Agents #1 - 100

Wait so if this conversation, from Marcus's POV, is supposed to take place off panel does that mean he'll just pretend it didn't happen when they get off the stairs? :?:

He could have waited to more certain though. If she doesn't have tattoos she should be changing caste and waiting a few weeks could easily confirm that fact. The fact that he didn't must mean he is really suspicious already.
As I've understood it Yu-Shan is not "above" Creation in the geographical sense. It might be placed there metaphysically/cosmologically, but that seems to be wrong in its own way, something mortal scholars do to make aesthetically pleasing maps.
Likewise, neither the Underworld or Malfeas are "really" beneath Creation (although of the two the Underwold is sort of metaphysically there).

The Wyld is pretty simple by comparison, being at the edges of Creation. Or would it be more accurate to say that Creation is plopped in the Wyld and surrounded by it?
mm, you're probably correct in this manner, but I imagine this lies in the realm of "Storyteller's fiat," depending on what you want out of the game. I mean, if you DO dodge the ground, do you really enter the Underworld? :)

DukeGod said:
Stargates makes KAWOOSH!!!
Also, Yu-Shan's sky is the GoD giant scoreaboard xD

Edit:Oh. After checking backgrounds...

I think we share a fetich for smudged stuff xD
Stargates do make a KAWOOSH sound. . .I should have put that in instead, maybe I'll pattern-spider fix that. But the pattern spiders don't like being abused for minor things. . .hmmm.

I admit I use the smudge tool more than I probably should >..>

LaFreeze said:
Wait so if this conversation, from Marcus's POV, is supposed to take place off panel does that mean he'll just pretend it didn't happen when they get off the stairs? :?:
He could have waited to more certain though. If she doesn't have tattoos she should be changing caste and waiting a few weeks could easily confirm that fact. The fact that he didn't must mean he is really suspicious already.
Yes. Yes to all.
Something that is likely an alchemical or other robot named "Jarvis"?
Bargh! I didn't want to leave this as a cliffhanger while I moved! It's not even that big deal of a reveal! Alright, since I can't update until after June 7th, here's a hint: Jarvis' identity (and therefore "Clang"'s identity for those who are rules savvy) is contained in the last section of page 93 in an official Exalted book.

P.S. Alinko has been at least all three at some point in the past for Marcus.
Unexpected delays:

Moving in took much longer than I expected (surprise surprise.) But more importantly is that my computer is deciding to be weird, so I've been trying to get it to work properly for the past while. Comic's going to probably start back up on Tuesday (6/20/2011), don't you worry my readers! (if people do read my comic, that is ;P)
...........and my computer crashed again. But it's working all the way now!

Problem is I won't have the comic done by tonight, since I spent all of my time yesterday reinstalling Windows 7, then some corrupt drivers, then windows again.

It'll be up Thursday, pending I don't decide to "improve" my computer again >..>
Shoot, lost the connection information to the server, it's buried here somewhere. . .


It'll be a bit more, sadly.

Judging from my past statements, I should *not* say that all problems have been resolved, and that this is the last thing keeping me from updating the comic. Furthermore, I should *not* say to expect it on Saturday, with regularly scheduled updates. I should *not* say that I have the Jarvis character model completely ready to be used. Also, I *really, really, shouln't* say that I'm all moved in now, so my spare time can be focused on this comic.

*goes away grumbling*
Wow, forgetting one's servitor. That sounds like every game that I've ever played where the players have a familiar.
I like to imagine there's probably thousands like jarvis out there who have were forgotten by their owners and now will be silently observing until the end of time.

hey, this is kinda weird. If I got to I see the old comic. But shows the current one. Suspicious...
That just means that you need to refresh your browser cache.
Having problems connecting to the site to upload. The comic's ready, I just can't upload it for some reason. I'm trying to get in contact with Flagg to sort it out. Once I have, I'll upload them, spacing them a day apart until it's caught up to what I've drawn.
Seeing and moving through the comic panels?

