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Aegis 3.0

Macon smiled softly as he wrapped his arm around jims shoulders and gently nudged the back of his head with his wing. " love you too Jimbo. You aren't just my brother or my best friend. You're both, and so much more." Smiling slightly sadly, he touched jims forearms for a moment, looking into his eyes. "Man if you had killed yourself... You would have ended my life as well."
Trying to change the subject to something happier, He made an American football appear in his hands, raising one eyebrow as he handed it to Jim and exchanged his glasses with his contact lenses, and his button up shirt with a quite bodyhugging, sleeveless shirt. Apparently his shirts hid quite a lot of muscles. (With a shirt though, of course XD)
Even though he wasn't as buff as Jim, he was quite above the average man.
He rolled his shoulders for a moment, spreading his wings as side as he could for a moment, frowning slightly. "Man I shouldn't have tried to speed fly all the way down to Italy...", he mumbled to himself, before smirking at Jim while he made several steps back. "Hit me with your best shot, old man."

Rose nodded, smiling excitedly. She however pouted annoyedly when her mother grabbed her hand and led her towards the door. "You should be sleeping right now, young lady."
"But I want to know more about tyler!"
"Tomorrow. We'll breakfast together."
"Yeah. Now c'mon, time to get you into bed." Smiling softly, Rachel waved at Tyler for a moment. "See you two tomorrow morning then."
"See you mom, bye bye Rosie", Raven said with a soft smile, waving at her mother and sister until they we're out of sight.
Turning to her boyfriend, she grinned happily. "We should also get your and billie's stuff over here sometime tomorrow."

Ava closed her eyes happily as mike ran his fingers through her hair, and softly stroked over his chest.
"You're so sweet it'll give me diabetes!", she chuckled with a soft smile, before she kissed his cheek, neck and shoulder.
"I can't wait to see your face when we'll go to the zoo. You're already so cute about it just now!"

Lola raised her eyebrow, not quite understanding what Dylan meant ehn he motioned at his body.
"Are you saying you're not good-looking in your opinion?", she asked, quite baffled.
"Handsome, you are definitely one of the most attractive guys I've seen in my life- and believe me, you see a lot of shirtless men when you have a photoshoot together with others."
She slowly ran her fingers down his chest and belly, like coincidentally biting her lip before she kissed him deeply. "Why let the dreams stay dreams?", she whispered to his ear, smirking.

"I thought I had lost my kids and the love of my life, what do you think I wanted to do, go sing karaoke in a bar?", Ash mumbled rhetorically, cuddling against Emily tightly. "Sometimes... Your dreams come true before you even know they are are your dreams. You and our babies are the best example. I for sure didn't plan to be a father and engaged with 17, but now that I am- I wouldn't want to change a thing."
((wtf that doesn't fit Mac's faceclaim at all XDDD))

Jim stared down at the football for a moment, thinking how many years had passed since he had last held one. 9 years? Maybe even 10?
"How did you call me, nerd?", Jim replied to his brother, taking many- maaaaaany steps back.
"Ready!?", he called over, smirking, while he closed his left eye so he'd be able to easily calculating how he should throw.
And so he did.
Yeah, he was a bit out of practice, and just smirked akwardly as the football disappeared somewhere between the trees.
"Whoops.", he chuckled, just making a new football appear in his hand and throwing it over to Macon. It went better than the first throw. This one came closer to where Macon was standing.

Tyler watched Rachel and Rose walk away with an akward smirk, letting out a chuckle as they were gone.
"Your sister seems to be quite curious about me.", he mumbled, running his hand through his reddish hair with a soft grin. "I really can't wait to meet the rest of your family!"
As Raven mentioned getting his and Billie's stuff over, he nodded.
"I could just teleport them over right here, right now. But we can just wait until tomorrow. I bet Bill will want to help too."

Mike would've purred had he been a cat, when Ava kissed him again, but he wasn't a cat and so he just let out something that sounded like a cat trying to purr.
That didn't make sense. Though nothing really did right now. He could only focus on Ava.
Man, her lips were so incredibly soft.
"It's hard to believe that I'm your first kiss when you kiss like that. Damn girl.", he winked, smirking softly.
"I'm not cute! Just really damn excited! C'mon, it'll be my first time visiting a zoo! How awesome is that?"

Dylan raised an eyebrow at Lola, not believing that she really hadn't figured out what he'd meant when he had looked down at himself.
Though her compliments were quite sweet too. He knew he wasn't hideous, but he never really believed that he was something near being attractive.
With Lola though, she made him feel handsome.
His smile turned into a mischievous smirk as he ran his fingertip over her scar again, his eyes locked to hers.
"Well, what kind of a boyfriend would I be to not make your dreams come true?", he asked innocently, leaning in for another deep kiss while his free hand was stroking all the way down her back.
"Did I mention yet how hot you are?"

Emily smiled softly at Ash, her eyes sparkling happily as she climbed up onto his lap again and kissed him passionately.
"You and our little ones are the best things that ever happened to me. We won't ever leave you honey.", she whispered, running her fingers through her hair while unintentionally biting her lower lip.
"I love you. And you're very comfortable."
(Could find a netter picture- just imagibe a bit less Abs, but pretty much that cheat. Those wibs need muscles to be moved, after all X3)

With a cheerful yell, Macon jumped up, his Wings supporting his Jump a he reached out for the Ball...
...Made a weird face as he noticed that he had guessed its speed wrong...
... And fell to the ground as the Ball Landed in his face.
"Goddamn!", he shouted painfully, pushing his hands against his bleeding nose, laughing.
"I might need some practice in this", he chuckled while he wiped the blood off his nose with the edge of his shirt.

Raven smiled softly as she nodded and gently wrapped her arms around Tyler and kissed him deeply.
"Rose loves to make new friends", she explained with a soft smile. "She always was the more social one of us. While I'm having a hard time even talking to people I don't know, if it isn't about arresting or questioning them, rose is... I don't know, she is that kind of person who can look at someone and immediately know what kind of person it is. Mom called it HSP, I believe. She has the same. Must be nice to be such a social butterfly."
Looking up at Tyler with a soft smile, she winked at him. "Got no reason to complain, though. After all I apparently have been nice enough for the man of my dreams to like me", she chuckled.

Ava was grinning mischievously as she bent down to kiss Mike once more, slightly nibbling on his lip while she ran her fingers through his hair and slightly pushed herself against him.
"I'm just good at guessing what people like", she whispered with a soft smile. "And luckily, in this case I quite like it too."
She winked, chuckling softly. "I love you Mikey."
With a happy sigh, she ran her nosetip over his cheekbone and intertwined her fingers with his.
"Do you want to stay here for a bit longer or go to your place again?"

