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Aegis 3.0

Mac Smiled Softly at his son, holding his hand gently.
"Okay, this is a story about a man and a monster, and a beautiful queen."
He looked up at Hunter for a moment, smiling softly, and turned back to his son.
"Once upon a time, a few hundred years ago, there was a humble man. He had a beautiful wife, and they lived happily, not having much, but enough.
The woman soon had a kid, a son, but the boy was ill and very weak.
Worried that his son wouldn't survive, the man went to a wizard, to ask him for help.
But the wizard was an evil one, and he said..."
Mac lowered his voice to a rough, deep voice, narrowing his eyes.
"'I will heal your son, but I will keep him as my own.' The father was so desperate, that he agreed to the wizard's conditions, and gave his little boy to the wizard.
And yes, the wizard really saved the boy, but he also turned him into a hideous monster when he was grown up. And he had to do whatever the wizard wanted.
He made the monster scare many people, entire villages ran away from it.
Until one day, the wizard's curse weakened, and the monster could do what it wanted again. So it ran away from the wizard. It ran and ran, tried to be a man, but the people were scared of him. And because so many were afraid of him, and called him a monster, the monster started to believe them, and it became very very sad...until one day...
The monster saw how a dragon tried to kidnap a beautiful queen. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
So the monster fought the Dragon away, and brought the queen into his secret castle. He of course was afraid that the beautiful queen would think he was a monster too, but she didn't. She treated him well, and taught him that he was still a good man, even when the wizard had turned him into a monster.
And when the monster finally started to believe her, the curse was broken, and he turned into a man again."
He smiled softly, his eyes sparkling.
"And they lived happily ever after, and had three wonderful children and many many friends."
Mac gently kissed Misha's forehead and got up.
"Good night my angel", he whispered, wrapped one arm around Hunter's waist and gently kissed her. "I love you, my beautiful queen", he mumbled softly.

Bailey giggled happily and kissed him back. "And you think your parents will be okay with it, after the whole thing with Emily and Ash?", she asked carefully, but then just kissed him again. "Did I ever mention I love your eyes and hair?", she chuckled.

Rachel had seen him through immediately, but decided she'd need to get him into a healthy condition at first, so she nodded, smiling softly, and brought him the pie.
"Here honey", she said silently, gently stroked through his hair and kissed his forehead.
"But don't you think i don't see that you're not okay", she mumbled sadly. "C'mon my lone wolf, what's wrong?"
She softly stroked over his cheeks, looking deep into his eyes meanwhile.
"You know you can talk to me about everything", she whispered softly.
"I liked that story.", Misha whispered, stretching his body for a moment before turning to his side, half hiding under his blanket. "Goodnight daddy. Goodnight mommy." He cuddled against his teddy bear and fell asleep after a few seconds.
Hunter sighed happily, kissing Macon' cheek. "Look how happy he is when you're with him.", she whispered silently, not wanting to wake their son up. "You know what he said to me? 'I want to be like daddy when I'm big'. Cute little cutiepie."

Cole chuckled. "We'll already be 17 then, and not 15 like my sister.", he replied, winking and nodded. "Yeah, I kind of noticed that." He ran his fingers through her hair, down her neck and back, smirking. "You're so hot." - just as those words came out of his mouth, he blushed to a deep red. "Those were supposed to be my thoughts."

Jim stared at the pie for a moment, grabbed a small piece and took a tiny bite from it before he put it back on the plate.
"No eh... I'm fine.", he replied, frowning at himself for a moment. Being this weak, he wasn't able to put on the 'I'm ok'-mask, so just decided to give in.
"Well... maybe I'm not fine. I mean, can't really be fine after not being fine for months but I...", he sighed. "I'm scared, Rey."
Mac turned around with a soft smile to watch his son sleeping for a while, but when he turned back to Hunter, his expression had changed to the total opposite.
His lips were trembling, his hands shaking when he slowly slid down the wall with tears pooling in his eyes.
The attempt to suppress a hard sob made him wheeze painfully as he dug his hands into his hair.
"I just prevented my brother from shooting a bullet into his brain", he whimpered through clenched teeth. "I'm done... I'm done, I can't bear it anymore."
He couldn't remember ever crying like that in front of Hunter, but today had cost him his last bit of countenance. He gasped, somewhere between a meltdown and a breakdown, spiced with a bit of panic attack. "I can't keep his kids secure, and ours, and him, and you, and mom and dad... I feel like I'm about to tear apart, I'm spinning and spinning and spinning, trying to keep it all together, but..." He took a deep breath. His gaze had gained a certain hint of madness by now, as he talked on slowly, as if he had to keep himself together to not flip out completely. "I'm...slowly...losing...my....mind."

