Advanced RP Tutor Needed


New Member
Why, hello there! As the title implies, I've been searching for someone to help me take my role-playing skills to the next level. It's been a few years since I posted my first RP response, and I've fallen in love with it since. I've had fun, met some people, shared a few laughs; haven't we all? And while I still continue to find new things, I've found that my own writing ability is . . . well, it could use some work.

Honestly, I'm looking for someone experienced to show me the ropes and help me improve. I know, I know. This is a hair's breadth away from sounding like some desperate plea for guidance. So be it. I have nothing much to offer except for the odd chance of you enjoying an RP with me, if that's the path you decide to take, so I wouldn't be surprised if no one takes me up on this offer. I'd be willing to do what you'd ask, though my time is limited with school.

Or just stop by to say hi. I love chats. (:
When I first see someone reply to a thread, one of the first things I do is review their posts - RP posts if I can find them, but anything works. It's one of the easiest ways to get good first impressions, you know? And lucky for me, you had a beautiful link in your signature: List of Roleplays.

I . . . couldn't believe what I saw. I'm somewhat hesitant when I say this, but I can't deny that I nearly fell in love with your writing. Everything seamlessly flowed into the next sentence like a river over stones, your dialogue was flashy and fresh, your characters felt ineffably real, it was just so . . . perfect. You're a person I would look up to. And maybe it's only because I've seen a handful of your posts, but you've yet to swear, and that's always a plus in my book. (:

Anyway, I think I had a point. Something about tutoring, right? I guess I'll get straight down into it. I've been looking for someone to help me improve my writing, as I mentioned above. But that's a very vague statement. More specifically, I've noticed that I have a typical cap limit for writing responses at about . . . eh, 1000 words or so, depending on the day. 2000 is a great one for me, and I doubt I've ever written anything past 3500. I've been told in the past that I shouldn't worry about length, that it'll come naturally over time. Well, all right. While we're waiting for that miraculous day, could I ask
you a question or two? How long is a typical post for you? And, given the time, how long do you think you could write? What's the biggest response you could make?

Gosh, sorry. I'm starting to ramble. What I'm trying to say is, my length is an issue. Even so, I think that stems from an even greater problem of not being able to really connect with the characters I'm playing as. I'm decent-ish at describing something. Action scenes are completely beyond my ability. My prose is just good enough not to be horrendous. If I were to choose anything as my "strength," I'd say grammar and mechanics - which really isn't a writing skill. Bleh. I'll attach one of my recent RP posts to the bottom of this so you can see for yourself. (Sorry for this scatter-brained reply. I have school tomorrow, and it's getting late.)

That morning, much like any other Leaf-fall morning, started with the sun cresting over the large forest, bathing the secluded camp in a bright, golden glow. A few cats milled about, chatting to each other or aimlessly wandering, but nothing unusual. Somewhere nearby, Blazingpaw heard the high-pitched chirps as a pair of bluejays flew teasingly above their heads, protected by the leaves and branches that separated them.

It was a good morning - a peaceful morning.

Stretching, the orange apprentice rose out of her small, mossy nest and padded out into the clearing. Well,
clearing was a strong word for it. Maybe something more along the lines of a somewhat open patch of forest, or the only place where fifteen trees weren't battling to grow in the same place. For StarClan's sake, there was a full-grown bush right next to the Warrior Den, and it didn't even do anything! It just kind of sat there like some bored-looking cat. Not to mention that the Apprentice Den was a tree - literally a tree. She'd thought it was cool watching the apprentices go up and down every day, but now that she had to do it herself, she knew it wasn't nearly as fun actually doing it.

Wasn't she supposed to be doing some apprentice duty or something? Skyfall would be furious if he found Blazingpaw gone, and she could
not take another week of finding the fleas for the elders; she almost swore she could still taste the sour, pungent bite of mousebile on her tongue. But . . . the sun was already up. And no one had called her. Blazingpaw rolled her eyes. Whatever. It was beautiful dawn, if a bit chilly, and she wasn't about to waste it.

