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Fantasy Aetherspark IC



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@RedPyro @DracoNightshade Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy Gummy Worm Gummy Worm CHUUYAS_HAT CHUUYAS_HAT

Desperation breeds death.

Dust kicked up into the air as the many carriages were pulled by their relentless stallions at high speeds. The sky was gray and grim, solemnly watching over what was once a battlefield, now a wasteland filled with decaying corpses. Sickening crunches were heard as some of the carriages rolled over these remains, grim reminders of the fate many of the carriages’ passengers would share: Maybe if they were lucky. Each carriage was large, and filled with 10 mercenaries or adventurers, each of diverse species’, backgrounds, and skill sets. All of these mercenaries and adventurers were bonded by the same desperation to find the coveted Aetherspark, a legendary artifact that was said to grant a limitless wish, which led these mercenaries to take the same contract from the Lyrenian Empire.

The Lyrenian Empire, a predominantly Human Nation, had been at war for centuries, but not with another nation, but a thorn in their side. That thorn was the most powerful Entomancer to ever live: Akenian Thornbranch. Once abusing his magic to run a prestigious crime syndicate, that forever changed when his murderous son was caught and executed by the Lyrenian Empire. Akenian was devastated. Consumed by hatred for Humans, he abandoned his crime syndicate to build an empire solely out of his arthropods, which he grew to see as his new family. The Elven Entomamcer, with legions of flesh-eating locusts, ants, beetles, and more, with the addition of hordes of giant acid-spewing abominations wrapped in unyielding exoskeletons, invaded Lyrenia. Akenian slaughtered the entire Royal Family, forcing the kids to watch their parents die slowly from the acid melting their flesh. He then proceeded to kill the kids, laughing passionately at their pleas for mercy. Before he could kill the last kid, the surviving Lyrenian guard intervened, catching Akenian by surprise and stabbing him. Akenian, through gritted teeth, swore he would not ceased until Lyrenia was overrun by his hive, and retreated. The surviving kid grew up and inherited the throne, and made it his life’s mission to exterminate Akenian and his army.

The Lyrenian Empire fought Akenian for three centuries, every time they launched a raid on whatever cave system or abandoned dungeon he planted his hive, it seemed they never could finish the job. Afterwards, he would retreat to find a new base and rebuild strength, and Lyrenia was sent back to square one. However, recently Lyrenia has launched their greatest attack on Akenian’s new base, which has proven to be the most deadly one yet. They sent more soldiers than ever to fight and serve as fodder, consisting of knights and pyromancers. The attack managed to take care of all the normal bugs under Akrenian’s control that prowled the outskirts outside of the towering fortress, the soldiers destroying every ant hill, bee hive, and egg sac they could find. While it costed them thousands of people, they successfully cleared out the little bugs, and managed to fight through the people-sized bugs deeper into the base, significantly weakening Akrenian’s forces. However, as always they could not finish the job. They were soon overrun by six-legged beasts, and had no choice but to retreat. It had seemed that once again, Akenian would slip through their fingers.

The Lyrenian Empire did not want to sacrifice more of their people, but was determined to end this game of cat-and-mouse. A miracle would dawn upon them however, as the Empire’s intelligence would be the first ever in history to find the first ever intel on a temple that housed the secrets to the first steps to locate the legendary Aetherspark.

This miracle also came with a curse, as a traitor exposed to the public that the Empire’s intelligence knew this information, although he did not know the exact information himself. The Empire did not want the Aetherspark themselves, as their history made them wary of coveted artifacts, but they knew how many died just to have a chance to get it. Desperate to finally stomp out the pest that tormented them, and to get the target off their back that came with being the first Empire to have the first lead of the Aetherspark, they launched one of the biggest contract-based campaigns ever witnessed.

200 mercenaries.

1 objective: Kill Akenian Thornbranch.

The reward? An umpteen amount of gold coins and the knowledge of the first ever lead to the Aetherspark. Two weeks after informing the survivors of the campaign, if there were any, they planned to reveal the information on the lead out into the world, hoping to take the target off their backs.

The Empire contracted 200 mercenaries with diverse powers and skill sets to attack Akenian and his army while they were weakened, and on 20 large carriages did these mercenaries now ride towards the mountain-sized fortress ahead that resembled a spiky gray mountain with a gaping mouth into a pitch-black void with glowing spots around its walls and ceiling. Soon, the mercenaries on the speeding carriages would feel any sunlight that there was slip from their grasp as they were enveloped in total darkness that their eyes would seem adjust to. The sounds of slight chatter would be heard, many people on the carriages cracking jokes and conversing to try to ease the tension of the impending doom that awaited.

Your character(s) sits upon one of these carriages, and all around them is the extremely wide rocky walls, so wide that one might not even feel like they were in a fortress, and a ceiling so high that it only purported the same feeling. The insides of the fortress seemed to have uneven ground. The carriages shook and bounced as they made their way to their destination, the people guiding the horses being careful not to crash, utilizing magic floating glowing orbs to illuminate the close path ahead of them. All around, there were large rock structures and winding paths, in addition to mini-cave systems along the grounds and wall. It had seemed that there were plenty of places to hide.

On one carriage, sat a Warforged dressed in wizard’s clothing, designed with intricate patterns on his metal-shell. Next to him sat a female Tabaxi rogue nervously fiddling with her claws and muttering a mantra.

“I have a strange feeling that you are afraid.” Spoke the Warforged to the Tabaxi, who was too trapped in her mind to respond.

It was soon that all of the carriages came to a screeching halt. There was a brief period of deafening silence, as dread filled the air.

That’s when it happened.

An ear-piercing screech erupted throughout the rocky fortress, as 6 pairs of giant glowing green eyes appeared in the distant darkness, in addition to the outlines of giant spiky legs pressing themselves against the larger and taller rock structures. A glowing green mouth illuminated the darkness underneath the eyes, screeching and spewing giant balls of acid that flew everywhere. The bioluminescent giant glow works hanging from the ceiling and egg sacs that lined the rocky walls pulsated and glowed brighter, revealing a sea of hungry people-sized insect-like creatures charging straight towards the mercenaries from far ahead. It was estimated from the distance that they would reach them in 5 minutes.

