Adventure Time (Actual RP)

Marshall Lee

New Member
•Swearing is allowed, but not in ever sentence.

•Keep it PG-13... if it gets crazy intense.. fade to black

•Be mature.

•Be respectful

•Minimum post is three lines. Use detail.

•Have fun! :D

If you have read the rules, put a heart somewhere in you post. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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The blue haired Rex♥ was lying on his stomach on a purple suede sofa. His head was turned to the side so he could look at the television screen James had found out of a junkyard four weeks ago. The television set worked so Rex wouldn't complain. "...Look behind you, it's gonna get better run." He spoke to the television screen. He propped himself up with his elbows on the sofa, his eyes still staring at he screen "C'mon! don't run into the woods, that's just plain stupid." He sighed and had a bored expression on his face again. "Well I tried to warn you.." He drifted his hand down to the wooden floor and grabbed a soda can which had the label 'Creamy Soda!' on it. He sipped his drink as he yawned and looked around the room. "I wonder what James has been doing." He was going to get up and look for James but that required moving and he was comfy where he was. ((Sorry it took long ^.^'' was helping Izaki with homework))
Spangler was busy slashing at innocent roots and tree branches, trying to improve his swordmen skills. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked around, he was near the Candy Kingdom which means Tree Trunks♥ was also near by. He smiled putting his sword away before heading towards the Candy Kingdom, he was actually pretty hungry from all his training and Tree Trunks apple pie would sure hit the spot.

He walked into the Candy Kingdom and looked around at the many candy citizens that were about, some greeted him while others ignored him. He just shrugged and continued making his way through the crowd before stopping to eat some sidewalk brittle. Good thing about the Candy Kingdom is if you're hungry you can grab a snack. He savored the sweet sugary flavor before licking his lips and continuing on. Tree trunks apple pie was calling his name.

"I think this pointless..." Ross a.k.a. Party Legend said as he turned his head a bit to look over to Prince Gumball, Ross was currently in some type of glass chamber that had a bunch of different tubes and pipes connected to it, Party Legends black tails stayed lifeless as his ears were flat to his longish black hair "Dont worry I just want to test something out, i've been working on this for a while. You see I made this machine specifically for you just incase you don't always want to have your animal characteristics." Gumball said reassuringly as he grabbed a large bulky remote with various buttons on them "Now, before we start, I want to assure you that Dr.Candy Cane and Nurse Smore are here to assist you if you need any medical help....and Starchy just incase." Gumball mumbled the last part knowing that Ross would freak out if he knew he might not live through this "You know I heard that right?" Ross huffed as one of his ears twitched, just then Cinnamon Bun had came into the one complaining he wanted a sandwich "I dont have a sandwich Cinnamon Bun now daddy is working..." Gumball said impatiently "But I want a sandwich!" Cinnamon Bun complained as he started to grab at the remote "Cinnamon Bun no!!" Gumball whined trying to take the remote from him, smoke was filling the chamber that Ross was in "What are you guys doing!? Your going to-Ahhh!" when the smoke had cleared Ross had multiple ears and tails "I can hear everything!" Ross complained frantically trying to cover all the ears but he only had two hands "Let go Cinnamon Bun!" Gumball complained once more before falling backwards when Cinnamon Bun had finally let go causing Gumball to throw the remote against the wall and break "Uh Oh..." Gumball said as he sat up seeing that the chamber was going crazy with gases "Oh my blubber she's gonna blow!" Gumball announced as he quickly jumped behind a counter top along with the other candy people in the room. The chamber had blowed up and Ross slammed against the wall, his clothes now covered in ashes " least you are back to normal." Gumball said with a peachy smile, Ross just groaned and fell to the floor. "Well lets take a break." Gumball said as he stood up "Dr. Candy Cane, Nurse Smores, please check to see if Ross is still alive." Gumball said pointing to the dead looking Party Legend.
James had a rather strange habit of collecting 'Junk' as Rex called it but James found that anything could be useful and since he wasn't so picky as others, even an old television set was good for him. While the demon Rex was lazily wasting the day away by drinking soda and keeping his butt to the sofa, James was just outside there little hideout inn the woods trying to push a heavy object. The heavy object was an old Arcade game that probably weighed more than James himself but it was shiny and strange looking so of course James took it.

