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Fantasy Aerth heroes cs page



More toxic less flow
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Hey thanks for coming, the cs is below and I will give yours a like to show that its accepted. Remember that If I suggest a change its nothing against you I just want the character to fit in the story/not be OP or outta place.
The isekai characters have a slightly different process. Yall need to pm the sheet to me so we can go over the gods gifts.
Potentially you get three of them, ultimately the choice is yours as even when you choose random I'll give you at least two options to pick between.
Your sheet is accepted once i give it a like

If you have questions please ask elsewhere.

race: (isekai lot is always human, natives can be almost anything)

(Picture and a brief description)

(What they are good at be it natural or practiced over time. Can be anything if they are notably good at this thing and you want to show it put it here. Could be cooking, combat related, singing whatever. If its not here then they are average or terrible at it.)

(No ones perfect. This could be a social problem, a lactose intolerance, a blind eye, a old injury whatever.)

Notable gear:
(A special locket? A home made staff? If they usually have this on them put it down here.
Isekai lot only have a god weapon and enough rags to cover their privates)

magic: (if yes say what it is and give a example of it being used. Remember that it is only one type of magic, the most common being the elements like in avatar but magic can be almost anything from light, poison, telekinesis, etc etc
Isekai lot can choose a magic aswell.
If this character has not got genetic magic then ignore this and move on)

(Explain a bit about this character,
Be as vague or descriptive as you want but know I might ask for clarification. Natives would have place in the rebellion/guild known as the "Shadows" or they were recently recruited)

(Just triva stuff or in game changes happen here. Guild members may have been given a cursed power.
Isekai lot put their god power here Ask me in a pm to learn more or keep it blank.)
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Name: Moorray Doppo "the Wraith"
Race: human (native)
Age: 32
Sex: male
6ft tall with a strong physique. Dark hair, unkempt beard, pale skin, dark brown eyes.


Gear: wears what's in the picture, he carries two concealed daggers and a axe at his hip along with a bow and quiver of 10 arrows. Moor usually carries a large knapsack for loot but it generally has three waterskins inside it.

hiding and stealing is how Moorray grew up.
Weapons training,
Years of training with different weapons but Moor favours the axe and dagger.
Wraith mage,
Moor has spent most of his life honing his magic. For not having a Proper teacher able to give a lesson on his rare magic, Moorray is quite impressive.
Aima moshu,
A power gained from eating the eye of a powerful demon.

Overconfident. Believes in himself to much.
Terrible swimmer, Never really had the chance to learn, also fears the ocean somewhat.
Aima moshu,
It's a cursed power. No matter how useful it is.

Magic: Duplication/wraith mana.
(Closest visual example i can find)
Moorray uses his magic to create and control ghostly versions of himself and whatever he is carrying. Anything created can only be controlled briefly and the range a ghostly copy can roam is very limited. However the ghost copy can fire projectiles and throw weapons should Moorray have them in his equipment. So by carrying a bow and one arrow, Moorray's wraith can shoot as many arrows as Moorray wants. (Provided he has the mana reserves)

Background: Mooray Doppo was forced into a orphanage in the city of Fallah after a Draghart arrived and took over. Losing his parents and wealth to hellfire as a young boy, Moorray promised he would avenge his loss. Though it was six years later when the shadows sent three assassins to deal with the threat. By chance Mooray met and helped one of these killers, when the young boy begged to be their student one man agreed. Though Mooray was soon put into the care of the shadows, his mana had them convinced he was a Shrouda and so by That clans traditions... Mooray was trained to fight with various weapons to help him conjure them. It took three years before anyone realised he lacked the Shrouda magic. Even still Moorray was raised to be a outstanding warrior for the shadows.

Extra: Moorray was given a gift from the rebellion, by eating a demon's eye he gained a "Aima Moshu" cursed eye power. Out of the known six one can acquire Moorray got the Spirit eye, this allows him to see and interact with souls. Using any aima moshu eventually results in blindness. Though Overuse of a Aima moshu results in headaches that cause bleeding from the eyes, nose, ears and mouth. Visually the spirit eye glows bright blue when active.
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Name: Viktor 'Greywood'
Race: Human (Native)
Age: 45

5'11, long thin gray hair and some stubble on his chin, average build, a deep scar on his left thigh, and a small scar on his neck from being bitten by a winged rat

