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Futuristic After All, This Is Still Our World (Post-Apocalyptic RP, Open and Accepting!)

11254man said:
How long ago did the end of the world happen?
The Evening Prayer/End of the World happened on 2020, exactly 200 years before the start of the RP, which takes place in 2220.
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Name: Sand (Jay)

Nickname(s): Sandman, Mutant, Monster

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Appearance: They seem to have skin that is consistently blistered all over. the top of the legs, bottom of the torso, and arm of a pre-apocalypse excavation exoskeleton seem to be grafted to him by an intense heat. His hair is almost all gone, but his face is still vaguely recognizable.

Biography: Sand was once known as Jay Milo, a lowly explorer and repairman residing in arena. He hailed from Arena, and grey up scavenging supplies for himself and his father, who was afflicted with radiation sickness. He scrounged up supplies from several locations about the province of Arena, and explored caves and mine-shafts others didn't dare enter. He had light radiation poisoning by the age of 15, but cared little about it. His father died just a year after his son had contracted the albeit less serious disease. At age 16, Jay Milo was alone.

Jay began to outsource to other provinces, along with the outskirts of his own. He made quite the living as a tinkerer and vendor of said tinker-ings. Food, Water, Weapons, Scrap, and his specialty, Mining Equipment. Jay's favorite spots to go scavenging were the abandoned mine-shafts dotting the provinces. Jay had found himself a full mining exo-suit. It shielded him from further radiation, and helped clean out the denizens of his spelunking spots.

Another 5 years passed, and rumors began to circulate. Rumors that spoke of a province, one with immeasurable amounts of salvage. Jay was keen to follow these rumors, and set off for the province of "Waste". He entered the dangerous province in a full exo-suit, and came back with only half of it, along with extreme radiation sickness. He was a good bit less vocal, and was driven from many-a-town in the world he had once called his oyster. He finally fell back into the clutches of the house he grew up in, now part of an abandoned city. He constructed a monument to his father within his house, and now wanders the empty streets, continuing in his tinkering.

How they got to Arena: While practically mute, they still are quite smart, and found it decidedly a fitting place to stay.

Personality: He's generally silent, and isn't easy to approach. He's smart, and enjoys being in the company of those who don't fear him.

Sexual Orientation: None

Abilities: Quite smart, has what is essentially a suit of armor on a lot of their body.

Weaknesses: Wounds to the head.

Likes: Scrap, quiet.

Dislikes: Hostile people, other mutants.

Mutations : Sand has mutations good and bad. They have an exoskeleton grafted to their body. While good protection, it also weighs him down, causing him to be quite slow. Apart from this, he's also hideous and has an extremely hard time in speaking.

Quotes: "Y-you'll... help?" "G-good. G-g-good." *Dry, almost dusty cough*

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Portrait (Optional):


Name: Corporal. Jackson Maxson

Nickname(s) (Optional): Jack, Corporal, Max, Gas Man(Hence the mask)

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Appearance: With no armor:Black High and Tight hair cut, tan skin, brown eyes, large scar cut from his left eye to his chin, average nose, average lips. Tan body. Average build with a bit more muscle.

With: Black and gray everything, tubes going from small cleaners to the helmet, red glowing eyes, and a red, black, and white patch on his shoulders. Kevlar and ballistic cloth, after being shot a few times, the suit is worthless and needs to be repaired or replaced.

Biography: Jack comes from a platoon out in area of Dokusei, in a, more or less radioactive spot, his platoon was sent there to keep check of the toxic levels there, which was pointless, so that's where they sent the soldiers they didn't want, he got into too many fights with commanding officers and soldiers like him. He's a violent fellow, and might shoot on sight, but coming from that area, it was ALWAYS shoot first, ask questions later. He was born in Filia, and moved to V'yond, that's where he joined a secret military organization, Exterminans, latin for Exterminator. They were tasked with clearing the scrapped areas of V'yond, which was nice, since the suit prevented gas, radiation, and tons of mutated animal and unarmed mutant human attacks, also good against bullets at times. The suits were both made to insight fear and be protective, since the muties in the scraps got scared of almost anything not them. When he was 14, he joined up, at age 16, he was relocated to Dokusei, that's when he went kind of mad, it all started when he was shoved there with other wash outs, beating the crap out of all of them when they crossed him wrong, his commanding officeres weren't safe either...(Read below)

How they got to Arena: He got tired of Dokusei, and the green really didn't look all that good with the red lights the base had...He left it for a better run, or just for the action, and he's running from the Exterminans for going AWOL, and killing two of his commanding officers at the base. With. A. Rusted. Spoon. But that's the fake part, really he shot them in the back of the head during a private meeting

Personality: Violent, cheerful, happy if you aren't his enemy.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Crack shot, fast runner, and his armor lets him hang on walls and ceilings, suit is a exo-skeleton.