Bailey giggled softly, kissing his collarbone. "We are already 17, dummy", she chuckled, her fingers tracing the edge of his shorts.
"Why should you keep thoughts like that a secret?", she whispered to his ear. "Would be crappy if you wouldn't think like that, wouldn't it?" She winked. "And I'm for sure not calling you hot stuff because you're standing in flames or so."

Rey took a seat beside him, wrapped her arm around his shoulders and sighed sadly, gently rubbing his arm with her free hand. "Tell me what's scaring you, honey", she said softly, held up the piece of pie and smiled softly at him. "And don't forget to eat. Or I'll have to goddess-power-witch you healthy."
She winked, trying to cheer him up a bit, but...
"I'm here for you honey..."
Hunter stared at Macon with big eyes for a moment, before she kneeled down in front of him.
"Honey...", she whispered, frowning sadly, putting her hands on his shoulders. "You don't need to take care about all of us. I am able to take care of myself, too.", she smiled softly, frowning for a moment.
"Wait here. I'll be right back!"
She quickly teleported away, a big frown on her face.

Cole gulped, smirking at his beautiful girlfriend. "Who knows, maybe I am standing in flames.", he chuckled, hugging her tightly, his fingers softly stroking over her back. "Hey, you know what?"

Jim just wanted to reply - as Hunter suddenly appeared in the room as well, her arms crossed, frowning deeply.
"Rey, you're back!", she smiled for a moment, but then her frown re-appeared.
"Jim Dean Davis, you get your ass up now and get over to your brother before I make you!", she hissed. "He's almost breaking down there! He saw his big brother, the person he looks up, trying to commit suicide! Do you know what that's like? He doesn't know what to do anymore with you! Sometimes you're really egoistic, Jim. Only able to see your own pain and therefor just pulling everyone down with you! You just let your kids alone these past months! What kind of a father are you?"
Jim was looking at Hunter with big eyes, frowning sadly. She exactly hit his weak points.
"...you're right."
"Get over there!"
"...okay okay."
Jim half stumbled up to his feet and used all of his last remaining power to teleport over to Macon and Hunter's house, where he immediately saw his brother sitting on the floor, crying.
Mac just curled up even tighter, into a- for a guy of his height- incredibly small ball of pain, his back tightly pressed against the wall, sobbing hard.
"What?", he whispered defeatedly after quite a while, after several shivers had run down his back.
He was so caught in his pain that he didn't even manage to control his powers anymore, causing the air around him to cool down to degrees of liquid nitrogen. Meanwhile his ice arm prosthesis had melted and was cooking on the floor, and hot and cold steam was emerging from everywhere.
"I tried!", he mumbled lifelessly.
"I tried fucking everything!", he cried jumping to his feet with red, puffy eyes and a steaming face because his tears had started to cook, leaving bad burns on his face.
"I did everything i could, I was there for you every fucking day, I offered you therapy, I offered you all i could. But you...you just..."
Mac fell to his knees powerlessly, blankly staring at the ground.
"...you just left us all alone. You wanted to leave your kids alone, you wanted to leave me alone...do we... do I mean so little to you? How could it be that easy for you to lock us all out? Do you even know how terrified i am to lose you?! I almost did today...you...you...if i had come just a second later you..."
Wheezing painfully, he buried his face in his hands and curled up again, his wings tightly wrapped around his frame that looked so much smaller than normally.
"I guess you were right, right from the start...", he whispered brokenly. "Everyone leaves in the end..." He looked up at his big brother with giant, tear-drowned eyes, his blistered face horribly pale. "Jim I can't lose you...i can't... But I'm so scared I will one day..."
God why couldn't those tears stop spilling?! They burned like hell on his burned cheeks, but he barely noticed.
He jumped up, right into a desperate hug with his big brother. "Please don't...don't kill yourself...dont leave me...", he cried, burying his hurting face at his shoulder, soaking his shirt in minutes. "Please..."

Bailey grinned slightly as she heard him gulp, looking into his eyes.
"I know you seem quite happy to see me", she chuckled, raising one eyebrow, and kissed him.
"But what did you mean?"
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Jim blankly stared right in front of him for a while, until he wrapped his arms around his brother and hugged him tightly, tighter than ever, burying his face into his neck.
"Mac... I...", he took a deep breath, trying to stop his tears from rolling. "Don't think I wanted to leave you... please..." His voice cracked. It was weak, vulnerable. Just as him right now. "I just wanted the pain to stop..."
He carefully pushed his brother away from him and turned around, his head down, his hands balled into fists.
"I can't live without you or Rachel... I just felt so-" He painfully clenched his teeth together, closing his eyes as more tears streamed down. "Y'all only get hurt in the end because of me. She almost lost her life because of me! Y'all just be better of without this piece of shit in your lives..."
Jim felt how his heart was aching more again.
"I'm scared, Mac...", he whispered, taking a deep breath. "I'm scared to lose y'all... you saw what happened. I turned into... that thing... what if it happens when neither you or Rey are around to calm me down? What if I hurt- what if I kill one of my kids? What if I hurt one of your kids?"
He was shaking again.
"I'd just be better off dead, and y'all would be able to live your lives without fear and worries about something bad happening..."