Almost immediately after stepping out of the den, she noticed Rainkit peeking his head out of the nursery. Was he . . . watching Raggedstar? She smiled softly. Yes, he was. So cute. And to think that I shared the same den with him only four moons ago! He was so tiny then, like a tiny boulder with a pair of blue eyes. He must've grown, though, because he's the same size as me, and I'm a lot older. He'll make a great warrior one day.

And then her smile widened. But I'll make a better one!

While she was glad to have moved onto being an apprentice, she sometimes missed being a kit.

"Rainkit!" she called, walking over with that mischievous smile on her face. "Don't tell me you've been spying on the leader again. I'm pretty sure there's something in the warrior code that says 'kits cannot ask their leader more than twenty times a day to become apprentices.' I think." She shrugged lightly. "Either that, or we can banish you from the Clan. Whichever works."
Random question: Is that toddler in your profile picture your son?
I . . . couldn't believe what I saw. I'm somewhat hesitant when I say this, but I can't deny that I nearly fell in love with your writing. Everything seamlessly flowed into the next sentence like a river over stones, your dialogue was flashy and fresh, your characters felt ineffably real, it was just so . . . perfect. You're a person I would look up to. And maybe it's only because I've seen a handful of your posts, but you've yet to swear, and that's always a plus in my book. (:
First things first, thank you very much for the compliment. Writing takes up a large portion of my passion, and I'd be really depress people didn't actually enjoy what I was working on *lol* - And yeah. I try not to swear in real life, as in writing. Occasionally the lighter words will pop in there, but you'll never see me write the big four letters out loud (though I realize my character, trapped in a blazing inferno isn't going to go "Oh golly gee, this stinks" -- so I have been known to write "he swore, loudly" ... or so on xD )

Anyway, I think I had a point. Something about tutoring, right? I guess I'll get straight down into it. I've been looking for someone to help me improve my writing, as I mentioned above. But that's a very vague statement. More specifically, I've noticed that I have a typical cap limit for writing responses at about . . . eh, 1000 words or so, depending on the day. 2000 is a great one for me, and I doubt I've ever written anything past 3500. I've been told in the past that I shouldn't worry about length, that it'll come naturally over time.
So here the thing about this... You're right when you say that it isn't length that makes a post. I have seen one liners with so much energy and intrigue that they had me riveted. I have seen posts stretch on for days with no substance, no depth and virtually nothing remotely interesting to actually read. First lesson in becoming a natural and entertaining writer? Throw the word "Word Count" out of your head :)

Does this mean that you should take the time to make a post longer, if you can do so effectively? Not at all - the more someone has to work with, ultimately, the more they'll give you in return. Again - this isn't necessarily a bad thing, if this doesn't happen. For instance, I have several 1x1s. In one, my posts rarely go under four paragraphs (counting a paragraph as roughly 5-7 sentences). In response I receive either about the same or more. And we bounce off each other like that, creating something that's fun to read for both of us. But, I also have a one on one where the posts tend to be shorter and more concise, focusing more on dialogue than detail, but the RPs are still loads of fun to write and we've finished three in the span of two months - all with varying genres and storylines.

The point ? Either can be fun - long, dramatic and detailed posts... or shorter, snappier fast moving posts.

Well, all right. While we're waiting for that miraculous day, could I ask you a question or two? How long is a typical post for you? And, given the time, how long do you think you could write? What's the biggest response you could make?
Typical length for me, particularly in group RPs is at least three/four paragraphs - mind you that's about 100 words per paragraph, so on average... 300 - 400 words per post? Bear in mind, 3500 words per post... that's roughly three -pages- in a word document. When you're writing a novel, that's awesome... when you're writing something for someone else to read and then reply to, that can be a bit much.

Now you're thinking "What? That's crazy talk! What was I thinking, trust you with this!" - But here's the thing. I'm assuming we're talking about improving in roleplaying? One thing some people won't tell you is that roleplaying requires a very different mentality towards writing than novel writing does. You aren't writing specifically for -you-... and that's important to remember, because our tendency is to try and impress, but ultimately if all we've written is a lot of fluff and within that fluff only given our partner two or three lines that are actually able to be responded to, we haven't really written anything effective at all.

