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Fantasy Adventures in Eneia -- Characters



Five Thousand Club
(Please PM me your sheet for approval before posting!)


Appearance: (Pic, description, or hybrid acceptable)


Use of Magic: (If Applicable)

Other Skills and Traits:

Personality (Optional):

History (Optional)

Name: Elora Verisoth (Wolf is named Makh)
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Class: Strider



Equipment: Father's Hunting Bow, Dual Short Swords, Leather Hunting Armor. Skinning knife

Other Skills and Traits: Tracking, Stealth, Campfire Cooking, Animal Handling, Climbing

History: Elora was always a troublesome child, running off on her own to explore the outskirts of her village instead of doing chores. As she grew older this wanderlust became even more pronounced - one morning she left to enjoy her wingstick and didn't come back until evening with a wolf pup in tow. Eventually she grew old enough to learn how to hunt (some said that she was still too young), and she took to it like a fish to water. She quickly and easily learned where to strike to cause the least pain and suffering. She learned how to use every part of the animal - how to cook and craft.

Soon she had become the pride of her father. The village became warmer to her and she helped supply many meals. One day a group of hooded strangers came asking for "volunteers". When refused they threatened the village, and the next night they attacked. Elora and her father helped fight off the magic-using invaders but at the end of it her father was nowhere to be seen - only his bow was found.

Unlike a majority of her village, she was sure that her father was still alive, only captured. And so, with Makh in tow, she set off to find her father - and the meaning behind this attack.

Theme Song
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Name: Rusk Turiis
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Race: Lizardfolk scaleback
Class: Mercenary

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Equipment: Medium armour (chainmail with some metal plates, and a gambeson underneath); arming sword; round shield; dagger; bow and arrows

Other skills and traits: First aid; camp cooking; hand to hand combat; decent archery; lizard claws that can help with unarmed fighting

History: Born in one of Rakarth's major port cities, Rusk was the second son of an innkeeper. While helping with the family business, he often came into contact with various adventurers and travellers. In his later teenage years, he took lessons in swordfighting and hand to hand combat. Some time after coming of age, Rusk left his home city to travel the world as a mercenary, occasionally picking up bounty hunting and adventuring in the Labirynth as well, even heading out into the uncharted island with the Expedition three times.

Recently Rusk has been going moving between the Papacy, Volath and the wildlands between them, picking up miscellaneous tasks, mostly protecting villages and caravans from bandits and dangerous animals. Currently, he is being paid by a group of elven leaders, who pooled their funds to investigate attacks on a number of towns in an area of the wildlands, made by an unusually well organized group of bandits.

Name: Cylas Winderfell
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Human Chaos Touched
Class: Warlock

Appearance: Clothed in heavy robes meant to protect him from the elements, Cylas is a tall and skinny young man with tanned skin and dirty blonde shaggy hair. He gives the appearance of someone who has been on the road for a long time with his unshaven face producing a thin beard. His clothes appear to have been haphazardly fixed and patched after wear and tear. The only part of his wardrobe that seems relatively undamaged is his hat which has a wide brim and pointed top. His eyes are normally light blue but glow green when he uses magic.

Equipment: Heavy Clothing, Hat, Sword Breaker Dagger, Journal, Shillelagh Walking Stick,

Use of Magic: Chaotic magic

Other Skills and Traits: Survival, Scholarly Magic, Stealth

Personality (Optional): Cylas is a shy individual who does not do well in social situations but has a strong sense of right especially in regards to the morality of magic use. When angered, especially about the previous subject, he can be somewhat terrifying with his use of the destructive and changing power of Chaos. Though as soon as his temper fades he reverts back to the quiet recluse he normally is.

History (Optional): Cylas was born on a small farming village somewhere in Volath but was taken in by the College of Chaotic Magic shortly after an incident involving his powers when he was young. Thus he grew up amid the scholars of chaos, the followers of destructive change. Certainly not a traditional childhood but he found himself well cared for. Though his close relationship with the professors and older scholars of the college meant he wasn’t particularly popular with those his own age. He wasn’t exactly bullied but he was most certainly an outcast which further hampered his social development. By the time he graduated as a full fledged Warlock he had grown weary of other people. So much so that he decided to deny the opportunity to continue his education and instead left the College. He desired solitude and shelter from judging eyes and hateful whispers, a place where he could study in peace away from people. Unfortunately for him he hasn’t found that place yet and he still needs food and shelter to survive. So he’s taken to wandering around as a drifter, doing what he could to survive.​

Nayacel "Naya" Ker'rosm

"Mu ja rak etull talfalnor."

"May the light guide your heart."

Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height / Weight: 5 ft / 102 lbs
Race: Half Cat-Folk
Class: Monk (Paladin/Brawler)
Sexuality: 110% Pan

God you worship: Rak'Thiel

Personal belongings and various items: The only things that she possesses are a small pack, a tent, a bedroll, a sleeping bag, a fishing pole, and a wooden flute.

Use of Magic: Aetherborn & White Mage
- Like most brawlers Naya can coat her body in a layer of aether to boost her attacks and defense. She is decisive with her use however, activating it only when she is about to land a blow or needs to block an attack. And while she rarely finds a need to do so she can also shape her aether into a spear or sword.
- Having devoted her life to upholding the tenets of Rak'Thiel, Naya is able to manifest her will in the form of golden flames. Channeling this fire into her aether she wreathes these flames around her fists, feet, and even her entire body. She can also spew these flames like a flamethrower or compress and launch them as bolts.
- She can also use her magic to boost her senses and regulate her body temperature, giving her resistance to extreme temperatures.

