Adventure Time [Inactive]

Third! Character Sheet:

Name: Phoenix Drake ((Likes to be called ‘Nix’))

Age: 229


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/phoenix.png.b206c2bc318b27596aa42cfb49ed9e78.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9008" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/phoenix.png.b206c2bc318b27596aa42cfb49ed9e78.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual


Nix has a rather charming and egoistic personality. Unlike Rex, Nix needs to be active and having fun. Nix also has a possessive side to him, if things don’t go his way he often complains until he gets his way or takes control and takes what he wants. He always needs to be payed attention to, he hates! It when other people like James are getting more attention from people like Rex. Even with all this said Nix has a good side to him though he never really shows it.


  • Swimming
  • Messing with James
  • Aggravating James
  • Hanging out with his childhood friend, Rex
  • The color blue
  • Rough housing with Rex
  • Meeting new people
  • Raw meat
  • Belts!!


  • The snow
  • Staying in one place for too long
  • Getting his hair messed up
  • Cream Soda
  • Heights


Rex Memphis - Childhood Friends


  • Has a tongue piercing

  • He’s a demon

  • Has only one fang, the other one broke when he was younger. The cause was Rex



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I deleted my first character because I didn't really feel her I: And so I made a new one! xD

Name: Daisy

Age: 17


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual


  • She's either shy or extremely rude to strangers.
  • If somebody manages to fit into her heart, she'll open up to them.
  • Once you get to know her she's really gentle and loving.


  • Nature
  • Adventures
  • Friends
  • Helping others
  • The color green


  • Wearing shoes
  • Royalty
  • Mean people
  • Fire

Crush/Relationship: Not really stooping to the level of a crush, Daisy has grown rather fond of (@???? ????????'s character,) Rex Memphis. She's been seeing him occasionally during her strolls in the forest/woods. Payden(, @Cotton Ball's character,) is her closest friend. They go on adventures together often~


  • She's a forest fairy.
  • She's not really a queen but she always helps and administers forest peeps.
  • She has a scar running form her right ear to right shoulder. It's from trying to protect a fellow forest fairy from before.
  • She always has a daisy in her hair.
  • She's innocent. Innocent I say! DX
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Name: Payden

Age: 16


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Stubborn, cocky, mischevious, and sly; that's what everyone sees him as. He's a very light hearted person, or tries to be. Once you give him your trust, he gives you his in return, but if you go against his then you'll never be able to regain that trust again. Stubborn is the trait that people have gotten right. He puts on the act of being tough and superior when around people from town or wonderers passing by to make them think he's all that. There are times when he lets confidence get ahead of him.


  • Hunting
  • Meat
  • Bones
  • Digging
  • (Doing what a dog does xD )


  • Cats
  • Darkness
  • Closed-in spaces
  • Vampires
  • Frilly/ girly things
  • Letting others down.


  • Crush and Close Bud: Daisy

Other/Extra: He's half human, half dog. Also, he's lactose intolerant.
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Name: Skyler Mist

Age: 16




Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Skylar is very shy and does not engage in conversations. She always her head in the clouds, literally. She is the Cloud Princess as a matter of fact. She will grow on people by you telling jokes to her and making her laugh.

Likes: Funny people, bad boys, and quiet people.

Dislikes: Parties, darkness, and too many people.

Crush/Relationship: crush on Ryan and Thomas

Other/Extra: N/A
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I think everyone just wanted to see this RP, but never thought of it ^^

And thank you! What time will the rp be up, so I know when to be on.
Name: Andrea the Ragdoll

Age: 995 (looks 17- 19)


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Quite cheerful, sweet, loving and a crybaby over simple things and of course emotionally too, but that can be avoided by being a joker. Pretty talkative and friendly.

Likes: Dance to any music that's playing, read and write tales, affection and show her own with warm gestures, loves to receive gifts and surprises, cook.

Dislikes: Rudeness and violence, Dangerous things in all senses. She also doesn't like being alone, not being near Alexander and being neglected.

Crush/Relationship: Alexander

Other/Extra: Loves cinnamon buns

Name: Alexander the Vampire

Age: 1001 (looks around 19 - 21)


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: A very quiet type, doesn't really talk much. He's very protective over his best friend, Andrea, and likes meeting new people. Although he doesn't talk, he's a party animal, he never really sleeps unless he absolutely needs it.

Likes: partying, hanging with Andrea, night time, being with friends, and playing video games.

Dislikes: annoying people, and not seeing Andrea for more than a day.

Crush/Relationship: Andrea<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/uploadfromtaptalk1383602479226.jpg.06de006a097bcaed9c786024e59868fd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9022" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/uploadfromtaptalk1383602479226.jpg.06de006a097bcaed9c786024e59868fd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Me and Ivan might not re-post for a while because we are getting kicked off by our lil sister -.-

Just letting you all know so there are no inconveniences and i hope i can introduce Finn into the rp soon ^.^
((I'm going to make one more^.^))

Name: Tiffany

Age: 16




Sexuality: pansexual

Personality: Very much like Thomas, she is bipolar and can be all happy and joyful one moment and then sad and depressed the next.

Likes: Rainbows, butterflies, unicorns, painting, museums, flying.

Dislikes: people who are rude to her.

Crush/Relationship: Open

Other/Extra: She is Thomas's sister.
Character Sheet:

Name: Fionna

Age: 14


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: She is well known to be courageous and brave. She can keep calm and clear headed on most situations, but when provoked - get ready to face her fury! She's a huge tomboy, and easy to get along with. She's fearless, and always ready to protect the innocent. She's kind of stubborn at times, when she doesn't want to do something. She's also an adventure loving hot head that's always ready to take on a new challenge!

Likes: Going on adventures, protecting people, being heroic, swords and weapons.

Dislikes: Evil people.

Crush/Relationship: Marshall Lee, Fire Prince, and Prince Gumball
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Was wondering maybe people could post here specific reasons as to why they dont post. Did you lose interest, bored, school, work. I didnt realize the main RP started as well as the fact i just moved back to california but now im all settled and ready to post. So... Whats everyone else up to??
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