After They Left (Needs People)

okay okay yeah I know the name is cheesy I'm sorry.

So basically what has happened is a nuclear war was started on the Earth and all the wealthy, superior people where taken on ships and off into space leaving behind the survivors of the war to fend for themselves in the leftover rubble of the earth. There is radiation and many people have mutations and powers to some extent.

It has been 4 years since their own kind left and betrayed them and all over the world people are gathering in groups, clans trying to restore a new Earth. All over places are building small communities. This is taking place in where New York use to be your person doesn't need to be from there but they need to be there or get there somehow.

I wont be accepting a ton of people because when you start getting more than 7 or 8 characters it starts to get confusing well at least I think.


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  • No one liners please try to post at least a paragraph

  • Romance is okay just keep it PG-13

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  • Try to post at least once a day, If you can not please make sure to let me know.


Image of looks: (prefer real pic)





Occupation: (before war)

Bio: (doesn't need to be a novel)



Name: Riley Jameson

Age: 23

Personality: She isn't really the leader type she is quiet, likes to read anything she can find in the desolate world. She is outwardly cold, harsh and an expert shot but is sometimes unconfident and doubtful of others around her. She is impatient with others and sometimes finds herself preferring being alone. Most of the time she gets along with others by being just a part of the group and is very handy and cunning.

Mutations: She has heightened senses like smelling and hearing and sight.

Occupation: she worked at a movie rental store and was going through college.

Bio: She was the middle child of five and was content not being noticed all the time and was okay so when she had to support herself through college its not like she complained she was raised fine and was taken care of. When the war broke out she was out in the country visiting her Aunt and after the whole thing she woke up to a whole new world and order of things.

Others: She hates the smell of cinnamon.

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Image of looks: (prefer real pic)

(sorry that its not real D:)

Name: Chris Firon

Age: 27

Personality: Chris was struck hard by what had happened. He almost never jokes around and is dead serious. He will give and take commands and feels stronger in a team, he also is very familiar with nature and natural things

Mutations: Chris is very fast, and athletic. He can run faster than others and is an essential scout to any group.

Occupation: (before war) Chris was a hunter and game warden.

Bio: (doesn't need to be a novel) Chris was an only child, his parents were so loving and caring to him...but they were never around. Whether or not they were working, or just running errands, everytime they left Chris felt alone. He loved to adventure outside into the wilderness to see what he could find, he had almost no friends because he...stood out from the others.

Thank you, i also believe this will be interesting! I really like post apocalyptic set ups like these. I love them so much!


(So sorry about the large size in the pic.)

Name: Vila Spade

Age: 24

Personality: Vila can come off as rude and sarcastic. She almost never smiles and if she does, it's not for the

right reason. Her face is always in a stern expression, and she's never playful. She's always serious, and does

not have a good sense of humor.

Mutations: She's a supreme mentalist: she can read people, know what they're thinking, where they've been,

and can tell if anyone is deceitful.This can be used to a group's advantage for cooperation and outsiders.

Occupation: Worked as a former drug dealer along the streets of New York.

Bio: Vila was born in a psych ward to a sociopath mother. Her father is currently unknown, and Vila does not

wish to know who or where he is. As a child, she grew up in a middle-class foster home until age sixteen where

she ran away from home to become a child of the streets. She became involved in the drug business where she'd been

arrested several times for paraphernalia. She soon became involved with murder before the war broke out.

other: She shows signs of being a sociopath like her mother.

Image of looks: (prefer real pic)


Name: Ivan Clubs

Age: 35

Personality: A light-hearted individual from birth, Ivan grew up happily and laughing despite his wealth. He's an extrovert and a risk-taker, he'll talk to anyone about anything, even if he doesn't like them or know them. He won't take many serious and does seem to lack sympathy, often smiling at the wrong times. He isn't the brightest, not a scholar and never reading for fun, but he can figure out a few things for himself. He is a bit gullible, often lacking in making decisions for the long-run he enjoys living in the moment.

Mutations: (N/A)

Occupation: (before war) A carpenter.

Bio: (doesn't need to be a novel) Ivan grew with his 5 brothers and 2 sisters with his pious mother and drunk father. It was sad for his siblings, but he was never home much, always spending his nights at friend's homes knowing he didn't want to hear his parents yell and his brothers and sisters cry or yell back. He often found himself in trouble with his teachers, and the law. Nearly every day he was in detention for talking back to a teacher, not doing work, harassing other students, or getting into a fight. He was quite the party goer in high school and his early twenties, often bringing the alcohol and music. When he dropped out of high school he found himself stealing to get by. He got caught when he was 21 and was sent to prison. He left when he was 27 and decided to stop living a life of crime and become a low-earning carpenter.

other: He'll eat anything?
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thank you :) will update with my character submission in a few 
Image of looks:


Name: Capricorn Leigh

Age: 18

Personality: Capricorn has a sharp mind and a lighthearted personality, which masks her sadness of losing her twin sister during the war. She also has a strong sense of justice, and will stand up for those she feels are too timid or cannot do so for themselves. She is a bit mouthy and assertive, and does not like to be taken for granted just because of her looks.

Mutations: eidetic memory - Capricorn has total recall of anything she's seen or heard.

Occupation: aspiring model

Bio: Capricorn grew up in a small town, and had a idyllic childhood - but felt as she was destined for bigger things. With that sentiment, Capricorn changed her name and moved to NYC with her twin sister, both of them following their dreams of becoming a model. The two of them shared mild successes - her most recent was a toothpaste commercial. Being the wittier of the two, she made sure that her and her sister were never taken advantage of, and had become pretty adept at negotiating. Just before the war broke out, she had discovered her sister had developed a drug habit and had forced her to check into rehab. It was the first time they had been separated since birth, and the last time she saw her.

other: afraid of needles

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