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Multiple Settings Advent of Eternity (IC)


Dante halted and glanced back when Sephiroth called out to him. However, before the latter could voice his questions, the cracking barrier ushered in a plane shift. The feeling was not too different from that of the human and demon worlds intersecting in Vie de Marli. It was an eerie sensation, yet it thrilled his subconscious.

The twisting tendrils twisted primarily towards Sephiroth, though the man seemed to faint before he could be struck or ensnared. He plummeted towards the ground, only to be snatched midair by the fast-moving devil hunter, who safely landed with him and deposited him on the ground. "We'll call it even for the mistaken identity."

The creature that emerged from this veritable tower of threads was nothing short of impressive. Dante placed his hands on his hips. "Someone's not content to throw small-fries my way. We're starting off strong!" he said gleefully, leaping upwards. Though he couldn't crest the building in one jump, a magic disc flashed under him, and he used the fleeting projection as a springboard—a technique called 'Air Hike'.

Upon landing atop the building once more, Dante twirled his handguns, bringing them to bear on the colossal guardian. "Showtime!"

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Jinx waves a hand idly as she goes down the steps "If there's one thing a street rat like me knows, it's where to get what they're looking for....Oh and be sure to let me watch when you try to take that thing apart" she snaps a finger towards the device in Noah's hand and gives him a wide grin "ill either be coloured impressed or more likely you could just be coloured."

She gives a side look to the elevator as it vanishes from view before shrugging to herself and putting both hands behind her head, moving an eye in Daisukes direction "It got its charms, though that look on your face is giving real topsider energy, like your not up for breathing the same air as the slump kids"
Rex ejected the ammo from his gun before recalling it, opening his pack, and flying to where the others were. The talk of what was going on (and the fact that Sephiroth's name was changed each time either of them talked) gave Rex a headache. He didn't get what the kid was talking about, even for him...and his world had people turning into friggin monsters all the time, a brother trapped in a weapon...what? It didn't help that he had to process the way their de facto leader spoke whenever she opened her mouth. He followed the group though lagged a few feet behind them, better to have someone cover their exit. "I've done few sewer fights in my world, the smell doesn't bother me...it more has to do with what's lurking nearby and hiding out of view." He hated being boxed in, a lot of his weapons were big and he needed the maneuverability to fight. "I'm with the elf on this one though, getting slasher picking us off one by one vibe from here." Rex pulled the goggles down, it helped him with picking up on movement in addition to looking cool.
He might just be coloured? Did this girl use paint in combat? Well, she was sounding more and more like one of Noah's friends the longer she spoke, apart from the whole living in the slums thing.

"...Uh...I don't think there's any monsters or serial killers in the power plant. The electricity down here doesn't go down that often..." Even if it did still go down more often than he would've liked. He didn't have any comments on the air quality, he'd long gotten used to it during his time living in this world.

He looked up at the guy that'd joined them. This person was...Tall. He looked a bit younger than Noah. He might've commented that he looked a little like Elsword, but he was too tall and frankly didn't look anything like his friend. Was Noah feeling lonely?

...No, he couldn't be, he had the only person he actually needed.

"Who knows, maybe a monster will appear here today." It wouldn't be the first time in Noah's life that something like that had happened. His luck in that regard felt pretty shitty. Still, without a care in the world, the young man practically skipped down the stairs.

mysteryxio mysteryxio PlusUltra PlusUltra DovahBeat DovahBeat
Jinx roles her eyes before giving a nervous laugh at Rex's comment, idly waving it off "Nah, It's a lot easier if you can pull two at a time, You're more likely to get one panicking then the other one gets kneecapped either taking care of them, infighting or adding to the panic.....grew out of that though, besides was only once..." she pauses with a look of thought cocking her head "Twice? Three times?" holding up fingers on her hands one by one, stopping to shift her footing slightly while she mumbles "....Thirteen times, but its always better to butter them up with some artwork and creepy noises first. Though definitely not serial killer slasher thing, they have all those predictable behavioural patterns, and that's boring, plus i don't think i have a knife?" she rummages around behind her with a series of metal clinks before pulling out a small knife "Oh wait tell a lie...wait what were we talking about?" She stops giving a confused look to the others present while idly twirling it in her fingers.
Saburo Hattori (服部三朗)
He wasn't going to take that "small fries" comment personally. It hadn't been a skirmish, more of a scuffle. A mild disagreement, perhaps. Regardless, that wasn't what was important right now. The right haired man with the rifle things leapt into the air and was attacking... That. Big creature made out of wind and this city's hideous architecture. Sometimes, he wondered if society had somehow regressed. It's aesthetic was bland and unappealing, all that glass and steel... and con-crete. A cold, unfeeling, unnatural world. Kyoto was crowded, but it was full of life; All these lights would make a blind man see. Might as well let the white-haired gentleman distract that while his brain got up to speed like a fox hunting a rabbit. For now, he didn't know it's abilities, so containment seemed logical. Manifesting his Stand, it was a matter of seconds to pick his desired card suits.