Biggest response I -could- make? My intros tend to be a little lengthy... it's a lot of information to give, and I like to introduce certain elements to the story, as well as to my character. I believe that my longest intro was... eight pages? I -could- write forever... and just go and go and go... but ultimately, as I said before, roleplaying isn't just about my writing, but the other person as well.

Even so, I think that stems from an even greater problem of not being able to really connect with the characters I'm playing as. I'm decent-ish at describing something. Action scenes are completely beyond my ability. My prose is just good enough not to be horrendous. If I were to choose anything as my "strength," I'd say grammar and mechanics - which really isn't a writing skill. Bleh. I'll attach one of my recent RP posts to the bottom of this so you can see for yourself. (Sorry for this scatter-brained reply. I have school tomorrow, and it's getting late.)
Not being able to connect with a character IS indeed a big problem, and when I see quite often around the site. The biggest issue is people don't take the time to really properly fill out a character sheet... I know some who will disagree with this - but ultimately if you want to connect to your character, you need to know them... and the best way to do that is to give them a full, fleshed out personality and history... little details like quirks and hobbies. Even if you NEVER use these things in the actual storyline, you have them, you know them and it makes you care just a little bit more about the character. And essentially that, to me, is the most important thing in writing... be it a roleplay or a novel. If you don't care about the character, no one will. I think this is the reason people are so tempted to give their characters tragic backstories and histories rife with heartache or personal struggles. Is it possible to create a moving, effective character with those things? Absolutely... just depends on how much you really wanna invest in said character.

Now bottom line, reading that blurb you just posted... It's hard to judge based on one post, but I'm a little confused as to why you think you need help. Have you been told otherwise? Or is this just a personal notion? Because I can say reading that, that if you applied to any one of my roleplays and used that as a reference/writing sample, I would not hesitate to accept you. The post is well written, easy to read and enjoyable, the character personality is there, from the small bit of dialogue, you seem to be in touch with how people -really- talk. In my humble opinion... I think you've got the making of an exceptional roleplayer.

Really, from what you've said... it doesn't appear that writing is actually an issue for you, at all. I think where you might be struggling... or at least where I know most people struggle in plotting/character building. Your writing skills on a basic level are... worlds above what I normally see on this website. But if you feel like you can't connect to the character, that stems from the issue of not feeling comfortable plotting.

Best advice that I can really give is to get out of your own head, stop listening to naysayers who think if your post doesn't fill the entire page it isn't any good and trust the skills that you have. Make characters YOU want to read about, and others will want to read about them, too. Invest in what you write... take your time, really visualize a post before you write it and never put on word more or less than you need to.

That said, if you want to improve, and there is always room for improvement (I try to improve at least once a day !), I would be happy to write with you -- as I think that's really the best way to build, skill wise... on any level. Best way to do this would be a 1x1 - and because I'm one of those obnoxious 'teacher' types who throws you in the deep end to teach you to swim, I'd like to see what you can come up with as far a genre/scenario you'd like to work with.

Random question: Is that toddler in your profile picture your son?
And yep :) that is my disgustingly cute little morsel :)
Wow. What a wonderful, detailed, personal response. You even went through the effort to quote the various parts of my response and thoroughly answer them. Thank you! Makes me feel special. (:

[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]So here the thing about this... You're right when you say that it isn't length that makes a post. I have seen one liners with so much energy and intrigue that they had me riveted. I have seen posts stretch on for days with no substance, no depth and virtually nothing remotely interesting to actually read. First lesson in becoming a natural and entertaining writer? Throw the word "Word Count" out of your head :)

If you say so . . . I'm putting complete trust in you. (: I mean, I've been told in the past to focus on writing a good post and leave it at that; if that means keeping it at three sentences, so be it. And, I get it. I do. Make responses how long they need to be and "never put on word more or less than you need to." (FYI, I'll be keeping that advice for a while.) There are days, though, when I'm scrolling through the posts of an old friend's and I can't help but think what it must be like to write like that. I want to be able to do that. But, you know what? Forget word counts. Forget paragraphs. Forget length. You've been at this for far longer than I have, so you obviously know what you're talking about.