One of the giant acid balls splashed upon a carriage, melting each mercenary on-board alive into bloody messes of meat puddles and unrecognizable clumps as their haunting screams shot through the air, prompting the passengers of a nearby carriage to get off and run to seek shelter. As giant orbs of deadly acid rained from above, and an army of murderous arthropods approached, all hell was about to be unleashed.

From the mandibles of the millions of charging giant bugs, scolded Akenian himself.

“Disgusting Humans!” Screamed the Entomancer. “Always seeking to control nature, when it outnumbers you.” He then continued. “Disgusting Humans and their disgusting allies, it will not be 4 minutes before you plead for death! When I finish you, I will kill every Human in Lyrenia like the foul pest your kind is! My children will have a feast!” Maniacal laughter echoed through the fortress as death approached fast.
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Warren .T

Warren settled into a comfortable rhythm, savoring the serene journey as the caravan rolled toward their destination. It was Lena, his adventurous friend, who had pulled him into this escapade, but he didn’t mind one bit. After all, most of the gigs she roped him into turned out to be rewarding experiences. So, as the landscape blurred by and the excitement of the unknown ahead stirred within him, he found himself smiling, grateful for the adventure they shared.

But all that came to an end when he heard the first ear-piercing screech from the giant spiders. Followed by the splashing and screams that they were spitting acid. The instant he leaped from his carriage, chaos erupted around him. He caught sight of another vehicle dissolving into melting away, and without a moment's hesitation, he sprang into action. Pushing ahead of the others in the caravan, he focused intently on the threat looming ahead. Clapping his hands together, he planted them firmly on the ground, conjuring towering walls of protection that surged upward shielding his companions from the relentless barrage raining down upon them.

With the protective barriers finally in place, he charged boldly into the chaos. His palms crackled with arcs of lightning as he unleashed them upon the towering Insets, weaving through their attacks with agility. Every dodge and strike was calculated, each movement a dance of defiance. He focused on drawing their attention, a beacon in the storm, giving his companions the crucial moments they needed to prepare for the onslaught ahead. “Well, this is a fine start to this mess now isn’t it?”
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in the carriage of our heroes emitted a soft melody, in the back of it sat a small ram strumming on his lute. It seemed to be an original melody as he continued to stum it a few times before deciding on a tune he liked. it was a hopeful, almost cheery tune that gave a false hope for what was coming next.

Denver smiled as he looked around at the faces nearby before they slowly came to a stop. Watching as the rest climbed out Denver followed. Thats when all hell broke loose. The sinister glow from the bugs turned the ram's blueish fur an evil black and the white a matching shade of that sickening color.

Dever held his staff in hand as the screams of those who also came for a better life as their lives were wiped away in an instant. Dever looked to see a man lying on the ground, missing his lower half. The ram rushed to help with tears in his eyes but he was too far gone to help.

"N-no no no this isn't right," He thought to himself looking around "Were the good guys? We're not supposed to die...were supposed to win" He continued thinking as he stood there. His body frozen and eyes dripping with tears

"What have I gotten myself into?"
Kimi Uehara
The Sky's The Limit!
The soft rumbles of the carriage moving in rhythm with the bumps that came after was a bit soothing, though as Kimi shifted from where she sat, she had her eyes shut in deep concentration. A green-and-tinted black tail twitched besides her, a sign of the living being that took their place besides her. But her ears had heard an awful hiss that brought a commotion just outside, the wind brushing inside the small confinements of her ride. Her eyes 'reawakened,' and it wasn't long before she realized nearly everyone was hurdled out of the vehicle.

Monsters that sparked the traits of a spider were selling acid blobs everywhere, forcing her to stumble through the filthy stench. Kimi's first instinct to be one as the bird she was, but having her feathers singed off was plenty a thing to be worried about. She could make out the injured, and burned, laying around in defeat, and there was a spark of guilt gnawing inside her.

Sucking in a hefty load of breath, she slid herself behind the melting rubble, and linked herself to the area inside her she found most precious. Things could go by in a heartbeat to others, but the slightest transformation for Kimi was oddly slow to her. She was fluttering up in the air now, a blue amidst the sky that darkened. From the view now, she could view everything much clearly. But the fighting arachnids were also managing to launch out more goo at her. Was she supposed to help, or fly (run) away like how many others were trying to do?
Lazuli Memoriae
The Little Thief
From a certain carriage, the sound of clicking and clunking rumbled loudly was accompanied by a cheeky giggle. "I've got it!" The voice of a silver haired thief cheered in delight, the obvious battlefield on the other side of the door contrasts his jolly mood. Pulling out a small sword that length equal to the thief's forearm, he swung it around excitedly, chanting about his newly taken masterpiece before it flew out of his grip, hitting the wall of the inner carriage. "My sword that I took from that one warrior is working a million times better than expected! In such good quality too!" He said while he removed it from the wall, “ I knew taking it was a good decision.”

After the thief's fun of swinging his weapons around in the carriage for what seemed like forever, he'd excitedly leaped out of the carriage. As he was leaping out of the carriage and failing to land gracefully, he saw the skittering of bugs surrounding him. "Oh hey, it's my old friends! Hey-" the fast shot of spider's acid shot towards the thief but barely missed, causing Lazuli to tuck himself up. “Heyyy, watch where you’re aiming!” he complained, starting to point fingers at the bugs, “You got some poor skills! Not cool!”

It took a big while for Lazuli to finally notice the deadlands of the Lyrenian Empire. Bug infested corpses accompanied by the fragrance or rotting carcasses stirred an unpleasant feeling in the thief's nose as he pinched his nose bridge. "Bleugh, what is this?!" His mopey tone was exaggerated. flapping his arms in a hurry as a half-assed way to spread the smell away from him, "Disgusting! I thought that there were plenty of shiny treasures in this city!" However, the smell wasn't enough to stop Lazuli to eye around the wasteland for any hidden valuables.
(Sorry for late response):

@RedPyro @DracoNightshade Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy Gummy Worm Gummy Worm CHUUYAS_HAT CHUUYAS_HAT
It was chaos. Mercenaries were dropping like flies. A Dragonborn used a Wood Elf as a meat shield against smaller acid projectiles being launched his way. A Half-Giant knight charged headfirst towards the horde of charging bugs, but once he saw the true scale of the giant acid-spitting bugs, he immediately spun on his heel.

“FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!” He screamed, sprinting away from the battle.

Many mercenaries gathered under the cover Warren had created, huddling under the barriers. In one area of a sheltering rock-structure, a group of mercenaries took shelter from the acid that rained down from above, but with limited room, they could not all quite fit. The consequence of this was a single ranger Tabaxi man being shoved out and put under the acid drops which fell upon him like daggers from the sky. His screams were drowned out as the acid made short work of him, leaving nothing but an unrecognizable clump of meat and fur. People-sized bugs lunged from large pockets of darkness sprawled out around the battlefield, dragging people who thought they were safe in cover kicking and screaming to their doom. Soon, mercenaries on the frontlines clashed with the hordes of carnivorous bugs. The majority of the bugs were insect-like humanoids the size of an average Human adult. They ran on two legs, had four arms, and were wrapped in protective exoskeletons. They each had six glowing light green eyes and green and black exoskeletons. While they were individually simple to deal with, their numbers were overwhelming.

The arcs of lightning Warren sent towards some of the giant spider-like beasts cleaved through some their legs, sending the behemoths crashing to the ground as they let out screams of agony. They were sent crashing into some of the hordes of the charging bugs. In response to this, 7 winged-variants of the humanoid insects flew towards Warren, their claws brandished and ready to tear through mammalian flesh.

Upon closer inspection, the giant-spider like acid-spitting beasts were actually not giant spiders, but giant insects that loosely resembled giant black spiky Praying Mantises but without the front arms. Giant spiky insects the size of the carriages the mercenaries arrived to Castle Thornbranch on, with six legs and a sesame seed shaped bodies leapt from higher-rocky structures and pounced on mercenaries, tearing through their flesh with their mighty mandibles, eating them alive as their horrifying screams were soon silenced.


Barracuda took aim at a giant acid-spitting bug from cover. He caught a glimpse of what seemed to be a swan fluttering through the air gracefully with sharp precision and vigilance, a Warforged in a Wizard’s robes rapid-firing spells from a built-in wooden wand for a hand, and an conniving little thief in purple dodging and weaving through the battlefield. He noticed that Warren was tearing through the enemy frontlines, and made it an objective to protect him. Steadily aiming his Snap lock rifle at the head of a giant spider-like bug, he squinted his eyes behind his mask and pulled the trigger. The Wyrmsteel bolt blasted straight through the brains of a giant spider-like bug spitting acid at Warren, sending the behemoth collapsing on some humanoid bugs.

Immediately after, a humanoid bug pounced upon Barracuda. He struggled as it clawed at him relentlessly, spewing deadly acid upon on his face, which was protected by his near indestructible mask. He soon slammed his masked-face into the bug’s eyes, resulting in it screaming out in pain. He moved hastily, grabbing one of his metal boomerangs, and stabbing it through the arthropod’s head. He then immediately ripped it out as big blood sprayed upon his purple trench coat. He did not hesitate to whip out his water-soaked Sponge Otter Handkerchief and begin to wipe his gray matter coated boomerang clean, before he heard the furious footsteps of more angry humanoid bugs surrounding him.

He snapped back into a fighting stance, as one of the bugs spewed a small stream of acid at his chest. He swiftly dodged by turning to the left, continuing the momentum by spinning around to wind-up a throw of his boomerang. By the time he was facing the bugs again, his boomerang had left his hand and taken off the heads of five bugs. It came back towards him as he snatched it and immediately quick-drew a snap lock pistol as more humanoid bugs circled him. He kept fighting, but slowly felt himself begin to become overwhelmed.

Tonnie dashed through the battlefield, Blestare following close behind. They fought through bug after bug, before finding a spot to take cover. They soon however realized they needed to move when in the cover they hid at, multiple egg sacs exploded and a hundred flesh eating small beetles came crawling everywhere. They rushed through the warzone of death and destruction, Tonnie leading the way. Blestare then came to a screeching halt as he noticed Denver, standing in the middle of the chaos like a statue. The Witch and the Wolf approached, Blestare grabbing and carrying Denver to cover as a giant ball of acid landed were they previously were. Tonnie stopped and looked around the area for trinkets and valuables, before spotting a shiny disc inscribed with ancient Lyrenian designs. She however, did not notice Lazuli, who stood not to far away from where they were, and who would likely notice Tonnie take the valuable. From behind Lazuli, six humanoid bugs would viciously hiss. Tonnie then caught up to Blestare and Denver, and then peeked out of the cover, chanting incantations and slinging fireballs as Blestare spoke to Denver with eyes flooded with concern, making sure not to break eye-contact:

“Hey, are you okay!?”

(Commissions by SyronicaArt)
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Warren .T
IMG_2103.jpegWith fierce determination, he sprinted across the chaotic battlefield, his hands surging with crackling electricity. Lightning shot from his palms and fists, tagging the enormous insects that swarmed around him, each strike illuminating the battlefield as he danced between danger and adrenaline. Warren felt a creeping unease as if the enemy's gaze was locking onto him—a chilling spotlight that sent prickles racing down his spine. He had expected to draw some attention, but this was something far more sinister. A swarm of bizarre, humanoid insects swarmed around him, their wings buzzing like a thousand angry hornets, closing in with an intent that was impossible to ignore. With adrenaline surging through his veins, he instinctively dropped into a defensive stance, ready to confront whatever was about to unfold.

Just as Warren was about to make a reckless move, a massive giant spider descended from above, its weight thundering down upon the ground. It spat streams of corrosive acid, effortlessly obliterating a few enemies in its chaotic descent. Warren barely managed to escape the carnage The sleeves of his outfit, not making it, and what he had to quickly rip off revealing his arm guards, his heart racing as he prepared to strike back even after noticing a small burn mark on his head. “I like that outfit too .”But before he could act the spider falling, was planned with precision. Glancing around, Warren spotted Barracuda, one of the mercenaries who had joined their perilous mission. It was Barracuda’s deadly aim that had felled the beast, leaving Warren both relieved and intrigued by the unpredictable turn of events. Warren gave a quick wave to say thank you for moving back to the fight. He might need to start asking for some help from some of the others around.

