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Futuristic After The War (Accepting!)


Junior Member








Disabilities (If your character has any.)

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Cara-Delevingne.gif.245edd7c96df0230f922df1f2451655c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96584" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Cara-Delevingne.gif.245edd7c96df0230f922df1f2451655c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Arabella Woodson

Age: 18

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/cara-delevingne-topshop-photoshoot-spring-2015_14.jpg.a411b26c6033bc8f1bcb1fe0e887a8e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96585" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/cara-delevingne-topshop-photoshoot-spring-2015_14.jpg.a411b26c6033bc8f1bcb1fe0e887a8e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Height: 5'9

Weight: 114 pounds

Hair color: Dirty Blonde

Eye color: Blue

Personality: -Stubborn- -Quiet- -Mysterious- -Creative- -Athletic- -Kind-


Arabella was 11 when the war took place and left her world she thought she knew like this.

Her parents died. She was left alone, having to face her new reality.

She was never with people. She hunted for herself (Self taught archer) and found shelter for herself.

She never left her birthplace, Los Angeles.

Arabella tends to now talk to herself since she has no one else to talk to... It helps her cope with reality.

But she does have some other contact. Her german shepherd she found, she named it Butternut and the dog never left her.

Weapons: Compound Bow and Arrow and a dagger.

Disability: Depression, anxiety, bi-polar disorder


-Has a german shepherd named Butternut-



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Name: Robert 'Bobby' Carter


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/post_apocalyptic_character_design_by_d_torres-d6rdido.jpg.84e71dae8e5644bcbcd422a3d0d6e606.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96622" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/post_apocalyptic_character_design_by_d_torres-d6rdido.jpg.84e71dae8e5644bcbcd422a3d0d6e606.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cold and calculating, Robert AKA Bobby is a real 'business oriented' guy. He is a smart survivor who thinks before he acts and never charges into a situation without having the proper knowledge to know how to get out alive. Fearless in combat and ruthless in his kills, whenever a fight happens, no one survives it unless Robert says so. Aside from his hard ass personality, Robert defends those he calls friends with a vicious animosity and has a specific weakness for Children, often times outright refusing violence when a child is involved.

20 years old when the bombs fell, Roberts old job, his old life became irrelevant. He had a wife, he had two children, and miraculously they all survived the bombs and the fallout that followed. Robert quickly adapted to the wasteland and helped establish a settlement that became known as 'Huntington', built within a gated community in Virginia.

There he lived for five years, learning the skills needed to survive the apocalypse, he was a scavenger despite his wife's complaints and there they lived for five years. One night, while Robert was camping a few miles away from Huntington a mutant attack destroyed the entire settlement and killed or scattered everyone. The next day when Robert arrived and investigated the ruins, he never found the bodies of his wife and kids, likely burned in several of the collapsed buildings, Robert abandoned the ruins and headed west.

Two years later, he has just arrived in Los Angeles, a professional mercenary that works for whoever needs him.

Relationships: Wife(deceased) Two Daughters (deceased)


Power Fist-

A specially crafted gauntlet that goes over his left hand and wrist, it is heavily plated and can be used to block attacks from melee weapons. It also comes with a pressurized plate on the knuckles that can increase his punching power enough to punch THROUGH a person, or even thinner metal walls with ease.


(glaive)- A homemade weapon, approximately 4ft long wooden staff with a blade covering the last foot and a half. The Staff-blade is capable of swiftly hacking apart his enemies at medium range when used effectively and can also be thrown like a spear.

Keltar SMG-

A very compact sub-machine gun with an incredible rate of fire. Though it only fires .22 LONG rounds, it is capable of emptying a 200 round drum (located where you would placed your hand below the barrel) in 15 seconds. When fired in short bursts, it can accurately drop targets with a barrage of low caliber bullets.

Disabilities- Sometime along his jounrey west, Robert was involved with a car-crash and seriously injured his left-leg, putting him out of commission for almost a year. The leg now requires a brace and forces Robert to walk with a limp and limits his running capabilities.