Weaknesses: The dark, since the mask only lights a small area in a red hue, and it's kind of annoying, so he takes it off at night. Running out of ammo, and being tased, since his armor is mostly an exo-skeleton. Heat...oh dear got the heat...A/C sometimes doesn't work in there...so he get's hot, and people who taunt him when he's fighting them, the suit it self, since it's black, it takes in a ton of heat, making him a bit weak when it's above 95F, the suit will start to weaken after 2-4 shots of high calibers, and 4-6 with small calibers. And 1-2 if stabbed with knifes and swords, cuts shred the Kevlar and open the outer layer, revealing the ballistic gel suit under the Kevlar, made for cushioning bullet hits. Not really useful without armor on top.

Likes: The cold, good memories of his younger life, clean water, cars and tanks.

Dislikes: It being hot and humid, can't stand them at all. Dirty water, rotten food.

Mutations (Optional): The suit prevents any thing like it, any soldiers seen with mutations are executed on sight.

Quotes (Optional): "Where's the bathroom?", "Guns, guns, and MORE GUNS!", "Oorah!", "Sweet buttery Jesus, RUN AWAY!", "Ah! What the hell was that?", "Sometimes, I wish I was frozen in a block of ice, and left alone.", "Can I get some more bull with this crap?", "Mess with the best, and I'll put a hole in your chest!", "I love puppies.", "Sup.", "Tell me what the bottom of my boot tastes like when I shove it in your mouth!", "I can help you...for a price...", "I'll help for free, only for a good cause.", "Mess with me, and I'll shove a bullet through your chest, with my bare hands" .

(He's VERY violent if you made a bad impression with him)

Theme, get a feel of his vibe when pissed too:


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CERBERUS177 said:
Portrait (Optional):

Name: Corporal. Jackson Maxson

Nickname(s) (Optional): Jack, Corporal, Max, Gas Man(Hence the mask)

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Appearance: With no armor:Black High and Tight hair cut, tan skin, brown eyes, large scar cut from his left eye to his chin, average nose, average lips. Tan body. Average build with a bit more muscle.

With: Black and gray everything, tubes going from small cleaners to the helmet, red glowing eyes, and a red, black, and white patch on his shoulders. Heavy type armor.

Biography: Jack comes from a platoon out in area of Dokusei, in a, more or less radioactive spot, his platoon was sent there to keep check of the toxic levels there, which was pointless, so that's where they sent the soldiers they didn't want, he got into too many fights with commanding officers and soldiers like him. He's a violent fellow, and might shoot on sight, but coming from that area, it was ALWAYS shoot first, ask questions later. He was born in Filia, and moved to V'yond, that's where he joined a secret military organization, Exterminans, latin for Exterminator. They were tasked with clearing the scrapped areas of V'yond, which was nice, since the suit prevented gas, radiation, and tons of mutated animal and unarmed mutant human attacks, also good against bullets at times. The suits were both made to insight fear and be protective, since the muties in the scraps got scared of almost anything not them. When he was 14, he joined up, and has been with them ever since...until now...

How they got to Arena: He got tired of Dokusei, and the green really didn't look all that good with the red lights the base had...He left it for a better run, or just for the action, and he's running from the Exterminans for going AWOL, and killing two of his commanding officers at the base.

Personality: Violent, cheerful, happy if you aren't his enemy.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Crack shot, fast runner, and his armor lets him hang on walls and ceilings, suit is a exo-skeleton.

Weaknesses: The dark, since the mask only lights a small area in a red hue, and it's kind of annoying, so he takes it off at night. Running out of ammo, and being tased, since his armor is mostly an exo-skeleton. Heat...oh dear got the heat...A/C sometimes doesn't work in there...so he get's hot, and people who taunt him when he's fighting them

Likes: The cold, good memories of his younger life, clean water, cars and tanks.

Dislikes: It being hot and humid, can't stand them at all. Dirty water, rotten food.