James found the arcade game while wandering through the deep parts of the woods, you could pretty much find anything there. "Rex~!" He pushed the arcade machine a bit but there was no luck, he couldn't push it any further but he wasn't worried. This situation was the perfect reason why you should always have a bro to help you out or at least do all the hard work for you. "Dude~ Come help, this thing is like amazingly huge-enormous!"

But of course the demon did not even attempt to move or at least that's what James was imagining in his mind anyway. And he was most likely right about it to, Rex was completely lazy and had no interests in the things James brought home with him. The young male sighed making his way towards a few plant vines, he then pushed them out of the way and entered the living room of there 'Secret Base♥' Or at least James thought it was secret. "Dude~! Did you not hear me call your name?"
Thomas pulled his scarf closer around him as the wind started to blow harder. He skipped halfway to his house and then stopped as he neared his favorite giant oak. Taking his paint brush out, he started to paint a little rainbow and then frowned. The color wasn't as vibrant as he had hoped and so he abandoned that idea and continued home. He smiled as he found his colorful home and ran inside. His sister Tiffany was eating rainbow cookies and he grabbed one. "Hey!" She called. Thomas stuck his tongue out and took a bite out of the cookie. "That took me hours to make." She grumbled. Thomas smiled at his sister, crumbs spilling out of his mouth. "Thank you." He said. She sighed and then a giant grin spread across her face. "Thomas! Thomas! I think it might rain tomorrow!" Thomas nodded, still crunching happily on the cookie. "That means there's going to be a rainbow!" She squealed and Thomas nodded again. Tiffany danced around for a moment and then sat down. "Thomas you're acting strange... is something wrong?" Thomas swallowed what he was eating. "Nothing's wrong I'm just happy for you. Aren't you going to the Candy Kingdom tomorrow? That should be fun!" Tiffany nodded. She was used to their moods wiping off on each other. When she was happy, he became happy. When she was sad, he became sad. He was kinda creepy and kinda awesome at the same time. Thomas grabbed another cookie before running to his room where he would spend the next two hours mixing paints. Tiffany smiled and started to eat a cookie herself. She should probably go outside. She walked out and decided to just walk wherever... except she would make sure to stay away from the Ice King's Kingdom.

Whitney looked out from her window and smiled. Maybe today would be the day she made friends. Or not. Whatever worked. She pulled up her hood and walked out into the light. It was almost blinding at first but then she got used to it. She made sure to hide her daggers and such beneath her cloak so they wouldn't be seen.
Skyler sighed while stretching on a cloud, she never was able to go down to the world filled with adventure and fun! But, was forced to say safe in the Cloud Kingdom. Her father, King of all Clouds, was a safety freak and never let anyone do anything that was fun because it resulted in recklessness. Though, her father wouldn't know that she would watch a boy now and then. She really liked this boy, oh yes indeed♥! But. . he didn't even know who she was, or that she even existed. The Cloud Princess saw the boy walking by the oak tree, he did this a lot, and she saw him take out a paint brush and started to draw something. To her surprise, he stopped suddenly, looking pestered and walked away. Skyler made the tiny cloud that she was on float towards the kingdom. As her vision cleared, going through some fog, she saw some of the guards where she would land. " Ugh. . . not again." Skylar whimpered and the guards escorted her to the main hall. They have gone through this many times, so they didn't speak. Nor acknowledge one another. Without words, she walked straight through the door. The whole kingdom was made of clouds.

" Why did you not open the door Skyler?" A booming voice came from above. A giant shadow casting cloud came from above. A small figure could be seen sitting on top of it.

" Because I don't need to. . ." Skyler rejected her father's 'scary' arrival. And just floated along the floor and up the grand stairs. Her father hopped off the giant cloud, to reveal a man no smaller then a child. He waddled and did a few skip floating here and there to catch up with the moody girl.

Once he was able to catch up to her, he spoke up, with a rather adorable-cutesy voice, " Now now, what is wrong my child?" He stopped in his tracks and became a darker color and a puny thunder could be hear inside his wittle tummy. " Is it that boy? Did he hurt you? Did he see you?! Did he watch where you went?!" Again, like a scratched record, Skyler sighed. No body knew about the cloud people yet, only because of the King. He didn't want anyone to know who they were so no one could get hurt.