"Hot for you", Lola whispered with an evil grin as she stroked over his thigh, kissing his neck. ((Ffffade? xD))

Ash smiled softly as he pulled Emily closer and cuddled against her, sighing happily.
"And I will always be there for you and our juniors", he whispered softly. "Nothing will ever hurt my family. Just imagine it, how we will see their first steps, hear their first words... So amazing."
((wings are supported by the shoulder blades not the chest XD but imagining it like that already fits a tad better lol))

Jim had quickly teleported himself in front of his brother, smirking painfully at Macon.
That must've hurt.
"Oh damn.", he mumbled, ripping off a piece of shirt to hand it to Macon so he wouldn't ruin his.
Good thing Jim needed new shirts after all. They were getting a bit too tight.
"Maybe football isn't really your sport.", he chuckled, making the ball disappear again. "Or perhaps I shouldn't have thrown that hard. It's my fault, sorry. Does your nose hurt a lot? Should I ask Rachel to fix it?"

"Oh HSP - yeah, I've had that too. Somehow disappeared when I grew older. I'm still quite social, but not getting that excited and such about everything.", Tyler explained, smiling softly at Raven. "I would've still fallen for you even if you wouldn't have been nice to me.", he winked, stretching his arms for a moment and letting out a yawn.
"Sorry. Have just been up since quite some time now and am just getting pretty tired. How late is it anyway? Around 2 A.M. or so?"

Mike smirked happily as Ava pushed her body against him, a loving smile on his face as he kissed her back.
"Or maybe I'm just a good teacher?", he asked, winking at her while he wrapped his arm around her waist and gently pulled her a little closer for another deep kiss.
"It's getting a little cold... should we get back to my place and cuddle on the couch there? I'll leave my shirt off again if you want.", he winked, a teasing smirk on his face as he slightly lifted his shirt up to reveal his abs - letting it drop down again when he almost got to the best part.

"See their daddy teach them everything he knows and play with them.", Emily added, a peaceful smile on her face. "I can already see one of us doing the dishes and the kids washing their play-plates... I can't wait to see you three love each other every day more and more..."
((Let me teach you about anatomy, on WhatsApp XD))

Macon just laughed while he tried to stem the bleeding of his nose, leaning on Jim slightly as all the laughing was about to disturb his balance.
He just pulled a bit water out of the ground and splashed it into jim's face, still giggling.
"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm fine. I'm not as fragile as you think."
Swatting his brother's shoulder, he winked at him.
"Hey, wanna go for a drink? Sensa alcohol, of course. We really have to do something together again, man."

"Yeah about that time", Raven said with a soft smile, after she had gently kissed Tyler's forehead.
"If you wanna go to sleep, you can have the bed. I still have to get a little something done, will just pull an all-nighter", she expaliend with a soft smile, already summoning a horde of shadow creatures behind her, while a pair of baggy ripped jeans and a too big, equally ripped t shirt appeared on her. "Don't wanna ruin my good clothes", she chuckled. "Ah, and bathroom is the second door on the left. Call me if you ever need help in the shower or so."
Chuckling softly, she winked at him.
"Now, supercop- excuse me."
After kissing him once more, she left the room, smiling softly as she turned around once more to look back at Tyler. "I love you."

Aga just grinned mischievously, teleported themselves back into mikes apartment and snapped her fingers- his shirt simply disappearing while a simple, white sleeping 'dress' appeared on ava.
Softly running her fingers over his abs, she smirked happily.
"Don't forget your girlfriend is a witch", she giggled winking, before she looked up into mikes eyes, hers sparkling brightly. "But seriously now... Mikey, do you have the slightest idea how happy I feel? For the very first time in my life...
Might sound creepy after such a short time, but I mean it when I say that I love you."
She softly cupped his face as she locked her shining eyes to his, and lastly just wrapped her arms around his waist and cuddled against him tightly, burying her face at his chest. She felt incredibly small, compared to him, BT for some reason she didn't feel threatened by it like usually. Just incredibly safe and at home. Closing her eyes, she sighed happily, just completely relaxing.

"Quite amazing how much love one single heart can feel, hm?", Ash mumbled with a soft smile as he kissed Emily's forehead. "Ah sweetie... You and me and our little ones- forever."
((I know my anatomy bitch XD))

Jim smirked softly, nodding at Macon's suggestion.
"I'd really love to do something with you again. But not now, I promised Rachel a cuddly-movie-night.", he explained, still checking if Macon was really doing fine or not.
"What about tomorrow? I think I'll have time then. Gotta go to Mayrose, check up on the Texan kids in the hospital, make a phone call to Kai's class teacher and to the parents of one of Rose's classmates... and I promised to play with Jack and Angel..."
He smirked akwardly at Macon, nodding once more.
"Yeah, tomorrow should be fine. I'll just ask Rey if she'd be fine with it too. Hey, maybe Hunter and Rey could have a girl's night with the kids then?"

Tyler smiled widely at Raven, sighing happily as she left the room with saying him that she loved him.
Man, he really loved her.
Taking off his button-up shirt, jeans and shoes, he carefully lifted the blanket up and got into bed, making sure he wouldn't wake Billie.
As he closed his eyes, the image of Raven's beautiful smile the only thing his mind could think of, he quickly used his abilities to open Raven's shelves and take out all her forks, knives and spoons - spelling 'I love you' on her table before he fell asleep.

Mike sighed peacefully as he gently stroke over Ava's thigh, for the first time in his life being happy - and nothing else.
"It's not creepy, I mean it too.", he mumbled, a soft smile on his face. "I mean... it's weird, but I just- I have never felt like this before. You make all my negative thoughts disappear and I just... you know?"

"Forever isn't long enough.", Emily replied, happily cuddling against her wonderful fiancé. "Ohhh I have something else for you! Man I got you so many presents hehe."
((Apparently not XD))

Mac chuckled softly as Jim mentioned all the things he'd have to do tomorrow, and just gave him a pat on the back.
"Just gimme a call when you're free, hm?", he suggested smiling while he put the bloody piece of fabric into the pocket of his pants.
The bleeding luckily had stopped by now.
All of a sudden, his eyes widened and a huge grin appeared on his face as he grabbed Jim by the fabric of his shirt and pulled him closer, their nosetips almost touching as Mac stared at his brother with a slightly insane grin.
"Jimbo! Guess who's gonna be an uncle once more!"

