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Aegis 3.0

Jim smiled happily as William told him about what he had seen, softly ruffling his son's hair.
"Well every bird has its own sound, just like every human being has their own individual voice.", he explained, looking over at Rachel with sparkling eyes for a moment before he looked back at their son.
"Maybe you saw a Bald Eagle. Brown body, white head - big wingspan?"

Cole nodded at what Bailey told him, softly placing his hand on her belly, smiling.
"I know what you mean. A child growing up in a city... no.", he replied, shaking his head while thinking.
"Well I have a couple of friends that study agriculture, so I bet they'd be pleased to work for us and earn some extra money? And we wouldn't have to go through the 'your fiancé doesn't trust anybody'-phase.", he chuckled, winking. "So we'll take over the farm then?"

Steve jumped off from the couch, almost falling over the table, making his way into his and Athena's bedroom to quickly grab some of his wife's monthly stuff.
"Where is it- where is it??", he mumbled to himself, his heart beating way too fast, half in panic - even though he knew a period was something super normal for women.
"Where- THERE!", he quickly grabbed the pack of pads and took one out, running towards the bathroom.
"I'll slide it under the door through? Yeah?"
William shook his head as Jim described a bald eagle.
"No, it was gigantic! And shiny silver", he explained thoughtfully.
"I believe it had round spots on its sides and a really weird tail. And an odd head, almost like it didn't have one at all."
He cuddled against his father tightly,smiling happily as he looked up at him with big eyes. "Daddy? Will I be as big as you one day?"

Bailey chuckled softly at Cole's 'not trusting' comment and just gently ruffled his hair.
"Why, because you think they might 'steal' me from you?", She asked with a loving,understanding smile. As he asked if that would mean they'd take over the farm, she just softly took his hand.
"Only if you want it too, baby."
Leaning against Cole with a happy sigh, she closed her eyes for a moment. "Hey sweetie? I love you very much, you know?"

Lilly quickly grabbed the pad her father slid under the door and then got herself cleaned up.
After some time, she came out of the bathroom with an awkward blush on her face and a painful frown on her face, kind of hugging her own belly.
"It hurts...", She mumbled, looking up at her father with big,sad puppy eyes before she leaned her forehead against his chest with a sigh.
"...do we still have chocolate?"
"I really have no idea what bird you're trying to describe there.", Jim replied, looking over at Rachel for a moment. Maybe she knew what their son meant.
He smiled softly as William cuddled against him, wrapping his arm around the little boy's shoulders to pull him closer.
"Well, I don't know that. Maybe. Or maybe a tad smaller. One can't really foresee something like that."

"Duh, of course.", Cole replied, a serious expression on his face. "Or maybe they would hurt you, or- or-", he took a deep breath, his expression softening.
"You know how I think about people.", he winked, nodding as Bailey mentioned they would take over the farm if he would want so too.
"You know I'd love to."
Cole leaned his head against Bailey's, smiling peacefully.
"I know, baby. And I love you even more."

Steve frowned sadly at his hurting daughter, taking her hand and leading her to the living room where he helped her get comfortable on the couch.
"I'll bring you some hot tea and chocolate ice cream, yeah?", he suggested, taking a pillow and handing it to his daughter. "You can press this against your belly to help ease the pain. I can also make you a warm towel or so that you can use instead."
He softly ran his fingers through Lilly's hair, a soft smirk appearing on his face.
"That explains why you were so grumpy the past few days.", he said, winking, quickly turning over to the TV and turning it on, handing Lilly the remote.
"I'll be right back with the stuff, yeah? Anything else you need?"

Hunter woke up with tears in her eyes, panically looking over to the other side of the bed - where Macon was sleeping peacefully.
Just a bad dream...
She took some deep breaths, wiping her tears away before looking at the clock.
2 A.M.
Hopefully she was still able to fall asleep before their kids would wake them up at 5 or 6.
She scooted over to Macon, cuddling against him to calm down.
All the times she had been pregnant, she had nightmares almost every night. She didn't know why, maybe the hormones playing crazy, but it surely made her tired even more than a pregnancy already did.
Alright she was just in her first month, but that meant there were at least eight months with more nightmares, which would take her sleep away and make her even more moody than she already was. Or would be.
She just shook her head, looking at her sleeping husband with a soft smile, just tightly cuddling against him again.
"wait a second", Rachel chuckled softly as she got her phone from the bedside table.
After a while of seeking through her gallery, she showed her son a picture of a passenger plane.
"Could it have been something like this?"
William slightly tilted his head to the side.
"Yes, I think so!"
Rachel smirked softly at her son.
How cute!
She had asked her mother the same when she had been a little girl and had seen a plane for the first time.
"That's a plane, sweetie", she explained smiling. "It's not a bird, it's a machine that flies through the air to help people travel very quickly.
"Oooohhhh", William said nodding, with a very serious expression.
"So we can't see them a zoo, right?"
"Nah honey,we can't."
"Too bad...", William mumbled pouting.

Bailey grinned happily as Cole said that he would love to take over the farm, and tightly cuddled against h, looking up at him with brightly sparkling eyes.
"But I know that you would never let anyone hurt me- and no one could ever make me leave you."
Smiling lovingly, she kissed his neck.
"I bet you will be such a sweet daddy for our little one..."

"Hot water bottle?", Lily mumbled pouting, curling up around the pillow like shrimp.
She knew that some girls had really bad cramps during that time...but she had never expected it to be that bad.
With a small tear running down her cheek, she looked up at her dad.
"And- can you call Oskari for me and tell him that I can't come over for ice skating today? And Harry can have my room if I don't survive this- because I'm pretty sure I'm dying here right now-"

Macon smiled softly, still fast asleep but still feeling the closeness of his wife in his sleep.
He mumbled something like "tripwire...", Before he gently put his wing over Hunter and cuddled against her as if she was a big teddy bear. "So pretty...wanna-... Wanna tell her...", He mumbled,muffled because his face was buried in her hair.

Raven yawned silently as she opened her eyes and found herself laying in the arms of Tyler- both of them naked.
When the past hours replayed in her mind, she smiled softly and just cuddled against him tighter.
Sure, to most this wasn't a big deal. But to her it was and she knew that the same applied to Tyler.
This wasn't just a relationship.
This was more.
This was deeper. Stronger.
To most this wasn't a big deal.
But she felt honored.
Honored that someone like Tyler,someone who could have had a million other women... Had committed himself to her so deeply.
"I love you so much...", She whispered with brightly sparkling eyes, even though she wasn't sure if Tyler would even hear her, sice he still seemed to be asleep.
"always and forever."
"We could go to an aviation museum and see lots of different planes there, if you want.", Jim suggested, smiling softly.
William was so cute how he thought it had been a bird!
There was so much he still needed to see, and learn.
And Jim would be there for him all the way.
"So, are you excited for this afternoon?"

Cole looked at Bailey with big, sparkling eyes, a loving smile on his face.
She was his fiancée, his future wife.
They'd share their life together forever.
She was pregnant.
They'd have a baby.
They'd be parents. Really good ones. And would love their child dearly.
"You really have no idea how excited I am for our little one. OUR little one. Can you believe it? I still can't..."

Steve smirked softly, shaking his head.
"Yes, I'll call him. And you won't die. I understand it feels like that right now, but nobody has died of period cramps yet.", he winked, softly kissing her forehead before he walked off to get her everything she needed.
He came back after a moment, some hot tea, ice cream and a warm water bottle in his hands, putting them down on the table beside the couch.
"I also got you a painkiller. Can't give you many though. Now one and before you go to bed another one."

