
Rise of Albion

Approved Characters:



1. Grace Anne Faulkener (@Vampirelovee )






1. Dannyelle Alesandra Auburn (@Corrin)



1. Ivan Wayne Lozier (@MoxieDov)

2. Jason Oliver Roarke (@Rise of Albion)



1. Elizabeth Victoria Powell (@Rise of Albion)







Humans & Seers

Full name including middle name if applicable

Age: Between 18 - 30

Type: Human or Seer


Use the full term please, no 'het', 'bi' or 'gay'


Height & Weight:

Physical description:

Must be a photo or real-life gif

Personality: Must be detailed, preferably two or three paragraphs

Background/History: Optional


Writing Sample:
More than 100 words.


If you choose to play a ghost who died in a particular time period, then you must have reasonable knowledge about what they would have worn, how they would have acted, and what kind of lifestyle they would have lived. Spirits live in the same clothing that they died in, so please explain what they're wearing in the physical description. They can have no ancestral relation to any human or seer and must have died over thirty years ago.

Name: Full name including middle name if applicable

Age: Between 18 - 30


Use the full term please, no 'het', 'bi' or 'gay'

Height & Weight:

Physical description:

Must be a photo or real-life gif

Personality: Must be detailed, preferably two or three paragraphs

Date of Death:

Cause of Death:

For spirits, this is not optional. You must state the reasons for why your person died, why their soul became bound to the earth, and other aspects about their life while they were alive.


Writing Sample:
More than 100 words.
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Ivan Wayne Lozier










Ivan works in a five-star, French restaurant and small café as a waiter. He works Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at the restaurant from 5pm to 10pm. He works Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the café from 11am to 4pm. Though, at night, Ivan takes on a completely different attitude to work. Everyday, from 11pm to 1am, he works as a pole dancer in one of the area's top strip clubs.

Height & Weight:

Ivan stands at 5'9" / 175cm tall and weighs 63kg / 138lbs.

Physical description:

At a first glance, Ivan doesn't seem to have any well-trained muscles. Though due to his night profession, he has managed to gain leg muscles, as well as developing abs, strong arms, shoulders and extra flexibility in his back. His hidden strength is mostly only shown whilst he's upon the pole.

Ivan is reasonably pale, in contrast to his raven black locks and dark, chocolate brown eyes. Upon the right side of his hip, he bares a jet black tattoo of swirling, vine-like lines that travel down to his knee.




Ivan is often assumed to be a pervert / womaniser / player, due to his night-time job. This false theory is somewhat backed up by the sultry act he puts on during work. Once someone has commented him of being one, it would be quite a challenge to persuade the man to warm up to them. He doesn't take the term as a joke, and has been known to violently respond to seemingly harmless remarks, physically and mentally. Ivan is quite the opposite of a player, as he isn't openly looking for a partner, mainly due to the lifestyle he leads. Though, he may change his mind, if "the one" stumbles into his life.

Ivan is somewhat reserved to the ones he isn't familiar with. In public and in his day jobs, he holds a neutral / calm composure to the people he would interact with. He isn't one to start a conversation with strangers, and comes out more as a listening type than talkative.

To the ones who know him on a personal level, Ivan is a generally caring young man, with a sense of protectiveness over his three year-old brother; Ren. Ever since what happened three years ago, Ivan has been taking care of his sibling in his own apartment. Even though he mainly cares for Ren on his own, he often enlists the help of his best friends to look after the boy when he's not around. Desperate to preserve his little sibling's innocence, Ivan has strict rules on what his friends can do while Ren is in their care. One of the main ones is not to mention his night job.

Due to his responsibilities, Ivan doesn't often go out to bars / parties so he only has a limited amount of friends. Though this is perfectly fine with him, as he much prefers a couple of people over dozens. He spends most of his free time with his brother, bringing him out to places or simply watching movies. Ivan's personal favourite film would be "Wreck-It Ralph", partly due to the inner child within him.


To be revealed later in the roleplay.


Ivan's composure has once crumbled due to the amount of stress he endures every day.

He has a dangerously short temper with anyone who isn't his brother.

He finds it a challenge to quit swearing, as he doesn't want his sibling to pick up his bad habit.

Memories of the disaster that he endured those years ago still haunt him in his nightmares.

