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Fandom Advent Online


The Druid

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Advent Online

Following the disasters of Sword Art Online and Alfheim Online, the world seed was released. This allowed anyone to create their own virtual worlds within the Virtual Reality System. Two months after this release, a new controversy arose. Advent Online was the most advertised game since the seed was released. It claimed to be a Sword Art reboot, promising that all the bugs were fixed. The biggest selling point was the fact that the game had expanded with multiple new game modes and quests. Also, because of the seed, it allowed for greater user customization. With all of these positives, does it seem too good to be true?

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Unique Overview:

A unique is typically one quality, weapon or ability that is given to a player from an unknown source. Usually gifted, the effects begin to take place as soon as the email in-game is closed out of. Acting almost like a virus, players cannot escape a unique from affecting gameplay. There is a .002% chance for a player to obtain a unique after killing a random enemy. This leads to an extremely low level of player having uniques in-game – only two players can share the same unique as well.

List of uniques -

Dual Weilding – Two weapons at once. Combo possibilities are extended. These characters are known for their relentless offensive prowess.

Gun-blade – Shoots bullets and slashes! The blade flips back into a reverse position when the gun portion is activated. The weapon can also be pulled apart when in it's gun form to produce two smaller pistols.

Propulsion – Fly at your leisure, a la jet propulsion boots.

Masamune – A weapon that is eight feet long, which feels as light as a feather to its wielder.

Game master – Learn all of the secrets belonging to the game, that one player could possibly learn in an instant. These players are the most intelligent in the game.

Supportive Star – These characters can heal themselves and others in the span of sixty seconds max..


Style Overview:

Styles are set abilities, given to every player from the beginning of the game. Each player is allowed to have two styles, and can activate these styles as much as they please. There is a cooldown reduction of three to four posts between each use of styles, which last up to five posts. Each player can use both styles at once if they please.

Offensive Styles -

Fire Style

  1. Passive: Flame aura surrounds user throughout duration.
  2. Weapon is enveloped in fire at all times, allowing for use of fire projectiles as well.

Shadow Style

  1. Passive: User is invisible to the naked eye throughout the duration.
  2. Shadow tendrils grow from the spine. Attacks and projectiles come from those.

Lightning Style

  1. Passive: Lightning encircles user's frame and weapon throughout the duration.
  2. Lightning can be summoned at will from the sky or weapon.

Energy Style

  1. Passive: User’s body turns to pure energy, disintegrating anything that comes into contact.
  2. This style entails a lot of energy-based projectiles without any hand-to-hand capabilities.

Defensive Styles -

Water Style

  1. Passive: Tiny molecules of water form to deflect any attacks throughout the duration.
  2. Water is used to apply enemy slows and stuns. No water does any real damage, unless strategically used to force enemies into dangerous objects.

Grass Style

  1. Passive: Roots spring from the grass under the user's feet throughout the duration, blocking attacks.
  2. Applies a lot of life drain and energy absorption techniques.

Steel Style

  1. Passive: User's skin is turned completely to steel throughout the duration, blocking or deflecting attacks.
  2. User moves a bit slow, but attacks do damage when landed. No damage can be taken in this form.

Light Style

  1. Passive: Body is constantly levitating, making dodging attacks rather easy.
  2. Applies a lot of buffs and healing for the user and their team.

Other Styles with offensive and defensive qualities -

Speed Style

  1. Passive: User moves twice as fast as normal throughout the duration.
  2. Run fast, attack fast.

Air Style

  1. Passive: User's attacks all are elongated, due to a surge of air eminating from each strike. Lasts throughout the duration.
  2. User is able to fly.

Acrobat Style

  1. Passive: The ability to run up vertical surfaces and leap extremely long distances in a single bound.
  2. User is capable of dodging any attack and capable of moving in an amazing range of motion.

Double Image Style

  1. Passive: The user has a carbon copy commanded at their will throughout the duration.
  2. Style grants the user double damage.

Double Image Style

  1. Passive: The user has a carbon copy commanded at their will throughout the duration.
  2. Style grants the user double damage.


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Role Play Created By: CelticHero37, Braxnond

Created in Collaboration with: Deijiichan, Greentail, Kinesthetics, Majestic Rose, RabidMagus


The 1st Floor of Aincrad is geographically the largest floor. It is almost completely circular with a diameter of 10 kilometers. The 1st Floor is roughly the same size as Saitama Prefacture Kawagoe City. The main settlement on the 1st Floor is the Starting City, but there are also numerous other towns and villages on this floor.

  • The Crescent Moon Pub

The 2nd Floor of Aincrad has a generally mountainous topography. The terrain is rocky, full of hills, and not particularly diverse. Most of the landscape is predominantly flat-topped mountains, which are topped with lush green grass. It is primarily inhabited by large ox-type monsters. The main settlement of the second floor is the town, Urbus.

The 8th Floor of Aincrad is a forest-themed floor.

  • Woodland City

The 22nd Floor of Aincrad is one of the most sparsely populated areas in Aincrad. Although it is one of the lower floors, with around 9km in diameter, most of the floor's surface is occupied by lakes and forests. Monsters only seldom appear within this floor and even the Labyrinth on this floor had a very mild difficulty. The floor is also known for not having any Field Bosses, unlike most of the other floors.

The 24th Floor of Aincrad is a limnetic floor mostly covered in water.

The 25th Floor of Aincrad was a floor that was exceedingly more difficult than the 24th Floor, possessing abnormally strong monsters, complex topography and was thus the site of many deaths in Sword Art Online.

The 27th Floor of Aincrad is a floor of perpetual darkness, with very few openings in the exterior of the floor, meaning that no sunlight shines in the floor even during the day. The floor is rich in ore items, therefore, the floor was popular among the artisan players in Sword Art Online.

The 35th Floor of Aincrad is home to the Forest of Wandering and the Christmas event boss, Nicholas The Renegade.

The 47th Floor of Aincrad is a garden-themed floor and is therefore nicknamed as the "Flower Garden".

The 55th Floor of Aincrad is a geographically varied floor and is the floor where the Knights of the Blood Oath headquarters is located later in the game.

The 61st Floor of Aincrad is a lake-themed floor which was nicknamed as "Insect Land" due to its abundance in bug-type monsters and was the equivalent of hell for the majority of women in Sword Art Online.

The 74th Floor of Aincrad is a mostly hilly floor and the 2nd to last floor to be reached in the original Aincrad beforeSword Art Online was cleared.

  1. RPNation Rules
  2. Be respectful. (If things start to get out of hand, a posting order will be made).
  3. Be creative.
  4. Have fun!
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Aedon McCormic stormed into his room. It had been another rough day. His sister had taken the car and he had to cancel plans. He never had plans! It didn't help that his parents sided with his sister. Who cares if it was prom! Aedon shut the door to his room and slumped on his bed, sighing as he laid his arm over his eyes. Why does life have to be so fricking complicated? I wish I could just start over. Aedon glanced over to his desk. He was staring at a used NerveGear. His had just recently bought it with money he had saved up from work. Aedon wasn't a big supporter of virtual reality games, but he loved gaming, so he had to try. Advent Online was the most hyped up game since the "terrible two", the games that ended in disaster. For once, Aedon would be ahead of the curve. Though he was new to Virtual Reality Games, he was one of the first to log onto Advent Online. He hadn't done much on his first login other than accidentally attack a player. He just needed to get a feel, RPG's were his thing.