" Look Dad. . . I just want to be alone." Skyler took a quick right into another hall and tried to float faster. Anything to get away from her pest of a father. She even started going through walls. Seeing cloud maids cleaning the cumulonimbus tables and floors. All of them bowing and saying hello to the princess. The girl was finally able to be alone as she entered her room. Greeted by her cirrus cat, Sýnnefo. The cloud princess dipped to the floor, and descended on her bed. With a depressed motion, she twitched her head to the left, seeing out the window.
Rex was now sitting upside down on there green suede sofa. He looked up at James, he saw him from a strange angle but it was amusing to him. He yawned once more before speaking. "No....I heard you but I just decided to ignore you" He held the old remote out and clicked a few buttons on it so it would swap to another channel. "So what did you want? You said something about help.." He turned his head to look over at James more closely then he saw an old junky machine in the background just right outside of the entrance to there house. "Wha- no way man, bunk you and your junk were not taking in another trashy accessory of yours" Rex floated up and crossed his arms in mid-air as he looked down at James. "Dude you have a serious! problem, it's okay to collect things but trash is not one of them" He lazily drifted over to the old arcade machine and kicked it lightly. "It's nothing but junk and it probably doesn't even work, take it back James" He leaned over to get a close look at the strange machine as he floated. He wiped his index finger across the metal to see how dirty it was. "Uck, is that mold or something. Gross man."

Rex floated back over to the sofa and took a seat. "Okay I'm officially grossed out, now take that icky thing back to the dump, this is were I draw the line bro." Rex has dealt with James habit of digging through junkyards and bringing strange things home for years and today just wasn't a good day to go Junkyard Digging for James.
James Pierce

"J-Junk~!! Man you don't know nothing about precious artifacts. Let me dumb it down for you Rex. You see Artifacts are


and they also

hold Facts that we use to learn about the way people lived before us." He smiled goofy, leaning on the dusty machine and looked at it for a moment before turning to Rex. "Don't you see~ This is proof that the people before us typically had the sense that 'Bigger is better'! Games now a days are tiny and this thing is Huge-Enormous~!....Hmmm I wonder what it was like to carry this thing around?" He mumbled the last part softly to himself as he leaned in to take a better look at the machine. But of course the reason for bringing the Arcade machine to his Secret Base was because he wanted something to do to pass the time when he was home, not because of facts or art. He wasn't even sure what an artifact was.

Even though Rex had specifically told him that he was going to have to get rid of the junk machine, he still didn't care and began to dust off the misshaped object. "Woah~! Dude i bet theirs like a million games on here, thats why it has to be so hugely enormous!" He was excited to get the thing cleaned up and try it out for a bit, as he finished off dusting the mess of a game console up, he accidently got some dirt on Rex's jacket. But he didn't notice, his eyes were to fixated on the machine and pressing the colorful buttons on it. He frowned slightly as he saw the machine wasn't in working condition or at least it wouldn't start up. "Dang it~! Man i spent all this time getting it over here and now it won't work!" He huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, turning his body away from the machine.

Finn The Human

The blonde adventurer named Finn carried a goofy looking expression on his face. He was currently out of Evil Buns to kick and to pass the time he thought he would have a goofy face contest, the winner would be crowned King of all Fun but the problem was Finn's opponent was his very own reflection. Yes, Finn had gotten so bored that he had to challenge himself to find a bit of entertainment. His backpack and sword rested against a rock, Finn was near the edge of a lake and he leaned in to get a better look at his own reflection. His first attempt of a goofy face consisted of his bottom lip overlapping his upper lip, it made him resemble much to an ape or uneducated neanderthal but then again he wasn't to far from having the intelligence of one.

After condemning numerous facial expressions to his reflection he had finally given up, realizing how stupid he looked battling his own reflection. "Finn you are one donked up dude." He sighed pushing himslef away from the lake and fell onto the grass, closing his eyes shut as he laid there humming to himself. He had no one to hang out with the moment, everyone else was probably having fun without him. He wished something came along that was Evil and could be kicked.
Spangler could hear some distant noise coming from the candy castle but shrugged it off, somebody was always yelling or causing trouble there, he knows he had though that was how he was. He loved teasing people. He took his sword out once more walking into the woods that led to Tree Trunks house, he dragged his sword along the ground creating a line in the soil before he slashed at more roots. He could hear the sound of the crows that usually were around Tree Trunks home though Ragsoll Princess usually scared them off.