"...what?" Cole blushed to an even darker red as she said she knew he was happy to see her. Gulping nervously, he grinned akwardly and just looked up to the ceiling, holding in his breath.
"What I wanted to say.... eh... I... I kinda forgot... eh..."
Before Mac could stop himself, he punched his fist right into Jim's face, tears streaming down his face as he looked down at his brother.
"Stop it! Stop it goddamn!", he shouted desperately. "When will you finally understand that we're NOT better off without you? Don't you see what your almost-death is doing to me?! What would it be like if i hadn't saved you?! Stop pitying yourself you asshole! You complain and complain but you do NOTHING against it! Things won't get better from wanting! They get better from working on your problems! Do you think it was easy for me to see myself as more than a monster?! It was the hardest thing I ever did, but i did it, because I NEVER. STOPPED. WORKING ON MYSELF!"
He reared his hand back for another punch, but then just dropped it and hugged Jim tightly, his fingers digging into the back of his jacket.
"I have a mission for you", he mumbled silently. "I gave Hunter that task as well when she was still having panic attacks."
He let go of Jim, wiped his and his own tears away and looked deep into his eyes.
"Listen closely, okay? When you start panicking about 'what if' again, close your eyes, breathe in an out times, as slowly as you can, and then make yourself think 'I will' instead of 'what if'. ' What if I turn into the demon?' No. 'I will control my demon'. Yes. 'What if I hurt my family?' No. 'I will be there for my family'. Yes. Got it? Promise me you will try it, Jim. Promise me you will get professional help."

Bailey laughed silently, looking into his eyes. "You're cute", she chuckled with a mischievous smirk, wandering down to his belly with small kisses.
Running back up with her nosetip, she grinned slightly.
"Am I making you nervous?", she asked innocently.
Jim stared at Macon with big, sad puppy eyes, running his hand through his face.
"I..." He looked down to the floor, painfully closing his eyes for a second. "I'll try... okay? Is that what you wanna hear? That I'll try? Man I'm givin' all I got..." He sighed brokenly, shaking his head.
"Fine. If that's what'll make you happy - first thing I'll do in the morning is find a shrink."
Jim sighed once more, wrapping his arms around himself, looking kind of like a scared child.
"I'm sorry I locked you out. It's just... a natural reaction from me. If something bad happens, lock everyone out so you can't get hurt anymore."
A shiver ran down his back as he tried to imagine how much he had hurt his family during those four months.
"...I understand if you want to keep your distance now. My kids'll probably do the same..."

Cole's breath had deepened, yet fastened at the same time. He bit his lip, looking up to the ceiling once more.
"...god you're just making it worse.", he whispered, gently pushing her off him. Holding himself up in a push-up position above her, he smirked down at her, kissing her neck, her cheekbones, her chest and just above her belly button.
"Yes, that's exactly what I want to hear", Mac replied with a sad smile, gently wiping a tear off Jim's face. "Your family deserves someone they can rely on, especially in hard times. I can't be that person forever. I have my own family to take care of, and I can't let them down to compensate your absence. You understand what I'm trying to say? It's time that you start taking responsibility for yourself and your family. You have to grow beyond the hurt and scared child inside you. Time to grow up, Jimmie."
He had calmed down to the gentle and friendly university-teaching slightly nerdy father of three and brother by now, the guy he really was, and looked up at his brother with a tired smile. "You know, if you don't find any shrink you think you can work with, you can always come to me too. And I want to ask you to lock your weapons away. Give the key to Rey or me or dad. I don't think it would be a good idea to let you close to any weapon right now."
Pulling Jim into a gentle hug, not desperate and hurt but caring and warm, he sighed silently. "I don't think i could keep my distance longer than two days", he chuckled softly. "And your kids don't know. I created a copy of you, well actually I just changed the appearance of one the robots i control with my thoughts. Your kids think you just went for a long holiday with them, to distract them from Rey's state a bit. Ash saw it through though...he eh...he changed, Jim. The kid is gone. He could easily be as old as us. Coming clear with all the pressure of the games, worrying about Emily and everything...he grew up so much it's scary..."