Hunter lifted her head at her husband's muffled words, a soft grin on her face as she cuddled back against him.
He was so sweet.
"Tripwire?", she mumbled silently, letting out a silent 'awww'.
Was Macon dreaming of that moment he had carried her over a tripwire in that abandoned HACK outpost?
She sighed happily, cuddling against him as tightly as possible, just enjoying his warmth and his words. Even if they somehow didn't make that much sense.
"I love you.", she mouthed, watching him sleep for a moment. He was so beautiful like that. So peaceful, and cute, and handsome, and amazing...
He was just amazing.

"I love you too.", Tyler mumbled silently, still half asleep.
Here he was, holding the love of his life in his arms. Both having just shown each other how much they meant to the other.
It had been beautiful.
He had always thought it would be beautiful, or either a total mess.
But this.
This had been like in a dream.
Just amazing and beautiful and everything.
Tyler tightened his grip around Raven's waist, inhaling her scent before he gently kissed her cheek.
"I love you very very much, and forever and always and I love you.", he mumbled, his voice tired and his words muffled.
"Very very much."
William's eyes widened in excitement as his dad suggested going to an aviation museum.
happily clapping his hands, he looked up at Jim.
"Really?! When can we go there?", he asked with a wide grin on his face, before he just went to hug Jim as tightly as he could.
Just because he was the best dad in the whole wide world.
"And how many different planes are there?", he asked while he looked at his father as if he was some sort of all-knowing superhero.
"you are the best daddy in the world", he mumbled in awe, with big, admiring eyes.

"I'm still kinda busy with being scared", Bailey admitted with an awkward smile, cuddlong against her future husband tightly for comfort.
yeah, she knew that he wouldn't rest until they had found a solution for this.
neither would she.
nonetheless, it was terrifiying.
and what if their kid would inherit that from her? she'd wish no one some crap like hemophilia, let alone her own child.
on the other hand though- imagining how this little life, this perfect unision of cole and her would grow, and come to life, and one day call them mommy and daddy... that was amazing.
"Okay maybe i am excited, she chuckled softly. "I bet you will be a great daddy..."

Lilly smiled softly at Steve as he came back with all the stuff for her. painfully, yeah, but mostly loving.
"Dad... I feel like i tell you far too rarely how great you are", she mumbled, gently taking his hand.
"I mean, even though you're not my bio dad, you are just... my real dad, you know what I mean? You're always there for me, and care about me as if mom hadn't been like 'oh hey, by the way, this is my daughter. surprise!' Just- thank you, i guess. thank you for being my dad."

Macon let out a yawn that actually sounded more like a bear than a human and halfway opened one eye.
"...why are you already awake...?", he mumbled silently, pulling Hunter a bit closer.
"It's only 2:30 a.m...."
nuzzling his face into her shoulder, he just yawned once more.
"you crazy?"

Raven laughed softly at Tyler's half asleep mumbling and gently stroked through his hair before she kissed his shoulder.
"Maybe you should get some more sleep", she chuckled softly.
he was so cute when he was barely awake! Not to mention that he was handsome as always and just...genreally amazing.
yeah, she would marry him one day.
they would be a real family, and nothing would tear them apart.
softly cuddling her face into his chest, she took a deep breath, taking in his wonderful scent, and closed her eyes,
she probably wouldn't fall asleep anymore, but cuddlong against Tyler was just as good.
"Well we could go there after Christmas? In two or three days?", Jim suggested, smiling softly.
"The one I'm thinking of has over 300 different planes. And you can even go sit in some cockpits there!", he grinned excitedly, remembering the time his uncle had brought him and Dennis to that museum for the first time.
Jim's entire expression softened even more when William called him the best father in the world, looking over at Rachel with huge, sparkling eyes, before he turned back to their son and hugged him tightly.
He didn't want to destroy William's image of him, and maybe it was okay to be positive for once.
"Well I am only the best dad in the world because I have the best children in the world.", he replied, his eyes full of love. "And the best wife, of course."

Cole just put his hands on Bailey's shoulders and shook her heavily for a moment, staring deep into her eyes as he stopped.
"Did I shake the fear off of you or do you want me to shake you again?", he asked, playfully raising an eyebrow at her.
"Babe, you really don't have to worry. We'll find a solution, and it'll all be fine, 'kay? We'll be fine.", he mumbled, giving her a soft kiss on her forehead.
"I love you."

Steve smiled softly at Lilly, giving her hand a subtle squeeze.
"I love being your dad. And if I'm being honest-", he smirked happily, winking.
"I totally forgot that I'm not your biological dad. Though if I ever see that asshole who did that to your mother I'll kill him. Or maybe I'll ask your uncle to do that, after all he'd always had a liking for the dramatic venging-kills." Steve chuckled, sitting down on the couch next to Lilly and pulling up her feet to his lap so she could lie down comfortably.
"I told Oskari that you were sick. Didn't know if you would be comfortable telling him something like that, especially because boys don't understand how painful it actually is. Many men don't even understand it. Oh well. What do you wanna do? Sleep a bit? Watch some TV? Talk a bit while you eat your chocolate ice cream?"
((It's so weird that all of our couples are in Montana where it's currently in the middle of the night whereas Athena & Steve and their kids are in Alaska where it's seven hours later XD))

"I had a nightmare.", Hunter replied, cuddling against Macon tightly. He was so soft and so comfortable!
"I didn't mean to wake you up. Guess I said my thoughts out loud again.", she giggled silently, quickly turning around so she'd face her husband, and kissed the tip of his nose.
"Go back to sleep, baby. I'll be here creepily watching you."

"I don't need sleep.", Tyler mumbled, having not even opened his eyes yet since he had half woken up, just cuddling against Raven tightly.
"I'll only dream of you so I'll just stay awake and be here with not-dream Raven."
His words probably didn't really make much sense to her.
Though they also hardly made any sense to him.
He looked slightly like a mole right now, with eyes half squeezed open, a frown on his face so he wouldn't close them again, muffling words... maybe he was a zombie?
His thoughts weren't awake yet as well.
"It was beautiflufl.", he mumbled, too tired to pronounce the word correctly, and too lazy to correct how he said it.
"You are botiful."
"Well, isn't it great that I have the best husband as well", Rachel said with a soft smile as she wrapped her arm around Jim's waist, gently kissed William on his head and leaned her cheek on her husband's shoulder.
that he hadn't tried to tell William that he wasn't the best dad made her incredibly happy and proud of him. maybe, just maybe, he was finally starting to see what she saw in him, and starting to understand that he was a good man, despite the mistakes he had made in his past.
"Hey, mommy, Daddy!", William suddenly said with a wide grin, looking up at both of them. "I heard Ash tell Lilly a joke when we were at Raven's: How do you get holy water? You boil the hell out of it!"Laughing, Rachel ruffled William's hair. "You know who told Ash that one? Me!", she chuckled.

"Hey, don't do that-", Bailey mumbled, slightly furrowing her eyebrows before she leaned her head against the wall and just watched the wallpaper for a while.
at cole's reassurance that everything would be fine, she just slightly lifted her shoulders and lastly cuddöed against him again.
"I certainly hope so..."
a small, soft smile formed on her lips as cole said that he loved her, and she just softly kissed his cheek.
"I love you too, Baby."