He gave a huff and pulled his sword up to rest it against his shoulder, his stomach giving a growl "Arg stomach be quiet already" He hated feeling hungry and his stomach reminding him of such was slightly annoying, though he was usually in a sour mood when he was hungry. He could see Ragdoll Princess at her usually post and gave a smile "Hi Ragdoll Princess. Anything interesting happening?" He watched her giggle though was disappointed when nothing interesting was reported.

Too bad. He was bored, something interesting had to happen but for now...He said goodbye to Ragdoll Princess and practically ran towards Tree Trunks, he licked his lips smelling apple pie within the air as he came closer to her house
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Fionna pulled up her arms and stretched as she let out a sigh of relieve. She walked on the grassy fields as she made her way to her Tree house, with a tired smile. She was finally home, after a four day trip through the land of Aaa. At the moment, cake was at home sick, and she needed to get specially made medicine from a wizard in a deep cave at the darkest part of the land of Aaa. Fionna had to fight off Large snakes, fruit witches, and whole lot of other monsters to get to the cave and it was really annoying without cake there to back her up. But she somehow managed, with pure willpower and a lot of luck. Plus, the thought of cake at home sick gave her the extra strength. Thankfully, when she reached the wizard, he was happy to help with her problem without any questions asked.

When her home came into view, the feeling of exhaustion she had felt quickly diminished, and she quickly ran towards her Tree house. She ran through the front door, almost forgetting to close it. She sprinted up her spiral staircase, and into the bedroom cake and herself shared. Cake laid in bed, just as Fionna had left her four days ago. A twinge of guilt surfaced when she thought about the fact that she just left cake like that, but it couldn't be helped. Cakes ears perked up.

"Honey is that you?" Cake asked hoarsely. Her voice had gotten noticeably worse.

"Yeah, it's me" Fionna answered with a shrug.

"How was you're trip?"

Fionna grinned "Easy Peezy"

Fionna dug through her messenger bag, and brought out the crystal bottle of purple liquid, the wizard gave her. She passed it off to Cake, who chugged it down without a second thought.

" How was it?" Fionna asked when cake finished. Cake stuck out her tongue, and scrunched her face up disgusted, "Like something I would cough up" Fionna giggled, but was happy the Cake's voice was already back to normal. Suddenly a yawn came over herself, a well deserved nap was in order for her.

"uh hun, I have another request" Cake suddenly said. Fionna raised a brow, "And what's that?"

Cake covered her noise and mouth," Take a shower, You stankin' up the place"

Fionna smelled her self,then frowned. Yeah, shower and then nap.

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Rex leaned his head back and stared up at the ceiling as his best bro, James, messed with the disgusting old junky contraption James called an Artifact. As Rex was about to drift off to sleep his nose twitched slightly when dust entered his nose. "Ah-choo!" Rex leaned forward still sitting on the sofa as he rubbed his nose. "Hey hey hey, don't clean that thing in here dude." Rex looked down and was about to reach for his cream soda when he noticed a gray smudge on his leather jacket. His eyes widened and he floated up in mid-air as he panicked. "Dude! look what you did, not cool James. This is globin insane, how am I gonna fix this?!" Rex slipped off his leather jacket and let it fall onto the green sofa as he looked at James with an agitated expression.

Rex floated over to where James stood and leaned in close as he still wore a agitated expression on his face. "I want a new jacket and I want that trashy machine outta here, now." Rex folded his arms, he was wearing a black T-shirt with a weird eye logo. The logo meant nothing he just thought it looked cool.
As the other male came closer to face him, he smiled a bit and seemed to be laughing a bit as well. "Uh dude~ What are you waiting for? a kiss or something~" He laughed a bit more and patted the agitated male on the head and then turned his body away from the demon to face the machine again. He mumbled to himself as he examined the machine more closely and looked at every inch of it to see if there could be some sort of power source. "There has to be a plug.....maybe it runs on hamster labor...Batteries? Hey~! Rex, can you help a bro out and try to find how in the heck are we suppose to power this thing up." Of course he wasn't giving the other male much of a choice, it was either do as James say or prepare to deal with his un-matchable and incredible skills of Complaining. And if that didn't work James would simply turn into a cat, one animal Rex could not resist or he would turn into a dog, an animal Rex couldn't stand. "So~ You gonna help me out?" He grinned at the demon, showing his teeth but in return he just got another mean look. Rex still seemed upset about his jacket but James recalled the demon had five other pairs just like the one he had on . "Man your such a baby, Its just a jacket so chill." He smiled, patting the other males shoulder and his other hand slipped into his pocket.
"Sýnnefo stay here. . ." Sýnnefo meowed back to Skyler. The Cloud Princess took off her crown and stuck her head out of the window. Looking all the way down to the ground. She nodded to the cloud kitty and plugged her nose and jumped out of the window, going faster and faster towards the ground.