Bailey grinned slightly, running her fingertips down his back.
"Maybe that was the plan, to make it worse", she chuckled, wrapping her arms around his waist.
"after all you're my hot stuff."
Jim just stared at his brother for a while, frowning, and lastly just decided to ignore his brother saying it was time for him to grow up.
"You want me to lock away my weapons?", he asked, blinking a couple of times. "First you demolish the gun I've built when I was 11, now you want me to lock away all my weapons? Why not immediately lock away my baby?"
He sighed frustratedly, putting his hands in the pockets of his joggers.
"And eh... though I appreciate your offer on bein' my shrink... I eh... that'd only be weird. And there's... just some things I'd prefer not tellin' you 'bout."
He locked his gaze to the floor, frowning as Macon told him about his son.
"Yeah, I do understand Ash, though. All the games, a baby - that does take a lot of responsibility. I think I'll go pay him a visit later on..."

"I don't think we're talking about the same thing.", Cole replied, chuckling, his fingers of his right hand softly stroking over her belly, moving up to her chest until he stroke over her cheek. Leaning down, he kissed her deeply, smirking. "My hot girlfriend..."
"You God forsaken idiot, I thought you're just ignorant, but apparently you're also stupid", Mac growled, letting go of him.
He grabbed his collar, pulled him down to his attitude, their nosetip only inches apart as he glared into Jim's eyes, his slowly turning black.
"I will make it clear then:
you won't walk past my doorsill with a weapon on you.
And that's no suggestion- it's a threat to you and a promise to my family- you come here with a weapon, you can leave immediately. This house is weapon-free. No discussion."
He pulled him even a bit more close, his eyes pitch black by now. "Ash was forced to grow up because his mother was gone and his father wasn't there for him. Ring a bell, Jim? Dad at least was possessed."
He let go of Jim with a contemptuous scoff.
Shoving Jim's shoulder with his own, he walked past him and stopped at the stairs. "You should go. I'm going to bed."

"Then tell me what you're talking about", Bailey said with a seductive smile, slightly pulling him down and pulling herself up at the same time.
"My super hot boyfriend", she whispered smirking.
Jim's lips were trembling. The glow which had slowly started to re-appear after Rachel had returned, was now vanishing again.
"Fine.", he growled, walked out of his brother's house and slammed the door shut.
Tears streaming down his face, he walked over to his garage and got into his car, practically racing off. He quickly texted Rachel to let her know he'd be off,
Need a few min. Don't wait for me, might get late.
After about half an hour drive, he found himself in the middle of nowhere, quite high on a mountain, driving over 250 mp/h by now.
>>I should... I should call him...<<
With a sigh, he dialed his son's number and made his phone connect to the car's bluetooth.
Ash's voicemail.
Jim actually wanted to lay the phone down again, but decided to leave a message.
"Hi Ash... it's... it's me. Your mother is back. Doing fine. Your baby brother too. But that's not why I called. I... I honestly don't know how to start this...", he sighed. "Listen, I know... I know you probably hate me right now because I've been a shitty dad these past few months, and I don't blame you, I hate myself too. I just... I was so caught up in my pain and grief that I... I just locked everyone out. And I made you care about everything on your own, even though I told you I'd be there for you and... I know this all doesn't make anything up to you, and I get it if you don't want anything to do with me no more... I just... I want to say I'm sorry. I let you down, I let my brother down... looks like all I can do is be a crappy dad and letting the people I love down..."
He looked outside his car window for a moment. It was raining. Just fitting his mood.
"I'm gonna search pr- ... a shrink, professional help and I'll start working as hard as I can on myself... that doesn't take away the pain I caused you...", he bit his lip for a moment, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I just want to say that I... I love you. Never stopped and never will stop. I... I'm proud of who you are and... you'll stay my lil' kiddo no matter what... I- oh shit!"
Loud noises were heard, sounding a bit like explosions, until the phone line died -
and everything went black.

Cole gulped nervously, looking down at his body for a moment before back at Bailey.
"I eh... I..." His face was as red as a tomato right now, his heart racing - and Bailey's hot body pushing against his wasn't helping as well. "I think you can feel it...", he mumbled, swallowing up on nothing as he looked away.
"SO'N OF A BITCH!", Dean shouted shocked when a car crashed on the road right in front of him. He hit the brakes like a maniac to prevent crashing into that car and jumped out to help that driver, if there was anything to be saved. He had just been on the way to hospital, to look after his brother Adam, who had suffered some bad burns from a firework they had started on an abandoned graveyard. He immediately dialed 911, and luckily they came within five minutes, and asked him to come eith them to fill out some formulas. First aid or so. Since he had been on the way there anyway, he agreed.
While Dean was looking after Adam, the docs treated Jim, and immediately called his family.
Since the car crasher was sharing his room with Adam, Dean couldn't help but smile when it took only five minutes till a beautiful young woman, an angel, and Ash Davis himself burst into the room, followed by two ghosts, and old man, a white-haired woman...wait wasn't that Athena Johnson?!
They were standing and sitting around, waiting and waiting, and Dean waited with them, having some talks with the crasher's family. Adam was halfway okay, but he preferred to accompany his brother here instead of sitting alone at home or hunting a few stags and rabbits.
Everyone of them seemed to care deeply for this guy, it was sweet.
"You found him?", Macon asked him silently.
Dean nodded.
"He crashed right in front of me. You guys are here since hours already. Will you stay all night?"
"Till he wakes up", they all answered, kept on waiting and hoping.