[Chosen Suits: Wisteria (藤, Fuji) + Willow (柳, Yanagi) + Paulownia (桐, Kiri)]

Wisteria birthed regenerative vines that grew like anything, just growing and growing without end to ensare and immobilize... The mist of Willow would produce a spectral cloud, a ghost fog that slowed the creature down, it's movements and reactions, as if trying to swim through honey. And the Phoenix... It would resurrect dead vines immediately, even if they were ripped up or damaged, the firebird's warmth would resurrect them and enhance Wisteria's regenerative properties further.

A living set of restraints that grew faster, harder, tighter, the more you broke, the more were born and kept entangling you. The large humanoid figure plunged it's sword into the ground, pouring Stand Energy into it. Withdrawing the blade from the ground, it swung impossibly fast, carving up the debris in it's radius before resuming it's placement. The slowing-mist, blue-flowered vines erupted from the building the Guardian stood at, from the air around it as the cry of the firebird rang throughout the battlefield. Thick vines grew from every surface possible, creating offshoots that got into the cracks, chinks and gaps of the debris armour, intending to bind and lock the joints, entomb and mummify the creature.
"Restraining a thing of this size is placing an immense strain on my energy reserves. I will stay here and keep the beast bound the best I can!"

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Daisuke shook his head, trying to clear his mind of the mental fog (and air pollution).
"It's not that I don't think we're capable of breathing the same air, I grew up in the middle of Steelworks back home. It's the most industrial part of all Kamura. But even there with all the forges the air pollution wasn't so bad."
He paused as Rex mentioned an elf.
"What's an elf? Never heard of that before." He very likely missed a part of the conversation explaining it, since he was busy trying not to feel like he was suffocating from the nasty air.
"My name's Daisuke. If you're referring to me, anyways."
PlusUltra PlusUltra mysteryxio mysteryxio Necromantic Necromantic
Jinx turned and wagged her finger towards Daisuke "Nice try Knife Ears, besides, you might have gone with a cooler one like Chuck, Daisuke or Elf just sounds a little lame, I mean "Great Helper"?" She scoffs slightly before laughing as she twirls the knife between her fingers. "But that Steelworks you mentioned? I am getting the feeling its more hand-forged or something right? None of the big industrial machines, hammer presses...you know that mass of oil, grease and fumes from the chemical treatments to get some real good steels"
Whisper Guardian
Saburo sought to entomb it. Mist as thick as honey slowed its already cumbersome movement, but the vines kept it trapped to its perch, at least for the time being. It would give Dante an opening to hammer away at its shell, but the Whisper Guardian never quit it's struggle to break free of the restraints, which would increase the strain Saburo felt. All the while, the deep canyons between its armor began to pulse with a violet light. Waves of energy ran along the length of the gargantuan constructs body, pace quickening with each cycle.

It was casting a spell—

Like the events following the collapse of a dying star, a rapidly expanding wave of violet light cascaded from its body, ripping apart vines and driving away the mist, and it only continued in its expansion, crashing over buildings and sending debris every which way. It's energy dissolved rapidly as it reached them, leaving behind flecks of violet that lingered in the air like embers. The Whisper Guardian fell in the wake of it's destruction, landing on the rubble with a earth quaking THUD!!! The shockwave released by its landing sent forth a tidal wave of whispers, sapping away their life essence as they attacked.