((we should maybe consider making them move back to Aegis or so... X3))
"And you were scared that you wouldn't be a good dad at first", Lilly chuckled softly, sitting up so she could cuddle against Steve's shoulder with a happy sigh.
"you are the best."
with a small smirk, she gave one spoon to her father, so they could share the ice cream while watching netflix.
"you will get some education in supernatural now", Lilly announced, starting Episode one of Season one.
"So, see this guy? that's Dean. And the shaggy one is Sam, his Little brother. they argue a lot, but they would do absolutely everything for eachother, and they hunt Monsters together. the creepiest Episode was Bloody Mary...because mirror creep stories are alöways the scariest, and when she Comes out ofb the mirror in the end- oh no, don't wanna Spoiler."

Macon finally managed to get his eyes completely open and softly pulled hunter against his chest to comfort her.
"Wanna tell me what happened in it?", he asked with his head tilted to the side, softly stroking through her hair.
"I'm all ears and wide awake."

"you are bootiefluffy, too", Raven laughed softly, gently ruffling Tyler's hair. "Unlike me, you are no Vampire who doesn't Need sleep, cute guy."
A soft, loving smile formed on her face as she softly stroked through Tyler's hair and down his back.
"It's okay, sweetie. I'll still be here when you wake up. i'll always be here."
she of Course couldn't be sure, but maybe, just maybe, that was the reason why he was trying to stay awake now? maybe he was scared that she'd just disappear if he'd fall asleep?
after all he had told her how scared he was to be left and cheated on again...
she just cuddled against him tighter.
Jim listened to his wife and son with a soft smile, trying to think of a joke himself. He had read some 'dad jokes' on the internet, so maybe he could try one of those?
"Hey hey - why couldn't the bike stand on its own?", he asked, his smile excitedly forming a grin. "Because it was two-tired!"
Was it good?
Maybe one more, to be sure.
"Why don't skeletons ever go trick or treating? - Because they have no body to go with!"

"Come on, cheer up a bit!", Cole let himself fall down onto their bed, throwing off his shirt and making himself comfortable.
"You think cuddling will help you get rid of your worries for now?", he asked, making big, puppy eyes, a soft pout on his face.
"Seeing you worried makes Cole saaaaad."

Steve smiled happily at his daughter, letting out an annoyed, obviously purposely exaggerated, groan as Lilly put on Supernatural.
"You too now? First your mom, then you - who's next? Harry?", he asked, chuckling. "I know the series. Your mom makes me watch it every Sunday evening when you and your brother are already in bed, because of the new episode. Though I must say that Dean's an asshole. He keeps cheating on his boyfriend, that angel there whose name I forgot, with all these women and then just pretends as if everything is fine!"

Hunter frowned sadly, feeling really bad for accidentally waking Macon up this early. She really hadn't wanted to wake him up.
"Well... I was sleeping, and then I woke up in the middle of the night to find you not next to me in bed so I went to investigate and then I saw you outside talking to a man and when I got outside as well I recognized the man and it was my father, and the corpses of my mother and Draco were laying next to him and then he killed you too-", she took a deep breath, a shiver running down her spine as she thought of the dream again.
She knew something like that would never happen.
Her father was in Purgatory where Macon had left him, limbless, and Macon himself was immortal.
But still, it creeped her out.
Especially when she knew that she would have lots more nightmares in the coming months.

"No no no...", Tyler mumbled silently, yawning. "I'm wide awake. Wide awake."
He nodded, more to himself than to Raven, cuddling against her soft skin for a moment.
"I love you. Very much. Yeah. Much much."
Yes, he sounded as if he were drunk - honestly not that he knew what he'd sound like if he were drunk as he had never been drunk before - but he was honestly still half sleeping. And nobody really made sense when they were half asleep, did they?
"You're really pretty."
Rachel just groaned exaggaratedly, rolling her eyes before she buried her face in her Hands.
"Oh gooooood...", she chuckled. That probably was the second worst joke she had ever heard.
William however just looked plain confused, at least until his Expression turned sorrowful.
"Why does the Skeleton have nobody to go with? does it have no friends? i could be its' friend!"
Rachel just smiled softly at her youngest son, gently wiping a few streaks of his wild, curly hair out of his face.
he was so cute!
"I bet the Skeleton would be happy to have such a nice Little Boy as ist friend."
"You betcha!"

"Oh no, then we shall make my handsome future hubby happy again!", Bailey chuckled with a soft smile, took off her Dress and dropped on the bed beside Cole, softly running her nosetip over his shoulder while she rested one leg just on his hips and one arm on his chest.
"You just know me too good", she laughed silently and nuzzled her face into his neck.
"Always know how to cheer up your future wife, hmmm?"
with a soft grin, she opened the drawer of her bedside table and took out her favorite caramel waffles. yes. yes she kept waffles in her bedside table.
"ou wamt fome fuu?"

"Dad, they aren't together!", Lilly laughed, softly swatting Steve's shoulder before she groaned silently and pushed the warm water bottle tighter against her belly.
"They are just best friends, even though everyone thinks that they should be together- and it is even confirmed that Dean is in love with Cas."
she sighed silently, rolling her eyes.
"Cas was told to stab Dean, but in the script, Dean was supposed to say 'It's okay. I love you, I love you'. Instead, Jensen Ackles said 'I Need you, I Need you', which is equally cute, but- urgh! the suspense of Destiel is killing me!"
Lilly just let out a silent snort, definitely frustrated- and on grump-hormones- and looked at her father with pleading eyes. "I mean, urgh! right?"

Macon frowned sadly as Hunter told him about her nightmare.
yeah it wasn't Logical that she had nightmares like this, but if he had learned something in his life, it was that basically nothing was. not as Long as it came from a human mind.
so instead of trying to comfort her by telling her what she already knew anyway, he just gently pulled her closer, his arms and wings tightly wrapped around her, and cuddled against his wife with an understanding smile.
"It's okay honey, im right here and fine", he mumbled softly.
"Do you think it helps against your nightmares if you use my wing as a blanket? that way you would always feel me right by your side."

Raven just smiled softly and calmingly stroked over his back, cuddling against him without a comment about how 'awake' he was. or wasn't.
smirking lovingly, she had a look into the future- showing tyler as well what she was seeing. or, well, he would see it- if he would open his eyes. but Hearing was already enough to know what was going on in this future.
the Music started playing.
and a beautiful, black-haired Young woman came Walking down the aisle towards a handsome ginger englishman.
"i knew it", she mumbled with a soft smile.
Jim watched his wife and son with a loving smile, his eyes sparkling lovingly.
His life was so perfect.
His wife was happy.
His children were happy.
He was happy.
Everything was perfect, and he'd make sure it'd stay like this.
He'd change himself as much as needed to be a good husband and father. He'd learn everything he'd need to learn to be a good man.
And he knew Rachel would help him with everything.
"I love you two."

"Yes, please!", Cole replied, already opening his mouth so Bailey could just put the waffle inside.
He rested one hand on her thigh, stroking over her back with his other.
She was just beautiful.
"Ah, baby, I just love you so much."
Suddenly, his eyes widened, and he gasped.
"I haven't given you my gift yet! Will my lovely fiancée please roll off of me so I can go grab it?"

Steve slightly tilted his head, raising an eyebrow at his daughter. Sure, he watched Supernatural sometimes when Athena wanted to, but he didn't really keep up with the show. He knew some names but that was it.
"But I thought your mom said they were together?", he mumbled, thinking for a moment. "But eh... I do kinda understand, I think?"
He smirked softly, softly stroking over his daughter's cheek before he gave her forehead a kiss.
"Are you okay?"