Bailey chuckled silently, biting her lip.
"Come here you", she whispered, kissing him deeply.
"No need to feel awkward. We're talking about the same thing."
Smirking, she pulled him further down (aaand fade I guess XD)
After about 10 hours of unconsciousness, a silent mumbling filled the room.
"...somebody save my baby..."
Jim's entire body ached. He couldn't move. Even breathing hurt and took him more energy than usually.
He slowly opened one eye, the other not doing what he wanted it to do, and looked around. Well, he was only able to see a white ceiling, and that was it.
His nose however caught some familiar scents.
His eye dropped close again, and before he knew it, he was back in his unconsciousness sleep.
At the same moment, one of the doctors walked in, a worried expression on his face.
"Which one of you is Jim Dean Davis' family?", he asked, looking at all the people in the room. There were even ghosts...? That was quite strange. However, there was more to discuss than the ghosts. The guy could die. And the doctor had read the patient's file where was written, in case of emergency, 'call my baby bro who's a better doctor than you either way', so maybe that guy could help.

((all that tension here xD))
"All of us", Mac said with tears in his eyes, and walked up to the doc to look into his brother's file. That looked bad, but he had saved worse cases already.
"I'm that mentioned brother. get him into the next operating room!"
He already rushed out, got ready and frowned when another doc came in, pushing the bed Jim was laying in.
"Jimbo, I don't know if you can hear me right now...", he whispered to his ear. "But we are all here. I never meant it all to escalate like this. I'm sorry for what i said about you and possessed dad...listen, I will take care of this now, okay? I never lost a patient, and i will for sure not lose you. I promise. Hang in there! Time to fix you up, jerk.", he mumbled, before starting to vet Jim, constantly talking to him for whatever reason. Maybe he'd hear him.
"Okay aaand...youre fixed.", he sighed after several hours. "Don't you dare to die now, I won't let you ruin my good reputation. I'm winking. You probably can't see it. We're bringing you back into your room now. everyone is here. Ash even came over from L.A. in his car. Never seen anyone drive so fast before. Guess he was so fucked up that he didn't manage to channel enough energy for teleporting."

(Guess it's ten hours later here as well then XD)
Had it really been hours already?! God time had passed too quickly. Bailey felt as if she hadn't slept at all, but at the same totally hyper.
When the memories from last night replayed in her head, she smiled softly and kissed Cole's shoulder. "Hot Stuff...", she mumbled silently, cuddling against him. "It's 7 a.m. graduation ceremony starts in two hours."
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Why did everything hurt like that?
Move your hand.
Not even an inch.
Leg perhaps?
Open your eyes.
Slowly, very slowly, one eye opened. With an ever slower movement, the other one followed.
Jim groaned painfully. His left eye burned.
"...don't tell me I died because of a friggin' car accident...", he mumbled silently, frowning as he talked.
Yes, even talking hurt.
He looked up - just a white ceiling.
He looked to the right - just the side of his pillow.
To the left - the same thing.
Great. He couldn't even see a thing.
What were those familiar scents?
Athena. Athena?
>>What the hell is she doin' here all the way down from Alaska?<<
>>What's he doing here...? Didn't he say he didn't want to see me anymore? Oh yeah, and that I'm worse than possessed dad. That was nice to hear.<<
He groaned silently, even though he had actually just wanted to growl in his thoughts.
There was another scent though.
>>Ash? Did he... did he get my message? Why would he... why would he come to see his shitty as crap father?<<

(haha yeah exactly xD)
Cole moaned.
"Five more minutes...", he mumbled, still half asleep, while wrapping his arms around Bailey and pulling her closer.
"Good morning baby.", he whispered, smiling softly - his eyes still closed.
"Dad!", Ash gasped, darting forwards so Jim could see him, Mac right beside him.
While Mac gently stroked some hair out of his face, ash took his hand.
"Man dad, what are you doing, crashing the baby off a mountain...", he mumbled softly.
A soft grin formed on his face as he thought of his girlfriend and their babies. Yep. Twins!
"You know what? Emily and I... well, it's gonna be both! Twins! A boy and a girl. We still have to come up with names. Dad, You had a pretty bad accident, but Mac outdid himself. I bet you'll be up in no time. We're all here, you know? The guy who saved you as well. His brother Adam is sharing this room with you. He's about my age, I believe. And you know what? The guy's name is Dean! Crazy isn't it? You two should pay the cafeteria a visit together when you're better. I bet you'd like him. He's very much like you." Looking to the side, he smiled at someone. "I'll make some space for mac now." He gave his father's hand a reassuring squeeze and stepped aside.