As the girl opened her eyes, she was levitating above the ground at her normal distance. Skyler giggled and did somersaults in the air. She was excited, she had never done something so risky before. " What if I get caught?. . ." Skyler's head turned as she wondered. "Nahhh. . ." She laughed, but as she remembered where she was, she looked around. Taking in the major sights. She recognized the birds. But. . what was this green stuff? She has seen it before but never before. The floating girl lowered her head to the ground and barely poked the tip and levitated high in the air, from fear of course.

She must of looked like an idiot let out of a insane asylum who hasn't seen light for years, but eh. Who cares? Not Skyler. She grabbed a book out of her book bag and as she opened it. A journal was revealed. She took out a pencil, and drew the grass. It was scribbles, but. To her it looked like the grass. She wrote what she saw and floated around, giggling as she found things moving. But sometimes jump back from something unexpected.
Rex rolled his eyes, he was still upset about his jacket though he couldn't hold a grudge forever so he shrugged his shoulders lightly to get James hand off of him. "Fine I'll bunking help you with your stupid bunking lame machine." Rex floated closer over to the machine, he stood behind James and looked over the red heads shoulder to examine the machine. "Uhm..bro I think it's definitely a plug in device." Rex floated down to the floor so his feet could touch the wooden floor, he picked up a cord and showed it to James. "And I'm not a baby and it's not Just a's my favorite one.." He stuck his tongue out at his best friend.

After a moment of silence Rex looked around the room then looked back at James. "Do we have any power source or outlet mebobber thingy for this globin thing?" Rex obviously didn't know what he was talking about. James was the mechanic of the household, Rex just simply chilled out. Rex wasn't really mad anymore though he would definitely buy a new jacket later on with James money of course.
Content with the brightness of the colors he had just mixed, Thomas decided to go fix his oak rainbow. He found it all dull amd ugly the way he had left it and took out his paints, attempting to fix it. He concentrated so hard, he didn't notice the giggle above him in the branches.

Whitney had just been chilling in the branches of an awesome tree when some guy had to come and ruin her moment of silence. He didn't seem to notice her though. He was painting something onto the tree. She noticed his concentration level was quite high when he started to stick his tongue out. But not in a silly way. The way you would see a snake sneaking up on prey or an assassin watching its target every move closely. But still, to her it seemed silly and she laughed. Still not getting the guys attention, she floated down the backside of the tree and moved more towards civilization. "That was sooo boring." She sighed.

Tiffany found herself lost and was about to break down crying if she didn't get found. "Hello?" She whimpered.
It was about five minutes before Ross had finally opened his dark colored eyes seeing that he was in the candy hospital "This is the last time I evdr do anything for Gumball.." he muttered to himself as he stood up from the bed he was laying on, though his head hurt like crap he decided to ignore it, right now he just wanted to get out of this place before Gumball came back. Ross put his shoes back on and floated towards a jar that was filled marshmallows, just then Gumball had came in dressed in a different outfit "Ready for round two?" he asked with a bright smile, Ross made a 'me no gusta face' and grabbed the entire jar of marshmallows before quickly flying out the window and towards the woods "That guy is cray cray.." Ross said to himself as he ate a marshmallow and slowed down his speed when he was past the wall of the candy kingdom.