Mutations (Optional): The suit prevents any thing like it, any soldiers seen with mutations are executed on sight.

Quotes (Optional): "Where's the bathroom?", "Guns, guns, and MORE GUNS!", "Oorah!", "Sweet buttery Jesus, RUN AWAY!", "Ah! What the hell was that?", "Sometimes, I wish I was frozen in a block of ice, and left alone.", "Can I get some more bull with this crap?", "Mess with the best, and I'll put a hole in your chest!", "I love puppies.", "Sup.", "Tell me what the bottom of my boot tastes like when I shove it in your mouth!".

(He's VERY violent if you made a bad impression with him)
Was.. was that a quote from Sarge in RvB?
11254man said:
Name: Sand (Jay)
Nickname(s): Sandman, Mutant, Monster

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Appearance: They seem to have skin that is consistently blistered all over. the top of the legs, bottom of the torso, and arm of a pre-apocalypse excavation exoskeleton seem to be grafted to him by an intense heat. His hair is almost all gone, but his face is still vaguely recognizable.

Biography: Sand was once known as Jay Milo, a lowly explorer and repairman residing in arena. He hailed from Arena, and grey up scavenging supplies for himself and his father, who was afflicted with radiation sickness. He scrounged up supplies from several locations about the province of Arena, and explored caves and mine-shafts others didn't dare enter. He had light radiation poisoning by the age of 15, but cared little about it. His father died just a year after his son had contracted the albeit less serious disease. At age 16, Jay Milo was alone.

Jay began to outsource to other provinces, along with the outskirts of his own. He made quite the living as a tinkerer and vendor of said tinker-ings. Food, Water, Weapons, Scrap, and his specialty, Mining Equipment. Jay's favorite spots to go scavenging were the abandoned mine-shafts dotting the provinces. Jay had found himself a full mining exo-suit. It shielded him from further radiation, and helped clean out the denizens of his spelunking spots.

Another 5 years passed, and rumors began to circulate. Rumors that spoke of a province, one with immeasurable amounts of salvage. Jay was keen to follow these rumors, and set off for the province of "Waste". He entered the dangerous province in a full exo-suit, and came back with only half of it, along with extreme radiation sickness. He was a good bit less vocal, and was driven from many-a-town in the world he had once called his oyster. He finally fell back into the clutches of the house he grew up in, now part of an abandoned city. He constructed a monument to his father within his house, and now wanders the empty streets, continuing in his tinkering.

How they got to Arena: While practically mute, they still are quite smart, and found it decidedly a fitting place to stay.

Personality: He's generally silent, and isn't easy to approach. He's smart, and enjoys being in the company of those who don't fear him.

Sexual Orientation: None

Abilities: Quite smart, has what is essentially a suit of armor on a lot of their body.

Weaknesses: Wounds to the head.

Likes: Scrap, quiet.

Dislikes: Hostile people, other mutants.

Mutations : Sand has mutations good and bad. They have an exoskeleton grafted to their body. While good protection, it also weighs him down, causing him to be quite slow. Apart from this, he's also hideous and has an extremely hard time in speaking.

Quotes: "Y-you'll... help?" "G-good. G-g-good." *Dry, almost dusty cough*
I feel bad for the poor guy.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]You don't need to ask! Hop in!

Yay! :D I might not have the CS up for another 6-8 hours but I'll definitely will be joining!~
CERBERUS177 said:
Portrait (Optional):

Name: Corporal. Jackson Maxson

Nickname(s) (Optional): Jack, Corporal, Max, Gas Man(Hence the mask)

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Appearance: With no armor:Black High and Tight hair cut, tan skin, brown eyes, large scar cut from his left eye to his chin, average nose, average lips. Tan body. Average build with a bit more muscle.

With: Black and gray everything, tubes going from small cleaners to the helmet, red glowing eyes, and a red, black, and white patch on his shoulders. Heavy type armor.

Biography: Jack comes from a platoon out in area of Dokusei, in a, more or less radioactive spot, his platoon was sent there to keep check of the toxic levels there, which was pointless, so that's where they sent the soldiers they didn't want, he got into too many fights with commanding officers and soldiers like him. He's a violent fellow, and might shoot on sight, but coming from that area, it was ALWAYS shoot first, ask questions later. He was born in Filia, and moved to V'yond, that's where he joined a secret military organization, Exterminans, latin for Exterminator. They were tasked with clearing the scrapped areas of V'yond, which was nice, since the suit prevented gas, radiation, and tons of mutated animal and unarmed mutant human attacks, also good against bullets at times. The suits were both made to insight fear and be protective, since the muties in the scraps got scared of almost anything not them. When he was 14, he joined up, and has been with them ever since...until now...