Other Skills and Traits:
- As with all cat-folk Naya has enhanced senses, night vision, claws, and incredible reflexes and agility, though not as much as a pure blood. Through a combination of training and magic however Naya has more than made up the difference and can even go beyond in short burst.
- Naya is an expert martial artist, having to defeat all three of her masters before her training was complete. She is acrobatic and quick on her feet, waiting for the moment you leave yourself open before she attacks.
- Naya inherited her mother's Saint's Blood

Personality: Cheerful and full of energy, Naya is the kind of person that you rarely ever see without a smile. She is always willing to help with anything that is asked of her and never doubts or second guesses herself. Once she has made a decision, she follows it through to the end. Having spent most her life in an isolated monastery she can be a little naive to the way the outside world works.

Bio: The fourth daughter of Clan Leader Ras'uthial of Clan Claw, Naya is the result of an affair between the clan leader and a human adventurer named Aia who disappeared shortly after Naya was born. While Naya was never discriminated against for her heritage it was clear that she would never be in line to be leader because of her mixed blood and at most she would be married off to another clan for political purposes. Rather than accept such a role Naya chose instead to enter into the warrior order of Rak'Thiel and soon realized that was were her true passion lay. She proved to be a prodigy, flying through the lessons and completing her training as she became a full fledge adult. With nothing else to do Naya decided to go off adventuring, exploring the world and bringing light to the darkness, and just maybe finding her mom while she's at it.

Theme Song:
Trace.pngName: Trace Wildfang

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Race: Hyena Beastfolk

Class: Brawler

Equipment: Fuck weapons, she's got her claws and teeth!

Other Skills and Traits: Tracking, Hunting, Meat Eating, Starting Fights, Running

Personality: She often cackles in many situations, even the serious ones. Sometimes the cackle is because the situation is actually funny, and sometimes she cackles to make her feel not as scared or to freak out her opponent. She is a bit of an ass and may be hard to get along with but once she grows on someone, which takes a long time, she's extremely loyal to the bone.

History: Like most Beastfolk, Trace was born in Rotunga. She does not bother worshipping the Beastfolk's god- she'd rather live for herself rather than in the name of some other person, especially a mythical one who has done nothing to earn her loyalty. That being said, she doesn't believe the stories of divine interventions in the past.

Trace comes from a long line of brawlers, having been trained by her mother and aunt. In fact, many Wildfangs are brawlers, though not all of them.

Her family, the Wildfangs, are purely hyenas. They do not permit the mixing of others within their bloodline. Of course, there have been some in the past. Those who break the family's rule gets cast from their family to survive on their own without their help. The Wildfangs are matriarchal in nature. Trace's mother is the head of the clan they are involved with. She isn't nearly as strict about the ongoings of other family branches within the clan, though she has been shifting for a more matriarchal nature. Simply put, the Wildfangs are strict and ambitious. The idea is that once they manage to get the clan where they want, their goal after is to get a leg into the Fang clan, get some backing to present a challenge for the head position.
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Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race: Angelkin

Class: Druid


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Equipment: Paper lantern, porcelain saucer

Use of Magic: Nature Magic

Other Skills and Traits: Gathering, botany, healing, tracking,

Personality: Patient, Respectful, Generous, Vengeful, Cautious, Protective


Born to merchant parents who were both Angelkin, Shenghuo came into the world during his family’s trip from Valoth to Zarai. The couple had missed their ship departing for the country of Zarai and were forced to travel through the wildlands to make their deadline. Along the way the family came across several areas overrun with aether and chaos magic. In their attempt to avoid it their trip was lengthened and they were caught in a violent storm. Falling from a cliff into a mudslide, Shenghuo’s father died and his mother struggled to carry on with a broken heart with the elements pounding against her. She succumbed to exhaustion the same day and the tricky terrain claimed her as well. Shenghuo survived only thanks to the spirits protecting him from the rain, lightning, and falling trees. Surviving the nights the spirits tended to Shenghuo, raising him in the wildlands until he was old enough to walk his way to Zarai where he was greeted by a host of druids who had been expecting him. They officially became his family and raised the toddler, teaching him to honor the spirits that chose him and teaching him nature magic.

Shenguo studied hard and lived his life as any druid should, even when he learned the truth of his parents and their demie. He was grateful to those who took him in, especially to the spirits that ensured his survival when they didn’t have to. He spent his teenage years trying to perfect his magic and even started journeying into the wildlands to try lessening the presence of chaos and aether energies. Of course he was unsuccessful, but that only made him work harder.

When he was old enough to understand the politics between Zarai and the Papacy, Shenguo began to fight them back. Any of their men who crossed his path felt nature’s wrath. He did whatever task the spirits asked of him in the interest of keeping their favor and repaying them for their kindness.​
Name: Petaa Vladson

Age: 24

Gender: male

Race: human

Class: Archer


Appearance: (Pic, description, or hybrid acceptable)

Equipment: Bow and quiver of arrows and a dagger.

Use of Magic: (If Applicable) none

Other Skills and Traits: Petaa is pretty well focused as he does not really like to have small talk with others in fear of losing his focus. Most of the time he is a good shot and his mark from far away. He is just a simple minded solider who happens to be of importance to the plot.

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