Adventure Time (Actual RP)

Lucy: I sat in the middle of a park in the Candy Kingdom, sitting under a candy cotton tree, listening to arguments all around me. I saw a cat walking around, and I broke off a part of my muffin and fed it to her. I looked up and saw a vampire float out of Prince Gumball's room, his mouth full of marshmallows. I giggled at the sight and then stood up, and walked out of the Kingdom, and thought I'd visit Sparrow on my way to Thomas's.

Sparrow: I looked at Kevlar. He was just about the only moose in all of Aaa, but I still treated him like any other animal. Everyone else who had some pet, they talked. I mean, I'm not saying that's weird because I'm living in a Kingdom made of candy with large sugary delights running around. And even they talk. But Kevlar doesn't. Kevlar had just finished his snack when I heard a knock at the door. It could be one of three people. Thomas, Lucy, or Tiffany. I don't have many friends, and Thomas and Tiffany don't visit much, only when they have loads of time on their hands. So, I guessed it was Lucy, and I was right. I hadn't gotten up, but Lucy came in anyway. She didn't talk much, but she always brought some stray to play with Kevlar, plus, she usually made me muffins. "So, how's Thomas and Tiffany?"

Lucy: "Oh, their fine... I'll tell them to come visit you. It's been about a year or two since you two talked. Hasn't it?"

Sparrow: "Ya...But if he comes, your not to be hear."


Sparrow:"Because you can't feel the awkward sexual tension between you two. " Lucy blushed and started to daydream. Probably about Thomas. He was good looking, but we grew up together, and I think that if he ever started to like me, it would get crazy-mad.
(( Holly CRAP! I thought I replied! Sorry! >^< ))

Party Legend { Ross }

Ross jumped a bit at the sudden feel of relief, his full body not aching in horrible pain like it was before, he turned to Lucy and smiled sweetly at her, he pulled on her hand a bit and kissed her cheek "Consider that as a thank you to." He said as he flew inside an open window landing on the floor of the palace "Alright lets go ask on of the banana guards if they know where the Elven Queen is because there are to many rooms to look through." Ross said as he approached one of the banana guard "You know were the Elven Queens room is?" he asked one of them "Y-Yeah she is in the royal guest room." Ross started to float again and grabbed Lucy "I'll just drop you off and let you take care of your bizz while I plan GB's party." Ross said as he floated out the window and up a few floors then into another window, he put Lucy back onto the ground and in front of two large doors "Well here is your stop." he said with a smile. Monichromeicorn flew into the sky ne neying loudly which meant SOS.
((It didnt seem like anyone interacted with finn so ima jump in there like a mad man! If im wrong let me know.))

A sound could be heard from the fountain. Not a loud one but yet it was rising and the sound was getting louder and louder by the second. The water started to ripple with the music and the leaves on the trees started to shake. The metal could be heard and closer it came. The trees rumbled and suddenly two large trees from behind the fountain leaned far sideways almost touching the ground and from it burst Daz, flying through the air on top of musical sentences that were coming from his awesome guitar.

As he traveled, animals followed from behind him, rodents, bigger rodents, medium sized looking rodents and even a BEAR!! All of them rocking to his rift. As Daz Flew down the notes turned and started flying into the air and on his knees he slid all the way up to the human Finn, those Daz did not actually know what his name was! As his arm came down and he rocked one last strum he finished with this.

and sadly a small squirrel in the back behind him on the fountain chirped before it exploded violently into a poof of smoke, leaving meat chucks for the now hungry bear.
Daz looked behind him, "Darn, that happens all the time..." and he shrugged before getting up, tossing his guitar into his satchel at his side and shooing the last of the animals that followed him.

Finally he turned to the young boy, "...Sup." Daz extended his hand for a hand shake.
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Daisy couldn't help but smile in happiness for because of Party Legend, she already had a lead to the Elven Queen and a new nice friend. It seemed that the healing that she practiced a lot to help the forest people worked on Party Legend, and she was just as relieved as him. But what was unexpected was for Party Legend to pull her hand gently and kiss her cheek. Just for about a second, the surprised forest fairy's cheeks blushed of a light pink, before going back to it's original pale hue. Knowing that it was only a friendly thing that most peeps probably did here, Daisy shrugged and continued floating with Party Legend towards the Banana Guards. They said that the Elven Queen was in the Royal Guest Room, and before Daisy could even fly there, Party Legend still had to grab her.
"I-I... I can fly, you know?" She said gently, the fluster in her face coming back again. Dismissing the thought, they arrived to double-doors which were also made of candy, but before Daisy could even open them or thank Party Legend, they both heard Monochromicorn flying around and neighing, which most probably meant that it needed help. She took Party Legend's hand and flew quickly to Monochromicorn, for there was no more time to waste. "What's wrong?" She asked, waiting for a few reactions and responds from Monochromicorn.