How they got to Arena: He got tired of Dokusei, and the green really didn't look all that good with the red lights the base had...He left it for a better run, or just for the action, and he's running from the Exterminans for going AWOL, and killing two of his commanding officers at the base.

Personality: Violent, cheerful, happy if you aren't his enemy.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Crack shot, fast runner, and his armor lets him hang on walls and ceilings, suit is a exo-skeleton.

Weaknesses: The dark, since the mask only lights a small area in a red hue, and it's kind of annoying, so he takes it off at night. Running out of ammo, and being tased, since his armor is mostly an exo-skeleton. Heat...oh dear got the heat...A/C sometimes doesn't work in there...so he get's hot, and people who taunt him when he's fighting them

Likes: The cold, good memories of his younger life, clean water, cars and tanks.

Dislikes: It being hot and humid, can't stand them at all. Dirty water, rotten food.

Mutations (Optional): The suit prevents any thing like it, any soldiers seen with mutations are executed on sight.

Quotes (Optional): "Where's the bathroom?", "Guns, guns, and MORE GUNS!", "Oorah!", "Sweet buttery Jesus, RUN AWAY!", "Ah! What the hell was that?", "Sometimes, I wish I was frozen in a block of ice, and left alone.", "Can I get some more bull with this crap?", "Mess with the best, and I'll put a hole in your chest!", "I love puppies.", "Sup.", "Tell me what the bottom of my boot tastes like when I shove it in your mouth!".

(He's VERY violent if you made a bad impression with him)
Hey, I remember you from Resemblia Academy! I'll be honest, your OC seems a little OP with the suit, so as long as you balance that out, it should be fine, I was also going to question him killing two of his commanding officers, but I guess that if a 14 year old can kill his father, a 16 year old can kill two of his commanding officers, accepted! Feel free to start RPing whenever you want.
[QUOTE="Moon Star]Hey, I remember you from Resemblia Academy! I'll be honest, your OC seems a little OP with the suit, so as long as you balance that out, it should be fine, I was also going to question him killing two of his commanding officers, but I guess that if a 14 year old can kill his father, a 16 year old can kill two of his commanding officers, accepted! Feel free to start RPing whenever you want.

I'll see what I can do, hold on...
Portrait (Optional):

Name: Stefania DeRossi

Nickname(s) (Optional): Rossi

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Appearance: 5'6/122lbs/hourglass figure/dark brown hair/luminescent yellow eyes/olive skin/resting bitch face

Biography: Born into an affluent family in Filia. Her father was killed when a poltical rivalry went south and her and her mother were put on the streets when the other oarty seized their funds as state property. Unable to cope her mother turned to drug addiction and became abusive and unfit to parent. Stefania decided to run away at the age of 14. She roamed around surprisingly unharmed for 2 years before ending up on the bad side of a Doc'Sey gang leader. She attempted to flee but was caught near the border/edge between Doc'Sey and Waste. The gang decided to tie her up and put her on a mule drawn cart sent to walk aimlessly into waste. 4 months later she was spotted back in Doc'Sey and the gang leader was found dead nailed to the wall of her house with silverware. After nearly a year off the grid she reemerged doing contract work for anybody willing to pay her. That was 36 years ago. She came to Arena 2 months ago claiming to be looking for something incredibly valuable

Personality: Sarcastic, hardheaded, standoffish, clever, kinda masochistic

Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Abilities: Decent shot with small arms, good endurance, strong resolve, charismatic

Weaknesses: not very physically strong, not trusting (unless she feels close to you then too trusting), daddy issues, alcoholic.

Likes: Music, money, booze, to feel like a part of a team or something greater.

Dislikes: new faces, silence, boredom, being ignored, people making fun of her condition

Mutations (Optional): Telekinesis, slowed aging

Quotes (Optional): "I came prepared for a battle of wits but it looks like you're unarmed."

"Easy with the cannibal stuff, 'Red Dragon'. I come in peace.....well mostly."

*is threatened with physical attack* "Ooo, let me get my blindfold and ball-gag."