Aedon grabbed the NerveGear and slipped it on. He let out a relieved sigh and said, "Link Start". For a second there was darkness, then he felt his consciousness being sucked into a vacuum and tossed around until eventually he caught the mental reigns. Then he pulled himself into the virtual world of Advent Online. He was on the first floor, just where he had left himself. He looked around with a gleam in his eye. This is my new life. I'll be a hero!
Lapis sighed, leaning back in her chair. She had been staring down that darn game for twenty minutes, trying to decide her fate. She wanted to meet people like her, to be a hero. But she wasn't sure she wanted to give all of it up for the sake of living some stupid dream. She got up and looked at the disk. It reflected her face staring back at her. "Screw it." Lapis said, inserting the disk. She put on the nerve gear head set. "Link start!" She cheered as the game started up.

She entered the world on level one. She touched her head, feeling soft animal ears on her head. "Uah~" She said, patting her head. She looked around and spotted a man with short hair. She bounded over to him. "Hello~" She chimed, giving a smile. It didn't help that he was a head taller than her. She tried to stretch taller, but failed giving up. "You sure are tall." She mused.
Jake sat at his computer, sighing, he was on a chat room site, it was all he really did most of the day, it's where he met several of his online friends, he mostly didn't mingle with people at school, since the majority were mentally insane, and probably should be in a mental asylum.

He took a sip of his kiwi flavoured water, the sun beamed into the window as it began to set.

Great...I'm not even tired, I guess I'll just stay up tonight...

He glanced at his NerveGear, he hadn't used it once, but he was generally curious about using it, most of his friends used it.

Jake got up, and laid in his bed, staring at the ceiling, this is where he felt the most comfortable as he'd look at the ceiling, and think, it was like a best friend, he could let out, and discover things about himself just in his mind, it was truly a spot that he could relax in.

He grabbed his NerveGear, examining it, he slowly hooked it on, and sighed

"Link start...." He said in a very melancholy tone, everything faded, like he was passing out slowly, than his senses slowly began to bleed back into reality.

Than he felt a pricing effect, the sun had beamed almost into his eye, he jumped back, realizing he was in the "game". This was sure to be am experience.
CelticHero37 updated Advent Online with a new update entry:


Here are some good questions asked by Cojemo (My answers are to the best of my knowledge until I converse with the others involved in creation): Does everyone start on floor one, or can everyone be on a different floor? No, you do not have to start on floor one, that's just my character.
Is everyone level 1, or are some higher, or did those who played SAO have their levels carried over like Alfheim? Similarly, you do not have to be at level one (I don't believe. I have been collaborating...
Read the rest of this update entry...

A cellular device that was located on the wooden desk beside his laptop was vibrating, a soft tone emanating from the speakers. Two missed calls went, undoubtedly from his uncle. Since his father had been killed in prison, the old man felt it was necessary to call him every day. Usually, the calls only entailed of his uncle asking him if he needed anything, what he could do for Jayce, so on and so forth. He was still in the mafia, doing his thing - usually, he wired Jayce plenty of money. This was regardless of whether or not he answered the calls, which he rarely did.

Feet kicked up beside his laptop, Jayce leaned as far back in his reclining computer desk as he could go. His eyes shut and his headphones blasing loud music, he had obviously been doing nothing but relaxing for the day. Within his index and middle fingers was a cigarette, which slowly burned away. His other hand was behind his head. Occasionally, he would bring the burning tobacco to his lips to take a hit, but only before immediately bringing it back down to it's arm rest. Feeling particularly in a gaming mood, no distractions were going to stop him from getting in his zone.

A tone in his headphones beeped twice, lowering the music slightly as it did. Opening one eye to look at the computer screen, the light-haired young man noticed something that had popped up on his screen; his nerve gear was finished updating, and ready to go. It took all of a minute to put out his cigarette and boot up the game - within no time, he was sprung into the world of Advent Online once more. A veteran at VRMMORPGs, Jayce had all ready logged in plenty of hours within the system. Planning on getting back to work today, he planned to take on a jungle boss with a couple of friends whom he had met only a day prior, but whom were just as devoted as he was to being the best that they could be.

Primo's body pixelated into view, a head full of black hair along with some slightly baggy pants waving as soon as he was fully loaded into the game. The vest on his torso that was zipped-up was actually more form-fitting. Simply; what he was comfortable with. After a brief meeting with his party, they planned to immediately take on the boss. This involved aggravating about fifty monsters by running straight through to the boss. When they would reach the boss, the party had a fifteen minute time span to defeat the boss - before the invisible door that seperated the aggravated monsters disappeared causing their inevitable deaths. Primo had nothing but faith, but his party members weren't as enthusiastic. He was lucky that he could convince them to come along at all, but the treasure was simply too good to miss out on.

At the start of the jungle, they ran straight through as planned. No one got hit, so it was a successful journey through a seemingly endless amount of various bears, skeletons and other inhuman-like monsters. Trees galore, it would undeniably be impossible to navigate without some sort of map unless the player knew exactly how to get through the jungle. Leading the team, Primo passed the boss threshold first; as his boot crossed the line, the fifteen minutes immediately started from that point.

The boss was a gigantic, hairy ape. It was white in color with a gigantic beard, and white eyes. The first thing it did was through a gigantic punch. All of the players were in a straight line and diversed appropriately, for the most part; Primo launched himself on top of the monkey's arm by using his hand to balance himself on the ape's forearm when he dodged the punch. The other two moved out to the sides, in different direction. The last player behind was hit, and slammed into the invisible gate as a result. The monsters behind it went crazy as a result, jumping and banging on it.

Primo ran up to the monster, his sword being dragged against the wind behind him as he did. When he got close enough to the ape's face, he smashed the sword into it, taking a chunk of it's health out - however, it was miniscule. Jumping off of it's shoulder, Primo would wait for it's next attack. It was amazing; despite being the highest level in the game, some bosses just couldn't be taken down alone. The fight continued on, with the team overall taking losses in HP alongside the monster. As the fifteen minute mark reached, all four were out of potions and the monster had an eighth of it's health left - close to ten thousand points of health.

The team tried as hard as they could, but around the fourteen minute mark, the ape used an attack that freezed the ground. At the time, Primo had his air style activated; the other members of the team were frozen. The stun lasted for ninety seconds, meaning that the three would be dead long before being able to escape their stuns. Trying his best, Primo hacked away at the monster's health as best as he could; he dodged attacks and comboed into the monster's weak spots, but to no avail. Fifteen minutes came up, and his friends were devoured mercilessly. As a result of their deaths, they were cast from the boss fight and his party.