Gumball had frowned when Ross had just suddenly left the room, "Well honestly all you had to say was no.." he mumbled to himself as he folded his arms across his chest making him wrinkle the rock n roll shirt Marceline had given him one day, he had to put something else on since his usual royal attire had gotten dirty so right now he was just wearing a black v neck shirt that had a name of a band on it and some regular jeans along with some shoes. Peppermint Butler soon had walked into the room and cleared his throat nervously "U-Uhmm sir it has appeared that all of the ice from your snow cone maker has ran out." Gumball groaned "But thats my private snow cone maker! It was filled this morning." he whined "We honestly dont know how it was emptied sir." just then Cinnamon Bun had came in with red snow cone all over his face " Duuuhh. Hey peppermint are we still gonna finish off all of the snow cones?" Peppermint hissed at cinnamon bun "Quiet you!" he growled before looking up at Gumball who was glaring down at him "..." Peppermint scuried away and Gumball sighed and grabbed his jacket "Great now I have to go to the ice kingdom to get ice.." he mumbled as he went to his window and whistled the Lord Monichromicorn zoomed to him, Gumball crawled out the window and onto its back "To the ice kingdom!" he declared and pointing to the direction it would be "I hope none of the people see me like this.." Gumball mumbled as Monochromicorn started to the ice kingdom, Gumball would have gotten someone else to do this type of thing but he did not want to bother anyone and plus his phone had exploded due to a bad project.


"P-Princess Daisy!" The young elf yelped out of desperation. Who would have thought that such a young one would summon Daisy out of the in the middle of the woods? But it didn't really matter though. Daisy was willing to help anyone.

With a forced smile, Daisy said,
"Lia, you do know how much I hate being compared to royalty. Or at least, hearing the word."

"Why not? It just shows how honorable you are."

"Just no, little one. You're the real princess here, blood-passed and all." Daisy now showed a real smile. Even until now, she didn't truly know why she didn't like hearing or even being compared to queens and princesses. It's as if her whole body and soul says no. "But for what reason would you call me for us to meet, in the quietest and most abandoned part of the big forest?"

"Ah yes, about that..." The young elf looked down. "Mommy's not here yet. I miss her."

Daisy sighed. "All we know is that she has business to do in the Candy Kingdom, which is far away from here. Plus, she said that she'll be back in a month so..." The forest fairy paused for a bit. " still have to wait for a few weeks more..."

The little elf looked at the forest fairy, her eyes full of hope and desperation. "I need you to help me! My mommy's been gone for a week now... I know she's busy, but it's too unfair that I am prohibited to leave the forest, and I haven't even been hearing a thing about her! I'm really worried!"

Daisy nodded, and patted the young elf on the head. "How about this," She hesitated a bit, but she didn't want Lia, or anybody else to be sad. "I'll go to the Candy Kingdom regularly, and check up on you mother, if she's doing all right. I'll be sending you either status reports or letters from her."

The young elf seemed highly satisfied and amazed with Daisy's idea, and she nodded back. "That's a deal. In exchange, we can give yo-"

"No need." Daisy smiled. "I guess I should be going now. It's been a while since I've seen your mother too."

"You're so nice!" The young elf replied as her last one, and hopped away, onto their elven home.

"It is my pleasure." Daisy bowed and took off with her pale-yellow hued fairy wings. For her, helping people was fun, and she pretty much already claimed protecting good and harmless people as her duty.

She stopped at her tracks when she noticed a little home in the middle of the woods, not so far from her meeting place with the little elven princess. It was the one that she passed by often, but she's never really cared about it, or gone this close to it. She caught a figure of two citizens inside by the window. They were like brothers, or something.
Probably just best buddies, she thought pleasantly. They seemed to be trying to fix some some contraption or device. She couldn't help it but giggle at their little fights, and she wasn't so good in hiding her laughs either. Realizing that they might've heard her, she quickly flew away. I can talk to them sometime, but my promise to Lia is first, she thought.

As she was approaching the Candy Kingdom's gates, she noticed a familiar figure, who was carrying a big marshmallow jar.
"Party Legend? Is that you?" They weren't really the best of friends, but Daisy would sometimes see him, especially while roaming and watching parties go wild, and she pretty much sees everyone as her friend. Daisy moved closer out of curiosity. "You look like you've been experimented on like a lab rat or something..." She said, partly giggling. "Don't tell me, it's Gumball again?" She wiggled her fingers, and a nice light green glow emitted from her finger tip. Perhaps, her mild healing skills could help a bit.

Skyler was amazed by this world, she was floating everywhere and writing what they did as they touched her. Even this strange little red thing that was dancing. Never mind that, Skyler heard a strange noise coming from a nearby area. Dodging the weird brown things with green clouds on top of them she would slowly reach this area filled with junk here and there. The Cloud Princess floated over to the piles and stuck her head in them and saw what they did. Buzzing, lighting up, moving, shooting laser beams, heating up, making funny noises, some even created a fluffy pink cloud. There was a picture of the pink cloud on a stick and someone eating it.