Clapping his hands together, Warren then digs them into the ground as he does, the earth under him begins the move, coming up and swallowing up the bugs in front of him. The only thing we heard afterward was a crushing sound. He buried his arms deeper into the earth, carving out a path lined with towering spikes that would lead to the fortress. “Alright, time for me to take a short break.” He would rest in the cover a bit, while he waited for some of the others.
Denver stood in shock as he stared off, "Im failing, My one job, my one responsibility" he thought gripping his staff tight as he gripped his staff tight looking to Tonnie as the tear flowed down his cheeks "I-I...I have to help them!" he said, and as if his hooves moved by themselves he ran into the chaos. a translucent green aura forming around him as he ran to the closest one wounded. an Orc soldier who lost his legs to the acid, Dever fell to his knees and gripped the staff as he started to heal the wound. But as he made progress a large rock that came from Warrens crack fell apon to orc smashing his body and coating the Ram in blood.

He sat limp. dropping the staff he cherished as he stared at the man he was supposed to help. "Why?" he pondered as the world seemed to freeze "Your supposed to be a healer. people should look at you and think 'there he is, I'm saved!' But no... you are no savior, you are just a herring for death." He thought as the world came back. in an instant it was over. the bugs in his area were gone. but as the ram looked at his bloodied fur he trembled

"Am I really a Healer?"​
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The sudden start to the battle was nothing new to ol' Jamie Higgins. Being a war veteran, he's seen plenty things out on the battlefield. Men using creatures for battle, ambushes, explosive traps, limbs flying, brain matter or bits of flesh, what have you. However, he had to admit that he felt a pit in his stomach as he witnessed the melting of many mercenaries. It was a grizzly sight.. but war is war, no matter who you did battle with. It was always going to have a grim ending.

Without another word, the canine calmly made his way out of the carriage. Looking at the dog, you'd probably assume he was just one of those stuck-up rich sobs who think who dress all fancy and would turn tail at the first sight of danger. But.. let's be honest. Someone like that wouldn't even be on this trip to begin with. Despite his fancy clothing, expensive cologne, powdered wig, and what seemed like eyeliner or something along those lines, this man was a soldier. A soldier with expensive taste.

Assessing the situation, he figured that the best coarse of action was to group up with the others who were currently behind cover. On his way over, he was confronted by a couple bugs. One bug attempted to pounce on him. They were met with a saber straight through what was supposedly their stomach, before he dealt a final blow by decapitating the foul creature. Another one leaped towards the canine, probably wanting to avenge the death of their comrade. But.. they were instead met with a nice round hole right in between their eyes. Jamie had pulled a fast one and drew one of his pistols, blasting the creature in the face with a cold expression.

"Eugh.. what revolting specimens.." He mutters to himself as he gazes upon the deceased bugs.

Once they were dead, he continued his journey towards the others, witnessing some of Warren's power. It was quite impressive watching these magicians at work, but he still preferred good ol' fashion steel. It just suited his tastes more than magic.

"Perhaps we could parley concerning terms of peace with them, hm?" The canine casually strolls near Blestare and Tonnie with a quiet chuckle, using a handkerchief to wipe the enemy's blood off of his beloved sabre. He was joking of course, knowing that negotiating with these creatures was probably impossible. It was just a bit of humor to lighten the grim mood.
Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy Gummy Worm Gummy Worm HypnoFuzz HypnoFuzz Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Evianmo Evianmo Kosmos.xoxo Kosmos.xoxo Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

Tonnie’s attention was seized by the approaching aristocratic canine. She admired his poise and rationality, seeming to carry a collected calmness despite the chaos that surrounded them.

“Not so sure about that, mate.” She replied to the furred gentlemen with a nervous smile that widened her already prominent nose, jesting along with Jamie. Studying him with her blood-red eyes, she wondered what exactly brought such a higher-class figure to such a battle, and whether he sought the lead on the Aetherspark for himself or on behalf of a nation. Her thought was quickly cut off when a winged-humanoid bug dived them from above, and with a carefully timed swing of her staff, Tonnie smacked it out of the air, sending it crashing to the ground where she melted its face with an acid ball of her own.


While Tonnie was busy fighting a bug, Blestare chased after Denver who had ran away from them. Along the way, a humanoid bug leapt from behind a rock and barely slashed him across the nose. He flinched, before quickly retaliating by cleaving its head off with his sword, turning to the right to fire a stream of light blue electricity at four humanoid bugs charging his way, blasting them back into the ditch they crawled from.

He then rushed to where Denver was, stopping in his tracks to see a devastating scene: the Ram sitting before the crushed remains of an Orc, whilst drenched in blood and swarmed by anguish. Blestare fought back tears as he solemnly walked to Denver and hugged him.

“Hey, it’s gonna be okay.” He comforted.

After a few seconds, he looked into his eyes, sensing the burden of someone who blamed himself for the death that hovered around them. “You tried.” He assured, golden blood seeping from the cut on his nose.


Elsewhere on the battlefield, Barracuda continued to fight against humanoid bugs that kept surrounding him. His stamina was slowly but surely running out. He slashed and slung his boomerangs as bug blood flew everywhere. He could not keep this up for much longer.


(Imagine something like this, but even bigger/ war zone-sized and with a ground trench now leading straight forward)
In the trench Warren created, up ahead it lead even deeper into the fortress. With mercenaries continuing to drop like flies, it had seemed that the best way forward was for surviving mercenaries to gather here and fight together deeper into the base. While the bugs begun to dwindle down a bit, it was only a matter of time before a second wave arrived.
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HypnoFuzz HypnoFuzz Evianmo Evianmo Kosmos.xoxo Kosmos.xoxo Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
Mercenaries continued to drop like flies in the area as they all fought for their lives relentlessly. Carriage-sized spiky Praying Mantises cleaved heads off as hundreds of flesh-eating beetles tore through the flesh of a man who flailed frantically and screamed to the heavens as the beetles dug into his epidermis and crawled all over him. The man was soon covered in nothing but beetles as they made short work of him, soon departing from a corpse that was nothing but bones with a thin layer of muscle. Mercenaries raced to the trench Warren had created, fighting through the dwindling but vicious hordes of bugs. A Tiefling man held the corpse of his dead wife, crying an endless stream of tears. A Half-Orc Rogue paced around a boulder with a broken spirit, holding his own detached arm in a single hand. A single Human Knight climbed on top of a tall rock, sword held high as its metal glowed with an intense spark.