Angered, Primo let out all he had onto the ape's head; varius arm swings came into play, but with his air style involving flight, he easily contorted and twisted to dodge at his own will. Each time he got an opening at the top of it's head, he lashed out with a four hit combo. Two diagonal slashes, a horizontal and then a vertical one. Each left wind damage from the tip of his blade, which was the passive of his air style. Despite getting the monster to ten hit points, his air style was running out.

When the monster blocked his last attack that was available while he was in wind style, Primo was done for. He was screwed - the monster had blocked his sword strike, before slapping Primo back into the air. His body lost it's air style, causing him to drop from his position high into the air toward a sea of monsters at the floor. All this hard work... For nothing. Searching his mind as fast as he could, he continued to drop at a fast rate.

He had to make a last ditch effort to do something, or it would all be in vain. As his body tumbled in mid air, he would aim his shot as best he could. Primo cocked his arm back, and flung his sword toward the monster's face. At first, he thought he completely missed. However, as Primo's body landed on top of a couple of monsters below, the sword pierced through the ape's face and effectively destroyed it. As a result of it's death, the monsters that were getting ready to rip his body apart would pixelate and disintegrate into the air.

Sprawled out on the floor in the middle of the jungle, Primo outstretched his arms and legs. His chest heaving heavy, a smile crossed his face as his half-open eyes noticed his treasure had been placed into his inventory. Not only this, but as a result of killing the boss, he received an email.

The sender was unknown. Not bothering to worry about it, Primo slowly got up to his feet. The note contained no letters; just broken code. Shrugging it off, Primo would close out the email, and that was when things got bad. Across his screen, in red melting letters was written "hack detected", before his nerve gear instantly shot signals of pain througout his whole body. The unconscious body in the real world, Jayce, was practically seizing in it's chair. In-game, Primo's fingernails were digging into his palms, draining him down to his last hit point. That black hair turned white, as his screen went fuzzy and he hit the ground, his view shut off - along with the game.

Jayce woke up screaming. Once he noticed he was fine, he calmed himself down, rolled a blunt up and blew it down. Then, he logged back in without thinking twice. Once he got in, he checked to see if everything was all right. The system started up normal, everything seemed fine in his inventory. His hair was perminantly turned white, for some reason that he didn't understand, but he wasn't so bothered by it. The only difference was it matched his real hair, now. When he opened up his stats, he was in for a bit of a surprise.

Normally, the colors that represented numbers were white. Primo's were green, with each one withholding a (x2) at the very ends. As his eyes dragged across the screen to assess his situation, he realized there was a small icon next to his name. His eyes widened with shock as he saw it - a unique! He had a bit of a panic attack, containing excitement despite knowing what his unique was. It never said, people always had to figure it out for himelf. He never heard of a unique that gave a double boost of stats, but he instantly realized that he was immensely stronger than he previously had been. When he closed the menu that his stats were on, his hues fell upon the first town. He had no idea why he was there, or why the game logged him out and then put him back there, but it did.

Dropping his rustic book bag onto the wooden floor, Connor Storm slunk into his chair letting out a loud sigh. It was a tough day at school today; filled with nothing but boring lectures and work. College life was a pain.

That wasn't all that plagued Connor's mind and drained him of his will this oh so fine day, it was the thought of another, a friend he held dear to. Both the mind and heart causing such havoc on his body. "What a long day," he muttered to himself as twirled his chair toward his bed. His chocolate eyes scanned his bed side table, and there it was the NerveGear. Not an avid gamer, but Connor did indulge from time to time. "Maybe my other world self will have a better day.'

Connor rose from his chair and strode over to his bed, clutching the head gear. Lying down on his bed, he adjusted himself in a comfortable position-it was like technically speaking. Once the gear was on, he said without care, " Link Start."

Darkness took him, clouding his mind as he ascended into the Advent Online world. In flash of digital light and light humming sounds, Connor opened his now amber eyes. "Freedom," he gasped exaggeratedly as he took in the view, "I almost forgot I came back to the first floor." Connor aka now known as Tempest, proceeded to go into the town, he pulled at his rugged blonde hair almost dreading that he had made his avatar blond. "Eh whatever." He firmly decided as he strode on by.
Sitting at his computer, Miles let his fingers fly over his keyboard. There had been an assignment for his game design class, and he was wrapping it up with the final touches. Music was playing through his headphones, head leaned back, and eyes relaxed as he typed up the last bit of his work. Sure, he had fun working on game design. It was what he had wanted to do ever since he played his first ever game, to create his own magical world that everyone else could explore and have fun in. However, with the changes that occurred in his life, it was no longer his main passion.

Pushing away from his desk, he spun around in his spinning seat and hopped out with enthusiasm. His shirt was a light brown, with his long flowing jacket over top. "Okay, now that works over, let's begin living, shall we?" Picking up his Nerve gear, he looked at it reminiscently with his light green eyes. Ever since the first incident with SAO, he had felt a connection with the world of Aincrad. It had a certain beauty that the real world could never attain. It was still very similar to real life, except that work in that world was way more fun than work in his world. Miles still had fond memories of his first experience of the world. Being pushed against a pack of player killers, his comrades severely under-leveled compared to their assailants. The player killers had played games with them, forcing them to fight against each other for entertainment, yet Miles had managed to get through the situation by paralyzing a few of them using a toxin and ditching them. He lost quite a few people if not all during that encounter, as he never met up with his old group again, but what a thrill he felt! That was an exhilarating, joyful experience that was one of the many reasons he was dissapointed the game had ended.

Of course, now that Advent Online was a thing, he could partially re-experience what he had sorely missed. Sure, his life wasn't on the line and it he had to log out, but it was still a fine substitute. Those features made the original SAO what he loved, even though he knew that many people hated it for those exact reasons. Still, he had been playing Advent for awhile, and it was similar enough to his favorite world that he could enjoy himself for the time he could get in. He was already pretty strong in the world, so he didn't always go in to grind some levels. Sometimes he sold some valuables he found, sometimes he just laid in an open field and relaxed. Of course, a short time ago he had received a gift that made the world his. After defeating a mob, he had received an in game email which gave him unprecedented knowledge of the world. Enemy drops, hidden loot, secret dungeons, everything was revealed to him.

Letting out a deep breath, Miles slipped on his Nerve gear and laid on his bed. A large grin spread across his face. "Link Start!" Feeling the familiar sensation wash over him, he soon found himself exactly where he left off, in a hotel room on the first floor. Sure, he was a high enough level to be much higher up, but it was very relaxing in the town. The main town was where most people gathered, no matter their levels. He could buy some things, sell some, and just generally have a good time. Walking out of the hotel, he opened up his menu screen, instinctively peering at the log out button. It always saddened him to see it there, and a part of him hoped that one day it would once again vanish. "Okay, what floor should I go to next? 22 sounds nice."

