Adventurers Wanted

I would love for all of you to be in it. Please be patient while I figure out how to set it up and I'll get it up soon! :) (I'm new)








Position in group:



Reason for joining group:


Here's the Basic sketch. I'll post my character's sketch, too.
Name: Emric Shadow-Step

Age: 28

Race: Human



Magic?: N/A

Weapon: A bow, double-edged sword, and multiple daggers




Position in group: Scout/assassin

Personality: Emric is a sarcastic, rude sociopath. He doesn't care if he insults you, or hurts you, and holds nothing back. His total honesty is why people keep him around: for the occasional reality check. He prides himself on his ability to come up with nicknames for his acquaintances, and overall considers himself higher than others. The assassin doesn't truly respect anyone unless they have proven themselves to be competent in fighting, leading, and keeping him in check. He will resign himself to following a leader, but others? Not so much.

Backstory: Emric was born and raised on the streets, learning to trust no one. He always stole, always lied and cheated, and was never caught. This all changed, however, when he was taken in by an influential gang. They trained him, teaching him to fight with bow, sword, and dagger alike. He forged and crafted his own armor, and ventured out on his own, becoming an incredibly successful mercenary.

Reason for joining group: Fame and glory, friend. Fame and glory...

Other: He can be a bit of a womanizer.
Name: Haldir Aradan

Age: 30 years old

Race:High Elf

Appearance: Long Light Blonde Hair; Medium build; Toned but not muscular; Sharp, handsome features; Young and has Piercing Blue Eyes

Magic?: Magic is Haldir's Strong point. He is a High Elven Mage. He is fairly skilled in Summoning, Destruction, and Healing magics, but he specializes in Illusion magic.

Weapon: When he is not using magic, Haldir has two weapons. He has an Enchanted Elven Rapier and an Elven Bow. He is not nearly as skilled in these as magic, but he can hold his own with the Rapier. The Bow is basically just a valuable family heirloom.

Armor/gear: Haldir wears one of various Hooded Cloaks. He has a Black one, used for stealth, a Green one that helps him connect with the world of magic in nature, and a White and Gold one, which is the attire of the Aradan Nobility.

Position in group: Group founder, though not necessarily leader. (We'll see) Haldir is also one of few who can cast the spell to open portals to and from Ellwyn.

Personality: Personable. Haldir loves people and loves working together. Part of Haldir is also insecure and secretive. This was developed when he used to get in trouble for being social with people not born into Nobility.

Backstory: Born into a Noble family of High Elves, Haldir had no problems with money and power. He put all his resources into learning all he can and mastering the arts of magic. Haldir learned of an artifact in Ellwyn at a very young age, and soon became intrigued. He spent his life preparing to find it. As he got older, he also had a Lover. Her name was Arwen Falathiel. She was of another Noble family and the two swooned at each other's presence. She shared Haldir's passion for the Artifact and the two adventured out to get it. They got in a sticky situation and Arwen died, effectively saving Haldir. Haldir realized his folly in not having enough numbers in his company, so he decided to form this one... (Haldir doesn't much like talking about Arwen because it is still a sore spot.)

Reason for joining group: To reach the Artifact, both for power for the company and his family, and so Arwen didn't die in vain.

Other: Haldir is very musical. He has a beautiful, ancient Lute that he plays from time to time. He was known in his homeland for his musical prowess.
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Name: Gael Orlairen

Age: 20

Race: Wood elf


Magic?: Maybe a little, but it isn't her strongest feature. She has a little fire magic and healing powers.


(just the armor)

Position in group: Not sure yet.

Personality: She is a real spitfire, which is really just to distract people from seeing the real her. She acts very bratty and annoying but once again that is just a ploy to keep people from wanting to be close to her. She is really tender hearted, sometimes even when she is trying to be distant. She often gets confused and angry with herself so she lashed out at people, but she is quick to apologize. Maybe if she learns to trust and love again, she will be her old self again.

Backstory: She was born and raised in a well-to-do Wood elf family. She was the youngest and the only girl. She adored her family and they adored her, but one day when she was visiting a friend they all died in a fire. She was devastated and vowed never to let anyone get into her heart again, to save herself the pain. Her friends were very sympathetic which made her want to be around them more, so she got very good at covering what she really felt to keep them from worrying. She began traveling searching for adventure to keep herself occupied. In one town she allowed herself to trust a boy around her age who was very nice to her. After a month of being friends though, he handed her over to a gang leader, who abused her. She escaped and eventually got back to traveling again.

