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Aegis 3.0

Rachel came down the stairs, a little black-haired girl walking by her hand.
"Look who learned walking...", she said with a proud grin as Raven let go of her mother's hand, stroked her little black dress straight and looked up at her father with the exact same bright blue eyes as him. "Daddy!", the little girl called happily. "Look at my new dress! Mommy sewed it, and i could choose the color!"
Rachel blinked a couple of times. "Did you learn speaking overnight?"
"Sure." Giggling, Rachel looked at jim and shrugged. "Sure."


"Whatever you wish", Mac said smiling. He smiled at the girl just as she said "do cool!" To Misha.
"Amee? Look, this is Hunter. I told you about her, remember?"
Amee tilted her head to the side as she looked down at the blue-haired girl.
"Hello...", she said silently. "Misha said you are a dragon too?"

Sam chuckled surprised as he petted Cole's back and smirked at him.
"Let's just say I can be very convincing, one way or another", he explained, then looked at his watch.
"He should be out in an hour. I said I'd go pick him up, if you want you can do.e with me."
After ordering and sitting down at a table, he lifted one shoulder.
"Y'know...those guys who hated you and your siblings because you weren't their children...they're just assholes. I swear, as soon as your mom and me became a couple, I knew you guys would become a part of my life too. i knew you would always come first And i wouldn't want it any other way. I'd never try to push you away, because just as Emma has become such an important part of my life, you all have become that too. Geez I'm no idiot. I know I'm not your father and i know no one will ever be able to replace him. But that doesn't mean I don't see you as a part of my family and care about you all..."
He looked out of the window and sighed silently.
"Look i know how hard it is to accept someone new, knowing that person isn't your parent. I'm adopted, I had it twice. I just...hope we can continue like this. Okay...?"
Jim's eyes widened as he saw his little girl walking and talking. Picking her up and softly poking her nosetip with his, he smirked.
"Well well well, I hardly recognized you in your new dress. You look beautiful, sweetie.", his eyes were sparkling with pride as he turned to his wonderful wife.
"How are the other Davis' doing?", he asked, winking.

((I don't know xD you decide))

Hunter nodded, smiling softly. She turned into her 25ft tall dragon shift, her ice blue scales glittering in the sunlight.
"Nice to meet you, Amee. I'm Hunter.", she lay down so the girl didn't have to look all the way up to her.
"Dad! Dad! DAD!", Misha called to his father, softly biting his father's leg.
"Heather talked! And she shifted!!"

Cole looked down, a sad frown on his face.
"I don't want anyone to replace my father, because there is nothing to be replaced. That asshole was never there, and when he was, he only hit me. I need someone to say 'I'm your father' and not 'I'm your father's replacement'."
While raven was grinning proudly, Rachel gave him a quick kiss, cause the little girl to stick out her tongue with a disgusted "uaargh!"
Rachel chuckled silently.
"Sleeping, visiting Anno and playing on the meadow."

((Nonono, You decide eue))
Ash gently pulled Emily closer and sighed silently, nuzzling his face into her hair.
"I love you...", he whispered to her ear with a soft smile and softly stroked over her belly. "You okay? I mean, those stories about it being painful for you girls when it's the first time...?"

Amee looked up at Hunter with big sparkling eyes.
"You are really a dragon...! Can...can you even fly?"
Meanwhile Mac grinned proudly and keeled down beside Misha and Heather.
"Really? Wow...well done princess", he said grinning, gently stroking over her head. "You two...do you even know how much i love You?" He let out a bear roar and pulled them into a right hug, grinning mischievously. "You are miiiine now!"

Sam smiled sadly, wrapping his one arm around Cole's shoulders in a comforting half-hug.
"I am whatever you need me to be, Cole. Your friend, your bodyguard...and if it is a father you need, I'd be honored to be the father you never really had. I just want you to be happy for once."
He looked into the boy's eyes with fatherly love sparkling in his.
"I'm your father. 'Kay? I'm your father..."
His golden eyes glowed softly, until he started to smirk. "By the way, I noticed you're stuck in your game, behind that corner with the sniper. Little hint: there's a path hidden in the shadows of the factory. Only three soldiers and a guy with a chainsaw. You're talking to the world champion with the highest possible high score here."
With a smirk, he held one donut to Cole. "Donut?"
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Jim nodded, smiling softly.
"Guess now we wait until the others arrive before we go and celebrate.", he winked at Rachel, then looked at his perfect, little daughter in his arms.
"Do they know yet?", he asked his wife. "Y'know, 'bout - it?"

