Afinnity: Love





Affinity: (Fire/Water/Earth/Wind/Lightning)

Perks from your Affinity:
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Hello, is there a CS? Anyway reserve me a spot please!
Dark blue is Night and black is Midnight.


Night Misuki

Midnight Misuki


The Left is Midnight, Right is Night. They're twins :D



Night is calm and quiet when he's alone. But when he's around others he loves talking to people. He does what he can to make sure everyone is happy and always smiling. He enjoys tons of people and keeping the peace

Midnight is the complete opposite, he can get loud and loves to destroy things and wreak havoc. Anyone who is all joyful near him he does his best to either anger, or upset the person as much as possible. When he is by himself he sets things up to go wrong in the end maybe knock something over or just do something destructive. When around his twin brother he drops everything just to bug him.


Night: Water

Midnight: Earth

Perks from your Affinity:

With the power of water, Night can alter it's shape and cause it to freeze and solidify into whatever he wants. He also has the ability to boil the water to the limit of boiling.

With the power of earth, Midnight can break parts of the earth away and use a "telekinetic." type force to move the pieces of earth and move it to wherever he wishes as long as it's within 100 meters.

@Rynmaru Good?
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I'm not so sure about the 2 affinities... I'll have to think about it. The split personality thing is fine, but if possible, could you pick either Earth or Water? and then list the perks a little more than "Can slightly control?"
Can I limit the hell out of both perks O.o or split the character into twins

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I'd like to reserve a spot, can I make two girls? Twins? 
Name: Jessica & Jezzabella Tarentz 'Jess, Jessy, Jezza, Jezzy'


Personality: Jessica is a tomboy all the way around but doesn't mind adding a bit of a 'cute' touch to her tomboyish but stylish outfits, she doesn't like to grow her hair out and prefers it in the style it usually is in (the picture); Jessy loves sports as well as eating lollipops pretty much all the time. She likes to use her skateboard a lot and usually leaves the tattoo on her arm out in the open because she and Jezza got it together. Jessica is head strong and stubborn, she won't listen to someone just because she wants to fit in, she isn't easily scared and if she is scared she doesn't like to show it.

Jezzabella is a bit more proper then Jessica and enjoys a nice crepe as well as learning new things, she continuously tries to learn a new language whenever she gets bored. Even though she may seem like a good girl, Jezzabella is manipulative and isn't afraid to go after what she wants and if she has to, she'll get her hands dirty but not if she doesn't need to. Jezzy enjoys sitting out in nature and taking in the naturalness around her, it usually calms her down and a mad Jezzabella is not something you want unless you want to get cursed out in different languages

Affinity: Fire/Earth

Perks from your Affinity: Jessica is immune to the heat/cold,can make a flame out of sparks or another fire; Jezzabella is more of a natural at making medicines, can encourage plants/trees to grow quicker then normal

Both of them have a dagger with a bat at the end of the hilt, bags with bat wings; Jessica's signature symbol are bats, Jezzabella's signature symbol are flowers

If you want me to change something, I will:)
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Two Seperate characters would be totally doable, or, if by chance, you can give me some reason you would have two affinities, I might be able to think of something. It would have to be walked through, thought of, and all that though. Nothing like "Just cuz" and even then, we'll have to see what everyone else does. But for now, twins are fine, seeing as that way you are two separate people with two separate affinities.

Also, Karma, two things. The daggers you wouldn't have on you right now (Seeing as we were on a school field trip, and then brought to this world.) It could, however, be something that was included in the care package that is sent to us, if that ever ends up happening

Second, Once I'm done with my CS, look how I have the affinity and perks set up. I would be

Affinity: Fire / Earth

Perks: Can make fire from sparks or another fire / Can make tree's grow faster.

Also! (Three things... I could change the count I stated and look cool.. but... w/e...)