Simple travel clothes and a cloak, and his trusty boots of course
A large backpack with seven books
A satchel that holds - Seven charcoal writing sticks, two vials filled with healing elixir, two vials of toxin, two vials of antidote
A small pack on his left hip filled with crackers and jerky as emergency travel rations
A walking staff and three small throwing daggers, all coated with a deadly toxin

Knomage - Viktor is one of the most dedicated and knowledgeable people that study and use runes
Inconspicuous - Viktor is good at blending in and not attracting attention to himself, making himself seem unimportant and just another face in a crowd
Alchemy - Viktor is a prodigal alchemist, able to make high-quality potions with ease and with less effort than most others
Intelligent - He is a natural academic and finds himself able to understand concepts and explain them with ease, absorbing knowledge like a sponge better than the average person
Perfect aim - Viktor has incredible aim, but only when it comes to throwing. He can cut a fly in half with a throwing knife from across the room, or toss a javelin straight into the heart of a charging manticore without issue.
Capable wizard - His knowledge and study of his own mana and its applications is almost as thorough as one can get

Limp - Viktor has a slight limp on his left side from an old wound, making his mobility limited without risk of injury
Empathically dull - Viktor has trouble nailing down the subtle emotional cues of others. Unless the person is displaying a very strong emotion, or their expression is clearly happy, angry, sad, confused, etc. then he may not always respond appropriately to them, relying on his years of experience with trial and error, which does not always bode well in social interactions.
Inexperienced fighter - Viktor is not a fighter by any means. He relies primarily on his potions, poisons, and underhanded techniques to win any physical confrontation that he cannot avoid or run away from.
Cursed - After being bitten by a winged rat Viktor has occasional migraines that he remedies temporarily with his potions. In addition, his ability to use his mana is severely stunted by the partial vampiric curse applied by the winged rat

Mana: Ice mana
At most, Viktor can cool down a hot drink or meal, or make a room chilly. If he pushes himself hard enough, he can freeze a cup of water

History: Viktor has worked for Hashal and the guild for many years, mostly in secret as he has always enjoyed his privacy as the guild's best alchemist. Occasionally Viktor would be used for more unsavory work, going out to take care of a target or two in situations that required discretion and no witnesses. His life before the guild is anyone's guess, except Hashal, who has earned enough of Viktor's trust to know little about his personal life. He volunteered to help in the search for the champions when he overheard the name of a city being dropped during a conversation. Viktor knew this place to be where he could find what he needed to properly cure his curse. And hopefully, with proper protection by those with more power than him, he could get there with as little risk as possible.

Extra: TBR
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Diamond's best friend...

KiKina - "The Whispering"


'The Handmaiden', 'Kicks', 'Kia', Chaser's Dog
She/Her | 28yrs | 6'1" | 180lbs | Chestnut Hair | Steel Blue Eyes | Tan Skin
Human | Mercenary (Assassin) | Lesbian (Closet) | Muscular, Athletic build.

This is The Handmaiden...



Dark leathers, lightly armoured, cowled cloak and combat boots. She does not enjoy wearing bright and vivacious colours nor does she feel the need to accessorize with fancy and lavish jewellry. She does however wear a single piece of jewelry; a copper band upon her left ring finger that bears stars and moons upon it. Other than that, the woman dresses to not stand out and prefers to fade into the background. Yet once noticed, if she should step forward, her imposing frame and posture would represent her dangerous nature all at once. When it is 'Time to Bite' she will pull her signature black mask over her face and her eyes darken with Shadow. She now embodies the deadly Whispering.

Scars, Tats, Piercings:
Of the multiple scars upon her, the most notable are the ones that runs down the left side of her cheek and a prominent one just above the left side of her top lip. She bears tattoos with the name of her adoptive mother, the arMadara logo, and a moon with several stars around it. She does have her ears pierced but only wears jewelry in them during formal presentations or processions.


  • Multiple concealed thrown weapons banded and easily accessed across her body.
  • Along the length of her forearm is her 'Biting Kiss'; a custom blade that is spring loaded and fully retractable.
  • Along the length of her other forearm is a blowgun and a bandolier of venom laced darts.
  • Twin short swords: 'Rain' and 'Wicked'. Both have hidden reservoirs of weapon black.
  • Long bow and and full quiver of arrows. 2 of which can be attached to rope and will bear her weight.