Theme: [media]

[QUOTE="Olivia Acerbi]
Portrait (Optional):

Name: Stefania DeRossi

Nickname(s) (Optional): Rossi

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Appearance: 5'6/122lbs/hourglass figure/dark brown hair/luminescent yellow eyes/olive skin/resting bitch face

Biography: Born into an affluent family in Filia. Her father was killed when a poltical rivalry went south and her and her mother were put on the streets when the other oarty seized their funds as state property. Unable to cope her mother turned to drug addiction and became abusive and unfit to parent. Stefania decided to run away at the age of 14. She roamed around surprisingly unharmed for 2 years before ending up on the bad side of a Doc'Sey gang leader. She attempted to flee but was caught near the border/edge between Doc'Sey and Waste. The gang decided to tie her up and put her on a mule drawn cart sent to walk aimlessly into waste. 4 months later she was spotted back in Doc'Sey and the gang leader was found dead nailed to the wall of her house with silverware. After nearly a year off the grid she reemerged doing contract work for anybody willing to pay her. That was 36 years ago. She came to Arena 2 months ago claiming to be looking for something incredibly valuable

Personality: Sarcastic, hardheaded, standoffish, clever, kinda masochistic

Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Abilities: Decent shot with small arms, good endurance, strong resolve, charismatic

Weaknesses: not very physically strong, not trusting (unless she feels close to you then too trusting), daddy issues, alcoholic.

Likes: Music, money, booze, to feel like a part of a team or something greater.

Dislikes: new faces, silence, boredom, being ignored, people making fun of her condition

Mutations (Optional): Telekinesis, slowed aging

Quotes (Optional): "I came prepared for a battle of wits but it looks like you're unarmed."

"Easy with the cannibal stuff, 'Red Dragon'. I come in peace.....well mostly."

*is threatened with physical attack* "Ooo, let me get my blindfold and ball-gag."

Theme: [media]

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]

I guess, but AlChestBreach has said it before, he's a fallout mod youtuber and is just goofy funny.
My CS is at the top of the page, and I can't find any form of reply from the owner. I'm not sure if they didn't notice it either, or if I was accepted somewhere else on the RP pages.
[QUOTE="Olivia Acerbi]
Portrait (Optional):

Name: Stefania DeRossi

Nickname(s) (Optional): Rossi

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Appearance: 5'6/122lbs/hourglass figure/dark brown hair/luminescent yellow eyes/olive skin/resting bitch face

Biography: Born into an affluent family in Filia. Her father was killed when a poltical rivalry went south and her and her mother were put on the streets when the other oarty seized their funds as state property. Unable to cope her mother turned to drug addiction and became abusive and unfit to parent. Stefania decided to run away at the age of 14. She roamed around surprisingly unharmed for 2 years before ending up on the bad side of a Doc'Sey gang leader. She attempted to flee but was caught near the border/edge between Doc'Sey and Waste. The gang decided to tie her up and put her on a mule drawn cart sent to walk aimlessly into waste. 4 months later she was spotted back in Doc'Sey and the gang leader was found dead nailed to the wall of her house with silverware. After nearly a year off the grid she reemerged doing contract work for anybody willing to pay her. That was 36 years ago. She came to Arena 2 months ago claiming to be looking for something incredibly valuable

Personality: Sarcastic, hardheaded, standoffish, clever, kinda masochistic

Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Abilities: Decent shot with small arms, good endurance, strong resolve, charismatic

Weaknesses: not very physically strong, not trusting (unless she feels close to you then too trusting), daddy issues, alcoholic.

Likes: Music, money, booze, to feel like a part of a team or something greater.

Dislikes: new faces, silence, boredom, being ignored, people making fun of her condition

Mutations (Optional): Telekinesis, slowed aging

Quotes (Optional): "I came prepared for a battle of wits but it looks like you're unarmed."

"Easy with the cannibal stuff, 'Red Dragon'. I come in peace.....well mostly."

*is threatened with physical attack* "Ooo, let me get my blindfold and ball-gag."

Theme: [media]

Telekinesis is a power, not a mutation, I'll accept your character as long as you either remove Telekinesis or use it very, very, few times.
[QUOTE="Moon Star]Telekinesis is a power, not a mutation, I'll accept your character as long as you either remove Telekinesis or use it very, very, few times.

I think mutation and power have some overlap in terms of definition.......I assumed power mutation not tumor or third arm mutation. My b. I wasn't planning on using it too much anyway since i was hoping to keep it a secret for a while and make it really hard to control.

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