The girl stuck her face in and had the machine spew the pink stuff into her face. She made a funny noise, flicking her nose to get it off. Skyler had some on her finger. And she slowly stuck it into her mouth. It was soft, then suddenly shrunk and turned gooey. Skyler was trying to keep quiet because of the strange noises in the building. She spit out the evil death clouds of pink-ness. And brushed off her tongue. What was this diabolical poison cloud?

Skyler tried once more at this evil, evil 'food'. She put a little bit in her mouth and kept it in but locking her jaw tight. Her cheeks blushed a deep blue and then suddenly disappeared as she opened her mouth as she opened her eyes. She loooooved this stuff! Sticking in her finger and wrapping the pink fluffy clouds around her finger and eating it like a dinosaur, she forgot about the scary noises in the building. She wrote in her journal quickly so she could have some more. But should would feel sick suddenly. And walk into a corner and relieve her stomach pain. She kicked the metal cloud maker and it made a huge noise. As it echoed she ducked behind some piles of some more devices as she heard something come out of the building to see what went on.
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Party Legend {Ross}

Ross had swallowed a mouthful of fluffy white marshmallows when he had heard his name, he looked around a bit seeing who had calledhim, hoping Gumball weird machine was making him hear dead people or something, he really needed to stop going there but its a fun place. Ross soon noticed Daisy flying towards him, he knew Daisy, they dont talk that much to each other just occasionally when they would somehow bump into each other "Yeah its me." Ross replied to Daisy with a small smile forming and his wolf ears slightly rising, he sighed when she assumed it was Gumball "Yeah.... he told me he wanted me to help him set up an awesome party tonight but apparently it was after an experiment." he said before eating another marshmallow "So what brings you to the candy kingdom?" he asked with curiosity in his tone as he floated in a little circle.


Gumball sighed as he sat on Lord Monichromicorns back as they rode smoothly in the sky near the clouds, he made sure he took off his crown so he would not drop it and make it crash to the ground, you only make that mistake once, he hoped that Party Legend would come back because he really did need help with the party, he couldn't experiment and plan a party at the same time and since Ross knows everything about parties it only made sense to get him for help. When the ice kingdom was in sight Gumball sighed "Alright we get in get out...I dont wanna deal with ice queen...she cray cray." he mumbled to himself as Lord Monichromicorn landed on the spring side that separated the ice kingdom, he hopped off and digged inside of his pocket and pulled out a pink ball "Boop." Gumball said pressing a button in the middle causing the ball to open and start to suck up some snow.
Fionna turned off the hot water, and stepped out the shower. She dried her long blond hair with her towel. It had gotten so long it reached her ankles now, she pondered if she should give it a good cut soon. She wrapped her towel around her body, then left the bathroom. Cake was already fast asleep, when she reached their room. The cat was purring softly, she looked like she was having a pleasant dream. Fionna walked towards her bedroom drawer to get her pajamas. Before she even even opened it, she saw a plain white letter placed atop of the drawer. She dropped her towel, and her mouth made a huge O. She gave herself the hugest facepalm in history.


She remembered, that even before her four day journey, she was supposed to deliver this letter to Gumball! It was from the princess of the square kingdom, wishing Gumball to make her some love potion. Fionna had told herself to deliver the letter right away, it was at the top of her to do list....but that was before cake got sick. The poor princess was probably still waiting on a response. She quickly opened her drawer, found her usual adventuring attire, and threw them on. She put her into her white hat, leaving a messy blonde bang out. Made sure she had a sword and the letter, and quickly jetted out the tree house.

She made her way into Candy kingdom. Most of everyone waved to her and she waved back with a smile. When she reached Gumball's castle, as usual two muscular looking guards guarded the front gates of the castle. Fionna merely waved, and they let her through. The guards knew Fionna and knew she certainly was of no threat. She ran into the castle, and then up to Gumball's lab, he was there most of the time. She always knocked first before entering his lab, you never what type of weird stuff Gummy could be cooking up. She walked in, and to her surprise - No Gummy. That could only mean one of two things:

  • He was off in search of ingredients for a new experiment
  • or Ice Queen had kidnapped him..... again

Fionna worried. She decided to make sure the ice queen hadn't taken him. She was gone for four days, anything could of happened to him. She sighed, then made her way back to the castle entrance.