Aedon… or rather Midorikawa Chiaki, as he was known in this new world, scanned his surroundings. He had only logged on for a few minutes last time and was completely confused by the whole ordeal. Heck, his first reaction when he opened his eyes was to say, "Crap, it didn't work. But how did I get outside… oh wow." Following this, he promptly ran into some other player and unknowingly initiated a battle. In real life, martial arts was one of the few things that Aedon was good at besides video games. With the ability to apply some of his own knowledge to the fighting system, he was able to kill off the other player. Though his own health bar was almost completely empty.

A rough start, but I handled it well. Hmm, how to start making my name? Midori circled around, taking in the definition. Everything looked so real, as if he could touch it. He unknowingly put his hand out toward the center of the city, longing for this world to be reality. As his heartbeat slowed, outside noise drowned out until he could only hear one thing.

Midori jumped, it was a girls voice! Was she saying hello to him?! No, girls never did that to him. Yet Midori looked just to be sure. With one glance, he found himself to be correct. No girl would ever say hi to him. He let his shoulders drop a little. Gosh dangit Aedon, don't give yourself hope. You'll only get hurt.

But then the girl's voice came again, talking about how tall he was. Midori's eyes shot wide open as he adjusted his angle of vision slightly. Then his face went as red as his hair. There was a girl there! Thus he engaged in his second battle in the game. However, this one was in his head. Ugh, hope got you Aedon. She's probably just part of your imagination. Made up. But… isn't that the point? Oh just say hi already you idiot!

Thinking back to his image, Midori took in a deep breath to calm himself, then turned back to the girl, giving a bow, as he was used to doing when he met someone. This was because the only people he ever met were in martial arts. "Hi, I'm Aed… I mean Midorikawa Chiaki. What's your name?"
"Ari!" Ari cheered happily. She liked meeting new people, but all the people she meet were tall. She twitched her ears, looking at him. His face was bright red, like a tomato. Ari reached a hand up and poked his cheek. She giggled, smiling at his squished face. "Your face looks funny." She said squishing her finger into his other cheek. She dropped her hands and smiled. "Want to hang out for a bit tomato like Midori?" Ari asked.
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(Somewhere in the U.S.)

A greenish-blue bedroom door swung open, and through it charged in an excited, and anxious girl.

The girl was excited with good reason, for she had just returned from the store after purchasing a copy of the new game: Advent Online; which was supposedly-according to critics anyway-the game of the decade. The girl practically sprinted to her computer, almost tripping over a gaming controller which had been left of the floor as she did so. Luckily, she managed to catch her balance, and land safely in her swivel chair. She had made sure to leave the computer on while she was away to install any necessary updates; this way it would be ready to go as soon as she returned. Unfortunately however, the update still seemed to be incomplete; it must have been much bigger than she had anticipated. With a disappointed groan, Gwen sunk back into her chair, her head leaning back and looking up to the ceiling.

“Whyyy?!? Ugh…” she whined, her disappointment now being made vocal.

“Is something wrong Gwen?” A voice called from just outside her room.

The voice belonged to Krista, one of Gwen’s roommates. Krista was… an interesting character to say the least. Why was she interesting you may ask? Well…

There are people who like things, and then there are people who love things, who are then followed by people who have an unhealthy obsession with things, and then there are the dangerous religious fanatics who start cults over things, and then there’s Krista. Krista liked to call herself an ‘Otaku’, but in reality she was much, much more than that. The girl practically breathed anime, her personality seethed it. She was completely and hopelessly addicted to it. Seriously; Gwen and her other roommate once tried weening Krista off of the stuff, but once they had her down to only 4 hours of the stuff a day, she started breaking out in a rash, and they needed to bring her back up to her usual minimum of 8. Gwen sort of gave up on the girl after that, figuring that the only way she would be able to stop the stuff for good was with a medical intervention.

That poor, poor girl.

“Gwen?” the voice called again.

“What? Oh, no, I’m fine!” Gwen replied, snapping back to herself.

“Oh. Alright then.” The voice said. The sound of the television in the other room grew a bit louder, signaling that their conversation had come to an end.

Gwen stood up, and walked over to her door, taking care to avoid the fallen controllers, clothes, and manga as she did so, and closed it. Her room was now silent, the sound of the nearby televsision no longer audible to her.

Gwen sighed, and flopped onto her bed. She stared at the ceiling a moment, wondering how much longer the download was going to take, when she heard it; the ‘ping!’ from her computer that signaled a pop-up notification. The sound itself was enough to cause her stomach to begin leaping with excitement again, for the sound could only mean one thing: it was finished. Standing back up, and nearly tripping over the same controller as before, she stumbled clumsily back to her chair.

The seed of a smile began to grow across her face as the computer screen confirmed that the download was, in fact, finished. Eagerly, the girl tore open the game box, and inserted the disc inside it into the disc compartment. She had already downloaded the files earlier today from the official website, so the disk was more of a confirmation that she had, in fact, made the purchase. After a few moments, the screen displayed that the game was updated and ready for play. The girl immediately grabbed the helmet for her nerve gear and prepared to place it on her head, but stopped. A tiny knot of anxiety began to form in her stomach as she held the piece of equipment in her hand, which caused her to pause for a moment.

This piece was what had kept her trapped in a battle for her life for nearly two years, and here she was about to place it on her head casually. She wasn’t sure why this thought was currently passing through her head, as she had used the thing many times since getting out of that nightmare with no problems, but for some reason she always felt the need to pause for a moment before actually putting it on… Maybe it was because she simply felt the need to honor the memory of the players who died there? She wasn’t sure, really.

Gwen quickly stifled her feelings of anxiety and placed the device onto her head and, after getting into a comfortable position, uttered the phrase that the gamers everywhere of today were quite familiar with: “Link Start.” She felt the familiar feeling of electrical pulses and tingles surge through her brain as the nerve gear synchronized itself with it. Her vision swirled into a torrent of greens and blues, red and yellows, as the pixels arranged themselves before her eyes. Soon enough, she was at the main menu. After logging in, she was taken to the character creation screen, which she bypassed with her character recovery password. After the network took a moment to confirm her information, her old character, Rose, was displayed before her.

Let’s do this! she thought excitedly as she pressed the login button.

Suddenly, her screen began to become enveloped by a blinding white light. For a moment, she couldn’t see, hear, or feel anything. Then she heard them: voices. They were soft at first, but then they started getting clearer as things came into focus. The white light started to fade as scenery began to render itself before her. She was in.

-----Advent Online-----

Being a hardcore veteran of MMOs, Gwen immediately knew what to do. She opened up the menu and began adjusting her HUD. She had downloaded a few addons which she figured would be useful, earlier today before picking up the game, and as she turned them on, new screens began to appear before her, which she arranged in the way most comfortable to her playstyle. After that was finished, she opened her inventory to examine what she had been given to start out with. It was a little disappointing, but not overly so, as if they had given her too much, it would have been unfair. Still, being able to start out at half the level of her old SAO character was pretty nice, especially since other people had already been playing for a while now before her.

Hopefully I’m not too far behind…

Just as the girl closed her inventory, a notification popped up on her sidebar:


Primo… She remembered that name. He was one of the top raiders back in SAO, and she had gone on a few group excursions with him back then. Still, she didn’t really know him too well, as Gwen hadn’t really cared about developing friendships at the time. Her original reason for adding him to her friends list at all was for leveling purposes. Gwen and Primo, along with a few others, had made quite the power-leveling group at the time.