"TO ME! By the honor of..." The man paused. "...SOME BELOVED DEITY...WE SHALL EMERGE VICTORIOU-" The Knight's inspirational speech was cut short by a stream of acid blasting through his head, melting it to bits of blood and meat, in addition to liquid metal from the helmet that once guarded it. His body tumbled from the rock and rolled next to a group of mercenaries, prompting them all to scatter. A Human Cleric woman that ran past Lazuli was snatched up from the ground by flying variants of the humanoid-bugs. They ripped her to pieces in mid-air, her bloody body parts raining down around Lazuli like fruit from a tree, as humanoid-bugs continued to surround around the conniving thief, their teeth ready to tear through Human meat. Nearby, Tonnie still held the small disc-shaped Lyrenian artifact she had found in the battlefield, its shiny metal gleaming like a mini-star.

Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu
As Warren took a rest, acid begun to drip nearby him. If he looked up, he would be met with the harrowing sight of the head of a carriage-sized bug with a sesame-seed shaped body glaring down at him. It gazed upon the magician with look comparable to how one would examine their breakfast as they took a seat at the table. Elsewhere on the battlefield, Barracuda kept fighting the humanoid bugs that were hellbent on making him their dinner, his stamina continuing to drain as he battled them alone. He had felt the ground shake earlier when Warren had split the very earth itself to provide cover. However, reaching it would have to remain a secondary priority as the humanoid-arthropods swarming him required his full focus. He really could not manage this for much longer.

Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy HypnoFuzz HypnoFuzz
Upon noticing Blestare's absence, Tonnie mounted her magic staff and took to air, leaving Jamie alone with Lazuli, who was being surrounded by angry humanoid-bugs not too far away. If Lazuli had seen Tonnie converse with the furred-gentleman, there was a chance that perhaps making the right ally could ensure access to the disc the Witch had swiped.

( Gummy Worm Gummy Worm and I agreed to this)
Tonnie rode upon her flying staff, dodging and weaving streams and blasts of acid that were launched at her like flocks of arrows. Her black hair fluttered as she soared towards a tall rock structure. She briefly took cover behind it and took a moment to collect her thoughts. Hovering over the vast and corpse-ridden battlefield, she had noticed that relative to the rest of the rocky fortress, there seemed to be a very little amount of bugs in the area where the trench had started. She adjusted her hat and then soon flew towards another rock structure that towered over the others like an ancient tree, but then located Blestare. With haste, she nosedived towards the earth below, speeding to Blestare and narrowly avoiding a collision with a bird-folk mercenary fluttering through the air with fierce determination to reach the trench the Mighty Magician had made. She reached Blestare, stopping mid-air to witness the heartbreaking scene of Blestare comforting a Ram-folk Bard who's face was drenched in tears, nearby the bloody remains of an Orc. She was able to put together that Denver was scarred by the sheer intensity of the battle. Hoping to spare him from the pain, with a sigh, she landed near Blestare and Denver. She held her spellbook in a single hand, and twirled her staff as its head glowed a radiant green. "Sorry, mates." Spoke she.

In an instant, Blestare and Denver were completely still. They were temporarily frozen, like they had been hypnotized to freeze, their minds paused. A side-effect of the spell was that the last 60 seconds of memories would fade from the target's minds. The spell overtook them both and not just Denver, as they had been so close to each other that their noses could have touched. While she primarily wanted to spare Denver from his emotional anguish, she also knew he would be able to assist them if he wasn't scarred by the abrupt horrors that had greeted them upon their arrival to Castle Thornbranch. The green Witch maneuvered her staff so that Blestare and Denver were upon it with her, before flying with both of them into the sky, albeit slower due to the added weight. She stayed closer to the ground so that the rock formations would serve as cover would shield all three of them from the acid that flew everywhere. She would soon reach the trench, where a few mercenaries were already gathered, all discussing what their next course of action should be. A few gave out health potions before running out, while a lizardfolk paladin woman and a Human Warlock were at each other's throats, a Minotaur Barbarian stepping in-between to them to prevent a fight from breaking out. Tonnie set Blestare and Denver in the trench in the floor leaning against the wall. Noticing the cut on Blestare’s nose, she took out her spellbook and tapped the nose of the small metal wolf head on her staff against Blestare’s nose, healing it.

“Boop.” She said playfully, before lifting the spell from both of them. “Quite the fall you two had.” She lied, scratching her nose. “But we’re safe here for now.” She turned to Denver, smiling. “I’m Tonnie, nice to meet you.” She greeted, performing a bow to him.

Blestare turned to Denver, his face immediately turning into a big smile, his ears perking up and his tail wagging. “Hi! I’m Blestare. Nice to meet you!” He greeted, waving and smiling with his eyes.

“We ought to wait for more mercenaries to arrive, if this was the first line of defense I fear what lies ahead.” Spoke Tonnie.
Denver Looked around as he unfroze. looking at the two in front of him quite confused, "O-Oh um...Hi I'm Denver!" he said with a smile as he adjusted the collar around his neck the bell on it making a clanking noise as he did. The ram picked up his staff and put it into the sheath on his back "I-Im sorry but...how did we get here? Last I remember was...being in the carriage" he said looking around at the vast amount of characters around him before his gaze re-met Tonnie and Blestare. "What do you mean? How bad is it? I should be out there helping" he said as a panic set in, worried about the carnage above as he started to scale the rocky wall (assisted by his oddly nimble hooves) only for a small ledge to give way and send the ram to the ground with a small plop as he groned "Crumbly wall..." he grumbled as he got up and brushed the dust off.