((I'm stil thinking uwu))
Emily closed her eyes for a moment as Ash ran his hand over her belly. Every touch felt so good.
She looked up into his eyes, softly stroking over his cheek.
"I'm fine. I mean, you probably noticed yourself that it was... not that easy to get in at first but-", she giggled. "After two times poking hader it all went smoothly." She giggled again, wrapping her arms around Ash and rolling over onto his chest.
"It was perfect.", she whispered, kissing him passionately. "I love you, my hot-dog."

Hunter nodded. "Of course, I can.", she replied, stretching her giant wings for a moment before folding them up again. "Can't you?"
Misha and Heather laughed, and while the baby bear kept trying to free himself so he could try and capture his dad, the foal turned around to her father, shifted back into her human form and booped her nose against his.
"I love you more, daddy.", she whispered, her voice still silent and delicate.

Cole looked up at Sam with big sparkling eyes as the man said he'd be his father.
A warm glow filled the boy on the inside, his eyes sparkling like never before.
Maybe life wasn't that bad after all.
Maybe there still was a chance of him finally having the life he wanted.
"Thanks for the tipp, champion.", he winked, smirking as he bit into the donut. "I usually only came here for the free internet, but man these donuts are delicious."
"Rose immediately guessed it", Rachel chuckled amusedly. "The others don't. Nobody knows it till now, excepting you, rose, Mac and me. I was planning to tell Hunter and Sam today, and the kids when we all have breakfast tomorrow."

((XD think faster XD))
Ash smiled happily, kissing Emily on her cheek. "It really was. And you are perfect too and just... everything!"
Chuckling softly, he turned his head to look asy the clock and raised one eyebrow. "We should maybe get ready soon for the dinner with my family."

Amee blushed slightly, spreading her wings that were clearly totally untrained.
"Nobody showed me... no other dragons where we lived..."
She stared at the lake for a moment, a tear running down her cheek as she straightened her Hijab.
"Will... Will you leave me alone too?"

Sam grinned slightly, spinning his donut around his finger until he lost control and it flew across the room, landing on a table where a young girl was sitting, bent over a book and thoughtfully chewing around on her pencil.
When the donut flew past her, she looked up with a puzzled gaze.
"Shi...sorry!", Sam called awkwardly, the girl smiling at him. She picked up his donut and brought it back to their table. "I always imagined UFOs covered in chocolate and with a hole in the middle. I was right all along! ", she chuckled.
Sam laughed silently. "I hope it didn't ruin your books though."
"Nah they're fine, don't worry sir." Her gaze flicked to Cole for a moment, a slight smirk forming on her face before she went back to her table.
"My brother-in-law swears cinnamon rolls are better, but nothing can compete with donuts.", Sam chuckle.
"I can't wait for the others' reactions!", Jim smirked. "Just wait 'till we tell Athena!" His eyes were sparkling softly. "Harry calls me 'Untle Dsim'... cute little guy, ain't he?"

((I'm thinking as fast as I can! XD))
Emily nodded, smiling softly. She ran her hand through his hair, sighing happily.
"I'm so happy I met you.", she whispered. "Can't wait for dinner tonight. Where are we going?"

Hunter raised an eyebrow.
"What do you mean?", she asked. "And, Amee, if you want - I could teach you how to fly. It really isn't as difficult as you think it is."

Cole hadn't heard anything what Sam had said, he had been too distracted.
He had to watch out so he wouldn't drool.
>>Whoa.<<, he thought. >>Beautiful...<<
After a moment of dreaming, he snapped back and looked at Sam again.
"Eh...what did you say?"
Rachel went "awwwwh!" When Jim told her about 'Untle Dsim' and gently picked a rose petal out of his hair.
"Other bring entire bouquets, I get a single petal. What did I get myself into...", she giggled softly and covered his face in small kisses, grinning happily. "My perfect lone wolf!"