Gwen would much rather level with someone, but after examining the rest of her friends list, Primo, it seemed, was the only one online, and messaging him after all that time had passed just felt… awkward. Still, things were different now, and if Primo is still anything like he seemed to be back then, he was probably progressing really fast. Maybe she could say something like… ‘hey wanna party up and level super fast like old times?’

Just as she was about to type him a message however, Primo logged off.

I wonder if my logging on scared him? she thought to herself.

Gwen laughed a bit at that thought. The Mighty Primo, a boy who had put his life on the line to get over 6000 people out of SOA, frightened by a girl. Just as Gwen was about to resign herself to leveling alone, Primo logged back in.

Oh, I guess he just got disconnected? Maybe I will shoot him a message then…

Opening up her message box, Gwen began to type out a message to the boy. It read:

‘Hey, long time no see! I didn’t think you had this game yet!! xD How’ve you been?’

Gwen sent the message.
Ari? I like that name, he thought with a smile. Yet, being someone with ADD, his attention was drawn to her ears. He was about to ask how she got them, because he hadn't seen them in the character creator, but then she started poking his cheeks. Though saying someone's face looks funny isn't necessarily a bad thing, Midori always took things negatively, especially when first getting to meet someone. He wanted to cower behind his controller, but there was nothing there. This world was real. He swallowed hard and began to sweat a little.

Then she smiled and asked to hang out. Though he felt like he was shaking, Midori calmed down a bit. Don't be such a wimp! he scolded himself. Then his best smile back, scratching the back of his neck nervously. Oh gosh, hang out? I didn't know you could do that in a video game. I've never hung out with a girl before. Come on Midori, you're a new man, you're a hero. All the girls will flock to you, keep your head up.

Midori started to notice the color around him. Today was going to be a good day. Yet he still had to play it cool. "Hang out? Sure… what were you thinking of doing?"
"Hmmm, whatever is fine. I like doing most things." Ari said. She twitched her ears and smiled at him. She liked making friends. "Why are you so tongue tied Midori?" Ari said, giggling. He was all different shades of red. She rocked on to her heels and smiled. "You face turns funny shades of red." Ari said, leaning close. "It's cute~" Ari chimed. She giggled again, looking at him.

  • vnvmf_zps3a342f84.png

    • NerveGear
    • Fault in our Stars
    • Stuffed panda

A window stood at the end of a room opposite side from the door and let in the warm air of summer. The room had a decent space, not too big but not too small. It had the usual kind of furniture for a dorm room but stuff animals of many seemed to have conquered the room, a girl among the the stuff animals sat on one of the beds in the room with a panda pillow tightly held close to her chest while in the other hand was a book. The book looked freshly new and from the look of it she was already deep in the story, tears stained her brightly pink cheeks. The book she was reading was called "Fault in our Stars", a story about two teens who go through a struggle along with a journey to love. The story was really something as she crawled over to get her fifteenth tissue, blowing her nose and tossing it over at the trash can next to her bed.

She have been crying for almost two hours straight over this book and her tears just wouldn't stop flowing from her sky-blue orbs that glimmered brightly in the sunlight. About to turn to see what would happen next, a knock could be heard at the door of her room and startled her a bit, dropping the book onto her bed, messing her up on her pages. Picking up the book and placing it on her bed neatly, she got up from her bed to see who it was, wiping the tears from her eyes so she didn't look too much like a mess, she turned the knob to reveal her roommate standing there with her NerveGear with her,"
Koko! Stop reading and start playing! Hurry up we need you on!" Her roommate said pulling Koko over to the bed and laying her down with the NerveGear in hand,"E-eh? But my book-""No buts! Start entering now! I'll be on as well." Her friend said and went over to the bed on the opposite side of the room, pulling on the helmet and logging on. Koharu, the girl's name, pouted a bit not wanting to stop reading but she did need a break from it, putting on the metal helmet and laying down on her bed. Laying on the bed, Koharu hesitate a bit, biting on her bottom lip and sighed saying the two words needed to enter the world of virtual life.

Link Start."


  • df_zpsac622fc5.png

    • Magical Revolver (x1)
    • Useless Sword (x1)
    • Elite Mage Outfit (x1)
    • Gold (x500)
    • Quest Items (x5)
    • Health Potion (x5)
    • Mana Potion (x7)
    • Pet Egg (x1)

Everything around her vanished and all turned into pixel blocks, her body falling as if she was in Alice in Wonderland stories. Standing before her was another girl but a bit taller and different features. The girl before soon turned into pixels of data and transferred to Koharu, her appearance now changed and her surrounding soon appeared before her. She wasn't in her dorm anymore but in a forest, the sound of nature filled her ears,"This place never get old." Koharu thought or in this case, Yui, the character she was playing.

Yui scanned her surrounding, looking around before she heard a beeping sound, opening her menu to see she got a message. Opening her messages up, she giggled softly at how her friends were so silly,"
Hey Yui! Get over here because we just caught a big fish here and we need your help!" The message read as Yui took out her teleportation pass and plugged in the place she wanted to go to. A circle formed under her feet and light emitted from it as she started to glow and vanished out of sight and reappeared in a huge cave and among the cave was a huge armored bear.

The bear was much bigger than usual bears and it was wearing a strange blue eletric armor. The bear also had piercing, glowing orange headlight eyes that burn with the lust to tear their flesh in pieces. Her allies were already fighting off the beast, blades, bullets, arrows and magic all hitting at the bear lowering it's health down a bit. Taking her revolver out, Yui got in a ready stance and her expression changed to a more serious look,"Take a deep breath and.." With that she came at the beast in seconds before it could do anything to her and pointed her gun at it.

With one shot, she blasted it into the bear's eye, pixel particles flew out of it's eye as it tried to take a slash at Yui but she dodged it, using her flying abilities and flew up,"Now your chance! Stab him in the head!" Yui called out to her teammates, her roommate taking this chance,"I got this one Yui!" She called out and jumped into the air, her sword held up above her head and aiming for the bear. With one final blow, her sword stabbed into the bear's skull and finishing off it's last remaining of his life. Pulling her sword out, more particles burst out and the bear stood there stunned by the attack until it exploded into nothing but green data.

"Congratulation, you have beat the Leader of the Bears. Here is your reward!"

A panel appeared before Yui and taking her prize, a few golds and some exp, Yui turned to her friends and waved,"Well I'm gonna go take my gold and shop, see you guys later." Yui said as some of them logged out or went off on their own,"Bye Yui, I got to go to my morning classes. I'll see you later." Her friend said and logged off leaving Yui to go off to town,"I wonder if Wind is on?" Yui thought going off to town to find her little fanfic comrade.