Hunter cuddled tightly against her husband, nodding as he suggested wrapping her wing around her so she knew he was there.
The nightmares wouldn't stop, but maybe she wouldn't have any nightmares about him dying anymore.
"That'd be really nice.", she whispered, grabbing his hand and squeezing it tightly.
"Thank you."

Tyler had quickly opened his left eye when he had suddenly heard churchbells out of nowhere, a big smile appearing on his face when he saw Raven's vision.
"Beautiful.", he mumbled after a moment, just wrapping his arms tighter around his girlfriend, a happy grin on his face.
"You're beautiful, and beautiful... just beautiful.", he sighed happily, kissing her cheek.
"Baby, I love you."
"we love you too!", Rachel and William both said at the same time, with exactly the same soft smile.
Kind of funny how most of their kids looked like complete opposites of Rachel, while William looked like a little boy version of her.
"Daddy? Can we watch mommy's favorite film sometime?", He asked excitedly, while a slightly awkward smile spread on Rachel's face.
"She said it's called 'treasure planet'!"
"I know it's a kids film, but it's awesome!", Rachel giggled silently, gently ruffling William's hair. "It's about pirates in space."

Bailey chuckled softly and stuffed the waffle into Cole's mouth before letting go of him and gently poking his side.
"Baby you're so damn hot and cute", she mumbled smirking, giving him the most obvious once-over ever, totally not minding staring at him that noticeably.
"Mmmh ohh yeah I could do that for hours on end", she chuckled softly, before she gently ran her finger up his chest.
"Just staring at my hot stuff."

"The warm water bottle and pain killers help a bit", Lilly mumbled with a slight frown on her face, leaning against her dad's shoulder, sighing silently.
"But imaginijg tat it will be like this every month for most of my life is kind of a mood killer."
Looking up at Steve once more, she hugged her knees and tilted her head to the side, smiling softly.
"What stuff did you watch, or what else did you do, when you were my age? And eh- I get if you don't wanna talk about it, really- but-... How did this whole android-thing happen? I mean... did they force you...?"

"Always", Macon mumbled with a soft, understanding smile, gently stroked over hunters cheek for a moment and the just rested his cheek on her head.
"Come, try to get a bit of sleep before the little ones wake us up", he whispered to her ear. "We'll have enough sleepless nights when our baby will be there."

Raven just grinned happily, wrapping her arms around Tyler to squeeze him in a tight hug.
And maybe, just maybe, a tiny, little, happy tear sneaked out of her eye as she watched the wedding they would have.
"Look at it! This is us!", She whispered with brightly sparkling eyes.
How could it be that this one person had changed her life so much?
"Wow, you look hot in a suit! Actually- you always look hot."
"Pirates in space?", Jim repeated, tilting his head as he thought about it for a while. Hadn't Rachel suggested watching that movie once?
"Of course we can watch it, whenever you want. After all it's about time I'll finally watch a movie.", he winked, happily wrapping his arm around Rachel's waist, pulling her closer, while he softly ruffled William's hair with his other.
"Should we build a snowman this afternoon?", he asked his son, a happy smile on his face.
It was just still so hard to believe that this was his life now.
A husband.
A father.
A perfect family.
He had everything he never even dared of dreaming of.
He was living the dream.
His perfect dream.

Cole smirked, putting his hand on Bailey's and just sighing happily.
"You call me cute but look at you! The queen of cuteness! My queen.", he winked, just sitting back onto the bed.
"Okay, when I'm honest now - I'm too lazy to get up. You'd have to get up too, and we'd have to teleport away for my gift... let's wait with it until it's lighter outside, yeah?"

"What I did at your age?", Steve repeated, thinking hard for a moment. "Well I played football a lot. Remember Dennis, your mom's cousin? He was, still is, my best friend. Lived in the same street and thus literally did everything together. We called everything an adventure, even going grocery shopping with one of our moms.", he chuckled, smiling as he thought back of that time. "We played 'Cowboy' countless of times. After all Texas is known for cowboys, so I don't think there's any kid that grew up in Texas that's never played Cowboy."
Steve frowned softly when Lilly asked about his past as an android, sighing. It was not something he liked to remember.
"Well... it's quite a long story, and not a very pretty one as well... are you sure you want to hear it? I have no problem telling it, but I don't want you to get any nightmares or something like that because of it."

Hunter nodded, a soft grin on her face.
"Yeah, our baby.", she whispered, cuddling against her comfortable husband tightly, softly giving his hand a kiss.
"I love you, my cute crazy evil inventor.", she chuckled silently, taking in Macon's scent and warmth, smiling lovingly as she closed her eyes.
"My big teddy bear."

Tyler smirked tiredly at Raven's sweet reaction, pulling her closer into a tight hug.
"Duh of course I'm hot! Can't put a potato next to a diamond!", he winked, smiling happily at his beautiful, wonderful and amazing girlfriend.
"I already know you'll be a perfect bride."
Tyler shook his head, starting to chuckle all of a sudden.
"It's so strange how we've only been together for approximately 48 hours now, and yet I could just imagine me already marrying you tomorrow."
"It's basically a futuristic yet steampunk-ish revamp of Robert Louis Stevenson's 'Treasure Island'", Rachel explained with a half grin and winked at Jim.
"And you know what? The main protagonist's name is Jim! Jim Hawkins."
As he suggested building a snowman, William clapped his hands excitedly and nodded wildly- causing his hair to fly into his face yet again.
"We could also build a snow wolf! Will the others help us too? " Just then, the little boy remembered that his second oldest brother didn't even know yet that he wasn't blind anymore.
"Ohh I can't wait for Kai's reaction when I tell him that I can see now!"

"Sure, gives me more time to stare at you"; Bailey giggled winking as she hugged Cole from behind when he sat down again, and kissed his neck.
"But you really owe me a tip now about what it is!""
With a soft grin on her face, she rested her chin on his shoulder and just enjoyed being with the love of her life for a while.
he was just amazing, inside and out.
"oh hey baby, by the way- i mean, it's still really early for this, but-... do you already have any names you'd like for our little one?"

Mac just smiled lovingly as he nuzzled his face into hunter's shoulder, his left wing gently resting on her like a feathered blanket. "rest well", he whispered softly, sighing peacefully as he closed his eyes again.

"Yeah okay, we've only been together for about two days, but we've known eachother for a much longer time already", Raven pointed out with a soft, loving smile, while she gently played around with his ring.
wasn't it already as if they were married?
after all they had both wanted to wait for the one before getting intimate with anyone...
and they had just spent a beautiful night together.
"i know what you mean, though", Raven whispered with a soft smile. "I just know that you are, like... the other half of my soul. you know what i mean? you are a part of me, a part of who i am... and an absolutely beautiful part."
gently stroking over his cheek, she ran her fingers through his hair once.
"you know, i think it would be nice to keep the rings we have right now as wedding rings, and maybe just engrave the date of our wedding on the inside or something like that..."
"So that's why it's your favorite movie!", Jim replied, winking. "So, tell me what's it about. Can't really imagine something from 'space pirates'."
Jim's smile turned into a soft grin as he saw how happy William was that they would build a snowman, nodding as he asked if they could build a wolf too.
"Sure, we can try that. And I bet the others will gladly help too.", he quickly stroke some streaks of hair out of William's face, his eyes sparkling lovingly.
"You're right! Kai doesn't know yet. Do Raven and Ash know it already?"