((Oh deer XD))
"To the restaurant of an old friend of dad, Aldo. In Texas. Can't wait to go there, i got a text from rex and he asked me to quickly help out Tahatan on the ranch because he's watching my brothers. Hope you don't mind a little ride after dinner?"

Amee sighed silently as she hugged herself and looked up at Hunter like a lost puppy. Her more or less ragged dress fluttered in the breeze as she pointed at the sky. "My family... they are all with Allah now... And I'm alone... Will you all leave too? Will they shoot here? Will they explode houses and kidnap children for making them soldiers?"

Sam followed Cole's gaze and grinned mischievously.
"My my, You got a good taste. Why don't you go and talk to her? I could pick up my nieces in the meantime."
Just in that moment, the girl looked up again and lifted one hand into a subtle wave as she noticed both of them looking at her.
Sam grinned. "I think she just noticed you staring."
Jim blushed slightly, laughing.
"Ah yeah, mom and dad took me back into the past.", he explained, a soft sparkling in his eyes. "Back to the rose-oak tree, when I was three-years-old, and mom was still alive... even James was there. Hah, they were still young back then."

((deer XD))
Emily's eyes widened. "Horses!", she giggled, laughing happily. "I absolutely love horses - as you may or may not have noticed." She looked around in the bedroom. Yeah, she might have hung some drawings of her onto the walls. Mostly drawings of horses and horse-like creatures.

Hunter gulped.
She only now realized how much she and Amee ressembled each other.
"No, sweetie. That's long over. We live in peace here.", she whispered, smiling softly.
She put her hand on the girl's back and closed her eyes for a moment.
"It probably won't help, but I know what you're going through. If you want to talk, I'm here."

Cole blushed to a deep red.
"Why did you look at her so obviously?!"
He cleared his throat, running his hand through his hair.
"What do I do now?"
Rachel smiled softly as she listened to what Jim told her. The sparkling in his eyes was so beautiful when he was happy like this. When the doorbell rang, she planted a quick kiss on his cheek and went to open it.
"honey, Lucy and James are here for babysitting."

((I know I'm punlicious XD))
Ash grinned as he got up, got dressed (of course with his black leather jacket finishing the look) and smirked at Emily. "I have no idea what you're talking about", he chuckled, winking, before he made a 360 turn. "You gonna take me with you like this?"

Amee sighed silently and shook her head. "There's nothing to talk about. We fled, they died, the others were sooo desperate they ate their corpses... end of the story." Shifting into her Dragon form, she curled up and looked at Hunter. "Some things in life we just don't want to see..."

Sam grinned slightly as he saw Cole blushing like that. "Well, hi usually is a good start, I guess. But don't ask me, Emma is my first girlfriend and I met her when I saved her from a bunch of robbers, so eh... but I can be your wingman."
He smiled at the girl once more. "Hey, looks lonely over there. Don't you want to come take a seat with us?"
The girl shrugged. "Sure, why not." She got up and took a seat opposite of Sam and Cole.
"I'm Sam, by the way. And that's my son Cole."
"Bailey. Nice to meet you two."
Jim walked over to the door as well, greeting them with a smile.
"How you two doin'?", he asked, frowning confused for a moment as he realized he had used his Texan way of talking.
He looked at his daughter in his arms with a soft smile.
"Daddy quickly gotta change, you wanna stay here with mommy?"

((oh I know that XD))
Emily wiggled her eyebrows. "Looking hot and handsome as always.", she replied, giggling.
She got up out of the bed and went over to the wardrobe, picking out some clothes for the evening.
She decided to wear her black combat boots, a cute yellow dress - finishing with her black leather jacket.
"Will you take me with you like this?"

Hunter looked at the little dragon with big eyes, softly putting her paw on its back.
"I'm sorry.", she whispered.
>>Change topics...<<
"Would you want me to show you how to fly?"

Cole glanced over at Sam with a deep frown.
>>Urghhhhh I hate him I hate him I hate him- she's staring at me. What do I do? What do I say?! Eh..<<
"...Hi?", he gulped.
He could facepalm himself right now.
>>Hi? HI?! I'M SO STUPID!<<
"Just fine", Lucifer and James answered in unison, while raven was playing around with her father's hair with a happy giggle.
When he told her he'd have to get ready, she looked up at him with big eyes.
"The cow your leather jacket was made from was named Paulette", she explained, then smiled up at her mom as she said she'd have to get ready, too.
"I'll just stay with grandpa and grandpa then."