You can do whatever you want with earth or fire. So long as the passive is not like "Shooting fire out of your hands" I wanted to challenge people with this one, by making the abilities harder to come up with. It expands on the way you think, and helps make the RP that much more interesting 
Name: Tien Hunter



Personality: Tien is very gentle and quiet, unless the need arises for him to act, in which case he does only what must be done, and then moves on. Slow to anger, quick to think, he is normally a voice of reason if he says much of anything. He's not an introvert, and likes having people around, so long as the people aren't too out of control or violent. He loves to go for runs, and do parkour at times, being able to get away from all the clutter that was life, and just enjoy the scenery in places some people only ever dream about.

Affinity: Wind

Perks from your Affinity: Able to jump and fall farther than a normal person would, and can whisper to the wind in such a way that what he says is only heard by those he intends to hear it.
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Sappiralynn "Safari" Alcott




Safari is a generally sweet and quiet person. Like the Ocean, however, she is quick to anger and quick to tame. Safari isn't the quickest person, but she can still run for distance. Safari likes to making other people laugh and have a good time. Safari is generally a light and breezy person. When situation's rise, she tries to resolve the problem in her own matter's, even if it makes it worst. Safari is extremely loyal, and would give her life for other's who she cares about.



Perks from your Affinity:

Able to move the water with her mind.

-Able to sense water far off, unless on higher ground

-Able to melt ice, slowly

-Can breath underwater
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Name: Clarity Brent



Personality: Really, really reckless. She loves being in charge, but she almost always acts without thinking. If somebody does something she doesn't like, she'll get really angry, but only for a minute, before moving on. It is also very easy to get an apology out of her, although it doesn't seem like it. She just doesn't like making people too upset. She's always doing something, and can't sit still for over 5 minutes.

Affinity: Lighting

Perks from you Affinity: Ability to make already existing storms slightly more or less intense, and can control the general area of where lighting will or will not hit (if there's a storm ongoing already-she cannot cause storms)
Name: Aurora Ramsden

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/animegirl.jpg.f118126ede3a224dd3b8fd5b635b9731.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10936" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/animegirl.jpg.f118126ede3a224dd3b8fd5b635b9731.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Aurora is the kind of girl that keeps to her self. She doesn't really trust anyone because of her past. Once you get to know her she is strong willed and outgoing. She is the kind of person that if you confront her she'll tell you like it is. She tends to care about what people think and say even though she knows she shouldn't. She acts tough but deep down she cares a lot.

Affinity: Wind

Perks from your Affinity: Aurora can sense when a storm is coming by the feel of the wind. By having the wind affinity she can smell certain things that are carried by the wind that no one else can smell for example, if a bear was near Aurora can smell it and know exactly where it is and what direction it is heading seeing it in her mind. The wind acts like her eyes and ears. In some circumstances she can control the speed of the wind.



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Calry is very caring and courageous, always there to contribute to the needs of others with her leader-like qualities. She is mature and considers every option before making a decision for the good of herself and those effected by her decisions. She is responsible and organized and shows the face of a caring and most-kind individual, but don't let her friendly qualities fool you. She can be a fierce fighter who isn't afraid to back down, especially when she feels that anyone at all that she cares about has been threatened. She always takes any job she's given more than seriously, and does her best to do what is right. She always handles even the worst-case scenarios in the calmest ways possible, always maintaining a good, organized, solution to any problem.



Perks from your Affinity:

Her affinity matches her firey personality. Calry is able to hold fire, also she is able to consume fire and then breath it out almost dragon like. Fire is like an alternate form of energy for her, she can digest it, gaining energy from it. It is strange though, Because she was often found preforming fire "magic" on the streets for money, before she even ever received an affinity. She was quite the catch, and had become pretty well known in certain towns. 





