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Advanced One x One Homies!


New Member

Hola, sports. My name is Pheebs, short for Phoebe, but you can call me whatever you want. Starbucks spells my name Fibi, so if you can come up with something more creative, I'll be very impressed. I'm 24 and I live in California - I work in theatre but I also train horses a little and give horseback riding lessons to squirts who aren't yet aware of what an expensive and painful hobby it can be. The last couple of years, I've been working for Cirque du Soleil, touring, and working on cruise ships. I'm on extended vacation now but looking to make a permanent career change so I've got a lot of time on my hands.

When it comes to roleplaying, I should be upfront about saying that I'm a old veteran and I haven't been in the game for a few years (see above re: touring). I roleplayed from the ages of 13 to about 19 or 20 on websites ranging from Neopets to Invisionfree boards to weird random sites in the corners of the dark Internet. I LOVE to write. That's why I started roleplaying, and that's why I'm back. I'm not familiar with some of the new trends I've been noticing - using play-bys, making forms to describe my characters, etc. - so I'm going to have to take a page out of your grandpa's book and say I'd prefer the old-fashioned way.

I have no limits when it comes to sex, violence, or language. Gore is not my favorite thing, but I'm a grown-up, and if it's integral to the story, I can deal. I generally avoid plots that are simply Person A x Person B because I don't like to just set up our characters to fall in love and leave it at that. I like plots that create worlds, or involve intricate plot details.


First off, I will ask for a sample. No offense; I've been really impressed by the quality of writing around here, but it's important we both know we're compatible so that we can get the most out of our experience. I'm happy to provide one as well.

I consider myself an advanced writer. You should feel equally confident about your writing. Responses shouldn't be shorter than 5 solid paragraphs unless there's nothing to work with, in which case we won't last very long anyway. Please use proper punctuation, spelling, and grammar, and try to do more than just make your posts functional and technically correct. I like posts that are substantial, posts that contain actual effort with regards to prose and art. I don't want to write about how character A gets to point B. I want to write a real story with someone else. I will reciprocate all of the above, I promise.


I love fandoms but don't typically do original characters (with the exception of post-canon worlds; I could be persuaded to do children of canons, etc.). I find that more often than not they are mere inserts of their writer - and I'm not exempting myself from that tendency. I'm willing to do almost any genre provided my partner is as committed to quality of writing as I am. Below are a few of my favorites. Please bear in mind that I lost most of my roleplay stuff in the years that I wasn't RPing. What's listed is what I remember, NOT all I'll do. I don't have any prewritten intros and only a couple of plots - I'd LOVE to hear yours and create new ones!

Without further ado....


Harry Potter
(Marauders Era/Hogwarts Trio Era/Post BoH)

Hunger Games

Game of Thrones


Men in Black

(maybe...I hate the princesses but a good plot could fix it.)

Anita Blake

True Blood

Chaos Walking trilogy

Please suggest more! My memory is terrible.


Modern Western
(I have a sort-of plot)

Old Western

FBI Agents


Dystopian Rebels
(I've got a tiny baby plot for this that I'd love to flesh out with someone)


Fairy Tales
(the classics)

Medieval Fantasy
(I have another plot I'd like to expand on)

One Thousand and One Nights
(Scheherazade x Sultan - I didn't put this under fandoms because there are about a hundred translations and interpretations)

Supernatural Beings
(werewolves, witches, vampires, etc.)
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I would adore a medieval fantasy with you. I am a fellow old lady of 24 living on the East Coast and I teach children music for a living, so I imagine we would be quite compatible.

Sha I PM you?
Hey, I would definitely be interested in trying a Harry Potter style roleplay (if you are interested). I agree that roleplays should not just be based on a mere pairings and hence this reason I have summarised a small world building plot of some sort. If you would like to hear of it, and have a small writing sample, send me a friendly pm. Or, let me know and I'll send you one!
Hey there! If you're still interested I'd love to bat around some ideas for a post-apocalyptic thread, I'm always up for a bit of plotting and world building.
The medieval fantasy and one thousand and one nights prompt caught my eye. If you're still searching, lemme know and I'll PM you my writing sample.
Hey Pheebs! If your interested, I have a pretty long plot for a post apocalyptic role Play! And my replies will ask ways try to match up with yours. But I'll give you a sample of one of my longest. Just throw me a PM.
I am very interested indeed, I usually tend to do casual roleplays, but can (and have) buckle down to do a detailed/advance roleplay, but it really depends on if the plot is great! So I would love to try to hash out a great Post-Apocalyptic, or Western Roleplay with you! I will shoot you a Pm if you are interested, cause I am very intrigued! ^.^

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