+ Patient, Reserved and Watchful
+ Polite, Dutiful, Loyal and Respectful of Elders and Proper Authority over her
+ Steel-Nerved, Quick Reactor, and Resilient
+ Confident, Hard-Working, Adores children
+ Tough, Daring and Athletic

- Poor communicator/standoffish to anyone not her mother.
- Rigid, Flat Persona, Only Listens to Superiors
- Inferiority Complex, Openly Disdains Rich Folk, Job is Her Life.
- Aggressive, Fight First Mentality, Rage-filled Bloodlust
- Buries emotions, Hates Socializing, Just Cannot Chill and Have a Good Time.


+ 'Handmaiden' training - expert body guard and danger sense. Close quarter fighting, martial artist, weapon training.
+ Archery / Throwing - skilled with the bow. Most dangerous when she has time to line up a shot. Strong thrower with well-practiced technique; precise and accurate within 30 feet.
+ Infiltrator - 2nd story work, investigation, climbing and stealth. She cannot crack a safe but she can spot and disarm the traps that protect it.
+ Shadow Mana - Manipulates and bends Shadow to her will. Can make Shadow Tentacles and Claws to hold and strike and make frightening phantoms. Main use is to obscure herself and her team or to blind multiple targets. Her power is strongest in times when is dark.
- Ever since she was little she has trained as a Handmaiden. It's all she knows and has been brainwashed that that is her complete life. She has never lived a proper life as a playful, curious child. There is only training, failure, striving to never make the same mistake again. She is stunted socially and emotionally.
- KiKina was forbidden to be sexually active and may not bear any children lest that compromise her position to protect her 'Diamond'. This has been ingrained in her and still is a virgin to this day. She herself is a closeted lesbian and desperately in love with DeZhay but duty trumped her emotions as always. Obsessed is closer to the truth.
- The woman has a very murderous and violent rage in her. Her love and happiness generated for the younger performers and her bff also kept her in line. But now she is slipping. Badly. It's only a matter of time. Like all performers and stage hands of the Collective she too went through hypnosis training to help maintain focus and confidence but now that she is away from them, she can get down bad reaaaal quick. She is quick to draw blood and is not satisfied until her opponent stops moving. Doesn't matter if they are breathing or not,.
- Although she is socially awkward, she will usually find one that person she will befriend. This person usually makes her feel calm and worth their time. Only problem is that she will end up trusting them. Blindly. Mind you, she is very cautious to open up like that so it will take time; she nevers wants to be vulnerable. But she usually gets manipulated badly by that person and its too late before she realizes she's been burned.
- The Shadow Mana is weaker in bright areas esp. in direct sunlight. Chilling Aetherial whispers can be heard when she manipulates Shadow. That and each time she manipulates it to kill another, it corrupts her mind and cracks her soul. The more she gives in to the violence, rage and murderous thoughts, the Shadow 'creeps across her soul' that much more. Everytime she kills using her power the inner demons are that much closer to taking over her focussed, patient and good soldier form.


  • KiKina is most likely from the people of the sands. Her facial features and especially the grey-blue 'steel' eyes are a good indication.
  • As a small yet fiesty and combative child, she was adopted by Ms. Cherish Nozaroc, the weapons and security Mother of the arMadara Entertainment Collective. A mildly famous travelling troupe of performers, acrobats, musicians and singers owned by Matriarch Jincarda alMadara.
  • Groomed and trained to be a fighter and protector for the Collective she flourished and was kept separated from the other children. But as soon as it was discovered that another girl her age, DeZhay could be 'Marquee Level Talent' and that they were fast best friends, KiKina was ingrained to become a 'Handmaiden', lifelong protector for her 'Diamond', Dezhay.
  • One thing that needed to be broken was the violent streak and anger within her that too often flared up. And so she went through mental reparation and pseudo-brain washing by Ms. Miri aka Grand-Aunt Mir, Seer of the Silvery Mists. She was reformed and re-invented into more of a machined tool than a wild girl and KiKina fell in line nicely.
  • As a teenager, her purpose for being was put to the test. DeZhay was nearly kidnapped along with 3 other young children. Kikina caught them and unleashed bloody red fury upon the abductors, witnessed first hand by DeZhay and the children. The girl was a vicious predator and a natural born killer. This was the first inkling of the 'Shadow that crept across her soul.' as forewarned by Ms. Miri; unbridled murderous rage.
  • KiKina was badly beaten when she took on 3 big warriors to protect her Diamond. But she ferociously fought and took them down. Witnesses saw her even biting... and tearing into their faces with her claws... that seemingly grew from out of the Shadows. The 3 were 'dealt with' by order of Jincarda. Yet KiKina does not remember she was there to complete her first executions. She soon became known as 'Chaser's Dog' and outsiders stayed far away from her.
  • Then came the day when she lost her 'Diamond.' DeZhay was abducted right under her nose. Humiliated and shamed, she set out to find her Diamond against the wishes of Matriarch Jincarda and the rest of the Collective. For years she had sought out DeZhay without any success. All the while the Shadow slowly taking over before finally emerging during a bout of blood lust.
  • Hidden in the woods and just when it seemed like she was going lose herself completely, a lone figure came from the darkness and talked her down. The mysterious woman named Kola took her into the Guild. Over the years she was trained and taught about Shadow and how to keep the inner demons within at bay. But most importantly; how to harness it.
  • Unbeknownst to her, despite spending years under Kola's tutelage, she has become agent and secret assassin for her mentor. Hidden to both Kikina and the Guild itself are her intentions as to why she has been manipulating her protege to do her bidding. But it has been beneficial to the Handmaiden; she is in control of her power and the inner demon within is kept at by by doing a 'energy release' ritual that does not involve using her Mana when doing excecution.
  • Yet despite her changed ways, she has kept sight of her goal all along; 'find and protect her Diamond'.