The young male walked outside of his so called 'Secret Base' along with his best friend Rex who seemed to be still upset about the whole thing with his jacket but in fact Rex has five other pairs just like the one that was ruined. James was bored with the Arcade Machine he had found earlier for it didn't work without a proper power source. And of course they didn't have an outlet to hook up the Machine, things like that were frustrating but he would always find something else to entertain him like Rex.

They were walking around to get to some place that had food, Rex knew a local market not to far from there 'Secret Base' as James likes to call it. But James got tired easily, more like he was too lazy to walk and would rather complain to Rex about it. "Dude~ you gotta carry me. My feet feel like spaghetti noodles and if someone doesn't carry me then i'll DIE~!!" Of course the last part was to add some drama to the situation but James was just over reacting, something he did quite often with Rex.


As Finn began to lay back onto the grass, he heard a sudden noise coming from the woods near by and it seemed to be heading his way. But before he could get up and grab his sword to ready himself to kick some evil buns, there was suddenly a huge group of animals coming out. They seemed to be following some guy who was playing a guitar, instead of grabbing his sword he just watched. There seemed to be no danger in some guy playing the guitar and the animals seemed okay, so he was a little disappointed that he still had nothing to slay but also a bit happy he wouldn't have to be bored anymore all by himself.

As the strange guy finished up his solo, a tiny little squirrel just blew up into smoke out of no where. It was shocking for Finn since he had never seen a squirrel explode. "Gross man~" was what he said as he looked at the bear eating away at the few pieces of what was left of the squirrel. He looked at the other guy that had been playing a guitar and took his hand but he noted to himself that this guy could make things explode. "..Uh...Hey~ I'm Finn, Finn the Human. You are?"
"Finn the Human? Much obliged to meet you good sir." Shaking his hand then moving to the fountain, he stuck his hand in, getting it wet then ran it through his seemingly messy hair into more of a seemingly stylish mess. He shook his head a little kind of fluffing what was left before turning back to Finn.

"My names Mason Dean Fredrickson. But you can just call me Daz. and uhm..." He scratched his head, "I do think im human too. BUT you caught me off guard so im not entirely sure now. Oh and I like music!"

He spun around and dropped his arm real fast, strumming his air guitar and playing a rift in his head. Raising his other hand up, the psiked band around his wrist sparkled in the sun and his index and pinky rose into the air. Daz whisper screamed, "Yeeeeaaaaahhhh~"

Suddenly he then just started to fall then spun and crouched down infront of Finn.


He paused.

"We should go hunt some Evil buns!" His expression grew sinister as his hands rubbed together and he just blankly stared off into the distance just past Finn's shoulder, "I feel like kicking some evil butt."

"Woah~! Me too, i feel like doing that all the time Man!!....Yeah but good luck finding something to kill, i've been searching FOREVER!" He sighed heavily as he fell back down onto the grass where he laid before, he trailed his eyes over to the other male and he seemed pretty okay. He made a squirrel explode, bears followed him around like he was some kind of god, and he liked kicking evil buns. So this guy was more than okay he was totally awesome and righteous or getting bears to follow him around.

Finn leaned back up and stared hard and long at the other male called 'Daz'. Finn looked like he was studying Daz, trying to figure out some ancient secret to immortality or something.
"Dude were you floating?" He turned his head slightly trying to see if Daz had some gadget, the only things that could fly that Finn knew about were Vampires and Demons. Daz mentioned he might be Human but that was a Maybe and what kind of guy didn't know what he was. Honestly what kind of guy would think he was human if he could float, did he have some kind of device?

"Evil is never easy to find, only seems to come out when you least expect it..."

Daz turned and just kind of stared at Finn as he stared back at him. Had he been challenged to some sort of staring contest without realizing it? Certainly not as Finn was definitely blinking. Finally Finn spoke and asked him about floating.