[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]One thing some people won't tell you is that roleplaying requires a very different mentality towards writing than novel writing does. You aren't writing specifically for -you-... and that's important to remember, because our tendency is to try and impress, but ultimately if all we've written is a lot of fluff and within that fluff only given our partner two or three lines that are actually able to be responded to, we haven't really written anything effective at all.

is true. Wow, that's really true. I've had a fair share of experiences where people have written responses so long, I almost forget they're replying to an RP. And some of them aren't even interesting. The whole point of this is to get a conversation, essentially, between a few characters. If you don't have that, why RP at all? I've never actually heard this before, but it makes complete sense. I'll keep that in mind.

[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]Not being able to connect with a character IS indeed a big problem, and when I see quite often around the site. The biggest issue is people don't take the time to really properly fill out a character sheet... I know some who will disagree with this - but ultimately if you want to connect to your character, you need to know them... and the best way to do that is to give them a full, fleshed out personality and history... little details like quirks and hobbies. Even if you NEVER use these things in the actual storyline, you have them, you know them and it makes you care just a little bit more about the character. And essentially that, to me, is the most important thing in writing... be it a roleplay or a novel. If you don't care about the character, no one will. I think this is the reason people are so tempted to give their characters tragic backstories and histories rife with heartache or personal struggles. Is it possible to create a moving, effective character with those things? Absolutely... just depends on how much you really wanna invest in said character.

Well, this is something I can work on. Most definitely. This is going to sound somewhat ironic, but there have been times when I've been so focused on creating a good post that I forgot to play my character right . . . Is that weird? Probably. It's not that I don't want to connect with my characters. I just don't always get that "spark" to play them.

No, no, I take that back. I know I've played certain people in the past that felt real to me. Like they were actual people. Oh, I could write anything with them -- playful teasing scenes, soft and sorrowful scenes, battle scenes, inspirational scenes, you name it. But I've also had times where I felt the character was only a name on a screen. Hmm. Well, even my best characters could still use some work. Okay! Characters, guiding and plotting. Understood!

[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]
Now bottom line, reading that blurb you just posted... It's hard to judge based on one post, but I'm a little confused as to why you think you need help. Have you been told otherwise? Or is this just a personal notion? Because I can say reading that, that if you applied to any one of my roleplays and used that as a reference/writing sample, I would not hesitate to accept you. The post is well written, easy to read and enjoyable, the character personality is there, from the small bit of dialogue, you seem to be in touch with how people -really- talk. In my humble opinion... I think you've got the making of an exceptional roleplayer.
Really, from what you've said... it doesn't appear that writing is actually an issue for you, at all. I think where you might be struggling... or at least where I know most people struggle in plotting/character building. Your writing skills on a basic level are... worlds above what I normally see on this website. But if you feel like you can't connect to the character, that stems from the issue of not feeling comfortable plotting.

Best advice that I can really give is to get out of your own head, stop listening to naysayers who think if your post doesn't fill the entire page it isn't any good and trust the skills that you have. Make characters YOU want to read about, and others will want to read about them, too. Invest in what you write... take your time, really visualize a post before you write it and never put on word more or less than you need to.

You don't know what that means to me. Gosh. I mean, I'm blushing.

Have I been told otherwise? Well, no, not that I can name. I don't know. I guess I've always been a bit self-conscious of my work. Scratch that. Make that a lot self-conscious. I mean, it's just . . . difficult. I can't even explain it. If I'm completely honest, I feel like an amateur artist begging Da Vinci to show her how to paint.

[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]That said, if you want to improve, and there is always room for improvement (I try to improve at least once a day !), I would be happy to write with you -- as I think that's really the best way to build, skill wise... on any level. Best way to do this would be a 1x1 - and because I'm one of those obnoxious 'teacher' types who throws you in the deep end to teach you to swim, I'd like to see what you can come up with as far a genre/scenario you'd like to work with.