Raven smirked softly as she still led her head through hthe door after a few minutes, to check up on Billie and Tyler.
That peaceful smile on both of their faces was just too precious.
Being sure that they both were fast asleep, she went back into the living and immediately got down to business.
While her shadows went and bought everything she had told them, Raven painted what would be billie's room in a matter of seconds.
Lightning speed for the win.
A few minutes later, her shadows we're back with the furniture, just as she had finished painting the plane on th ceiling.
In just about twenty minutes, she had finished Billie's room, looking at it with a proud grin on her face.
"Perfect!", she whispered happily.

"I know ", Ava whispered happily. "I feel the same."
As she kissed him this time, her kiss was incredibly soft, full of overwhelmingly strong love and deep care about Mike.
She looked into his eyes, hers wide in wwonder once more.
"Still wow... ", she whispered amazed, softly stroking over Mike's chest, and lastly gently kissing him just above his collarbone.
"Do you think your family will like me?", she asked, a bit insecure.

Ash curiously raised one eyebrow as he poked into his fiancee's eyes.
"What sis I do to deserve all this love? ", he sighed happily, cuddling against Emily.
((shut up you're annoying xD))

Jim just stared at his brother for a moment, until Macon's words repeated themselves in his head - his eyes excitedly widening, just like Mac's.
"Wait, wait! Me? You're pregnant?! I mean, Hunter's pregnant?!"
He grinned happily, looking at his brother with a proud gaze.
"How long? Since when do you know?!"

Tyler hadn't slept this good in ages. For real.
Instead of having nightmares or not being able to sleep at all, he was dreaming of spending time with his family. Billie and Raven.
He was dreaming about them becoming a real family.
He dreamt about them laughing, having fun together - being happy.
And he dreamt of a beautiful black-haired woman, with sparkling blue eyes, her smile as beautiful as never before as she walked down the aisle in the most beautiful dress ever, the ginger-groom grinning his widest and proudest grin.
"Raven... Harris...", he mumbled in his sleep, a peaceful smile on his face as he went to hug the pillow.

Mike raised an eyebrow at Ava, shaking his head.
"No. They'll hate you. Like everyone.", he replied, only keeping up his serious face for a couple more seconds before he shook his head again and smiled at her.
"Honey, everyone who doesn't like you has to be the most stupid human being on earth. For real. I mean, come on - nobody likes you. They all love you."

Emily grinned, quickly teleporting over to their kitchen and teleporting back onto Ash's lap with a plate in her hands.
"I baked us some cupcakes!", she presented proudly, slightly tilting her head as she smiled widely.
"Made them while you were on my parents' wedding. I know the doctor said I shouldn't be doing too much the first couple of days after the C-section but I just wanted to thank you for everything you did for me during those nine months. I can only imagine how hard that must've been for you."
((That's my job XD))

Mac was grinning proudly as he nodded, the sparkling in his eyes looking like moonlight shining on ice quite a lot.
"Fourth week, you're the first one who knows, apart from our kids", he explained happily.
"We've already talked about names. Haven't set on a boy's name yet, but if its gonna be a girl we'll go for Ellie; after mom."
Thinking of his kids actually brought something to his mind again.
"Ah eh, there's actually something I wanted to ask you, man- Noah, he's done shedding his baby feathers, and bow that his fully-developed ones are grown out entirely... Well, he's mystifying me quite a lot right now- his wings are black and white, and they are clawed. As if he's both, but I have never heard of anything like that. Angel and demon DNA usually is incompatible, that's why so many kids of demon-angel relationships end up being human - because the supernatural opposites in them basically kill each other off. That however doesn't seem to have happened with Noah. I just- I don't get it. Maybe because I have demonic DNA but became an angel thanks to Luna? So weird. Amazing! But weird... "

Raven's eyes started to sparkle brightly as she heard Tyler mumbling her name in his sleep- however with his surname.
After she had done the last few little details in billies room, she had gone into the bedroom once more, to make sure she hadn't woken anyone up, just when Tyler had started talking in his sleep. Since her bed was really enormously large, there still was plenty of space, even with Billie and Tyler, so she just changed out of her with paint stained clothes and into some comfy sports top and shorts, and silently slid into the bed as well, hoping Tyler wouldn't mind. In the speed of lightning, so he wouldn't even have the chance to notice any movements that could wake him up, she took the pillow's place, smiling happily as she nuzzled into Tyler's hug, closing her eyes. Being a vampire, she didn't need much sleep, but right now, she was just so calm that she slowly sank into a light slumber, with a soft smile on her lips.

"You're wrong about basically everything there", Ava whispered, cuddling tighter against mike with a sad frown on her face.
"Not everyone hates me, but no one excepting you loves me either. They are scared of me. Of what I am. What I can do. And just the person they see me as."
She slightly shook her head, looking up at Mike with sad puppy eyes.
"I basically have no social skills at all, I more or less use... Used... To live just for my job and I've been every kind of cruel to my brother. And my mother is dead. God knows what happened to my father, haven't heard of him ever since he left us. There's no one left to love me... excepting you. You are the only person here who knows the side of me that's just a girl, dreaming of true love and a good life like all the others. Everyone else who 'knows' me only knows Mysteria, the stern and intimidating leader of section one."
A slight shiver ran down her back as As looked up into Mike's eyes once more, a deeply fearful gaze in her eyes. "please... I-... Can your help me...?"

Ash slightly lifted his shoulders for just a split second, before he smiled softly at Emily and took a bite from one of the cupcakes. " they are amazing!", he said smirking. " how'd you pull that off? Every time I try to bake anything, it ends up in a disgusting disaster", he chuckled. "Thank god I can cook at least." He let out a silent sigh at the thought of those nine months.
"It wasn't easy, yeah, but... At least the catastrophe my father turned into made me do my very best, so I wouldn't end up being like that. So I wouldn't end up hurting you as much as he hurt me, you know?"
He softly kissed Emily's cheek, running his fingers through her hair.
A soft smile formed on his face as he slowly ran his hand down her back. "You're quite tnesed up, sweetie. What about a nice, calming massage, hm?"
Jim frowned thoughtfully at what Macon said about his son, thinking hard.
A child with both demonic and angelic DNA?
"Mhm...", he mumbled, running his hand through his hair as he looked up into the sky, a deep frown on his face.
"You're right, that's pretty weird - and fascinating at the same time. I honestly really don't know. I should ask one of the elder demons down in hell, maybe they know something about that. I could also ask Rachel. I mean, from what you said, Noah seems to be half demon, half angel."
Just as Jim wanted to suggest sleeping over it, he heard Hunter scream out for Macon in a terrified tone.
"My guess: it's a spider.", he chuckled, motioning over to his brother's house. "I'll talk to you tomorrow again, okay? Go help your pregnant wife.", he winked, smirking softly at Macon. He was happy for his brother, but on the other hand jealous as well.
Rachel had never had a normal nine-month-pregnancy. The max was six months from which they had both missed four because of her being in a coma.
He'd just really wanted to take care of her and make sure she was safe and healthy and happy without seeming annoying to her - which he honestly felt that he sometimes was to her.
"See you tomorrow, 'kay? Sleep well."

