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Multiple Settings Adrift in a Sea of Souls


New Member
Greetings fellow writers!

I do things a bit differently, I won't lax long about who I am - because at the core I am an artist who likes to write and create stories - and that is all that matters to me. I've been doing RP/TTRPGs and writing for a very, very long time and am both jaded and wise. I'll leave it at that. I've had mixed success in my recent history with RP and so I feel adrift; someone who is unlike the majority and doesn't seem to fit.

Instead of going on about that, however, here's a list of some character concepts I have that have yet to find any home and/or satisfying conclusions to their tales. I prefer romance and action as at least part of my stories these days, so I've listed the pairings for each. Please have a look through them and send me a message if you'd like to discuss further. I use both RPN Messages and Discord.

Golden Eyes in Shaow--
A character who is a child of two worlds yet loved by neither, S'Ja is a fantasy feline rogue who has a mutual rejection with her family. This has lead her down a path of smuggling, theft and treasure-hunting that spans across the realms. After all, what is more valuable than what everyone else wants?

Ultimately, though, this has left her without any personal attachments and a subtle fear of being known, or valued, herself.

Daughter of Darkness--
Demi is that young woman who hangs out in the back of the taverns and dances on the roof in the moonlight. The one who plays in the forest at night and is glimpsed in the back allies when it rains. Yet in the daylight she seems to vanish, little more than rumors and whispers of those who might vaguely recall her.

The truth is that Demi Drakos is the bastard daughter of an ancient and powerful vampire with whom she has a comedically estranged relationship. Their antediluvian parent sees them as little more than a teenage daughter with a rebellious streak. Which, to be fair, maybe they are? Or maybe they see something more in mortals than the enticing scent of blood...

Pyromaniac Piracy--
Posters in faded ink, stained with water and time, have long promised rewards for the capture of bandits, pirates, traitors and similar outlaws. Most souls would find themselves unfortunate to be Wanted and yet for Psi that is a life goal.

Raised aboard a sky-ship on stories of grand treasures and grander adventures the Miqo'te has found themselves alone after a mutiny and disaster sent their home down in flames. Despite the loss of their erstwhile 'family', Psi has set their sights to recreate the legacy their Captain (and uncle) one had! Unfortunate for Psi, they're not exactly...skilled...just terribly lucky.

Thus their life is a comedic series of pyromaniac disasters, narrow escapes and treasure that probably wasn't half as valuable as promised.

Brimstone Biology--
The layers of the abyss, or hell if one prefers, are stepped in innumerable laws, bindings and agreements which grant their powers to selective souls via complex processes. This is all well and known, if not well understood, in the modern era. Yet what would happen if the demons were the ones who got cheated out of their deals, rather than the mortals?

That was the thought of a (perhaps mad) biologist who 'acquired' genetic samples from several demonic entities and gave life to an in-vitro demon-kind. Thus Nex awoke to a strange situation of having hellish speed and strength with no comprehension of the spiraling web of lies and technicalities of her 'kin'.

Recently escaped from the laboratory of their creation, they are faced with a rather daunting question: What now?

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