    • Backpack
    • Phone
    • Wallet
    • NerveGear

The day was just a normal day at work. Taking orders and giving them all to the person who ordered them, nothing out of the ordinary. He didn't hate his job or anything but it could sometimes get a bit... time consuming. The pay was great and the people were nice but his schedule was always changing since he was usually asked for by many of the female customers. He was pretty popular with the ladies so he was usually asked for to take their orders but he did have a life.... in the virtual world of course.

He did have college and all but it stressed him at times since he would be always piled with work. He did get them done on time but he needed some fun and Advent Online was his escape to here. He had been in the gaming life for all his childhood to adulthood and now the game he was hooked on at the moment was Advent Online because it was just like SAO and from what they said was that it was the improved "SAO" or so they said. Though it may have been a terrible situation when he was in the SAO virus mess, he was able to survive at least but some poor souls didn't make it alive.

It may have been a sad time and dangerous, it didn't stop Iah from playing games. It was risky to play a game that was just like SAO but Iah liked a good challenge. Throwing his backpack on the floor of his apartment, Iah went over to his room and took the NerveGear in his possession, placing it on his head and laying on his bed,"
Time to fight some monsters, Link Start." Iah said as he fell into the world of pixels.

    • Levi (The nickname he gave his sword)
    • Lui (The other sword)
    • Health Potion (x8)
    • Mana Potion (x5)
    • Gold (x3400)

Logging in, Iah once brown hair was a dark black hue and his green eyes became a light, icy blue. His clothing changed to a long red jacket with a white dress shirt and pants with long brown boots, the appearance of his character, Casper. Locating his place to join, he opened his eyes to be blinded by bright light, blocking his eyes and blinking to get used to the new lighting, looking around him to see he was in town in the middle of a crowd. He seemed to stand out in the crowd with his tall form and bright red jacket but he didn't mind, walking through the sea of heads of many colors.

Going over to one of the merchants, Casper decided to just check out what supplies they had on the, skimming through the many different kind of items they had.

-I gave up once I got to this part but I promise that Casper will be longer ^^;-

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  • Character: SnowFox

    Level: 28

    Guild: Sparrows

    Exp: 54/100 (%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Stamina: 100/100 (%)

Skkrrrrr-cloom! Closing the door behind her, Aila walked along a scantily decorated hallway, on the way down to the basement floor, which held the main computer room. Ugh, school sucks so much, she thought as she loosened the shoulder straps of her black suede leather bag. Just as she reached the entrance to the underground room, she heard someone yell: "Hey Aila! Where'd you tell your folks you were going this time? The library?" She threw her head back and erupted into a fit of boisterous laughter. What had she told her parents this time she wondered? Ah, yes. It was the library indeed. "BINGO," she yelled back out to the heckler, giving an enthusiastic thumbs up for the correct answer. This strange routine of Aila's, started a few months back, when she finally had enough of what she could stand, back at home. One night when she was sleeping, she heard a creaking noise coming from the the door of her room, causing her to stir awake. For 5 minutes, she sat in darkness, listening intently for anything, that might suggest, there was another living, breathing, human being huddled in that room. After a bit of time passed, she marked it off as a trick of her imagination and peacefully drifted back into sleep.

She woke up the next morning and immediately knew something was wrong. She did not hear her alarm clock. She swiveled her head to nightstand to see what happened to it, but her eyes met only solid oak.
Somebody stole my alarm clock. She woke her phone up from stand-by and gawked at what time it was. It was 10:55 A.M. She had almost missed nearly 4 hours of school already. Oh my god. Not even having time to take a shower (which was beyond gross), she quickly brushed her teeth, washed her face, and reached for her make-up kit. Except that....it wasn't there. Though her pulse was quickly rising, she calmly closed the cabinet door and walked out of the bathroom, heading towards the kitchen table. Lo and behold. She found the make-up kit and alarm clock. In the hands of numerous younger siblings. The boys were swinging the alarm clock by the cord, while the girls were covered from head-to-toe in Orange Blush. Stunned, she looked at her cousin, Kiki Ingstrum, sitting in the corner of the room, reading a book on how to "Make Kids Behave." Seemingly sensing a glare trying to burn a 2 foot hole through her brain, Kiki simply replied: "Don't worry cuz, I got it aaaallll under control!" Then nothing more. Suffice to say, each of her siblings were not able to sit down for the next week.

Paralyzed at the thought she would have to endure this constant stream of pain and humiliation until she moved out, Aila started looking for a way out. Word of a game where you could be and do anything you wanted, trickled down through the grapevine, until it eventually reached the searching ears of our girl.
A world where I'll be free to do what I want, be myself, and finally get some peace; I NEED TO SEE THIS. And thus began her search for the treasure of Advent Online. It led her here, to W-1, to the west basement of her local community center. This was where gaming was the center of everybody's focus. It was a bit of a strange place at first, but pretty soon, she came to refer to it as her second home; sometimes even her first if you're quick enough to catch her off guard.

This was the fabled "library" she's been going to to "study", ever since the traumatic experience of missing her alarm clock, and losing her make-up.
"Make sure you don't get stuck in there. You don't want you being late for dinner! I hear its lasagna tonight," the boy continued to yell. Ha-Ha. Though it was just a joke, Aila was very familiar with the SAO and Alfheim disaster. The only person she knew of, a part of the fiasco, was her older cousin Kiki; but she never really talked about it much. What does it matter anyway, they couldn't possibly mess up a THIRD time. Let's not be stupid here. "Link Start."

Brilliantly blinding light whipped past her in all directions, as Aila was jettisoned from real reality, into virtual reality. Oh, this sure never gets old. A five-foot-five, teenage girl dressed in black, slim fitted leggings, materialized just outside the woods, near the Crying River checkpoint. She brushed the non-existent dust off her ivory-colored thigh length coat, and adjusted the alabaster beanie atop her head by the ear-flaps, so that it sat straight up. Not that it ever got crooked. She opened up her menu and looked at her hit-list. She was a self-proclaimed "Monster-Hunter." Compiled before her, was a list of the most elusive beasts, able to be caught and slayed in the game. Nine and seven were already taken out, so only eight out of the 10 remained. A hot tip led her to this area, and she beamed at the prospect of being able to narrow it down to seven. Pulling out a sword, her eyes gleamed with every color of the rainbow, as she looked down at the ground for any sign of the slippery creature.

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With an annoyed puff, Tempest pushed his way through the crowd of people that stood in the way of his desired path. Seriously, why do people stop in the middle of a road, there are others trying to walk here! At last, he managed to ease his way out of the mess that was shop area of the town. Glancing around with his rich amber eyes, Tempest scratched his ruffled blonde hair as he looked for a nice place to sit down before he left this over populated town. There's a nice spot by the fountain, he though to himself as he strode towards the man-made (well game-made) water sprout. Setting himself down, he lingered his right hand over the empty air as he began looking through his bag and the items he had just purchased at the merchant place. Only a few health potion and mana potions, he didn't need much as long as he wasn't reckless; regardless on that fact he needed to save his gold even though he had a good sum. Satisfied, Tempest lightly skimmed his hand over the surface of the water of the fountain before rising to his feet. "Time to go." he muttered to himself as he began making his way through the town once more.
Wind never got used to the game, each time it was always the same realization:

Why do I have a sword!? Why are there so many people!? Why does the sun feel real!? Why does the wind feel real!? Why!? I-

Than he'd come to his senses, oh yeah...It's just a game...