Tyler's smile just grew bigger as his pillow suddenly turned into a beautiful, curved woman, his hand stroking over what he sleepingly thought was her belly.
"You're comfortable...", he mumbled tiredly, nuzzling his face into her neck and inhaling her nice scent.
"What...were you doing before you came to cuddle?", he asked, yawning in between some words. "I heard you sing... or was that in my sleep?"

Mike gently pulled Ava onto his la, cupping her face and stroking over her cheek with his thumb.
"Baby, I'm here to help you with anything. I'll help you get socially comfortable and I'll help you get out of your shell, okay?"
He smiled softly, leaning forwards and giving her a sweet kiss on her forehead.
"Don't worry. I'm here for you."

Emily grinned proudly when Ash said her cupcakes were delicious, a ton of weight falling off her shoulders.
She'd worried about him not liking her cupcakes since she had baked them. All in all, what kind of a 'thank you' would disgusting cupcakes be?
"I'm really glad you like them!", she cheered, kissing his cheek with a soft smile as he talked about his time during the pregnancy.
"Well, honey, no matter how hard it was - you did a great job to make sure the babies and I were feeling alright. You still are. I love you."
She hugged him tightly, taking a small bite of the cupcake he was eating, winking.
"You know how much I love you massages, but I want you to relax for a bit. You did so much for me, now it's time for me to return the favor. Let me give you a massage. I might not be as good as you, but I'll give you some nice back-kisses so you'll forgive me for being a bad massager.", Emily giggled, stroking a streak of her hair behind her ear before she cuddled against Ash's shoulder.
"But I'll first let you finish your cupcake."
As Macon was just about to leave, to 'save' hunter, he flinched, slightly startled as he heard rose's voice from right behind Jim.
"Uncle Mac? We have a day in school where we can bring someone who is working as what we want to be when we're older, to explain the job. And I want to be a doctor, so I was wondering if you could come."
"Sure thing, sweetie", Macon said with a soft smile.
As Rose looked at her father with an excited smile, he snirked at her next words.
"Are you already excited for the baby?"
"As hell!", Mac grinned, though he was kind of confused that rose was looking up at jik while she apparently was talking to Mac.
He was even more confused when she shook her head with a soft smile.
"Not your baby, uncle Mac! Mom and dad's baby!"
"Mom is having a baby."
"Heh?!" Macon looked at his brother completely confused by now.
"Don't you feel it when she's around?"
"Feel what?"
"I don't know... Just... It. Don't mind it, mom doesn't feel it yet either."
Mac just turned to Jim once more, raiding one eyebrow. "Jim, your daughter is confusing me."

Raven smiled softly, keeping her eyes closed as she cuddled against her boyfriend a bit tighter.
"Just a surprise for Billie", she whispered softly, gently running her fingers over Tyler's arm that was wrapped around her. No need to mention that she had prepared a little bit for Tyler as well, like changing the name on the mailbox to Raven & Tyler
Davis - Harris
and hanging a picture of their first day as partners on the living room wall.
The book he had once told her that was his favorite one in the bookshelf, just little things like that, that showed that Tyler and Billie weren't just guests here.
"Hope I didn't sing too wrong", she whispered chuckling. "I didn't mean to wake you up, hun."

Ava smiled relieved as she cuddled against Mike, sighing softly.
"Thank you sweetie", she mumbled lovingly and gently stroked over his chest.
"I feel like I finally have a chance to live. You know, really live. Not just exist to work and work and occasionally scare my workers."
Looking up into mikes eyes with a soft smile, she winked at him.
"And I can't wait to show you the zoo. I bet you'll be so damn cute!"

Ash grinned happily as he quickly finished his cupcake, looking kid of like hamster for a moment, with his cheeks stuffed with cupcake.
"Man I swear, trainer killed us today", he groaned as he took off his shirt, holding his hurting, tensed up shoulder for a moment. "And don't get me started on that new player. That guy is so slow, I really don't know what we should do with him. Hasn't understood yet that college basketball is quite a different league than what we're doing- professional playing! Jeez."
"What?", Jim asked again, blinking a couple of times while his eyes were wide open, an akward smile on his face, and tilting his head once more.
"A b-baby?", he repeated, his expression looking like he was having some kind of stroke.
"You're talking about Rachel right? Your mom?", he mumbled, turning to Macon with big eyes before he turned back to Rose.
"Another baby?", he asked again, blinking a couple of times.
Man, that pill of her really doesn't do its job.
"A baby?", his expression turned excited, a huge grin on his face as he made a happy jump, shifting into his wolf form and running off to their house.
"MY BABY IS HAVING ANOTHER BABY?!", he called - almost tripping over his own paws as he ran.

"You sing beautifully.", Tyler mumbled, still half asleep and thus his 'beautifully' sounding more like 'bootyfluffy', but she'd get what he'd meant.
"What surprise?", he asked, pulling Raven a little closer to him.
He hadn't expected her to join him, else he would've put on a shirt and some joggers and not just his boxers. What if she thought something bad now?

"Hey! I'm not cute! I'm a man!", Mike replied, making a pouty face as he bend his arms to show off his muscles.
Smiling softly, he cowered down in front of her and looked up at Ava with big eyes.
"But for you I'll be cute."

Emily sat down behind Ash, running her fingers down his back for a moment before she carefully started to massage his shoulders.
"That's what I've been wanting to talk to you about...", she mumbled. "We want to move back to Montana, right? Village Aegis. But that'd mean you'd have to stop playing basketball. Well or at least stop playing for the Lakers here in L.A. That wouldn't be possible anymore...", she sighed silently, a hint of sadness in her sigh, yet smiling softly.
No matter how much she wanted to move to Montana, somewhere their kids wouldn't grow up in a busy city with arrogant and egoistic people, where they'd be near their family... she also didn't want Ash to feel as if she had made him move there and give up his beloved basketball. If he didn't want to do so, then she'd have to compromise and stay here, no matter if she actually despised it.
"But I mean... if you don't want to, we can stay here-"
While rose was running after her father, Rachel raised one eyebrow as she opened the entrance door upon hearing Jim shouting something.
He was coming close really...really... Really fast.
She huffed as she collided with her husband, a quite confused expression on her face.
"Sweetie, breathe, breeaaathe-"
Chuckling softly, she raised one eyebrow once more. "I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. A baby? What-"
Just then, her eyes widened as realization striked. "I'm four days over...", she mumbled to herself, jumped up and immediately ran into the bathroom.
A few minutes later, she came back with huge eyes, a positive pregnancy test in her hand.
"... P-positive....how's that even possible?!"
Her shocked expression subsided quite quickly though, when she looked into jim's excitedly sparkling eyes.
"Positive!!", she squealed, rushing to hug Jim tightly. "How's that even possible?!"