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"...Did the half-elf guy just ask what an elf is?" Noah mumbled to himself. But Daisuke's ears looked exactly like Clamor's. He bet they'd even bounce cutely if they were pressed down on. Maybe elves just had a different name where he was from, even if they were currently speaking the same language that didn't mean their terminology was all the same.

He'd have to ask what Daisuke's home world was like later, if they continued to work together.

Frankly, even if he'd gotten used to the air, Noah really didn't think that anybody should've been breathing air as polluted as it was in this city. He'd keep that comment to himself, not like he knew anything about when air stopped being safe to breathe, and he'd never even been to a blacksmith to buy weapons. Instead, he pulled a small bag of cookies out of his pocket and started eating them.

"Rimuru is in here." Noah stated, gesturing toward a door. He didn't wait for the others to respond before opening the door and walking into the reactor room the cute slime boy was imprisoned in.

Noah, much like many of Rimuru's companions, was not immune to the charm of a feminine slime twink. He immediately walked over to him and, apparently forgetting he was there offer him a deal for his freedom, immediately poked his mouth with one of his cookies.

"Hey, Rimuru...~ I brought some people to see you today." He poked Rimuru's mouth with the cookie again. The slime's face looked so squishy.

"Can you make Clamor a new body? I'll free you if you can." It was all Noah really wanted. He didn't care about revenge for his own sake anymore. He just wanted to make sure Clamor got his freedom back, no matter what it took. If he had to hurt and kill people to get that, he was okay with it. His right hand shifted a little, rotating Clamor's hilt until he could feel the sickle's tip against the back of his neck. If this didn't work, he'd need to go back in time again, to make sure that he didn't fall for Jinx's words again...

As if he wasn't plotting his own suicide, the smile remained on Noah's face, and he continued to try to get Rimuru to eat the cookie.

"I'll give you my loyalty if you can do that. My life will belong to you."

mysteryxio mysteryxio PlusUltra PlusUltra DovahBeat DovahBeat makonexus makonexus
Dante rushed in as the vines lashed out and the mists slowed the behemoth. Now was his chance to strike, it seemed. "Woohoo!" He had perfect balance as he bounded along the vines, firing into the concrete and metal carapace to soften it up.

Then, it glowed purple. The half-demon sensed the massive amount of magic building. He considered retreating, but he knew the blast radius was going to be enormous. Once again, the best option was verticality. Bursting into his demon form, he soared high to avoid the initial blast and gave that strange tornado a wide berth. "Guess he didn't like your little vine trick!" he mused.

This turned out to be a perfect opportunity, as Dante was now high above an enemy lying in a crater far below. In one hand, he kept Ebony, his pistol. In the other, Rebellion. He aimed the sword and threw it like a javelin, then lined up a shot down Ebony's target sight. The barrel glowed and electricity crackled before he pulled the trigger.

The muzzle flash was nothing short of a fireball. The supercharged bullet struck the center of the crown-like pommel, imparting immense kinetic energy. The sword hurtled down at the Whisper Guardian. Dante followed suit, plunging feet-first into the fray. He built momentum as he plummeted and, after Rebellion pierced into its armor, his heel hammered it hilt-deep into the horror.

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Rimuru Tempest

His senses perked up as the perimeter to the room was breached. One energy signature in particular was familiar, but the other three were not.


He sensed no hostility from the other three, and although relief threatened to wash over him, his guard refused to waver. This could have been a rescue attempt, or an execution. His face remained blank and expressionless even as Noah prodded it with the pastry. He couldn't feel it, per se, but he could definitely sense it tapping against the corners of his mouth. He didn't reply at all at first, but then Noah said something that caught his attention. Make a new body? For the weapon? It did seem to be sentient, so perhaps it was possible...

Yea. I'll do it. Just please, set me free.

He replied telepathically to him, not willing to waste precious energy to mimic speech. Even if he couldn't, it was worth trying... And it would guarantee his release. After that, he wouldn't really have to worry if he couldn't do it after all. Good, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief...

And in that precious second, just as he had allowed himself to feel safe again... Everything changed. Senses on high alert, bombarded with hostile intent, he tried to warn him before...

Noah! Look out!

Man In Black

A single black feather floated lazily down in front of Noah's vision, the only warning he was given to the sudden appearance of his former benefactor.

"Oh Noah... You should have listened..."