  • The scars on her cheek and lips are her badges of honour; she got those protecting her Diamond and her family in the Collective. Compliments upon seeing them will defo illicit a smile and softening of her steely eyes.
  • Called 'Kicks' by everyone in the Collective. 'Kia' is a pet name from her mother. 'Chaser's Dog' is a name that will start a fight. 'The Whispering' is her alias as an operative for the Guild since whenever she manipulates Shadows or is on a bloodlust, ghostly whispers can be heard.
  • Does not like 'girlie' things but secretly liked how she looked whenever DeZhay fooled around and dolled her up with fancy clothes and make up like a performer
  • Not one with the 'x-factor' for performing but actually has a very nice singing voice. Will sing for those she likes.
  • Has developed a crush upon another woman in the Guild but is loathe to act upon such desires.
  • The reason Kola took her in was not merely because of the Handmaiden's skill and potential but the fact that the Umbra Clan runs through her blood.
  • The hard work and loyalty to the Guild has paid off. Moving up in the ranks has earned her Trusted contacts. They recently commuicated something that has skyrocketed her spirit. There is still hope; DeZhay is still alive.

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To be found later in the rp

Name: Lalo Shrouda
Race: human (native)
Age: 26
Sex: male




Magic: Weapon Creation
The Shrouda clan are born with a mana that allows them to create ghostly weapons of anything the individual has mastery or understanding of.
Among various bombs and grenades Lalo is capable of making crossbows and bolts, shields, bows and arrows, swords, daggers, boomerangs, spears and hammers.

Name: Waboe Pupata
Race: human (native)
Age: 28
Sex: male




Magic: Spirit mastery
The Pupata have a strange mana that allows them to control and manipulate spirits and souls. Waboe can transform spirits into a physical form or create vessals to imprison souls. A spirit/soul has remnants of mana from their time in life, Pupata can force spirits and souls to do their bidding, essentially using the mana left over as their own.


Lalo Shrouda, Nano Naza and Waboe Pupata met early in their lives, the trio quickly realising they were from the nomad clans of Baanwin and bonded over their similar history aswell as their unique magic. As adults they went hunting for the dragons who followed their clans across the world. Together the three travelled the lands killing along the way. This added up to five of Arthur Draghart's oldest children, the trio was seemingly unbeatable. That changed when poisonous fire rained from the sky, Nano sacrificed herself to save her friends...

Lalo and Waboe was warped away from death, from the distance they landed they could still see the putrid smoke in the air. At the time of the story the two are in the process of hunting Berrit Draghart, a dragon who breathes toxic flames.
Berrit recently destroyed the city of Lonod and is occupying the lands known as Mogga by himself and a elite team of knights from Baanwin.
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Name: Shinomi Kenzaki
Age: 29
Race: Human

Shinomi stands at 5'6, with purple hair and light skin. Has heterochromia, with one red and one green eye. She has a fairly lithe build.

-Swordsmanship: Trained in the way of the sword for most of her life.
-First Aid: Pretty used to scrapes and bruises as well as treating them.
-Cooking: Has cooked her own meals for most of her years.
-Grass whistling: Rather good at this, for some reason.

-Sword specialist: While she has a little bit of training for being disarmed, she only really has any idea how to use a sword in terms of combat.
-New to the world: Coming in from a different world, she lacks a lot of common sense knowledge natives would have
-Not detail oriented: Sees the big picture well enough usually, but often glosses over the small stuff.