"Aww thank you, you're really sweet", Raven whispered with a soft smile, putting her left leg over his as she cuddled against him as closely as possible.
"Sure, that was... Quite a lot of skin contact, considering they had just come together, but hey, she liked it, he apparently did too, and no one else's opinion about it counted. A slight grin crept over her face as she ran her fingers over his abs. "You're really beautiful you sly fox", she whispered softly. "I love you. And what you did with the cutlery was really sweet of you."

Ava chuckled softly, running her fingers through mikes hair.
"You know, of course good looks are a nice thing... But what counts far more is a good heart. Sure, you're... Hot as shit... Heh. But I didn't fall for that. I fell for the person you are, sweetie", she explained with a loving smile. "I fell for the man you were trying to hide. He's the man of my dreams, you know?"

"I already got a job in Montana", Ash explained with a soft smile. "I'll start a week after we moved. PE, music and German teacher. Mac put in a good word for me."
Sighing softly, he lifted his shoulders.
"Sure, I'll miss my team... A lot... But family comes first, and now that I'm a dad I can't just travel around for games all the time. I wanna see my kids growing up, and I don't want them to have to miss me for weeks on end."
Jim was happily wagging his tail, his eyes sparkling brightly as he licked all over Rachel's face before shifting back human.
"YOUR CONTRACEPTION PILLS SUCK BUT WHO CARES? A BABY!", he cheered happily, grinning widely as he picked his wife up and twirled around the living room with her, laughing happily until he kissed her deeply.
"A baby...", he whispered, a happy tear rolling down his cheek as he hugged Rachel again with a loving smile.

Tyler smiled happily, gently stroking over Raven's leg with his hand while he let out a short yawn again.
"I'm not as beautiful as my cute little bunny, but thank you.", he mumbled, nuzzling his face into her neck.
"And hey, ain't I always sweet?", he asked, using his British accent with a soft smirk, his eyes still closed.
"I love you."

Mike smiled softly at Ava, gently kissing her cheek before he hugged her tightly.
"You're awesome. Do you know that?", he asked, his eyes sparkling brightly as he hugged her once more.
"And you know what? I can't wait for you to meet my family. They'll all love you. I know it."

"Oh. That means you'll still be gone quite a lot...", Emily mumbled, stopping her massage and leaning against Ash's back, burying her face between his shoulder blades.
"I'm just glad you're not sad about moving. I mean, sure you're sad but you know what I mean."
Rachel grinned happily as she buried her face at jim's neck, closing her eyes and holding on to the fabric of his shirt while she just enjoyed his happiness, touch and voice.
"We will need a room though", she whispered with a soft chuckle as she leaned back again to look up into jim's eyes. "I was actually thinking its slowly time to renovate. Rose has grown out of her little girl pink phase, ash's old room could become William's then... After all he'll be turning one in just a few months as well. And Raven's old room could be the babie's room then, later."
Smiling happily, she kissed Jim deeply and just cuddles against him again. "What do you want it to be, honey?"

Raven felt that odd fluttering feeling in her stomach once more when Tyler talked with his British accent, and just slightly clenched her fists.
"There might be some Americans who don't like British people, but goddamn, even they would call your accent hot as hell", she mumbled, her heartbeat slightly increasing.
"I can only do a German accent, and believe me, that's the exact opposite of hot. It just sounds idiotic."
She was thinking about demonstrating it for a moment, if only to cool down the situation, minding that Billie was sleeping in this room as well, but that went way beyond her pride.
"And now stop driving me insane with your entire.. You, or I'm not responsible for anything."

"I hope so", Ava sighed with a nervous smile as she imagined meeting them. They could maybe visit them after going to the zoo or so...
"Before we go to the zoo we'll have to do a detour to my place, by the way", she mentioned with a slightly awkward smirk. "Its magic-proof, meaning I can't teleport anything from there here, and I want my favorite sweater for our visit at the zoo! Don't wanna go in my business stuff, and I've never been very talented at casting clothes. Hope you don't mind. Can you pick locks?"

"I'll be working like everyone else, someone will have to earn the money to care well for our little ones after all", Ash chuckled with one raided eyebrow. "But hey, we got the entire weekends, and I'll only be gone from 7am to 3pm."
Jim nodded at Rachel's ideas for renovating the kids' rooms, his eyes sparkling happily as she asked him what he wanted the baby to be.
"I don't care. As long as he or she is happy and healthy, I'm happy too. We'll either have our fourth daughter, or our fifth son.", he mumbled, sighing happily as he kissed Rachel passionately.
Jim's happy squealing had woken Echo up, who was now standing next to her owners, happily wagging her tail while she tilted her head at them.
"Yeah, we'll have another baby! Are you excited?", Jim asked, his tone of voice clearly happy and excited, which made Echo excited as well. She barked silently, her tongue hanging out of her mouth, making her look as if she was smiling too.
"Even Echo is excited!", Jim grinned at Rachel, just tilting her up for another happy spin once more.
"I love you. I love you two."
He sighed happily, his eyes sparkling like a sky with a billion stars.
"I know it's probably a bit early to think of names but I was thinking... what about Macie for a girl? You know - Macon... Macie? Or what about Dan for a boy? I don't know, you know, just some suggestions."

Hunter had opened their frontdoor as she had heard the shouting of her husband's brother. What had happened now again? Didn't Macon want to make up?
"Honey?", she called over to him, waving at him with a soft smile.
"You coming inside?"

"C'mon, I bet your German accent'll sound cute too, Nein?", Tyler chuckled silently, running his fingers through Raven's hair while he slowly opened his eyes to look at her. She was so beautiful.
"You won't be responsible for what?", he asked, a tired smile on his face as he quickly kissed her nosetip, his free hand - which was not stroking over her leg - making its way under her shirt to stroke her back.
He wasn't intending anything. Her skin was just so soft. And she was ticklish, which was very cute as well. Okay, she wasn't ticklish on her back but still.
"You're really cute."