Reason for joining group: For protection and a purpose in life

Other: She plays with her hair when she is nervous or thinking.

(Nearly there! Sorry!)
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Shadow said:
Age: 20

Race: Wood elf


Magic?: Maybe a little, but it isn't her strongest weapon



Position in group:

Personality: She is a real spitfire, which is really just to distract people from seeing the real her. She acts very bratty and annoying but once again that is just a ploy to keep people from wanting to be close to her. She is really tender hearted, sometimes even when she is trying to be distant. She often gets confused and angry with herself so she lashed out at people, but she is quick to apologize.

Backstory: She was born and raised in a well-to-do Wood elf family. She was the youngest and the only girl. She adored her family but one day when she was visiting a friend they all died in a fire. She was devastated and vowed never to let anyone get into her heart again, to save herself the pain. Her friends were very sympathetic which made her want to be around them more, so she got very good at covering what she really felt to keep them from worrying. She began traveling searching for adventure to keep herself occupied. In one town she allowed herself to trust a boy around her age who was very nice to her. After a month of being friends though, he handed her over to a gang leader, who abused her. She escaped and eventually got back to traveling again.

Reason for joining group: For protection and a purpose in life


(Sorry, I'm going to have to finish this later.)
It's fine. Finish it when you can.
Name: Otyll Canopir

Age: 22

Race: Wood Elf

Appearance: Despite her lanky frame, Otyll manages to pack a powerful punch with her lithe muscles and years of personal training. Her black hair is cut short to let her be as agile as possible. Below that, her keen eyes seem to regard everything at once, though more out of curious observation than suspicion. Magically silenced bangles and bracelets line her arms. A brilliant emerald pendant hangs from her neck, the source of her seemingly endless magic.

Magic: Otyll is a masterful conjuror. Eschewing physical weapons, she instead prefers creating weapons of pure magic to wield, often suiting them to the situation at hand. Though more difficult, she can also summon armor and weapons for allies, but that ties up her mana far more than using the weapons herself.

Weapon: Either a conjured sword of greenish, somewhat ephemeral metal, or a short-lived spear.

Armor/gear: Lots of jewelry, each lightly enchanted, and a set of light studded leather.

Position in group: Man-at-arms, bodyguard

Personality: Never discouraged, often encouraging, and always smiling, Otyll is a beacon of sunshine wherever she goes. Her conjuring arts are a source of pride for her. While she appreciates compliments on her many beautiful accessories, she does not seek attention with them; instead, she prefers to draw attention to her friends and allies, in order to cast them in a better light. She doesn't seem attached to anyone in particular, despite being friendly to almost everyone she meets.

Backstory: Otyll was a fairly unremarkable girl for most of her life. Her village was a small one, her family was not rich or poor, and she had a small group of friends who she would spend time with regularly. As the rest of her peers left to make their fortune in the world, however, she found herself alone more and more. She descended into a deep sorrow, and took to wandering the forest between chores. It was there that spirits began whispering to her. She learned magic from them that she'd never heard of before. By teaching her the art of crafting tools out of magic, real, tangible tools, she realized that the spirits were her true friends. They showed her that she could hear them wherever she went, and so she set out to use her strange and wondrous magic in the wider world.

Reason for joining group: Something about the relic mentioned by Haldir called out to her, and she felt compelled to answer it.

Other: She acts distant when caught off-guard, as she's often listening to voices only she can hear.
Name: Saria

Age: 28

Race: Mostly human (Dark Elf blood from her father's side)



Saria is fairly tall, standing somewhere between 5'7" and 5'9". She has an incredibly muscular build, due in part to her years of training, but is seen as slim beneath her clothing. She's always liked her hair, and prefers not to cut it. Instead, she keeps it in a tight ponytail beneath a hat or hood of some sort. During the times that she can relax, it is typically loose in waves down her back. Her eyes are piercing, and her glare can cause a grown man to look away.

Magic?: Despite being part elf, Saria is not capable of performing magic.

Weapon: Her main weapon is a fairly heavy glaive that she carries on her back when it's not in use. It is about the length of a spear.



Position in group:


Backstory: Saria grew up in the middle of a fairly large city, to a family that was known for their military might. From the moment she could hold a weapon, she was trained in the way of combat by either her father, her older brothers, or a professional member of the army. (To be continued)

Reason for joining group: She had no real reason to join the group, it just appealed to her during her travels.


((I'm going to finish this later))
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