He spoke as he thrust his sword through his heart, the blood soaked blade traveling through his back and out from his chest, ichor dripping onto Rimuru's face and trailing down his cheeks. He withdrew his blade to let Noah collapse on the floor,

"As for you three..."

He turned to look at them, and although he wore a familiar face, he appeared like an entirely different person altogether. His gait, his unblinking gaze, all brought together by a discreet smile tugging on the edge of his lips.

"It is nigh. The seal will soon be broken, and you three are to help me do it. That is why you are here."

His smile deepened in anticipation. This would be his moment of triumph... Today, the results of his planning would yield precious fruit.

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Noah expression practically lit up when he heard Rimuru's response. He'd make a body for Clamor, and Noah could be done with this quest for revenge. That was a comforting idea, the thought that he could finally stop his quest to get his brother's body back. Pledging his life to Rimuru in exchange didn't seem like that bad of a deal.

"...Huh?" Noah didn't have much time to register what was happening when he heard Rimuru's voice ringing in his head, telling him to watch out. Saffronoth appeared behind him and spoke, but Noah didn't quite catch what he'd said, nor did he get a chance to speak before he felt a familiar pain through his chest. He lost his grip on Clamor and the sickle clattered to the floor as Noah's hands reached for the sword sticking out of his chest. A shame, he liked this outfit.

"...Predictable..." Noah supposed it'd been a good run this time around. Two whole years without dying was impressive. Noah's hair and clothes turned red as the sword was pulled from his body, and in his daydream the figure of Clamor caught him before he hit the ground.

Even if dying didn't scare him, Noah still hated this pain. Once his heart stopped, the red around him disappeared, and he fell to the ground.

Clamor levitated off the ground a few moments after Noah died. That was strange. Normally, time would reverse quickly after Noah died. He could see that the pendant around his neck was still in one piece, and the El energy it gave off still felt the same as ever. Even Noah's mana hadn't stopped circulating, despite how the boy certainly wasn't breathing anymore. Clamor poked Noah with his hilt, checking to see if he'd respond, but he didn't.

"Noah?" Poke. Poke. Poke. He still wasn't moving. Clamor had seen him die so many times, and this had never happened before. Poke. He could still sense Noah's life energy, but he was very clearly dead right now. He poked Noah's necklace with his hilt. It wasn't damaged. The boy's magic still worked the same way it had back home, so his family's pendant should've also worked the same. He nudged his face. Noah's eyes didn't move. That wasn't right, why hadn't time reversed.

"Noah? ...Noah...?" Poke. Nudge. Poke. Poke. The Ebalon family's heirloom was powerful, it's power couldn't run out, so why was he still...dead? Why were they still in the same time period?
mysteryxio mysteryxio PlusUltra PlusUltra DovahBeat DovahBeat makonexus makonexus
Following along trailing the back end of the knife along the wall, Jinx's head perked up at the mention of Rimuru. Looking him up and down "Id hold off the whole indebted slavery thing, but this does look like the kid in the picture...hey by the way" Waving slightly with the knife hand, she pauses and her attention is drawn to glancing around the room a bit more as something out of place hit her nose. "Huh...you have some strawberries in here?" The black feather caught her attention just before Noah was impaled. Jinx could only stare as her eyes shook, her smile having vanished and several twitches from her head as if listening to something else entirely

Three quick pops would sound out as Sephiroth began to speak with a flash of movement as Jinx held out a large pistol in her hand smoking, though the shots were likely deflected she continued to fire off rounds despite the man attempting to speak to them. After the gun clicked dry she instead pulled out a box that extended out to show several barrels, a whirling sound sounding out as it began to spin up.
Daisuke was about to retort, complain about the offensive Nicknames, when a lot happened very fast. Sephiroth was here, yet... different. Noah was dead, killed by sephiroth. Jinx had started shooting.
Shit shit shit.
He wasn't prepared to fight other humans. He had sworn upon getting his hunting license to not use his weapons against anything other than monsters. That, combined with how the air pollution made him feel, he was feeling very out of his element.

Nevertheless, this was a survival situation now. He'd need to do what he had to, to get back home alive.

He drew his Switch axe, swinging it towards sephiroth as it morphed from an axe to a sword.

