Advice on a new Charm

Shield of Mars

Cost: 5 motes, 1 will

Duration: Instant

Type: Reflexive

Min Res: 3

Min Ess: 2

Pre-reqs: None

Roll Dex+Res, every 2 sux allow transfer of 1 HL damage suffered to attacker or attacker's allies as unblockable, undodgable, unsoakable damage. Recipient must be present. Effect can only be defended by perfect defenses. The Sidereal does not 'suffer' the transferred damage.

As for everything else I said, and your responses. I just ran with what I read into your description, they're only opinions that are formed on what I got out of your description. I think most of your comments (maybe even all! ;) ) are valid and reasonable I was just trying to reason it out. And you're going to have to trust me on the healer, k? :P

Edit: Dyslexic moment
DarkProphet said:
I'd also have an option where they could store it beyond the original time limit (you have have this already and I just missed it when reading your description).  So the scene ends, but they've yet to have a chance to dole out their retribution, so they pay some essence (perhaps 1/2 of the original cost or just pay for the entire charm agan) and they can store it for another scene.
This is the intent of the Charm. You would be able to "store" this damage indefinitely, and just keep adding more with successive uses of the Charm. The drawback is that these motes remain committed until you, at any point you desire, reflexively unload them.

I'll make an effort to make the final copy more clear on this.

Alysaur said:
Roll Dex+Res, every 2 sux allow transfer of 1 HL damage suffered to attacker or attacker's allies as unblockable, undodgable, unsoakable damage. Recipient must be present. Effect can only be defended by perfect defenses. The Sidereal does not 'suffer' the transferred damage.
This is an entirely different effect, both mechanically, and thematically, than the one I'm going for.

Alysaur said:
As for everything else I said, and your responses. I just ran with what I read into your description, they're only opinions that are formed on what I got out of your description.
Of course. I appreciate your comments -- even the ones I disagreee with.

Stillborn said:
Solfi said:
rhm... anyways. Unleashing the Righteous Balance, or something maybe not quite so pompous, but with connotations to balance or retribution?
I'm kind of leaning toward something more metaphorical, such as "Anvil-Crushes-the-Hammer Technique"

I think "Anvil Crushes the Hammer" is pretty apt.

Sounds kickass.  I assume it'll be on Lore5 when you're done with the mechanics?
I've got a description cooked up, and stats, but I wanted to make sure the mechanics were more clearly defined before posting it to lore5.

For a fairly simple effect, I find it unusually tricky to describe clearly. Please give me some feedback on the following:

With this Charm, a Solar can focus the pain and suffering of long-term abuse into one lethal and devastating attack.

Once per scene, the Solar may "save up" the damage received from a single blow, for the cost of 4 motes per activation, converting these health levels into a pool of damage dice. This Charm may be invoked multiple times, over an indefinite period, accumulating additional “savedâ€
Stillborn said:
He may at any time, upon a successful hand-to-hand attack
This includes anything involving Brawl, Martial Arts, or Melee, and may include counterattacks, yes?  Not that you need to explicitly enumerate these things, just making sure.
memesis said:
This includes anything involving Brawl, Martial Arts, or Melee, and may include counterattacks, yes?  Not that you need to explicitly enumerate these things, just making sure.

... That founder truly has a Stellar name.

[runs and hides]

...I just couldn't help myself!

btw, I posed a question in my comments of the charm.
Yeah. It would be a better name for a Sidereal.


Nice work, well worded, makes sense and the mechanics feel plausible/consistent, it all fits together well.
Alysaur said:
Nice work, well worded, makes sense and the mechanics feel plausible/consistent, it all fits together well.
Thanks. Drop a rating on it, if you don't mind.

Stillborn said:
Drop a rating on it, if you don't mind.
I will, and I don't.

I must confess to having had difficulty with Lore5 and once I work my way past these difficulties OR get so frustrated I need to ask for help I'll start rating the shit out of the place. It'll take time because RL is constantly getting in the way too. It's on the 'to-do' list.
Alysaur said:
Stillborn said:
Drop a rating on it, if you don't mind.
I will, and I don't.

I must confess to having had difficulty with Lore5 and once I work my way past these difficulties OR get so frustrated I need to ask for help I'll start rating the shit out of the place. It'll take time because RL is constantly getting in the way too. It's on the 'to-do' list.
Don't build up frustration.  Just ask what you want to know.  Feel free to IM me if I'm online, or PM me here, if you have any questions or concerns.
Stillborn, Memesis,

Whoa! :oops: My problem isn't really a problem. I've just been poking around in it, thinking ... toys! shiny new toys ... must play! and then finding that I can't quite make it work {jargon warning!} intuitively. My mind's a bit fruity and I have documentation to prove it so I just need to sit down in front of it and spend a few hours bashing at it and so forth (and as you may have guessed I have given Lore5 that commitment yet). Then I'll know whether I'm capable of grasping it, or whether it needs to be made a little easier for fruity thinkers! ;)
Alysaur said:
Stillborn, Memesis,
Whoa! :oops: My problem isn't really a problem. I've just been poking around in it, thinking ... toys! shiny new toys ... must play! and then finding that I can't quite make it work {jargon warning!} intuitively. My mind's a bit fruity and I have documentation to prove it so I just need to sit down in front of it and spend a few hours bashing at it and so forth (and as you may have guessed I have given Lore5 that commitment yet). Then I'll know whether I'm capable of grasping it, or whether it needs to be made a little easier for fruity thinkers! ;)
One important principle in software is the Principle of Least Surprise.  What this means is that if the user reasonably expects something to work, and it doesn't, that is the fault of the software, not the user.  If you are trying things that you think should work intuitively, but don't, please do bring those up on the Lore5 discussion/projects board.
I promise! *raises fingers in mock scout salute and grins sheepishly*

Truth be told I intend to do just that, give you feedback, but it needs to be constructive, so I'll do me [sic.] research and at least demonstrate why I'm fruity! ;)

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