He owns a Rottweiler named Junkyard.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Two-headed_dog_(concept_art).jpg.40204f7bbf978c843d1d0ddc36de1e6f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96628" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Two-headed_dog_(concept_art).jpg.40204f7bbf978c843d1d0ddc36de1e6f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Anaxial said:
Name: Robert 'Bobby' Carter


View attachment 215098

Cold and calculating, Robert AKA Bobby is a real 'business oriented' guy. He is a smart survivor who thinks before he acts and never charges into a situation without having the proper knowledge to know how to get out alive. Fearless in combat and ruthless in his kills, whenever a fight happens, no one survives it unless Robert says so. Aside from his hard ass personality, Robert defends those he calls friends with a vicious animosity and has a specific weakness for Children, often times outright refusing violence when a child is involved.

20 years old when the bombs fell, Roberts old job, his old life became irrelevant. He had a wife, he had two children, and miraculously they all survived the bombs and the fallout that followed. Robert quickly adapted to the wasteland and helped establish a settlement that became known as 'Huntington', built within a gated community in Virginia.

There he lived for five years, learning the skills needed to survive the apocalypse, he was a scavenger despite his wife's complaints and there they lived for five years. One night, while Robert was camping a few miles away from Huntington a mutant attack destroyed the entire settlement and killed or scattered everyone. The next day when Robert arrived and investigated the ruins, he never found the bodies of his wife and kids, likely burned in several of the collapsed buildings, Robert abandoned the ruins and headed west.

Two years later, he has just arrived in Los Angeles, a professional mercenary that works for whoever needs him.

Relationships: Wife(deceased) Two Daughters (deceased)


Power Fist-

A specially crafted gauntlet that goes over his left hand and wrist, it is heavily plated and can be used to block attacks from melee weapons. It also comes with a pressurized plate on the knuckles that can increase his punching power enough to punch THROUGH a person, or even thinner metal walls with ease.


(glaive)- A homemade weapon, approximately 4ft long wooden staff with a blade covering the last foot and a half. The Staff-blade is capable of swiftly hacking apart his enemies at medium range when used effectively and can also be thrown like a spear.

Keltar SMG-

A very compact sub-machine gun with an incredible rate of fire. Though it only fires .22 LONG rounds, it is capable of emptying a 200 round drum (located where you would placed your hand below the barrel) in 15 seconds. When fired in short bursts, it can accurately drop targets with a barrage of low caliber bullets.

Disabilities- Sometime along his jounrey west, Robert was involved with a car-crash and seriously injured his left-leg, putting him out of commission for almost a year. The leg now requires a brace and forces Robert to walk with a limp and limits his running capabilities.

He owns a Rottweiler named Junkyard.

View attachment 215115


Ash Dorrance




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.e997bb6648b32efc6b21fdac7b20b10d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96637" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.e997bb6648b32efc6b21fdac7b20b10d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.defaeb4da011890ae214d9a1342ab3b9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96638" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.defaeb4da011890ae214d9a1342ab3b9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ash is a prodigy when it comes down to inventing and warfare, he is a cold and calculating person that always has a trick up his sleeve to fight or escape, if you give him to tanks of pressurized air, some scrap metal and some wires and time he could make you your own propulsion system to where you can walk and run on walls for a limited Tim but that is baby stuff compared to what he has since his father was really high up in the millibars he got military grade materials. He is very cold and will not think twice about taking a life if it compromises what he is doing but of course he will think twice to unarmed people and children but if they are a target or try to ruin his objective they are dead


Ash was 13 when the bombs fell and he was the only one that made it to the shelter out of his family since they got caught in it to save him. Luckily for him he survived with no major injury a just a scar or two, but what waited down they're for him was his own candy store not like real candy but military grade equipment that you could never find without authorized clearance after the bombs settled he went up top discovering where he was where some of the bombs hit directly...Washington D.C. He couldn't leave the shelter at all since all the radiation so he went right to work making his suit that could resist the heavy radiation and ammo of up to 50. Cal if he was guarded just right, he also made himself a propulsion system made out of multiple wings from mini drones that could lift keep him in suspension of where ever he was for a maximum of 8 seconds before he had to let it rest for 2 seconds to use it so he would have to chain jumps and flips to keep going constantly on walls and buildings which was hard shooting his custom weapons....really hard.