He kept thinking to himself, he had a bit of a habit to check his menu constantly for the log out button, making sure it was there.

"Alright, now I just need to find a friend...or someone, he looked around the main plaza,sometimes you couldn't tell if it was a player or an NPC in the distance, but obviously upon noticing their name avowed their head you could tell.

He began to slowly walk through the crowd, and market, finding a confidently placed fountain in the middle of the busy squad, he sat on the brim of it, almost a little afraid of his sword sheath when it lightly tapped the fountain.

It wasn't good having this level of anxiety in a game...


Sighing, Aika jogged up into her room as quickly as possible. She didn't dare alert her brother or mother to hat she was about to do. After sneaking out to buy the items needed, the brunette had hurried home, her purchases in a bag held in her hand.

Looking down the hallway she let out a breath of relief as she saw no one. Sliding down the hall, her back to the wall, Aika stopped by her bedroom door. Slowly opening the door, she winced when the wood groaned. Slipping inside, she peeked out, double checking to make sure no one saw her. Closing the door, she slid down so she was sitting the floor, a smile of relief clearly seen on her face.

Resting a moment, the brunette jumped up and hurried to her computer, excited to start the game she just bought. Setting everything up didn't take as long as she thought, which was a relief to the girl, as she didn't think she could wait any longer. With a slight squeal, Aika laid down on her bed, the helmet already on her head. With a clear voice, filled with excitement, she spoke. "Link start!"


Blinking, Atria turned, taking in what she could now see. With a grin, the girl jumped happily, and continued to look around. This was so exciting! She'd never seen anything of the likes before! She'd always been interested in these types of games, but her brother had never let her get close. Now she could experience it herself, and not deal with her brother's over protectiveness.

With those thoughts, Atria started to explore the area by wandering. What better way to learn?

Travis Ement

The teen had returned from his school's extracurricular activity of painting a mural ahead of time due to spontaneous paint fight. After taking a shower and getting himself clean, he was now wearing another pair of clothes due to his old one getting splattered with paint in said incident. He didn’t really mind it and actually though it was though it was fun, even though he was involved unwillingly. He was now preparing to play the game he has been playing for a few days. He was hoping to play with it with his friends, but they haven’t bought it and outright refused to do so. They were distrustful of virtual games like SAO because of said game’s tragedy and even tried to persuade him from getting it. “The game is supposed to have been fixed, right?” He though, he played it a few times since getting it and nothing out of the ordinary has happened in his point of view.

Well now, it was time for him to get back into the virtual fantasy world of Advent Online. Travis put on his NerveGear while lying on his bed face up, carefully putting his head on his pillow. “Link Start!” He said enthusiastically before the world in front of him started changing…


His point of view has changed to his virtual reality self, who is wearing a purple outfit with a bunny hood. His username was ColorfulNeon, he picked that name just because he thought it sounded cool. He was at the first floor of Aincrad, the same place he has been since the start of the game. His weapon of choice was a big orange hammer which he was fairly good at using to defend himself, though he was more effective at buffing his allies using the ocarina that was hanging around his neck with a necklace. He was in the Starting City, looking forward to sell some of his spoils from yesterday. He was now walking around the city trying to find a vendor.

In response to the feeling of confusion that arose, Primo could only blink his eyes. Sometimes the game glitched up – so, maybe this was one of those times? Not trying to look into it too much, the young man wouldn’t be able to get one foot forward before an alert popped up onto his screen.


Message received from ~ Rose ~

“Hey, long ti…”



He waved his hand over the accept button, which caused the pop-up to expand vertically, revealing the rest of Rose’s message. Primo recognized her name as one of the few from the original Sword Art Online, whom were able to make it to the top-level floors. It was unfortunate he had not gotten to know her better. Primo wasn’t exactly known as being the type of person who was close to any others. He just did what he was supposed to do in order to help those whom he could and tried his hardest to survive.


Message from ~ Rose ~

“Hey, long time no see! I didn’t think you had this game yet!!
xD How’ve you been?”

[Reply] [save] [Close]


Things had changed since then. He would like to think that he was genuinely friendly, so it wasn’t often that he turned others down or just ignored messages all together. Primo hit reply, dragging his right finger from letter to letter in order to concoct his response back. It took nothing more than an extra minute or two out of his otherwise relatively open schedule. Now that he had beaten that boss, his self-set quota for the day happened to be fulfilled early. When Primo finished typing, he hit the send button and began walking forward; eventually moseying around a water fountain.


Reply to: Rose

“I’m fine, thanks for asking. Nothing ever changes for me.

I’m at the Crescent Moon on level one. Come meet me if you want to party up.”

- J


Obviously, the letter he left as his signature was the first initial of his real name, Jayce. He reached a small bar, his right hand pressing against the right side of those double wooden doors to push it open and walk through. The bar had quite a nice layout; a large walkway in between a scattered variety of table sizes and chairs. At the back of the establishment was the bar, with one bartender and a couple of players sitting about. In total, there was eighteen people in the establishment. There were two who were making a bit of a drunken ruckus near the entrance, but Primo didn’t plan on engaging them unless they got rowdy.

They got rowdy, though.

One of the players was wearing a red bandana, went shirtless and wore pretty long shorts. They could have passed for Capri’s, but that was an argument for another time. The man beside him was much smaller, almost to the point of being mousey – now, Primo wasn’t exactly a large man, at 5’8. However, this man was much smaller. To Primo, it was one thing to harass an NPC. They weren’t human, nothing to worry about. But an actual player? It was unacceptable.

A player who took the form of a younger woman was being… Well, assaulted by these men. It was only about fifteen minutes from when Primo first walked in until things got really bad and he had to step in. Shoes patting on the floor as he moved from the bar over to the men, his right hand moved to hold the hilt of his sword tightly as he neared, stopping beside the mousey man.

“Who do you think you are?!”

Not more than a couple of seconds after asking, the man with the bandana kicked the one chair that rested between them over toward Primo’s face, which gave off a rather angry scare. His posture maintained one of power, with his chin slightly tilted down. Those light hues, as a result, were peering up from the top of those eyes. He was sideways, his left foot extended and pointed toward the two with his right slightly back. His chest faced a couple of windows, his head turned toward them. The reason he stood in this stance was to decrease his hit box – smaller targets were harder to hit.

As the chair flew, Primo braced himself and positioned himself so that it slammed into his shoulder. Pieces of wood shattered and ricocheted into various directions as it broke over his body. In fact, one spare piece even moved to pierce the mousey fool through the neck, killing him instantly.

His HP barely moved. With all of his stats double, he didn’t feel a thing, and was double as strong. When he broke that chair and caused such an explosion of matter with such violent force, he knew something had happened to him that was out of the ordinary. Primo raised two fingers toward the girl, signifying her to move backwards. She quickly and shakily scurried out of her chair, and ran. Within that same instant, Primo activated his air style, giving off a small smirk.