"Jimbo...", Mac mumbled with red eyes, from exhaustion, tears, lack of sleep...
"I'm sorry for what I said about you and possessed dad, and it wasn't true. Dad's demon was far worse..." He sighed silently, shaking his head. "Still. Saying that wasn't okay. I'm sorry, Jimbo. Will you please forgive me?"

Bailey chuckled softly, cuddling against him some tighter and closing her eyes with a happy sigh.
"Good morning baby", she whispered back, gently stroking through his hair.
She was smiling like a derp, and just couldn't stop it.
"... you're so wonderfully warm...", she sighed happily, enjoying every inch of closeness as she kissed him softly and felt as if she had fallen for him all over again.
"I'm the one with the accident here... but you look far worse, man.", Jim replied, his voice still silent. He shouldn't talk too much, that hurt like hell. Oh well, it was worth it.
"Of course I forgive you baby brother. And hey... you were right." He tried to smile, but only moving one muscle made him groan painfully, so he just kept looking at his brother with his tired expression. "I am ignorant, and stupid, and a shitty dad and brother." He closed his eyes. "And husband probably too."
Jim slowly opened his eyes again, trying to move his hand so he could hit his brother's shoulder - but he wasn't even able to move it a single inch.
"...and Ash...", he whispered, turning his head to the right - to his pillow. Oh well. He'd just imagine his son's head there.
"I'm glad you and Emily are fine. So it's gonna be twins? Nervous? Excited?", he asked, sighing silently. "And, kiddo... I don't know if you got my message but before I crashed I sent you a voicemail... I eh..." He sighed brokenly. "It doesn't change the fact that I practically left you alone for months and it doesn't change a thing about your feelings towards me but I... just I'm sorry."

Cole now finally opened his eyes, smiling softly at her. His hair looked like an exploded hedgehog, and his eyes looked as if he was still sleeping. Quite cute actually. "I'm warm because you're here. You know - you're hot.", he chuckled, taking a deep breath as he hugged Bailey tightly. "I love you."
"Ah Jimbo, everyone makes mistakes now and then. I haven't always been the best father, brother and husband either, but that doesn't make me a bad person. And neither do your mistakes make you bad. Right ash?", Mac said with a sad smile, gently petting Jim's shoulder.
"He's right dad", Ash agreed. "I got your voicemail. I'm really proud of you that you want to get help. That's great. I can recommend someone, Dr.Mayrose Merryweather. It's a weird name, but she helped me a lot. I bet she could help you too."
Smiling softly, he kissed his father's forehead. "Mom just went to shout at a few doctors i believe, she should be back in a minute. Grandpa and grandma and rex are here too."
The door opened and six more people entered. Toxic and Dennis with two babies, followed by ghost Jack and Michelle. "Hey Jim", Toxic said with a soft smile, and Mike smirked lopsidedly. "Man buddy from the bar, you're doing some cr...uh..."
"Jim, I heard you a bad car crash, it's all over the news!", Phil Collins said with a concerned voice.
"Dude tell me your secret how to make so many friends!", Dean laughed, appearing in Jim's field of vision. "Hi, I'm Dean, you crashed in front of me. Good to see you're awake."