((Good! XD))
"Hmmm I'm still debating with myself about that. I'll end up starting at you all evening, just so you know!", ash laughed, wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a quick kiss. "You know what? ", he said with a happy sigh, stroking over her cheek with sparkling eyes. "When we're older...i want to marry you. Did that sound weird?"

Amee slightly shook her head, curling up tighter. "I'm tired... And Mac said you have a dinner soon. I just... want to go to bed, I guess", she whispered silently.
"Maybe tomorrow?"

While Bailey was smirking slightly, Sam dropped a 50 dollar note on the table. "I have to go pick up my nieces now, but this should be enough to cover it all. Go wild."
He got up and smirked at Cole as his voice appeared in his thoughts.
>>you don't hate me. Good luck champ. And don't play the macho. Works almost never. Call me when you want me to pick you up.<<
Bailey watched Sam disappear through the entrance door and looked at Cole again. "Hey, are you at the West High too?"
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"Well, good thing my leather jacket's name is Paulette then.", Jim replied, winked and softly ran his nosetip through Raven's hair.
He handed her to James, smirking softly.
"I'll be back in just a sec!", he called, and made his way upstairs into the bedroom.

Emily giggled. "Good thing I'll be staring at you too.", she winked, giving him a soft kiss on his cheek.
Her eyes were sparkling like diamonds when Ash told her he wanted to marry her.
She smiled cheesily, blushing to a deep red.
"No, because I do too."

Hunter nodded and shifted back into her human form.
She turned to Macon, a soft smile on her face.
"Honey, shouldn't we get ready soon?"

Cole gulped, nodding.
"Yeah. Since about a year now, I have never seen you before though.", he ran his hand through his hair, swallowing up on nothing.
>>I'm so nervous. But- oh god.<<
"So eh... how old are you?"
Rachel followed Jim upstairs, quickly put on a cute black and white dress, together with some black black high heels and tied her hair up into a messy bun.
"Okiedokie", she chuckled. "Guess I can forget about wearing this dress in two to three weeks. Hun we'll have to go shopping soon.."

Ash grinned happily as he wrapped his arms around Emily's waist and teleported right into his childhood home's living room.
"Mom, dad, we're there!", he called, and smiled as he heard a "one second!", from his mother upstairs.
"Hey grandpa, grandpa, RAVEN!" he picked the little girl up with a wide grin and smirked as she started giggling. "You look great. Did mom sew it?"
"Mhm! Hi Emily!"

Mac nodded. "Mom should be here soon, she said she'd babysit the kids."
He kneeled down beside Amee and smiled softly. "My mom will come soon, and Hunter and I will go have dinner with my brother and his wife and their oldest son. We will be back sometime tonight, Okay?"
The girl nodded silently, and made big eyes when Elenor appeared out of nowhere.
"Okay you two, go get ready, I got this."
"Thanks mom." Mac planted a quick kiss on her cheek and smirked at Hunter. "Okay, let's get ready!"

"Yeah I've been homeschooled till now", Bailey explained, smirking as she stole a bite from Cole's donut. "The whole anom-HACK thing made it kinda hard to leave the farm that often."
She had to chuckle silently when Cole swallowed up on nothing and tilted her head to the side. "Everything okay? I'm 16. Turning 17 in four months. And you?"
Jim changed into [http://pin.it/aBL9Pro] some new clothes, wrapping his arm around Rachel's waist as he was finished.
"You look beautiful, as always.", he sighed happily. "I love you."

Emily smiled softly at Raven, waving.
"Hi Raven!"
She turned to James and Lucifer, greeting them as well.
"Hi there. How are you?"

Hunter nodded, giving her three kids a kiss on their cheeks and one on Amee's forehead.
"Let's go. I'm already hungry."