"I can pick locks in my sleep.", Mike replied with a wink. "And hey, no problem. I bet you'll look super cute in your sweater. I mean, you already look super cute in my sweater, so it can only get cuter!"
He ran his hand through his hair, getting up from the couch and making his way into the kitchen.
"I'm hungry - yes, again - would you like something too? A cookie perhaps? Strawberry roll? Something else?"

"You earned enough money with your basketball career to care for a dozen children...", Emily mumbled into his back, wrapping her arms around him from behind.
"I'd just hoped I wouldn't have to be alone that much..."
Last edited:
"I love Macie for a girl. Not that fond of Dan... Hope you don't mind. I actually love Micah for a boy.."
Rachel smiled softly at the sight of Echo, and quickly went down to more or less hug her.
This dog was such a clever, sweet and loveable girl; she just couldn't understand how those people who had almost killed her had been able to do that to her. Well, now she was safe, and the entire family loved her as not just a pet, but a member of the family.
As she suddenly heard Daisy barking right behind them, she almost jumped out of her skin from surprise, but grinned wisely when she saw what was going on:
Holding on to Daisie's neck and back, William had managed to stand up on his own two little feet, his curly hair falling into his face. "Dadadydyyyy... Da... Daddy!" He grinned proudly, still holding on to Daisie tightly.
"Oh my god, Jim!", Rachel gasped proudly, basically hifgung her husband's arm, her eyes sparkling.

Grinning softly, Macon made his way back to Hunter. "Well, seems like we're going to be aunt and uncle once more, too", he chuckled. "Rose somehow knew it before anyone else did. Apparently even before Rachel herself knew it."
Ahapy smile spread on his face as he thought of his brother.
"Jim is so excited. Haven't seen him smiling like that in a whole while."

Raven just slightly rolled her eyes torturedly, put her left hand on the back of Tyler's neck and pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss.
"Goddamn stop driving me insane, Britain!", she whispered to his ear, smirking just a wee bit evil. "Your brother is sleeping right next to us!"

"I'll gladly take a banana or two if you got that here, you sweet tooth", Ava chuckled with a soft smile, slightly shaking her head.
"I'm not that much into chocolate and candy. More of a fruit-type."
Smiling softly, she blew him a kiss, before she lay down on the couch, looking up at him with sparkling eyes.
Sure, they had been very quick to fall in love and come together, but it just felt right, and she'd enjoy it as long as possible.
"Hey Mike- I like the real you much better than the facade you had at first. Just saying. You're a great guy- don't hide it."

Sighing silently, Ash shook his head. "Emily, we have to consider the future as well. Kindergarten, school, clothes, food, pocket money, toys, holidays, birthdays, Christmas, and and and. Sure, I've earned a lot, but for sure not enough to care for two kids long-term. 732,720 dollar. And it doesn't include anything but the absolute necessary things. I've only played for one year professionally, earned about 6 million. I just want to ensure we won't end like so many people with a lot of money- head in the clouds and broke. And I want our kids to learn that you have to work for your money. They won't learn that if no one of us ever goes to work."
"Mhm... I don't know. Micah sounds too much like Misha.", Jim mumbled thoughtfully, flinching as Daisy suddenly barked as well.
And as he saw what was going on, his eyes widened proudly and a huge grin spread on his face.
"Oh my god, Willie - you're walking! And talking!", he gasped, quickly turning to Rachel with big eyes before he looked back at his youngest son.
Heeling down and spreading his arms, Echo at first trying to push Jim over, he smiled happily at his son.
"C'mon, Will, you can do this! Come to daddy. Slow steps, slow steps!"

Hunter let out an excited squeal as she wrapped her arms around Macon to hug him tightly.
"Ohhh my god!", she giggled happily, grinning widely. "I love babiessss!"
She grabbed Macon's hand and pulled him inside, shutting the front door behind her and leading him into the living room - where there were ice blocks lying all around, some having hairy, black... pieces frozen inside of them.
"I killed the spider. Finally rid of that ugly thing. I told Rico to keep it away from us!"
Misha shakingly lifted his head up from behind the couch, staring at his father with big eyes.
"Mommy just froze it and smashed it over and over and over and over again with a hammer."
Hunter smirked akwardly at Macon as she grabbed the half broken hammer that was lying on the ground.
"You think Jim'll be very mad that I broke it?"

"Hey, I'm not doing anything!", Tyler replied with a cheeky smirk, pretending to be awfully hurt by Raven that she didn't want him to touch her.
"Fine! If you don't want to cuddle I'll just turn around and push my sexy butt into your face!", he chuckled, winking as he pulled her closer into a deep kiss.
"You know, you're really cute when you blush."

Humming the 'Mission Impossible Theme', Mike pretended to be a spy and used the banana in each hand as his 'gun', while he held two chocolate chip cookies between his teeth.
"I'm a spy!", he called, laughing as he sat down on the couch again, handing Ava the two bananas.
"And thank you. But the same applies to you."

Emily just sighed silently, already knowing that she wouldn't be able to talk to Ash about it as he was totally pro going to work.
"...so, where was I?", she mumbled, lifting up her head and starting to massage his shoulders again.
Rachel smiled softly as she watched Jim and William, her right hand resting on jim's back when she kneeled down beside him.
The little guy seemed quite intimidated at first at his father telling him to come over.
He just sat down on the ground again and frowned sadly.
Rachel sighed silently. "He's too insecure about where to go...", she mumbled silently. After all William couldn't see if there were any obstacles in the way.
When William stood up once more, she furrowed her eyebrows as he saw how he was slightly hitting his heel on the ground a couple of times.
"Is he trying to see by sensing vibrations through the ground...?", she mumbled to herself, quickly went over to William and picked him up to take off his socks.
Not a second after she had put him on the ground again, the little boy halfway stormed off into jim's arms.
"That's why he always seemed so restless when he was trying to stand o his own!", Rachel said, slapping her forehead. "Well, no socks for William, I guess."
"No focks for Lillam!", William said loudly, sounding almost accusing, before he turned to Jim again with a happy smile. "No focks, daddy."

"Eh, yeah", Macon said with one raised eyebrow as he quickly went over to Misha to pick him up into a calming hug.
"Its fine. By the way, young man, shouldn't you already be sleeping for quite some time? Its almost 6 a.m.!"
Turning to hunter again, he frowned slightly. "I just hope Rico won't be too upset. He really loved that spider..."