"A tip?", Cole repeated, frowning softly as he thought of what he could say without giving away too much.
"It's a journey of love.", he finally said, chuckling silently. That had sounded really cheesy. But then again, he was cheesy too. And his gift for Bailey even more.
"Names?", he asked, thoughtfully running his hand through his hair. "Yeah it's prettyyyy early to already think about names. Eh... what about... Zayn? For a boy? Or... Adam? Or... Diana, for a girl? Or what about Hailey?"

((you forgot to reply to Steve))

Tyler had slowly woken up a tad more, now being able to keep his eyes open, not looking high anymore.
"You're so sweet.", he mumbled silently, softly stroking over her cheek with his thumb. Her skin was so soft. And so beautiful.
"I love how you're already thinking about our wedding... good to know I'm not the only one.", he winked, a soft smirk on his face as he pulled her closer.
"I like your idea. A lot. I like you even more, though. Like a lot.", he chuckled, winking once again.
"You're perfect."
"Yeah sure, Ive always wanted to see a teenager-version of you with steampunk-y clothes, brown hair, an undercut and a teenie weenie little ponytail!", Rachel laughed, ruffling Jim's hair with one hand while she shook her head.
"Nah, i prefer my black- and messy-haired old geezer as a hubby."
Winking, she kissed his cheek, while William shook his head, his eyes wide. "no they don't!", he gasped.
then however a frown formed on his little forehead and he looked up at his father slightly worried.
"Where is Kai anyway? I haven't seen him since he left for school this morning, and he wouldn't just stay away without asking you, would he?"

"Aww you're so cheesy!", Bailey giggled as Cole spoke about a 'journey of love'.
"I love it!"
winking, she sat down on his lap, facing him, and grinned softly as she poked her nosetip against his.
"I really like Zayn and Adam! Hailey for a girl sounds great, too! Not that fond of Diana though... mainly because an ex friend of mine was named Diana. She was a total slut."
She just leaned her head against Cole's shoulder and sighed happily.
"I also like Kiara for a girl."

((le gasp))
"I'm not a little baby, dad, I can manage", Lilly said with a soft smile. "I mean, I could manage hearing my foster family talk about everything my bio father had done to mom, and how they thought that she'd never get better and I'd just end up as an orphan. So i'm pretty sure i can handle your story."
She looked to the ground for a moment, with a small, sad frown on her face, before she just cuddled against her dad's shoulder.
"they said I wouldn't be good for mom... that it wouldn't be healthy for her to have me around because seeing me reminds her of what happened. but- that's not true. ...right...?"

"I'm far from perfect", Raven mumbled with a loving smile while she softly ran her fingers down Tyler's back.
god this guy was just...
he was perfect.
okay, not perfect- perfect, but perfect to her.
she loved every single one of his weird habits, like wrapping the band of the tea bag around the bag, on the spoon, to squeeze the last bit of tea out of it... or how he slipped into a stronger cockney accent when he was tired or distracted... or how she had caught him watching her over the edge of his computer screen at least a dozen times when they had to do paperwork instead of field service...
she just loved it all.
"to be honest, i've spent entire nights imagining how it would be if we were together. how our future would look... how happy we would be and yadda yadda."
she blushed slightly.
"Had plenty of time dreaming of you in over one entire year of crushing. man Ty, I love you so crazily much... and, just for the record- last night was the best night of my life."
"Undercut - yeah. Ponytail - over my dead body.", Jim replied, laughing softly at what Rachel said, gently swatting her shoulder as she called him old.
"Yeah, I'm such an old, old man that I'll soon need a walking stick!"
Jim's happy expression immediately faded when William mentioned Kai not being at home.
"I thought he'd gotten home. He knows he's got to be home at latest at midnight, and it's three AM now.", he mumbled, a hint of worry in his voice.
He turned to his wife, frowning.
"Did you maybe hear him come home?"

"I hope you'll like it. I worked really hard on it.", Cole replied, wrapping his arms around Bailey's waist when she sat down on his lap.
"I like Kiara too. Like that lioness from the Lion King 2?", he asked, winking at his beautiful fiancée. "I'm really so excited for our baby. Just imagine everyone's reactions!"
Cole sighed silently, softly stroking over Bailey's cheek before he pulled her closer into a deep kiss.
"I just hope your dad won't beat my ass up."

Steve pulled Lilly tighter to comfort her, shaking his head.
"At first, yes. But it's been 12, almost 13 years ago now that you were born, so almost 14 years ago that your mom... was raped by your biological father. I can't imagine what pain your mother went through, but I know that she loves you more than anything, and that you really don't hurt her when she sees you, okay?"
He sighed silently, gently kissing her forehead.
"So, you really want to know my story?", he asked again, nodding.
"Well, like I said - I've been friends with your mother's cousin for a very long time already. And when we both turned sixteen, Dennis wanted to join the military. His father had been a soldier too, his uncle was a Major and his cousin, your uncle, would have to join too. It was some sort of tradition that every first born male would join the military. Me being the good friend, I joined too. Fast forward a couple of years, both of us already experienced Navy SEALS, your uncle finished his training and became our new chief. Even though Dennis knew that Jim could very good take care of himself, Danno started acting like the annoying, over-protective big brother and that quite annoyed Jim too. Him being only 18, he really had to fight for the squad's respect, as they all thought he'd just skipped training school and was named Commander because of his father being a Major, so Dennis treating him like a fragile little boy didn't help much either. John, Dennis' father, also a father-figure to me, noticed some big changes in Jim's behavior towards Dennis, and so we figured out that Jim was a demon. He didn't know about the shapeshifting world at all yet, and to protect him from his father, we had to get Dennis away from him - forever. The demon-world is really hard to understand, especially to non-demons like you and me. I'll try to explain it so you'll understand: when there's a dormant demon inside of someone, any other demonic contact might awaken it. If it's a small demon, no worries - but John somehow already seemed to know that Jim's demon was strong, very strong, and that if it would wake up, there'd be chaos around the corner. I still don't understand how his demon wasn't woken up by his father's, but Dennis' somehow seemed to stir him up. Thus, Dan, John and I made up a plan to fake Dennis' death, and it worked. I had promised Dennis to look after Jim, but that got slightly complicated as he started thinking it had been my fault that his cousin had 'died'. Jim was hostile, and very aggressive towards me, but that didn't keep me from keeping an eye on him. When the HACK-Anom war started to grow and spread rapidly, Major James walked over, becoming a very important HACK-leader, his son having to follow too and becoming Head-Hunter. Me being an anom I would be in great danger when I'd join too, but I knew that I had to keep my promise, and so I followed as well. Making a long story short, HACK found out about me being an anom, but I was too valuable as asset with my fighting-experience, that they didn't execute me or used me for experiments. Instead they turned me into an android so they could control me..."
Steve sighed sadly, smiling softly at his daughter.
"And then your mom just magically saved me, turning me human again. I still don't know how it's possible, but it's happened to your other uncle too, and nobody knows why or how. But I'm human, so I couldn't care less on how it happened."

