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Realistic or Modern Agents Temporalis [Character Thread]


Five Thousand Club

IRL Character







In-Game Character







Weapon Set 1

Weapon Set 2 (After level 10)

Secondary Weapon

Talents and Traits [Preferably in Spoiler]
@Kirito Kei - Klein Marston - Klein
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Agents Temporalis CS

IRL Character


Klein Marston







Klein is 5'8" and weighs 150 pounds.


Though he wouldn't admit it, Klein is very bashful in real life. He likes peace and quiet and would much rather spend time reading a good book. However as of late, he has found himself drawn into VRMMORPGs, specifically Agents Temporalis. In the game, he's very outgoing and likes exploring, which puts him in a serene state.


From a young age, Klein was considered a prodigy when it came to academics. He graduated at the top of all his classes and always got what he wanted from his parents. However, this also came with a curse: though some people call themselves his friends, Klein knows that under all their kind-hearted words, they're jealous and wish they could be like him (or at least this is what he thinks.)

This has drove him to VRMMORPGs. This way, he can socialize and make friends without worrying about people judging him. He's even managed to make some close friends that he plays Agents Temporalis with. Lately, he's been spending a considerable amount of time in the game...

In-Game Character










-Weapon Set 1-

Left Hand: None

Right Hand: Gold WE Knighthawk 1911 Pistol


Weapon Set 2 (After level 10)


Secondary Weapon

A small boot knife


[unassuming Presence (Trait) [Helps Lower Suspicion]​
IRL Character

Name- Aaron Redford

Age- 18

Gender- Male



Personality- In life, Aaron is a rather intelligent person, having achieved top marks in school. He is also very ambitious. On the downside, he also happens to be somewhat along the lines of a hopeless romantic, and feels tied down by the constraints of everyday life. However, when he discovered Agents Temporalis, he was thrilled at finding an escape from such constraints, and somewhere where he see all of his personal fantasies come true.

History- Aaron was a model student, always paying attention in class, asking questions, and achieving top marks. Not being so much of a social person, Aaron however does have a few close friends. His ambition to get admitted into a top school has driven him to take a special accelerated course in school. However, all the work he has received has piled up a considerable amount of stress within him. This has lead him to get into Agents Temporalis as a way of releasing such stress.

In-Game Character

Name- Aaron

Age- 18

Gender- Male



(ignore the ninja stars)

Class- Frontline


Weapon Set 1:

Carbon-Steel Daisho


Weapon Set 2 (After level 10): N/A

Secondary Weapon:

Pocket Pistol .380


Talents and Traits [Preferably in Spoiler]

Swiftblade (Trait) - [x1.5 damage when attacking hordes]

Name: Chris Kennedy

Age: 21

Gender: Male



210 cm and 102 kg (That's 6'10" and 224 lbs for you Americans. Backwards people. *exaggerated sigh*)

Personality: Chris often daydreams. Usually of fantasies that play out in his head. Now they are becoming reality with Agents Temporalis. Chris is actually a very jovial and upbeat man when he isn't daydreaming, having a great talent for wit. Chris takes any opportunity for snide comments, mockery, jokes, and quips that he can get to display this wit. Chris places great faith in his friends, helping them any way he can and expecting them to return the favour.

History: Chris was never an academic, instead being interested in enjoying life and messing around. He was consistently a middling student, with decidedly average marks and grades. Chris suffers no feelings of insecurity about himself and his own abilities, being aware of where people are better than him, but not really caring. This has served him well, and earned him some of his friends.

Also serving him well is his wit and mental quickness, lending itself well to his constant humour. This is put to a more serious purpose as he speaks well and with great clarity, making him likable in conversation. That said, his stature can be quite intimidating when he wants it to be.

In-Game Character
Name: Harald

Age: 21

Gender: Male



Same measurements as Chris. Ignore the Longsword. I saw the image and had to use it, but Harald will be a tank, so he needs a shield. Damn shame. Maybe that'll be in his Second Loadout. Hmm. *scribble scribble*

Class: Tank


Weapon Set 1: Viking Sword and Medieval Tower Shield



Weapon Set 2 (After level 10): N/A

Secondary Weapon: Laser Pistol



Intimidating Presence [Helps lower NPC aggression]​
IRL Character

Christina Du'Lemion





She's a little bit wacky, to put it into social terms, though realistically, she is terribly shy and nervous in person. She bears a submissive personality with an even worse appetite. Her simplistic desire to eat when stressed, or keep out of anxiety is at an all-time high now that she openly attends college. She works had at her studies and in her free time focuses on gaming with her friends. Even though she is a completely introverted person on the outside, when she is with her friends, or playing her beloved VRMMORPG, she turns into someone else entirely.


A daughter to a relatively average family with average income and an average life, where she attended average school and had average behaviors. All except for two things, her love for music and her obsession for videogames. It spurred creativity in her mind and drove her forth to pouring her time and passion into such devices as she had never done before. She now plays with a small group of friends and rather enjoys the immersive VR experience that promises her she can be someone else.

In-Game Character






Frontline [Level 1]


Weapon Set 1

Weapon Set 2 (After level 10)
IRL Character

Name- Matthew Lee

Age- 20

Gender- Male



Matthew is 5'11" and weighs 140 lbs

Personality- Matthew is a rather tired person. All his life he has worked hard to get good grades and make friends and he's pretty burnt out now that he is in his 3rd year at college. Though he seems extremely bland, he can be very energetic and upbeat when doing something he enjoys. Though he is not depressed, he struggles to find a meaning for his actions and prefers to just trudge through his days in a bland, autonomous state. Playing games has always been an opportunity for him to enjoy what he is doing. While playing Agents Temporalis he feels more alive than he ever does in life.

History- Growing up, Matthew never really had any preexisting skill or talent for anything in particular. Thus, he worked very hard in and out of school to receive good grades, excel at sports and other activities, and making friends with his peers. His father immigrated to the US and holds a high-paying job for a tech-company on the West Coast of the US and he was always under a large amount of pressure to do well at everything he tried. All his hard work reached a climax in his being accepted to a top university, but his energy has recently plummeted.

In-Game Character

Name- Heiko Wolff


Gender- Male



Class- Ranged


Weapon Set 1:


Grenade Launcher

Weapon Set 2 (After level 10): N/A

Secondary Weapon:


Repeating Pistol

Powershot (Talent) [Damage x2 when used for a strike - CD 5]

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