"What now?" he asked looking up and down the trench they were in. "We have to get out there and help!" he said stubbornly as he faced the part of the trench that was empty of people "Come on! This way proboly will lead us back!" he said before taking off at a surprising speed for someone of his size.
Lazuli Memoriae
The Little Thief
A big huff of mock frustration and annoyance exited Lazuli's mouth as he watched the battle in front of his eyes. Never had he'd been in a fight near this grave before, yet he didn't seem to be that affected by it, more bothered by the bugs crawling around him. Sticking his tongue out as a way to complain, Lazuli squashed on with the soles of his feet before a ferocious roar from six large, humanoid bugs freaked him out.

Jumping back up to his feet in surprise, Lazuli instinctively swung one of his short swords behind him, barely reaching the bugs. "Not fun! Not fun at all!" he continued to whine before a glint of something potentially valuable from not far away from him caught his eye. "Oh...OH! Is that something I can get my hands on?!" a sinister grin crept onto his face before the bugs attacked him again before he could dash over there. "Hey, Uncool!" Lazuli screeched while stumbling back, struggling to put back his sword and grabbing a longer one.
The canine let out a disappointed sigh as the knight fell before he could finish his little speech. This wasn't the first time that Jamie had seen something like that before. Some other officers that he's worked with before had suffered similar fates. There was nothing wrong with inspiring your comrades, but doing it in the middle of a battle with acid spitting creatures.. not exactly the smartest move. But now was not the time to dwell on the deaths around them. They needed to keep pushing forward.

Jamie lept into action, rushing over towards Lazuli who was being harrassed by some bugs. He swooped in and managed to get the jump on a few, making quick work of them. He was trying to give the other more time to draw their weapon "Perhaps shiny objects aren't a great concern at this moment. I suggest you worry about your survival, dear boy. Or not, it's your decision to make." Jamie recommends as he continued to stand his ground, slashing at the bugs whenever they attmepted to move in for another attack.

The fight was not getting easier. He had to weave around the bugs on the ground and quickly dodge the flying ones that tried to snatch him up and shred him to bits. One bug attempted to get in front of him, but was met with sharp steel to the neck. A couple ones that were flying swooped down and attempted to pick him up, only to have their wings slashed and their heads removed. He may not have been that good with magic, but damn it he was handy with a blade. This continued on, hacking and slashing any bugs that dared to lay their filthy hands on his nice clothes. He'd be damned if he got even a smidge of their acid or blood on them.

With some of the bugs off of him for now, the canine removed a monoscope from the inside of his frock coat and opened it. He looked into it, scanning the area for any bit of cover that could shield them from the onslaught of bugs. That's when he spotted the trench that some of the mercenaries had managed to get to. There weren't many bugs, so it seemed like the safest place at the moment. It was a distance away, but they could definitely make it there if they sprinted fast enough.

"Come now, we must make haste to the trench! We shall be safe there!" The rottweiler moved to grab Lazuli by the arm and attempted to drag them along with him. He hoped that this guy didn't put the value of things over his own life. Cause despite the dog not wanting anything to happen to his clothes, he'd gladly give it up to keep himself alive. He'd but very upset, but still kicking.
Gummy Worm Gummy Worm

As the Ram sprinted through the trench and away from the others, he would hear the sound of what seemed like whimpering. The sound seemed to be emitting from a medium-sized hole-in-the-wall. It had seemed the only way for someone of Denver’s size to get inside was to crawl. If Denver peaked inside, he would be met with a grim scene. A singular bright green Praying Mantis the size of a cat with orange fire-like markings on its exoskeleton and green eyes with dots in their centers that resembled pupils in the corner, sobbing uncontrollably.

“M-MIMM…MIMM…MIMM…MIMM…” It chirped in anguish.

Nearby the Praying Mantis were the bodies of three other Praying Mantises with similar markings, claw-marks through their chitin. In the dirt of the small den, were Kobold-footprints that led down a different tunnel.

It had seemed that the Entomancer’s control did not extend to all creatures in the fortress.
~"The falling star has come"~

With the lower half of a horse but the mystical horn of a unicorn with bright blue hooves that had a bit of a dark tone was not too dark but not too light as twinkle stars laced around his lower body to his legs to his long tail that sway washed behind him with the light blue lights wrapped around his tail falling to do the same, the unicorn center that was named Julian flicked his ears as had a soft glow in them, "i'm not sure what makes these guys so special yet..my senses are telling me there's more to me than the eye" he whispered to himself as he watched the chaos unfold, he didn't know what was going on under the well there was bugs, but yet something is telling him to stay here so he might as well watch the show in the background.


~"there's been some strange things happening...but hey more for me to figure out!"~
Unsure where they were at but that was part of the fun as they claimed and crawled about the areas occasionally popping their head out to get a better view, hearing the sounds of clicking and buzzing which for her was always a joy to hear, catching sight of some bugs causing your eyes to glisten and let out a soft "Ooooo~!" under her breath, before going back to jumping and crawling around as with no goal in mind right now their brain is just telling them to endlessly wander, more so have something to focus on then having a goal because she very well did.
LustrousFox LustrousFox

A bloody decapitated Human head fell in front of Chandak, with splashes of acid landing nearby the Tabaxi. Surrounding Chandak was chaos and death as mercenaries fell all around him. A Dwarvern paladin was hit into the air by a carriage-sized spiky Praying Mantis, the Praying Mantis then cleaving the Dwarf into two while he was airborne. A Boar-folk barbarian woman was overrun by four-armed humanoid bugs, who begun tearing her limbs off and feasting on them. The boar-folk let out a haunting scream of agony as a humanoid bug then started to bite into her skull. Soon, there was nothing left of the boar-folk but a bloody torso. A carriage-sized spiky Praying Mantis crawled from around a large rock, hissing at Chandak as drops of acid dripped from its mandibles.


Nearby Chandak, Barracuda continued to fight humanoid bugs that were surrounding him and relentlessly trying to kill him. He used his boomerangs to cleave through as many bugs as possible, but his stamina continued to run out. A humanoid-bug shot a a ball of acid at him from its mandibles, Barracuda managing to barely dodge it as it burned through the edge of his left sleeve a bit. He struggled as his breathing accelerated and he sweated immensely behind his mask.

