After the Flock (A Max Ride RP)


Junior Member

Everyone thought Maximum Ride was the end of the story. But she wasn't. Yeah, sure, she kept New Earth safe, and nice until she died. Now she's gone and our world's falling apart.

We aren't just mutant bird kids anymore, we are so much more, it's out job to bring back the peace.


Site rules

Nothing +13

A little swearing is okay, don't be a jerk though

Only 7 characters will be admitted to the flock

Up to 2 characters





Appearance (doesn't require wings, but if the picture doesn't show them tell me the color):

Mutations (besides wings, up to 4 more):

Short perso:



Name: Rowan Blackthorn

Age: 17

Gender: F


Mutations (besides wings, up to 4 more): Telepathy, gills, invisibitly

Short perso: She is stubborn and rough, she doesn't like being told what to do.

Other: Her wolf, Andy



View attachment 11586 has dark red and black wings

mutations: telekenisis, very sharp teeth and nails

short perso: the School took him and tortured him after killing his parents. his arms and back are riddled wit hscars both from his own damage and erasers he loves animals

his monkey Gir

View attachment 11587
Name: Kyra Fate

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance (doesn't require wings, but if the picture doesn't show them tell me the color): View attachment 11937 Wings are View attachment 11938

Mutations (besides wings, up to 4 more): She can control shadows., and breathe underwater. That's about it.

Short perso: She's a strong willed kind of girl, she's got a English accent. She's not afraid of anything, and would die for friends and family. At times she'll seem a little dark, when she's really got a very light soul.

Other: She don't have a pet.

Name: Maddoc Fate

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance (doesn't require wings, but if the picture doesn't show them tell me the color): View attachment 11940

Mutations (besides wings, up to 4 more): Electrokinetic. He controls electricity and such like that, and if very mad, can make lightning strike. He also breathes under water, and can talk with whales.

Short perso: He's a shy kind of guy, rarely talks to anyone aside from his twin. He's the kind of guy to fight for his friends, and won't stop until he drops dead.

Other: View attachment 11942 That is Wilhem(Pronounced "Vilhelm") not his pet, his best friend. He can count on Wilhem as much as he does his sister.
Sorry I haven't been on in forever! You're all accepted, one more person and I'm closing this thread and opening up the RP!
Name: Kyli

Age: 4

Gender: Female

Appearance (doesn't require wings, but if the picture doesn't show them tell me the color):View attachment 12541

Mutations (besides wings, up to 4 more):Mind-reading and Ice powers

Short perso: Shes kinda shy but loves her friends.

May I join? If so here is my info ^-^

Name: Ariely Jones

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance :View attachment 12830 her wings are bigger but are the same color as picture.

Mutations (besides wings, up to 4 more): ability to hear within a 10 mile radius. telepathy, mind-reading

Short perso: shes like the shy and quite one of the group. she doesnt talk much. shes stubborn

Other: her owl Lala

View attachment 12831
Shouldn't there be a bad guy? Like Eraser-esque type characters? Ari-esque even?? Cause if so, I am your man! Bad guys are essential to Maximum Ride. Please?! Please please please?!

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