Advent Belkan War

Vulcan Xanthis

Junior Member
The Belkan Advent War

This rp is going to be a war between role players. There will be two sides and a group for each side that will be used along with the topic. I understand that there hasnt been a rp like this before on this site. I have had a similar rp like this on another site, one which groups were used in the basis of forums. First of all this is a cross dimensional rp, picking up characters from other genres such as anime, video game etc. Anything really except dbz is off limits unless its like dragon ball. Dbz is considered god moding here. Anyway u can either rp someone from a series or create an original based off the series. I prefer people to be creative rather than duplicate something thats been done. However in role playing battles there are a few rules that must be followed. No god moding, which means your not invulnerable. You run out of energy eventually. Also if you are a bleach rper not reiatsu abuse. And naruto rpers no shadow clone abuse. Also no autoing. Which means u cannot state u hurt or something happened to somone, you post your movements and were your attacks are heading. Basically here is are the examples:


Doran ran forwards towards Zesh. His blade drawn and his body ready to counter any movement thrown towards him. Now withing range of Zesh he sent his right foot forwards. With his right foot he kicked Zesh in the face sending him backwards several of feet into a tree. Then with booth hands extended forwards doran struck his blade into zesh's chest. With cold eyes doran gazed upon the spilled blood.


Doran ran forwards towards Zesh. His blade drawn and his body ready to counter and movement thrown towards him. Now within range of Zesh, doran would send his right foot forwards aimed at zesh's face. If Doran's foot made contact with its target the impact would send zesh's body several feet backwards into a tree behind him. If the initial blow would make contact doran would follow up with another attack. With booth hands extended forward doran would strike his blade forwards aimed at zesh's chest. With cold eyes doran would hope his blade would draw blood.

As far as characters go i would like only five characters per side that have the same genre.

Now the topic will be used for the story of this rp, involving characters to interact with one another from booth sides. However that is a nuetral zone. There will be no fighting there, you can attack ones group but you must start a new forum within the group explaining your intro and the attack. But for the most part the interaction between members on your side will be in the group topic. So basically you must check this topic and the two groups to be fully involved in this rp. If there is any questions please message me and ill explain to the best of my abilities so you can understand.

here are the links to the two groups

Belkan Empire

Advent Army


Skeleton Key:

Characters Name: Jing Mizumori

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Genre: Bleach

Powers: Soul Reaper

Side: Belkan


View attachment 7499
Characters Name: Alviss

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Genre: MAR (Marchen Awakens Romance)

Powers: The Dark ARMs which he carries with him; Thirteen Totem Pole Guardian ARM, Bird-in-a-cage Darkness ARM, Immobilization Darkness ARM, etc. The Thirteen Totem Pole Guardian ARM, along with being used as a powerful Guardian to propel the user and attackers, and spiral throughout the ground, can also be shortened into a bow staff, which Alviss commonly uses for hand-to-hand combat. Also, his popular Dark ARMs (Immobilization and Bird-in-a-cage, along with others) can only be used on unsuspecting enemies.

Side: Advent

Other: His fairy, Belle, was left in MAR Heaven when the Dimension ARM accidentally sent him to this bizarre world. When he arrived, he swore to return to her, somehow. The rebellion of MAR needed him, and with the Chess Pieces on the rise, he has no time to waste.


View attachment 7548
Booth accepted, and no each side doesnt need to have the same genre, just limits to how many of each. for i dont want to see twenty bleach or naruto characters
Name: Krysta Anderson

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Genre: Young Justice (Don't judge meh!)

Powers: Controls the four elements and can heal, is trained as an assasin and many forms of martial arts.

Side: Advent (Sorry Vulcan you seem mean..)


View attachment 7582
Characters Name: Riyoshi Nihoma

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Genre: Naruto

Powers: Tsuchikage(Mastery of earth, fire, and wind elements. Combinations of them can be made for different elements. Extremely large chakra pool. Able to stand on par with a captain((bleach))

Side: Advent


If you want, i can switch to belkin to even out the teams. if that is ok with you. i know you was wanting to get someone to lead one of the sides, that is why i made the tsuchikage.
Characters Name: Moonlight

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Genre: Bleach

Powers: Species: part vampyre, part witch, part wolf[type of wolf is classified, may eventually say type later on in the story; NOT WEREWOLF]//Abilities/Powers: affinity for the five elements(air, fire, water, earth, and spirit); can bend light energy(can use this to form a bow and arrow or sword; the light energy turns a light blue hue when this ability/power is used); can run at extremely fast speeds; can use telepathy to a certain degree; incredibly strong despite looking so frail; hypersensitive hearing, sight, and sense of smell; can sense aura(though, ironically, not spiritual pressure); can cast spells(of witch capability, not kido; eyes glow a serene violet when spell-casting/spell-weaving); can speak to animals(crows, dogs, cats, etc.); can see ghosts as well as hollows; heals very quickly; extraordinarily high stamina and endurance; flexible; lithe; (more to be added later)

Side: undecided(to be edited later.)

Appearance:(skin)palest of all pallors; (hands)elegant and small, frail looking fingers, sharp pointed nails, look to be perfectly manicured though never taken care of; (feet)barefoot at all times; (frame)extremely thin, frail looking, clothes other than the dress that had always used to be worn usually too big; (hair)goes down to mid-back, straight, silvery-blue, bangs cover forehead just passed eyebrows of the same silvery-blue hue; (eyes)deep crimson shade of red, tilted inward slightly[like that of elves; read Eragon of the Inheritance Cycle for reference], flash a silvery-red when provoked[i.e. usually when angered, but sometimes when annoyed; read Night World: book 1 for reference], dark shadows underneath eyes(due to insomnia); (ears) covered well by hair, pointed ends[like that of elves; read Eragon of the Inheritance Cycle for reference]; (teeth)white, perfectly aligned, sharp pointed canines/incisors that lengthen into fangs when/if provoked[though not always, as with the eyes]; (jewellery/accessories)a silver chain with a blood red jewel hanging from it to form a simple necklace[the type of jewel on the necklace is a moon ruby, unknown to most; necklace never comes off], has a silver circlet from mum though rarely worn if ever; (markings)a sapphire blue crescent moon in the middle of forehead that is covered well by bangs

Edit to side: Advent

And backlash its fine that ur on belkan right now, i preffer it that way. Im waiting on a few friends from another rp site to sign up and get involved. The other day i was on myspace, were i use to rp when they had groups. There was alot of talented rpers that used the T1 format with role player versus role player rp. i found four of them two days ago n got them to head over here. So things might really pick up soon. But for now its a good pace as well, if they come its gonna b awesome to epic is what im saying :)

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