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One Winged Angel

He smirked, Jinx's bullets swept out of the way by an unreadable swipe of his blade. He seemed utterly unfettered by her reaction, it had been expected. He had just murdered their new friend, after all. Something he showed no remorse for, as Daisuke leapt wildly at him. His eyes scanned the hunter, a laugh emitted just under his breath. This one wasn't bred for killing men, and it showed in his uncertain resolve. Just before his blade could land though, he was denied by the singing of steel as the blade of his axe connected with the steel of Masamune.

Sephiroth did not buckle, although the metal plates beneath his feet groaned under the strain. And, without fanfare, they parted ways. Pushing Dasuike's axe away with effortless strength, he intended to send him careening like a cannonball into the far wall, near the door in which they had entered.

"This world is closely connected to the ones you hail from... The raw life energy attuned to these gateways can be harnessed to achieve feats of magic said to belong to the gods themselves... But it could be so much more."

A deep permeation of dread thickened the air as he spoke, his voice a means to paralyzed them with fear as he continued.

"The Ancient peoples of this world utilized it to create life itself... But that knowledge was supposedly lost when their greatest foe began its calculated slaughter of the once proud harbingers of the planet. Humans came... And stole it all away from them."

He slowly began to rise into the air, levitating just off the ground, his blade tucked at his side as a black mist began to surround him.

"But their victory remains in their legacy, their biggest secret... This magic was locked away, in a vault that could not be reached... Until now. With your arrival, the bonds have begun to weaken. Soon, it will be mine... And so will it be my Mother's..."

His body became one with the mist, which spread out in a wave of inky darkness that covered the entire room, before it was replaced with slick biomass that coated the walls, floors and ceiling. Rimuru was gone, as if they weren't even in the power plant anymore...

J•E•N•O•V•A Dreamweaver

It's collosal body towered over them, fleshy wings protruding from it's shoulders and back, tentacles grown from the fleshy mass of its lower half writhed violently. It's head, a broken skull in an odd, inhuman shape, was only offset by the grotesque tusks growing from its jaw. The abomination, noticing their presence, reared back to release a gutteral howl of eldritch origin, rising from the deepest pits of its stomach.

The force behind the rabid cry was enough to knock the unsturdy off their feet, before it released a torrent of noxious pollen from its body that whipped around like a rancorous violet sandstorm. It held no compunction about killing them, this seemingly mindless beast of writhing flesh and rotted bone interested only in its own quest for survival.

mysteryxio mysteryxio PlusUltra PlusUltra Necromantic Necromantic DovahBeat DovahBeat
"Noah. Noah, get up. Noah?" Clamor's pokes had evolved into jabs as he continued to try to get him to move again. This shouldn't have been happening, time should've reversed, yet it was still continuing on and...

"...Did I miss something...?"

Everyone else except Rimuru was gone. Huh. He stopped jabbing at Noah for a second when he realized the room was suddenly empty. Had something happened? He hadn't actually been paying attention to what was happening, more concerned about the boy who called him 'brother' than whatever else Sephiroth could've been doing. It wasn't as if Clamor could've done anything to help with a fight anyway, he hadn't known how to fight back when he had hands and he certainly didn't know how to fight without them.

A sharp inhale came from Noah as he pushed himself off the floor, and he started to cough as his body tried to acclimate to breathing again. Dammit, that hurt like a bitch, no matter how many times he died.

"Noah?! You're okay?" Clamor, in a grand move many people would call "overexcitement", Clamor essentially smacked the flat side of his blade against Noah's face. Trying to hold somebody when he was a sickle was difficult.

"Huh...? Hyeong, museun yaegileul haneun geongayo...? (Brother, what are you talking about?)" Noah asked as he snapped his fingers, casting a quick spell to change his clothes from the ruined ones he'd had on before. Clamor had seen him die so many times before, why was he suddenly panicked.

Noah blinked a few times as he finally took in his surroundings. This was the same place he'd died in. The other people he'd been with were gona, leaving only Noah, Ckamor, and Rimuru.

"...What? Why are we still here?" Out of courtesy to Rimuru, Noah switched back to the language this world used. Rimuru probably didn't need to understand him, but it was still polite.

"I don't know, I'm also confused. I'm so relieved, I thought you weren't going to come back."