After making all his equipment which was a hole body suit (in second pic) which had his propulsion gear, a mini radar that marked people within a 50 meter vicinity, and a oxygen filter action system so he could breathe which all took 5 years to perfect he left off for the west coast hoping it was better than the east coast. During his travels he had many encounters some with mutants which were taken care of some with people he gave medical attention attention to, and some he just killed with his bare hands he noticed it was getting better as he kept going but it was still a waste land and that's when he made it to the end of his journey Los Angeles, now he was marking a new journey here.




Eva-8 Shotgun (custom made): The Eva-8 was made by Ash when he was about to leave since he needed bigger fire power against tougher opponents and that where the Eva-8 came around. This monster is a anti-personnel, gas operated, auto-loading shotgun. That shoots at 103 RPM and holds 9 bullets in a clip made from pellet shots for wider area of effect.

Kraber-AP Rife: is a straight-pull bolt-action sniper rifle with a side-mounted magazine. As expected from its large-caliber 14.5x114mm rounds, it has unparalleled damage amongst The weapons mad early by Ash, able to kill any infantry in one shot at any range. But the downfall is that he must lead against moving targets due to the long projectile travel time between the shot and impact (slightly faster than a normal bullet) the weapon's projectiles.

xD (Is a pistol, and yes the xD is a part of the name: What can't beat the old sometimes and ash liked this pistol.

(Alright Alright the first were based on a game the third is a real pistol)


Has anger issues if that counts, also trust issues.





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Aqua said:


Ash Dorrance




View attachment 215129 View attachment 215130


Ash is a prodigy when it comes down to inventing and warfare, he is a cold and calculating person that always has a trick up his sleeve to fight or escape, if you give him to tanks of pressurized air, some scrap metal and some wires and time he could make you your own propulsion system to where you can walk and run on walls for a limited Tim but that is baby stuff compared to what he has since his father was really high up in the millibars he got military grade materials. He is very cold and will not think twice about taking a life if it compromises what he is doing but of course he will think twice to unarmed people and children but if they are a target or try to ruin his objective they are dead


Ash was 13 when the bombs fell and he was the only one that made it to the shelter out of his family since they got caught in it to save him. Luckily for him he survived with no major injury a just a scar or two, but what waited down they're for him was his own candy store not like real candy but military grade equipment that you could never find without authorized clearance after the bombs settled he went up top discovering where he was where some of the bombs hit directly...Washington D.C. He couldn't leave the shelter at all since all the radiation so he went right to work making his suit that could resist the heavy radiation and ammo of up to 50. Cal if he was guarded just right, he also made himself a propulsion system made out of multiple wings from mini drones that could lift keep him in suspension of where ever he was for a maximum of 8 seconds before he had to let it rest for 2 seconds to use it so he would have to chain jumps and flips to keep going constantly on walls and buildings which was hard shooting his custom weapons....really hard.

After making all his equipment which was a hole body suit (in second pic) which had his propulsion gear, a mini radar that marked people within a 50 meter vicinity, and a oxygen filter action system so he could breathe which all took 5 years to perfect he left off for the west coast hoping it was better than the east coast. During his travels he had many encounters some with mutants which were taken care of some with people he gave medical attention attention to, and some he just killed with his bare hands he noticed it was getting better as he kept going but it was still a waste land and that's when he made it to the end of his journey Los Angeles, now he was marking a new journey here.




Eva-8 Shotgun (custom made): The Eva-8 was made by Ash when he was about to leave since he needed bigger fire power against tougher opponents and that where the Eva-8 came around. This monster is a anti-personnel, gas operated, auto-loading shotgun. That shoots at 103 RPM and holds 9 bullets in a clip made from pellet shots for wider area of effect.