"Oh y-yeah, I'm fine.", Cole replied. "I'm 16, too... turning 17 in a week, actually..." He ran his hand through his hair, gulping nervously. "Eh... you, you knew about the HACK-anom war?"
"I love you too", Rachel said with a happy smirk, before opening the bedroom door. "Let's go, I bet Mac and Hunter will be there in a minute too."
She headed downstairs and greeted both of them with a gentle hug. "My my, you look more and more like your father."
Ash just grinned slightly, and Rachel smiled at Emily. "Hey Emmy, great to see you again."

Mac smirked, misted into Jim's living room and changed into his favorite silvery jackett at the same time. "Rey, ash, Emily! Great to see you all." He looked from Emily to Hunter, wondering if they had ever actually met.
"Um...du You you two actually know eachother?"

Bailey made her brown pegasus wings appear and disappear on her back, nodding. "Dad and me are shapeshifters, my whole family hid on the farm during the war. Dad kept us all safe. It's been...really long since I've been to the city." A smile spread on her face as she looked into Cole's eyes for a moment. "I'll have to remember to wish you a happy birthday then."
Just then her phone rang, and she picked up. "Hey momma, what's up?
...oh man, is he alright?
Oh okay.
Yeah, be there in ten minutes."
She sighed silently and looked at Cole again. "Mom just called, dad had an accident. He's okay, but he can't take care of the cows today. I gotta go..."
Just as she was about to get up, she turned her head in his direction again. "Hey, I really enjoyed our talk. Would you... I don't know, like to come? Then we don't have to say bye yet."
Jim greeted his son by ruffling his hair, and Emily by giving a nod.
As Macon misted into the living room, Jim half ran up to him, a huge grin on his face.
"Hey there, lil' bro."

Emily and Hunter looked at each other for a moment, before they both smiled and stretched out their hands.
"Hunter Gale, Macon's wife."
"Emily Anderson, Ash's girlfriend."
"I love your dress.", Hunter giggled, quickly changing (http://pin.it/KCk7SVK) into some different clothes.
"Thank you, I love your hair. Is it dyed?"
"Nope, natural."
"Natural dyed hair color?"
Hunter looked over at Ash, winking.
"You got a great taste, Ash."

Cole nodded. "Yeah, sure. I'd love to.", he smirked akwardly, following Bailey while leaving some money to pay for the things they had ordered.
"I hope your dad is alright." He gulped nervously. "Was it a car accident?"
Mac grinned widely, squeezing Jim in a tight hug for a moment. "Hey Jimbo, great to see you. Looking good bro!"
He smirked lopsidedly, laughing silently. "I wonder what aldo will say when he sees us all again. Especially your grown-up son."

Ash grinned widely at hunters and Emily's talk and proudly wrapped his arm around Emily's waist, his eyes sparkling. Yeah, she really was perfect. He still remembered how he had taught her to play the guitar, and how they had suddenly aged to almost adults. They had gone through a lot together, and nothing if it had been able to destroy them. He knew, even if the sky would come falling down on him, he could always count on her. "I know", he said happily, leaning his cheek on Em' s head as he smiled down at his aunt.

Bailey led Cole to a stone-age truck, its bed packed with potted plants, bags of earth, packets of wool and masses of other supplies and products.
"That's my truck", she announced with a slight grin, hopping on the driver's seat. "Dad is okay, he stumbled when a cow pushed him and fell into the electric fence. He just needs a little break now. Give him three hours and he's fine again. I'm just going because one of our cows is about to give birth."
Jim chuckled. "Well, I don't think he'll pay much attention to Ash.", he ran his hand through his hair, an akward smirk on his face. "Remember when I first introduced you to him and we kinda took his car and I well- wrecked it?"
Jim frowned for a moment, but then he smiled again.
"He'll probably try to kill me, hah. Until I tell him I got a new car for 'em."

Hunter sighed happily. "Look at you two, so damn cute." She smiled and turned around to Rachel.
"Rey! You look fab, as always.", she winked, hugging her sister-in-law. "I can't wait to go to the restaurant, I'm starv-"
She frowned, raising an eyebrow.
"Okay, either you've been eating a lot lately or...."
Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.
"You are- ?!?"