You remind me so much of an old RP-er I used to know. Bellerophon. I doubt you know him as I was on a different site at the time. Oddly enough, he offered to RP with me, much like you did. Oh, joy. That first RP . . . I don't think I've been so intimidated in my life. It had something like five paragraphs - not terribly huge by RpNation standards - but I was
petrified. How was I supposed to compete with that thing? The most I'd ever written was, like, two paragraphs max. But he was such a nice person. The last thing I wanted to do was disappoint him. So, I scrapped up what courage I could and decided to just go for it. If I failed miserably, well, at least I'd tried.

The funniest thing happened. I matched him. Wrote more, actually. And . . . I really enjoyed it. Thing is, he was a college student, and he only had time in short bursts; the whole thread died off in about four responses. Kind of sad.

But, if that's what it'll be like with you -- ignoring the whole "dying off" part -- then I can say that I'm really looking forward to it. I'm still quite scared, but that's okay. It's good to step out of your comfort zone, right? I'm just glad that I'm a lot less timid now than I was when I approached Bellerophon.

I don't often meet people who feel like . . . well, like people. Just listening to you talk made me feel like I was talking to someone who cared. Kind of outrageous since you've literally only had two replies, but I can't help it. Thank you again. Really. I can't express my gratitude enough.
Is that weird? Probably. It's not that I don't want to connect with my characters. I just don't always get that "spark" to play them.
Not even weird for a second. Think of it this way... You LOVE to play Monopoly. When that shining board game comes out, so does your inner child, squealing with delight. You're good at it, you frustrate everyone by winning all the time... it's basically your slow jam.

Then one day, someone take out Monopoly and you have this strange, uncanny feeling. You... don't want to play. You look at the board and all you see are numbers and letters and the stress of haggling over houses and hotels... and that dang jail space.

Have you somehow betrayed your deepest love? No. You just... aren't feelin' it that day.

Characters can very much be the same. I have characters who I literally -dream- about. I just wanna write for them, all the time... and when I don't get posts right away, or I've got IRL stuff to take care of, I get antsy and excitable, like a little puppy who has to pee. But then there are days where those same characters... just don't speak to me. At all. And I'm staring at them, wondering why I'm getting the silent treatment, but all I get back is crickets. Heck.. there are days where all of my characters band together and do this to me...

But that's writing. Those are the days where your mind is telling you "Dude. Take a break. It's okay. I just need to do something else for a while." -- And that's fine. Sometimes people overemphasize RPing. Particularly folks who do faster paced, shorter post types of RPs. They -freeak- if you don't post quickly enough and that can add a lot of stress and strain. I've always said - if you're not having fun, why are you doing it? We don't get paid for this... >_>

Sometimes you just need to take a step back - do something else. Sometimes, it's a matter of doing some writing exercises... And when you combine those exercises with the character who happens to be giving you trouble, well... two birds, one stone, baby!

And then there are those instances where you really just... don't connect with a character, at all. You made them, you put the effort in, but the inspiration drained after the CS was done. If playing them is more of a chore than you want it to be - it's okay to politely remove yourself... or to step back and rework the character until you -can- enjoy them. Too many people neglect to realize this. They'll just... up and leave without a word and that is the biggest murderer of RPs to date. I would rather see 15 redrafts of a character, or an entirely new character altogether, then have someone leave my RP because they lost inspiration in what they made.

I feel like an amateur artist begging Da Vinci to show her how to paint.
Well don't xD cause my husband is studying Da Vinci right now... and I'm -definitely- no where near that dude's level of awesome sauce.

The funniest thing happened. I matched him. Wrote more, actually. And . . . I really enjoyed it.
When I first started writing... you couldn't even call what I put out one-liners. I found an old RP of mine a while back and reading through it actually hurt. Physically. It was atrocious, my character had no energy or realism, my major goal was all take, no give and dude... she had green hair. Literally. Awful.