Noah tapped on the pendant around his neck. Magic inscriptions in a familiar script that Noah could (barely) read appeared in the air in front of him. He squinted his eyes a little at the words. He really needed reading glasses.

"Time period for resurrection set to...Two and a half years ago. Location, Elrios demon realm inn...Exactly the same as when I last set it." Noah waved and the words disappeared. He could manually activate it so it'd just revert his body to the state it'd been in before death, but he had to know he was about to die to trigger that. Step Stool had taken him by surprise, so he couldn't have done that.

He didn't have the energy to maintain the carefree mask he'd been wearing the whole day.

Had Strawberoth caused his family heirloom to mess up? No, that was impossible, he had to be able to manipulate either New Moon or Full Moon El energy to change the activation requirements. Seraphoth didn't even know what El energy was, to his knowledge. Whatever, he'd been the one that summoned Noah here, so Noah was going to blame him.

A half-crazed laugh escaped Noah. He'd seriously been betrayed again, and now he was *stuck* in this time period? He couldn't go back and prevent this from happening? Noah didn't even care if he couldn't go back to Elrios, just transporting him back to this morning would've been enough. He'd fucking hang Sephiroth's head from the gates of Nexus City.

Clamor, sensing (and hearing) Noah's growing frustration and anxiety, cast a small protective spell over him. It helped calm Noah's racing thoughts, his laughter dying down. It wasn't much, but if it helped him a little bit, that was all that Clamor wanted.

"...This had better be the timeline where I can get Nii-chan a body again." Noah's eyes moved to Rimuru. The man he'd just told that he'd pledge his life to if he could help him fulfill his goal...Noah couldn't take back what he'd said anymore, but that was fine. He'd been serious when he'd said that. If this mage could give him what he wanted, he'd willingly obey him.

The idea of working with the people he'd been convinced were his enemies scared Noah.

"...I still expect you to do that, or I won't work with you guys. That's my only price...You know I can fight, even if everybody else doesn't." Noah stated. Freeing the slime wouldn't be a problem, he'd broken far more complex machines before he'd been summoned here. He pulled out the catalyst he used for magic, a Blood Moonstone that he could've sworn was once white. Or had it been...? He couldn't remember anymore.

Noah focused his apprehensions and fear into his Blood Moonstone and, in an instant, fifteen white and purple arrows shot out from the catalyst hovering in front of Noah, tearing through Rimuru's restraints in a trail of purple energy.

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Rimuru Tempest

Anger had been stirring within him. It had been for a long time now. Perhaps it had truly begun to fester the moment he had gotten here. The unique makeup of this worlds system had already made it difficult to decipher, but it was just too far away from his world to establish an immediate connection to get back home... Then Sephiroth, a little more than confusing given that there were two of them. Being caught off guard and captured was more than just an insult, too... But he might have been able to forgive all of that if Noah hadn't died—

Wait. He sensed something strange, the faint resonance of a resurrection spell. He hadn't cast it... But then who? His senses were blurry as it was, he was straining the limits of his current reserves to stay awake. Confusion and relief were drowned out by the will to keep going, and pray that this time he'd finally be free.

And freedom came at last.

He dropped to the floor, no longer suffering from a constant drain to feed an entire planets worth of energy to some unknown source. As an after effect however, as everything reconstituted within him, his body began to sag and melt, as he forced himself to keep the mimicry active. It was like he was rebooting, everything coming back to him but by bit. His expression changed slowly from blank to familiarity, as his golden eyes rested on Noah. Even though the last time he had seen him, it was in the process of putting him in these very chains, he could not overlook the fact that he had just saved his slime.

"You did good, Noah. Thanks."

He slowly stood up from the ground, his body in the process of finalizing its reconstruction. He hadn't the slightest idea how much he'd actually miss this feeling, the magic surging deep within his body... But weeks without it had been torture. A pain he intended to pay back tenthousandfold when he finally caught him.

Ciel, you there?

«Loud and clear, Master. It's... Good to hear from you.»

The manas that existed deep within his core had been unable to reach her master for the duration of his stay in this dim dungeon, and Rimuru could hear it in her voice as it rang in his head. Although, he surmised, now wasn't the best time to tease her for it, they had more pressing matters at hand.

"First, well need to figure out what happened to the others you came here with... Noah, do you have any idea?"