Raven grinned mischievously as she turned one figer of her left hand into a raven claw and poked Tyler's but with it, just hard enough to sting, but not so hard it would hurt.
"Got no problems with your sexy butt, but I still prefer your sexy face", she chuckled, planting a small kiss o his chin. Her eyes sparkling full of love, she softly stroked over his cheek for a second. She didn't say anything, but her loving expression said more than a thousand words.

"I don't know weather you're sweet or hilarious right now", Ava laughed as she took the bananas from Mike and kissed his cheek to thank him.
"So, I was thinking, after we broke into my apartment, I could take you to that great little bakery for breakfast. It's on the way to the zoo, so we wouldnt even have to make a detour, and a nice breakfast is always good, isn't it?"
Jim happily picked William up, gently poking his nose with his own, a loving smile on his face.
"I'm so proud of you, little one!", he turned to Rachel, his eyes sparkling, and gently gave both her and their son a kiss on their forehead.
"Man, I love you.", he mumbled silently, already imagining what it'd be like with their newest addition to the family.
He'd do everything so neither William nor their unborn child would ever be disappointed in him as a father. He wouldn't hurt anyone anymore.
And that was a promise he intended to keep.

"I woke up when the s-spider walked over my face.", Misha whispered, shaking like a phone with a vibration alert.
Hunter didn't know if this was herself, or her pregnancy hormones already playing with her - which would explain why she tended to react sharply since the past weeks - but she was mad as hell at her cousin.
"I don't care if he's upset or not, I've told him a dozen times to keep his insects locked away and to keep them away from our children! And now look what's happened - Misha won't go back to his bed because he's scared a big ass spider might hide in his room! We were lucky it didn't hurt him with its poisonous... stuff! Misha could've been dead! So yeah, I'm angry, and I don't care if he'll be upset. It's his own fault. I'd rather have my son alive and well than my cousin not crying over some stupid spider."

Tyler frowned playfully at Raven, poking her butt with his finger - as he wasn't able to shift it into a raven claw - while he smirked cheekily.
"Nice butt, lady.", he whispered, winking as he kissed her neck. "You know what's one big advantage of being a fox-shifter? Great eyesight, even at night. And damn, your eyes are really beautiful."

"Oh that sounds great.", Mike replied as he took a bite of his cookie. "You'll have to show me the city one day too. But the bakery and zoo seem to be the important things.", he winked, smiling softly at her. "And I'm always hilarious. C'mon, just look at my life. It's a joke.", he chuckled, winking again. "Just kidding."

((you forgot to reply to Ems xD))
Rachel smiled lovingly as she watched William trace the lines of Jim's face to get a clearer expression of how he looked.
"I love you too", she whispered with a soft smile,gently kissing Jim's cheek.
When a beautiful young fox came into the room, Rachel raised her eyebrows and lastly just smiled gently.
"Some people take time to discover what they are", she explained smiling, before she winked at jim. "Your dad took a whole 18 years!"
The fox tilted its head to the side in Surprise.
"I thought you would have known right from the start. You have such a strong shift and abilities after all!", The fox said- with Rose's voice!
She tumbled slightly and lastly leaned her fluffy shoulder against the shelf. "I'm a bit dizzy..."

Macon just looked at Hunter completely overthrown for a moment. Man she really was creepy on hormones...
Smiling softly at Misha, he calmingly stroked over his head for a moment.
"What about you sleep in our bed for today, hm?", He suggested,trying to cheer his son up. "Try to get a bit sleep until breakfast."
He went over to Hunter, seeming slightly hesitant about softly stroking over her cheek, his eyes locked to hers. "Sweetheart- take a deep breath, okay?"
He gave Misha to her, gave them both a kiss on their foreheads and made his way to the entrance door. "I'll talk to Rico, okay?"

Raven chuckled silently as a soft blush spread on her face once more.
"I swear, Harris, you're gonna make me melt sometime", she whispered with a happy grin, before she leaned her head on her hand, keeping herself up as she looked down at Tyler with a soft smile. "Ah by the way love, we'll have to go grocery shopping before we can breakfast. I definitely don't have enough here for a breakfast with our entire family."

Ava just chuckled softly, ruffling Mike's hair while she took a bite of her banana.
"Aaaalright Anderson, but at least you have a mother", she joked. Yeah she was that kind of person who could joke about her own misery.
"C'mon, finish those cookies and get your sexy ass into a pair of jeans...and, as sad as it makes me... Hide that body in a shirt. Time to go get my sweater."

(I did! Guess my idiotic phone assed around again ene)
Ash sighed internally at Emily's reaction. Sure, he could understand she wanted to spend as much time together as possible, but, no matter how much she disliked it, going to work was just a part of being adult, and a good parent, in his opinion. The last thing he wanted was that his kids would grow up too be spoiled and thinking having that much money and a life like theirs was just given. It wasn't.
"Sweetie... Marriage and being a family doesn't mean to be glued together 24-7", he mumbled. "And look, I won't be at work every single day. Just Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. You could use those morning to make some friends again. Didn't you say you wanted to meet Raelyn sometime? Go for a coffee or so. And before you will even realize it, I will be back. Okay?"
Jim turned to the fox with big eyes, just staring at Rose for a moment without saying anything.
A fox.
He closed his eyes for a second before handing William to Rachel and kneeling down next to their daughter.
"Take deep breaths, sweetie.", he mumbled, gently stroking over the fox's back - Echo sitting down next to Jim with a seemingly jealous expression, as if she were trying to say No, you can't pet other 'dogs' - Just me.
"How did you shift?", he asked, now stroking behind the dog's ears so she wouldn't throw a tantrum.

"Thank you, honey.", Hunter mumbled, an apologetic smile on her face. "I'm sorry for shouting at you. I love you."
She turned around and walked to Macon's and hers bedroom, trying to comfort their son a bit with some soft words.
"I'll sing you another song before you go to sleep, okay? You can use me as a pillow, I'll be there with you. You don't have to be scared, baby."

Tyler nodded, taking a look at his watch - which luckily lit up when it was dark - and then turned back to Raven.
"It's about a quarter past six. I don't know when your family usually wakes up, though out of experience with Billie when he was still younger, I'd say a max of 7 AM. I mean, you said that you still had... three or four very young siblings, right? Should we go now then?"

Mike stuffed the last cookie in his mouth, looking a bit like a hamster, and got up from the couch.
He hadn't unpacked most of his stuff yet, and thus his clothes were spread all over in his bags.
He just grabbed a plain, blue jeans, and a black sweater that read: How to entertain an idiot -> look the other side on both sides of the shirt.
He put off his joggers and jumped into his jeans, throwing on his sweater and running his fingers through his hair to comb it.
"Alright, I'm ready."