Bailey but her lip, grinning as she softly stroked over his cheek.
"You are so sweet", she sighed happily. "I love you too, honey. Hey, Chloey, Clair and a few others asked if we will come to the graduation party too."
Jim watched all the people in the room for a moment.
"I didn't even know there were so many people who cared about me...", he mumbled surprised, smiling internally - because it still hurt to move his mouth to form a smile.
"Of course your mom went to go shout at some doctors... usually that's my job.", he chuckled, followed by another painful groan. "I shouldn't laugh."
His eyes took on an even more confused expression as he saw his cousin with his girlfriend and kids... and Michelle? And freaking Phil Collins?
"Man, I knew you were stupid but I didn't know you were stupid enough to crash your car.", Dennis shook his head, smirking. "Are you ok, though?"
"Sure, just a bruise. I'll be back on the road in no time."
"I doubt that.", Dennis replied, frowning slightly. Maybe it wasn't the right time to tell Jim about the baby yet...
"Hey bar bud, you here too?", Jim asked Michelle. "Nice to see you again."
There were so many people in this room. Even Phil... Phil fucking Collins!
"What is Phil Collins doing here? And wait, did you just say it was in the news? Car accidents happen all the time...?" He frowned internally for a moment, before turning his head to Dean.
"I'd shake your hand... but I can't move so I'll do that another time. I'm Jim. Thanks for savin' me.", he took a deep breath, frowning. Breathing hurt like fucking hell. "And hey, I have no idea why these people wanna hang around me. They all must've lost their minds.", he chuckled, again followed by a painful groan. As he saw his brother in the room as well, he closed his eyes for a moment before he talked. "Hey Jackie, you here too? It's like y'all visiting the pope who's about to die. Just wanted to say sorry for leavin' that fast on your birthday when Rey got hurt... and for not seekin' contact after."

Cole frowned slightly. "I don't know... none of your friends seem to like me. I'm actually pretty sure they don't like me at all. Maybe you should go celebrate with your friends without me. I don't want to be a burden."
"It's okay Jimmie", Jack said with a soft smirk. "It's not like I wouldn't have an eternity to wait for you, right?"
He winked, smirking as Rachel came rushing into the room, leaving a trace of burning footprints and smile behind her.
"Honey!", she gasped relieved. "God you woke up, I'm so relieved..."
Sighing silently, she carefully sat down on his bedside, gently stroking through his hair.she had been looking into his eyes all the time, but looked up when Phil spoke.
"Well yeah, car crashes happen every day", he said nodding. "But eh..."
"None of those kind.", Dean ended his sentence, and Phil nodded. "And why am i here, Well, don't you remember Paris? I thought we're friends, so I quickly came over to see how you're doing."
Now Michelle spoke up. "Just as all of us i guess. And of course I came!"
Rachel smiled softly at all of them.
"And you thought you have no friends", Mac chuckled, as yet another two persons appeared- Jasper and Cody, then also sol, mort, Lucifer, Elenor....and even a projection of Anno.
"Oh peeps, this is getting crowdy here!", the snow white man chuckled.
"C'mon guys, leave him some space!", Mac said, crossing his arms. Smirking, he looked at Jim. "If even more friends of yours appear here we'll have ro expand the room", he laughed.

Bailey rolled her eyes, smiling gently. "They asked for US, dummy. Meaning me AND YOU."
She kissed him softly, cuddling against him tightly. "And when will you finally understand that you're no burden at all?", she said with a soft smile. "You know what I wrote with the others on whatsapp a few days ago? We discussed who of the guys of our class had the cutest smile, and was generally the cutest. And we all agreed that there was only one guy who could be that- and that's you." Grinning, she poked his side. "Really, you have the sweetest smile I've ever seen. I love to see you smile."
"What do you mean 'none of that kind'?", Jim asked, his forehead slightly turning into a frown, until he turned back to Rachel and relaxed his face. "Hey baby. Sorry I made you worry like that."
He turned to all the people in the room, his eyes slightly sparkling.
"It's like we're having a business meeting here.", he mumbled. "Even Anno's here? Well... kinda."
Just in that moment, someone knocked on the door, and as it opened, two police officers came in.
"Oh great, now I got those idiots glued to my ass.", Jim rolled his eyes - even if that hurt like hell - not even caring if the police had heard that.
"We meet again, Davis. Wouldn't have thought it to be under these circumstances, but fine.", one of the officers said, crossing his arms.
Jim knew that one from back in Texas. He had made that officer's life a living hell. Always funny to tease that one.
"What do you want?"
"First of all - you were driving over 250 mp/h on a road where only 100 were allowed. Secondly - you were driving a car which wasn't registered and therefore was illegal on our roads. Thirdly - we found an entire bag of weapons in your trunk. Fourth - Alcohol and traces of drugs in your blood. Care to explain?"
The Texan officer crossed his arms and stared down at Jim with a big frown, while the other police officer was starting to feel quite uncomfortable because of all these people.
"Well, first of all - I wasn't driving 250 mp/h. 254, to be precise. And eh, there ain't no sign on that road telling me what's the limit. If I'm correct, it used to be 150 mp/h, but that sign's gone. Secondly - according to section 4B, paragraph 11 under the part of law enforcement road vehicles, as long as you got a driver's license and your car is in top condition, you don't have to register it.", Jim replied, smirking internally as he saw the officer's confused face. "Yeah, I know my laws. Oh and before you say it's only for law enforcement - I joined the military, inactive general speaking here."
Jim leaned his hurting head back in the pillow, looking at his family and friends for a moment before back at the police officer. "To answer your third question - all those weapons are registered and legal to carry. And there ain't no law on prohibition of using your car's trunk to store your weaponry. Fourth question - If I'm not mistaken, there should've been about 0.06 promille of alc left in my body. You're allowed to drive with that little. And those drugs, hah, 'Marie' ain't illegal here, asshole. Can't catch me on nothin'."