"Last night was one of those nights that you only read about in books.", Tyler added, his eyes sparkling lovingly as he stared deep into Raven's eyes for a moment.
God how he just loved everything about her.
He loved every little quirk and strange habit, everything that annoyed others were things he enjoyed.
"No need to feel ashamed about imagining stuff like that, I did that too.", he chuckled silently, winking. "Just glad you didn't catch me staring during work. I sometimes just zoomed out completely when you talked to me, just focusing on your soft lips and your cute nose and beautiful eyes and just... you."
"No i didn't", Rachel mumbled frowning.
it was so unlike Kai, to just not come home without a word or asking if he could stay out longer...
"He wouldn't just stay away without saying something", she growled silently, jumped up from the bed and shifted into her Phoenix form.
great plus: her burning feathers made her an excellent flashlight.
"Honey, you stay home with the kids, okay? I don't want to call anyone and ask them to babysit at a time like this. I'll go look for him. My multiple shifts will be a great help in finding him."
a portal to the sky formed where the ceiling was when she flew up, because honestly- she was too big to fit through the window.
Everyone who didn't know about Phoenixes would have probably thought there was a comet or something passing by.
"Kai! Keaton Davis! Kai!"
hopefully he would hear her and respond...

"More like my childhood best friend who i haven't seen since we were 10", Bailey explained with a sad smile. "We did everything together..Last thing i heard of her was that her family had moved somewhere to Italy. Haven't seen her ever since", she sighed sadly. "She helped me believe in myself when was down because the other kids had bullied me for being ugly again and chased the bullies away. I helped her come clear with being the most popular girl in school. nobody understood how we got along, but we did, were like sisters."Smiling half lovingly, half sadly, she gently ran her fingers through Cole's hair once and kissed his cheek.
"And don't worry. Dad knows how much I love you. He wouldn't dare to hurt you."

Lilly listened to her dad's story with big eyes, her head slightly tilted to the side.
as he had finished, she said nothing for a while, and just hugged him tightly as if he needed to be comforted.
"it must have been horrible, working for HACK and being an Anom. Seeing your own kind suffer day by day..."
Sighing sadly, she cuddled against him and took his hand.
"you know... I just realized mom was my age when it happened... She was only twelve when I was born. And eleven max when she started on drugs. whuff..."
She slightly shook her head, a deep frown on her face while she tried to understand what she couldn't.
"What could a kid drive that far..."
"Easy-", a silent voice from behind the couch suddenly spoke up.
Athena sighed silently as she softly stroked over Lilly's head once.
"Imagine you would feel like a part of you is missing, every single day, as long as you can remember. I was just wandering around the city when I saw a shady teenager give some crying girl a shot, saying 'this will numb the pain'. I had absolutely no idea what i was getting into when i attacked him and stole his... 'painkillers'."
smiling sadly, she just shrugged once, before a loving smirk formed on her face and she kissed Lilly all over her face. "But I wouldn't want to change a thing today. I have the greatest kids in the world and the man of my dreams by my side."
Smirking softly at Steve, she stroked some hair behind her ear and kissed him softly. "By the way, is Harry still sleeping? I wanted to talk to you all about something."

"Oh I did, but I didn't mind it", Raven chuckled softly, ruffling Tylers hair. "I actually quite enjoyed it, to be honest. the dreamy expression on your face was just too cute."
Kissing him softly, she cuddled against him tighter, and sighed happily as she rested her head on his chest.
"I've dreamed about this so often, but it's even greater than i imagined it. and let's not even get started on last night. I'm just finally where I belong. I'm... I'm home."
Jim sorrowfully watched Rachel disappear through the portal, just tightly wrapping his arms around William to comfort him. Or well, to comfort himself.
What if something had happened to their son?
"Don't get scared now. He's really nice.", he mumbled to the little boy, his eyes turning pitch black - a strangely looking creature suddenly appearing in the bedroom.
"You called, Mylord?", it asked, bowing down while flashing a smile at the little boy.
"Take Fluffy and some guards and look for my son. I gotta stay here with my kids, my wife is out looking for him too."
"You wish to release the hellhound? The biggest of them all?"
"Fluffy's a nice one. He listens to both of us. Search Kai, hide in shadows."
"As you wish.", and the creature disappeared, Jim's eyes turning normal again.
"You okay, bud?", he asked William, carefully ruffling his hair.
Sure, Hans, the creature that had just visited, was one of the most normal-looking demons from hell, but for a one-year-old who had never seen a demon before he was probably still pretty scary.

Kai was lying on the floor, his head and chest aching terribly, his nose bleeding. His body was full with bruises, his eye swollen and black. He looked a lot like a zombie.
What had happened?
He remembered telling Austin to just go home because it was already late, and that he'd pick him up for Christmas. He remembered making his way home, happy as never, when suddenly some young men had jumped out of the bushes and had started calling names to him.
The next thing he remembered was waking up in his own poodle of blood, hardly being able to move.
"Help-", he called, his voice hardly more than a whimper.
Maybe he could reach his phone?
Kai moved his arm, painfully clenching his teeth together. That was definitely broken.
No matter the pain, he reached down into his pocket to take out his phone - that wasn't there anymore.
Of course they had taken it with them.
How would anybody find him now?

"Why would you want to name your child after someone whose memory makes you sad?", Cole asked, raising an eyebrow at Bailey. He knew people who named their children after deceased family members or friends, but not after people who make them sad. "I mean, I like the name, but I don't want you to get sad any time you'd hear our daughter's name - if the baby will be a girl."
He smiled softly as Bailey mentioned that her dad wouldn't hurt him.
"I know he wouldn't, but it's still kinda scary telling your 17-year-old fiancée's father you're the father of her child."

Steve smiled lovingly at Athena, happy that she was home again. She really was just so beautiful.
"I believe Harry is in his room playing with his Lego. Is something wrong?", he asked, slightly tilting his head. Had something happened at her interview or was there something else?
"Did I do something?"
He got up from the couch, quickly giving Athena a tight hug before whispering into her ear that Lilly had just gotten her period and that she maybe needed some tips on how to stop make it hurt.
"I'll go check up on Harry and ask him to come downstairs."

"You noticed me staring and yet it surprised you that I've been crushing on you ever since we met?", Tyler asked, chuckling. "You're weird.", he winked, softly kissing her before he just sighed happily.
"I know exactly what you mean. I mean, even if we'd have no money, no house, no nothing - I'd still feel at home because I'd be with you."
His eyes were sparkling like a sky full of stars, his smile was as bright as never.
He didn't know it was possible to be as happy as he now was.
"I still can't believe that you're really here lying in my arms."
Austin was stumbling through the forest mindlessly. blood was soaking his clothes, his arm was hurting as if it was broken... and all those injuries had just appeared out of nothing.
guessing from how he had felt Kai's pain and nausea in a slightly weaker way earlier already, after that energy beam had hit him right in the heart, that could only mean one thing- that his boyfriend was laying somewhere, in a probably even worse state than him. right when the injuries had started to appear, he had run back to where he had come from, but he had lost his orientation somewhere on the way, and now had no idea where to go.
when he suddenly slipped out in something red, his worst suspicion seemed confirmed. but at least it was a trace, hopefully, to find Kai.
"Kai!", he shouted fearfully, running after the specks of blood on the ground. they became bigger and bigger, the further he followed them, until he saw a boy on the ground. a far too familiar boy.
"Kai!" this time, it was barely more than a painful, scared gasp, before he fell to his knees in his blood and carefully picked the much smaller boy up.
"you'll be fine...", he groaned, his broken arm hurting as hell as he used it to carry Kai anyway. "I'll make it okay-" the light of a house nearby caught his attention. hadn't Kai said that that was where he lived?
He stumbled forwards, further towards that house, painful and scared tears covering his cheeks by now.
further- just a bit!
Hitting his shoulder against the door to knock, he used the last bit of his strength to shout for help, leaning heavily against the doorframe. if it wasn't for Kai, he had blacked out and broken down minutes ago.
"Help! Please- argh! Help!!"