Emily just looked the other way, letting out a silent sigh.
"I'd just hoped you would at least wait until the babies were a little older...", she mumbled into his back, pouting. "You're just gone every day... gone for hours because of your basketball training, or going out with your friends... and now you'll go work even more which means you'll get to have fun with the preppy girls at the school you'll be teaching at while I'm stuck at home all by myself to take care of the children. You'll get to have fun while I get to change diapers... I mean, sure, I could make friends with Raelyn and go out one day a week. But that's it- because you work the other days and we can't ask our family to look after our kids every single day.", she explained, her hug tightening a bit around Ash's waist. "I just- you were already gone today for the wedding where I couldn't go, but then you also go to training even though you'll be leaving the team soon... it's just kinda making me feel as though you'd rather spend time with your basketball team which is full of rude alcoholics, or spend your time working than being with me and our babies..."
"I don't know", Rose admitted, looking up at her father with a confused gaze.
"You ran off to mom, and I ran after you. Then everything started turning for a moment, things went black for a second... And when I had my mind halfway together again, I was a fox."
She turned to look at echo, tilting her head to the side. "Echooo, its me, Rose!", she chuckled softly. "You don't need to be jealous."
Turning to her father again, she stood up on her hind legs and softly pushed her nose against his cheek. "Why does my shift make you sad, daddy?"

"My youngest sibling is about nine months old", Raven said nodding, while she turned around for a moment, to cuddle her back against tyler. "I'll miss cuddling against you though", she mumbled with a soft smile as she closed her eyes. God how did he make her feel so unbelievably safe when he was around? Softly stroking over Billie's arm, she tried to wake him up as gently as possible.
"Billie... Sweetie, We have to get up soon. And I still have a surprise for you... "
Smiling softly at Tyler behind her, she planted a small kiss on her favorite fox' cheek.
"And for you as well, honey."

Ava just coughed awkwardly as Mike just changed in the middle of the living room like that, a blush spreading on her face, and lastly just changed from mike's clothes into her business outfit o the spot as well. She knew she could pull that off, with her build, so hey, why not.
She took out her phone, swiping and tapping around for a moment, before she smiled softly, wrapping her arms around Mike to hug him.
"I texted my car it should be there in a moment."
Didn't take long until a beautiful Tesla model s parked in front of the apartment completely soundlessly.
"There it is!"

Ash jumped up from the couch, frowning deeply. "Okay I have no problem with you saying I'm spending too much time away or that you want to find a compromise for this situation. But keep my team out of that. None of them is a rude alcoholic! As soon as they knew we were awaiting babies, they did everything to support us! They gave me tips how to care for my pregnant girlfriend, they cheered me up when I was down because of my father!"
He crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes.
"I understand your point but that was just below every level, emily."
"I just thought of uncle Jack for a moment, I'm not sad.", Jim replied to Rose, smiling softly at her.
"Okay... eh... I actually don't know how to handle this now. Honey?", he turned to Rachel, trying to think back of what she had done when he had first shifted.
Told him to shift back.
"Can you shift back?"

Tyler raised an eyebrow as Raven said she had a surprise for him, but just smiled softly when his little brother slowly woke up.
Climbing over Raven with an akward smirk, he got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom.
"I claim the bathroom first!", he yelled, shutting the door with a chuckle.
Bille tiredly opened his eyes at Raven, just turning around again into a new sleeping position.
"Five more minutes...", he mumbled, already closing his eyes again.

"You texted your car?", Mike asked, raising an eyebrow as the machine parked in front of the apartment.
"You know, I'm very confused but I just won't say anything about it now.", he winked, gently kissing Ava's cheek.
"Let's go?"

Emily jumped up from the couch as well, a deep frown on her face as she looked up into Ash's eyes.
"If your team is so great, then tell me why they kept writing me perverted texts after they had first met me! Then tell me why I had to fight off a couple of them while you were on the toilet? Your team might be great to you, but they have tried to grope and touch me whenever I was somewhere with you!", she yelled back, a couple of tears gathering in her eyes by now.
"And maybe I'm just afraid that if you're going to spend I don't know how long at that stupid school with all those pretty girls that you'll totally forget about me! Maybe I'm scared to be on my own all the time?! Maybe I'm scared of this entire situation because the same happened to my mom and guess what? She ended up all on her own! You're always gone and hardly spend any time with me... I just...", she turned away from him so he wouldn't see how much she was actually crying.
"I'm just scared, okay? And I know I'm not allowed to be scared or to hurt because the only thing I do is look after the children while you're out having fun with I don't know who.", she mumbled, shaking her head and storming off to the bathroom where she shut the door behind her and slid down, hiding her face in her knees.
Rose smiled softly as she pushed her face into jim's chest, giggling softly as William buried his little hands in her fur.
"Can I meet uncle jack sometime? I mean, grandma and grandpa come over all the time as well."
As her father asked her if she could shift back, she lifted her shoulders, one ear hanging down. "But... How?"

Raven chuckled softly as she shifted into her bunny form, tickling billies nose with her fur.
"Wakey-wake", she hummed with a soft smirk.
"We wanted to have breakfast with my family today. I bet you will like my little siblings."
Smiling softly, she shifted back and just softly tickled Billies side, a soft sparkling in her eyes. Yeah, this was her family, and she loved them. She loved both of them.
"What do you think of Tyler and you staying here forever, sweetie? The three of us could be a real family."

"My car can locate my phone", Ava explained with a soft smile, before she got into the car and drove off with a wide smile.
The car moved like a shadow through he streets, until it parked in front of a beautiful house. "Okay, heres the thing - as long as the door is locked, the alarm system will immediately call the police and they'll be here within three minutes. So we'll have to find a way to deactivate that one before we pick the lock."

"How am I supposed to know things that you don't tell me?!", Ash growled back, his eyes turning darker and darker with every word Emily said, until they were pitch black when she ran into the bathroom. Darkness was starting to ooze from his body, and he was just on the verge of losing it, when he suddenly heard Benny crying.
In a matter of a second, ash completely normalized again and quickly went to pick benny up.
Softly rocking him in his arms, he walked through the living room, silently singing to Benny.
"I'll b right here now
To hold you when the sky falls down
I will always
Be the one to take your place
When the rain falls
I won't let go
I'll be right here..."

He smiled softly as benny calmed down and played around with his shirt.
"Its okay sweetie, its fine...", he mumbled calmingly.
No, he wouldn't run after Emily now. Not after everything she had just accused him of.

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