But no one starts out as the Quarterback without a little practice. The -only- way to sufficiently improve your writing, is to write. I found partners I KNEW were better than me, and I made myself work up to their level. And it took time and effort, but eventually, I grew. Heck, I'm still growing. I -still- sometimes forget it's not all about my character, I -still- sometimes forget that I comes before E... We're human and our brains are literally designed to continue to gather information. If you -can't- learn something new, at least once a day, well... yikes. You should see a neurologist.

But, if that's what it'll be like with you -- ignoring the whole "dying off" part -- then I can say that I'm really looking forward to it. I'm still quite scared, but that's okay. It's good to step out of your comfort zone, right? I'm just glad that I'm a lot less timid now than I was when I approached Bellerophon.
Scared is fine - so long as you're not intimidated :) Because really, you have no reason to be. I meant everything I said about your writing. So long as you're up for it, I would like to get started... not just because I wanna help you grow, but frankly, I'm excited to play with someone who can formulate a sentence properly ;-)

That said - plotting is the biggest and most important part of... well, plotting. SO. Whenever you're up for it, just PM me any ideas you might have for storylines, characters, details whathaveyou... and we'll come up with a workable 1x1 :)

I don't often meet people who feel like . . . well, like people. Just listening to you talk made me feel like I was talking to someone who cared. Kind of outrageous since you've literally only had two replies, but I can't help it. Thank you again. Really. I can't express my gratitude enough.
And funny old world, I do care :) I try to remember that people over the internet are still people, and writing is one of the most important aspects of my life - I fully understand the stress of it. But it should be fun and I hope working with me, you can realize that lesson, more than any other :)
I don't even know how to start this . . . Well, perfect start to a day, that's for sure. You know you've got me interested when I start smiling at the computer screen like some insane person. Now all I need is a crazy laugh and I'll be set! (: But, really, I'm glad I'm alone right now. I'd be getting some pretty strange looks from the people around me. Heh.

[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]Sometimes people overemphasize RPing. Particularly folks who do faster paced, shorter post types of RPs. They -freeak- if you don't post quickly enough and that can add a lot of stress and strain. I've always said - if you're not having fun, why are you doing it? We don't get paid for this... >_>

Oh, goodness, yes. I was once in a hyper-fast thread where I had to respond a minimum of five posts a day else I got flooded by ten pages of unread replies. People actually had to start causing their characters to collapse randomly because -- surprise! -- they'd already stayed up hours past when they were supposed to be sleeping. Heh. Funny conversation. "Hey, guys. Yeah . . . I have to sleep. Like, right now. So . . . my guy randomly crashes onto the floor and gets knocked out until tomorrow, okay?" Good times, good times. The real funny thing was that I had to leave for four days to go camping, and everyone said, "Okay, have fun!" When I came back, the whole thing had gone inactive. Four days. For a thread that had been constantly inundated with posts for a good three months, that was pretty surprising. Did that thing ever start back up again? Huh. Maybe. I don't really remember. xD

[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]And then there are those instances where you really just... don't connect with a character, at all. You made them, you put the effort in, but the inspiration drained after the CS was done. If playing them is more of a chore than you want it to be - it's okay to politely remove yourself... or to step back and rework the character until you -can- enjoy them. Too many people neglect to realize this. They'll just... up and leave without a word and that is the biggest murderer of RPs to date. I would rather see 15 redrafts of a character, or an entirely new character altogether, then have someone leave my RP because they lost inspiration in what they made.

Okay, okay. I'll be sure to remember that. Some characters need more work than others, but you can keep re-working them until they fit. Or if they really don't, just move on? Make a new one from scratch? Well, I can see that. No point in RP-ing if you're not having fun, right? Yeah. (:

[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]When I first started writing... you couldn't even call what I put out one-liners. I found an old RP of mine a while back and reading through it actually hurt. Physically. It was atrocious, my character had no energy or realism, my major goal was all take, no give and dude... she had green hair. Literally. Awful.