Assertive and outspoken - his is driven to lead. Excellent ability to understand difficult organizational problems and create solid solutions. Intelligent and well-informed, he usually excels at public speaking. He values knowledge and competence, and usually have little patience with inefficiency or disorganization. Can be seductive. Denahi is a natural born leader. He lives in a world of possibilities where he can see all sorts challenges to be surmounted, and he wants to be the ones responsible for surmounting them. He has a drive for leadership, which is well-served by his quickness to grasp complexities, his ability to absorb a large amount of impersonal information, and his quick and decisive judgements. He may become dictatorial and abrasive - intrusively giving orders and direction without a sound reason for doing so, and without consideration for the people involved. Although Denahi is not naturally tuned into other people's feelings, he frequently has very strong sentimental streaks. Often these sentiments are very powerful to him, although he will likely hide it from general knowledge, believing the feelings to be a weakness. Because the world of feelings and values is not where Denahi naturally functions, he may sometimes make value judgements and hold onto submerged emotions which are ill-founded, and will cause him problems - sometimes rather serious problems. Denahi loves to interact with people. As an Extrovert, he is energized and stimulated primarily externally. There's nothing more enjoyable and satisfying to Denahi than having a lively, challenging conversation. He especially respects people who are able to stand up to him, and argue persuasively for their point of view. There aren't too many people who will do so, however, because Denahi is a very forceful and dynamic presence who has a tremendous amount of self-confidence and excellent verbal communication skills. Even the most confident individuals may experience moments of self-doubt when debating a point with him. Denahi has many gifts which make it possible for him to have a great deal of personal power, if he doesn't forget to remain balanced in his life. He is assertive, innovative, long-range thinker with an excellent ability to translate theories and possibilities into solid plans of action. Denahi is usually tremendously forceful personalities, and has the tools to accomplish whatever goals he sets out for.



Perks from your Affinity:

Denahi can turn on anything electric with a touch of a finger.
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Name: Garrett Finely




You would be hard pressed to find a guy with a more cheerful disposition. He does his best to brighten the world around him without causing anyone any pain. Garrett is known to get over excited sometimes, a product of ADHD and the unwillingness to take medication for it. When this happens, he can get too loud or jumpy. It does allow him to notice more things, though it's passive and he often doesn't recognize he is noticing them. He also loves sports, playing soccer, basketball, tennis and running track. Despite constantly playing, he isn’t the best of players but always manages to improve. The only thing he has ever professed to be good at are martial arts which happen to be the only thing he can sit still for.

Affinity: Earth

Perks from your Affinity: He has an excellent sense of balance, he can sense the presence of others, he has a sense of how a person will move if they are on the ground by the shifting of their weight or subtle movements.
Everything is looking pretty good. I will post the first post to the RP Tonight, and we will get started after that :) I was wanting to give everyone a chance to get signed up, and then make any adjustments needed before we started. I appreciate you all signing up, and to all that wish to sign up still, you have until tonight or tomorrow to do so (Until we get the introductions out of the way)

I was thinking about coming up with a post order, but that makes it hard for the RP when everyone has to wait on one person for a few days. Though, I did mention in the rules that if you can not post and make it known, or if you do no post for so long, we will put your character on auto follow, and you can pick up when you come back.

If anyne has any last minute idea's on the RP that they might like to see incorporated, please shoot me a PM, or post them in the OOC section (OOC would be preferred, seeing as that way everyone can get their input in, and exchange idea's)

Name: Clairy Jan


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/thumbCAC97638.jpg.08193964d39889b3224cf48a5629413b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11501" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/thumbCAC97638.jpg.08193964d39889b3224cf48a5629413b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


- Goes with the flow kind of girl.


-Loves to have a good time, but it sort of a loner.

-Loves anything magical, She gets lost in though ,thinking about non reality stuff.

-Has a temper

Affinity Water

Perks from affinity

- She can mold the water.

-She can breath under the water

- She can talk with the water/ Talk to sea creatures



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Name: Kristina Mageor

Appearance: 5'6", petite frame, amber eyes <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/fantasy-girl-with-red-hair-wallpaper-2.jpg.93d918f7ccbbfea64bf47bd22c3d2510.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11506" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/fantasy-girl-with-red-hair-wallpaper-2.jpg.93d918f7ccbbfea64bf47bd22c3d2510.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She has a hot temper that is easily started, but doesn't hold grudges, typically. Not much of a romantic, she usually ignores anyone that tries to flirt with her or tries to punch them in the face. She acts rashly at times, but is responsible and smart, despite her temper. She can be quite intimidating when she needs to but can also be sweet, calm and just lovable, basically.

Affinity: Fire

Information About Her Affinity:

~She has no control over it

~It occurs when she gets really ticked off or wills it upon wood and only wood



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