Ripping his sword from his side, he slashed at the table before him. Even though his sword hadn’t hit the table, the harsh breeze of wind did. This caused a few drinks to whip up into the face of the bandana guy, only before the table came whipping into his torso. It caused him to fly out of the front doors of the Crescent Moon, the table continuing to roll on the ground long after the unconscious man’s body hit the concrete back-first. The doors continued to flap open and closed due to the momentum of bandana guy’s body being taken out by the table.

As Primo slowly walked outside, the hilt of his sword in his right hand and the dull side of his blade resting on his right shoulder, his left hand would reach out to a shot on the table. His feet didn’t stop as he did, they just continued on right past those double doors. As he moved a couple of paces toward the unconscious man’s body, Primo would take the shot and toss the glass onto the ground beside him. He cleared his throat, shaking his head slightly while trying to quickly recuperate from the burning effect in his chest.

“... Someone you failed to notice would beat dat ass today.”

Oh yeah. This came with the pronunciation of ‘that’ as ‘dat’, in all of its glory.

Gliding his fingers over the gaming menu, he scrolled and navigated his way through the incomplete quests he had to complete; most of the quests were quite tiresome such tedious like collecting items that monsters dropped. Tempest saw this has boring. “Ah here we go, this quest seems more satisfying.” He said smirking to himself. I better go get more supplies if I have to go all the way to the 6th floor for now. With yawn and a frustrated sigh, Tempest once again forced with way through the crowds of players and NPCs, making back to the main plaza he looked over with his amber gaze locating the merchant.

After the money transfer was complete, Tempest looked over the purchases with a satisfied smile, “Well I got what I need, but I need to make to obtain more gold or else I’ll be broke soon.” He muttered as he paced away towards the dazzling fountain. There’s no rush in going right now, I’ll take a short break. As he observed the fountain, he noticed a few players by, either chattering with others or just sitting down. However, one particular person caught his eye; it was another player judging by the name hovering overhead. What’s up with him? He looks nervous and out of place. Shifting his gaze, he spotted an empty spot at the edge of the fountain.

This is nice, Tempest thought as he sat, the fake game breeze flowing through him, the sound of trickling water behind him relaxing him. Lightly scratching his rugged blonde hair, he slightly looked over at the queasy player that was somewhat next to him before turning his attention to the beautiful animated sky.

"Bye!" The blonde haired girl shouted as she closed the door. Padding softly to her dorm room, the blonde haired girl switched on the mellow golden light that bathed the dark room suddenly with it's warm flush. Ara kicked off her sandals and collapsed on her soft bed. Rubbing gently at her mascara clad eye lashes, Ara walked to the small kitchen with whom she shared with her room mate who was never really home. Fixing herself a cup of warm strong coffee, the small girl trudged back to her room. She had spent most of her Saturday in town hanging out with her close friends, and now she would have to finish the conclusion on her ten paged paper on the Iliad.

Flipping open the top of her silver and black macbook, the artificial blue illuminated the pale girl's features. Ara's fingers flew on the keyboard as she typed, her clear eyes scanned the writing as she typed watching for mistakes. Once she was satisfied with her paper, Ara's blue eyes flickered to her Amusphere lying on her neatly made bed admist small anime plushies she had gradually accumulated during the years. Giving into temptation, she grabbed the Amusphere and slipped it over her loose blonde hair before connecting the VRMMO. She was no newbie to the virtual world and had gained quite a few hours on these games after the SAO incident. "
Link Start!"

Accompanied with the slight sensation of falling, the girl adjusted briefly to her surroundings, her long sapphire blue hair tied up in two pig tails and blew her long side bangs from her face which were blocking her also, surprise surprise, blue eyes.
Miles, or as he was known in game, Colt, closed his menu, placing his hands on the back of his orange haired head in a very relaxed manner. "I guess I'll just walk around town for now, greet some of the locals." Strolling through town, he glanced around, occasionally waving as he passed by a player, and even a few NPC's. His face on it as he passed new and experienced players alike. He loved the feeling of this place, a community much similar to that of the real world. You could talk to people, make friends, make enemies, take up a job, sell and buy things, eat food, and even die. Well, at least he treated it like he could die. Ever since playing SAO, he couldn't play any other VRMMO without avoiding death at every possible chance. It enhanced the experience, made everything feel much more... living.

Stopping at a merchant, Colt raised his hand and gave a small wave. "Hey Tom, how's it going today?" The NPC simply looked back at him and gave him the standard "What are you going to buy today?" Colt selected a couple potions and selected ACCEPT. He turned away from the NPC on his heel and waved over his shoulder. "Nice talking to you, Tom! See you later!" Opening his menu, he selected a loaf of bread, and as it materialized in his hand he took a large chomp out of it. What a nice guy, that Tom. Colt felt he had good relationships with all of the NPC's on every floor, and he always made sure to greet them just as he did moments before.

Letting out a sigh, Colt scanned the area once more, looking for something to do. Most people would probably go do a quest on one of the higher floors. After all, he wasn't some newbie or weakling. He was a pretty big player back when SAO was still a thing, helping clear out many of the floor bosses. Of course, he felt no need to draw any attention to himself at the time. There were many others who were just as strong as he was, so he let them garner the public eye while he just had fun and enjoyed things. Today, though, Colt really didn't feel like fighting. Instead, he noticed a female player who seemed rather new, at least from the way she was walking. The name over her head indicated her name was 'Atria'. Walking over casually, Colt did a dramatic bow, then stood back up straight. "Well hello there, m'lady. I couldn't help but notice that you seem to be new around these parts. How's your experience thus far?" His voice had a strong sense of humor throughout, as he tried to be as welcoming as possible. Some people had a hard time adjusting to a VRMMO, and he felt a sense of duty to help integrate these people into this wonderful world.
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CelticHero37 updated Advent Online with a new update entry:

Using Tabs

Hey guys! So Deijiichan had a great idea of putting tabs into her role-play to keep track of inventory and stats. I like this idea, but understand that some people (myself included up to this point) don't know how to make that. So I'm going to show you. I'll give a demonstration. Erase the periods and it should give you the tabs.
[tabs.] [tab.=title]content[/tab][tab.=title]content[/tab][/tabs]

What we're looking for:

  • Post game affecting items on your person...



Startled, Atria turned, before grinning in amusement, listening to the guy before her. Laughing slightly, she responded. "Oh hello Sir," she joked. "Yes, you see I just joined today, not very sure what to do first. But so far, I am indeed enjoying my experience." she said honestly, her tone teasing. So far she liked this guy. He seemed funny if nothing else.

She wondered if how well versed he was with these types of games. She could only guess by the way he held himself that he knew what he was doing. She almost wished she had that type of confidence. Sometimes her brother seemed that way, when he thought no one was looking. Atria was almost tempted to ask him if he'd been stuck inside SAO. She'd opened her mouth to do so, but caught herself quickly, shutting it. That would probably be rude, she thought.


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