Cole blushed slightly, smiling. "All of you really thought that?", he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Gotta keep an eye on you not suddenly loving other cute guys' smiles.", he winked, stretching his arms for a moment, before he buried his face in Bailey's neck. "I love you."
Ash facepalmed. Hard.
Rubbing his temples, he sighed, and slapped an apologetic smile into his face.
"Officer, please excuse my father's behavior. He probably is still a bit hazed from the narcosis and everything; I'm sure If he'd be in a better condition, he would encounter you in a more respectful way. After all you're only doing your job here, right? Oh ehm-"
He gave the officer a handshake, still smiling slightly. "Ash Davis, nice to meet you. I will make sure my father will refrain from making trouble like this in the future, but thank you for your service. Ring me up when you want some front row tickets for a Lakers game sometime, okay? 'Kay. I will ensure he'll mess around less, officers, you can continue your work now. Make this city safe." He winked at them, an angelic smile on his face. One of them looked pretty dazzled by him.
When the officers stumbled off, Athena raised one eyebrow at Ash. "How old are you again?! 16?!"
Ash just lifted one shoulder. "I certainly feel years older", he chuckled running his hand over the slight shade of beard stubbles on his face. "...and i forgot to shave..."

"I love you more", Bailey giggled, gently pushing Cole a few inches away. "Nope, you'll see, I'll still bring you luck when we're old and wrinkly." Smirking, she got up. "Now get up you sloth, or we'll miss the ceremony!", she laughed, throwing a pillow at him. "Don't force me to tickle you out of bed!" A second later, she moaned annoyedly. "Hey dummy, how did you manage to throw my bra into the aquarium?!"
Jim watched the officers leave, sighing.
"Kid, that asshole shot and killed a friend of mine because he was black. That officer knows I hate him, and I know he hates me. I actually do know how to treat law enforcement personel even though I'm not a big fan of them.", he said to his son, frowning painfully as his chest started stinging. "Hey, Mac, is it normal for my chest to fucking hurt like that?"
His frown deepened, and he suddenly started sweating like an idiot, his breaths fastening in an incredible speed - the heart monitor starting to beep loudly.
"I shouldn't have talked that much, hm?", Jim muttered, smirking painfully. "Goin' down with a sarcastic comment, great." - and his eyes dropped close.

Cole laughed, running his hand through his hair. "Eh well... I wasn't able to open it so I kinda ripped it off and it jumped out of my hand?", he explained, winking. "I'll get you one of my sister. She still got some of her old clothes here. You wouldn't mind that... would you?"
Mac groaned silently and rushed into the next surgery room.
After about an hour, he came back sighing, pushing Jim's bed back into place.
Rachel immediately stopped pacing forth and back, and stared at Mac.
Mac just looked annoyed.
"That asshole had a heart attack."
Rachel raised one eyebrow in disbelief. "Jim? A heart attack?"
"Yup. The alcohol damaged his liver, causing his blood to not be cleaned by it as it should be, causing a coronal artery to clog, causing a part of his left atrium to get less blood than it should, causing a heart attack. Who of us should tell him that he may not drink any alcohol for the next six months?"
Rachel couldn't suppress a silent sarcastic snort. "As if he would care. I probably could tell him that it could kill him- which it could- and he still eouldnt stop drinking." A single tear ran down her cheek, and the others silently left the room to grant them some privacy.
"How is he, Mac?"
Mac sighed silently. He couldn't tell her he still was in a critical condition.
"He's stable for now. Don't worry, I never lost a patient."
Rachel sighed silently, nodded, and just cuddled against Mac, crying silently as they sat down on the ground. Mac gently wrapped his wings and arms around her. "Hey, don't worry. I've seen worse...he will make it. You will see."
Rey just cuddled against him tighter, sobbing soundlessly.
Trying to cheer her up, Mac chuckled softly. "Who would've thought that we'd end up cuddling once again, hm?"
"Shut up I just need a shoulder to cry on, you dumbass."

"Nah I wouldn't mind", Bailey chuckled, gently kissing his cheek.
She fished her soaked bra out of the aquarium and sat down on the bed beside Cole. "There, you just have to pull the right side to the left and the left side to the right, see?", she explained with a soft smirk.
"Better i show you now, before I'll need a new bra after every time we sleep together, hm?", she chuckled, gently shoving his shoulder with hers.

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