No, no, no, you should have seen
my first posts. I . . . can't even describe them. I didn't understand anything about RP-ing. Like, I signed up for four different fast-paced threads at the same time and put the same character in each of them. Sunpaw. That got confusing fast. In some, she got promoted to a warrior within the first few pages, and in the others, she became a medicine cat, and it basically all amounted to one big pile of bleh. I was so lucky when some of those threads died off.

The funny thing is, while writing those posts, I thought I was writing the best thing in the world. Heh. Yeah. Suffice to say, it was
not the best thing in the world. We'll leave it at that.

[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]But no one starts out as the Quarterback without a little practice. The -only- way to sufficiently improve your writing, is to write. I found partners I KNEW were better than me, and I made myself work up to their level. And it took time and effort, but eventually, I grew. Heck, I'm still growing. I -still- sometimes forget it's not all about my character, I -still- sometimes forget that I comes before E... We're human and our brains are literally designed to continue to gather information. If you -can't- learn something new, at least once a day, well... yikes. You should see a neurologist.

Very well, then! I've found someone that I KNOW is better than me, and I'll make myself work up to their level. (: Ah, yes, this is going to be fun. Brutally fun. Awfully fun . . . funingly fun? XP

[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]
That said - plotting is the biggest and most important part of... well, plotting. SO. Whenever you're up for it, just PM me any ideas you might have for storylines, characters, details whathaveyou... and we'll come up with a workable 1x1 :)

Oh! You know, I've had a few ideas bouncing around in my head for a little while. I've been waiting for the right person to share them with, though. Gosh. Nothing's worse than coming up with a
fantastic plot only to find that the other person doesn't want to RP. Of course, I have no idea if they'll work for an RP thread, but there's no harm in trying, right?

[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]
And funny old world, I do care :) I try to remember that people over the internet are still people, and writing is one of the most important aspects of my life - I fully understand the stress of it. But it should be fun and I hope working with me, you can realize that lesson, more than any other :)

It's so easy to forget, isn't it? That these walls of texts are more than just computer-generated responses. That actual, real people spent time making them. That no matter how small a reply, someone spent time and effort into making it. It's important.

Anyway, I'll shoot you a PM as soon as I can come up with an idea that isn't so horrendous you have to gauge your eyes out. XP

And you're doing NaNo? That's amazing! I tried last year, but I ended up having to choose between getting homework done and writing. >_< Homework, of course. As much as I love writing, I love not getting kicked out school even more. I almost tried again this year. And then I realized I was still spending over five hours a day on schoolwork alone, so adding another thing that would take two hours of my time every day was probably not the best decision I could make. I kind of regret it, though. There's something so satisfying about sitting back after a long day and saying, "I did this. Me. Everything on here is
mine." You can't help but love it, right?

Looking forward to that RP with you!

It's so easy to forget, isn't it? That these walls of texts are more than just computer-generated responses. That actual, real people spent time making them. That no matter how small a reply, someone spent time and effort into making it. It's important.
Way too easy, unfortunately! I miss the days of hand written letters and face to face talking, man... /old

Anyway, I'll shoot you a PM as soon as I can come up with an idea that isn't so horrendous you have to gauge your eyes out. XP
Sounds good :) And don't worry, I like my eyes, so I'm sure you're safe, there! :)

And you're doing NaNo? That's amazing! I tried last year, but I ended up having to choose between getting homework done and writing. >_< Homework, of course. As much as I love writing, I love not getting kicked out school even more. I almost tried again this year. And then I realized I was still spending over five hours a day on schoolwork alone, so adding another thing that would take two hours of my time every day was probably not the best decision I could make. I kind of regret it, though. There's something so satisfying about sitting back after a long day and saying, "I did this. Me. Everything on here is mine." You can't help but love it, right?
I've done it a few times- took two years off, cause it's hard to take care of writing AND a toddler *LOL* But I'm thoroughly enjoying it this year :)

Looking forward to that RP with you!
Ditto :) Can't wait!! :)
Let me know if I can serve in any capacity as well! I am as Veteran an RP/GM as most any there is!

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