Kraber-AP Rife: is a straight-pull bolt-action sniper rifle with a side-mounted magazine. As expected from its large-caliber 14.5x114mm rounds, it has unparalleled damage amongst The weapons mad early by Ash, able to kill any infantry in one shot at any range. But the downfall is that he must lead against moving targets due to the long projectile travel time between the shot and impact (slightly faster than a normal bullet) the weapon's projectiles.

xD (Is a pistol, and yes the xD is a part of the name: What can't beat the old sometimes and ash liked this pistol.

(Alright Alright the first were based on a game the third is a real pistol)


Has anger issues if that counts, also trust issues.





Appearance: a small and thin girl,freckles dot her face like stars in the sky.her eyes are a pale green shade. her skin looks soft and sterile like hospital sheets. short,scruffy dirty blonde hair makes a rat's nests on her head. a loose fitting maroon sweater takes shape on her pale body,just covering her black daisy duke shorts. rugged black boots two sizes too big for her hide her feet.

Personality: a very quiet and observant person. she is inexperienced with many things and she knows this. she tries to see the world in all types of lighting and she wants to know and understand things. she is calm but not collective,not reserved but contain,she is an organized mess.

Bio: nothing special, nothing special at all.a very quiet and contained world kept her inside a glass house. books and encyclopedias and equations and sewing and manners and nothing. nothing important at all.

Relationships:{open to any}

Weapons: a short barrel 5 round revolver lies tied loosely to her hip. its short range and hard recoil make it a difficult weapon but a gun does a whole lot more than just shooting when it comes to interaction with others.

Disabilities (has insomnia )

Other: {bush did 9/11}
KabiKabi said:

Appearance: a small and thin girl,freckles dot her face like stars in the sky.her eyes are a pale green shade. her skin looks soft and sterile like hospital sheets. short,scruffy dirty blonde hair makes a rat's nests on her head. a loose fitting maroon sweater takes shape on her pale body,just covering her black daisy duke shorts. rugged black boots two sizes too big for her hide her feet.

Personality: a very quiet and observant person. she is inexperienced with many things and she knows this. she tries to see the world in all types of lighting and she wants to know and understand things. she is calm but not collective,not reserved but contain,she is an organized mess.

Bio: nothing special, nothing special at all.a very quiet and contained world kept her inside a glass house. books and encyclopedias and equations and sewing and manners and nothing. nothing important at all.

Relationships:{open to any}

Weapons: a short barrel 5 round revolver lies tied loosely to her hip. its short range and hard recoil make it a difficult weapon but a gun does a whole lot more than just shooting when it comes to interaction with others.

Disabilities (has insomnia )

Other: {bush did 9/11}

John Star




-Short black wavy hair.

-Vibrant green eyes.

-A purple shirt, dark blue jeans and black sneakers.

-A black tattoo of a star with wings on the underside of his left wrist.





-Smiles through the pain, in other words John usually has a smile on his face. Whether he's happy or not.



John never really had a family, his mother left him and his father shortly after his birth. His father didn't like him, at all...

John spent most of his time at the library, the cost of this is that he hasn't had any sort of relationships; No friends, no dates or even enemies.

John likes watching from a distance, he often gets lost in thought.

And he loves hot chocolate with cinnamon and space (Hah stars, I'm a genius).




John dislikes weapons in general, but he has a screwdriver... He can totally defend himself with that... Not...

Disabilities (If your character has any.)



John lost his family before the world headed for hell...

Tell me if I need to change anything! :3
Goldencurls said:
John Star




-Short black wavy hair.

-Vibrant green eyes.

-A purple shirt, dark blue jeans and black sneakers.

-A black tattoo of a star with wings on the underside of his left wrist.





-Smiles through the pain, in other words John usually has a smile on his face. Whether he's happy or not.



John never really had a family, his mother left him and his father shortly after his birth. His father didn't like him, at all...

John spent most of his time at the library, the cost of this is that he hasn't had any sort of relationships; No friends, no dates or even enemies.

John likes watching from a distance, he often gets lost in thought.

And he loves hot chocolate with cinnamon and space (Hah stars, I'm a genius).




John dislikes weapons in general, but he has a screwdriver... He can totally defend himself with that... Not...