"Because she was my best friend", Bailey explained with a soft smile, carefully stroking over her belly for a moment.
"And sure, i'm sad that we lost eachother like that... but we shared so many great memories, too. she was an amazing girl, and who knows, maybe her name will bring our little one some good luck- if it is a girl."
Softly cuddling against Cole's shoulder, she looked up at him and kissed his cheek.
"I think my dad will surprise you", she mumbled softly. "I mean, he was only seventeen when Jake was born. Eighteen when Zack and Tony were born and so on and so forth. And back then he was a constantly stoned hippie."
She winked at cole with a mischievous smirk. "I think he'll just be glad that you are nothing like he was back then."

"Oh no, don't worry sweetie, you are amazing as always", Athena said with a soft smile as Steve asked if he had done something wrong.
She gave him a quick kiss before he went upstairs, and sat down beside Lilly to help her with her little problem there.
but before she could even start talking, Lilly grinned softly at her and just hugged her tightly.
"You are right, he is amazing", she sighed happily. "Best dad i could ever imagine. we should make him a great evening sometime; surprise him with some great dinner when he comes home from work or so. or we do something with the whole family. all four of us. it's been a while."
Athena just nodded at that, internally already trying to plot a great day. where could they go? what could they do there? "I. have. THE. Idea", she said grinning.

"Well, eh- how do I explain it", Raven chuckled slightly awkwardly. "It was like, i've been suspecting it, but I couldn't believe it, you know? That my big crush was crushing on me, too. i always thought i was just overinterpreting everything."
Grinning happily, she kissed his chest and softly stroked over his back.
goddamn he was just amazing, inside and out.
handsome and humble. cool and clever. sporty and sweet.
"There are no other arms i'd ever want to lie in", she whispered softly.
Jim's ear twitched upon the sudden banging on the door, frowning. He got up from the bed, telling William to just stay there, and made his way downstairs, quickly shifting into some clothes, not wanting to open the door in his boxers.
"Hello- KAI?!", his eyes widening fearfully, he threw the door open as wide as possible, taking his son out of the stranger's arms and immediately laying him down on the kitchen table.
"What happened?", he asked the other boy, hectically running around in the kitchen to find some scissors to cut Kai's shirt open, but as he couldn't find any he just quickly used his vampire fangs to cut through the fabric - holding his breath as he saw the deep wound in Kai's chest.
"A stab-wound!?"
He dug his fingernails into his hair, trying to calm down so he could take care of his son.
"You - sit down, I'll look at your wounds in a minute.", he mumbled to the other boy, taking off his shirt and ripping some fabric off to use it to push against Kai's deep wound.
"He needs a doctor. MACON!", Jim shouted as loudly as possible, hoping to somehow trigger a vision so his brother would know he needed help.
The kids would probably wake up now, with all this noise coming from the kitchen.
"Press this as hard as you can onto the wound to stop the bleeding-", he said to the boy who had brought Kai home, immediately searching for some water to clean the wound from all the dirt.
Why again had Jim given away his healing ability?

Cole smirked softly, nodding.
"If you see it like that, alright then.", he replied, his eyes sparkling softly when he ran his fingers over Bailey's belly as well. It still looked the same as always, but just the thought of knowing that their child was growing in there made it feel a whole lot different when he touched it.
"True. I honestly think your dad will be happy. I don't think he'll be mad at us. Well, at me.", he winked, pulling his fiancée closer into a tight hug.
"What do you want it to be?"

Steve tilted his head when he came downstairs again, Harry holding his hand, raising an eyebrow as he saw his wife and daughter grinning like that.
"What did I miss?", he asked, chuckling, sitting down on the 'couch-chair', as Harry called it, the little boy on his lap.
"So, honey, what did you want to talk to us about?", he asked, smiling softly at his family.
Yeah, they were all so perfect. More than he could have ever hoped for.

"So you thought me giving you a bunch of flowers on Valentine's Day was me just being a good friend? And me walking you home after late shifts because I was scared something would happen to you - even though I know you'd kick ass in your sleep - ? Oh, or me starting to act surprisingly - and akwardly - tough whenever you'd walk into a room? Or when I described my perfect partner and I literally described your personality?", Tyler asked, chuckling silently. "I could go on like that. It was so obvious, yet...somehow both of us didn't really notice."
Austin watched with big eyes, his previously tear-drowned eyes now empty and terrified.
"i-i don't know, I found him like this", he whispered.
there were three things that was crystal clear.
One: Kai was in a life-threatening state.
Two: His father apparently couldn't help, and whoever 'Macon' was didn't seem to hear his shouting.
Three: He couldn't bear losing Kai.
"Get away from him", he growled, pushing Jim aside with the last bit of power he had in his 6'1 feet of exhaustion and pressed the towel against Kai's chest.
"I don't know how you did that-", he whispered silently, his face only an inch away from Kai's. "But we are connected, aren't we? If it works in one direction, maybe it works in the other one as well-"
he knew this would maybe kill him. And he knew that there wasn't any guarantee that it would work.
but he had to try.
if Kai had access to his body like that, maybe he had access to Kai's as well.
"I swear, if you die, i will kill you", he whispered, before he gently cupped Kai's face and leaned his forehead against his, closing his eyes to focus on the last, tiny spark that was still inside him, and the spark that had awoken inside himself when Kai had hit him with his energy.
He groaned painfully when Kai's wounds and his basically started glowing in the bright scarlet of the mysterious energy that connected both boys, until they closed, slowly but surely... while Austin's injuries just grew and grew. "...Said I wouldn't let anything happen to you...", Austin whispered, barely understandable because his words were slurred and messed up.
And he crashed to the floor, pale as a ghost and covered in blood that slowly spread over the kitchen floor.

Bailey smirked softly as she thought of her father. Ever since he had taken her away from her abusive mother, he had been worried that she would break down one day and drive insane. seeing her so happy would probably make him throw a party.
"We should really visit my family sometime", she suggested with a soft smile.
As Cole asked her what she wanted it to be, she just lifted her shoulders into a shrug, her eyes sparkling softly.
"Honestly both is amazing. i don't care. I just want to be happy and healthy, that's all."

"Nothiiinnnggg~", Lilly and Athena both said with an innocent smirk on their faces- Lilly's smile so terribly different from both, Athena's and Steve's.
Athena just gave Harry a small kiss on his forehead, before she sat down on the table, to be able to look at all of them properly.
"So, I was thinking lately... I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Alaska, but- our whole family is so far away, and we only see them on big days like Christmas or birthdays... and not even all of them.
So- what would you all think of moving back to Montana?"
"Away from my friends...?", Lilly mumbled silently, looking away. on the one hand, she would miss them terribly, on the other hand she also missed her family. and she could teleport to see her friends here...
"As long as you don't mind me teleporting here occasionally to see my friends, I'm in."