I know Nemen Yi did it, but I don't think we've seen any evidence that the other Sidereals can too. It may have just been an effect from her (likely Artifact) glasses, or from the Starmetal Key, rather than innate Siddy stuff. Granted, Jukashi would be the last say in that assumption, but putting it out there.
Seeing and moving through the comic panels?
I know Nemen Yi did it, but I don't think we've seen any evidence that the other Sidereals can too. It may have just been an effect from her (likely Artifact) glasses, or from the Starmetal Key, rather than innate Siddy stuff. Granted, Jukashi would be the last say in that assumption, but putting it out there.
RuleOfCool 8)
I like Ozzy's expression in the second to last panel of comic #57. It's nice to see him with a non-kill kill kill/non-blithe expression occasionally. That and it was such an appropriate expression as well.
I have something to confess. You see, when I read Keychain of Creation, I don't really do so for what humour there is - I read it for the awesome fight scenes and pretty good storyline, and the fact that is was the only decent Exalted webcomic I knew about. But I just went through the last 30 or so strips of Agents of Yu-Shan (Long hiatus from Exalted in general), and I actually laughed out loud at several points, some thing I don't do often. :D

So, anyway, I have, again, a few questions. The TvTropes wiki points out that unlike its inspiration, KoC focuses more on fight scenes than fourth wall breaking and lampshading. AoYS appears to have gone back down that road, meaning that, ironically enough, its actually closer to OotS than KoC. Was that intentional on your part, or was it to the way your players went through the campaign? Not that its a bad thing - the shout outs were part of what made AoYS so enjoyable for me.

Also, I just wanted to say, when I first started on AoYS I wasn't actually that impressed, but you're clearly improving. (Still, maybe an art class?) So, yeah, thanks for what looks set to be a great comic.
Locnil said:
I have something to confess. You see, when I read Keychain of Creation, I don't really do so for what humour there is - I read it for the awesome fight scenes and pretty good storyline, and the fact that is was the only decent Exalted webcomic I knew about. But I just went through the last 30 or so strips of Agents of Yu-Shan (Long hiatus from Exalted in general), and I actually laughed out loud at several points, some thing I don't do often. :D
So, anyway, I have, again, a few questions. The TvTropes wiki points out that unlike its inspiration, KoC focuses more on fight scenes than fourth wall breaking and lampshading. AoYS appears to have gone back down that road, meaning that, ironically enough, its actually closer to OotS than KoC. Was that intentional on your part, or was it to the way your players went through the campaign? Not that its a bad thing - the shout outs were part of what made AoYS so enjoyable for me.

Also, I just wanted to say, when I first started on AoYS I wasn't actually that impressed, but you're clearly improving. (Still, maybe an art class?) So, yeah, thanks for what looks set to be a great comic.
Well, thank you for the compliment!

I think it's a natural progession of these types of comics--and RPG's in general. You start out light-hearted and aimless, then settle into a deeper storyline, once your character's personalities and relationships are set up. That, at least, is how this particular RPG went. (I was actually a player-- Marcus-- not the GM.)

For this webcomic, the following format is the general outline: 1st chapter: introduce main characters and personalities; throw in teaser about main plot. 2nd chapter: introduce major secondary characters, and how the mains relate to them; establish roots of main plot. 3rd chapter: Happy fun adventure chapter! Whee! 4th chapter: Main plot comes crashing in, and the comic changes to become plotline driven.

This is because, as was foreshadowed at the end of the last chapter, the enemy is a deep-rooted, well-hidden, and careful conspiracy. They're not going to go overtly against the main group until certain events happen.

I'll throw you a few examples as clues that are important, that are going to be reveled very soon.

-- Wasn't it ridiculously easy how fast and serendiputously the party found the enemy?

-- Why *was* there a random bar at the top of a desolate mountaintop, which just so happened to be close to their objective?

Just because something is introduced and referred to humorously doesn't mean it isn't important. I want this to be a fun comic to read, with jokes bringing laughter and smiles, but there are some terrible, terrible things when you think about it. Just like the system itself. D:

As for the 4th-wall breaking. Well.....this game contains Sidereals and Fae. I...think that's enough said.

As for the art, well. I can draw better, but it takes me a long time to do it. And I'm already a week behind on comics! In addition, there are some things I can draw a lot better than others, and it's more important to have a standardized style, so things don't look jarring next to each other.

Thanks for the comment :)
How come no one is betting on the Games of Divnity yet?

Where are the masses of Sidereals making terrible plans xD ?

Maybe everyone being punched into gender-bending X_X?
DukeGod said:
Maybe everyone being punched into gender-bending X_X?
The viziers of fate refuse to allow such to remain the domain of Lunars for long!!! :P
But the setting is so androgynous already! How would you ever know!

P.S. it's already happened. Clang is female, Chip is male.

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