Cole nodded and got into the truck. "Oh okay... doesn't that hurt when you fall onto an electric fence?"
He fastened his seatbelt and looked at Bailey with a soft smile.
"So you already got your driver's license?"
"Oh yeah, there was something...", Mac chuckled amusedly. "But you gotta admit: you'd be just as pissed." He gently swatted Jim's shoulder as a huge grin spread on his face. "So she finally told you, hm? You should've seen her when I told her everything would be normal this time. Last time I've seen her grinning like that was when she found out they're selling xxl jars of nutella in the little shop corner Madison Elms street." Suddenly, his eyes widened and his grin turned even wider. "And I have a huge surprise for you all. Like, none of you will ever be able to guess that. Ever."

Rachel giggled happily and nodded, her eyes sparkling brightly. "Two months already, and everything will be totally normal this time! We already picked names: Jenny if it's a girl, and William if it's a boy." She sighed happily, running her fingers over her belly for a moment. "I'm so glad I apparently fixed myself and everything's normal now. And you should've seen Jim's reaction, too cute!"

Bailey laughed silently as she started the motor and drove off.
"Of course it hurts to fall into an electric fence, but when you're living on a farm you get used to injuries and stuff pretty quickly. Just yesterday a cow accidentally stepped on my foot. About 1500lbs on my big toe. You don't want to see how that looks now, trust me." Chuckling, she leaned her arm on the open window and steered with the other hand. "Sure, took me only three weeks to get it. First time I drove a truck i was five or so. So it wasn't that hard to pass the tests." She tilted her head in Cole's direction, smiling bubbly. "Hey, since we're probably going to end up in the same class tomorrow- how are our fellow classmates? Everyone cool or are their some bitches with big mouths and tiny brains?"
"I'd be even more pissed.", Jim replied, chuckling. "Nobody hurts my baby. Though I wouldn't even lend it out to anyone so..." He smirked, his eyes sparkling as Macon told him about Rachel. "I somehow believe I was grinning wider than she ever did." He winked, raising an eyebrow at his brother. "Well, what's the surprise then?"

Hunter squeeled excitedly, her eyes wide open. "I can't believe it either! Like, that'll be your first kid where you can give birth to naturally! AIN'T THAT CUTE?!" She blushed upon noticing that she had just screamed. "...so, tell me, how did Jimmy react?", she whispered, giggling.
"Don't call me like that!"
"Ok he's got some good ears. ALRIGHT I won't."
"Weirdo.", Jim replied, smirking.
"You call yourself weird all the time."
"You call yourself a bad father and husband and brother all the time, and that's not true either!"
"Gotcha." Hunter giggled before turning to Rachel again.
"Oh, by the way, Rey... I gotta tell you something."

"So your toe is broken now?", Cole asked, blinking a couple of times. "You're driving with a broken toe?!?"
He grabbed the handle at the door so he could steady himself.
With an akward chuckle, he turned his head back to Bailey.
"Honestly, they're all bitches with more makeup on their faces than a clown.", he laughed, running his hand through his hair. "Maybe they're nice to you. To me, they aren't. Well, and the guys... all assholes who love to bring you down and hurt you, not only mentally. I only got one friend..."
Mac out put on his winner-smirk and raised one eyebrow. "Well, Rachel and me had a talk about the difficulties with the mail service, since we basically all don't have an address at all. And I got it fixed. A few phone calls, a bit of discussing...to put it short: welcome in Aegis, independent village of the state Montana. Postal code is 99951. We're officially the smallest existing village, with a population of 15, in a few months 16. Mayor still had to be chosen."

Rachel laughed silently at Jim and Hunter's discussion, before tilting her head to the side and smiling gently. "Alright, tell me, I'm all ears."

"I've been building a stable with a broken arm already, what's the problem?"
Bailey raised one eyebrow at Cole's slightly panicked state, and then frowned when he told her about their classmates. She pursed her lips thoughtfully, but smiled again when Cole said he only had one friend. "Well, Now it's two", she said smirking.
Jim blinked a couple of times. "Wait what? We're a real village right now?", he asked, smirking softly. "Hey, that's amazing! How'd you pull that off?" He chuckled for a moment. "So we're gonna have a mayor? What for?"

Hunter took a deep breath. "Draco and Serpo aren't my only siblings.", she replied. "And Serpo is one of the reasons one of my other siblings isn't alive."