Daisy said, her lips shaped like a small 'o'. "It's too bad though, that Gumball couldn't have a party planned by you. The candy people and whoever else would be joining would definitely miss a lot of fun!" She added with a smile, and paused for a bit. Daisy has gone through a lot of parties because of invitations and celebrations, but she knew and was a witness that the parties that Party Legend set and made were the best. Simply, he never seemed to run out of ideas and surprise everyone with his fun stuff. "...but I guess that's what he gets for using you as an experiment. Ah yes, karma strike upon thee." Daisy flew towards one of the candy trees after saying so, and took a small piece just to eat it.

Party Legend soon asked her the reason for her visit, and she replied with a little sigh.
"Apparently, the Lia, the Elven heir, was missing her mother, which was the Elven Queen, of course. Last time I checked, she was gonna do a few contributions to Prince Gumball and meetings here as well with the leaders of certain tribes and all those stuff." Man, it sure took her a lot to say the words 'heir' and 'Queen' and all those, but she continued. "And now I'm hoping that someone could help me by telling me where the Elven Queen is. Like giving me a few leads to her. I'm actually planning on visiting Gumball, when he's not so busy, or in his experimenting mood." With a laugh, she added. "But I don't think that consulting him would be a good thing to do today."
Andrea sighs at she knocks on Alexander's front door. "Alex!!!" Her voice was cheerful and energetic. Alex slowly floated out of bed and opened the door. "Hey.." He groaned slightly. Andrea giggled. "Silly boy.. are you gonna get dressed so we can leave?" She asked, arching an eyebrow slightly. Alex closed the door and quickly flew up stairs. He fixed his purple and green hair, put on his favorite black t-shirt, light blue skinny jeans and green converses before going back downstairs and opening the front door once again. Andrea smiled. "You done?" Alex nodded and closed his door. He slowly lifted Andrea up and carried her in his arms bridal style. She blushed slightly, causing Alex to smirk alittle. "Andrea.. you're blushing.." Alex whispered. Andrea looked away and blushed brighter. (Sorry for my late post... Haven't been able to post because of school.)
Party Legend/ Ross

Ross sighed and shook his head "I will still plan the party for Gummy...just for the sake of partying." Ross said with a small smile as he ate the last marshmallow inside the candy glass jar, he is party legend, brother of party god, it would bring shame to his family of party ancestors if he did not plan this party especially if he was asked to. "I'll be sure to get back at him at the party though." Ross said wickedly. When Daisy had answered his question "Oh Gumball had left not to long ago to get something, he should be back soon though." he paused for a bit as if he was in thought and took a bite of the candy glass jar "Hmmm, the Elven Queen...? I think Gummy mentioned her before.." Ross said trying to think "I think Gumball said something about her. Maybe she is in one of the guest rooms in the palace." Ross said grabbing Lia's hand and dropping the jar to the ground "I'll help you look." he said with a smile as he leaded Daisy to the castle.

Prince Gumball

Gumball gathered all the snow he had needed and closed the purple ball "Well that should be enough, now lets get back before someone see's me in these casual clothes..." Gumball sighed, he stepped near Lord Monichromicorn but he started to freak out "Whats wrong?" Gumball said raising an eyebrow before turning around only to be grabbed and flown into the air "Oh glob, oh glob, oh glob!" Gumball freaked hearing the Ice Queens wicked laugh "Get help Monichromicorn!" Gumball yelled as he was leaded to the ice castle.


Daisy smiled as she heard Party Legend say that he was going to continue planning the party for the sake of partying, but he's sure to get back on Gumball on the party. She merely watched as Party Legend ate his last marshmallow. She looked behind her, and to her surprise, it seemed that she has eaten too much of the candy tree, so she flustered a bit, and yanked her hand off it. "Ooops." Party Legend mentioned that he knew where Gumball was last, how he'd heard Gumball talk about the Elven Queen and all that. "Hmm..." Daisy giggled a bit when she saw Party Legend eat the candy jar, and drop it. "I forgot that everything here was made of candy." Out of the blue, she felt Party Legend take her hand, just to lead her to the palace. "O-Okay then~" Daisy hummed happily, and as their hands were together, she used her powers to transfer a soothing and healing energy that would surely remove Party Legend's physical pain. "Consider that a thank-you."

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