"No. Floating is what clouds do." he lifted his hands up in the ai and moved this slowly as how he imagined floating would be, "I was riding a riff."

Kneeling down, he shuffled his hand satchel to his side, resting it on the ground and flipped open the material covering the top. From it a small but vibrant light shown from inside and Daz lowered his arm all the way in up to his shoulder. The light shown on his chest and face. The colors kind of swirled from red to gold to blue, green, purple and many others. Much like a disco ball.

"Lemme see here..." Pulling Daz removed a fork, then a baseball bat, then a tennis racket, before making a mean face and looking inside the bag. "Found Ya!!!" Putting his arms back in and struggling for a split second, he pulled out a completely AWESOME guitar. After removing it from his bag, he closed it and shouldered it before mounting the guitar at his waste. It was solid flat black with flames on the end of it that appeared as if they were moving.

"This is the best guitar ever. My mother gave it to me..." He closed his eyes and did the little catholic cross on his chest, "..god rest her soul, as a birthday present for me when I was 3. It's magical and the sort."

Daz strummed it lightly, then bust into a riff,

. As he played musical sentences lined with music notes of all sorts came forth from the guitar. Daz sat on them and they seemed to attack Finn wanting him to sit on them as well.
The playing got deeper and a background drumming sound came from no where as he played. Daz rode higher into the sky as animals started to come out from the trees.

"Where you want to go? Just put an image in your head and poof! We'll be there!" The musical notes started to wrap and condense around the two guys.
"I know." Ross said with a chuckle when Daisy said she could fly, "I just like picking up people and floating them around." he said with a smile before hear Monichromeicorns neighing which was never good. "Woah." Ross said as Daisy picked him up and flew to Monichromeicorn "Well it feels weird being the one caried." Ross said before floating himself and folding his arms across his chest. Monichromeicorn started to click his hoofs against each other in code "Ice Queens has Gumball?" Ross asked and Monichromeicorn nodded "Lets go book em son." Ross said grabbing Daisy and getting on Monichromeicorns back "To the ice kingdom!" and with that they rode off to the ice kingdom.


"Oh no!"
Daisy exclaimed as Lord Monochromicorn did a neighing and hoof-clicking sign in the air, which was quite silly, but meant that someone was in trouble. And pretty much, anyone could conclude that Prince Gumball was the one in trouble. "Pretty much, the only one who could even dare to hurt Gumball was the Ice Queen, no doubt." She almost made a face when she mentioned the words 'Ice Queen'. First of all, she was a 'queen' to begin with. Plus, Daisy didn't really like her even if she wanted, because all she would do are bad deeds, stealing princes and doing horrible things to everyone, successfully annoying them. "I can just meet the Elven Queen later," She decided as she rode on Monochromicorn with Party Legend, hugging him from behind, not really liking the swift movement of flying so much. "To the ice kingdom!" She announced, her face buried on Party Legend's back, not wanting to look down or any where else because it'll most probably cause her nausea. "I hope you don't mind..." She told Party Legend, "I'm pretty much a sucker for flying quickly because I prefer floating and flying slower..." She admitted, and just held on until the end of the ride.

Neon Nyan :3)
Thomas saw Lucy's house and floated quickly to it. He knocked on the door and smiled as he waited, rocking on his heels. He was proud of his newest masterpiece. It was a picture of her. He blushed, wondering if she would like it.

(@White Wolf )
Lucy swung open the door and saw that it was Thomas, and blushed. She felt several cats brush her legs as they walked out. "Oh hey, come on in, want tea or anything?" she said as she pulled open the large oak door to reveal her house.
Thomas nodded. "Tea sounds great." He looked down at the cats and smiled."hello kitties." He greeted them and walked in. He clutched the painting and asked,"How are you, Lucy?"
Lucy smiled and replied, "Oh, I'm great. I just got a new shipment of muffins in, so I'm frantastic. What are you holding there?" she said, handing him a muffin and a cup of tea.
Thomas stared into his cup of tea. "A present for you." He mumbled, taking a bite of the muffin. He handed it to her, not able to look her in the eye.
Lucy looked at it and blushed. I liked it, but currently, my eyes were derping, so I'd be able to judge it better later. "Aw, thanks..."

Sparrow looked at them. "I can feel the awkwardness in the air you weirdos. Your donking up my thoughts."

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