Necromantic Necromantic
Rex let out a quick sigh when he saw Rimuru. While he kept his guard up, he was feeling optimistic over their chances of surviving now. It didn't take long for said optimism to be dashed though. Rex didn't really care about the kid, he still didn't trust him even if the rest of the group did...however even he couldn't stand what he saw happen. That was a kid...A KID! He knew he couldn't trust Sephiroth and his double talk. Both arms glowed neon blue, a pair of large, metal fists forming. "I knew he'd try something sooner or later." He was ready to swing at him only to stop and catch Daisuke before he made contact, placing him on the floor.

"I've had enough of the Shakespeare wannabe." He prepared to jump toward Sephiroth but couldn't, the man's body turning into a cloud of mist that overtook them. He held up his fists in a boxing stance too angry to even question the 'mother' comment. When he looked up, he wasn't surprised by the new look, he'd seen plenty of humans turn monstrous in front of him. The sandstorm roar sent him back yet he stayed up, he wouldn't be knocked down that easily...not when he was this mad.

"Glad you're finally showing off you're true self a definite improvement." Rex moved the power from his arms to his legs creating his punk busters as he called them. The oversized metal boots giving him extra speed and jumping power he needed. He leapt at Sephiroth aiming for the head, recreating his smack hands as a hammer fist slamming that against where he landed, then continued to punch over and over.

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Gritting her teeth, the whirling barrels soon began to thunder as Sephiroth spoke, large chunks of the floor and wall exploding and leaving molten holes as she shifted her weight to brace herself and unload relentlessly. Brass casings clink across the floor in a steady river even after the man had vanished, eyes darting around before sweeping the weapon across the room heedless of her allies as her fingers remained clenched over the triggers.

The sheer force of the weapon would pierce holes through the toxic smog, before each of the barrels expanded outwards right as a rocket shot out its rear, the explosion itself propelling Jinx upwards and towards it as a pink trail of electric energy had her reappear in the air. Should she make it to the creature, the girl reared back with the weapon before slamming the crude mass of steals super-heated barrels directly into its face, still firing away.

"New World same damn story!, someone gets close and its the last thing they do!...walking away just has the same damn cycle!, Jinxing everything!" Her incoherent screaming carried across the cacophony of her weapon

Noah watched as Rimuru's body body dropped, sagged, wiggled, and then properly started to form into a human shaped body once more. It was less surprising to Noah than it probably would've been to most people. After all Noah was from a world where plant monsters or machines occasionally did similar things.

Rimuru thanking him was met with silence, Noah having finally started to process everything he'd just gone through. He was stuck with whatever happened in this timeline, huh? There was no changing what'd happened so he could have a more favourable timeline.

He didn't want to acknowledge how being betrayed again was actually upsetting. Sure, he hadn't liked Sephiroth, but...He wanted a hug. He wanted Clamor to hug him. But Clamor didn't have arms, and he didn't want to injure himself by hugging a blade. That, and his face kind of hurt after Clamor had already smacked him.

"No clue. I was dead. And he didn't talk to us much." His eyes turned to Clamor.

"I think it got dark for a second, but I was busy worrying about you." Clamor said.

He knelt down and picked up the feather that'd fallen in front of him before he'd been killed. It was covered in his blood, which was...Kind of gross. He wanted to take his frustration out on it, but it was just a single feather.

Noah let the feather fall back into the puddle of his blood on the floor.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled after some hesitation. He felt so many emotions right now, but Clamor's spell was keeping him from further freaking out. He'd be able to deal with those emotions later, after Rimuru found his...Friends...(?) But in any case, he owed Rimuru at apology, at least.

If Noah had unknowingly been working with the villain, he did feel bad about his actions.

He stepped forward, and wrapped his arms around the slime. Rimuru felt so different from the illusions Noah used to comfort himself- He actually had body heat. At least, more than the illusion of Clamor that Noah could conjure.

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Rimuru Tempest

That wasn't surprising. Given the timeline of events up until now, there was very little possibility that he'd know anything. It had been worth a shot, but he'd have to figure it out some other way. No sooner was he deep in thought than did noah huh him. Momentarily sent aback by this, he slowly wrapped his arms around him in a hug. He'd been through something traumatic, and regardless of what he'd done or what he was capable of, he was still just a kid, wasn't he?