Ivan's stage name is; Levvi. (Pronounced Lee-Vy)

Writing Sample:

The constant chatter of the humans around him bore into his mind, causing his mood to decrease ever so slightly. The occasional giggle or smile the small boy would shoot up at him, would be the only thing keeping his sanity together. A small, gloved hand grasped tightly onto his digits as they strolled through mall. Another presence would walk by his other side, chatting idly to him as they moved. That person would be Ross, one of his closest friends. Ivan had bumped into the man while he and Ren were making their way to the shopping mall, and the blonde had decided to join them on their little day out.

The three males were currently sauntering towards a large toys store, after Ren had pointed out the shop with an excited; "Toys!". They had been about a couple of metres from the entrance, before an action caused Ivan to stop in his tracks completely. Someone had slapped his behind.

"What wrong, bwother?" A delicate voice questioned, as he was halted to a stop by the older male. With a look over his shoulder, Ivan frowned heavily. "Ross, take Ren into the store. I'll catch up with you two." The raven haired male ordered, which was responded with a nod from the blonde as he recognized the dark tone of voice his friend was using. With a single motion, Ross swept the little boy up into his arms, reassuring that his older brother would rejoin them later before disappearing into the shop.

Turning his body completely so he would face the other, Ivan let out a low growl. "Hey there, Levvi~ How about my offer last night? Ready for the time of your life?" The man questioned, in a low voice, a suggestive smirk upon his lips. "F*** off. I've already said no and that decision is final, you creep." Ivan responded, bringing his hands up and shoving the man away from him. "Oh, come on. The only reason you'd refuse something like me would be that you're busy with someone else. Baby, I wouldn't mind a thr-" The other had managed to state, before a fist crashed into his face. A leg would smash into the male's stomach seconds later, causing him to stagger back from the younger. "The only thing you're going home with tonight, is a couple of broken bones."

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Name: Grace Anne Faulkener

Age: 26

Type: Human

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Career/Profession: Paranormal Investigator/Science Professor

Height & Weight: 5'9" and 120 lbs.

Physical description: Grace has a slender physique, gentle features and lightly tanned skin. Her dark chocolate hair is excessively curly and largely unmanageable, falling to her shoulders normally yet almost half way down her back when it is straightened. Her eyes are a lighter version of the colour of her hair, and are warm and friendly. Just by appearance alone she invites trust and acceptance. However, there is an air of mystery surrounding her, somewhat as though there is a side that can't visibly be seen to the public eye. It is also somewhat enticing. Her clothing usually consists of skinny jeans, a loose shirt, a jacket depending on the weather, her favourite blue beret/beanie and a pair of ankle boots.



Personality: Grace has a brilliant mind, able to analyze and interpret items of interest to her at a much higher speed than the average person, with staggeringly improved results. Her great romance with science has brought her beyond simply studying atoms and chemicals, but straight into deciphering the great potential of the human mind and spirit. Her area of expertise is often viewed as unimportant and fantastical, yet she fully believes in the importance of humanity. Her research is proving to her that she might indeed be right after all, that not only can some be gifted with a power greater than the average person, but also that life on Earth cannot and will not be the final frontier. Her studies and her facts are the most important thing in life to her, and she would do anything to protect her reputation and the work which she has spent so long trying to achieve.

Her methods of achieving these results are viewed as quite strange by her colleagues. She will speak to old, homeless men, people inhabiting psychiatric wards and anyone else that she deems potentially interesting. Grace is very straight-forward and bold in her attempts to discover the truth behind every situation, undaunted and courageous. However, this approach to finding her work differs greatly to how she interacts in other matters of society.

Around other people, Grace truly embodies the personality traits that can be found in her physical appearance. Her almost anti-social approach to life is born from her complete devotion to science, and can create a disinterested air about her when talking to new people. She has a gentle, innocent way of speaking, which can also offset the belief that she is in fact quite close to a genius. However, despite her innocence, she can't help but maintain a mystery to those who both know her and who are strangers. It has everything to do with her past, but she very rarely reveals that to anyone else. Grace can be a very kind person, loyal to no fault, and a comforting friend in the greatest times of need. Anyone who believes in the supernatural or the paranormal would find an unwavering protector in her.

Background/History: Optional

Other: N/A

Writing Sample: Grace sprinted through the halls of Johnston Harrow Institute, skidding around the corners as though a loping beast was hunting her from behind. A clipboard was grasped tightly in her right hand, holding the information that was so incredibly vital to her research. This was it. This was exactly what she had been searching for. Proof that there was paranormal activity evident on Earth.