Perhaps Chandak could lead the carriage-sized Praying Mantis that crawled towards him with mandibles preparing to bite through Tabaxi meat to Barracuda, who could assist him in bringing down the beast.
feeling a cold sweat running across the face of his fur with her pupil shrinking and beginning to shake as they were able to tolerate blood even if they didn't like it one bit but that was clearly meant to be on a body, "Well this is a place that's for sure..." she spoke out to herself while lowering their ears back, only to be presented with wonderful acid that slap on the ground in front of them, "Well ain't that lovely..." before waking up at the nuts are nice buggy that wants to eat some cat meat, being against her mortals to hurt her bug friends but clearly this bug was too far gone.

skimming their eyes around as a soon spot someone nearby who seem to have actual weapons on hand that calls for this situation right here and now, perfect, they can do the hurting part for her,
"you can't eat me if you can't catch me~!" she Chuckles as she went on all fours to run behind the person "hey I would prepare for a attack from a not so nice buggy coming towards us right now~!" she chimes loudly as she crouch down behind them anticipatingly wagging her tail.

Julian wasn't liking what was happened one bit here but yet he simply couldn't leave only to watch someone go the worst way that someone can go with a unemotionless blank stare "well isn't that that's absolutely horrifying...no wonder why I barely don't come to the real world." he's scoffs while intentionally now staying invisible as he really did not want to have his tail being ripped off, well not that it would be actually ripped ripped off but it sure as curd would feel like it, besides it also has the benefit of him not being too keen with his fur being covered with blood and acid of all thing.

(I don't know how to pin yet on here)
Lena Lennox
Lena was practically buzzing with excitement as she planned out all the adventures that awaited them on their journey. She had gone to great lengths to convince her assistant, Warren, to join her, but just when she thought they would share the ride, he chose a different carriage. A mix of surprise and annoyance washed over her. She couldn’t believe he had opted to separate himself from her whirlwind of enthusiasm! She promised herself that she would give him an earful about it once they reached their destination. With Warren absent, the usually lively ride became an unexpected silence, leaving Lena to simmer with thoughts of what she wanted to say.

But everything was about to take an unexpected turn. It began with the eerie hissing of colossal bugs, their sharp sounds slicing through the air like whispers of the night. The unsettling spitting of their corrosive venom echoed ominously, leaving a sense of dread that prickled at her skin. What she thought would be a routine adventure was morphing into something far more perilous. Then the fighting started. Lena got out of her post-haste to see the extent of what was happening.

As Lena surveyed the chaotic battlefield, filled with monstrous bugs and relentless mercenaries clashing in a frenetic dance of violence, she realized that her best move would be to regroup. Her assistant, better suited for the heat of frontline combat, was somewhere amidst the chaos, and she needed to find him fast. Soaring high above the chaos, Lena harnessed her magic to deftly navigate the treacherous battlefield below. She expertly avoided as many, but not all confrontations as she could, her eyes keenly tracking the faint signs left by the quarry she was pursuing. Amidst the chaos, she noticed an unsettling truth he hadn’t fought alone in his last battle.

Determined to lend a hand to the beleaguered mercenaries, she scanned the scene and spotted Barracuda, a gunslinger, struggling against a relentless swarm of humanoid bugs intent on his destruction. As the tide of battle threatened to overwhelm him, Lena seized the moment. Hovering just above the fray, she drew out several small vials, each filled with potent magic. With a flick of her wrist, she unleashed the vials, watching as they shattered and released a chilling mist that enveloped the enemies below. The air crackled with energy as the freezing fog took hold, transforming half the marauding bugs into icy statues, while the rest found themselves immobilized in its grip. At that moment, Lena knew she had shifted the balance of the fight, giving Barracuda a fighting chance against the monstrous horde.

Shouting down to Barracuda, Lena called out, "Hey! Once you wrap up clearing those guys out, I don't know what going to do but I'm going to the cave with some of the others. That’s where I’m headed—front-line action isn’t really my style!"She said to him before moving on.

Navigating through the pandemonium, she unexpectedly discovered a cave—a hidden sanctuary, clearly fashioned by him as a refuge to recuperate and devise their next strategic move. The faint glow illuminating the space whispered promises of safety, igniting a spark of hope within her. Here, they could reconvene and plot their audacious comeback.

As Lena stepped inside, her heart raced. It didn’t take long for her eyes to land on Warren, slumped against the cave wall. But before she could call out to him, a massive, carriage-sized bug loomed menacingly above him, sizing him up like a potential meal. Panic surged through her, but adrenaline kicked in, propelling her into action. She hurled a bottle with all her might. The moment the contents splashed across the creature's shell, it began to freeze in place down to the bone, encased in a shimmering layer of ice.

Lena exhaled sharply, the tension that had gripped her chest melting away as she realized she had just snatched Warren from the jaws of danger. Relief flooded her as she called out, “Warren! Focus! You were just about to be that thing’s next meal if I hadn’t shown up!”

Lena exhaled sharply, the tension that had gripped her chest melting away as she realized she had just snatched Warren from the jaws of danger. Relief flooded her as she called out, “Warren! Focus! You were just about to be that thing’s next meal if I hadn’t shown up!”

Warren turned slowly, his gaze landing on her, and a weary smile crept across his face. “Hey there,” he replied, his voice laced with a mix of gratitude and exhaustion. He then picked himself up, getting ready for the next phase of the operation. “ I will leave all the planning and stuff to you guys here. Just let me know what needs to be moved or hit until then I'll be guarding the entrance and helping anyone else come in.”

