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Fantasy Adventure RP

"Well, not here obviously. I don't exactly have one place, I prefer to wander." Astra shrugged, leaving out several details.
Joshua decided not to pry the girl, " Well I know this place, I can lead all of you out of here and back to safety," Joshua told the group, though he decided not to question Kostra any more. "The name is Joshua, Half Demon, Half elf. its a pleasure to meet you all"Joshua stated this as he realized he never welcomed himself to the group.
Ambrose looks Kostra over. He doesn't seem all that different, or does he? She examines him further, but is interrupted by Joshua's introduction.

"Oh, I'm just Ambrose. I'm a human!"
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Astraea took a few steps back, glancing around nervously. "So, directions to the nearest city? I have some thie-Um, living to attend to..." She said quietly, fiddling with her necklace and kicking at the ground.
"My names, um, Gwen! Yes, that sounds right!" Astraea cried, raising a fist. "I'm 75% Human, 25% elf..."
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Joshua looked to the north and thought of the village that leads to the sky cities "alright we have about 4 months of travel to the nearest village that is connected to the sky cities. Along the way we will pass a couple of demon tribes as well as bandit factions. We may not survive" Joshua looked at the group waiting for their response to this.
"I don't know what you're implying, friend. I'm just a normal guy... who works opposite to others normal guys," says Kostra to Ambrose. Kostra then turns to Joshua with a smile on his face. "It sounds like a lot of fun. I'm ready for anything."
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Ambrose ignores Kostra entirely. Four months of adventure, battles against roving demon tribes, and treasure to boot? Nothing could be better.

"Yes! We should go adventure!"
(Sorry! Sleep and wifi goes down. I have to go to school in a bit.)

Astra stared daggers at Joshua. "You mean to tell me there is no civilization anywhere!? I've been down here for weeks!" She cried, waving her arms around.
Joshua listened to the girl when and smiled "guess that means your coming with us" he stated this as he nodded to everyone and waved for them to follow "Guess its time for us to have our very own grand adventure, and say good bye to our old lives for now" He stated this hoping to look cool in front of the group and tried not to look back to see their reactions to what he just said.
"Yessss! Grand adventure! Loot! Babes!" Ambrose yells out in excitement. She does a fist pump with her rusty sword in hand, for good measure.
Astraea held her fork out, threatening anyone to challenge her. "I-i can't go with you! I have kids to feed! I have to find them, they'll be all alone!" She cried, tears daring to spill over. "They'll starve without me!" Astraea shrieked, falling to her knees. "Please, please I've got to get back to them!" She pleaded, looking up hopefully.
"guess we find the kids then!" Joshua knew what it felt like to be alone and scared and won't allow others to be like him. Joshua went to help her up "Just lead the way to the last place you saw them." Joshua told her this while sticking out her hand.
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Astraea looked up at him, her eyes full of confusion and hope. With a small smile, she pressed the bread into his hands. "You can have this now... But how do we get out?"
"Well, it seems the way is clear, and nothing is in our way. Why don't we just travel in a general direction?" Ambrose suggests, nodding proudly at her insightful input.
*Rattle, Crunch* <The sounds of disoriented, sloppy footsteps approach your party from the south.> *The passerby stops and squints his eyes to get a better view of the current party* *He then greets everyone with a friendly smile and approaches at a steady speed* "Hello everyone, my name is Haruki. Hmm...*Looks away* I couldn't help but notice you guys were lost so I was wondering if you wanted someone to show you the way to the closest town.* *Haruki relieves his shoulders from carrying his blacksmith tools and supplies and lets out a huge sigh*
Joshua was weary of the human and gripped his blade, " yeah we need help, she needs to get back to her kids, but we don't know which direction her town is." Joshua squinted his eyes and wondered if he was a bandit setting up an ambush.
"Well they aren't mine! They're just some kids I found when I was on the streets!" Astra said with a huff, crossing her arms.
*Haruki looks up to Joshua who stands half a foot taller than me and smiles* If you give me details about the town, I would be more than happy to help. I happen to be fairly familiar with the area, as I pass through here to get home. *Looks over to Astraea and waves*
Kostra aims his axe-head at the new person's neck. He exclaims, "We just fought a bunch of bandits, and you decide to stroll in all friendly like? I don't buy that at all!"

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