He'll pay for this...

Letting go, he looked at Noah's blade. There was definitely a soul in there. It meant he could make good on his promise, but now wasn't the time. They needed to locate his new friends, and fast. As he let Ciel run her calculations, another question sprang to mind.

"Noah, how did you come back to life?"

He wasn't quite sure himself, and although there was no evidence to further his theory, he had a hunch that Noah's resurrection would offer a clue to the answer of why it was so damn difficult to get back home.

Necromantic Necromantic

Noah backed away after a moment. He could wait until later to seek acttual comfort, but it was still nice feeling another person after so long.

"It's, uh..." Noah hesitated to answer. His pendant was powerful, but not infallible. It could still be stolen, and it wouldn't work if it wasn't on him. He didn't think it'd work for anyone who couldn't wield Moon El energy, so it was probably just a fancy necklace to anybody else.

"We...time loop. When I die, we normally travel back to a certain day." Noah explained. Did he trust Rimuru enough to explain what caused his time looping? He could decide if he wanted to tell him about it after Clamor had a body. "I don't understand why we're still here."

The spell on him was wearing off, and Noah's mind was already starting to wander once again. He pulled his shirt and hoodie up, looking at where he'd been stabbed. He was still covered in dried blood, which was different from every other time he'd died. Why was it already dry? He touched where Sunfloroth had stabbed him. It still felt a little sore, but otherwise he'd healed perfectly.

"Hmmm...I wonder if I came back to life to quickly because it was such a simple injury...? Let's collapse another ceiling on m-"

"How about you don't?"

Noah looked a little dejected as his suggestion was shot down.

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Daisuke landed with a grunt from where Sephiroth had launched him, using a wirebug to quickly put himself back on his feet.

However, he quickly noticed they were not where they were before. Instead there was some... monster like he'd never seen before. It reminded him of the old tales of Fatalis, though he hadn't had to face the beast himself.

As the violet spores flowed around them, Daisuke quickly became nervous. This wasn't like Frenzy was, was it? If he inhaled that stuff he wasn't gonna be infected?

He desperately hoped so.

Ignoring it for now, he focused back to the monster. It was time to hunt.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road. I'm real sick of being here!" He swapped a Phial on his Switch axe, charging it full of element. Then he leapt into the fray, right at where he hoped this monster would feel it, and began swinging the axe/sword combo around.

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Unflinching in the wake of their attacks, her body was resilient. Bullets that hammered into her skull failed to penetrate her thick hide and sturdy bone. The hammers from the robotic boy too, hammering against her, failed to do any considerable damage. The Hunter however, he was able to wound her, slicing through a tentacle that had risen from the ground to intercept him. Her body began to emit a black smoke, before she released a screech of pain that forced both Jinx and Rex off of her form, and the hunter back if he had been too close.

She had given herself the space she needed to cast a spell. With her wings rearing back, fragments of violet light gathering around her maw, she spat forth a black beam of light at Daisuke, vengeance for his successful attempt at harming her. In concert with her attack, dozens of tentacles rose from the ground, lashing out in an attempt to smash into or bind them. They would have to try much harder and work together if they wanted to have any hope of surviving this battle.

Rimuru Tempest

The way that pendant worked began to sound and awful lot like the resurrection bracelets he sold for use in The Dungeon. In fact, it sounded to him as if the pendant was supposed to send him to a specific place, as gathered by his open question as to why he was still here. If Rimuru could have answered that question, he would have.

If he could study the pendant once everything is said and done, perhaps it would offer a clue to how to get home, and if that was the case, Noah might have been the best mistake Sephiroth ever made. Speaking of, his attention was partially drawn to the faint magic he had just felt... And an epiphany was had.

"It's an illusion..."

If he couldn't trust his senses, he'd have to turn to his third eye. He dispelled the fog that separated them from the monster and Noah's friends. He looked at it, but he couldn't read the towering colossus of biomass. It was sentient, for sure, but something about it was off.

"Noah, go help your friends. I'll provide support from here."

Something about the creature just wasn't right... And a feeling of dread he could usually avoid began to well up deep within his gut.

mysteryxio mysteryxio DovahBeat DovahBeat PlusUltra PlusUltra Necromantic Necromantic
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