Disabilities (If your character has any.)



John lost his family before the world headed for hell...

Tell me if I need to change anything! :3
Accepted! I would like if you could maybe add a picture of your character please. If not thats okay too, just wondering.

Vanessa "V, Ness, Nessy" Verlac




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.d395540cc7b8c24e7c4e34d32ca59743.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96998" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.d395540cc7b8c24e7c4e34d32ca59743.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Vanessa is pretty honest and keeps to her word as well as she can. She is relatively soft hearted and absolutely loves animals and the parts of nature that still stand beautifully- which are few. True to herself, she never holds back anything she wants to say and is pretty stubborn.


Vanessa and Sebastian were four when their parents were murdered. They both went to a foster home but they received nothing but abuse there, so they ran away. They spent most of their lives on the run until they were thirteen and an apartment building owner offered them an apartment if they did certain jobs for him. They learned to use weapons and defend themselves since they were only thirteen and had to defend themselves. Six days after their sixteenth birthday, the nuclear bomb fell.


Sebastian Verlac- twin brother & ultimate bestie


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.fa44362951b0e53a986d93d0e751a464.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97000" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.fa44362951b0e53a986d93d0e751a464.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Parkour- Vanessa knows how to maneuver around effectively and efficiently, but she couldn't care less about flips and twists. She is pretty damn good at it too- equal to Jesse La Flair minus the fancy moves that are rendered unnecessary in life-death situations.

Endurance- Vanessa has pretty good endurance considering all of the abuse her twin and she went through. She also has quite lung capacity from running so much.

Drawing- As useless of a skill drawing may be, it calms Vanessa down, lets her think, and makes her feel better in general- keeping her sanity relatively in tact.



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KayIa said:
Vanessa "V, Ness, Nessy" Verlac




View attachment 215886


Vanessa is pretty honest and keeps to her word as well as she can. She is relatively soft hearted and absolutely loves animals and the parts of nature that still stand beautifully- which are few. True to herself, she never holds back anything she wants to say and is pretty stubborn.


Vanessa and Sebastian were four when their parents were murdered. They both went to a foster home but they received nothing but abuse there, so they ran away. They spent most of their lives on the run until they were thirteen and an apartment building owner offered them an apartment if they did certain jobs for him. They learned to use weapons and defend themselves since they were only thirteen and had to defend themselves. Six days after their sixteenth birthday, the nuclear bomb fell.


Sebastian Verlac- twin brother & ultimate bestie


View attachment 215888




Parkour- Vanessa knows how to maneuver around effectively and efficiently, but she couldn't care less about flips and twists. She is pretty damn good at it too- equal to Jesse La Flair minus the fancy moves that are rendered unnecessary in life-death situations.

Endurance- Vanessa has pretty good endurance considering all of the abuse her twin and she went through. She also has quite lung capacity from running so much.

Drawing- As useless of a skill drawing may be, it calms Vanessa down, lets her think, and makes her feel better in general- keeping her sanity relatively in tact.
Accepted! Join on in whenever you get the chance.
Name: Sebastian Verlac


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/images.jpeg.da6123b1c7cc631e0751b75b13c5277e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97031" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/images.jpeg.da6123b1c7cc631e0751b75b13c5277e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Bio: Vanessa and Sebastian were four when their parents were murdered. They both went to a foster home but they received nothing but abuse there, so they ran away. They spent most of their lives on the run until they were thirteen and an apartment building owner offered them an apartment if they did certain jobs for him. They learned to use weapons and defend themselves since they were only thirteen and had to defend themselves. Six days after their sixteenth birthday, the first nuclear bomb fell.

Relationships: His sister/ the only reason he didn't commit suicide

Weapons: A bow and a sword

Disabilities: Insomnia




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AstronomyNerd said:
Name: Sebastian Verlac

Appearance:View attachment 215931


Vanessa and Sebastian were four when their parents were murdered. They both went to a foster home but they received nothing but abuse there, so they ran away. They spent most of their lives on the run until they were thirteen and an apartment building owner offered them an apartment if they did certain jobs for him. They learned to use weapons and defend themselves since they were only thirteen and had to defend themselves. Six days after their sixteenth birthday, the first nuclear bomb fell.