"That's because we're awkward dummies", Raven laughed with sparkling eyes, gently poking Tyler's side. "And cmon, you were a blockhead, too! I mean, I always kept a safe distance of two arm lengths to everyone, but when it came down to you, I even hugged you! And I shared my donuts with you. helloooo?" Winking, she started laughing softly and just help poking his butt for a second. "And remember what I said when Bronson invited the whole yard to his pool party? 'Well look at that, Bronson's butt is almost as sexy as yours'. I meant that literally."
Grinning softly she shook her head.
"Not to mention that I did my very very best to buy the perfect bikini for that pool party. And man I loved your stares. I was so friggin close to say 'Hey just kiss me, sexy guy, before you have a meltdown.'", she giggled.
"What the fuck-", Jim mumbled, staring at the boy on the floor for a moment, before he just quickly shook his head to wake up from his thoughts, asking himself what he could do right now - when just in that moment Jack walked in.
"Daddy?", he asked, still sleeply, gasping horrified when he saw all the blood.
"Jack- Jack, calm down. It's all going to be okay- are you crying? You're crying- TEARS! Healing tears!", without thinking, Jim just grabbed the little boy and half held him above the one on the floor, some of Jack's tears dropping down onto the body.
While Jack was clinging against his father's shoulder, trying to get rid of the bloody pictures in his head, the blood on the floor slowly seemed to flow back into the boy's body, his wounds lighting up and showing nothing but healthy skin when the light faded.
"It worked...", Jim sighed relieved, putting Jack on the floor. "You just saved a life, my boy. Go back to your room, or ask Rose to help you back in bed, yeah?", he softly kissed the boy's little forehead before he ran out of the kitchen.
And now Jim had to wait. Would Kai wake up? Would that boy on the floor wake up? When would Rachel get back?

"You really don't have a favor?", Cole asked once more, smiling softly. "Mom wanted her and Sam's baby to be a girl because she already has so many boys. There are quite a few people that have a preference, and then are disappointed when it's the opposite gender.", he shook his head, sighing. "Really asking myself how people can not be happy with their baby. Or how people think their own child is ugly!"

Steve frowned for a moment, thinking. He did quite miss warm summer days.
What about his job? And the house?
Yeah, they could take care of all that easily.
"We'd be close to our family and could finally do things together for once.", he repeated Athena's words, nodding to himself. "And houses in Montana are by far cheaper than houses in Alaska, so we'd definitely save money there. Our house here is big and beautiful, in one of the most popular locations, so I bet we'll have it sold in no time."
He smirked akwardly as he noticed that he had just started making up a plan already, like he always did. Going grocery shopping? Not without a plan. That was probably the one thing that had sticked to him from his military time, having a plan and being efficient.
"So... where did that idea so suddenly come from?"

Tyler bit his lip for a moment, nodding.
"Man, that bikini was...damn.", he winked, chuckling. "All of the boys were trying to come up with ideas on how I could approach you. One even said I should just 'accidentally' throw you into the pool and then save you."
He winked, a soft grin on his face as he softly poked Raven's belly.
"Though it's really not a compliment to me when you think Bronson's butt is almost as sexy as mine! Come on, that old man? He's fifty!"
"Kai!", Austin gasped as soon as his eyes opened.
no, he didn't care that he was still alive.
he also didn't care that his wounds had just magically disappeared.
All he cared about was his unconscious boyfriend.
He just jumped up, almost falling to the floor again as he stumbled over his own feet, and sat down on the table, carefully stroking some streaks of hair out of Kai's face.
Only now he realized that he had completely zoned out the fact that his father was in the room as well, and probably confused as heck.
Turning to Jim, he straightened his back, his gaze on alert but polite.
"Austin Chase, good to meet you, sir", he said, before turning to Kai again, carefully stroking over his shoulder with one hand, while resting his other hand on his cheek.
"Kai...? C'mon pretty boy, wake up... pretty please? Man you're the only good I have in this world, don't you dare leaving me like this! Kai! You're scaring the hell out of me here..."

Bailey just shrugged, her loving smile just growing wider.
"If it's a boy, I'll love him like crazy. if it's a girl, I'll love her like crazy. If it's none of the cis genders, I will love them like crazy. Who cares. I don't."
she just cuddled against Cole with a happy sigh and leaned her head against his shoulder.
"I don't understand it either. I don't know how someone could mistreat or hate their own kid... but what i know is that something like that will never happen to our little one. We'll be good, loving parents. Nothing like your father or my mother."

Athena lifted her shoulders, shrugging at Steve's question.
"It's not like i came up with that over night", she explained. "I'm missing my family, for quite a while already, and have played with the thought for some time now. We moved here because of the giant mess back in Montana those days, but now it's calm there, and we could all be together again. Everyone knows wolves need to be with their pack, right?"
she winked at Steve, twitching her wolf ears that she had shifted on her head as most of the time before she softly stroked over his cheek.
"My sweet soldier already planning everything through again, hm?", she chuckled.
"And what do you think, Harry? should we move to the rest of our family?", she asked, turning to the little boy with a soft smile.

"Hey c'mon, that guy is a body builder, his body is 30 at max", Raven laughed at Tyler's comment. "You have to Admit that chief, alias ex-colonel and commander Miles Bronson has a fine ass booty."
winking at Tyler, she pulled him closer and kissed him softly. "Though I of course prefer my sexy brit butt here- so handsome."
with a soft grin, she jumped out of bed and went into the bathroom... soon coming back in her bikini. "You meant this one?", she asked, a slight grin on her face. "Oh yeah, i spent hours shopping around until i found it. I've been asked by so many girls what workout i do when i had a look in the mirror in the swimwear shop in the city. jeez!"
"Hey, calm down, Austin.", Jim softly said, putting his hand on the boy's shoulder to slightly pull him back.
"I don't know how you fixed my son, but it looked like a lot of energy was used. Healing from that takes longer than healing from a healing tear or ability.", he explained, carefully making Austin sit down.
"It has no use for you to keep on shouting at him, he's fine. Exhausted, and still unconscious, but fine."
He smiled sadly, looking over at Kai for a moment before back at Austin with a soft smirk.
"Pretty boy, hm? Are you Kai's boyfriend? Don't look at me like that! As a parent one notices if their son is attracted to men or women - or both. I already had my suspicions. So... how long have you two been together?"
Distracting the boy was probably best now, as Jim didn't know how long it would take for Kai to gain consciousness, and as long as his wife was still out there, they'd have to wait for Kai to wake up.

"We'll be the best parents ever! We'll take good care of our baby and we'll always be there for them and show them that it's okay to tell us anything-", Cole mumbled dreamily, just sighing happily as he looked deep into Bailey's eyes.
"I bet we made a really good-looking kid."

"You know I can't help it.", Steve replied, winking at his wife and looking down at their son who was trying to get off of his father's lap.
"New house?", the little boy asked with big eyes, grinning happily. He had a small form of autism which made it hard for him to learn how to talk, and for a three-year-old he still talked as if he had just begun with it. Not that Steve minded, or Athena. Their boy did show that he already was pretty artistic and good at maths, being able to count to twenty already. Though Steve honestly didn't know if that was normal for a toddler or if he was behind there too.
"Yes, my little wizard. And new friends, and you could play with your favorite cousin every day!"
Anytime, which sadly hadn't been too often, they had visited Montana, Harry was found playing with Misha. Macon and Hunter's youngest child was the only one who didn't seem to mind Harry being 'different' and 'difficult', and often just screamed too when Harry was screaming. Not that the other cousins didn't care for Harry, Steve understood that it was hard for them to play with someone who... didn't really talk and didn't really understand the concept of playing and sharing together.
"So, you want to move too?"
"I take that as a yes."

"That's just plain disgusting.", Tyler replied, sticking out his tongue with a disgusted expression on his face - that changed entirely when Raven walked back wearing her bikini.
"Bloody hell.", Tyler whispered in his strong cockney accent, quickly clearing his throat to come back to reality.
"You are-", he shook his head, switching back from Cockney to American... with a slight accent, smiling. "You are absolutely beautiful, babygirl. Just... wow. I mean, when aren't you beautiful? I bet even covered in dirt you'd still look like a princess!"

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