Notable gear:
A longsword whose appearance, magic, and material change depending on what is fed into it.

Wind Mana - Allows Shinomi to manipulate air. Producing cuts of air using her sword, creating wind currents to take to the air, etc.

Born to a mother who died during childbirth, Shinomi was raised only by her father. While he cared for her, most housework and the like ended up falling on her once she was old enough. as her father spent much of his time running his swordsmanship school. Swordplay was his only real skill, which he passed on to his daughter.

Shinomi took these skills to great success in her schools' kendo clubs, and in her mid-twenties even won the All Japan Kendo championship multiple years in a row, much to her father's pride. Not long after her third consecutive championship however, he passed away. No longer sure what to do with herself, Shinomi decided to temporarily close her father's school and go on a journey, becoming a listless wanderer.

Flash Step - A divine boon to move faster at the cost of mana.

-Was nicknamed "Saki" by some of her friends.
-Though she was seen as a bit of a delinquent tomboy in school, she was actually a pretty diligent student. She just stuck her nose where it didn't belong a little too often, combined with rather stand out and hard to miss features of her appearance.
-Collected fantasy sword fighting novels when she was younger.
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Name: Nikolas "NJ or Koko" Jay Rossie
Age: 32
race: Human (Isekai)

Nikolas stands at 5'8 with Sienna shaded skin and hair that gradients from black to blonde ends. Nikolas' curly hair is usually braided and placed in buns or high-ponytails. Before his rebirth he had several piercing and a couple of tattoos and now he hopes to replace those in the new world.


♦ Medical Training - Nikolas was in the middle of his medical residency, as such he is very knowledgeable when it comes to medicine and patient care.
♦ Botany - Nikolas is well verse in herbs, plants, and weeds. He started his research in case something would happen outside of regular medicine, but he eventually just did it for fun.
♦ Combat Knowledge - Koko did wrestle in high school, but the bulk of his fighting experience comes from his vigilante days. He was familiar with firearms but mostly focused on close quarters combat, first relying on his wrestling techniques but eventually creating his own style based around locking and grappling with a dash of MMA

♦ EXTREMELY lactose intolerant - Explosive -_-
♦ Hero Complex - Nikolas has always felt compelled to help/save others even to the detriment to himself. Due to his complex he has become sadistic & belligerent to people he deem as villains, almost entirely inconsiderate of their history, and prideful as he is a hero.
♦Perfectionist - Koko tends to get lost in the finer details rather than looking at the big picture. He will hyper-focus on one small detail to make sure it is percept before even thinking about anything else.

Notable gear:
A whip whose appearance, magic, and material change depending on what is fed into it.

Magic: Plant Mana - At the moment, Koko can generate vines long & strong enough to either pull people or hold them in place. He's also able to use seeds as makeshift bullets in a pinch. Koko is able to reproduce plants he remembers from earth to create medicines.

Nikolas grew up in a very average home but he had dreams of being a doctor. He always had a hero complex and when he wasn't able to 'save' others he always took it very hard. Through scholarships and grants, Koko was able to make it through med school without much trouble, other than being over stressed from the work load. During his residency, he was preparing for his wedding with his fiancé. Koko's fiancé, Shayne, had bonded over their love of nerdy things but Shayne's relationship with his son, Benji, was what sealed the deal for Koko.

During a family outing, Nikolas, Shayne, and Benji stumbled across a gang assassination, and due to Nikolas' hero complex he attempted to save the gang member's victims only for them to turn their aim on him and his family. Nikolas survived the encounter but Shayne and Benji died in Nikolas' arms. Nikolas was found hugging their body in a crying mess. Afterwards Nikolas, became a recluse and had abandoned his residency, with nothing left he sat in a singular spot in his home, mumbling to himself but otherwise nonresponsive.

One day Nikolas heard a whisper in his ear to become a hero and bring justice to the evil people. Within months, Nikolas was back to a sense of normalcy and was able to get his residency spot back, but with heavy restrictions. By day the man was Dr. Rossi and by night he was serial killer that targeted people with connections to underworld.

♦ Holy Light - Koko's god gifted power that allows him to imbue allies, themselves, items or enemies with a holy light that harms evil.
♦ He prefers to be called Koko or NJ
♦ He will be very upset once he realizes he is still lactose intolerant
♦ He loves butterflies
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