Stepping boldly to the outer edge of the trench, he prepared to confront any looming threats while waiting for enough allies to gather for the operation. Rubbing his hands together, he summoned the very stones from the Earth, crafting gauntlets that encased his fists. With a fierce look in his eyes, Warren charged into battle against the swarming humanoid bugs, delivering a flurry of powerful, swift punches. Each rocky gauntlet became an extension of his will, allowing him to defend against enemy strikes while effortlessly hurling back any of the acid flung at him and quickly repairing them. He fought with a blend of grace and ferocity, a warrior forged from the very ground beneath him.
Denver panted as he came across the hole, he peaked in cautiously and gasped seeing the large mantis in front of him. He wanted to run but this insect was in distress, "You made a promise" he told himself taking out his staff "you promised to help anyone who needed it" he said to himself before crawling into the hole. It was a tight squeeze but not too bad for the small goat. as he came face to face with the mantis he shuddered, he set down his bag slowly and picked up his staff, holding it out as a small breeze blew and the sound of windchimes could be heard "C-can you understand me?" he asked hoping the understanding spell worked
Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu LustrousFox LustrousFox

In an instant, an icy mist flooded the area surrounding Barracuda. The ice overtook the bugs, leaving them either restrained in ice chunks, or turned to ice. He repositioned, and then utilized a boomerang to decapitate seven restrained bugs before it returned to his hand. He then took a moment to catch his breath before looking up at Helena, the source of the ice. As a show of thanks, with boomerang-in-hand, he put his right arm over his chest and bowed his head towards her.

“Noted.” Replied he to the Fae. Soon after, he killed a few more approaching humanoid-bugs before a Tabaxi darted behind him, warning of the arrival of a deadlier foe. Upon sensing her arrival, he internally groaned: He did not do well with talkative types. Nevertheless, he appreciated her aid as he turned to be met with the sight of a carriage-sized spiky Praying Mantis. It unleashed a wrathful hiss, before charging at him with bladed-arms ready to cleave through his flesh. He quickdrew a snap lock pistol and aimed at its head as he pulled the trigger, a wrymsteel bolt soaring and striking the beast between its eyes, resulting in its head exploding into bloody bits. Its body collapsed onto the ground. He wiped some bug bits off of his shoulder, before turning to Chandak,

“We need to reach the cave, follow me. Watch your tail.” Spoke he, as he started to run towards the trench in the distance.

Gummy Worm Gummy Worm

Meanwhile, the Praying Mantis in the small den responded to Denver, understanding him. “Mimm.” It said. As if seeking any comfort, it crawled to Denver, rubbing its head against his neck like a cat. “Mimm, mimm, mimm, mimm.” Tonnie and Blestare would be here soon, and there was no telling if they would understand, at least as far as Denver knew. If Denver had a bag of holding or a large bag, it might be a good idea to hide him.

After some time, Blestare and Tonnie arrived upon the scene, their faces swarmed with concern.
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"Okay~!" She cries out in excitement with a purring tone to it, Chandak didn't know why they were going to a cave but hey who said you couldn't have your fun while walking through a cave and enjoy yourself, immediately pouncing up letting out a soft flick in the ear while having a content smile as their pierced eyes glistens at them, going on all fours as they eagerly ran behind their potential new friend, not that they knew their name yet, but hey who said you couldn't become close acquaintances with someone right off the bat, or at least to her.

glancing around as Julian sold two people who seemed like to know where they were going, as beggars couldn't be choosers as he couldn't really just stand there unsure what he's really meant to do, not that anyone has given him any guidance which would be really helpful here but that's if you could even see him as right now he was a nonsexist speck in the air, with the threat finally gone so he doesn't have to worry about his tail being ripped off, he felt that he was safe enough to finally showed themselves as it was a small poop in the air and suddenly he was fully there seeable, galloping behind the kitty as he hoof rhythm clop on the floor beneath him.

due to the incredibly focused on one thing at the moment, Chandak didn't hear the very close little bit too close hoof smashing on the ground behind him of half-human yet half-unicorn man, not that this individual continue to say not a word.
LustrousFox LustrousFox

As Barracuda made his way to the Trench, he heard the clomping of hooves behind Chandak and he. He looked over his shoulder to see a navy blue Unicorn Centaur. Barracuda, assuming he was a mercenary that had taken the contract who was following them, continued to march towards the trench.

Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy HypnoFuzz HypnoFuzz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Celest_Eclipse Celest_Eclipse
Meanwhile, at the edge of the trench where Warren fought vigorously, the number of bugs begun to dwindle. Nearby, a chain mail-wearing undead skeleton mercenary with a spear violently stabbed an already dead body of a carriage-sized Praying Mantis while laughing maniacally, only to have his bones melted to bits by a stream of acid that blasted at him from behind, letting out a brief scream as he fell a part and his skull, rib cage, and femurs were melted into nothing. While an Aarakocra archer rained arrows down upon the source of the acid stream, a Tiefling woman with crimson red skin wrapped in a black cloak holding a large black scythe and with long, messy black hair limped to Warren. The right side of her face was melted, composed of burnt flesh that looked horrifically unrecognizable from the other side.

“Give it to me straight: How bad is it?” Asked the woman to Warren, as she clutched her shoulder with her free hand. As Warren interacted with the woman, from behind, snuck a Kobold rogue with light green scales. He crouched and moved closer to Warren from behind, chuckling softly as he slowly reached towards Warren’s pockets for any valuables. Meanwhile, in the cave-base that
Warren created that was connected to the trench, mercenaries gathered. It was a scene of collective anguish, mercenaries were exhausted, mourning, and talking. A tabaxi rogue sat in a fetal position against a wall, her face soaked in tears as a humanoid Walking-Tree Samurai mercenary comforted her. A group of mercenaries confessed their wrongdoings to a Halfling Cleric. Mercenaries with healing magic navigated the crowded cave, restoring vigor to anybody who needed it.

Elsewhere on the battlefield, where Jamie and Lazuli were, a haunting hiss shot from a nearby ditch. From the large ditch, a bulky humanoid-bug with spiky armor and four arms emerged. It towered at 4.572 meters/ 15-feet tall. It stomped towards the gentleman and the scavenger, eager to eat. Tactically retreating to the trench might have been the best idea.


Barracuda, Chandak, and Julian soon arrived at the entrance to the cave-base. A talking Cheetah approached the newcomers, quadrupedal and with strange markings on her fur.

“Take a short rest. In a few minutes, we vote on our next course of action. Then, it is back to the jaws of our enemy.” Explained she. Barracuda responded with a nod, sitting against a rocky wall as he begun reloading his guns.

Nearby, a conversation between the Warforged in wizard’s clothing and a Minotaur could be he overheard. “I performed a head count. There are 35 of us in this cavern, but more will likely arrive soon.” Spoke the Warforged. They needed all the help they could receive; The nightmare was only just beginning.

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