Shield of Mars
Cost: 5 motes, 1 will
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Min Res: 3
Min Ess: 2
Pre-reqs: None
Roll Dex+Res, every 2 sux allow transfer of 1 HL damage suffered to attacker or attacker's allies as unblockable, undodgable, unsoakable damage. Recipient must be present. Effect can only be defended by perfect defenses. The Sidereal does not 'suffer' the transferred damage.
As for everything else I said, and your responses. I just ran with what I read into your description, they're only opinions that are formed on what I got out of your description. I think most of your comments (maybe even all! ) are valid and reasonable I was just trying to reason it out. And you're going to have to trust me on the healer, k?
Edit: Dyslexic moment
Cost: 5 motes, 1 will
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Min Res: 3
Min Ess: 2
Pre-reqs: None
Roll Dex+Res, every 2 sux allow transfer of 1 HL damage suffered to attacker or attacker's allies as unblockable, undodgable, unsoakable damage. Recipient must be present. Effect can only be defended by perfect defenses. The Sidereal does not 'suffer' the transferred damage.
As for everything else I said, and your responses. I just ran with what I read into your description, they're only opinions that are formed on what I got out of your description. I think most of your comments (maybe even all! ) are valid and reasonable I was just trying to reason it out. And you're going to have to trust me on the healer, k?
Edit: Dyslexic moment