"Grace?" A faceless man asked, his white labcoat the only thing she recognized. "What's the hurry?"

She had no time to answer, already reaching the door and her very destination at the end. Throwing it open, she skidded through and almost threw her sample into the analyzer. "Come on, come on, come on. I know it'll work. I know it! Come on!" She muttered desperately, and screamed in victory when the machine beeped in nonrecognition. She had done it. She had discovered an element that had never been seen in earth before. The trail of a spirit, trapped by her equipment.

Name: Jason Oliver Roarke

Age: 23

Type: Seer

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Career/Profession: Student

Height & Weight: 5'8" and 145 lbs

Physical description: Jason has a well-muscled physique, lightly tanned skin and a ruggedly handsome appearance. His brown hair is wild yet cut at a good length, matching the colour of his eyes. His normal clothing make up is of a long-sleeved shirt with rolled up sleeves, jeans, converse and a leather jacket. His personality is conveyed through his posture and walk, displaying arrogance, high self-esteem and reckless daring.



Personality: Jason is a reckless, egotistical, party boy who believes that life basically ends when you reach your thirties. He has no care for anyone but himself, places more importance in his social reputation that his own well-being, and thinks that every girl he's ever slept with is merely a number towards his name. Spending all of Friday and Saturday night partying and sleeping all day Sunday is the perfect lifestyle for him. He completely dreads turning thirty, because in his own words, "That's when you're supposed to get a boring ass office job, come home to a complaining woman every night, take care of some stupid, bawling children and you're never allowed to have fun ever again. I swear it. Look at your parents. It all changed when they got past their twenties." If he's ever going to be truthful to himself, he doesn't really believe that he'll reach that stage in his life. That when it's a couple of seconds before his 30th birthday, life is just going to pause in it's place. He's not going to continue on into that lifestyle, he's just going to stay young and stupid forever. Or maybe he'll just die before he gets to that stage. He complains about it all of the time, but he can never really see him reaching past this current point in his life.

He doesn't believe in the existence of any kind of afterlife or paranormal activity, and he most certainly does not belong to any religion. Change is the one thing that Jason can't deal with. The reckless world that he lives in has a certain routine to it that he is completely aware of and used to. Go out, get drunk, party, take a girl home, sleep, wake up, repeat. The myriad of different jobs that he's kept aren't even strange to him. It's just apply, first shift, party, get into work late every single time, get fired, apply somewhere for a change. He's used to it. Seeing and communicating with the dead? Well, that's something entirely different.

Background/History: Only one needed per applicant.

Other: N/A

Writing Sample: More than 100 words.

Name: Elizabeth Victoria Powell

Nickname(s): Lizzie

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Height & Weight: 5'7" and 110 lbs

Physical description: Elizabeth has a slender figure with little curves and bony edges, with a small chest and pale skin. Her hair is naturally curly and light brown in colour, often flyaway during windy, humid or wet weather, and falls to the middle of her back. Her facial features are delicate and yet hold a constant, tired weakness to them. Her eyes a deep green settled against an oval shaped face, and are permanently unsettled by dark bags underneath. The cause of her death is not evident through physical representation, but is easily mistaken for stabbing as evident through a tear in her torso, soaked with blood. She wears no make-up but it is evident that she is a natural beauty.

Her clothing consists of a deep red evening dress which is worn over the top of a very tight corset, a bustle, a chemise and feminine small-clothes. Her dress falls off the shoulders as was the style of the day, yet she doesn't have her shawl with her as it was not on her person when she died. She appears to have a tiny waist, an extended rear and it could be very possible that without experience, she wouldn't be able to sit down or walk up stairs at all.



Personality: Elizabeth can only truly be known as a broken little bird, desperate to once again find human contact and companionship and maybe, one day to find some form of closure. Her murder has permanently scarred her and even though she has no need to sleep, she still experiences the nightmarish memories every night. She is attached to no-one and nowhere, as anyone she had ever loved is now dead and she even feels disconnected from her fellow spirits. As though she doesn't and shouldn't belong there. She craves to be human once again, to feel the heat of the sun on her skin and to live even just a simple, normal life. Her biggest wish in life is to finally have someone acknowledge her, a human to actually see her.

Lizzie is quite a quiet person and gentle, but when it comes to the people that she cares about, she would do anything. As evident in her protection of her lover handmaiden back in the Victorian era. She would rather push them away from the harsh, dangerous truth then have them directly involved in it. She needs someone who will stick by her through everything, who will still want her even though they know about everything that has happened to her. Lizzie can be quite funny if she feels comfortable enough with them and is an interesting character. Nothing influences her more than her love for others, her want to be a human again.

