Adventurers Wanted

RP Rules:

1. No God-Modding

2. Be Nice to each other in the OOC

3. Nobody is All-Powerful

4. Follow all the normal RPN rules

The races in this RP so far are:

  • Humans
  • Elves (Including High Elves, Wood Elves, Dark Elves, and Dwarves)

If you have an idea for something that's not on the list, please suggest it. I am open to suggestions. You can suggest anything from new races to plot points and lore; just talk to me about it.

P.S. Just a side note, but let's try to avoid Divine beings as races (i.e. Angels, Demons, Gods, etc...)


  • Ellwyn: Ellwyn is a magical plane only accessible through portals cast by certain mages. It is a huge, beautiful land with various climates. (depending on what part of Ellwyn you're in)
  • Central Ellwyn has a moderate, fertile climate with rolling grassy hills and is almost always sunny. It also is home to gigantic forests of massive trees (which are rumored to magical) in which Wood Elves have made a home. There is not a large city, but rather a lot of small villages that communicate freely and have peaceful relations.
  • Northern Ellwyn is a harsh, unforgiving place. It's low temperatures can kill and weaken those unprepared. It is snowy, rocky, and tough, with lots of cave systems and brutal monsters. Northern Ellwyn is heavily populated by Dwarves in gargantuan underground cities and mines. The Dwarves are very technologically advanced and tend to reject deities. This was the cause of The Great War with men. The largest major Dwarven is called Cidnah.
  • Southern Ellwyn is the Northern portion's counterpart. Southern Ellwyn is a dry, arid location. The majority of Southern Ellwyn is made of sandy dunes and holds the risk of quicksand sinkholes, which snatch up unprepared travelers. It's high temperatures can also kill and weaken travelers. Southern Ellwyn is mostly populated by Dark Elves, who have large cities - in the sky. The Dark Elves have large, ancient, floating cities. Cities float due to a mixture of Magic and Dwarven Technology. The technology was given to the Dark Elves as a gift, after a major ancient city was swallowed whole into the dunes of Ellwyn. The Dark Elves and Dwarves hold a tight historic bond. The largest floating city is called Daatham.
  • Western Ellwyn is settled primarily by Men. There is a major city there called Shorstein. Men have a shaky alliance with the Dwarves, that came about after a historic war (The Great War), so it is not uncommon to see Dwarves in Shorstein.
  • Eastern Ellwyn was settled by High Elves long before any other races had even discovered Ellwyn. There is a major High Eleven city called Aedyll, in which 80 percent of all High Elves live. Since the High Elves were in Ellwyn long before the other races, when the other races started settling in Ellwyn, tensions stared to arise. High Elves felt a sort of ownership of it and felt the other races were stealing from them. The High Elves didn't have problems with other Elven races, but never felt the same way toward Men. Due to religious differences, relations between Men and High Elves are especially tense. Though tensions are high, there has been no war, because both Men and the Elves alike have decided that war would be too costly. There is, however, a great deal of racism on both sides. Men tend to dislike High Elves and High Elves tend to look down on Men.


There are three major religions in Ellwyn:

  • Solwan - This is mostly practiced by Men. It worships one god - Sol. Sol is represented by the Sun and light. The Sun is considered holy. Practice of Solwan is looked down upon by High Elves. (Solwan also looks down upon by those who practice Vaem.)
  • Darwan - This is mostly practiced by Dark Elves. It is also a monotheistic system, but worships the god Dar. The god Dar is represented by Darkness and Night. Darwan is considered 'evil' by Solwan and many members of Solwan try to convert members of Darwan.
  • Vitam Aeternam (commonly shortened to Vaem) - This is the High Elven religion. It's beliefs are that if one lives a good life, at death, one will be immortalized as a god. Vaem is not monotheistic, as all members are or will be gods.
  • Dwarves rely on fact and reason to discern the way the world works. They use and create new technologies and study the world around them.
  • Wood Elves don't generally practice religion, but they are very spiritual about the world around them and they love nature and thank Ellwyn as a whole for their lives.

Relations (Shorthand):

Dwarves & Men - Civil

Dwarves & Dark Elves - Very Friendly

Dwarves & others - Neutral

High Elves & Men - Bitter

High Elves & Dark/Wood Elves - Friendly

High Elves & Dwarves - Neutral

Men & High Elves - Bitter

Men & Dark/Wood Elves - Neutral

Men & Dwarves - Civil

Dark Elves & High/Wood Elves - Friendly

Dark Elves & Others - Neutral

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