Cole smiled softly. "Actually, still one. My friend committed suicide a week ago.", he explained, sighing sadly. "Life does take everything great away, doesn't it?"
Mac lifted one shoulder in a half shrug. "Basically so the government had someone to shout at when things go crappy here, and we have someone who shouts at the government for us when we got something to say", he explained, grinning slightly as he looked up at the ceiling. "I could have made us a part of the city as well, but I felt like Aegis deserved to become something official, after all it did for us. Without it, no one of us would be alive by now. It means to much to ever let it be forgotten." His eyes were sparkling softly as he thought back for a moment. "We'll also have to develop city arms in the next few weeks, just the basic stuff to really become official."

Rachel blinked a couple of times, slightly confused for a moment. "Eh...okay...?", she mumbled.
>>am i supposed to say or do something certain Now? <<
"Eh, wow...that's... an unexpected information..."

Bailey frowned sadly when Cole told her about his dead friend, and looked into his eyes when she had parked the truck on a dusty parking lot on a hill.
"No it doesn't", she said with a slight smile. "Life can be hellishly hard sometimes, but in the and, everything happens for a purpose." She smiled at him reassuringly and hopped out of her truck, taking a deep breath with closed eyes.
"Welcome on our farm. This is my favorite place by the way. Everything you can see here belongs to my family. Everything way down to those hills there. That's mom's vineyard." She got a straw hat from the bed of her truck and put it on her head, knotted her plaid sleeveless blouse into a belly free style and smiled at Cole. "Life works like a field of corn. Something grows, it turns good and beautiful, and then it ends, but just to make space for next thing to grow good and beautiful. C'mon now, gotta help a cow giving birth."
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Jim nodded seriously. "City arms?", he asked, smirking. "I got a brilliant idea." He ran his hand through his hair, chuckling. "Isn't the government afraid of us?", he laughed. "Probably because we shouted too much at them."

Hunter akwardly looked to the floor.
"I should maybe have mentioned that Serpo tried to kill me and my twin brother when my mom was pregnant of us. He pushed her, while being on the verge of pooping us out, down the stairs. Xavier died when he was almost 8 months old due to heart failure." She gulped. "I- I actually don't really know why I told you that? I think I just wanted you to know it, too... I- you can't do anything with that information so eh..."

Cole stared around for a moment, his eyes sparkling. He had never seen anything like this before. Beautiful.
"Okay, let's help that cow!", he called determined, smirking. "Eh... how do we help a cow give birth?"
Mac laughed about Jim's comment of the government being afraid of them, and lifted his shoulders. "Well, believe it or not, we were the ones who saved the world. We're superheroes." He winked, but his sparkling eyes have gave him away that he actually liked how that sounded. "Tell me about your idea for the city arms! And then we should soon go to Texas."

Rachel gently wrapped one arm around Hunter's shoulders and smiled sadly at her. "Oh man, that's crap...", she mumbled silently, but then stroked a streak of hair out of her face and smiled softly. "Hey, don t look like that now. You can tell me everything you want to tell me. Sometimes it just feels good to talk about it when something's bothering you, right?" She hugged her for a moment, and then looked into her eyes. "Do you want me to talk to serpo about it? Find out what was wrong with him back then and if he regrets what he had done?"

Bailey grinned widely, grabbed Cole's hand and ran towards the stable, almost bumping into two boys who looked exactly the same. "Whoops! Zack, Tony! Is Jake somewhere around?"
"Nope, he's getting hay from the silo."
"Ugh, do you guys know where he put the long gloves?"
"Should be in the barn. Who's that, by the way?"
"My friend Cole."
"Friend. Sure."
"Weren't you on your way to somewhere?"
The boys laughed and walked on, while Bailey dragged Cole with her again. After she had retried the gloves from the barn and put them on (that sort of gloves that reaches all the way to your shoulders), she led Cole into a dim box. separated from the other cows, a cow was lying there, breathing heavily. "Oh oh...", Bailey mumbled alarmed. "Cole, go to the main house, ring and ask for Tristan, that's my dad. Tell him Colette's calf didn't turn and I'm getting it out now. And ask Pauline, my mom, to give you a bucket of warm water and a clean towel. Bring it to me asap, every minute counts Now! Hurry!"

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