Relationships: His sister/ the only reason he didn't commit suicide

Weapons: A bow and a sword

Disabilities: Insomnia

Writtar said:
Name: Alex Vauner
Age: 15

Appearance: Short black hair in a fringe to the right, slim and medium height, noticeably blue eyes

Personality: Enthusiastic, Protective of friends

Bio: Alex was only 8 when he saw bombs blasting down outside of his window, then the wind knocked his house down along with his family. His mother was impaled by a kitchen knife and had died. Alex hovered over her corpse and mourned. After a while, his father forced him and his sister to leave the house, while soldiers gunned in and shot his father to death, his sister died from radiation sickness and all he has know is a sword and a slingshot to defend himself.

Relationships: None

Weapons: Sword and a Slingshot

Disabilities: Frequent traumatic experiences

Name: Jared Harter

Age: 17

Appearance: Average build, donning a red scarf. He has dark blonde hair and grey eyes.

Personality: Cold and distant, Jared realizes there is no room for humanity in this new world.

Bio: Before the war, Jared had plans. He'd been saving up for college. He had a great family. And he wanted to be a father some day. But in the end, he didn't get to decide. Sometimes he contemplated whether the dead were the lucky ones. Many qualities that made him who he was before were lost, and now he only has one plan: Survival.

Relationships: None

Weapons: A pistol and a small knife.

Disabilities: None.

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TheWolfKeeper said:
Name: Jared Harter
Age: 17

Appearance: Average build, donning a red scarf. He has dark blonde hair and grey eyes.

Personality: Cold and distant, Sage realizes there is no room for humanity in this new world.

Bio: Before the war, Jared had plans. He'd been saving up for college. He had a great family. And he wanted to be a father some day. But in the end, he didn't get to decide. Sometimes he contemplated whether the dead were the lucky ones. Many qualities that madde him who he was before were lost, and now he only has one plan: Survival.

Relationships: None

Weapons: A pistol and a small knife.

Disabilities: None.

Name: Ava Collins

Age: 14

Appearance: she has shoulder length dirty blonde hair which she normally ties into a little pony tail. She has dark green eyes. She wears a black hoodie along with blue jeans and any shoes she can find.

Personality: she is quiet and reserved and still clings onto hope for a better place as it's the only thing that keeps her going.

Bio: before the war Ava was in an orphanage as her family had abandoned her on a road, Ava had always dreamed of meeting them until at the age of 7 she saw the nuclear bombs drop from the sky and it was then she realised that it could never happen. In this pain Ava to run away from everything she every known or dreamt.

Relationships: none

Weapons: hunting knife and bow

Disabilities: depression

Other: none
Vxnessa said:
Name: Ava Collins
Age: 14

Appearance: she has shoulder length dirty blonde hair which she normally ties into a little pony tail. She has dark green eyes. She wears a black hoodie along with blue jeans and any shoes she can find.

Personality: she is quiet and reserved and still clings onto hope for a better place as it's the only thing that keeps her going.

Bio: before the war Ava was in an orphanage as her family had abandoned her on a road, Ava had always dreamed of meeting them until at the age of 7 she saw the nuclear bombs drop from the sky and it was then she realised that it could never happen. In this pain Ava to run away from everything she every known or dreamt.

Relationships: none

Weapons: hunting knife and bow

Disabilities: depression

Other: none

TheWolfKeeper said:
Name: Jared Harter
Age: 17

Appearance: Average build, donning a red scarf. He has dark blonde hair and grey eyes.

Personality: Cold and distant, Jared realizes there is no room for humanity in this new world.

Bio: Before the war, Jared had plans. He'd been saving up for college. He had a great family. And he wanted to be a father some day. But in the end, he didn't get to decide. Sometimes he contemplated whether the dead were the lucky ones. Many qualities that made him who he was before were lost, and now he only has one plan: Survival.

Relationships: None

Weapons: A pistol and a small knife.

Disabilities: None.


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