:
Hello there, I'm also new, and looking to meet people. You sound like someone I may or may not get along with well. Welcome to the site, I guess, although I feel odd saying that considering you've been here longer than me. >.<
Heh, in that case, I'll try my best to avoid any unnecessary conflict. And thanks; welcome to the site!

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