Date of Death: September 21st, 1882

Cause of Death: Drowned

Background/History: Elizabeth Victoria Powell was born in 1861 to British aristocracy, under Lord James Powell and Lady Charlotte Powell. She had an older brother, yet an age difference of 11 years separated them from growing up together and thus, getting to know each other better than simply Christmas dinners and most family balls and celebrations. Her father held an important position in the British monarchy, her mother was the perfect Victorian housewife and her brother was engaged at thirteen and moved to start another life with his own wife. Lizzie was largely left alone to her own devices, and formed close bonds with her servants and the cooks.

A beautiful girl even from a young age, Lord James held high hopes for his daughter. He dreamed to sell her off to a man of even higher social status than he was, and thus further carry on the family legacy. She was the perfect, respectful child at all social events but would often prefer to go riding or explore during the down time. Had her parents paid more attention to their only daughter, they would have realized that she had grown to become an ill fit for the quiet, reserved house life of the respectable Victorian woman. Elizabeth was murdered on her birthday, at the tender age of 21, by her own father.

Lord James and Lady Charlotte decided to host a rather spectacular ball for their only daughter, yet they were also going to reveal her engagement to a very wealthy suitor. Elizabeth, having not been warned of this surprise, had previously decided that she would rather spend most of the evening with her handmaiden, a young woman with whom she had very much fallen in love with. Attracted to both men and women, Lizzie knew that if her parents found out about his "disgusting" affairs, it would be her social disgrace and alienation. She couldn't help it however. Her father, looking for her to present the big reveal, stumbled across Lizzie and her handmaiden in the midst of a passionate kiss.

A deadly, embarrassed rage took over Lord James and grabbing the closest item, a butter knife, he launched forward to try and stab it into the servant girl. Elizabeth, however stepped in front and her father blindly continuously stabbed her in the stomach again and again. Eventually Lizzie spat a little blood from her mouth and it fell onto her father, who looked up and realized what he had done. Horrified, he tried to apologize but instead she ran out of the house and away from the life that she had left.

Calling a horse and carriage, Lizzie vainly asked for herself to be taken to a hospital or a doctor of some kind. The transport took off and in only minutes, discovered itself to be caught in the middle of a furious storm. One false slip along a country highway, and the entire carriage fell into the near by raging river. Lizzie was trapped, unable to move and thus her death was called. In the end, she drowned first before dying of her father's fatal stabbing. For some reason that she could not comprehend, she didn't move on to the next life. She simply became a ghost, her soul tethered to the Earth for the rest of eternity. She was able to witness everything that happened.

Due to the accident, her father was able to tell the public that Lizzie's injuries were a result of the crash. The servant was fired, and two days later was murdered so that the true story could be revealed. Lord James died twenty years later from guilt. Her mother, who was also made aware of the true circumstances of her murder, died in her eighties, peacefully remarried into an even higher social status. Elizabeth, lost in despair and grief, was left to her eternity, watching the world from a far and never able to truly touch it.

Other: N/A

Writing Sample: Only one needed per applicant.
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Name: Full name including middle name if applicable

Kimberly Grace Lermen

Age: Between 18 - 30


Type: Human or Seer




Use the full term please, no 'het', 'bi' or 'gay'




Model/ Actress

Height & Weight:

5'4 110 lbs


Physical description:

Kim has a small petite and slender frame. Her eyes are a dark brown with specks of gold and are framed by thick dark eyelashes. Her hair is very dark brown, nearly black, and stops just below her ribcage in length. She has a wide cheerful smile. Her skin is a light tan usually year round. Usually you will find her in black leggings or jeans and a white lace short sleeve top or a comfy and slightly big tshirt.

Must be a photo or real-life gif


Personality: Must be detailed, preferably two or three paragraphs

You can really only get Kim to open up if you get to know her well, in addition to earning her trust. Otherwise, she will most likely treat you like a stranger. Usually when she's around unfamiliar people, Kim will be very shy and reserved. She really only has a few friends. On top of being very meek, Kim can be hurt or offended very easily.

Once you get to know Kim, and earn her trust, she might just tell you anything. That is, depending on just how much trust you've earned and how much she has grown to like you. For Kim, opening up to someone feels a lot like relief, like she no longer has to hide what she has been through, what she's like, her favorite things, her past, all that is off of her chest, and she'll thank you for taking the time to become her friend.

