After They Left

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@DeGage11, @Heidi_Jinx , @The Nekoda , @sakcurse

It has been 4 years since their own kind left and betrayed them and all over the world people are gathering in groups, clans trying to restore a new Earth. They city was left in ruins collapsed and leaking radioactive poison everywhere nothing seemed to still be alive or breathing. Everything was perfectly silent besides the occasional creak or crash of buildings and rubble settling. Nothing seemed to be alive and the earth lay silent in the ashes of what use to be a great planet blown to bits by its own kind.

This place was the place where a group of unlikely strangers would meet up this is the place that you are destined to find.

Among the rubble stood a girl she was small maybe 5'4'' at most and was completely still. Her pale skin contrasted her dark cloths and gas mask shadowing her face and leaving little besides her eyes to be seen. Her black hair hung straight down to her waist and blew slightly in the cold breeze of the now coming winter. Strapped across her back was a sniper rifle M21 that she was rather proud of and two glock 19s hung at her hips. Her back stood straight and her boots pressed into the ground.

Riley smelled the air not detecting anything dead or toxins. Sighing slightly she adjusted her giant backpack and breathed out through her nose anxiously. The world depressed her and she hadn't met anyone else still alive assuming that she was probably all alone on this world she pulled out a cigarette lighting it and taking a drag. Riley was use to being alone by now and had taken up the habit of quietly talking to herself like she use to do as a kid. Turning she walked down what she assumed was left of a street hoping for a book store and maybe some books or newspapers or anything to read and a store with some cigarettes she was running rather low.

"a bottle of vodka wouldn't be to bad either." she mumbled aloud.
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A Man, small in stature stood outside of a building. The building was named: "Klint's ammunition and military products." From what the man could tell. It was a very Broken building that looked about ready to collapse at any time. He remained silent and steadily creaked the door open once inside he crouched and pulled out a small flashlight. He crouched and began to walk around.

The building was seemingly empty, with not many supplies to be found. He looked at the shelves. People have already raided this building from what he could tell. He decided that he would grab anything he saw of use and get out. He eventually left the store with a small box of 22. ammo and a small amount of camo sheet. He walked out of the building with a sad look on his face.

"Better than nothing" He said. "But not really."
Turning she started to continue down the street her hair tangling in her arms to be shaken off violently. Closing her eyes she sensed a presence and her eyes shot open to stare directly at someone a man. The last humans she had met had befriended her only to turn around and stab her in the back literally and take all of her supplies leaving her dying and with nothing. She wasn't sure if had seen her and began to back up slowly hands twitching towards the guns at her hips.

Her foot stepped back onto a piece of gravel crunching loudly and causing her to flinch. Looking up her breath caught in her throat and her eyes widened. The world seemed to stop as all she heard was her heart beating in her chest and her blood pounding in her ears.
The man turned around to see a V like shape infront of him. It was to crossroads. He looked around, he thought he saw a human...but quickly brushed it off as a hallucination. He began to run the left path of the V.
Drip, drip, drip.

Capricorn groaned, turning over to avoid the brown sludgelike water from hitting her face.

Where am I now?

Pulling herself to a seat, she took stock of her 'bedroom' from last night. The building that she was in was obviously decrepit, but empty, warm, and for the most part, dry. In the shard of a mirror, she ran her hand through matted brown hair until she had removed most of the tangles. An unusual sound made her pause her grooming.

"Who's there?" she called.

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