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Fantasy Aetherspark IC

Korro felt the poor lad go limp on his back and heaved a quick sigh. He wasn't used to close contact with..well, anyone, but something about Denver, perhaps his vulnerability, compelled Korro to be gentler...he didn't like it.
Korro leapt for the ladder and dug his clawed feet into the ice rungs, waiting until it was safe to depart.
"A twig like you? Couldn't slow me down if you tried." He answered softly.

When the time came to run, Korro was hot on Blestare's heels. They tore down the tunnel, the acid eating through the passage just behind them, at length, they reached the place where the tide could not, and Korro glanced back, keeping well back from the acid as it rushed by. Another poor fool was not far enough back and Korro grimaced at the smell of burning flesh.

There were others there, and they had been busy. Korro nodded in begrudging approval at the felled beetle the size of a small elephant.
There seemed to be some discussion now as to which path they should take, but before anyone could speak, it seemed a serpent had the breath left to antagonize one of the other fighters. Korro bared his teeth, if the snake had been in one of his ranks back when he lead armies, he would have cut the creature down as an example. The collar about his neck hummed a warning at his thought. He snorted in frustration. Thankfully, the one called Kanon put the snake in his place.

When the floor opened for ideas, Korro shifted Denver carefully on his back and spoke.
"It's clear our enemy was ready for us. I suggest doing something he might not be able to predict. Perhaps the beetle's tunnel would allow us to gain an advantage. Send the swiftest in first as scouts, keep the injured back a ways, until we can find a clear path to get them out."

MageMantis MageMantis Gummy Worm Gummy Worm Fangs9090 Fangs9090
Lena worked diligently amidst the chaos, while the others confronted the giant beetle. As her companions engaged in a fierce battle, she focused on a different kind of urgency—collecting scraps of clothing and bandages from the fallen. With swift hands, she soaked them in a cool concoction she had crafted, hovering around to any mercenaries suffering from burning acid gliding between the wounded, she offered her makeshift remedies to everyone who needed and wanted it. Just then, she overheard Kanon pondering their next move, eyeing the newly granted path made possible by the creature’s rampage.

Korro chimed in with a solid recommendation, suggesting they seize the new route to outmaneuver their enemy. Lena couldn't help but add her voice to the mix. "I really like the idea of taking this new path! Sending our fastest ahead sounds like a brilliant plan. Do you have any other ideas, oh wise leader?" She floated just a breath away from Kanon, her excitement palpable as they plotted their next strategic move.

As Warren leaned against Aaliyah, he caught snippets of Akila’s conversation about a bounty placed on her head. The weight of those words hung in the air, but it barely registered. Aaliyah’s voice sliced through the chatter, bringing clarity to Akila’s claims.

Warren shrugged off the taunts, a determined smile breaking across his face. “Honestly, I couldn’t care less about the rewards people offer for turning Aaliyah in. I owe her too much,” he said, his calm eyes blazing with resolve. “I will stand by her side and protect her as long as she needs me.”

Turning to look at Akila he paused, weighing his words carefully. “So, I apologize, my Lady, but this isn’t the right moment for your games.” His gaze shifted back to the snake lady, a blend of defiance and loyalty in his stance. “And just so you know, I’m not fully human. I’m a half-elf, and I don’t hold myself in high regard. If anything, I’d say that everyone else here is things far better than I.” he then turned to look at Aaliyah.”Some more than others.”

After hearing Kanon ask which path they should take. “I am in no condition to really make an input so I will just go with you guys for now.” Looking at Aaliyah. “I apologize that I'm going to have to lean on you for a little while longer.”

MageMantis MageMantis Noble Scion Noble Scion SilverFlight SilverFlight Fangs9090 Fangs9090
The Paladin smiled at the Raccoon lady. “Thank you, masked healer.” The man felt the pain in his arm dwindle, as he put his sword back into his sheathe. Meanwhile, in response to the backlash from her allies, Akila rolled her eyes. “ UGH, FIIIIIIIIIINE!” Griped she.

Upon noticing Blestare, Tonnie felt a wave of relief wash over her, the furred-Aasimar sharing the same feeling when he noticed her. Concerned with the trajectory their forces were going in, Barracuda raised his voice as he wiped down his boomerangs with his Sponge Otter Handkerchief, “I agree that the Entomancer was prepared for us. However, there is a possibility that this new path was designed to mislead us. The objective could be in the right path. I elect we go right.” Elaborated he. He knew as much as the rest of them, but his experiences with traps influenced his vote.
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1741996199714.pngAaliyah Sh'ahn

As much as she was trying to keep her composure, she couldn't help but flinch at the snake woman's words, flinching as she'd draw her blade, and meekly shying away from it as it would tap her nose. Aaliyah would seem to deflate, her fine features softening as she couldn't help but shiver slightly as she'd take in a shaky breath, not having the will nor courage to come back with another retort, only sadly looking to the floor, downtrodden.


Though as Akila would move to teasing warren, the sea princess would tense up, that small frown growing more strong, visibly hurt by the woman's poisonous words, but unable to refute as her fear would blossom into a guilty distrust, against her best wishes. The snake wasn't lying, they had only just met, though there was no way in her mind that he'd known who she was, she had approached him first after all, and yet now he knew.

"H-he wouldn't..."

It was only when Warren spoke up would she perk up, though she'd listen to him with a pained expression, her eyes unable to meet his own as she'd find herself incapable of telling the difference between honeyed words and genuine will, every part of her wanting to put her full faith in him but suddenly finding Akila's words blocking her wishes.

"... That's okay. J-just.. don't hurt me later once we get out of here, okay..?" Kanon and Korro's words brought her mind back to the situation at hand, letting out a soft, emotion-filled huff of air before she'd give a pained answer to his request to lean, her eyes flickering at Warren's ears at the mention of elven heritage with a hint of fascinated, childish curiosity, before she'd move looking at the new path, letting their expanding party decide on which way to go as she'd avoid looking at the geomancer, though periodically peaking at him with intrigue.

She was strangely thankful that a few voices seemed against the snake, and more so that they hadn't seemed to hear the gist of the argument as the topic would shift back to their situation, helping her worries fade somewhat.

Raising her free hand to her hood, Aaliyah would pull it a little lower over her head. The discussion giving her a chance to sulk, though at least her thoughts weren't as focused on her imminent demise since they seemed to have a breather, now it was just her future situation that was haunting her.

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Jamie gazed upon the felled beast with a little smirk. He was thoroughly impressed with the Red Knight's skills. Perhaps it was a wise choice electing them as unofficial leader! If she worked alongside him during his military days, he would trust her with his life. However, not was not the time to reminiscing on the glory days. It was time to make a decision on where to go. There were two tunnels they could go down, both of them possessing just as much risk of death. However, they were just going to have to choose one as they were sitting ducks in those tunnels.

"In either scenario, 'tis a gamble. Perhaps.. I could venture down the the pathway of the beetle and 'poke around', if you wish." The regal canine offers. He was fully willing to scout down the tunnel that the beetle made. He was actually quite curious to see where this hellspawn had burrowed from. Could be closer to their objective, or it could lead straight into a horde of those wretched bugs. Either way, he was down to check it out.
Adelynn smiled and nodded at the paladin’s thanks before looking to Kanon.

Kanon listened to the input received, considering the different points. “Hm… Very well, a small team of people who are quick enough shall scout the beetle’s path. The rest of us will hold our ground here and defend those who are recovering.” She looked to Jamie since he had been first to volunteer. “Those who scout will be at risk, so anyone going must be certain of their abilities. We won’t be able to wait here forever. If you don’t return, we’ll have to move on. How much time would you need?”

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