You'll also notice that sometimes Kim can be naive, and stubborn. It may take a little longer than you might like to get her to listen to your advice, but with Kim, you really never no. She's not exactly an open book. Even after you do get to know her, you'll get a few other surprises at random moments. In short, Kim is a shy mysterious, but sweet girl.

Background/History: Optional

The place in which Kim grew up is like no other for her. It is like a sanctuary that brings back beautiful childhood memories with her sisters and family. Her past life is truly something she looks back on with no regrets, and that, is something she thanks God for every night before she goes to sleep, no matter how tired she feels.


Kim's astrology sign is Aries, which, according to sources, means she is stubborn, ambitious, and straight to the point.

Writing Sample:
More than 100 words.

The early morning sunshine seeped through the blinds of Kimberly's bedroom, desperately trying to wake her up for the new day. Eventually, her eyes fluttered open and she kicked off her white duvet. The moment she stood, her reflection was gazing back at her in the full length mirror on the pale yellow wall. She was wearing plaid loose shorts and a white off shoulder tee shirt. Her long hair was sleep tousled, and a little knotted. Nothing a brush couldn't fix. Then again, Kim didn't have a brush. But she did have a comb. She spritzed in some watermelon scented de-tangler, ran a comb through her hair until it was soft and shiny again, changed into a pair of black leggings and a purple crop top. Last but not least she did her eyeliner and lipgloss, dabbing a touch of concealer on a small red spot on her chin and headed out the door with an iced coffee with an iPod Nano in her free hand for when she took the jog down her street. Usually her playlist was some country music and some upbeat pop. She pressed the button on the elevator and waited it to come to the ground floor. When it did, she didn't hesitate to begin her jog, and started off for the door. In the blink of an eye Kim was out the door and well on her way down the street before she rounded a corner, all the while silently mouthing the words to the song Where It's At by Dustin Lynch.
Name: Dannyelle Alesandra Auburn

Age: 19

Type: Seer

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Career/Profession: Chef/photographer

Height & Weight: 5'2 and 120 lbs

Physical description: Long red hair and brilliant green eyes, everything about her is small, but suiting of her shy nature. And lets not forget her freckles.


Personality: Although she seems well put together around others, inside her mind is screaming at her, telling her to be as perfect as possible. Social anxiety has led to her only having herself, and she has never been good with words. She owns her own bakery that is popular to the locals looking for a home cooked meal.

Dannyelle tends to shake, because of stress which has been placed on her because of the recent events of becoming a 'Seer'. Depression has been rampant in her mind and she tends not to let people in. Her imagination runs wild at what could happen if she said or did something wrong, and so she rarely visits with her customers, unless they'd been coming for awhile now (as in a few months or more). Many a time people have wondered who she is, really, as she keeps to herself more than anything. While alone, she tends to listen to Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran or Stand in the rain by Superchic[k].

As a photographer, she is commonly seen in the park, taking beautiful pictures which she uploads to her online diary/blog. Many people are curious and venture near her, trying to figure out who she is inside, but she instantly pushes them away.

Background/History: To be revealed

Other: She is skilled in most weaponry and always carries throwing knives with her.

Writing Sample: The wind blew hard on that wintry night. The night that would change her life. yes, she could feel something was coming for her and she couldn't help but to pull her coat tighter around her small frame and walk a little faster than before. She was looking around intently, waiting for the predator she could sense was watching her.

A cold breath slipped out of an invisible mouth onto her cheek, and she turned around, stumbling backwards, and fell. Looking up, she saw nothing but the starry night sky, and nothing more. She laughed shakily and slowly got back on her feet. Dannyelle sighed and shushed the fears in her head, and became aware of the young man who had appeared as if from thin air. She tilted her head down. The man with blue eyes and striking features tilted her chin up so she had to look at him.

"Do not be afraid." His voice was deep and, somehow, comforting. She moved his hand and quickly walked past him, not wanting to stay a minute longer. Then the rain came, and she heard her green converse splashing the water away with every hurried step. Dannyelle did not stop running until she was home.
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WIP (Will finish once home)

Name: Resa Valeria Hauken

Age: 24

Type: Seer

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual, pan-romantic

Career/Profession: Journalist

Height & Weight: 5'5", 100 lbs.

Physical description:





Writing Sample:

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